A.C.MOLE - Spring Budget Newsletter 2020

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Dennis had served his apprenticeship at Bainbridges of Newcastle before working for Hatchers of Taunton, where he met Annie. The couple married in 1924 and moved to Croydon, returning to Annie’s home in Stoke St Gregory shortly before the outbreak of the second World War. When Dennis and Annie set up in Station Road, wartime restrictions were in place and he acquired stock from wholesalers and customers who had either been bombed out or were newly married and had not found homes to move into and had dockets to acquire furniture. He put the items into stock with the proviso he could show it on the sales floor. The couple’s son Alan joined the firm after he left school, making deliveries in the company’s 1934 Austin Van, a converted milk float. They needed to take £8 a day and were delighted to record takings of £32 on the opening day. Dennis (junior) joined in 1953 after completing his National Service. His wife, Heather, was taken on in 1960 and, with several years in the fashion trade behind her, introduced the soft furnishings department, which is today ably managed by Lin Cleaves. Small improvements were made in the early days, but after 1953 showrooms were developed and opened for a fuller selection and display.

After Dennis (senior) and Annie died in 1969 and 1975 respectively, Dennis (junior) and Heather took over the reins. Calverts has over the years expanded along Station Road, acquiring adjoining properties – Pitman’s Butchers, Pearce’s Sweet Shop, Reed and Giles’ Fishmongers and Poole the Ironmongers – now boasting eight shop fronts with 25,000 square feet of showrooms over two floors and customer parking off Canal Road. Over the years, Calverts has developed a loyal customer base offering quality furniture, upholstery, beds, floor coverings and window treatments from design led manufacturers, always evolving and developing its ranges to suit changing styles in interior design. Dennis puts the secret of Calverts’ longevity down to its staff. He said: “We have always had excellent and knowledgeable staff who give honest and impartial advice to our customers”. “Calverts has a family feel and the staff are very much part of this. Some have been with us for over 40 years”.


A C Mole & Sons client, Calverts, recently celebrated their 75th year in business. Calverts of Taunton started trading in Station Road on November 4th 1944 after Dennis Calvert (senior) and his wife Annie acquired the furniture store from Mr Pearce, who had run it for 26 years.

A . C . M O L E & S O N S C H A R T E R E D A C C O U N TA N T S & C H A R T E R E D TA X   A D V I S E R S

Calverts of Taunton th Celebrates 75 Anniversary

Calverts remains a family business, with Susan, Dennis and Annie’s grand-daughter, joining the business three and half years ago, along with store manager Helen Dugdale.


Dennis added: “With the support of the staff, the business is looking forward to an exciting future on Taunton’s high street”.





A. C. Mole & Sons Stafford House, Blackbrook Park Ave, Taunton, Somerset TA1 2PX T. 01823 624450 F. 01823 444533 E. info@acmole.co.uk




We find ourselves in unchartered waters, as does the rest of the world. Chancellor Rishi Sunak gave his first budget speech on Wednesday 11th March only 4 weeks after taking on the role, against the backdrop of the global outbreak of Covid-19.

The Office for Budget Resposibility forecasts which we normally refer to do not reflect the global spread of Covid-19 and the impact on the UK economy is highly uncertain.

At the time of going to press the chancellor has just announced a further £350 billion financial support package. Full details of the package are yet to be announced. Please refer to our website for updates as they become available.

Covid-19 : Package of suppo rt

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Employment a t its highest level

Growth? Staff Promotions We are delighted to announce the promotion of Adam Knight and Sarah Twist to Associate from 1 February 2020. This is in recognition of their exceptional contribution and dedication to A.C.Mole & Sons over many years. To read more about Adam and Sarah please see their profiles on our website at acmole.com/103

wn o d y t i v i t Produc A.C.Mole Charity of the Year 2020 We are delighted to announce that our Charity of the Year for 2020 is Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance. Throughout the year we will be organising events to raise money for the charity. Previous events have included quiz evenings, race nights, Christmas jumpers and lots of baking. Keep an eye on our website for details of the next event.

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