Ten Virtues of Science, Ten Commandments and Thirty Steps to Divine Ascent
Note: All words in blue are the words of H.I.M. Haile Sellassie I.
Wisdom: Control of thoughts, the attainment of light and the life of reason. Keeping your mind stayed on ኢየሱስ/Eeyesus /Jesus. Wisdom is unity of mind and thought, creative utterances and pure intelligence achieved only when one passes through all the stages of education. Education is an aid to assist you to distinguish between good and evil, between the harmful and the useful.1 Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Love እግዚአብሔር/Igziabher/Jah God. Renounce the world, detach and exile oneself from the cares of the world.
All words in blue are the words of H.I.M. Haile Sellassie I.
II. Temperance: Control of one’s actions. Doing His will. The ability to maintain judgment weighed on fair ground. It is the ability to maintain mean and the avoidance of excess, i.e., moderation and pure thinking. One must give full consideration to the consequences of his actions and have complete control of the passional nature, i.e., emotions, love, rage, anger and sexual desire. Thou shalt not take the name of እግዚአብሔር/ Igziabher [the Lord] thy አምላክ/Amlak/God in vain. Obedience to the will of እግዚአብሔር/Igziabher/God, penitence and remembrance of death are necessary. Note: All words in blue are the words of H.I.M. Haile Sellassie I.
III. Steadfastness: Devotion of purpose. Worship HIM. Education should improve one’s ideas and standard of living. An honest and persistent quest for truth will contribute to the knowledge of society and mankind. Identify with a spiritual life or the higher ideals and devote your skills, knowledge, thoughts and attention to the perfection of the task at hand. Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy. Be sorrowful for your sins, attain freedom from anger and malice. Note: All words in blue are the words of H.I.M. Haile Sellassie I.
IV. Fidelity: Faith in the ability of one’s master teacher to teach the truth. Master is used here in the sense of one’s own inner master or Holy Guardian Angel and the teacher actually instructing the class. Seek and you will find. Establish sound cooperation between teacher and student to achieve a high state of technological progress. Honor thy father and mother. Discard slander, talkativeness, and falsehood. Note: All words in blue are the words of H.I.M. Haile Sellassie I.
Prudence: Faith in one’s ability to assimilate the truth. Study the Scriptures. The deep insight that befits the faculty of seership. Evidence of a call to spiritual orders and having a mission in life. One is expected to possess intellectual zeal to crave and search for the truth, to know not only the causes but also effective remedies for any ills that affect the society. Thou shalt not kill. Banish despondency, gluttony, and lust.
Note: All words in blue are the words of H.I.M. Haile Sellassie I.
VI. Fidelity and Readiness to Learn: Faith in one’s own ability to yield the truth. We can produce, give and return the truth as well as force or influence others to supply the truth. Follow the Good Shepherd’s exemplary character. Cooperation, peaceful coexistence and dedication to the common good are needed, because to arrive at higher scientific achievement, one has to discipline one’s mental attitude and work with the aim of being the recipient of true knowledge. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Purge avarice, incorporate non-permissiveness (nonpossessiveness or poverty), and stay clear of insensibility. Note: All words in blue are the words of H.I.M. Haile Sellassie I.
VII. Fortitude: Be free of resentment under the experience of persecution. Establish the ability to welcome suffering. With እግዚአብሔር/Igziabher/God on your side whom shall you fear? Continue to demonstrate love and consideration until obliged to resort to self-defense. Approach our daily labors with a keen awareness of our duties, obligations and basic human rights as responsible members of society. Thou shalt not steal. Rid yourself of resentment, be vigilant, and have no fear. Note: All words in blue are the words of H.I.M. Haile Sellassie I.
VIII. Courage: Be free of resentment under the experience of wrong and train oneself out of any inordinate fear of making mistakes. Examine yourself and ask HIM to help you correct and change yourself. Courage would not allow adversity to turn us away from our goals. Seek out the facts; aid and abet those who pursue the truth. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Rid yourself of vainglory and pride, yet acquire simplicity. Note: All words in blue are the words of H.I.M. Haile Sellassie I.
IX. Justice and Righteousness: Cultivated ability to distinguish between right and wrong. Justice calls for a correct attitude. It is the state of one’s own soul, i.e., unswerving righteousness of thought and action. Love. Be determined to profit by one another’s knowledge and experience; for learning from those who already know is in itself education. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house. Achieve humility, discernment, and stillness. Note: All words in blue are the words of H.I.M. Haile Sellassie I.
Sense of Value: Cultivated ability to distinguish between the real and unreal. Be blessed. Don’t believe the hype. Correction and improvement of personal character coupled with love of a high quality and the realization that one is an instrument in the hands of እግዚአብሔር/Igziabher/Jah God one can depend on his own personal sensibility and insight and act on what his own mind tells him is right. Love thy neighbor as thyself. Be ever prayerful, dispassionate, and love unconditionally. Note: All words in blue are the words of H.I.M. Haile Sellassie I.
Ten Virtues of Science, Ten Commandments and Thirty Steps to Divine Ascent Note: All words in blue are the words of H.I.M. Haile Sellassie I.
፩ [And] ጥ በ ብ [Tibeb] = Wisdom: Control of thoughts, the attainment of light and the life of reason. Keeping your mind stayed on Eeyesus (Jesus). Wisdom is unity of mind and thought, creative utterances and pure intelligence achieved only when one passes through all the stages of education. Education is an aid to assist you to distinguish between good and evil, between the harmful and the useful. 2 Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Love Jah. Renounce the world, detach and exile oneself from the cares of the world. I.
፪ [Hulet] ራ ስ ን [Rasin] =Temperance: II.
Control of one’s actions. Doing His will. The ability to maintain judgment weighed on fair ground. It is the ability to maintain mean and the avoidance of excess, i.e., moderation and pure thinking. One must give full consideration to the consequences of his actions and have complete control of the passional nature, i.e., emotions, love, rage, anger and sexual desire. Thou shalt not take the name of እግዚአብሔር/ Igziabher [the Lord] thy አምላክ/Amlak/God in vain. Obedience to the will of Jah, penitence and remembrance of death are necessary.
፫ [Sost] የ ማይ [Yemay] Steadfastness: Devotion of purpose. Worship HIM. Education should improve one’s ideas and standard of living. An honest and persistent quest for truth will contribute to the knowledge of society and mankind. Identify with a spiritual life or the higher ideals and devote your skills, knowledge, thoughts and attention to the perfection of the task at hand. Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy. Be sorrowful for your sins, attain freedom from anger and malice. III.
፬ [Arat] ቅ ን ነ ት [Qininet]Fidelity: IV. Faith in the ability of one’s master teacher to teach the truth. Master is used here in the sense of one’s own inner master or Holy Guardian Angel and the teacher actually instructing the class. Seek and you will find. Establish sound cooperation between teacher and student to achieve a high state of technological progress. Honor thy father and mother. Discard slander, talkativeness, and falsehood.
፭ [Amist] ጥ ን ቃ ቄ [Tiniqaqê] Prudence: Faith in one’s ability to assimilate the truth. Study the Scriptures. The deep insight that befits the faculty of seership. Evidence of a call to spiritual orders and having a mission in life. One is expected to possess intellectual zeal to crave and search for the truth, to know not only the causes but also effective remedies for any ills that affect the society. Thou shalt not kill. Banish despondency, gluttony, and lust.
All words in blue are the words of H.I.M. Haile Sellassie I.
Ten Virtues of Science, Ten Commandments and Thirty Steps to Divine Ascent (cont.)
Note: All words in blue are the words of H.I.M. Haile Sellassie I.
፮ [Sidist] ቅ ን ነ ት ና ዝ ግ ጁ ስ ለ ት ምዐ ር ት [Qininet Na Zigidju Sile Timiarit]Fidelity and Ready for Learning Fidelity and Readiness to Learn: Faith in one’s own ability to yield the truth. We can produce, give and return the truth as well as force or influence others to supply the truth. Follow the Good Shepherd’s exemplary character. Cooperation, peaceful coexistence and dedication to the common good are needed, because to arrive at higher scientific achievement, one has to discipline one’s mental attitude and work with the aim of being the recipient of true knowledge. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Purge avarice, incorporate non-permissiveness (non-possessiveness or poverty), stay clear of insensibility.
፯ [Sabat] ጀ ግ ን ነ ት [Jegininet] Fortitude: Be free of resentment under the experience of persecution. Establish the ability to welcome suffering. With Jah God on your side whom shall you fear? Continue to demonstrate love and consideration until obliged to resort to self-defense. Approach our daily labors with a keen awareness of our duties, obligations and basic human rights as responsible members of society. Thou shalt not steal. Rid yourself of resentment, be vigilant, and have no fear.
፰ [Simmint] ድፍ ረ ት [Difiret] Courage: Be free of resentment under the experience of wrong and train oneself out of any inordinate fear of making mistakes. Examine yourself and ask HIM to help you correct and change yourself. Courage would not allow adversity to turn us away from our goals. Seek out the facts; aid and abet those who pursue the truth. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Rid yourself of vainglory and pride, yet acquire simplicity.
፱ [Zeteñ] ፍ ር ድ ና ጸ ድ ቅ [Fird na Tsadiq] Justice and Righteousness: Cultivated ability to distinguish between right and wrong. Justice calls for a correct attitude. It is the state of one’s own soul, i.e., unswerving righteousness of thought and action. Love. Be determined to profit by one another’s knowledge and experience; for learning from those who already know is in itself education. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house. Achieve humility, discernment, and stillness.
፲ [Assir] ዕ ወ ቀ ት የ ዋ ጋ [Iweqet ye Waga]Sense of Value: Cultivated ability to distinguish between the real and unreal. Be blessed. Don’t believe the hype. Correction and improvement of personal character coupled with love of a high quality and the realization that one is an instrument in the hands of JAH (God), one can depend on his own personal sensibility and insight and act on what his own mind tells him is right. Love thy neighbor as thyself. Be ever prayerful, dispassionate, and love unconditionally.