THE MIRACLE AT THE WEDDING IN ቃና/QANA/CANA OF GALILEE-1/21 ጥር ፲፫ /Tir Asira Sost [13]/January 21
This is a great Feast! So let us begin to understand its great significance in ክርስትና [Kristna/Christianity]. This was the very first miracle that our ጌታና መድኃኒ ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ /Gêtana Medhane Eeyesus Kristos/Lord and Savior Jesus Christ would perform on earth. In this Miracle, our መድኃኒ/Medhane/Savior turned water into wine. This great miracle caused the following results:
1. It was the first miracle performed by our ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ [Eeyesus Kristos/Jesus Christ].
2. Through this great miracle, ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ [Eeyesus Kristos/Jesus Christ] showed His glory.
3. Through this miracle, many people have እምነት/ Imnet [Faith].
4. The presence of our ጌታና መድኃኒ ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ /Gêtana Medhane Eeyesus Kristos [Lord and Savior Jesus Christ] at this wedding, blessed the Sacrament of Marriage.
So just as ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ / Eeyesus Kristos /Jesus Christ changed water into wine at the wedding in ቃና/Qana/Cana of Galilee, in like manner let us ask our መድኃኒ Medhane/Savior to come into our hearts and change us from death to life. Please understand this great Miracle. ~ Abba Gebre Tsadik