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新市民生活馆工作简报 NCLC Newsletter [ 2012 年 6 月 ]

一 项目运作情况

Project Operation

三林馆 Sanlin New Citizen Life Center 1. 好孕妈妈工作坊 Workshops of “Good Luck Mums” (1)好孕妈妈爱心大放送活动 "Good Luck Mums" Donation Distribution 2012.6.25 日,上海市慈善基金会,为新市民生活馆捐赠 212 听 0—3 岁明治牌婴幼儿奶粉。生活馆 将这些奶粉分两批次发放。第一批次发放到在生活馆建孕妇联系卡的怀孕妈妈的手中,第二批次发放到 有 0-3 岁宝宝的会员的手中。感谢上海市慈善基金会,给我们这个机会,愿所有的妈妈开心、宝宝健康。 On June 25, 212 canned Meiji Milk Powder were donated to Sanlin New Citizen Life Center by Shanghai Charity Foundation. The milk powder was distributed to pregnant women who has the contact card in NCLC and members of NCLC with infants of 0-3 years old. Thanks to Shanghai Charity Foundation for the donation and we wish all the mothers and babies would be happier and healthier.


新市民生活馆由上海新途社区健康促进社承办,GSK 赞助支持!

新市民生活馆工作简报 Newsletter 2012 年 6 月

(2)孕期保健知识讲座 Lecture for Pregnancy Care 6.26 日下午 14 点,外面下着大雨,新市民生活馆迎来了第一批孕妈妈,她们冒着大雨来到了生活馆, 今天我们请来了杨思医院妇产科熊医生为孕妈妈们测量血压,讲解孕期保健知识,现场为孕妈妈们解答 各种问题,并为孕妈妈们播放了轻柔、优美的胎教音乐,引导她们进行正确的胎教的方式。 On June 26, Doctor Xiong from Yangsi Hospital came to the center and taught the pregnant women the knowledge about pregnancy. During the lecture Dr. Xiong measuresed the blood pressure of the pregnant women, showed the correct way of antenatal training and answered the questions from them.

闵行馆 Minhang New Citizen Life Center 1. 好孕妈妈工作坊 Workshops of “Good Luck Mums” 产后护理培训 Training for postnatal care 6 月 13 日新市民生活馆闵行馆请来了浦江镇的吴雪娟医生为大家做了一次产后护理的培训和咨询。 培训内容:1、新生儿护理:脐带护理、皮肤护理、口腔护理、如何观察大小便;2、产妇的护理:营养 保健、促进子宫复旧、乳房护理、伤口护理、避孕措施。培训接受后,吴医生就产后护理的各项注意事 项进行了现场答疑与咨询。 On June 13th, Xintu’s New Citizen Life Center in Minhang invited Dr. Wu from Pujiang Town to conduct a postnatal workshop. The workshop included: 1) newborn care — umbilical cord nursing, skin care, oral care & how to observe defecation. 2) maternal care: nutrition, uterine instauration promotion, breast care, wound care & contraception measures. After the training, Dr. Wu answered questions about postnatal care and provided information about health resources.


新市民生活馆由上海新途社区健康促进社承办,GSK 赞助支持!

新市民生活馆工作简报 Newsletter 2012 年 6 月

北京馆 Beijing New Citizen Life Center 1. 城市适应工作坊——父亲节特别活动 Urban Life Adaption Workshop - Fathers' Day Special Event 6 月 17 日,庆祝父亲节的活动在新市民生活馆(北京馆)展开。孩子们一起做了游戏,并为父亲制作 了节日贺卡作为父亲节礼物。通过此次活动,孩子们学会了感激父母之恩。 On June 17, the celebration for Fathers' Day was held in Beijing New Citizen Life Center. Children played games together, and made festival cards for their fathers as gifts.

虹口联络站 Hongkou Contacting Center 1.

健康你我工作坊 "Healthy You & I" Workshop 虹口联络站 6 月份对 200 多名社区外来务工人员,进行了 HIV 相关知识宣传活动,有 70 余名人员参加

了自愿检测活动,其中检测确定阳性 3 名,梅毒 8 名。6 月 30 日下午 2 点,新市民生活馆的健康大使冒着 酷暑,来到建一工地,给外来务工人员开展了安全“性”教育宣传活动,重点讲解艾滋病的预防知识,以及 艾滋病的传播途径,并现场发放安全套。这次活动使好多务工人员真正的了解到什么是艾滋病,遏制艾滋, 人人有责! 3

新市民生活馆由上海新途社区健康促进社承办,GSK 赞助支持!

新市民生活馆工作简报 Newsletter 2012 年 6 月

The promotion for the information about HIV to migrant workers was given by Hongkou Contacting Center in June. About 70 people participated in the test for HIV voluntarily, and 3 of them were detected HIV and 8 syphilis. On June 30, the health promoters went to construction site for the promotion of safe sex, with the emphasis of the knowledge about prevention of HIV, and gave out condoms to the workers.

二. 社区活动日开展情况

Community Activities

三林馆 Sanlin New Citizen Life Center 1. 社区活动日之亲子游园特别活动 Parent-Children Garden Party 2012 年 6 月 2 日新市民生活馆欢度六一、拥抱快乐、共同成长。活动开始后,大家在签到处登记姓名 之后,每户人家手持一张新市民生活馆护照,只要完成游戏在护照上敲满 1 到 9 个笑脸章,即可拿到相应 奖品。游艺园的活动丰富多彩,有小朋友们喜爱的各种小游戏,有文艺演出,期间还有抽奖环节,孩子们 在玩的同时即增长了知识,又增加了和父母之间的默契度。 On June 2nd, a garden party for parents and children of community was held in Sanlin Center. Have collected 9 stamps on their "passport" by finishing the games, the kids could get corresponding gifts as awards. Except the games, there were also performances and lottery draw during the garden party. The children gained relevant knowledges from the games, at the same time as increasing the tacit understanding with their parents.


新市民生活馆由上海新途社区健康促进社承办,GSK 赞助支持!

新市民生活馆工作简报 Newsletter 2012 年 6 月


社区活动日之儿童节观影活动 Movie-Watching for Children's Day 2012 年 6 月 3 日新市民生活馆在“格瓦拉生活网”的捐赠下,带领社区流动儿童们,到上海世博影城

观看《潜艇总动员 2》3D 动画片,作为孩子们六一儿童节的系列活动之一。同时新市民生活馆为了给家长 和孩子在一起的机会,也为 15 位流动妇女提供电影票和孩子一同观赏。上午 11 点左右,孩子们来到新市 民生活馆里集合,统一换上了新市民生活馆的 T 恤衫,坐上旅游大巴一起去往目的地——上海世博影城。 这次观影活动不仅让孩子们体验了一把 3D 电影的立体效果,引得他们阵阵欢呼,同时也让孩子学习了电 影中海洋生物的知识,可以说收获颇多。 On June 3rd, supported by Gewara as the gift of Children's Day, children from migrant families went to watch the movie Happy Little Submarines 2 at Shanghai Expo International Cinema City. 15 mothers were given the chance to watch the movie with their children too. The children enjoyed the 3D movie for the first time, as well as learned about the marine lives.


新市民生活馆由上海新途社区健康促进社承办,GSK 赞助支持!

新市民生活馆工作简报 Newsletter 2012 年 6 月

北京馆 Beijing New Citizen Life Center 1. 社区活动日之儿童节特别活动 Special Event on Children's Day 期待已久的“6.1”儿童节终于如期举行,阴雨的天气阻挡不了我们热情的心。小朋友们撑着漂亮的 花雨伞陆续来到生活馆。每个小朋友的脸上都贴上了漂亮的图案,节目一开始,大家一起唱着生日歌,一 起吹蜡烛,跳舞蹈,三句半,画鼻子,双人夹气球 等,节目一个接着一个,小朋友们一个个都是多才多 艺。在游戏中有很多的和家长的互动环节,促进了亲子的感情。气氛热烈,直到结束,大家都流连忘返。 On June 1st, despite the rainy weather, the kids came to NCLC to participate the special event for Children's Day. They had lovely patterns on their cheeks, singing and dancing, playing games with their parents.


新市民生活馆由上海新途社区健康促进社承办,GSK 赞助支持!

新市民生活馆工作简报 Newsletter 2012 年 6 月

闵行馆 Minhang New Citizen Life Center 1. 社区活动日之快乐进幼儿园行 Event for Children's Day 2012 年 6 月 1 日,小朋友们身着节日的盛装,兴高采烈的迎来了属于她们自己的节日---儿童节。 闵行 馆、救助儿童会、和苏民幼儿园的学生家长们,一起参与和观看了小朋友们精彩的演出。苏民幼儿园老师 和小朋友们表演的节目有《古乐声声庆六一》,《我真的很不错》和《三字经》,《猪八戒吃西瓜》,《我 爱吃苹果》,《咚巴拉》,《潇洒小兵》,《男儿第一志气高》。生活馆的健康大使准备的《洗手操》, 还请现场的家长和小朋友一起到台上学习。这次庆“六一”文艺演出在大型舞蹈《盛世龙娃》的表演中结 束,活动举办的异常顺利,家长和孩子们称赞不绝。 On June 1st, along with parents of kids in Sumin Kindergarten and Save the Children, the children dressed in their beautiful clothes, came to NCLC Minhang center for the performances. Besides the artistic performances, the health promoters taught the "Hand-washing practice"(a kind of exercise to make children learn to wash hands when needed) to the children and parents on the scene.


新市民生活馆由上海新途社区健康促进社承办,GSK 赞助支持!

新市民生活馆工作简报 Newsletter 2012 年 6 月

三. 场馆运营情况

NCLC's Operation

北京馆 Beijing New Citizen Life Center 1. 中华捐书会爱心捐赠仪式 Donation from the Library Project 2012 年 6 月 12 日,中华捐书会的爱心捐赠者和志愿者来到生活馆,与小朋友们和爱心大使共同摆放 书籍。同时还为生活馆的小朋友们捐赠了地球仪,录音机,和很多智力玩具。感谢中华捐书会的爱心捐赠 者和志愿者们为生活馆的小朋友们带来这么多的学习资源。 On June 12th, the donators and volunteers from the Library Project came to NCLC to lay the books together with the children and volunteers from NCLC. Besides the books, they also brought with them a globe, a recorder and some intelligence toys for the children.


新市民生活馆由上海新途社区健康促进社承办,GSK 赞助支持!

新市民生活馆工作简报 Newsletter 2012 年 6 月

2. 社区活动日之健康大使情感促进特别活动 Emotional Promotion Event Among Health Promoters 2012 年 6 月 19 日,北京的新市民生活馆召开了一次别开生面的社区活动日——“包饺子” 。举办这 次活动的目的是为了通过这样一个具有家的亲情家的温暖的活动来促进健康大使的情感交流,让大家更加 明确生活馆的理念,接受生活馆的理念。很多食材物品自备,各自分工协作,活动顺利进行。最后,所有 健康大使一起就新市民生活馆的长远发展展开讨论,所有健康大使都希望能长期为社区服务,希望新市民 生活馆发展的更好。 On June 19th, NCLC Beijing center held an event of dumpling-making to promote the communication among the health promoters. During the making process, the health promoters discussed for the development of NCLC in the future.

闵行馆 Minhang New Citizen Life Center 1. 欢送外国友人 Farewell for Foreign Volunteer 6 月 30 日,新市民生活馆闵行馆为即将回国的加拿大志愿者艾瑞卡举行了欢送会。大家用包饺子的形式进 行送别,还为艾瑞卡准备了旗袍、十字绣、水墨画等礼物。这次活动进一步加深了和外国友人的感情,也 表达了会员们对志愿者的感激。 On June 30, a farewell was held by Minhang New Citizen Life Center for the volunteer Erika from Canada who is going back to her own country. Members in the center expressed their gratitude and affection for Erika by making dumplings and preparing gifts, like the cheongsam, the cross stitch and the Chinese painting. And the activity made the relationship between foreign volunteer and members in the center closer.


新市民生活馆由上海新途社区健康促进社承办,GSK 赞助支持!

新市民生活馆工作简报 Newsletter 2012 年 6 月

四. 社区故事 Community Stories

1. 给孩子们一个有意义的暑期 Help the Children with a Meaningful Summer Vacation 随着暑期的到来,孩子们有了更多的自由时间,但这些孩子们的家长由于忙碌的工作无暇照顾他们。 为了让小朋友们的暑假过的更有意义,馆方计划周末为小朋友们开设暑期辅导班,课程可以是文艺体育相 关,也可以辅导暑期作业,读书会、音乐赏析…… 你喜欢画画吗?你喜欢设计吗?你喜欢和小朋友们一起涂鸦吗? 你能歌善舞?有一技之长?或是愿意辅导小朋友的完成作业吗? 你想奉献你的爱心?想给这些小朋友美好的童年留下些回味吗? 还等什么,快加入我们的爱心大使的队伍吧!和我们一起和流动人口社区的小朋友们共度一个快乐而 有意义的暑假吧! 课程时间可以灵活安排。 地点:新市民生活馆北京馆(北京市大兴区黄村镇霍村) 联系人:刘馆长 131 6138 1891 10

新市民生活馆由上海新途社区健康促进社承办,GSK 赞助支持!

新市民生活馆工作简报 Newsletter 2012 年 6 月

Beijing New Citizen Life Center is currently recruiting volunteers from universities and civil societies during the summer vacation. The responsibilities are : -Helping the children with their homework. -Designing and holding the extracurricular classes for the children. -Designing the indoor decoration of the center. Contact: Ms. Liu, the curator Mobile: 131-6138-1891 Address: Beijing New Citizen Life Center, Huo Village, Huangcun Town, Daxing District, Beijing.

2、社区求助 Looking for Help (1)社区中的一名乙肝孕妇,家庭条件不好,怀有五个月身孕且为乙肝患者,新市民生活馆在此呼吁社 会爱心人士和慈善机构,可以向她伸出援助之手。 A pregnant women carrying the baby for 5 month has been detected with hepatitis B virus. NCLC is appealing to the individuals and charity organizations for help. (2)社区中一位流动妇女向生活馆求助,自己有时会有虐待动物的心理,生活馆为此开展了小型讨论会, 发现在流动妇女中存在很多的心理问题,如与丈夫的沟通问题等。希望可以得到有此相关知识的专业人士 的讲解和指导。 A migrant woman came for help, claiming herself as having the tendency of torturing animals. By holding a seminar for such theme, NCLC found out that many migrant women have different kinds of psychological problems such as communication problems with their husbands. NCLC is appealing to professionals for guidance.


新市民生活馆由上海新途社区健康促进社承办,GSK 赞助支持!

新市民生活馆工作简报 Newsletter 2012 年 6 月

五. 活动预告 Upcoming Events

生命无止境、运动无极限 骑而不歧——7.28 日世界肝炎日大型骑行活动 自行车,你多久没有碰过了? 你愿意和朋友们一起通过骑车运动来倡导反肝炎歧视吗? 你相信骑车运动是一种健康生活方式,甚至可以预防慢性病吗? 你的家人,朋友一起聚会的方式不仅是吃饭唱歌,还可以骑车! 在 7.28 日世界肝炎日即将到来之际,新市民生活馆于 7 月 28 日(周六)上午 8 点,举行一场大型的骑行 活动。 勇敢,坚强,热爱生活的你赶紧和朋友们一起来加入吧! 我们将为您提供: 骑行工具包(包含:T 恤、防水袋、手环、徽章、贴纸、明信片、水杯),骑车路线图和饮用水。 参加活动的请尽快到新市民生活馆报名,截止日期为 7 月 19 日。

On 8 a.m. of July 28th,, the World Hepatitis Day, NCLC will hold a riding event to raise the public attention for the hepatitis patients. NCLC will provide the participants a riding toolkit (including a T-shirt, badges, postcards and such), a riding route map and drinking water. Registration deadline: July 19th.


新市民生活馆由上海新途社区健康促进社承办,GSK 赞助支持!

新市民生活馆工作简报 Newsletter 2012 年 6 月

联系我们(Contact us) 新市民项目办公室 地址:三林镇归泾村老年活动中心 联系人:衣丽英 电话:021-50820204 手机:18939779778 New Citizen Project office Address: Senior Activity Center, Guijing village, PudongSanlin Area Contact person: Yi, Liying Tel: 021-50820204-601 Mo: 18939779778 网站 (website) 博客 (Blog): 微博 (Weibo): 相册 (Album):


新市民生活馆由上海新途社区健康促进社承办,GSK 赞助支持!

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