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Utah’s Gay and Lesbian Newspaper November 1–15, 2006
Number of Utah Same-Sex Couples Grows 28 Percent Census study shows Salt Lake to be 7.6 percent gay
Salt Lake Gay Football Team Competes in Dallas Seeded #11, comes in sixth
Gay Mormon Husband and Wife Share Activism Violence Feared at Jerusalum Gay Parade UofU Performing Dance Company Opens Season Voting Guide
Hollywood Buzz Ben Rouses Rabbles Q Agenda
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Yes, the Bar Guide is Back
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of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Community
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Threat of Violence Looms as Jerusalem’s Gay Parade Nears
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By Troy Espera Jerusalem — Thousands of ultra-Orthodox protested at Jerusalem’s Sabbath Square Oct. 21 against the holding of the 2006 Gay Pride Parade in the city, with most of them linking the parade to the recent war in Lebanon. The parade is scheduled for Nov. 10. “The war in [Lebanon] broke out as soon as the parade was announced,” a Jerusalem resident said. The parade, originally slotted in July, was canceled due to the war, but gay rights groups acted to set another date for the parade since the fighting has ceased. “Rabbis are fearful of another war,” the resident, an orthodox Jew, told Ynet News, adding that a special request has been forwarded to Diaspora Jews “so they too would protest and act for the preservation of Jerusalem’s sanctity.” Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch, the head of the Eda Haredit rabbinic court, said that during the rally, “We did not succeed in Lebanon due to the obscenity and promiscuity in the Holy Land. There is no greater disturbance than the disgraceful parade.” Yitzhak Weiss, a journalist and spokesman for Edah Haredit, the ultra-Orthodox anti-Zionist rabbinic organization based in Jerusalem, told The Jerusalem Post that the parade should be prevented in the name of peace. “Holding the parade in Jerusalem empties the title ‘Holy City of the Jews’ of all meaning,” said Weiss. “Imagine having such a parade in the Vatican or in Mecca. No one is trying to deprive them of their rights or tell them what to do in their own homes.” Jerusalem City Councilwoman Mina Fenton (National Religious Party) told Arutz-7 Hebrew radio that the nation must not be silent. “The march is to be held “because of a compromise reached between the [gay advocacy group] Jerusalem Open House and the police — despite the strong objections of the mayor, the vast majority of the city council, and many city residents,” she said to Arutz-7. “We must all fight to have this thing canceled — not just postponed.” The Open House organization told Ynet that the renewed campaign against the gay parade will not deter community members or prevent the parade from taking place. “The Pride and Tolerance Parade in Jerusalem is a human rights rally aimed at promoting freedom of expression and pluralism,” the group’s acting chairperson said. “Therefore we respect the right of those who object to the parade to express their views in a legitimate manner; however, we warn of a renewal of the incitement and violence.”
HIV Infection In Chinese Gay Men Climbing at Alarming Rate Tokyo — The HIV infection rate among gay men in China is climbing at an alarming rate largely due to a lack of awareness about the disease. The HIV infection rate is nearing 1.5 percent among sexually active homosexual men, Zhang Beichuan, a professor with Qingdao University’s Medical School, told an anti-AIDS forum in Yichang, according to China Daily. “The health authorities have to do some-
thing to curb the rising infection rate among gay men, who account for two to four percent of the sexually active adult male population,” Zhang said. China’s first, and most recent, official figure on male homosexuality was released in 2004, putting the total of gay men in the country at between five and ten million. Reuters reports that the Ministry of Health currently claims China has around 650,000 HIV carriers, which translates into an infection rate of 0.05 percent in the combined male and female population of 1.3 billion. “We’re now like Africa,” Hao Yang, deputy director of disease control for the Ministry of Health, told Reuters, adding, “Last year, we found that 48 percent of those who were newly infected contracted the disease from sex, so it’s not a disease that afflicts only high-risk groups.” To combat the spread of HIV, the Chinese government has made it mandatory for all entertainment venues to provide condoms, and methadone clinics have been established throughout the country. “We have to prepare for this,” Hao said. “In a short time, we will sign some accords with these companies to bring in these drugs” In his latest study in a northeast China city, Zhang found that only 20 percent of the 215 gay men he interviewed used condoms and 90 percent of them ruled out any likelihood of having contracted HIV. An earlier report said 80 percent of China’s gay men admitted knowing nothing about the spread of HIV/AIDS. Homosexuality does remain a taboo subject in many sectors of Chinese society, but the general public is moving towards treating homosexuals as equals and protecting them from HIV/AIDS. “Regardless of what people think, homosexuality is an inevitable social issue we have to face,” said Shi Wei, a health official in Chaoyang District, which has both Beijing’s largest white-collar and migrant population. —TE
Pope Attacks Gay Unions as ‘Weak and Defiant’
By Troy Espera Verona, Italy — Pope Benedict XVI on Thursday urged Italian Catholics to oppose any moves to legalize “weak and deviant” unions in a speech delivered in the Italian city of Verona. While he did not specifically mention gay marriage, Reuters reports that thousands of listeners at the fairgrounds in Verona’s outskirts strongly applauded the two parts of his speech about the family and “other forms of unions”. He urged them to fight “with determination ... the risk of political and legislative decisions that contradict fundamental values and anthropological and ethical principles rooted in human nature.” The Pope said they had to defend “the family based on matrimony, opposing the introduction of laws on other forms of unions which would only destabilize it and obscure its special character and its social role, which has no substitute.” Benedict has been stressing the need for dialogue between religions and cultures, which he has said was the point of his speech in Germany last month that angered the Muslim world for its references to Islam and violence.
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NATIONAL Bono to AIDS-Conscious: Don’t Just See Red, Buy RED
By Bryan Ochalla Los Angeles — Is red the new black? If Irish rock star Bono has his way, it will be soon. The U2 singer recently partnered with Bobby Shriver, nephew of the late President John F. Kennedy, to launch The RED campaign, his latest effort to fight AIDS in Africa. The program encourages shoppers to buy RED-branded goods, with manufacturers channeling up to 50 percent of the profits to AIDS programs financed by the U.N.-backed Global Fund. In Britain, where the campaign was launched earlier this year, it has already raised about $10 million. Brands that license the RED mark make a five-year commitment to create unique products and contribute a significant percentage of sales or portion of profits from the sales of those products into Global Fund-financed AIDS programs, with a special emphasis on women and children affected by AIDS in Africa. Since the inception of the Global Fund in 2002, the private sector has contributed $5 million versus $4.9 billion from governments around the world. The Red campaign will create a new income stream into the Fund. “The idea is simple, the products are sexy and people live instead of die,” Bono said. “When you buy a Red product, the company gives money to buy pills that will keep someone in Africa alive.” U.S. companies that have signed on to the initiative include Gap (which is offering Red-branded T-shirts and jeans), Motorola (a red cell phone), Converse (a series of limited edition shoes), Apple (a red iPod nano) and Giorgio Armani (a collection of clothes and accessories). Bono is no stranger to such campaigns, of course. He and fellow Irish rock star Bob Geldof have worked together to raise money for Africa through international concerts and other venues to press leaders of rich nations to do more to eradicate poverty. The Red campaign works alongside the ONE Campaign to Make Poverty History — a longer-term project launched in 2005 by Bono and 11 U.S. aid and nonprofit groups — that has more than 2 million members. “This generation can be the generation that says ‘no’ to extreme poverty” in Africa, Bono said recently while promoting the campaign on The Oprah Winfrey Show. For more on the Red campaign, visit the official website at www.redcampaign.org. Also check out the RED blog at joinred.blogspot.com.
‘Brokeback’ Wardrobe Raises Thousands for HRC Washington, D.C. — An online auction of Brokeback Mountain wardrobe items has raised nearly $200,000 for the Human Rights Campaign. Nearly 150 items ranging from cowboy boots to jewelry worn by the stars of the movie were auctioned. The largest single amount, $7,600, went to buy the leather jacket, shirt, t-shirt and jeans worn by Jake Gyllenhaal in his role as Jack Twist. The hat, Levi jacket and shirt worn by Heath Ledger, as Ennis Del Mar, brought $7,100.
Focus Features and James Schamus, producer of Brokeback Mountain, donated the proceeds of the auction to benefit the Human Rights Campaign’s work towards achieving equality for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Americans. HRC joined with Delivery Agent Inc., a company involved in shopping-enabled programming for television shows, motion pictures, sports and music videos, to make the auction available for bidding online from Oct. 13 until midnight, Oct. 20, on www.seenon.com. The collection was first previewed Oct. 7 at HRC’s 10th Annual National Dinner held in Washington, D.C., when a live auction of the first outfit from the film raised $18,000. “The overwhelming response to this oneof-a-kind auction continues to underscore the way in which Brokeback Mountain touched so many lives in a very profound and personal way,” said HRC President Joe Solmonese. “Not only will bidders receive a remarkable part of Hollywood history, they will also be investing in promoting and securing equality for all Americans.”
Human Rights Campaign Releases Congress Scorecard Washington, D.C. — Utah senators Hatch and Bennett both received a score of 0 in their support of gay Americans, as did representatives Cannon and Bishop in a Human Rights Campaign scorecard released this month. Democratic representative Jim Matheson earned a 35 percent score for his yes votes on two hate crime amendments. To inform the public about where congressional leaders stand on policies important to the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community, HRC compiled a scorecard that outlines how they have voted on gay and lesbian issues during the 109th Congress. “This scorecard is a vital tool for rating Members of Congress on votes important to our community in the last legislative session,” said HRC Legislative Director Allison Herwitt. “With the Federal Marriage Amendment and other critically important votes to our community rated in this scorecard, we would encourage all GLBT individuals and straight supporters to take a careful look and know where your representative stands on issues of equality and fairness.” The 2006 HRC scorecard rates members of Congress on important votes and their support of critical legislation taken during the 109th legislative session. These Senate bills and votes include: S.J. Res. 1 — the Federal Marriage Amendment; the confirmation of Judge William Pryor confirmation; the confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito confirmation; S. 403 — the Lautenberg Amendment to the Child Custody Protection Act; co-sponsorship of S. 311 — the Early Treatment for HIV Act; co-sponsorship of S. 1278 — the Uniting American Families Act; and co-sponsorship of S. 1145 — the Local Law Enforcement Enhancement Act. The House bills and votes scored include: H.J. Res. 88 — the Federal Marriage Amendment; H.R. 3132 — the Conyers Hate Crimes Amendment to the Child Safety Act; cosponsorship of H.R. 2662 — the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act; co-sponsorship of H.R. 1059 — the Military Readiness Enhancement Act; and co-sponsorship of H.R. 3006 — the Uniting Ameri-
can Families Act. There are 11 members of the U.S. Senate (10 Democrats and 1 Republican) who scored a perfect 100% on this year’s scorecard. Additionally, there are 96 members of the U.S. House (92 Democrats; 3 Republicans and 1 Independent) who also scored a perfect 100%. This year’s scorecard reflects the resounding defeat of the Federal Marriage Amendment, for the second time. In the Senate, the 49 to 48 vote failed to muster even a majority (67 votes were needed for passage), but seven Republicans voted against the measure, including two Senators, Gregg and Specter, who had voted in 2004 to move the amendment forward. Following the Senate vote, the House again rejected the effort to put discrimination into the Constitution with a 236 to 187 bipartisan vote against the Federal Marriage Amendment, with 27 Republicans voting in opposition to the amendment.
Minneapolis Transit Changes Tune Over Gay-Themed Ads Minneapolis, Minn. — Minneapolis’ Metro Transit said Friday that it inadvertently sent the wrong message about tolerance in trying to accommodate a bus driver’s religious objections to driving buses that carried gaythemed ads. Metro Transit spokesman Bob Gibbons issued a media statement saying that the company made a temporary accommodation to the driver Oct. 12, allowing her not to drive buses that carried an ad for Lavender, a local magazine aimed at the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community. The ad showed the face of a young man and the slogan, “Unleash Your Inner Gay.” Fifty buses carried the ad. The ad contract expired Oct. 18, Gibbons said, and buses no longer carry the ads. But in reviewing the issue, his statement read, the company likely would not make the same decision again. “We are not persuaded that advertising, per se, infringes on religious practices and would be reluctant to make similar accommodations in the future,” read the statement. The woman is still driving for Metro Transit, the statement added. Metro Transit had come under fire from a union leader and some other drivers, who said the company was condoning intolerance. “We deeply regret any impressions of intolerance,” Gibbons wrote in a statement. The news was lauded by both the editor of Lavender magazine and the bus drivers union. “It just opened Pandora’s box and I’m glad they closed it,” said Stephen Rocheford, president and CEO of Lavender, to Minneapolis’ Star Tribune. Rocheford said he plans to run the ads again in the spring. This was the third time Lavender has run the advertisement on city buses, he said. “I’m glad to hear they reversed their decision,” said Michelle Sommers, president of Amalgamated Transit Union local 1005, to the Star Tribune. “We want the public to know that our membership doesn’t believe in discrimination.” Sommers said she has received e-mails and phone calls from around the country expressing support for the magazine ad, with one person supporting the driver’s request.
Melissa Etheridge and Tammy Lynn Michaels Parents of Twins
By Troy Espera Los Angeles — Rock singer Melissa Etheridge and her partner, actress Tammy Lynn Michaels, announced Oct. 21 that Michaels had given birth to twins. The couple said on that son Miller Steven and daughter Johnnie
Rose were born Tuesday, Oct. 17. “The creation of life brings about immeasurable love, and pours hope into the future,” they wrote in a statement issued over the weekend. “The joy will help carry us through our upcoming sleepless nights.” Etheridge, 45, and Tammy, 31, who has acted on TV’s Committed and The L Word, exchanged vows in Malibu in September, 2003. Etheridge already has two children from a previous relationship with Julie Cypher: daughter Bailey Jean, 9, and son Beckett, 7. Bailey Jean and Beckett were conceived via artificial insemination courtesy of friend and rock legend David Crosby, reports People magazine. Etheridge announced in August 2005 that she was free of cancer nine months after undergoing surgery to remove a malignant tumor in her breast. Crediting Michaels as being instrumental in her successful health battle, Etheridge also told People magazine in 2005: “We thought about children before the diagnosis but were sidetracked.” When the couple announced this pregnancy in April, the singer and the actress said in a joint statement, “To answer the obvious question: We used an anonymous donor from a bank.” The Kansas-born singer-songwriter, known for such hits as “Come to My Window” and “I’m the Only One,” has sold more than 25 million records.
U.S. Catholic Bishops Announce New Gay Guidelines
By Anthony Cuesta Baltimore, Md. — The nation’s Roman Catholic bishops said this week that new guidelines for ministry to gays are being developed that will reaffirm church opposition to same-sex marriage and adoption by the couples, while condemning discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. The draft document encourages parishes to make gays feel welcome and provide them pastoral support, and notes that many “are ardently striving to live their faith within the Catholic community so as not to fall into the lifestyle and values of a `gay subculture.’” But the authors repeatedly state that any such ministries must be led by people who uphold church teaching on sexuality, and assert that Catholic leaders have a right to “deny roles of service” in the church to people who violate that teaching. “It is not sufficient for those involved in this ministry to adopt a position of distant neutrality with regard to Church teaching,” according to the document. “Love and truth go together.” The document is intended to guide bishops in assessing ministries to gays and lesbians. Those outreach programs, which are present in multiple parishes and dioceses, are often the target of criticism by conservatives. In 1999, Pope John Paul II barred a US priest, the Rev. Robert Nugent , and nun, Sister Jeannine Gramick, from “any pastoral work involving homosexual persons,” declaring that they had refused to communicate the church’s teaching about “the intrinsic evil of homosexual acts and the objective disorder of the homosexual inclination.” The proposed guidelines, in development since 2002, will be put to a vote and possibly amended by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops when they meet Nov. 13-16 in Baltimore. Last year, the Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education issued an “instruction” stating men with “deep-seated” homosexual attraction should not be ordained. This latest U.S. bishops’ proposal focuses on support for gay Catholics, not whether they should become priests.
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Recently â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Outâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Gay Mormon Author and Wife of 25 Years Make Improbable Gay Activists part of a team that will eventually make it safer for gay people within the church.â&#x20AC;? Lester and Barbara will be available for interviews in Portland on Friday and in Seattle/Tacoma the following Monday afternoon or Tuesday morning. Leavittâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s book is entitled â&#x20AC;&#x153;Forbidden Friends.â&#x20AC;? Writing the book also led to Lester and Barbara being featured in an upcoming A&E Network documentary on mixed orientation marriages. For their complete stories, views, and photos, please go to www.quintonreedbooks.com.
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PORTLAND, Ore. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; It took him 33 years, but by October 2004 Lester Leavitt could no longer deny it. He was gay, and he was ready to come out, even if it meant turning his world upside down. He had never slept with a man, or even embraced a man, but he knew that he could no longer deny his feelings. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There are so many parts to coming out,â&#x20AC;? Leavitt explains. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I came out late â&#x20AC;&#x201D; in my forties; I came out married â&#x20AC;&#x201D; after 23 years with my wife; I came out a father â&#x20AC;&#x201D; with four mostly grown children; and what turned out to be the most difficult of all; I came out Mormon!â&#x20AC;? Leavitt is in Portland this weekend to attend the Affirmation Conference for gay Mormons. He will almost certainly be the only gay man attending with his wife. His wife Barbara explains why she is still with her husband. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our marriage is stronger today, and so much more alive than it was before Lester came out. To understand why, we would need an hour of your time, but the biggest reason, I feel, is because we were finally honest with each other about everything, and I mean everything!â&#x20AC;? Lester is quick to add a warning. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want any gay man to think that he can stay with his wife just because I was able to do it. Our situation was so unique that I doubt very much that it could be duplicated. I think that is why I have unwittingly become such an outspoken activist for gay marriage.â&#x20AC;? Lesterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s activism is not limited only to gay rights issues. As noted above, the most difficult part of coming out was coping with his Mormon upbringing. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m a 7th generation Mormon, and I was raised in Cardston, AB where it is almost more sheltered than in Utah behind the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Zion Curtainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. From the time of my earliest feelings of attraction to other boys, I remember the guilt. I know why gay Mormons commit suicide,â&#x20AC;? Leavitt says. Affirmation has teamed up with other organizations like LDS Safe Space to try to change the church, and that is how Leavitt met Olin Thomas, Affirmationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s executive director. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I found LDS Safe Space right after I was excommunicated. I needed to talk to somebody about it because I was not excommunicated for being gay; Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m still faithful to my wife! I was excommunicated for becoming a liberal, and expressing my liberal views in my book,â&#x20AC;? Leavitt explains. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Olin sits as one of the ad hoc directors on the LDS Safe Space forum, and he encouraged me to become involved with Affirmation. Barbara and I are here this weekend so that we can become
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Study of Census Data Shows 28% Increase in Same-Sex Couples in Utah Since 2000 A study of the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2005 American Community Survey conducted by UCLA’s Williams Institute on Sexual Orientation and Law and Public Policy shows that the number of same-sex couples in the U.S. has risen 30 percent since the 2000 census. The Midwest showed the largest increase. Experts say the increase is most likely a result of decreasing stigma associated with same-sex partnering and homosexuality in general, making more same-sex couples willing to identify themselves as such on government surveys like the ACS. Using the data of the ACS, the study estimated that 4.1 percent of the adult population identify as gay, lesbian or bisexual, meaning an estimated 8.8 million adults are gay, lesbian, or bisexual in the United States. According to the study, 3.2 percent of adult Utahns identify as gay, lesbian or bisexual for a total of 53,832 people. Utah saw a rise of 28 percent in number of same-sex couples in the five-year period. Salt Lake-specific statistics found in the study show that 3.7 percent of the Salt Lake City Metropolitan Area (26,721 adults) and 7.6 percent of Salt Lake City proper (10,726
adults) identify as gay. The ACS found 1,101 male same-sex couples and 1,070 female couples living in the metropolitan area. According to researchers, the highest ranking states by the percentage of the adult population who are gay are the District of Columbia, New Hampshire, Washington, Massachusetts and Maine. Among large metropolitan areas, San Francisco, Seattle, Boston, Portland Ore., and Tampa rank in the top five in this statistic.
3,370 4,307 3.2% 53,832
Same-Sex Couples in 2000 Same Sex Couples in 2005 2,309 Male / 1,998 Female Same-Sex Couples Population Identifying as Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Estimated Out GLB Population
Salt Lake City
968 7.6% 10,726
Same-sex couples in 2005 414 Male / 554 Female Population Identifying as Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Estimated Out GLB Population
The study can be found at www.law.ucla.edu/ williamsinstitute/
Seeking Artists for GalleryQ A Monthly Visual and performance art experience.
Be part of a queer-positive roving gallery in fun and interesting locations. Please email GalleryQ@qsaltlake.com
Salt Lake City Avalanche’s Shon Williams dodges during play against the Los Angeles Heat at GayBowl VI in Dallas, Tex. PHOTO: RYAN THOMAS
Salt Lake Avalanche Places Sixth at Gay Bowl VI in Dallas The Salt Lake City Avalanche burst onto the field at the Gay Bowl VI in Dallas, Tex. the weekend of Oct. 5–8, winning all three games in their pool. Once winners’ bracket play began, however, the team went down in defeat, and placed sixth overall of 16 teams. The team drew accolades from Cyd Ziegler, president of OutSports.com. “A couple ‘surprise’ teams served notice that they will be a force to be reckoned with from here on,” wrote Ziegler. “The Salt Lake City Avalanche struggled in Chicago at the Gay Games. Yet, in Dallas, they won their pool (which included two-time champion Los Angeles and former runner-up Boston) before falling in the first round in a tough match-up against Los Angeles.” Salt Lake, which had been seeded #11, opened the tournament against #6 seeded Boston Hancocks and won 7-6. They then moved on to beat the #3 seeded Los Angeles Motion 26-21. LA had trounced South Florida 43-12 in game one. In the final round of pool play, Salt Lake won handily over South Florida 33-18. Salt Lake was matched again to play Los Angeles in the quarterfinals, where they were shut out 0-28. In consolation play, Salt Lake narrowly lost to the San Diego Sharks 12-14. Team Avalanche was represented by Brian Doughty, Chris VanOver, David Schmauch, Kacey Wilson, Mark Barr, Mark
McGowan, Mike Chacon, Mike Madsen, Paul Aiken, Ralph Ingersoll, Sas Phengdara from Salt Lake City, and Joe Colbourne and Shon Williams from Los Angeles. Ziegler noted that the competition is getting better each year. “The level of play in the tournament has gone up every year, and this year was no exception. Not only has the athleticism increased to a higher level, but the smarts and the play-calling have as well,” Ziegler wrote. “In my estimation, there were seven teams – New York Warriors, Chicago Flames, Washington DC, Los Angeles, San Diego, Salt Lake City and Atlanta – that all could have won the title; each edged out the other by the slightest of margins.”
Final Standings Final
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
2 1 5 3 7 11 4 8 10 12 9 15 6 14 13 16
New York Warriors Chicago Flames Washington Monuments Los Angeles Motion San Diego Sharks Salt Lake City Avalanche Atlanta Storm New York Bad Apples Texas Bulls Chicago Crew Crushers Phoenix Hellraisers Houston Hurricanes Boston Hancocks Southern Florida Cat 5s Michigan Panthers Alabama Slammers
Get Outta Town Join in on a relaxing and enlightening weekend at the Wind Walker Ranch, Spring City, Utah during Celebrating Queer Spirit: A Gay Men’s Retreat, October 27-29. This will be a gathering of gay men to explore our personal relationship with ourselves. The weekend will include discussion groups, activities, movement, socializing, and will end with a traditional Native American sweat lodge. The cost is $350, which includes lodging, meals and activities. Visit queerspirit. org to register.
PWACU Hosts 18th Living with AIDS Conference People with AIDS Coalition of Utah, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing educational and support services that enhance the quality of life of persons impacted by HIV/AIDS, hosts its 18th annual Living with AIDS Conference on November 4. The one-day event will supply integral information to people inflicted with the disease, their families, friends, caregivers and service providers. The event will take place at Westminster College and the cost is $25. Please RSVP by October 27 by calling 484-2205.
UofU LGBT Resource Center Open House The University of Utah’s LGBT Resource Center cordially invites anyone and everyone to this year’s Open House, Wednesday, November 1, 3-5pm in the University Union Panorama East Room located at 200 S. Central Campus Drive. This event provides a chance for LGBT students and others to mix and mingle. Please RSVP to lgbtrc@sa.utah. edu.
Bear Jam Halloween Bash The Utah Bears and the Utah Cyber Sluts are working a Halloween Party together. Join them at the Bear Jam Halloween Bash at Club Try-Angles, a private club for members, on Friday, October 27 at 10pm. There will be a costume contest and special spinster DJ Spike will rock Gene right out of his office.
Charles Milne Leaves UofU LGBT Resource Center
Pride Center Seeking Interns The Utah Pride Center is currently accepting applications for a part-time paid internship for the fall of 2006 though 2007. The Center Intern Program seeks to facilitate the development of paraprofessional social service skills in event planning, program planning, group facilitation and community outreach/education. The internships are open to individuals age 18-24 who are interested in developing work skills in a non-profit setting approximately 12-20 hours each week. The Intern Program is open to those considering further education and training as well as those already in school or training. The Center Intern Program integrates training with the practical skills necessary for employment in social services or a related field. Interns who complete the Internship may wish to continue their education in order to go on into professional careers in the non-profits or social services. Applicants should complete the internship application form www.utahpridecenter. org/applications/intern.htm and include a resume and two references to jennifer@ utahpridecenter.org If appropriate, The Center will work with the intern’s training facility, school, college or university to assure class credit is received for the Center Internship. The status of any particular internship as credit or non-credit will be determined before an internship is offered. The intern will primarily, though not exclusively, work at The Center offices. Interns are responsible for their own housing, living expenses and any other costs. Contact Jennifer with any questions at 801.539.8800, extension 13
Basketball Tournament Events As reported in our last issue, the National Gay Basketball Association is holding the Salt Lake City Classic teh weekend of Oct. 27–29. Spectators are welcome at the University of Utah HPER Complex on Saturday and Sunday beginning at 8:00 a.m. A welcome party is scheduled at Kristauf’s Martini Bar at 16 W. Market Street for Friday nights welcome party beginning at 6:00 p.m. Guest speakers will talk at 7:30 p.m. A Saturday night party is hosted by Queer Utah Aquatic Club at the Mynt Lounge, 63 W. 100 South, beginning at 7:00 p.m. A goodbye party will be at the Market Street Oyster Bar, 54 W. Market Street, at around 5:00 p.m..
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If you’re HIV-positive, we would like to hear about your experiences. We are offering cash incentives up to $20 to anyone who is willing to fill out a confidential 10-minute survey or take part in a brief focus group. Focus group referrals will also receive $20 compensation. Contact Mike at the Utah Department of Health (801) 538-6221 • mlowe@utah.gov
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Charles Milne, coordinator of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Resource Center at the University of Utah, has tendered his resignation, effective Nov. 3. Milne, a 2001 UofU speech communication graduate, originally took the role in 2002 as an interim position as the university sought funding for a full-time position. In February 2004 he handed the reigns to Ruth Hackford-Peer, who was fired only four months later. The reason for her firing was never made public. Milne was reinstated shortly thereafter and has served in that role for the past two years. “I have been privileged and honored to work towards building a better campus and community environment for the LGBT and ally communities,” Milne said. “I plan to begin work in the event management and event planning career field. This is an exciting career change for me and, while I am very sad to leave the U and the LGBT Resource Center, I am certain that it will continue to grow and further meet the needs of the campus community.” The university has not said what plans they have to replace Milne. “While the work wasn’t easy, the work will continue to be hard,” Milne said. “I encour-
age us all to continue to strive forward in creating a safer campus for all who are here.”
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The Permanent Record By David Nelson
Community Builder Awards Honors Dorothey Anderson The Utah Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Alliance for Building Community has given its fifth annual Community Builder Awards to five individuals, projects, groups or businesses that have made a significant contribution to Utah or the world at large. The awards were presented Oct. 17 during a special ceremony, followed by a panel discussion with the awardees. The winners were chosen from a large number of nominations for their role in building bridges in the local community or the world at large. Among the 2006 Community Builder
Award winners was Salt Lake Menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Choir trustee Dorothy Anderson. Anderson has spent a great portion of her life contributing to the community. As manager for public affairs at American Express, she obtained a large grant for the Interfaith Hospitality Network (a CBA Awardee in 2001) that will enable the IHN to further its mission of outreach. Anderson, who sings in the choir at First United Methodist Church, works with the Salt Lake Menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Choir, a choir of mostly gay, white men, because she sees the injustice many in that group face. Also awarded was Kimberly Perkins, the Freedom Garden, Kayleen Simmons, Ethel Wilcox and Wasatch Baskets & Gifts.
Which merit badge do we get for this? Former Mormon Tabernacle Choir member Robert Matthews, aged 51, of Orem appeared on Oct. 6 at the 4th District Court of Utah to face charges of sexual exploitation and lewdness involving four boys, aged seven to 15. He was released on Sept. 29 after posting $25,000 bail from the Utah County Jail one day after his arrest by law-enforcement officers during their investigation of the boysâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; allegations that he videographed them while they and he swam naked in July at a hot springs in Spanish Fork Canyon. An officers report described how Matthews allegedly showed the images to the boys, â&#x20AC;&#x153;directed them into positions while taking pictures and remained nude himself,â&#x20AC;?
and ordered them not to tell their parents about the images. Officers searched his home and computer, and evidence they said show â&#x20AC;&#x153;that other things may have occurred.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has just learned of the arrest of [Matthews] who joined the Mormon Tabernacle Choir in January 2006,â&#x20AC;? Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints spokesman Dale Bills said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Church strongly condemns child abuse and will not tolerate such actions by anyone affiliated with our faith. Any member convicted of child abuse faces Church disciplinary action. [Matthews] has been released from his position in the choir while the police investigation is proceeding.â&#x20AC;?
MethWatch U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency regulations have forced popular cold and allergy medications which contain the nasal decongestant pseudoephedrine to be sold only from locked cabinets or behind counters. Users of the drugs â&#x20AC;&#x201D; which include Sudafed, Claritin-D, Allegra-D and Contac â&#x20AC;&#x201D; must now request and buy them from a pharmacist, and are limited to about three boxes a month. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s common for people to use large amounts of it when making the highly addictive and deadly drug methamphetamine. The federal Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act of 2005 took effect on Oct. 1, requires buyers to show photographic identification when buying the medications, and requires sellers to keep customer information for two years. Some pharmaceutical makers are returning to an older ingredient called phenylephrine to replace the pseudoephedrine.
Tip: Suspicious, but not urgent?
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Calling 911 is virtually automatic when we witness or are a part of a criminal, medical or fire emergency, but one of the reasons 911-response times are growing is because of 911 calls which arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t urgent. Take a moment to program your telephones with the main numbers of your local police and county sheriff offices. Now, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re ready the next time you see suspicious behavior in your neighborhood, and the response will be appropriate without stretching emergency services. David Nelson knows crime. In a life of politics, he was victimized by several crimes, convicted of another and his nameâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s even part of the U.S. Terrorist Screening Records System. But, heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s still a self-avowed big-phat, gay, gun-owning Democrat. Ignominy isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t what it used to be.
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Porn or Plain Bigotry?
2006 Voting Guide For your reference, these are the endorsements made by the gay and lesbian groups for whom they would lke you to consider voting. Please take this to the voting booth. STONEWALL SHOOTING SPORTS OF UTAH
U.S. Senate Pete Ashdown (D) U.S. House of Rep. 1st District Steven Olsen (D) U.S. House of Rep. 2nd District Jim Matheson (Inc.) (D) Utah Senate 2nd District Scott McCoy (Inc.) (D) Utah Senate 3rd District Gene Davis (Inc.) (D) Utah Senate 5th District Ed Mayne (Inc.) (D) Utah Senate 7th District Ross I. Romero (D) Utah Senate 26th District Roland Uresk (D) Utah House 3rd District Stuart W. Howell (D) Utah House 21st District James R. Gowans(Inc.) (D) Utah House 22nd District Carl William Duckworth (Inc.) (D) Utah House 25th District Christine Johnson (D) Utah House 29th District Janice Fisher (Inc.) (D) Utah House 30th District Jackie Biskupski (Inc.) (D) Utah House 31st District Larry Wiley (Inc.) (D) Utah House 32nd District Michael Lee (D) Utah House 33rd District Neal B. Hendrickson (Inc.) (D) Utah House 34th District Philip Tomassian (D) Utah House 35th District Mark A. Wheatley (Inc.) (D) Utah House 38th District Chuck McDowell (D) Utah House 40th District Lynn Hemingway (D) Utah House 44th District Tim M. Cosgrove (Inc.)(D) Utah House 68th District Kim Christison (D) Utah House 69th District Brad King (Inc.) (D) Utah House 74th District Michael Small (D) EQUALITY UTAH INC. (Salt Lake City)
Utah Senate 2nd District Scott McCoy (Inc.) (D) Utah Senate 3rd District Gene Davis (Inc.) (D) Utah Senate 7th District Ross I. Romero (D) Utah House 9th District Neil Hansen (Inc.) (D) Utah House 24th District Ralph Becker (Inc.) (D) Utah House 25th District Christine “Chris” Johnson (D) Utah House 26th District David Litvack (Inc.) (D) Utah House 28th District Roz McGee (Inc.) (D) Utah House 30th District Jackie Biskupski (Inc.) (D) Utah House 36th District Phil Riesen (D) Utah House 31st District Larry Wiley (Inc.) (D) Utah House 32nd District Michael Lee (D) Utah House 35th District Mark A. Wheatley (Inc.) (D) Utah House 37th District Carol Spackman Moss (Inc.) (D) Utah House 40th District Lynn Hemingway (D) Utah House 44th District Tim M. Cosgrove (Inc.) (D)
Utah House 53rd District Laura Bonham (D) Utah House 72nd District Lawrence Daniel (D) Utah House 74th District Michael “Mike” Small (D) Utah House 75th District Don L. Miller (D) Board of Education 6th District Tim Beagley (Inc.) Salt Lake County Office of the Assessor Josie Valdez (D) Salt Lake County Office of the Auditor Jeff Hatch (D) Salt Lake County Council Seat C Jim Bradley (Inc.) (D) Salt Lake County Council 3rd District Diane Turner (D) Salt Lake County Council 5th District Nate Hendricks (D) Salt Lake County District Attorney Sim Gill (D) Salt Lake County Recorder Leslie Reberg (D) Salt Lake County Recorder Gary Ott (Inc.) (R) Pos. Rate Salt Lake County Sheriff Jim Winder (D) Salt Lake County Sheriff Aaron Kennard (Inc.) (R) Pos. Rate Salt Lake County Treasurer Billie Larson (D) Davis County Bd of Comm Seat B Chris Martinez (D) Davis County Bd of Comm Seat A Rob Miller (D) Weber County Office of the Auditor Teresa Yorgason (D) Weber County Commissioners Seat A Bill Hansen (D) Murray City Board of Education 3rd District Xander Gordon UTAH LOG CABIN REPUBLICANS
Utah Senate 2nd District Scott McCoy (Inc.) (D) Utah Senate 7th District Ross I. Romero (D) Utah House 22nd District Carl William Duckworth (Inc.) (D) Utah House 23rd District Jen Seelig (D) Utah House 24th District Ralph Becker (Inc.) (D) Utah House 29th District Janice Fisher (Inc.) (D) Salt Lake County Council 3rd District Diane Turner (D) GAY AND LESBIAN VICTORY FUND
Utah Senate 2nd District Scott McCoy (Inc.) (D) Utah House 25th District Christine “Chris” Johnson (D) Utah House 30th District Jackie Biskupski (Inc.) (D) Murray City Board of Education 3rd District Xander Gordon HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN (Ratings)
U.S. Senate Seat A Orrin G. Hatch (Inc.) (R) Ratings: 0/100 (2004), 0/100 (2002) U.S. House 2nd District Jim Matheson (Inc.) (D) Ratings: 55/100 (2004), 83/100 (2002) U.S. House 3rd District Chris Cannon (Inc.) (R) Ratings: 0/100 (2004), 0/100 (2002) —Compiled by David Nelson
Editor, I’m writing in response to Tony’s column where he says he was at the Farmer’s Market and someone made the comment about QSaltLake being “just porn.” EXCUSE ME ... but I haven’t seen any porn in the half dozen “Q’s” I’ve read. I’ve seem some things that made me laugh, some that I thought were stupid (sorry, just calling it as I see it) and lots of things that were informative ... but nothing that I would call “OBSCENE”, which according to my dictionary is the defining word for porn. Now before anyone says, “oh what does she know about it,” well I can tell you that I don’t know much about porn because it’s not something I have any interest in. I do try to be open-minded and learn about people and why they think the way they do. However, I will never understand bigots, teenagers, rap music, our countries invading other countries (oops, that’s a whole different thing ... shouldn’t get on that subject), or why some people try to force the rest of us to live they way they do. I’m not gay, nor am I afraid of people who are; just like I’m not blonde but I’m not afraid of blondes, I’m not vegetarian but I’m not afraid of people who practice that lifestyle, I’m right handed but not afraid of people who are left handed, gosh, I could go on and on about this ... but I think you get my drift. Anyway...I hope this was helpful, and it felt good to express my opinion.
Guns” feature report was wrong and unfair [“Letters,” Oct. 16]. It wasn’t the first time a non-Utahn told Utahns what’s best for us. Jere called the report lacking in opposing opinion as if he always wrote balanced reports. Shame is instead the burden of people like him who would ban the speech with which they disagree, and choose which Constitutional rights others have “permission” to enjoy. Like abortion, the right to keep and bear arms is a choice. If he doesn’t like it, he’s not forced to do so. But, he may not make the choice for others and shouldn’t try. He called the Second Amendment “flawed and outdated.” But, I wonder if he forces an equally narrow expression of, say, the First Amendment by demanding 1) that speakers and writers be qualified, trained, licensed, regulated, limited in or near speech-free zones like airplanes and restricted from using high-powered words, 2) that ideas be kept concealed and not too similar to military ideas, and 3) that high-tech tools of mass discussion which the Founders could never imagine be banned in favor of their originally intended quills and parchment. Violations would bring a lifetime ban of a person’s speech rights. Absurd? He called Minuteman Project “racist.” I disagree that my involvement with it is as relevant to the report as is my involvement with Stonewall Shooting Sports of Utah. While MP and SSSU are controversial, their missions are separate, supported by most Americans and not racist.
David Nelson Murray
Salt Lake City
Another Bite Editor, Aside from giving me another bite at the apple, Jere Keys’ “shame” of QSaltLake, its staffers and their choice for the “Gays With
State of Q by Michael Aaron
I though it was more important to bring you a compilation of the various gay and lesbian groups’ endorsements than to force you to read an extra few hundred words from me, so please take a look to the left (no pun intended) and look it over. So, we stuck it out and struggled through the past eight months since the staff and I left the offices of Salt Lake Metro and started up QSaltLake. Guess what, we’re still here. I get asked all the time if Metro is still publishing. The answer is ‘no.’ The Metro offices, along with the offices of The Little Lavender Book, are closed and the phones are off. There has been no issue of Metro since a short run the first of June. It tugs a bit at my heart, since I am very proud of the work we did with Metro. It is unfortunate it had to take this path. The tide has turned for QSaltLake, however, and we are now seeing something new and wonderful — owners and managers of businesses calling us to advertise. Slowly, but surely, more and more advertisers are coming on board and building this paper. You may notice that we finally broke through the 28-page barrier and we are now 14 percent larger. Well, truthfully it’s only four more pages, but a significant step for us. We are being frugal with our hard-earned ad revenue and refuse to print a larger paper
QSaltLake welcomes letters from our readers. Please email them to letters@qsaltlake.com. Letters may be edited for space and suitability. We suggest keeping letters to less than 400 words. Please include your full name and contact information for verification.
than our income allows. We’ve also fine-tuned much of our distribution and will be adding new locations in the next issue. Keep an eye out at your favorite haunts. Actually, if you have said favorite haunt, please email us at editor@qsaltlake. com or call us at 856-5655 and suggest we talk to the owners. If you shop there, it’s very likely your fellow Q-readers do as well. We also have some other irons in the fire. We’ve been talking with the newly-appointed CEO of a gay travel company and some ad reps in states bordering Utah and we hope to have some new, relevant travel info coming at you very soon. We are talking also with some publications in other states about some collaboration that will be able to offer you some fun perks. We picked up a health column that is being well-received. “Get the Nurse” will run in the second issue of each month and your Horoscopes run on the first issue of the month. We are working on a new reader survey, since it has been two years since we last asked what you liked and didn’t like about the paper. You should see that next month. Our annual phone directory, TheQPages, is truly taking off as well. We will go to press the week after Thanksgiving and, if all goes as planned, we’ll begin delivering the books the first week of December. We are seeing a lot of enthusiasm surrounding the book as we are listening to the needs of advertisers and those who will use the book as well. In a nutshell, we are extremely excited about our future. Please stay tuned! Q
Stop It!
The ‘widower’ of Gerry Studds will be denied spousal benefits of his deceased husband’s pension.
by MW Savant Enough Already. STOP it! Mr. Dean Hara is being denied pension benefits of his late husband Gerry Studds. The affront is reprehensible and the inequity is glaring. Well, family, as if one needed any further proof of the outright, blatant and vit riolic hatred and dismissal of GLBTI people and our relationships, here it is. Following the death of Gerry Studds recently, his husband will not receive any portion of Mr. Studds’ pension benefit. The pair had been partnered for fifteen years and married for two. If Hara was female he would have been entitled to and received about half of the nearly $115,000.00 pension. Even as a somewhat controversial mem ber of congress in his heyday some twenty years ago, Studds proved an effective and respected political figure and the first con gressman to be openly gay. The spouses of other members of the con gressional body would be irrefutably entitled to the benefits of their deceased spouse. How dare this government, whether it favors same-sex couples, gay people or not, how dare they so heartlessly and coldly per mit this insult upon a bereaved human being. How dare this nation talk about human and civil rights to any other nation on earth when it boldy demonstrates its own failings in that regard. I am outraged but obviously not surprised. It is glaringly clear that this country’s immaturity and rancor regarding GLBTI life and people is so great that there is abso
lutely zero regard for the inexcusable lack of compassion and fairness. Equally clear is its political motivation and campaign strategy. I would remind the haters that “You don’t have to like us. You don’t have to “approve” of our life choices. It is not for you to ap prove. However, you must respect other hu man beings.” It is unconscionable that there isn’t a tremendous hue and cry of outrage at this newest ‘slap in the face’ to the GLBTI family and the human family. There is no excuse. There is no justifica tion. There is no possible way that this in equality can be allowed to drop off the radar. There was a time in this nation when I actually believed that one could shout loudly enough, and with right on one’s side, to shake the rafters and affect change. I shudder to think that, now, this nation WILL turn its back on this disgusting and obvious travesty. I imagine that it will do nothing. I once actually heard someone say to another with complete, insane candor: “I could slit your throat, step over the body, make a sandwich and not think about it for another moment.” It appears to me that that is precisely what our leaders are more than capable of doing and have done for centuries. The treatment of gays and lesbians in this country, while cloaked in more general pro tections- reluctantly given- reeks of the hor rible treatment of women in early America. Unflappably willing to be redundant---it stinks of the treatment of those forced into Japanese internment camps, slavery, antimiscegenation laws, and the many other doc umented and moronic incidents that we have dropped upon each other throughout our history. One common thread therein, is the fact that it was felt by the ‘majority’ that these situations were commonly recognized as acceptable. Therefore, they were permitted,
promoted and treated as a matter of course. When will we evolve beyond petty ignorant biases and ignoble, taught prejudices? Have we learned nothing else? The gaul of this most recent irreverent and brash acceptance of this and other in equalities in this nation is too much. In the words of Dr. Maya Angelou — “STOP IT!” When someone is hurting you tell them to stop it. When you are being mistreated, demand that they stop it. When you are be ing relegated to the fringes of acceptability by the masses, insist they stop it. When your rights, or the rights of your fellow human be ings are being ruthlessly and nonchalantly assailed we must stop it. Remember the quote by Pastor Martin Niemoeller, Dachau, Germany, 1941: “In Germany they came first for the Com munists and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist. Then they came for the Jews and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protes tant. Then they came for me — and by that time no one was left to speak up.” - Stop interfering in our adult relationships. They obviously do not affect your relationship unless you choose to allow them to. - Stop judging and proclaiming mores from your bully pulpit and perch of hypocrisy. - Stop accepting, inspiring and inciting brutal gay bashing and homophobia which is fed and sanctioned by our leadership. - Stop your futile attempts to prevent us from marrying the persons we love and know that it may or may not become legal on your watch, but it most assuredly will become. - Stop your obsession with the romantic lives of same gender loving people in this nation. Aren’t there much bigger fish to fry? - Stop presenting yourselves as the rights and morals wardens of the country and the world — you are not worthy.
- Stop fighting the fact that this is no longer the land of our fathers. It is a new century to which you must adapt and grow. - Stop oppressing the liberties of others to maintain your rapidly slipping racial, political and theological majority status and delusions of entitlement. - Stop misleading the lambs for political gain and inspiring bigotry and homophobia. Stop it.
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1 4 â&#x20AC;&#x201A; Q â&#x20AC;&#x201A; Q S A LT L A K E â&#x20AC;&#x201A; Q â&#x20AC;&#x201A; N o v e m b e r 1 , 2 0 0 6
Ohmygod by Laurie Mecham laurie@qsaltlake.com
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Editorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s note: Since it is exactly two years since the passage of Amendment 3, I thought it would be interesting to see Laurieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s thoughts as the vote neared back in our first year, 2004. So, here she is. Ohymygod ohmygod ohmygod. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going to be an election in five minutes. The last time the stakes were this high in terms of human life and the hemorrhaging of dollars and bullets, we were involved in a little game called â&#x20AC;&#x153;Vietnam,â&#x20AC;? played by spoiled adult boys with too much money and too much power. The last time that discrimination was so big and so blatant and so acceptable for cocktail party conversation, the targets of that bold-faced animosity were labeled with words like â&#x20AC;&#x153;heebâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;nigger.â&#x20AC;? Oh, yeah, and â&#x20AC;&#x153;faggot.â&#x20AC;? So maybe itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s more tailgate party conversation now, but still. I am very afraid that we are going to open our eyes on November 3rd in the middle of a frighteningly surreal waking nightmare. We may find ourselves living in a land called Amerika, a place that has a bible under every pillow and a white sheet hanging by the back door. What did we do, what can we do, what will we do? It feels like judgment day. My life of the last few months is passing before my eyes. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m doing some mental tap-dancing. Um, I created a get-out-the-vote flier targeting â&#x20AC;&#x153;disaffected youth,â&#x20AC;? with a picture of my Mohawked son. I handed it to kids seated outside coffee shops and restaurants and gave them voter registration forms. I spammed everyone I know and everyone they know with political rants and pleadings
God Feed the Queens by Ruby Ridge
So, darlings, did you survive the bacchanal that is Halloween in Utah? I must tell you, the Sluts had a fabulous time performing our show â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sluts on a Planeâ&#x20AC;? at the Paper Moon, and before that we were volunteer hostesses at the Utah AIDS Foundationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first annual Masque for AIDS gig at the Depot. Can I say what a lovely venue the Depot is? They have done a wonderful job retrofitting the building, and all of the staff at the Depot, from security to waiters and management were incredibly gracious. Also I would be completely remiss if I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t give big kudos to the folks at the Butterfly Restaurant and Bar who handled the invasion of eight loud six-foot-something camp drag queens in full regalia and five-inch heels without batting an eye. Well done, sweeties! From what I observed the Masque for AIDS went fairly well for its first year, but oh my god, kittens, there wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t so much as a cocktail wienie served to the guests for what seemed like hours, and I was about ready to eat my bra! I remember thinking to myself, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Jesus Christ, the Donner Party had better food and there was a lot more of it!â&#x20AC;? But that was probably my hunger pangs talking as I slid into delerium. Yes I know these things
and calls to action. I sent emails and faxes to my legislators. I hauled a truckload of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Amendâ&#x20AC;? signs to a lesbian event and found a home for every sign. I made phone calls to inform voters in Southern Utah about the harmful effects of Amendment 3. I put a â&#x20AC;&#x153;No on 3â&#x20AC;? bumper sticker on my car and a button on my purse. I wrote a letter to the editor of the Tribune. Yet I know I could have done more, and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s giving me that special â&#x20AC;&#x153;God can see you and heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s pissed!â&#x20AC;? feeling â&#x20AC;&#x201C; you know, the way you used to feel when you first learned to masturbate? Kids, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time to fast and pray. By the time you pick up this paper, we will have about a nanosecond to repent and do good works. At least youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re registered to vote. Right? Because if for some inexplicable reason you are not registered to vote, you can put this paper down right now and get the hell out of my face. You can take your uninformed, lazy ass back to the tanning booth and then go shopping while someone else fights for your civil rights. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Babe, do I look like a second-class citizen in these slacks?â&#x20AC;? Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m sorry, do I sound irritated? How did we get here? How did we travel through some freakish time warp in just a couple of years, even weeks? One day, we had a vice-presidential debate that included John Edwards respecting the Vice Presidentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s family for being loving and willing to talk about their gay daughter. Cheney replied by thanking Edwards â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;Śfor the kind words he said about my family and our daughter.â&#x20AC;? Then, ten seconds later, in the last presidential debate, the candidates were asked if they believed that homosexuality was a choice. George Bush answered, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know.â&#x20AC;? (Was it just me, or did anyone else also hear him mutter, â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;Śand I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t care. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t wear no underwear!â&#x20AC;?) John Kerry replied, â&#x20AC;&#x153;If you were to talk to Dick Cheneyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s daughter, who is a lesbian, she would tell you that sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s being who she was, sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s being who she was born as.â&#x20AC;? Now, one would think that this comment is pretty damn similar to the one made earlier
are charity events and it would be irresponsible not to keep costs down â&#x20AC;Ś but, dammit, a girlâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s gotta eat! Eventually a lovely dessert table was laid out and the world was spared the unseemly sight of me crashing in a hypoglycemic heap on the dance floor and taking Rocky Anderson and Scott McCoy down with me. But, petals, therein lies todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Jesus Christ, the Donner Party had better food and there was a lot more of it!â&#x20AC;? lesson. If you are going to invite the Cyber Sluts to brighten up one of your soirĂŠes (which donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get me wrong â&#x20AC;Ś we love to do), then for the love of God throw us a Dorito or two, or we get really cranky. And trust me that is never a good thing! By the time we get off work, get painted up, strapped in, accessorized, and wigged, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve expended about 1000 calories before we get out the door, so a cracker with a slab of Velveeta wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t exactly kill you. Which brings me to the Cyber Slut paradox:
by Edwards. But noooooooâ&#x20AC;Ś Vice First Lady Lynne Cheney jumped all over that shit, as though Kerry had said â&#x20AC;&#x153;hookerâ&#x20AC;? or â&#x20AC;&#x153;slut-puppyâ&#x20AC;? or â&#x20AC;&#x153;liberalâ&#x20AC;? instead of â&#x20AC;&#x153;lesbian.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;ŚThis is not a good man. What a cheap and tawdry political trick.â&#x20AC;? Oh Lynne, Lynne, Lynne! Get your story straight! First, you need to understand what â&#x20AC;&#x153;cheap and tawdry political trickâ&#x20AC;? really means. No, Lynne. A cheap and tawdry political trick would be more along the lines of Ruby Ridge when sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s working the legislature in a closed-door Republican, er, â&#x20AC;&#x153;caucus.â&#x20AC;? A cheap and tawdry political trick is Jim Matheson voting for discriminatory amendments simply so he can appear conservative enough to keep his office. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m working hard to understand this. Trying to pass a constitutional amendment in order to codify discrimination against one group of people for the first time in history is important to our country because of our values, which include Britney Spears, The Bachelor, and Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire. But simply using a noun that respectfully describes the sexual orientation of a member of a candidateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s family is a cheap and tawdry political trick. If Joe and Judy Born-Again Conservative think that they can try to prevent me from enjoying every last civil right that every straight person in this country already has and that I am going to just go home and pout and eat a quart of Ben and Jerryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and never go to another Pride celebration and rip off my equality bumper sticker and settle for some new kind of caste system in this country, they are as wrong as mullets and NAMBLA and stirrup pants. I am not going to get on my knees and beg â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;Śplease, Massuh, can I have just a few civil rights?â&#x20AC;? And I am not alone. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re fags from hell, and weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not going to take it any more. I am not going to. Laurie Mecham is a fag from hell. Whether or not she is a hooker or slut-puppy depends on whether or not you registered to vote.
We may never get to eat, but for some reason when we are in camp drag mode, people feel compelled to buy us alcoholic drinks, which is not good on an empty stomach! I canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t explain it because itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s just one of those weird quirks. For example, when we performed in the Fourth of July Parade in Park City one year, people were running up to us on Main Street at 11 in the morning and giving us Jello shots and shooters, and slurring â&#x20AC;Ś â&#x20AC;&#x153;you guys are grrreeeaaat!!!!â&#x20AC;? It was completely bizarre. If we walk into a straight bar or restaurant, the managers invariably buy us a round of drinks and are really hospitable. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the same thing with their straight customers who get a real kick out of the Sluts. So when you get such a positive response from the straight folks (who supposedly donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t like us), itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s really strange to go into a gay or lesbian bar where their door people hassle you and their management is hostile. We see door people harassing customers and charging bogus cover charges every weekend (everyone insert your favorite Zipperz horror story here) and it needs to stop. Its bad attitudes like those that keep people at home away from the bars and cruising the internet in isolation. And bar owners â&#x20AC;Ś you have no one to blame but yourselves. OK, now thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s off my chest I feel so much better, but boy am I hungry. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time to feed the beast. Ciao, muffins! Ruby Ridge is one of the more opinionated members of the Utah Cyber Sluts, a camp drag group of performers who raise funds and support local charities. Her opinions are her own and fluctuate wildly due to irritability and Halloween candy weight gain.
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by Michael Aaron
n a review of one of her 53 books, an unnamed critic said Carol Lynn Pearson’s words “are like light streaming through the windows of our minds, illuminating profound spiritual insights so clearly that we are left breathless with the discovery.” Perhaps that helps explain why Plan B Theatre Company is promoting Pearson’s new play, Facing East, as a parable. “My business is to tell stories,” Pearson said. “We need to understand the enormous damage that occurs with our current attitudes. My job is to put faces on the hearts and stories of gay people.” The play is the story of “an upstanding Mormon couple” coming to terms with the suicide of their gay son as they are about to meet his partner for the first time. “This is where my calling is,” Pearson explained. “To most people, it’s like an unknown, strange ghost that we call gay people. Everyone has a friend or family
member who is gay; they just don’t know it.” Pearson says that Facing East, while fictional, is based on real life. “As a drama, it has a way of moving people. You can’t have a moving dramatic experience that speaks to the truth of the human heart without being moved by it,” she said. Her play comes on the 20th anniversary of her first widely-read book, Goodbye, I Love You, her autobiographical story of marrying her BYU sweetheart in the LDS Temple, finding out he was gay, divorcing him, and then nursing him in her home until he died of AIDS. “The play came as two doors opened for me,” Pearson said. “First there was the theatrical door. I just wanted to get back into playwriting.” The other door was the subject matter itself. “We are not where we need to be on this subject,” she said. “People are driven to such despair … in an awful irony we drive people to despair in the name of God.” Pearson was moved, in part, by the suicide of a “dear friend” many years ago.
“I met him the first time I spoke about Goodbye, I Love You at the national Affirmation convention in San Francisco,” she explained. “We were sitting at the same table and he said to me, ‘Sister Pearson, it just breaks my heart and makes me want to give up that, when I move on to the next life, I won’t be there with you and my family.’” “He totally believed it,” she continued. “He and I became friends and he visited Walnut Creek a number of times. We talked about his background, about his conversion [to the LDS church] and his deep love of the Mormon Church. He was 100 percent homosexual, but kept talking about his belief that at the next marker, he would be changed … after his mission … after a full year of going in for a blessing each week from his Bishop. At the end of that, he told me it just kept him from feeling anything. He knew he was destined to go to the lowest level of the Lord’s kingdom.” “He went on to gather all of the pills he could find,” she said and stopped. “I used his death in the play,” she explained, “and I don’t want to give away too much of his sweet ending. If you watch the play and it doesn’t break your heart, you don’t have one.” “He loved the church as much as anyone I’ve spoken to,” Pearson said. “His story has always haunted me.” Another impetus for the play was a book written by the parents of Stuart Matis, the young man who committed suicide on the steps of the LDS chapel in Palo Alto during the campaign for the anti-gay marriage Prop. 22 in 2000. Titled In Quiet Desperation: Understanding the Challenge of Same-Gender Attraction, the book was published by Deseret Book. It also showed Pearson that “we have a long way to go on this issue.” Pearson remains faithful to the LDS Church. “I am active in the church and out of all my closets,” she explained. “I’m received well in my ward and stake. I guess that would surprise some people, who would ask how I could be involved in a church that is considered so hateful against gay people. This is where my calling is, and this is where I’m going to be in my work.” Pearson’s body of work began 38 years ago with an aptly-named book titled Beginnings. Interestingly, the cover was illustrated by now-out LDS artist Trevor Southey. Much of her work was published by LDS book publisher Bookcraft, now a part of Deseret Book. Pearson was worried about how church officials and her loyal LDS readers would react in 1986 to Goodbye, I Love You. “Random House called me and told me Deseret Book had called asking for a pre-release of the book,” she remembered. “They ordered 1000 copies of the book and I burst into tears, I was so relieved.” “Of all the responses I received at that time, a huge number of responses were that people were grateful for the book,” she said. “Only a handful of them were negative.” “Over the past 20 years I’ve heard from hundreds of LDS gay people and their families, and plenty of nonMormon folk. Goodbye was just so significant and helped so many people,” she said. So much so, that she decided to release another book on its anniversary, as well as the play. “A year ago last November, it occurred to me: I’m going to have a great opportunity during the publicity around the play and on the 20th anniversary of the book. Why don’t I have another book? There are still so many things to address around this issue,” she said. Her new book will be released during the play and will be titled No More Goodbyes — Circling the Wagons around Our Gay Loved Ones. “The book is a positive one,” Pearson explains. “It tells a lot of sad stories: there’s a suicide section that breaks hearts and makes you angry, a section on illfated marriages and other bizarre things that come from not acknowledging the realities of being gay.” The new book will be Pearson’s first foray into self
publishing. The book will only be available through her site nomoregoodbyes. com and amazon.com. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll see how it works out,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Learning the hows and whys of Internet marketing is such a big thing. It will be all about word of mouth and word of email.â&#x20AC;? Pearson has high hopes and a genuine enthusiasm about the play and the book. She also knows that there are many stalwarts who will not see or read either, but hopes that those who experience them are moved. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Certainly the first line of audience will be those who are already up-todate on [gay issues] and anxious to see whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going on,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I hope that there will be a lot of secondary audiences that it takes a little more bravery to see it â&#x20AC;&#x201D; those desperately struggling with this alone, those with a gay child who are unwilling to share that with the rest of the family or their ward for fear of the stigma attached. I hope they would find an invitation to come and see this drama.â&#x20AC;? She also hopes that LDS church officials might show that same bravery. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I was on Troy Williamsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; radio show [Now Queer This on KRCL] with my daughter, Emily, and we had a fine hour about this subject,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Callers called in â&#x20AC;&#x201D; one sad story of a gay man â&#x20AC;&#x201D; and another voice â&#x20AC;Ś that of an LDS bishop who said, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;help me understand how I can do better on this subject.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; A lot of bishops, and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m sure the general authorities, are concerned. There are a lot of people in the trenches who have to deal with this and they just donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t un-
derstand. They want to help the family and keep the relationships intact.â&#x20AC;? It is Pearsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hope that the play is inviting and â&#x20AC;&#x153;not terribly threateningâ&#x20AC;? to some of the people who might benefit from â&#x20AC;&#x153;sitting in the dark and seeing some light on the stage â&#x20AC;&#x201D; both physically and metaphorically.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m very excited to see this,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have missed working in the theater â&#x20AC;Ś itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s magical. When Mormons first came to Utah, the first thing they did was build a theater. The Mormon Church has a great history of theater and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sort of been lost.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;More importantly, though, is the subject matter.â&#x20AC;? She continued. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have to save lives, families and relationships.â&#x20AC;? Q
The world premiere of FACING EAST features Jayne Luke (AEA, Plan-Bâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ANIMAL FARM), Charles Lynn Frost (Plan-Bâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s THE LARAMIE PROJECT) and Jay Perry (Plan-Bâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s RADIO HOUR, TRAGEDY: A TRAGEDY). Ms. Pearson will be present at all performances of FACING EAST and there will be post-show discussions following the performances on Friday, Nov. 7, Wednesday, Nov. 22 and Friday, Nov. 24.
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1 8 Q Q S A LT L A K E Q N o v e m b e r 1 , 2 0 0 6
Chad Keller & Mark Thrash Insearchof@qsaltlake.com
Ever since President Ronald Reagan proclaimed October 1987 and 1988 as National AIDS Awareness and Prevention Months, October has been recognized as AIDS Awareness Month. This year, our community instead focused on several other topics during the month of October. National Coming Out Day, Gay History Month, INVENIO: Gay Men’s Health Summit and University of Utah Pride Week were the centerpieces of a very busy October. We find it ironic that no specific focus was given to the topic of HIV/AIDS. Therefore, we felt it important to go In Search of What Happened to AIDS Awareness Month? CHAD: I’m sure this will end up in somebody’s blog. We do encourage you to email us. We would love to respond. Could we shove more into the month of October? Perhaps it is the sign of a growing community. It would seem the topic of HIV/AIDS has been replaced with breast cancer. Is it because our community has never been taken seri-
ously on this issue, or that we’ve grown tired of it ourselves? MARK: I’m not sure that we’ve grown tired of the topic of HIV/AIDS, but perhaps the community has decided that we no longer need one month to focus on the issue. Ultimately, I think we can’t just place blame or the ownership on gays alone. Let’s not forget … the proclamation was for national awareness, and we’re not the only ones who didn’t throw a significant focus onto the epidemic. CHAD: Nationally we didn’t do anything for HIV/AIDS this month … hetero, homo or otherwise. I’m not all about these great big month-long things anyway. Something like HIV/AIDS should be an every-day conversation. I guess I can look forward to World AIDS Day on Dec. 1.
but you have to go.
MARK: So, tell me… do you want an AIDS Awareness Month or not? Instead of wasting a lot of time rambling I’d prefer that we got down to the topic and actually debate on the importance or lack thereof since we’ve decided that this is the focus of our search.
MARK: That said, if you feel we should discuss this topic daily, why is there a need for one specific month to be assigned?
CHAD: Out of duty, Mr. Thrash, to those living with HIV/AIDS, those at risk of HIV/AIDS and the future health of all humanity, then yes … I feel it is important that we have an AIDS Awareness Month. Lord knows our public school kids are getting enough watered-down information, and some HIV/AIDS organizations seem to have abandoned true prevention through the policies they promote regarding illegal drug use.
MARK: If you’re “not all about these great, big, month long things,” then why are you complaining that no one focused on the topic of HIV/AIDS during October?
MARK: Thank you! Only five hundred words into the column, and I already got you to form an opinion on the topic at hand. So, let’s look more closely at why HIV/AIDS was overlooked last month. According to some organizations, they felt it important to steer away from the “single-minded, emergency focus of HIV/AIDS” that had been the gay community’s practice for 20 years.
CHAD: Okay, well after almost 20 years of everyone assuming that October is AIDS Awareness Month, it has become something that is expected. It is like going to your cousin’s wedding. You don’t want to attend,
CHAD: Get high … get drunk … get fucked … get HIV/AIDS. So, define “emergency focus” for me. I’m about taking ownership that we are the highest at-risk statistic. Yet, our daily actions show we have accepted no account-
CHAD: Because it is 31 days that we can focus on the topic and drive the message home. Otherwise the message of HIV/AIDS is lost. There have been no recorded proclamations since Reagan’s. I think we’ve just assumed that the topic is still on the national agenda. MARK: Let’s not give too much credit to Ronnie. Unfortunately, I think the general consensus is that HIV/AIDS is a topic most don’t want to think about, and if we ignore it then it doesn’t exist. Although ignorance by choice is the general Utah mentality on most topics, I’m fearful that ignorance by choice is the national mentality on the topic of HIV/AIDS. CHAD: Perhaps our community’s ignorance by choice is meth-induced. MARK: I don’t think it is only meth users who’ve chosen to be ignorant. CHAD: My friend Judd West says, “We have to keep repeating the message of HIV/AIDS before we will see any progress in the regression of the epidemic.” We’re on an upswing in infections, and it seems all we can talk about right now is how does the issue of HIV/AIDS make you feel. MARK: Talking about how the issue makes “us” feel is a step in the right direction. Yet, I agree it isn’t enough. Ultimately, the topic has still been swept under the rug. Now it is time to stop walking around the bump that has been created and actually clean up the dirt. Although our community has made great progress in addressing HIV/AIDS, we unfortunately have forgotten that it is still important to talk openly and frequently about the disease. The general consensus seems to be that other topics are more important to address during October. Some would say that the unhealthy choices which have continued the spread of HIV/AIDS is based on a lack of something internal. We feel that side-stepping the importance of prevention isn’t going to promote a decrease in the spread of HIV/AIDS. In today’s media-saturated world, one month isn’t too much for a community to focus on a life or death issue.
Pardon My Rabble Rousing by Ben Williams
When voting this month (and you will vote or I will personally get Ruby Ridge to seek you out and bitch-slap you into next Sunday and don’t think we don’t know where you live ‘cause we do), decide for yourself if your candidate is causing pain and suffering to others, is mischievous, disastrous, worthless, acting badly, unkindly, causing moral depravity, injury, affliction, or has an elephant in front of his name. For those creeps not running for public office but are pundits for the reactionary right, maybe it’s simply up to us gays and our friends to call these people to repentance from their EVIL ways. I feel the Spirit. Thank you gay Jesus. (Will someone please lock up the liquor cabinet?)
N o v e m b e r 1 , 2 0 0 6 Q Q S A LT L A K E Q 1 9
As a long time gay activist in Salt Lake City, I have been accused, at times ... okay all the time ... of rabble rousing. The term has never offended me because, according to my Webster’s Dictionary, rabble simply means a “noisy crowd especially of the lower orders.” Now, not only have I roused some rabble in my day, I’ve also aroused a few, but that’s another story. Somehow it’s always been my lot to stir things up, especially among the “lower orders” of which I am proud to say I fit the demographic. Being a queer sissy for all my life, I have always sympathized with others who were equally catagorized by society and a few non-heterosexual Republicans as being of the “lower order.” In plain, good old AngloSaxon English, we lower-order folks were simply referred to as being on the “shit list.” In the sixties and seventies there use to be a whole bunch more of us on the shit list such as Negroes, Mexicans, women, sissies, socialists, Communists, hippies and Trekkies, to name a few. Today it appears that the shit list is much shorter, but I still manage to be on it. So what happened to all those on the doodoo list? Well, over the years, the hippies and Communists, were relegated to what is unfortunately referred to as the dust bin of history. Negroes became black, then Afro-American and more recently African-American. Only sub-hominid life forms would today disparage African-Americans their rights to the American dream, especially now that they no longer have the mark of Cain and can hold the priesthood. Thank you, Spencer. Saying dirty Mexicans will get one quickly eliminated from any A-list dinner invites with Hispanic or Latin becoming the catchall moniker for those folks from south of the Border. But in the name of Homeland Security, it’s still okay in some circles to disparage illegal aliens or, as we say in polite company, “undocumented workers”. Those die-hard, bra-burning, pioneering feminists are all menopausal now and held mostly in derision, so much so that equal rights for women are just not an issue in America any more, even though the fairer sex still make less then men and are constantly bouncing off glass ceilings. Abortion issues, couched in the rhetoric of “choice”, are about the only sad remnant of a once glorious movement. As for the Trekkies. Well they are a sad lot. Let’s not go there. So that kind of leaves us, the faggots, dykes, sexually confused, and genderfreaks of America, to continue the proud tradition of being the rabble. We seem to be the last politically incorrect minority. Well, at least the most visible of whom it’s still okay to revile, curse, call names, legislate against and basically say any nasty thing with which homophobes want to villify us. We queers are the only ones left on that listing that are still deemed unworthy of the American dream. Wouldn’t it be way cool if every homoperson called this abdominal attitude that subjugates our birth rights, indeed our inalienable rights to “life liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” for what it truly is? EVIL.
We need to quit dancing around all this politically correct niceness crap and call those cretins who would harm us and our families EVIL! The Christian Reich (which is what I call the political movement to establish a theocracy in America by the reactionary far right), is quick to call us EVIL. However all those sanctimonious bigots that wrap themselves around our American flag and then blaspheme true religion with their insidious slander of homofolk, are themselves EVIL! Now those who may wilt at the ideal of
upsetting any Talibaptist in the Focus on Family syndicate, I ask you, do you even know what the definition of EVIL is? My dictionary says the word can be a noun, adjective or an adverb. As an adverb it means “badly, or unkindly.” As an adjective it means “mischievous, malicious, disastrous, worthless.” As a noun it means “Chris Buttars.” Therefore I submit that any one or any organization that deliberately and wantonly causes pain or injury to gay people, who have never caused pain of injury themselves, is EVIL! We know there are evil politicians in our midst who are calling for nefarious Constitutional amendments to keep gay folk as a codified stratum of the “lower orders” in America. That’s what I call EVIL.
2 0 Q Q S A LT L A K E Q N o v e m b e r 1 , 2 0 0 6
See Thursday, Nov. 9
By Tony Hobday
Michael and I are fastidiously working on the issue as I write this profound introduction. As we are listening to the Scissor Sisters’ new album “TahDah,” it dawns on me that we as a community are peaceful and benevolent. For instance, I love the Scissor Sisters’ “I Can’t Decide,” which pleads for homicidal direction. It’s cynical, casually morbid and funny as hell. But, I wouldn’t take it so literally as to actually poison my lover’s birthday cake like suggested in the song, nor would you, I suspect. Now, how many “unbalanced” heterosexuals can you say that about?
Q I’ll start off with a cliff notes lesson of a unique music genre’s history. Ska, a com-
bination of calypso, mento, jazz, blues and rock began in the 1950s, but this Jamaican style precursor to reggae became all the rave during the turbulent 80s. In fact, the Three Mile Island nuclear incident in the UK forged the British Ska Movement: a collage of nascent bands which exploded onto the scene with their simple message of love and unity. English Beat (The Beat UK) storms Salt Lake with their stylish ska sound during their Winter English Beat Tour; and Dave Wakeling—who also formed General Public—returns as lead singer. 8pm, The Depot, 400 W 13 North. Tickets $15, call 888-TIXX or visit smithstix.com.
Q Time to take the shears out and clip back the night-blooming primrose, Russian sage, echinacea, geraniums and red dogwood. You all now know what plants are in my yard…don’t you feel special? If
I had an ounce of green in my thumb, I’d teach you Autumn Gardening techniques myself, but alas, I have more of a bleached mahogany thumb. I don’t really know how that happened. Noon, Red Butte Garden, 300 S Wakara Way. $6 admission, free to members. Call 581-4747 or visit redbuttegarden.org for more info. Q The mind is a terrible thing to waste, but to lose the mind is terribly frightening. Repertory Dance Theatre’s LINK Series presents one man’s volatile journey along the border of dementia. Through dance, choreographer Erik Stern shares personal sacrifice and unimaginable experiences in Demolition Derby. The show takes the audience into the healthy mind of a son whose parents’ withering memories shake his foundation of love and respect for them. This powerful premiere performance is part of the National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Week. 7:30pm, Black Box Theatre, Rose Wagner Center, 138 W. 300 South. Tickets $15, call 355-ARTS or visit arttix.org.
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Shop Your Advertisers and Tell Them You Saw Them in QSaltLake
Q Hopefully you’ve noticed the Moab Folk Festival advertisement that has been in the last several issues; and hopefully you have taken advantage of supporting that which supports our community. Besides, the outstanding lineup, following in kind with Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, The Flecktones and Karen Tweed, is sure to entice you to pull out your bell-bottomed jeans, peasant shirt and flower headband for a funky, flower-power weekend. (Just so we’re clear, the previously named artists will not be performing.) Today through Sunday in Moab. Tickets $30-95, ticket & lodging packages available. Call 435-260-2488 or visit moabfolkfestival. com for tickets, schedule, venues and more information. Q Yet another British 80s band makes its way across the Atlantic to bid their classic hits like West End Girls, It’s a Sin and What Have I Done to Deserve This? That’s right folks, the pop duo Pet Shop Boys graces the land of Zion with an evening of retro synthpop dance songs and new music from the recently released Fundamentalism album. It would be a sin to miss this concert especially missing out on four gay men and one well endowed straight woman shaking their rabbit holes…you know who you are! 7:30pm, E Center, 3200 S Decker Lake Dr. Tickets $35-45, at 888-TIXX or smithstix.com.
Q People with AIDS Coalition of Utah presents the 18th annual Living with AIDS Conference designed for those living with HIV/AIDS, families, friends, caregivers and service providers. There will be workshops and special guest speakers including Dr. Kristen Ries and John Cottrell. 10am-5pm, Health, Wellness & Athletic Center, Westminster College, 1840 S 1300 East. Tickets $25-includes continental breakfast and lunch. Call 484-2205 for more info. Q We should all applaud the organizations and individuals who diligently strive to keep the masses informed and the powersthat-be attentive to the unrelenting nature of HIV/AIDS. Melissa Styer, a student at the University of Utah, will be leading Walk Away AIDS, an afternoon march from the U to the Gallivan Center to spread awareness and encourage volunteering. I would like to commend Ms. Styer for her efforts. Noon, President’s Circle, UofU. Visit walkawayaids.org for more information. Q Paul Taylor, one of the first choreographers to bridge ballet and modern dance, brings an engaging performance by the coveted Paul Taylor Dance Company. PTDC has performed in over 500 cities and 62 countries during its 50-year history. Taylor’s work has been called “…awe inspiring. He has led his company into the millennium, presenting world class dance that distinctly touches the pulse of time....”. 7:30pm, Kingsbury Hall, UofU, 1395 E President’s Circle. Tickets $24.50-39.50, call 581-7100 or visit kingtix.com.
Q Our beloved Mountain Meadows Mascara columnist Ruby Ridge will lead the Salt Lake Chapter of Affirmation: Gay & Lesbian Mormons’ panel discussion, Love and Romance in a Straight World. I feel confident Petals and Tulips and Darlings, Ruby’s facilitation will be educational and freaking funny. (Sorry Ruby for the slight of hand in plagiarism). If the planets are aligned, Travis Labrum will be there to learn about love and romance.
Q Make your voices heard dammit. It’s Election Day and we all know the agility of our index fingers. After you vote, party it up (obviously after 7pm) at Equality Utah’s Election Night Celebration. Rub elbows,
and only elbows with EU’s endorsed candidates. I mean have you ever seen a politician on a couple of martinis…sexually lucid, baby. 7pm, Mynt Martini Lounge, a private club for members, 63 W 100 South.
Q “Yep, urine Utah.” That was the first thing my dad said as we entered the Promised Land some 25 years ago in search of a better life. What the hell were we thinking? Anyhoo, the University of Utah Theatre Department’s production of Urinetown, the 2002 Tony Award winner, opens tonight. Set in a fictional Gotham-like city on the brink of a catastrophic water shortage, the city government bans private restrooms replacing them with public amenities at a hefty charge. Pshaw…like we all haven’t whipped it out on the side of a highway or squatted behind a dumpster a time or two. 7:30pm, Tonight through November 19, Babcock Theatre, UofU, 300 S 1400 East. Tickets $6-12, call 581-7100 or visit kingtix.com.
Q Thinking about 12 hot Frisco guys in penguin suits and on stage together makes my blood thick as warm molasses. The Grammy winning ensemble group, Chanticleer performs tonight. They are known for their smooth, choreographed performances that combine ‘show-biz’ ease with vivid interpretations of music from Renaissance to Jazz and gospel to venturesome new music. 7:30pm, Libby Garner Concert Hall, UofU, 1375 E President’s Circle. Tickets $10-25, call 581-7100 or visit kingtix.com. Q For the aficionados of classical music, the indelible sound of Sarah Chang will warm your spirits with an interpretation of Brahms Concerto for violin. Chang’s technical virtuosity and emotional range is astonishing. Sure to be captivating, the three-night performances will also includes Schumann’s Symphony No. 3 performed by the Utah Symphony. 8pm, Tonight through Saturday, Abravanel Hall, 123 W. South Temple. Tickets $10-35, call 355-ARTS or visit arttix.org. Q Now for those of you who like it hard… uummm, heavy and sweaty…uummm, loud and headbanging…oh, it’s just useless, everything is sexual to me. Hardcore rock band Godsmack isn’t half bad if you like thrasher music. Plus, Sully Erna is pretty hot in all his tattooed glory. Erna, the lead vocalist and a proclaimed Wiccan says, “bad karma haunts us as a godsmack”. No wonder all four of my cheeks have permanent hand marks. Breaking Benjamin opens the show. 7pm, E Center, 3200 S Decker Lake Drive. Tickets $35, call 888-TIXX or smithstix.com.
Q The Women’s Business Center is hosting a Breakfast Toast for all you businessminded quasi-dyke entrepreneurs with your basic black pantsuits and insider trading skills. Lord, am I a sexist quasifagmoistic? Somebody godsmack me. Why golly sergeant, I’m real sorry. Anyhoo, WBC’s event honors successful women business owners and gives them a chance to mingle, strategize and celebrate. This month’s featured Woman Entrepreneur is Cydney Neil of Rocky Point Haunted House. 7:30-9am, Little America Hotel, 500 S Main Street. Tickets $15, call 957-2027 for more information.
Q I really do learn something new each time I assemble the QAgenda calendar. For instance, I was ignorant to Cowbop, which is termed for cowboy beboppers—avantgarde musicians who mix country and jazz. Do any of you remember Honeysuckle Rose—not Willie Nelson’s wet bar on wheels, but the song? That’s right, it’s cowbop; more than likely it will be part of the Cowbop Concert performed by jazz legend Bruce Forman and company. 7:30pm, Eccles Conference Center Auditorium, Utah State University, 28 W Center Street. Tickets $12/advance, $14/door, call 435-7532305 for more ticket information.
Q This holiday season…oh gag-ola! I’m so not ready for holiday cheer: putting on a fake tinsel grin, forking over Christmas tithing and shoving my forearm up a dead raw bird. Good times, good times. But seriously, the newly named Utah Pride Center is playing host to the Gay and Lesbian Parents of Utah’s Thanksgiving Party. Ok, I take back the tithing remark (except in context to the LDS monopoly). 3-6pm, Utah Pride Center, 361 N 300 West. Call 539-8800 for more information.
Q Ok, Molly Ringwald wasn’t exactly a teen icon and her career has been less than inspiring, but I just know she’ll give Sweet Charity the pizzazz we come to expect. Charity Hope Valentine (great drag name) is a true original, eternal optimist...and the unluckiest romantic in New York City. This musical is bound for Broadway show-tune stardom. 7:30pm, Tonight through Sunday, November 19, Capitol Theatre, 50 W 200 South. Tickets $30-52.50, call 355-ARTS or visit arttix.org.
Sing with the Salt Lake Men’s Choir! Join the finest group of gay guys in the valley ... Just ask us! Thursday nights at 7pm at All Saints Episcopal Church, 1700 S. Foothill Blvd. Join now to be part of the Holiday Concert! See saltlakemenschoir.org/join
KRCL 90.9 FM Your Source For QUEER News & Issues
Q Rent-a-Cop catches Iconoclastic Artist defacing a valuable sculpture. They quarrel then start a passionate affair. Friends of Rent-a-Cop are dumbfounded by the unlikely couple. Rent-a Cop undergoes a drastic personality change, bangs one Friend and lies to the other. Iconoclastic Artist shares a disturbing revelation that changes all their lives. This is just The Shape of Things. Ahhh…how patronizing. Contains strong language and adult themes…yippee! 7:30pm, Tonight through Sunday, November 19, Dumke Student Theatre, Westminster College, 1840 S 1300 E. Tickets $5-7, call 8322757.
Upcoming Events
Howard Jones, November 18, Kingsbury Hall Carrie Underwood, December 1, Delta Center Black Eyed Peas, Dec. 29, Las Vegas, Nev. Sir Elton John, January 30, Las Vegas, Nev.
Now Queer This Wednesdays 1:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Queer Theory, Music & Activism
Weekdays Noon – 1:00 p.m. Interactive Current Event Forum For Progressive Thinkers
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by Tony Hobday University of Utah’s Performing Dance Company, founded in 1978 under the direction of Loabelle Clawson, has since flourished as a top student dance company in North America, as well as has represented the United States in several international dance festivals. PDC is designed to give students the opportunity to audition and perform at a professional level while pursuing their degrees. Each season, PDC showcases repertory modern dance works by distinguished guest artists and faculty members. Under the co-direction of Pamela Geber and Brent Schneider (the genius behind September’s sold out production of “Perspectives: Men, Motion & Media”), the 2006-2007 season opens with Narcissism, Intimacy, and Loss, a deep endeavor into human nature told through five dance pieces. Highlighting the show is a reconstruction of Martha Graham’s Panorama, a visionary work of social protest. Originally developed in 1935, the work depicts “national consciousness which forms an inheritance that contributes to the present”. PDC’s reconstruction, directed by Susan Kikuchi and Kaye Richards, is a three-tiered mood altering piece that opens with 36 female dancers creating a theme of imperial dedication through a methodical dance regiment much like that of armed forces basic training. The dancers then skillfully guide the audience through a dramatic expression of historical bondage ridden by superstition and fear. The final tier links the entire number with a contemporary awakening of social consciousness. A work like Panorama requires incredible energy, focus and stamina. PDC’s performance is commendable, the dancers’ stoic determination is remarkable and the music score taunting, all of which make you feel like you’ve been punched in the gut. U of U professor Abby Fiat premieres her work “A piece of paper, a song, a memory…”,
a 20-minute emotionally striking piece of personal loss. Through text and dance, six performers literally grunt and moan through scenes of despair and sorrow. The piece is convincing as it is partially developed through the dancers’ personal perspectives; and their weary movements, as if pain has battered and beaten them to submission, engrosses the mood—particularly Carly Allred’s intense and engaging performance. Guest choreographer and Bessie award winner Cynthia Oliver hails from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where she is an associate professor. A renowned avant-garde of black theatre, Oliver’s style encompasses Caribbean, African and American sensibilities. Oliver graciously brings a piece entitled Beseeching on Your Own Behalf to PDC’s opening production. Five dancers “beseech” their inner beings for an end to their lifelong search for unequivocal intimacy. Oliver’s apparent relaxed nature allows the dancers some autonomy, which agrees with Oliver’s celebrated success as a choreographer. Satu Hummasti’s Together/aparT—an exploration of the physical connection between two people, and Eric Handman’s Alone in This Together—a multimedia work combining music, projected video and dance to create an alluring depiction of narcissism, codependency and mortality, were not previewed. Hummasti and Handman are U of U faculty members, and their extensive backgrounds in dance are sure to add distinction among this cutting edge premiere production. PDC’s season opener deftly examines the delicate intricacies of the human character through bold and creative interpretations, dedicated dancers and heartfelt performances. The production runs October 26-28 and November 2-4 at the Marriot Center for Dance, University of Utah. Tickets are $7-10. Call 581-7110 or visit kingtix.com.
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Join. Help. Grow. 801.595.1800 www.utahnonprofits.org
Brek Joos
PDC Reconstructs Martha Graham in its Season Opener
Mis Gay Rocky Mountain 2006 winner Sage Summers, pageant organizer Mark Thrash, and Miss Gay Rocky Mountain At-Large 2006 Nova Starr.
Miss Gay USofA Pageant Crowns Rocky Mountain Winners by Mark Thrash How many of you watch the Miss America Pageant? I started when I was twelve and always thought how exciting it must’ve been for the contestants to represent their respective states and compete on the national level. At the time, I never considered the amount of dedication and competition they endured to make it to that level. I also never imagined similar pageants existed for female impersonators. There are actually three national pageantry systems for female impersonators: Miss Gay USofA Pageants, Miss Gay America and Miss Continental. Even more surprising, preliminaries for the USofA Pageantry System have been hosted in Salt Lake City since 2004. When first contacted about the Rocky Mountain USofA Pageantry System, I was skeptical about the success of such an event in Utah. An appreciation for drag performance and female impersonation seems bleak and limited options exist in Utah for entertainers who desire an outlet for their performance art. I’m pleased to announce that my skepticism was incorrect. The Rocky Mountain USofA Pageantry System has survived and prospered. With overwhelming support from sponsors and audience attendees, the third annual Rocky Mountain USofA Pageants were held Saturday, October 14. The regional pageant served as a preliminary to both the national Miss Gay USofA and USofA At-Large Pageants. The USofA System is the largest franchised pageant system in the United States. Miss Gay USofA, Miss Gay USofA At-Large (for contestants that weigh 200 pounds or more) and Miss Gay USofA Classic (for contestants who are over 40 years of age) are the most highly recognized and widely traveled crowns in the United States. Currently, there are over fifty state preliminaries hosted nationwide for contestants who want to compete at the national level. Seven contestants competed in the Rocky Mountain USofA and USofA At-Large Pag-
eant this year. Since its inception, contestants from Idaho, Missouri, Nevada, Colorado and California have ventured to Utah and joined local competitors to vie for the titles. Rocky Mountain has also hosted entertainers, judges and national title holders from Texas, Tennessee, Illinois and Florida. Rocky Mountain At-Large winner 2004, Kitty Litter, was crowned Miss Gay USofA At-Large 2004, and other past representatives have finished in the Top 12 and Top 5 at nationals. This year, the Rocky Mountain USofA System held a double crowning pageant with a slate of competitors for both Miss Gay Rocky Mountain USofA and Miss Gay Rocky Mountain USofA At-Large. “Memoirs of a Geisha” was the pageant theme. Contestants were judged in three categories: personal interview, talent and evening gown. National Pageant Director, Scott Ross, along with Miss Gay USofA 2006, Alyssa Edwards, and Miss Gay USofA At-Large 2005, Raven St. James, were in attendance to entertain the audience, serve on the judges panel and represent the national Board of Governors. The event began with a VIP Party hosted by Mixed Media and GOSSIP with complimentary cocktails and hors d’oeuvres. After three hours of high energy entertainment and competition, the more than 350 people who were in attendance witnessed Nova Starr crowned Miss Gay Rocky Mountain USofA At-Large 2006 and Sage Summers crowned Miss Gay Rocky Mountain 2006. Nova and First Alternate, Percilla Blaine, compete at nationals on November 8 -10 in Houston, Texas. Sage and First Alternate, Frenchy Kiss, will compete at nationals in May 2007 in Dallas, Texas. Rocky Mountain Pageant would like to thank their generous sponsors: Hartford Grey, Inc., Aerolab Salon, Mixed Media, QSaltLake, Blue Knight Productions, Keyhole, Issimo, LimeLight, Pride Massage, Pillar, Sit n’ Sleep, Free Speech Zone, Cahoots, Obscura, Tom Taylor, Club Sound, Holiday Inn, Brek Joos Studios, Lucky Pirate, Spark, All Seasons Floral and DJ Pete “Jester” Savas.
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by Ross Von Metzke buzz@qsaltlake.com
The closet doors, they are a swinging, as two… count them two… celebs (OK, one celeb and one guy we’d almost forgotten existed) come out this week. First, the non-celeb: RJ Helton, who topped out at fifth place on the first season of American Idol, made what appeared to be a spur-of-the-moment announcement on Sirius OutQ Radio this week when he told radio host Larry Flick he had left gospel music because he’s gay. How spur of the moment could coming out on a gay radio network really be? Your guess is as good as mine, I’m just telling you what RJ said. LARRY FLICK: What made you decide not to do inspirational music anymore? RJ HELTON: The industry has just really jaded me. I can have a faith but can’t be who I want to be or who I feel that I am, so a lot of it was just personal things I needed to overcome and just be proud of who I was—just because I am gay does not mean I can’t love God. LARRY FLICK: Well there you go… congratulations. This is something that I wasn’t sure you were going to talk about on the air today so what made you decide to come out? RJ HELTON: Today. This morning—three seconds ago. I’ve never even said that. It feels good. That excerpt was courtesy of Sirius Radio, and while he made no mention of whether there’s a new album in the works, I’m guessing once word of this visit hits the streets, Kirk Franklin and company wont be inviting him back out on the road with them. Perhaps a club duet with Jim Verraros? Now that’s something I’d pay bucks to see. Now the big announcement—a Grey’s
The Rox Box by Mikey Rox True, he’s Alan Thicke’s son, but don’t hold that against up-and-comer Robin Thicke. A far cry from his daddy’s TV ditties (besides starring in Growing Pains, Alan Thicke wrote the theme songs to ’80s classics The Facts of Life and Diff’rent Strokes), Robin’s sophomore album, The Evolution of Robin Thicke, captures the purity, passion and soulfulness that only a Pharrell Williams-backed project can promise. Filled with incandescent magic, Robin’s new 16-track release tells the tales of love, loss, temptation, and finding hope when all odds are against you. With those life lessons in mind, he’s created songs such as “Lost Without U,” the record’s second single, an instant classic about the R&Ber’s own insecurities and need to be desired and loved. An entertainer who Pharrell says will “change music,” Robin’s indelible falsetto isn’t his only swoon-worthy quality: Friends of mine who recently hung out with the star at a Washington, D.C., nightclub say he “smells like angels and happiness.” They don’t get out much. Twenty years after Sarah Brightman made her stage and recording debut as “Christine” in the original British production of Andrew
Anatomy star came out this week too. T.R. Knight, who spent the first season as Dr. George O’Malley pining away for Grey and now has the hots for spicy Latina Dr. Callie Torres, told People Magazine this week, “while I prefer to keep my personal life private, I hope the fact that I’m gay isn’t the most interesting part of me.” The stage actor was responding to rumors that had been floating around for weeks… particularly since the National Enquirer broke what may have been the cause of last week’s now infamous physical fight between stars Isaiah Washington and Patrick Dempsey. According to the tabloid, what a show spokesperson claimed was a disagreement over the direction of a scene may have actually been a brawl over a vicious gay slur. According to the article, the fight began over cast members being late to the set, and what started as a heated discussion quickly escalated to violence when Isaiah snapped and yelled, “I’m not your little faggot like (name deleted),” an onlooker reported, which allegedly sent Dempsey over the edge. Now that Knight’s gone public about being gay, one can only assume who NAME DELETED really is. Though no one from the show has confirmed, denied or even acknowledged these rumors, we strongly hope the folks over at ABC are taking care of business, and if it is determined Washington made the remark, he be treated according to the anti-discrimination policies typically used throughout Hollywood. And on the upside of things, how good does it feel to have a homo back in primetime? Now if someone could just confirm once and for all whether Prison Break’s Wentworth Miller plays for my team, I’ll know whether I need to get him drunk before I drop by his dressing room or not. In other gay Hollywood news, Tori Spell-
ing is opening a guesthouse—and while I doubt she’s planning anything of the Palm Springs/Ft. Lauderdale variety, one can’t help but wonder how fun a clothing-optional gay Bed & Breakfast run by Donna Martin, hubby and baby makes three would be. First off, having been raised a Spelling, Tori knows a thing or two about five star. Cabana boys would be wearing Dolce & Gabbana; instead of weenie roasts and beer busts it’d be escargot and champagne Brunch all the way. And when it came time to do it by the pool—Eros baby, none of that cheap shit. Of course, because Tori knows how to roll, she could just as easily turn the pool into a lesbian stir fry in time for Dinah Shore… all she has to do is call Gabrielle Carteris and the ladies would turn out in droves. And given the fact that Tori has now spilled to all who’ll listen that her inheritance totaled a measly $800,000, we now know she’s real, and that’s the type of girl we want hanging around come time for late night drunk karaoke. Word is she’s looking for properties in Temecula (screech of tires)… hold up. OK, the whole flipping idea for a gay resort just went out the window. Temecula. That’s like Palm Springs if you took away the trees, the pools, the bars, the fine dining and anything happening after 10pm. Temecula is so not the right place for a girl like Tori Spelling. But then again, a girl’s gotta make money. If that’s what Tori wants, I’ll keep my yap shut. Speaking of hotels, are you flipping kidding me with this. Nicky Hilton is getting ready to open the Nicky O South Beach Hotel in a matter of weeks, and unlike some folks in the Miami area who prefer to think gay men aren’t a necessary market to cater to, Nicky knows exactly who’s going to be staying at her hotel and has tempered her ads accordingly. Naked men far as the eye can see. Of course,
Lloyd Webber’s Phantom of the Opera, the biggest-selling soprano of all time releases the career-spanning anthology DIVA: The Singles Collection. The album, Brightman’s seventh on the Angel/EMI label, is the most comprehensive release of the artist’s career, charting her musical accomplishments through 14 tracks ranging from her worldwide smash hit “Time to Say Goodbye,” a duet with Andrea Bocelli, to songs from her critically acclaimed 2003 recording, Harem, which gave rise to a world tour where 700,000 people saw the international phenomenon perform live. Other tracks include “Deliver Me,” “Music of the Night,” “Pie Jesu” and “Scarborough Fair.” DIVA picks up where Brightman’s millions-plus selling 2001 release, Classics, left off, serving as an ideal introduction to the soprano’s celebrated Broadway, classical, crossover and pop performances. Like a powerful tsunami impacting American shores, Lady Sovereign leaps across the Atlantic from her native Britain to offer Public Warning, her Def Jam Records debut. A pint-sized 20-year-old who hails from Wembley, England’s Chalkhill Estates – one of north London’s rougher housing developments – Lady Sov dropped out of school as a teen, working odd jobs to support a growing passion for rap music and the U.K.’s burgeoning grime scene. The fruit of her misaligned
labor? A freshman release that punches pretentiousness in the proverbial face… and kicks it while it cowers in a corner. “Love Me or Hate Me,” the catchy yet cringe-inducing first single off Public Warning, delivers danceable destruction in the form of a diminutive white girl, while snot-nosed lyrics boom from behind an inescapable 808-fueled electro-pop-and-lock beat. Self-dubbed ‘the biggest midget in the game,’ the five-foot-one spitter soars with her fondness for booze and shepherd’s pie, just to bring it all home with the single’s hot-ass hook: “If you love me then thank you. If you hate me then fuck you!” It’s kind of like getting mugged. And liking it. The holidays are right around the corner, and Sarah McLachlan would like to stuff your stocking. Recorded in her home studio in Vancouver, McLachlan presents Christmas classics on Wintersong, a 12-song collection highlighted by new versions of John Lennon’s “Happy Xmas (War is Over)” and Joni Mitchell’s “River.” Her first new studio album in three years, since the double-platinum Afterglow, McLachlan ushers in the spirit of the season by paying homage to Gordon Lightfoot
I could do without Nicky standing in the middle, but sometimes you have to take one for the team in order to get what you want. And since we are on the subject of men, my friends, it seems a fitting time to introduce our hottie of the week. Boy, when Marc Cherry over at Desperate Housewives interviews people to take their shirts off, look pretty and fake at yard work, he sure turns up some doozies: First Jesse Metcalfe, then Ryan Carnes and now, hottie Josh Henderson. Granted, Josh isn’t actually cast as a gardener. He’s Edie’s nephew, but we’re first introduced to him shirtless in the front yard. I don’t know how I feel about him as a love interest for Susan’s daughter, though I’m sure she’s fine with the arrangement. I’ll just be happy to spend the next season staring at him. And that, my friends, is it this week. Enjoy,
and until next time, remember—stop and smell the gossip. with his 1975 “Song For A Winter’s Night,” and selections from the American standards songbook, such as “I’ll Be Home For Christmas.” Rounding out the release is traditional fare, including “O Little Town of Bethlehem,” “Silent Night” and “What Child Is This?” In addition to the aforementioned merriment, Wintersong features appearances by Diana Krall on piano on “Christmas Time is Here” – a tune made famous by the 1965 A Charlie Brown Christmas special – as well as fellow Canadian Jim Creegan, of Barenaked Ladies fame, who guests on double bass throughout the album. Donna D’Cruz’s Rasa Music Label delivers beats, bliss and bling with Rasa Exotica III, a multicultural mix of global tracks, and Rasa Mello III, its Ritalin-enriched counterpart. On the former, D’Cruz features rare and hardto-find dance gems by Claude Challe; Bob Sinclar; Visti & Meyland; Aretha Franklin; and Slow Train Soul, whose Kid Massive remix of “Naturally” proves that love truly does feed on love. Changing pace with its soft and sophisticated downtempo style, Rasa Mello III continues the journey with music that’s soothing enough to whisk listeners away to an exotic oasis. Mello features the sounds of St. Tropez, Madrid, Denmark, Marrakech and Andalucia in the form of Al West’s remix of Smadj’s “Fatwords,” the Lion King’s cross mix of “Inkanyezi Nezazi” by Ladysmith Black Mambazo and more. Both albums are a treasure trove of sensuality and seduction sexy enough to produce perspiration. In several places. Who is Mikey Rox? Who gives a fuck! But he can be reached at whoismikeyrox@aim.com.
October was a busy month! Here, several photographers catch the goings-on of Utah’s gay and lesbian community. Mayor Rocky Anderson’s Masque For AIDS drew many mask-covered party-goers to The Depot for a fun fundraiser for the Utah AIDS Foundation
The Center’s Gay Bingo was packed to the gills on Friday the 13th as the Cyber Sluts called out numbers pulled from ... a bird cage. Those who ‘party fouled’ were forced to don the pink or blue wig of shame and work the crowd to raise money for that week’s charity. Photos by Bradon Anderson.
Salt Lake City’s Team Avalanche traveled to Dallas, Texas to compete in the GayBowl VI. Full story on page 8. Photos by Ryan Thomas
The Royal Court of the Golden Spike Empire’s annual Live Show was ehld at St. Paul’s Church. PHOTOS: KIM RUSSO
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The Royal Court of the Golden Spike Empire held a week-long AIDS Awareness Week to raise funds for people living with AIDS. This event was at the Trapp Door. PHOTOS: KIM RUSSO
Horoscopes Time marches on in November as we prepare for yet another election. Get off your knees friends and harness your power. Sun in Scorpio plots our strategy and, mid month, Sagittarian energy pumps up the luck. Vote or keep your whiny opinions to yourself! ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t avoid conflict or deflect challenges in the workplace. You are infused with corporate spit and fire this November. Well letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s call it polish and verve... Scorpio energy makes all Rams much more strategic and political. You can put up a strong front as you quiver in the back. So get ready to fight for what you want. The question is, do you know what you want? TAURUS (Apr 21 - MAY 21) The world beckons this November and Bulls yearn to scratch their itchy hooves. Choose according to your budget - first class international travel, a new course of study or even an exotic meal with a fabulous stranger. The most important thing is to get out of your routine. But check your itinerary twice. You donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to forget to pack your toothbrush ... or do you? GEMINI (May 22 - Jun 21) If November heats rather than cools your jets, turn up the fire
and bring to a simmer with the help of sexy Scorpio energy. Twins are ready for any randy move as long as they let their hands do all the talking. Subtle just wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t cut it now. As you pull into overdrive be sure to check the side mirrors for any passing traffic. Will you be over taken, cut off or side swiped? CANCER (Jun 22 - Jul 23) Partnerships require your attention in November. Crabs may be all words but rather than flap the air, talk less and do more. Scorpio planets increase your sensuality and give you that certain je ne sais quois. Spread that quois around, lover. Are you searching for that perfect relationship that always seems to be slightly beyond your reach? Stretch, stretch, stretch. LEO (Jul 24 - Aug 23) If you have been tirelessly toiling away at some rinky dink job, at least you will get some amount of pay off this November. Lions cannot afford to be lazy when most labor intensive activities can go especially well now. Consider taking a sidelong look in the mirror. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time to get your boat out of dry dock and in ship shape in time for the holiday season. VIRGO (Aug 24 - Sep 23) November is the month to be expansive and full of zest. But donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t sit quietly in a corner and expect others to read your mind. Let others know how you feel. Approach life with good cheer,
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Virgin. The cosmos heat up your fun, frolic and creativity. For those with too much time on their hands, use the time to test your personal limits. Climb every mountain, try every spa. LIBRA (Sep 24 - Oct 23) The chickens are coming home to roost, or are they turkeys? Libras will have more action around the house than they would prefer this November. Everyone loves you for a change, everyone seems to make an appearance and some may even wear out their welcome. Despite the stress, keep your sunnyside up no matter what happens. After all, you could use the eggs. SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 22) Your communications pack a punch.this November. Even political Scorps cannot help expressing their true opinions no matter how raw and mean. But so what? Say it loud and clear with no holds barred. Write a scathing letter, make a lurid phone call, call out on any political cause. Then step back and watch all the action and the reaction. Ha ha! SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23 - Dec 22) Just when you thought that retirement was around the corner, someone stole your road map. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t panic, Archer; November is the time to review all your carefully constructed financial plans and make the necessary adjustments. But listen carefully to any sage advice and be sure that you understand the potential risks.
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Revise and reinvest. Are you a bull, a bear or a pig? CAPRICORN (Dec 23 - Jan 20) Caps are in the epicenter of all the action through out November. Social opportunities abound and pop your cork. Be prepared with a new wardrobe and new overall look. (That does not mean â&#x20AC;&#x153;wear overallsâ&#x20AC;?.) If you have been nurturing some great ideas, it is the time to launch them. Will they be rockets bursting in air or lead balloons? Pack a pith helmet just in case. AQUARIUS (Jan 21 - Feb 19) You seem fairly prescient in early November but things soon get out of control as you begin to second guess your every move. Aquarians are advised to remain practical and rely more on their innate common (alas very common) sense. Volunteer for a worthy cause. You will change the course of events and chalk up a few karmic brownie points for any future misdeeds. PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20) Where are your pals when you need them? Close at hand and not underfoot in November. They infuse everything with energy and mischief. The party never stops and neither do you. Fish expand their school of friends with each successive play date. Plan your schedule with an eye towards the holiday season. Hang your mistletoe on a few new branches.
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