Doux Croquant de Gruétine Crémeux caramel confit de fruits exotiques

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Dessert à l’assiette

Doux Croquant de Gruétine

Crémeux caramel, confit de fruits exotiques

Dessert à l’assiette

Doux Croquant de Gruétine

Crémeux caramel confit de fruits exotiques

Caramel Cream

Dark Mangaro chocolate Parfait

Fine caster sugar 165 g/5,82 oz + 15 g/0,53 oz Milk 300 g/10.6 oz Glucose 20 g/0.70 oz Vanilla pod 1 Egg yolk 50 g/1.76 oz Custard cream powder 13 g/0.45 oz Gelatin sheet 2 g/0.06 oz Milk Mangaro (ref 20506) 50 g/1.76 oz Butter 100 g/3.52 oz Salt 3 g/0.10 oz

Milk 1000 g/35.27 oz Inverted sugar 500 g/17.63 oz Egg yolk 560 g/19.75 oz Gelatin sheet 15 g/0.53 oz Dark Mangaro couverture (ref 20505) 700 g/24.69 oz Dark Mangaro cocoa paste (ref 20811) 50 g/1.76 oz Frothy whipped cream 900 g/31.74 oz

Process: cook glucose and sugar (165 g/ 5.82 oz) together so that they melt and become all caramelized (then deglaze with warm milk infused with vanilla). Pour over the blend of blanched egg yolks and sugar (15 g/0.53 oz). Bring to the boil. Take the saucepan off the stove and add soaked and wrung gelatin and warm melted milk Mangaro Couverture. Mix the blend. Leave to cool down to 40 °C/313.15 °F. Using a blender, whip the blend with butter. Add salt once the blend is whipped. Fill in gruetine rolls right away.

Flour-free biscuit (1 cooking plate: 40 x 60) Egg white 345 g/12.17 oz Fine caster sugar 330 g/11.64 oz Egg yolk 225 g/7.93 oz Cocoa powder (ref 21005) 120 g/4.23 oz Process: whip egg white with fine caster sugar. Add whipped egg yolk ; add sifted cocoa powder. Stir delicately. Lay on a silicone sheet, in a frame. Cook for 15 minutes (170 °C/443.15 °F). Ventilated oven.

Process: mix egg yolks and sugar together. Pour boiling milk in the blend. Simmer the blend; keep whipping it. Take the pan off the stove and add the blend of cocoa paste and warm melted dark Mangaro couverture. Mix the blend. Leave to cool down to 30 °C/ 303.15 °F. Add frothy cream. Set right away.

Presentation: cut stripes of Parfait (2,5 cm x 12 cm). Coat with chocolate gun spray ; lay the Parfait on a stripe of exotic fruit confit (same size as the Parfait stripe). Add a Gruetine roll filled with caramel cream.

Gruétine® (S.Q.) Milk Mangaro couverture Dark Mangaro couverture Dark Mangaro cocoa paste Cocoa powder Brown gun preparation

réf 21009 réf 20506 réf 20505 réf 20811 réf 21005 réf 27927

Exotic fruit confit Diced pineapple Diced mango Diced papaya Mashed banana Mashed lime Mashed passion fruit Fine caster sugar N.H. Pectin

300 g/10.58 oz 300 g/10.58 oz 300 g/10.58 oz 100 g/3.52 oz 100 g/3.52 oz 100 g/3.52 oz 50 g/1.76 oz 15 g/0.53 oz

Process: heat up the mashed blend to 50 °C 323.15, add pectin and sugar ; add exotic fruit. Do not overcook the blend: fruit shall remain crunchy. Pour the blend in a frame and put through deep freezer. Setting out: in a 3 cm high frame, set the flour-free biscuit. Add the chocolate Parfait, smooth and put through deep freezer. Fill Gruetine rolls with caramel cream.

Recipe by Philippe Parc MOF, Craftsman of the Year (Pastry) World Champion (Pastry, Chocolate making, Ice cream)


de la Chocolaterie MICHEL Cluizel

Chocolaterie MICHEL CLUIZEL - Avenue de Conches - 27240 Damville - France - Tél. +33 (0)2 32 35 60 00 - Fax +33 (0)2 32 34 83 63 - - S.A.S. au capital de 1.000.000 € - SIRET 603 650 094 00023 - March 2009

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