Michel Cluizel - Chocomissu

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Recipe created by Jordi Puigvert Colomer

la manufacture du goรปt

Plated desserts


Jordi Puigvert Colomer Pastry Chef Sweet’n Go Consultant

recipe for 30 units

Bavarian cream with ZuCafé Chocolate and coffee iced soufflé 125 g Milk 150 g ZuCafé chocolate couverture 125 g Cream 35% fat 140 g Egg yolk 50 g Egg yolk 125 g Caster sugar 50 g Caster sugar 125 g Milk 175 g ZuCafé chocolate couverture 4 g Gelatin (2 sheets) 450 g Semi-whipped cream 200 g Semi-whipped cream 7 g Gelatin (3.5 sheets) Beat the egg yolks with the sugar until a Make a custard with the milk, the cream, the smooth mixture is obtained. Boil the milk and sugar and the egg yolks at 85º C. Remove from pour it slowly into the previous mixture without heat and add the gelatine sheets previously stopping beating. Heat this mixture to 60º C until hydrated. Pour the mixture over the chocolate the texture covers the spatula. Remove from and emulsify using a hand blender. Cool to heat, stir in the gelatin and beat slowly. Add 28º C and add the semi-whipped cream. Serve the melted chocolate and beat until cool. Gently immediately. add the semi-whipped cream and pour into the appropriate molds. Chocolate sponge with coffee and amaretto 260 g Sugar Mascarpone cream 300 g Egg whites 300 g Cream 35% Fat 175 g Flour T55 300 g Mascarpone 17 g Corn flour 60 g Egg yolks 1 g Salt 90 g Caster sugar Q.S. Vanilla powder 240 g Egg yolk Make a custard at 85º C with the cream, the egg yolks and the sugar. Cool to 40º C. Add the Beat the whites with 2/3 of the sugar until a mascarpone using a hand blender. Cover with meringue is obtained. Apart, sift the flour. Mix cling film and leave for 12 h in the fridge. Whip the egg yolks with the vanilla powder. Gradually the cream slightly so as not to split it. add this mixture to the egg whites and mix gently with a spatula. Add the sifted flour, the Gruétine® biscuit salt and mix until a smooth dough is obtained. Q.S. Gruétine® Arrange in the appropriate molds. Bake at 200º C for about 9 mn. Arrange the Gruétine® in 30 pastry cutters 5 cm in diameter, on a silicone cloth. Cook for 7 mn For soaking with coffee and Amaretto at 170º C. Once cooked and cold, set aside in an 200 g Cold espresso coffee airtight container. 50 g Fifty/fifty syrup 30 g Amaretto

Dark chocolate icing 300 g Water 220 g Cream 350 g Sugar 120 g Cocoa powder 10 g Pectin X-58 Mix the water, the cream, and the cocoa. Heat to 40º C. Sprinkle in the mixture of sugar and pectin mixing well with a whip. Bring to boil. Remove from heat and cool for 12 h. Heat to 35º C and apply. Assembly and decoration Fill the Façonnable® Slim dessert shells with Bavarian coffee and smooth. Leave 2 h in the fridge. Arrange the iced soufflé on the Bavarian Cream. Arrange the Gruétine® biscuit on the soufflé. Soak the biscuit in a spoon with the coffee soaking syrup and Amaretto and arrange it on the Gruétine®. Ladle a little mascarpone cream onto the biscuit to cover it and sprinkle the surface with cocoa powder.

Couverture chocolate ZuCafé Gruétine® Cocoa Powder Slim Dark Rondine

ref. 20200 ref. 21009 ref. 21005 ref. 23470

Mix the three ingredients. Serve.

Mascarpone cream and cocoa powder

Chocolate Sponge Gruétine® biscuit Chocolate and Coffee Iced Soufflé

Cocoa powder

MANUFACTURE CLUIZEL Avenue de Conches • Damville • 27240 Mesnils sur Iton • France • tél. +33 (0)2 32 35 60 00 • fax +33 (0)2 32 34 83 63 • www.cluizel.com SAS au capital de 1 000 000 € • SIRET 603 650 094 00023 RCS Évreux • NAF 1082 Z • TVA intra-communautaire : FR 64603650094

Manufacture Cluizel - january 2019

Bavarian cream with ZuCafé

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