Carers' Connect - October 2024

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Carers’ Connection

October 2024

Welcome to our October newsletter - the last one for 2024!

While writing this, I have been reflecting upon the year to date. As a service, we have seen many changes and continual development. One aspect of this has been a significant increase in our staff team due to service underspend and a financial uplift from the local authority. This means that we now employ a staff team of 21. In a short space of time, we have seen our waiting list drop dramatically and we now anticipate a fourweek maximum contact time for carers once their registration form has been received. The increase in staff has given us the opportunity to further develop our Wee Blether groups, and in the next few weeks we will have 15 of these running throughout the city, with an aim to develop 20 Wee Blethers by the end of the year. We are currently recruiting volunteers to work alongside staff members in running these. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, please contact or contact us on 01224 914036.

As you may have noticed if visiting us at Albert Street, we have a very big To Let sign at the front of the building. We will vacate the premises on 30 November, with the reason for moving being down to rental costs. As a service, we feel that leasing a less expensive building will allow us to hire another staff

member, enabling us to further support carers. Various options are currently being explored and as soon as we have a building confirmed, you will be the first to know. Carers’ groups that are currently held at Albert Street will continue to run after the move, and we are looking into using community hubs for these.

Promoting unpaid carers and having a presence within Aberdeen is especially important to us, and in the coming weeks we will be at Woodend Hospital one day a week. This will give us the opportunity to meet with new and existing carers, and to highlight and promote the role of unpaid carers to staff within Woodend’s rehabilitation units.

We thank you for your continued support throughout this year. We feel very blessed to have such an open and transparent relationship with our carers.

Stay up to date with all the latest news on our Facebook page. The page is public, and you don’t need to have a Facebook account to access it: aberdeencarerssupportservice

Meet the team

Andrew Falconer Service Coordinator

Tel: 07917 521268


Emmanuel Fianko Administrator emmanuel.fianko@

Louisa Donaldson Carer Advisor

Tel: 07917 521885


Rory Keenan

Family Wellbeing Worker

Tel: 07812 376475


Ingrid Penny Depute Project Manager

Tel: 07721 143392


Nicola Black Administrator

Tel: 07917 521879

Elaine Dukes

Parent Carer Advisor

Tel: 07917 521852


Mairi Lorimer

Family Wellbeing Worker

Tel: 07917 521862


Susan Middler Digital and Community Inclusion Worker

Tel: 07917 521886


Natalia Beaton Family Wellbeing Worker (Health and Wellbeing) Tel: 07917 052551


Allyson Flockhart Family Wellbeing Worker Tel: 07554 555027


Teresa Massie Carer Advisor

(Enhanced Carer Support

Tel: 07917 521853


Kyle Fitzpatrick Senior Administrator kyle.fitzpatrick@

Mel Combstock Family Wellbeing Worker

Tel: 07808 241878


Lauren Gardiner Family Wellbeing Worker (Short Breaks)

Tel: 07917 521874


Lauren Milton

Family Wellbeing Worker (Triage)

Tel: 07939 173970


Meet the team (continued)

Loreena Piffre

Family Wellbeing Worker (Enhanced Carer Support)

Tel: 07551 018643 loreena.piffre@

Shirree Smith Family Wellbeing Worker (Triage)

Tel: 07919 891453 shirree.smith@quarriers.

Welcome to the team

Ingrid Penny

Anna Schmitt Family Wellbeing Worker (Short Breaks)

Tel: 07917 051489


Mackenzie Wilder Family Wellbeing Worker (Triage)

Tel: 07586 564203


I am delighted to have joined the team at Aberdeen Carers Support Service as Depute Project Manager, and I have received a very warm welcome. Having worked in Health and Social Care across Aberdeen City and Shire for over 20 years, I hope to bring my previous work and caring experience to this role. I have held several positions within NHS Grampian, have run my own business, and have previously worked for two great charities: Marie Curie and Sight Scotland Veterans. My roles have all been varied and hugely rewarding. The common thread has been ensuring that service users are heard, valued and supported.

I am very much an outdoor person. Having been brought up on a farm, I like to get out

Susan Shaw Family Wellbeing Worker

Tel: 07531 193656

into the hills and enjoy the many running trails we have in and around Aberdeenshire. Most weekends, I’m out on my bike. The next big event is Ride the North, a mere 100 miles! After all that exercise, I head to the kitchen, where I enjoy baking. After a long cycle or walk, I don’t feel too guilty eating a cake or two!

I am really looking forward to collaborating with the team and hope to get along to some of the Wee Blethers and support groups to meet with you.

Welcome to the team

Mel Combstock

I am pleased to be joining Quarriers as a Family Wellbeing Worker in Aberdeen. I am new to Scotland, having relocated from Suffolk, where I managed a team of reablement support workers.

My work in recent years has given me a lot of experience of dealing with people recently discharged from hospital or referred via the community, carrying out care needs assessments, sourcing home care, and conducting carers’ assessments. Prior to working in social care, I was a primary school teacher. I have been part of the military community for the last 15 years as the partner of a serving soldier.

When not at work, I like to get out with my dogs and explore the countryside. I also enjoy drawing, but don’t get much time for it, and I enjoy listening to audio books and podcasts.

Rory Keenan

I am very excited to have joined Aberdeen Carers Support Service. I became a member of the team in late July, and it has been great getting to know the amazing people that work here. I have enjoyed getting out and about, delivering a support service to those that need it.

Shirree Smith

I am very grateful to have recently joined the team at Aberdeen Carers Support Service as a Family Wellbeing Worker (Triage). It is good to get the opportunity to work for Quarriers. The team here is great and I am enjoying working with everyone. I have been in the care sector for 10 years now, with this being my first role in the third sector. I have worked with many people over the years, supporting them in their homes and across many services throughout Aberdeen. In my previous role, I worked in respite services, where I supported families and service clients.

Before joining Quarriers, I studied Psychology at the University of Aberdeen, graduating in June having worked through my degree in various NHS posts. I’ve enjoyed my first couple of months as a Family Wellbeing Worker and look forward to developing my people and support skills further.

In my spare time, I enjoy catching up with friends and travelling.

As well as working, I am currently studying Social Work at RGU. I am passionate about helping others and being a voice for them so that they get the best support available, and I look forward to making a difference for families in the future.

In my spare time, I study, spend time with family and friends, go on adventures, and travel abroad for much-needed breaks.

Evening group

Our new monthly online evening group will run for the first time on Tuesday 22 October. The group will take place over Zoom from 6–7.30pm. Feel free to join at 6pm and stay for the duration, or just drop in and out whenever you are able to.

The group, which will be led by our Carer Advisor, Teresa, will provide an opportunity to meet other carers for peer support and to ask us any questions you may have. This will be your group, so have a think about what you may want from it. All ideas will be taken on board. It will be a relaxed group with no pressures.

To receive the Zoom link, please contact

You will find the group’s November to January dates on pages 11-12.

A royally good day out!

Three carers who attend our Men’s Wee Blether group arranged to have a Doorstep Break together this summer, opting to visit beautiful Royal Deeside. One of the men, George, got in touch recently to tell us about his grand day out with Dave and Geoff.

“We had a great day on Royal Deeside with Grampian Escapes and Tours. The sun was shining, and our first stop was Bridge of Feugh, the popular beauty spot just outside Banchory, but we didn’t see any salmon in the river. We then went on to the Balmoral Estate for a look around the castle and its grounds. We visited the Ballroom, which was hosting a special exhibition of watercolour paintings by King Charles. We had coffee in the café, watching the window cleaner washing the small pane sash windows. We all agreed that it must be like painting the Forth Rail Bridge because when he was finished, he would need to start all over again!

a branch line from Aberdeen and was the nearest station to Balmoral. Next stop was Cambus O’ May Suspension Bridge, where we watched kids jumping in the River Dee, then on to Tomnaverie Stone Circle, which is thousands of years old. They say it’s possible that one of the stones was used for human sacrifices. I tried to get Geoff to try out the stone to see what would happen, but for some reason he wasn’t too keen on that idea!

“We had another coffee in Ballater and a wander around, visiting the Old Royal Station. It was formerly the terminus of

Carers Rights Day 2024

Carers Rights Day is about raising awareness of the rights that the UK’s 5.7 million unpaid carers are entitled to, and to help them get the support they need and the recognition they deserve.

Carers Rights Day 2024 is on Thursday 21 November – and this year’s theme is Recognising Your Rights. As a carer, knowing your rights empowers you with information about what you’re entitled to. This helps you feel confident asking for what you need, as well as challenging things when your rights are not being upheld – whether that be in the workplace or education, in accessing health or social care, or when interacting with other professionals or at home.

We are sourcing a relevant speaker to come along on the day and talk about carers’ rights, so keep an eye on our Facebook page and website for more information.

“We finished up at the lovely Queen’s View at Tarland before heading back to Aberdeen. The three of us thoroughly enjoyed the day along with three lady tourists, one from Australia and two from Austria. The guide was very good and explained everything. We had a great day out with good company!”

George Crombie Trust

Earlier this year, we were delighted to hear that we had been awarded a grant from The George Crombie Trust, administered by Ledingham Chalmers Solicitors.

We are sure that they have many worthy causes to consider, and we are extremely grateful that they chose to recognise Aberdeen Carers Support Service. Awarding us the grant shows their desire to aid unpaid carers in Aberdeen City, and the funding is having a positive impact on the people we support.

Feeling anxious or struggling to cope?

Visit mindtomind

Come From Away

This year, Come From Away superfan Lydia Greatrix is following the musical’s UK and Ireland Tour, and in line with the values of the show, and in memory of her dear friend Laura Townsend, she is donating to local organisations and organising community initiatives as she travels. Her aim is to pay forward the extraordinary kindness shown by the selfless Newfoundlanders who invited thousands of stranded air passengers into their homes during the wake of 9/11.

Lydia, who is originally from Shropshire but now lives in Essex, has seen the acclaimed, multiple award-winning musical an incredible 53 times and counting! She flew into Aberdeen last month having secured complimentary tickets for the poignant but uplifting show for members of our Moving On group, a support group for carers whose loved ones have passed away or are living in care homes.

Thanks to Lydia’s earlier fundraising, she was also able to donate a three-figure sum for the group to put towards a beautiful pre-theatre dinner at The Terrace Bar and Café within His Majesty’s Theatre.

Lydia gave us some background as to why she is following the smash-hit musical around on tour, and why our Moving On group was the perfect choice for her pay it forward in the Granite City:

“I first found Come From Away in December 2019, and since then I have met so many incredible people surrounding this show. I’ve basically made my entire friendship group around it. One of the people I met through the show was Laura Townsend. She loved the show more than anyone

I know and saw it over 150 times worldwide. She saw it in Australia, she went over to America to see the touring production –she even had plans to go to Tokyo and South Korea this year to see it. Unfortunately, Laura got ill and sadly passed away in June 2023, so she never got to see this UK tour come to fruition. But one of the things that she really wanted to do was go around the UK and do pay it forwards. If you didn’t know, the message of the show is coming together as a community, volunteering – just being a good neighbour and being kind. And that’s what Laura wanted to do, she wanted to go around doing random acts of kindness, and, when she passed, I just knew that I had to step up and do that for her.

Lydia Laura

Come From Away (continued)

“Come From Away is all about people who care for others, so it was a no-brainer when I found out about Aberdeen Carers Support Service – I knew that the pay it forward had to be for them, during what was a very poignant week on the musical’s UK and Ireland Tour.

“I was delighted to help the Moving On group. Having sadly lost Laura, who inspired this tour of kindness, I know how important it is to have a strong support network when you lose someone close to you. It was amazing to meet the group, learn about the people they cared for, and see first-hand the amazing work that Aberdeen Carers Support Service does.”

A massive shout out to Lydia for spreading such joy and kindness, and to the Come From Away PR Team and Aberdeen Performing Arts for helping make this special night possible!

What our carers had to say

I thoroughly enjoyed the whole evening. I thought the meal was lovely, and the show was very good. It was a pleasure to meet Lydia and to receive such a generous gift from her. She was such an example to us all. Thank you again, Lydia, for including me in your act of kindness.


I really enjoyed the musical. Each cast member played several roles with great skill. A well-deserved standing ovation. I didn’t think about what happened to the other planes that were flying at the time - we were just trying to come to terms with what was happening to the Twin Towers and all the people that were there. I didn’t realise that so many planes with around 7000 passengers and crew landed in Newfoundland.

A big thank you to Lydia for her contribution to our meal. It was lovely to speak to her. It was interesting to learn about her life and travels and hear why she was treating us in memory of her friend Laura.

What a great night it was! I hadn’t been to the theatre in years due to my caring role and would not have gone if it wasn’t for Quarriers. It was lovely to have a meal and not have to cook it myself. The show was absolutely wonderful. Another step in my Moving On journey, thanks to Lydia and Quarriers. A truly memorable evening!

” ” ”

Cycling Without Age

Sport Aberdeen’s Cycling Without Age scheme, which was set up thanks to Aberdeen City Health & Social Care Partnership’s Health Improvement Fund, was the first development outside the Central Belt of Cycling Without Age Scotland’s Trishaw in Iconic Places programme. It is an inter-generational project that helps people who are isolated or who have mobility issues experience the joy of cycling in their later years through excursions on a trishaw. This allows them to experience the great outdoors, see their local area, feel the wind in their hair, and enjoy the social interaction of the rides.

We are aware that the scheme is being used and enjoyed by local care home residents, so we enquired as to whether a trishaw ride is something a carer could request for their loved one. Alistair Gilmore, Chapter Administrator and one of the volunteer pilots in Aberdeen, responded:

“We are quite happy to take people out on individual rides if we have volunteers available. Our preference is for a location that we normally use (e.g. Victoria Park, Duthie Park, Aberdeen beach) as otherwise, for a new route, we would have to carry out a risk assessment first.”

For all enquiries, please email or call 07587 678956. Email is preferable as volunteers can’t answer calls while they are out with the trishaws.

NHS Healthpoint

NHS Grampian Healthpoint is a one-stop health information point offering free confidential information, advice and access to reputable services in a friendly, welcoming environment. Find out more:

Blue Badge benefits

Are you – or the person you care for – entitled to a Blue Badge? Did you know that being eligible for a Blue Badge doesn’t only apply to those with a visible disability? In 2019, the scheme was extended to include hidden disabilities.

It is important to note that a Blue Badge belongs to a person rather than to a vehicle, so it can be used in any car the person is travelling in, even as a passenger. The badge holder does not need to have a driving licence.

Blue Badges help people with disabilities or health conditions park or be taken closer to their destination, or access larger parking bays (which is useful for those requiring extra space for wheelchair access).

In certain situations, badge holders can also ask their local council if they can have a disabled parking bay outside their home.

To check eligibility and apply for a Blue Badge – either for yourself or for someone else – visit

Kindness Calls

If the person you care for is impacted by chest, heart, or stroke conditions, or Long Covid, and is feeling lonely or isolated, Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland can help. Their Kindness Volunteers offer regular Kindness Calls to people in Scotland aged 16 years and over, offering a chat and a friendly listening ear.

Just fill out a form at to let them know how they can help you. One of their Kindness Coordinators will be in touch (usually within five working days), and they’ll discuss the next steps to matching you with a Kindness Volunteer.

I’m George, and here are a few photos of me on my recent Creative Break. I used the funding for a trip to Edinburgh in June with my daughter, Dawn, and granddaughter, Eilidh. Eilidh came all the way over from Australia to compete in the Scottish National Open Swimming Championships at the Royal Commonwealth Pool. Although she lives in Australia, she was able to swim at the Scottish Championships because of dual nationality. I drove to Edinburgh along with Dawn and Eilidh and we stayed in a guest house about a mile from the pool. All the top Scottish swimmers who went to the recent Paris Olympics were swimming and the spectator experience for Dawn and me was great. Eilidh was really chuffed because in her three backstroke events, she set two new personal bests, and had the Championships been age-related, she would have come second in the 16-year-old category.

We managed to fit in some sightseeing too, with visits to the Castle, the Greyfriars Bobby statue and Princes Street. Eilidh took us to the Malmaison Hotel in Leith, where we had

Come along for a Wee Blether!

Have you been to one of our Wee Blether groups yet? As mentioned by Andrew in his front-page introduction, we now have many of these running across the city, with more on the way!

Our Wee Blether groups aim to bring carers together for company and a chat, addressing isolation and building links into the community. We can also signpost you to other groups and activities within Aberdeen. You are welcome to bring your cared-for along with you if you wish, and, as well as offering company and peer support, we also provide free hot drinks and biscuits or snacks.

At the time of going to press, groups are up and running at locations including

a lovely afternoon tea to celebrate Dawn’s birthday. All in all, we had a great few days. The Creative Breaks funding helped me spend quality time with my family, who I don’t see very much because they have lived in Australia for the past 17 years. I would like to thank Quarriers for making carers’ lives just that little bit better.

If you have anything you would like us to feature in a future edition, whether it’s a photo, poem, useful info for other carers, or anything else carer-related, please send it to

the Bon Accord Centre, Middlefield Community Hub, Danestone Community Centre, Duthie Park, Ruthrieston Community Centre, Cowdray Club Care Home, Dobbies Garden Centre, and Kincorth Community Centre Hub. We also run separate Wee Blether groups for male carers and parent carers.

You can find information on the criteria, dates, times and venues on the Wee Blether flyers on our website here:

If you can’t get online, just give us a call and we’ll be happy to provide details.

Creative Breaks


“My wife Lynne and I had the Eden Project on our bucket list for years, but to travel to Cornwall in our motorhome was going to be very expensive due to the cost of diesel, so the grant we received through the Creative Breaks scheme helped a lot and allowed us to achieve one of our dreams. A very big thank you to your Short Breaks worker Anna Schmitt for arranging the funding!

“The Eden Project really is outstanding. It is like the Duthie Park’s Winter Gardens, only 20 times bigger. More importantly, it was disability-friendly and very easy to get around in a wheelchair. The entrance fee is usually £42 per person, but we got in for £5 as I’m Lynne’s carer and we receive PIP.

“On the return journey we visited Wells Cathedral, which is absolutely beautiful and was well worth the detour. We covered 1,730 miles in total and spent a whopping £560 on diesel. We are so fortunate to have the motorhome. I have made a special bed in it for Lynne, which makes it her refuge so that we can get away as she is confined to bed.

“We are looking forward to the next trip. Once again, a very big thank you for the Creative Breaks funding, without which making the journey to Cornwall would have been difficult.”

Missed an edition?

Freda and Norman

Freda and Norman, both of whom are carers, used their Creative Break funding to spend a refreshing weekend on the wonderful Welsh coast.

“We were very happy during our time in Wales. The hotel we stayed in was lovely, and we had amazing meals there. The weather was beautiful, as you can see by the bright blue sky in the photo. There was a great beach, and the loveliest pier with loads of stalls. We thoroughly enjoyed waking around and taking it all in.

“Having this break really helped us and brought us loads of joy. Going away is our way of taking real breaks – it’s a time when we get to escape from our normal routine and step away from our caring roles, and we are very grateful to Quarriers for sorting out the funding for us. Thank you so much!”

Applying for funding

If you would like to apply for Creative Breaks funding, all you have to do is give Anna or Lauren a call on 01224 914035 or email

The funding can be used for a variety of things, from a short break to theatre tickets or a piece of equipment – anything that helps you have a break from caring.

Backdated copies of Carers’ Connection are available to read via our Virtual Carers Centre:

Freda and Norman

Carers’ groups

Date and time Session


Monday 4 November 12noon - 2pm

Tuesday 5 November 11am – 1pm

Tuesday 12 November 10.30am – 12.30pm

Tuesday 12 November 2-4pm

Tuesday 19 November 6-7.30pm

Tuesday 26 November 10.30am – 12.30pm

Wednesday 27 November 11am - 1pm


Monday 2 December 12noon - 2pm

Tuesday 3 December 11am – 1pm

Tuesday 10 December 10.30am – 12.30pm

Monday Wee Blether – Come along for a cuppa and a chat and meet others in a similar situation. To book, contact 07917 521853 /

Coffee & Crafts – Get creative and meet fellow carers. Bring your own projects if you wish, but we do have some craft materials available. To note your interest, contact 07917 521862 /

Parent Wee Blether – Receive advice, support and signposting. Donbank Room, Tillydrone Community Campus, 52 Hayton Road, Aberdeen AB24 2UY. Contact 07917 521852 / to book your place.

Moving On – A group for those whose caring relationship has changed, perhaps due to the person you cared for passing away or moving into full-time care. Contact 01224 914036 / if you’d like to come along.

Online Evening Group – Meet other carers over Zoom for peer support and ask us any questions you may have. A relaxed, drop-in group with no pressures. To receive the Zoom link, contact 07917 521853 /

Parent Carer Wee Blether – Receive advice, support and signposting. Donbank Room, Tillydrone Community Campus, 52 Hayton Road, Aberdeen AB24 2UY. Contact 07917 521852 / to book your place.

Connexions – A closed group for women in need of mental health support. Please contact 07917 521853 / to discuss the criteria.

Men’s Wee Blether – Come along for a cuppa and a chat and meet others in a similar situation. To book, contact 07917 521853 /

Coffee & Crafts – Get creative and meet fellow carers. Bring your own projects if you wish, but we do have some craft materials available. To note your interest, contact 07917 521862 /

Parent Carer Wee Blether – Receive advice, support and signposting. Donbank Room, Tillydrone Community Campus, 52 Hayton Road, Aberdeen AB24 2UY. Contact 07917 521852 / to book your place.

Tuesday 10 December 2-4pm Moving On – A group for those whose caring relationship has changed, perhaps due to the person you cared for passing away or moving into full-time care. Contact 01224 914036 / if you’d like to come along.

Tuesday 17 December 6–7.30pm

Wednesday 18 December 11am - 1pm

Online Evening Group – Meet other carers over Zoom for peer support and ask us any questions you may have. A relaxed, drop-in group with no pressures. To receive the Zoom link, contact 07917 521853 /

Connexions – A closed group for women in need of mental health support. Please contact 07917 521853 / to discuss the criteria.

Date and time Session


Monday 6 January 12noon - 2pm

Tuesday 7 January 10.30am – 12.30pm

Tuesday 7 January 11am – 1pm

Tuesday 14 January 2-4pm

Tuesday 21 January 10.30am – 12.30pm

Tuesday 21 January 6–7.30pm

Wednesday 29 January 11am - 1pm

Men’s Wee Blether – Come along for a cuppa and a chat and meet others in a similar situation. To book, contact 07917 521853 /

Parent Carer Wee Blether – Receive advice, support and signposting. Donbank Room, Tillydrone Community Campus, 52 Hayton Road, Aberdeen AB24 2UY. Contact 07917 521852 / to book your place.

Coffee & Crafts – Get creative and meet fellow carers. Bring your own projects if you wish, but we do have some craft materials available. To note your interest, contact 07917 521862 /

Moving On – A group for those whose caring relationship has changed, perhaps due to the person you cared for passing away or moving into full-time care. Contact 01224 914036 / if you’d like to come along.

Parent Carer Wee Blether – Receive advice, support and signposting. Donbank Room, Tillydrone Community Campus, 52 Hayton Road, Aberdeen AB24 2UY. Contact 07917 521852 / to book your place.

Online Evening Group – Meet other carers over Zoom for peer support and ask us any questions you may have. A relaxed, drop-in group with no pressures. To receive the Zoom link, contact 07917 521853 /

Connexions – A closed group for women in need of mental health support. Please contact 07917 521853 / to discuss the criteria.

Your preferences

Would you prefer to receive this newsletter by email? Let us know by getting in touch via the contact details below.

37 Albert Street, Aberdeen AB25 1XU

Tel: 01224 914036

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