Carers' Connection - January 2025

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Carers’ Connection

January 2025

As I write this introduction to the first newsletter of a new year, I am aware that, for many, 2024 will have been a year of highs, lows and mixed emotions. Many challenging situations will have been navigated and overcome. The journey of a carer is hard and is not one that can be understood unless you have lived - or are livingthrough it. The resilience, strength and character that you show is something that really resonates with us as a team and pushes us on to grow and develop individually and as a service.

Many of you will be aware that our current contract to run the Adult Carers’ service in Aberdeen is due to end in March this year, and this meant we recently had to submit a bid for the new contract. I am delighted to announce that we were successful and have been awarded a new five-year contract with the possibility of this being extended by a further two years. We would like to thank each of you for your kind words and amazing feedback during this time. We were really touched and encouraged by every email, letter and phone call received.

Looking ahead to the new contract, we want to continue running the service alongside carers and develop the service as much as is possible. To do this we plan to hold a MAP and PATH session. In this session, staff and carers can meet to share ideas about how the service may look going forward - what has worked and what

might need changed. We aim to run this around April/May and will let you know when and where as soon as we are able.

In the October newsletter I mentioned that we were looking for new premises, and at the beginning of December we moved to our new office at 50 Gilcomston Park, just off Rosemount Viaduct. I also mentioned the service having a presence at Woodend Hospital, and we are now there at the Specialist Rehabilitation Ward every second Wednesday from 2-4pm. You can also meet us at the Dementia Centre on King Street every second Monday from 12noon –2pm.

I would like to thank you for your continued support and wish you all the best for 2025.

Stay up to date with all the latest news on our Facebook page. The page is public, and you don’t need to have a Facebook account to access it: aberdeencarerssupportservice

Meet the team

Andrew Falconer Service Coordinator

Tel: 07917 521268


Emmanuel Fianko Administrator emmanuel.fianko@

Louisa Donaldson Carer Advisor

Tel: 07917 521885


Rory Keenan

Family Wellbeing Worker

Tel: 07812 376475


Ingrid Penny Depute Project Manager

Tel: 07721 143392


Nicola Black Administrator

Tel: 07917 521879

Elaine Dukes

Parent Carer Advisor

Tel: 07917 521852


Mairi Lorimer

Family Wellbeing Worker

Tel: 07917 521862


Susan Middler

Digital and Community Inclusion Worker

Tel: 07917 521886


Natalia Beaton Family Wellbeing Worker (Health and Wellbeing)

Tel: 07917 052551


Allyson Flockhart Family Wellbeing Worker Tel: 07554 555027


Teresa Massie Carer Advisor

(Enhanced Carer Support

Tel: 07917 521853


Kyle Fitzpatrick Performance Coordinator


Mel Combstock Family Wellbeing Worker

Tel: 07808 241878


Lauren Gardiner Family Wellbeing Worker (Short Breaks)

Tel: 07917 521874


Lauren Milton Family Wellbeing Worker (Triage)

Tel: 07939 173970


Meet the team (continued)

Loreena Piffre

Family Wellbeing Worker (Enhanced Carer Support)

Tel: 07551 018643


Shirree Smith Family Wellbeing Worker (Triage)

Tel: 07919 891453 shirree.smith@quarriers.

Anna Schmitt

Family Wellbeing Worker (Short Breaks)

Tel: 07917 051489


Mackenzie Wilder Family Wellbeing Worker (Triage)

Tel: 07586 564203


Generous donation

Last month, we received a moving thank you letter and generous sum of money from Mr Donald, who we support. We are incredibly grateful to him for his kind words and generous donation.

“I was fortunate enough to reach out to Quarriers earlier this year to seek their help and support - and indeed guidancewhich has been utterly priceless and has made all the difference to me. I routinely look after an elderly relative who, despite fairly good health, is becoming very frail. This situation was made somewhat more challenging by the fact that I have suffered two life-threatening illnesses in the last few years, namely cancer and a stroke; however, your workers Teresa and Mairi have been an inspiration to me. Their positive, buoyant, and ever-so-helpful

Susan Shaw

Family Wellbeing Worker

Tel: 07531 193656

nature has helped me immeasurably. I don’t see them as professional support staff, but good friends that I can speak to.

“I am donating the enclosed sum of money to aid the work you do, and I wish the organisation all the very best for 2025.”

Respitality scheme

We are delivery partners of the Respitality scheme, a Scottish Government-supported project that offers unpaid carers in Scotland a free break through local hospitality, tourism, and leisure businesses. Respitality aims to provide a break from routine for carers who may be experiencing physical or mental demands and/or financial pressures. The scheme operates by local businesses donating breaks to carers’ support services, whose staff then coordinate the breaks and allocate them to carers.

We are looking into how best to secure and allocate the breaks that carers want, so, for us to effectively approach businesses to ask for donations, we would like to gauge what sort of breaks you would prefer. These could include:

• Short overnight stays (e.g. hotel, B&B, glamping)

• Local day trips

• Restaurants/cafes

• Spa/beauty appointments

• Entertainment (e.g. cinema, theatre)

• Sports/exercise/yoga classes

If the Respitality scheme is of interest to you, we invite you to email or call our Short Breaks team to let them know the following:

• Your top two preferences from the list above

• Your name and contact details, so we can notify you should your preferred break become available

• Any suggestions you may have regarding specific local businesses we could approach

Email: / Tel: 01224 914036

Thank you. We look forward to hearing from you!

Grampian Gathering

In October, at the Beach Ballroom, three Health and Social Care Partnerships (Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire and Moray) came together to host the Grampian Gathering 2024 on behalf of NHS Grampian Public Health.


The Gathering is aimed at those aged 50-plus either in retirement or contemplating retirement, with the intention being to promote discussion and subsequent planning of a good retirement, and help people be more aware of community-based activities, initiatives, groups and organisations across the region. There was a variety of engaging speakers, stalls, workshops and taster sessions to encourage people to get involved, take up opportunities and stay well and connected to their communities.

Our Parent Carer Advisor, Elaine, said, “As an unpaid carer myself it’s hard to take part in events at weekends but Andrew, our Service Coordinator, allowed me to take my son, Steven, along with me to our Quarriers stall at the Grampian Gathering and it made attending so much easier for me.

“Steven enjoyed looking around and chatting to the people who visited our stall. He loves having his photo taken and likes to be the centre of attention, so this event was right up his street. He took part in the activities that were on offer and said he had a great day!”

Connect Conference

We returned to the festively decorated Beach Ballroom in December when Susan and Mairi spent a day attending the Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership Connect Conference. This provided a fantastic opportunity to network and make connections!

Welcome to our volunteers!

Last month, to mark International Volunteer Day, António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, said: “Volunteers embody the best of humanity. On this important day, let’s draw inspiration from their example, and resolve to do our part to help shape a better world for all.”

We couldn’t agree more. Please give a warm welcome to four kind-hearted people who have recently joined us as volunteers!


My name is Barbara, and I chose to volunteer for Quarriers as they provide fantastic support for unpaid carers and I am very grateful for the support I received.

I will be helping out at the Wee Blether group for those living in the AB15 6 postcode area, and I look forward to meeting everyone!


My name’s Sammy. I’m a wife and a mum-oftwo. I registered as an unpaid carer at the start of 2021 because my son was diagnosed with ASN, something I knew very little about. I just felt lost and completely overwhelmed by it all. I decided to volunteer for Quarriers because Aberdeen Carers Support Service has been a vital lifeline for me and our family these past four years by pointing me in the right direction to access support and by setting up groups like the Parent Carer Wee Blether, where I have been able to meet other Parent Carers who have been where I am now or are still going through it. We support each other, and every little achievement is celebrated massively by us all. Being able to talk openly and freely about things we’re going through and struggling with - without feeling judged - has been huge for me during our ASN journey. I’m so glad to be able to give something back to this service after everything they have done for me and my family.


I’m George Lindsay, 69 years old, and you will all probably recognise me as my photo never seems to be out of the magazine! It just shows how much Quarriers and their excellent staff have supported me for the past three years, and for that reason I have decided to volunteer to try and give something back in some small way. I look forward to seeing everybody with anything that I am involved in, especially if coffee and a fancy piece are on the menu.


I met Family Wellbeing Worker Loreena about a year ago at the Vaccination & Wellbeing Hub in the Bon Accord Centre. I was having my post-Covid jab sit-down, and she kindly asked if all was well. We chatted, and I discovered she worked for Aberdeen Carers Support Service. I told her I had recently moved here from Oxfordshire to be closer to my son and family so that I could help look after my two grandchildren. However, I found I had spare time on my hands. I knew very few people here and wanted to do something useful. I had been a volunteer for ten years at the Community Help Service in Brussels, where we used to live, and found the work very rewarding. I am delighted to say that I am now a volunteer with Quarriers and have attended three Wee Blethers!

Before meeting my Danish husband and settling down to family life, I worked mainly for international corporations where my background in languages was put to good use. However, my great love has always been art. Loreena and I thought we could introduce some creative activities at the Bon Accord Wee Blether for those who are interested - no previous experience or skills are required. It can be very therapeutic!

Festive round-up

Our Middlefield Wee Blether group had a lovely Christmas lunch at Murdos. Everyone had a great time, with lots of laughter at the groan-worthy cracker jokes!

Our Parent Carers came together at Tillydrone Community Campus for their last Wee Blether group before Christmas, enjoying a delicious buffet supplied by Foodies. Sammy, who is now one of our volunteers, also kindly donated some cakes. The group had a relaxed session with general chat about the upcoming festivities and then Elaine, our Parent Carer Advisor, was presented with a big bag of beautiful gifts as a thank you for all she does for the group. She said this was a lovely surprise and quite overwhelming!

Turn to p7 for more festive fun!

Festive round-up (continued)

Our Connexions group ran a stall at the Danestone Congregational Church Christmas Fayre, selling an array of hand-crafted goodies and raising over £100 for Quarriers!

Group member Yvonne said, “We have all been hugely supported by Quarriers. We got to know each other through the monthly Connexions group, becoming good friends and starting to meet in between the scheduled group dates. The idea of crafting came up, and we were able to use this as a distraction from our sometimes-difficult home lives. We were given regular access to a space at Albert Street where we could meet and craft, so, as a thank you, we came up with the idea of selling the crafts at the Christmas Fayre. It was a lovely day, and we all enjoyed the experience. Three of the Quarriers team came along to support us, which was so kind of them. We were thrilled to be able to donate the proceeds and give something back in return for everything the team has done for us.”

Our Men’s Wee Blether group met at their new venue, Aberdeen North Parish Church, where they enjoyed banter and brews!

Members of our Kinship Carer Support Group took part in a fun wreath-making session, with materials kindly donated by Newton Dee’s Compass Project. It was nice for the group members to do something different and forget their caring role for a while, with everyone being creative and having a good laugh.

Members of our Moving On group enjoyed getting together at the Old Blackfriars for a festive lunch with Susan and Natalia, whose hearts were warmed by these lovely words from Jim: “When I lost my wife, things seemed to drift away. At the age of 88, it is difficult to make new contacts and get to things. This is my sole Christmas get-together apart from one at home with my sister, so this is a special one. I really mean that. Your organisation has helped me immensely and I am incredibly grateful.”

My Rights, My Say

My Rights, My Say is a free, confidential service that supports children in Scotland aged 12-15 with additional support needs to exercise their rights to be involved in decisions about their support in school.

Here’s what they do:

• Advocacy: they support your child to share their views with schools or professionals via independent advocacy.

• Legal Advice and Representation: They explain rights and options when it comes to young people’s education and represent them at tribunals or other formal processes if needed.

• Children’s Views Service: They support young people to contribute directly to decisions made in Additional Support Needs Tribunals about their learning.

• Information and Advice: They offer clear, practical guidance for parents and carers to help you understand your child’s rights and navigate getting them the support they need.

Visit to learn more or to get in touch.

Family Fund

National charity Family Fund provides a wide range of grants to families living in Scotland raising a disabled or seriously ill child, or young person, on a low income. Grant items range from white goods and sensory play equipment to digital devices and even family breaks and days out – whatever is needed the most. The quickest and easiest way to apply is online. Most families are given a grant decision within just a few weeks.

Low Emission Zones

When chatting with us, a number of you have indicated that you have been fearful of driving in the city centre since the enforcement of Low Emission Zones began last summer.

The following vehicle checker will allow you, by providing your vehicle registration number, to check whether your vehicle is considered compliant or non-compliant with the emission standards: vehicle-registration-checker

Blue Badge holders can register for an exemption, which you can read more about and register for here: https://

The Energy Saving Trust is offering households within a 20km radius of the low emission zones up to £3,000 towards the safe disposal of non-compliant vehicles. Funding is subject to availability, and limited funding is available. Find out more and apply here:

Scottish Water updates

To check if you are eligible and apply, visit

Did you know that you can sign up for service updates from Scottish Water?

By completing a simple form providing them with your name, mobile number and postcode, they will get in touch via text and keep you informed if they know of any service issues in your area such as a disruption to your water supply.

You can even complete the form more than once if you are caring for someone who lives in a different postcode area – just give your own name and mobile number, but the postcode of the person you are caring for:

Carers’ Corner

“I’m Shahnaz. My husband, my elder son and I are full-time unpaid carers for my younger son. Last summer, we went on a day trip to Balmoral Castle and, when we took my son to the toilets, we realised there was no Changing Places toilet. Changing Places toilets are larger than standard accessible toilets, with extra features and more space. When I discovered that we didn’t have this option, I became very worried and upset. I put a big mat on the floor and the three of us had to transfer my son from his wheelchair to the floor without a hoist. Together, we changed his pad and transferred him back again from the floor to his wheelchair. I cannot explain that moment in words. On the way back home, I searched online and found contact details for the castle. I emailed them and explained the whole story, and within an hour I received a reply to say they had passed my email to the refurbishment team and that they would investigate.

“Recently, I made contact again to ask for an update, and the good news is that they said they are looking into options for the building so that they have a Changing Places toilet in the future. I was very pleased to hear this because, as the mother of a disabled boy,

Creative Breaks


I know how important this is to people with special needs and their carers.”

If you have anything you would like us to feature in a future edition, whether it’s a photo, poem, useful info for other carers, or anything else carer-related, please send it to

Fiona took some time out at Taymouth Marina on picturesque Loch Tay in the village of Kenmore, Perthshire. Loch Tay is one of the largest and deepest freshwater lochs in Scotland and is widely regarded as one of the best in the country due to its picture-perfect setting.

“I want to say a huge thank you for helping me, through Creative Breaks

funding, to have a wonderful few days at Taymouth Marina Spa Resort. It was lovely to have a break and a proper chance to relax and unwind, knowing that my dad was safe and being well looked after. The opportunity to switch off was really appreciated and gave me some chill time to recharge my batteries.”

Turn to page 10 for more Creative Breaks.

Creative Breaks (continued)


Karin used Creative Breaks funding to pay for care for her mum for a day. This allowed Karin to join fellow churchgoers on a day retreat in the snowy Cairngorms – the first time in years that she had been able to do so!

“I just wanted to touch base to say a big thank you to the Quarriers team for enabling me to take part in the main day (Saturday) of our Alpha weekend at Nethy Bridge. I had an amazing, restorative and transformative time and was still feeling the benefits several days later. Thanks again!”

Mrs L

Mrs L took the opportunity, while visiting family, of spending a day in Chatham, Kent, on a Call the Midwife tour as she has loved the TV series for many years.

“First off, I visited the RNLI 200-year anniversary display in Chatham Docks, then had a leisurely lunch and a browse around the Call the Midwife souvenir shop before joining the walking tour. What a lovely two hours listening to the “nurse” guide and revisiting many memories from episodes over the years. I saw the outside areas where they film, and the tour ended inside with displays of original costumes and a recreation of some popular settings, such as the dining table at Nonnatus House and Mrs Buckle’s haberdashery shop. After the tour I took the train back to London, where I had an early dinner. I loved sitting people watching before heading back to my family.”


“When I was advised that I was entitled to apply for Creative Breaks funding, an idea came into my head immediately – we wouldn’t be receiving the Winter Fuel Payment this year, but I could apply for this funding to buy a rug for our living room, which might be an alternative way to keep the room cosy!

“It only took a few weeks, and then I received the funding. I spent almost three weeks looking online for a rug that would be suitable for our living room, and then at last I ordered one and it was delivered during a snowy week in November. The rug matches the furniture in our living room very well. It lights up the room and keeps it warm too. My husband and I are both very happy to have this wonderful gift!”


“I would like to thank all at Quarriers for the support that I now receive through the Moving On group, and previously as a carer. Since I lost my husband, Billy, having your support has helped me a lot. I received Creative Breaks funding last year and decided that, as it was my golden anniversary in July, I would purchase a gold locket so that I could put a photograph of us on our wedding day inside it. It is something to really cherish. Thank you so much.”

Missed an edition?

Backdated copies of Carers’ Connection are available to read via our Virtual Carers Centre:

Mrs L
Alice Linda

Carers’ groups

Date and time Session


Monday 3 February 12noon - 2pm

Tuesday 4 February 10.30am – 12.30pm

Tuesday 4 February 11am – 1pm

Tuesday 11 February 2-4pm (Date and time subject to change)

Tuesday 18 February 10.30am – 12.30pm

Tuesday 18 February 6–7.30pm

Wednesday 26 February 11am - 1pm


Monday 3 March 12noon - 2pm

Tuesday 4 March 10.30am – 12.30pm

Tuesday 4 March 11am – 1pm

Tuesday 11 March 2-4pm (Date and time subject to change)

Tuesday 18 March 10.30am – 12.30pm

Men’s Wee Blether – Come along for a cuppa and a chat and meet others in a similar situation. Aberdeen North Parish Church, Greenfern Road, Aberdeen, AB16 6TR. To book, contact 07917 521853 / teresa.massie@

Parent Wee Blether – Receive advice, support and signposting. Donbank Room, Tillydrone Community Campus, 52 Hayton Road, Aberdeen AB24 2UY. Contact 07917 521852 / to book your place.

Coffee & Crafts – Get creative and meet fellow carers. Bring your own projects if you wish, but we do have some craft materials available. Aberdeen North Parish Church, Greenfern Road, Aberdeen, AB16 6TR. To note your interest, contact 07917 521862 /

Moving On – A group for those whose caring relationship has changed, perhaps due to the person you cared for passing away or moving into fulltime care. Venue to be confirmed. Contact 01224 914036 / natalia.beaton@ if you’d like to come along.

Parent Carer Wee Blether – Receive advice, support and signposting. Donbank Room, Tillydrone Community Campus, 52 Hayton Road, Aberdeen AB24 2UY. Contact 07917 521852 / to book your place.

Online Evening Group – Meet other carers over Zoom for peer support and ask us any questions you may have. A relaxed, drop-in group with no pressures. To receive the Zoom link, contact 07917 521853 / teresa.massie@

Connexions – A closed group for women in need of mental health support. Venue to be confirmed. Please contact 07917 521853 / teresa.massie@ to discuss the criteria.

Men’s Wee Blether – Come along for a cuppa and a chat and meet others in a similar situation. Aberdeen North Parish Church, Greenfern Road, Aberdeen, AB16 6TR. To book, contact 07917 521853 / teresa.massie@

Parent Carer Wee Blether – Receive advice, support and signposting. Donbank Room, Tillydrone Community Campus, 52 Hayton Road, Aberdeen AB24 2UY. Contact 07917 521852 / to book your place.

Coffee & Crafts – Get creative and meet fellow carers. Bring your own projects if you wish, but we do have some craft materials available. Aberdeen North Parish Church, Greenfern Road, Aberdeen, AB16 6TR. To note your interest, contact 07917 521862 /

Moving On – A group for those whose caring relationship has changed, perhaps due to the person you cared for passing away or moving into fulltime care. Venue to be confirmed. Contact 01224 914036 / natalia.beaton@ if you’d like to come along.

Parent Carer Wee Blether – Receive advice, support and signposting. Donbank Room, Tillydrone Community Campus, 52 Hayton Road, Aberdeen AB24 2UY. Contact 07917 521852 / to book your place.

Date and time Session

Tuesday 18 March 6–7.30pm

Wednesday 26 March 11am - 1pm


Tuesday 1 April 11am – 1pm

Monday 7 April 12noon - 2pm

Tuesday 8 April 2-4pm (Date and time subject to change)

Tuesday 15 April 10.30am – 12.30pm

Tuesday 22 April 6–7.30pm

Tuesday 29 April 10.30am – 12.30pm

Wednesday 30 April 11am - 1pm

Online Evening Group – Meet other carers over Zoom for peer support and ask us any questions you may have. A relaxed, drop-in group with no pressures. To receive the Zoom link, contact 07917 521853 / teresa.massie@

Connexions – A closed group for women in need of mental health support. Venue to be confirmed. Please contact 07917 521853 / teresa.massie@ to discuss the criteria.

Coffee & Crafts – Get creative and meet fellow carers. Bring your own projects if you wish, but we do have some craft materials available. Aberdeen North Parish Church, Greenfern Road, Aberdeen, AB16 6TR. To note your interest, contact 07917 521862 /

Men’s Wee Blether – Come along for a cuppa and a chat and meet others in a similar situation. Aberdeen North Parish Church, Greenfern Road, Aberdeen, AB16 6TR. To book, contact 07917 521853 / teresa.massie@

Moving On – A group for those whose caring relationship has changed, perhaps due to the person you cared for passing away or moving into full-time care. Contact 01224 914036 / if you’d like to come along.

Parent Carer Wee Blether – Receive advice, support and signposting. Donbank Room, Tillydrone Community Campus, 52 Hayton Road, Aberdeen AB24 2UY. Contact 07917 521852 / to book your place.

Online Evening Group – Meet other carers over Zoom for peer support and ask us any questions you may have. A relaxed, drop-in group with no pressures. To receive the Zoom link, contact 07917 521853 /

Parent Carer Wee Blether – Receive advice, support and signposting. Donbank Room, Tillydrone Community Campus, 52 Hayton Road, Aberdeen AB24 2UY. Contact 07917 521852 / to book your place.

Connexions – A closed group for women in need of mental health support. Venue to be confirmed. Please contact 07917 521853 / teresa.massie@ to discuss the criteria.

Feeling anxious or struggling to cope?

Visit www. mindtomind

50 Gilcomston Park, Aberdeen AB25 1NX

Tel: 01224 914036

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