Caring Counts - winter 2024

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Caring counts

Carer Support Moray Winter 2024

Thursday 21 November

Recognising your rights:

• empowers you with information about what you’re entitled to

• helps you feel confident asking for what you need

• allows you to challenge things when your rights are not being met

Recognising your rights

Unpaid carer’s leave

The Carer’s Leave Act became law this year, giving employees who work and provide care the legal right to a maximum of five days’ unpaid leave per annum.

Flexible working

Under the Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Act 2023, employees have the right to request flexible working (changing hours/working from home/job sharing) twice a year. Employers must consult with you but requests may be denied if they’d damage business, affect quality/performance, or there’s not enough work to do during the new hours.

Discrimination or harassment

The Equality Act 2010 protects you against direct discrimination or harassment because of your caring responsibilities.

Hospital discharge planning

Carers are seen as an integral part of the care package, and as such are consulted when the person they care for is discharged from hospital.

Adult carer support planning

Under the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016, if you’re over 18 and provide regular unpaid care for someone, you can request an Adult Carer Support Plan to be completed.

Free flu jab

If you’re the main carer for an older or disabled person at risk if you become ill, or if you’re in receipt of Carer’s Allowance, you should be offered a free flu jab.


Advocacy helps ensure people’s voices, wishes and preferences are heard, their rights upheld, and their needs met.

If you think you, or a friend or family member, could benefit from support to be heard and understand your rights, you can call Voice Ability for free on 0300 303 1660.

Find out more about the service at

Human Rights Town

SCLD’s Human Rights Town app is your pocket guide to accessing your human rights, designed by and for people with learning disabilities. Take control and empower yourself or the person you care for with knowledge today. Download now and start your journey towards empowerment:

In KNEAD of a massage?

Integrated Healthcare degree students at UHI Moray will be providing treatments from 18 Nov.

Year 1 Student Clinics:

• Foot Reflexology £17, Thu 28 Nov, 2.30pm

• Body Massage £17, Fri 29 Nov, 9.15am, 10.45am

Year 2 Student Clinics:

• Clinical Aromatherapy £25, Wed 20 Nov, 9.15am, 11am Includes a body massage and bespoke aromatherapy blend to take home

• Clinical Reflexology £20, Mon 18 Nov, 9.30am, 11am

• Hand Reflexology £15, Mon 18 Nov, 2.15pm, 3.30pm

You will be asked to provide some lifestyle information and feedback for the student. To book: / 01343 576432

It’s OK to ask

If you feel unsure about decisions your healthcare providers are taking and what it means for you/yours, remember it’s OK to ask.

Think about stocking up on: tinned food and water pet food camping stove and extra gas warm blankets

shovel and salt to keep paths clear

With the dark nights closing in and the colder weather making an appearance, it’s time to think about preparing for the months ahead and the disruption they might bring.

November, December and January often bring high winds and storms. This can lead to power cuts. The electricity supplier for Moray is SSEN. Have a look at their poster opposite for the number to call in a power cut and how to get priority treatment if you need it.

If the person you care for relies on electrical equipment to stay alive, it is doubly important to make sure SSEN know about this so they can provide a generator quickly, or ahead of time, in an emergency. You might even think about buying your own.

firewood and coal download movies to watch head torch and batteries

marshmallows to toast over the fire!

Cold weather maintenance

Vehicle checklist


As it starts to get colder, your heating, ventilation and air conditioning system is especially important. Make sure your heater and defrosters blow warm, dry air and that all speeds are available from your fan.

Wipers and windscreen

Check your windscreen wiper blades are working properly and that both front and back windscreens aren’t cracked or chipped.


It’s important to check your brakes regularly during the winter months as you will be using them more due to reduced traction and increased stopping distances.


Make sure all your tyres have decent tread, or perhaps think about changing to winter tyres for increased traction in wintry conditions.


Ensure your lights, especially your hazard lights, are working and that all bulbs are intact. Clean off any residue so your lights give off a good clear beam.


Your car’s transmission and engine need oil to function correctly. Check the level and top up if necessary.


Batteries older than five years may struggle with lower temperatures. Think about replacing your battery before it fails completely and your car won’t start.

The Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 states that carers should be included in the hospital discharge of the person they care for.

On arrival, identify yourself to the ward nurse as the main carer. Make sure they have your contact details. Ask to be included in all relevant conversations. If you’re not sure about anything, ask. An open line of communication, and this checklist, will ensure a smooth transition from hospital to home.

Sample hospital discharge checklist

Under the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016, carers should have access to local advice and information.

At your fingertips couldn’t be more local.

ALISS is a national digital programme aiming to ensure that everyone in Scotland has the right information, at the right time, about resources that are available to help them live well and stay connected to their community.

ALISS can help you find information about resources like:

• services that provide support for managing long-term conditions

• groups that support social and community connection (local choirs, book groups, befriending)

• activities that offer opportunities for being more active and getting outdoors (badminton clubs, community gardens)

• practical, legal and financial support (money advice, advocacy services)

• digital technology that can support health and social care (online forums, health-related mobile apps).


Moray Citizens’ Advice Bureau provides support on a range of topics including benefits, housing, debt management, family, work, health, consumer, immigration, law and courts. They also have a number of self-help tools:







You can also call 01343 550088.

The Moray Community Map is a single, searchable online map showing third sector services and activities across Moray.

By showing what’s available and where, it gives you easy access to the information you need, to make the connections you want. It’s updated weekly and free to use.

Quarriers Carer Support Moray: 232 High

01343 556031 •

The office will be closed for the staff Christmas lunch from 11.30am – 5pm on Fri 13 Dec

The office will then be closed between 1pm on Tue 24 Dec –9am on Mon 6 Jan 2025

The team at Quarriers Carer Support Service Moray would like to wish you a very merry

Elgin, IV30

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