Queen’s University Belfast is delighted to host you as an exhibitor at the annual Autumn Careers Fair. Below is all the information you will need in preparation for the event.

The two-day event will take place across three Queen’s venues, all within close proximity allowing students to easily navigate the locations of the exhibitor stalls.
Day 1, Tuesday 17 October locations are: the Mandela Hall, the South Dining Hall and the Whitla Hall. These venues are in close proximity, on either side of University Road, allowing students to easily navigate the locations of the exhibitor stalls.
Day 2, Wednesday 18 October locations are: the South Dining Hall and the Whitla Hall. The venues are next to each other on the main campus
The venues will be open to exhibitor representatives from 9.00am on each day of the event. The event is open to students from 11.00am- 3.00pm and all exhibitors are asked to be at their stalls for 10.55am. It will NOT be possible to set up a stand on the day prior to the Fair due to our venues being in use for other purposes. See the delivery and collection section below if arranging couriers.
You will receive notification of your allocated venue and stall number on 10 October 2023, this is to ensure we can accommodate any last-minute changes/allocations
Each organisation attending has been allocated a 3m x 2m area, a covered 4ft trestle table and 2 chairs with access to a single power point. If you require multiple power points, we would ask you to bring a socket board and extension cable. All items for your stand must fit within the allocated space and appropriate arrangements must be made for the transport of any large items to and from your stand.
Additional requirements or requests as stated on your registration form will have been noted but please email careersfairs@qub.ac.uk in advance if you have any concerns regarding set-up time, access, space or dietary considerations.
Please ensure that allergen information is clearly indicated with any food items you bring to this event We would respectfully request that you do not bring any foodstuffs containing nuts onto University property for the duration of the event to be mindful of those with nut allergies that may be in attendance.
Under Strategy 2030, the University has aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). We recommend promotional merchandise is SDG compliant.
Complimentary tea and coffee will be available for exhibitors at two campus locations from 10.00am onwards throughout the day. Student assistants will be able to direct you to these refreshment stations within the Whitla Hall and First Floor, One Elmwood Student Centre for Mandela Hall
Lunch will be buffet style and provides for all dietary requirements. This will be served within the main Lanyon Building in the Great Hall at 12.30 pm, 1.00 pm or 1.30 pm. Lunch provision has been arranged in line with the number of representatives indicated on your booking form (maximum 3) and you should ensure your stall is manned at all times between 11am – 3pm.
The careers fair is an excellent opportunity to promote your company/brand to potential new recruits. Universities have a diverse student body with wide ranging considerations that your team need to be aware of, e.g., subjects of study and interests, multiple nationalities, LGBTQIA+, disability and neurodiversity.
Preparing your staff for questions they may receive on the day will be key to creating lasting impressions with your potential hires. Make sure everyone on your stand is able to talk knowledgeably about your recruitment practices and ensure they all receive these joining instructions. Topics of interest might include specifics of:
• Your recruitment process;
• Roles being promoted;
• International student post study work visas – see guide for employers;
• Your Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy.
If you require access to wi-fi you can connect to Visitor Wifi provided by ‘The Cloud’. To access this you will need to set up an account in advance of the day of the Fair. You can create your account by clicking on TheCloud in your Wifi settings. Please verify your account via the subsequent email to ensure you can have access on the day.
You should be aware that due to the volume of traffic users can experience drops in service. This is beyond the control of the organisers who will not be able to provide technical support. It is also recommended to have back-up connectivity arrangements such as 4G coverage.
If you have stands or materials to unload on the day of the Fair, the main set down point for all venues – Whitla Hall and South Dining Hall (main site) and Mandela Hall (opposite main site)- will be at the Whitla Hall. See section below on Deliveries and Collections if there is a necessity to send stands or materials ahead of your exhibition date
Please enter the main site by the University Square entrance where a one-way system will allow you to drive across to the Whitla Hall, set down your materials and exit via the Whitla Hall Gate. Direction and assistance to your stall will be available as required.
Please do not park your car within the main site as University Security patrols will clamp your vehicle.
Car parking on campus is not available and parking in the surrounding area is limited during term time. We offer a free shuttle bus service between the main campus and designated car parking at the Queen’s Playing Fields (aka ‘The Dub’), Malone Sports Facilities, Dub Lane, Belfast BT9 5NB (see annex 1 for map). The pickup and drop off point is alongside the main pavilion, with parking available from 9am- 4pm.
We would advise that you drop off your materials at your venue first, then drive up and park at The Dub to return well before 11am on the regular shuttle bus. The shuttle bus will run between Whitla Hall/Elmwood Avenue and The Dub every 20 mins from 9.00am-11.00am and again from 2.45pm – 3.45pm.
Any deliveries should be scheduled to arrive on Monday 16 October 2023, no later than 12 noon, and be clearly marked with your company and addressed to your assigned venue. Confirmed details of your assigned venue and the exact address to use will be provided to you on 10 October 2023.
Collection of items must be arranged from the same venue no later than 4.00 pm on Wednesday, 18 October 2023. Please ensure that all items are clearly marked with a return address. If it is not possible to arrange collection by this time, please speak to a member of staff on the day to ensure alternative arrangements are made.
Please note that while Queen's will endeavour to look after such material until collection, we cannot accept any responsibility for damage to or loss of items.
More detailed information, including both Belfast and Campus Maps can be obtained at: https://www.qub.ac.uk/about/Living-in-Northern-Ireland/Getting-here/
Taxis can be booked from the following companies, and you can request that they pick up from outside the Whitla Hall: Value Cabs: 028 90809080/ FonaCAB: 028 90333333