What's the Latest Buzz?- December

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editor’s note Hello Bees! I hope that you guys have been able to fulfill all your drams and aspirations of 2016- if not, I hope that 2017 will be the year where you will be able to do so. For all you seniors, hang in there! Remember that although many assume that New Year’s is finally a clean start, any day is the time to start anew… throughout the year, if things seem to be crumbling and falling, carpe diem, “seize the day,” and make your own fresh start. Time sure flies by fast, I can’t believe that this is my 9th newsletter, which means there’s only three more left for me to make… so I hope that with these last few months, I’ll be able to serve you guys to my best abilities. Thank you always for everything- I am overwhelmed with blessings. You all have done a tremendously great job this year both in and out of Key Club. Keep attending events, volunteering, and being PASSIONATE about Key Club and all this nonprofit organization has to offer! Stay warm, KeyUTIES!!

Servin’ with Spirit, Queena Hoang

President’s Message Hello, SUNny Key Clubbers! Happy New Year! Can you believe that it's 2017 already? I wish you all a happy new year and I hope that 2017 is a special year filled with unforgettable memories and happiness. Though there may be ups and downs throughout this year, I know that each of you have the ability to persevere and grow from each moment! As always, I will be a message or email away if you ever need help with anything (not just Key Club)! With that being said, there are only a couple of more months before the Key Club term ends! In just FIVE days, we'll be having our annual lock-in which our wonderful treasurer, Eunice Shim, and the DOFs have planned out! With 12 hours of continuous service, I hope that all the 70+ members who have signed up are excited because it's definitely one of my FAVORITE events to go to! I'm excited to see all that we'll achieve during lock-in because each non-slip sock you make or the hours you put into the garden truly impacts your community! Also, on January 14th, we will be having our annual Region 3 Conclave where we will be electing a new LTG for the 2017-2018 term! We will also be having our monthly DCM and for anyone who's interested in running for a executive board position, this is HIGHLY recommended as it truly gives you a first look on how our elections for Whitney Key Club Executive Board 2017-2018 will be elected. This event will be from 9AM-1PM at Orange Coast College so make sure to come out! More information will be sent very soon through an email so look out! Also, you'll be able to meet the new LTG who will be installed at DCON (April 7th-9th, 2017). Continuing on with the elections trend, I just wanted to let you all know that we will be having our club elections most likely from January 31-February 2nd. We have over 10+ interested candidates in running and through YOUR VOTES, you will be able to help choose who you think is best fit for these positions. IF you want to vote, you must be (a) a dues-paid member (b) must have 15+ Key Club hours (c) MUST attend the speeches as VOTING will occur RIGHT after speeches are finished. I sincerely hope that all of you come out as it truly is an amazing experience getting to see your possible future leaders and for those interested in appointed positions, it is HIGHLY suggested that you attend because FOUR of these candidates will be part of the 2017-2018 Executive Board! With that being said, we still have over a week of break and I sincerely hope that all of you have an amazing break filled with memories, catching up on sleep, and finishing your homework! For all seniors, we are ALMOST done with college apps! I BEE-lieve in all of you and let's finish this semester off strong. For all members, good luck on your first semester comps! Make sure to eat well & also take care of yourself. Thank you for all that you do for our club! I love you all so much.

Shining with Service, Isabelle Lee

On December 22, Whitney Key Club went over to Cerritos United Methodist Church to help the church sing Christmas carols to a nearby nursing center. We saw IP President Frances Lee, and worked with her church in their annual caroling event. We sang a variety of Christmas carols such as silent night and jingle bells. The senior citizens sang along with us and enjoyed the work that we were doing. It was a magnificent experience as we were able to help put a smile on the senior citizen’s face and had a great time singing. This event was truly heartwarming as volunteers were able to sing along with senior citizens, and helped celebrate Christmas with them. When we finished we returned to the church to coffee and donuts. Seeing the happiness of everyone really made my day and reminded me of the importance of volunteering and helping others. At the end of the day, we were all able to have a great time singing and helping make Christmas a great experience for the citizens of Anaheim Nursing Home. //Ethan Xu


"hark the heralds sing!” This past month, I attended the ACMUC Christmas Caroling event, where volunteers were able to sing Christmas carols to residents of the Artesia Christian home. When I first arrived at the event, there were other volunteers from Whitney as well as members of the church that we were volunteering with, and I spent the first few minutes chatting with a girl from the church group, and it was really extraordinary to see how were able to find something like volunteering as a common ground to talk about. Shortly afterward, we began to practice singing our songs that we were going to sing at the home. Unfortunately, I had just gotten sick the day before, so my throat was burning like crazy, but I still managed to put on a smile and sing as best I could. Once we arrived at the Artesia Christian home, we sang all the songs and all the verses and in that moment I couldn’t help but think how fortunate I was to be able to have the opportunity to use my – albeit strained – voice to put a smile on another’s face. All the senior citizens were smiling as we sang, some looking over to their visiting family members and looking truly happy, and I couldn’t help but think we helped bring those smiles to life. It may sound extremely cheesy and exaggerated, but volunteering at this event really brought these kinds of thoughts to mind and I highly encourage all those who can to volunteer at this event next year! :’) //Meghan Lee

IN THE SPIRIT OF GIVING The holiday season is always packed with emotion. Once November hits, students look forward to a week off during Fall Break, and then it’s a short three week wait until Winter Break (not to mention a few weeks just before the dreaded semester comps as well…) Everything is a blur after Fall Break, especially since we’re only in school for a few short weeks before we’re off for two whole weeks (and more!!) during Winter Break. These short weeks are usually packed with lots of tests and homework, all while trying to figure out the perfect gifts to give to your friends. These few short weeks are also packed with one very special event at Whitney High School—Operation Christmas. Each year, Whitney High Key Club partners with the Salvation Army to adopt a few families, so we can make their holidays extra special. This event is planned entirely by WHS Key Club’s Vice President (shoutout to the AMAZING DANIELLE LEE!! <3) who has to coordinate with not only cabinet, but also homeroom representatives, and the entire school!! It definitely is a big feat to take on so props to Dani to doing an amazing job this year. Operation Christmas is honestly one of my favorite events of the year since the entire school gets involved, since mostly everyone donates in some way, whether its food or money, or they get involved by volunteering the be a homeroom representative. Seeing the passion in students’ faces is always so inspiring because it helps to remind me that everything really is for a good cause, and we really are making a difference. Most of you probably already know this, but we actually broke our record for the most amount of MONETARY FUNDS raised for Operation Christmas this year, raising over $3000!! That’s amazing!! I also wanted to emphasize the fact that a lot of deadlines were moved up as well, so we raised a lot of money in a shorter period of time than expected…just imagine how much we could’ve raised if we had that extra week and a half. I was incredibly encouraged this year, because Operation Christmas really made the holidays extra special for me. Sure, it definitely feels good to get gifts and rip off the wrapping paper, but nothing compares to that feel-good feeling that comes with the spirit of giving. There’s definitely something magical when it comes to giving instead of receiving. I wanted to thank all of you Key Clubbers who helped keep the spirit up, and the entire Whitney student body for helping to make Operation Christmas the huge success it was this year. You guys are amazing! <3 //Kristina Theam

It was a Success! Operation Christmas was a such fun experience for me, getting the opportunity to work with so many people and become even closer to my fellow cabinet members. Operation Christmas is one of Whitney’s largest fundraiser drives of the year and because of all the amazing staff and students, we were able to raise an overwhelming amount of money and collect many canned foods and other necessities at the same time. I enjoyed working alongside the homeroom representatives and my cabinet members. Through this fundraiser, I became more comfortable with speaking in front of classes, handling money, and learning to be a team player. Because of everyone’s hard work and dedication, we were able to pull it off and surpass all our goals for this year’s Operation Christmas. My favorite part was definitely shopping for the families at Walmart. The homeroom representatives and some of the cabinet members decided to go to Walmart on a Sunday so that we would be able to buy some clothing and some other dream items that these family members wanted. Through this experience, I was able to get to know the homeroom representatives better and bond with them. While shopping, I also learned the importance of budgeting and keeping track of money. This all played an important role because we wanted to ensure that the family could receive all that they needed to help them through this season. Packing day was also a huge success. Everybody worked together to quickly and efficiently pack everything into boxes and label each gift with gift receipts. It is truly amazing seeing everyone working hand-in-hand to guarantee that these families would not struggle during this time of the year. Whitney really came together as one to assist these families, to the best of their abilities, and I am so lucky to be in such an environment where everyone is so thoughtful and caring.

I cannot express how happy I am, knowing that we were able to alleviate some of the burden that was put on these families. Therefore, I would like to thank everyone who helped make Operation Christmas so successful! Thank you to all the homeroom representatives who volunteered to help out and who were so willing to contribute in every way possible. We appreciate all that you have done, putting all your time and effort into making this year’s Operation Christmas such a successful one. From constantly making announcements in your homerooms to going shopping to buy clothing for the families, we thank you! Thank you to all the staff who donated to Operation Christmas. They were always so supportive and thank you to all the teachers who willingly allowed Key Club cabinet people to leave classes to make announcements. Thank you for always encouraging everybody to donate and for assisting us in so many ways! Thank you to all the students who donated money and even went out to buy canned food for these families. We know that these families are very grateful for all the thought that all of you have put into making this holiday season, a happy one for them.Thank you to all the cabinet members who put so much time and commitment into Operation Christmas! And finally, thank you to Dani who led us till the very end! Your enthusiasm and dedication helped guide us past all obstacles and lead us to host such an amazing fundraiser drive! //Justine Wu

Meet Andrea. I met Andrea at the Anaheim Health Fair Event on Sunday December 4. I was talking to Joshua Garcia (9th grade) near the entrance when I saw this lady struggling to carry her purse and plastic bag because she had so much difficulty walking. As soon as I saw her, I ran to help her. I carried her plastic bag and walked with her to the sign-up booth. I asked her on the way if anyone helps her at home; she said no, that her husband doesn’t live with her anymore, her son is in college and doesn’t help out, and that her daughter is always on her phone in her room. She said she was a single mother trying her best to support her kids, and I told her how special she is and how much value she has as a person; she has gone through so much, yet she keeps going. I told her that it is the people like her that I admire, and that she is so incredibly strong. When we reached the sign up booth, I made sure she would be okay on her own, and then gave her a hug before asking for her name. A little bit into the event, I saw her sitting down at one of the health booths, and I sat down next to her so I could talk to her for a little bit. Her story made me tear, but helped me to realize how special people can be. Andrea immigrated from Mexico after giving birth to her son in 1993. After developing her leg injury, she could no longer do as much as she used to do. Her husband then started leaving her, going away nights to parties and clubs, leaving her alone with the two kids. Eventually, he found another woman, who he then started another family with. I asked Andrea how she felt, and she said she knew it was coming. My heart broke for her. She then went on to tell me that her son was studying forensic science at CSUF, and her daughter was a senior in high school. Her daughter, Melissa, really enjoys working with kids, and wants to be a preschool teacher when she graduates. However, Andrea also told me that her daughter suffers from depression, worsened by the abandonment by her dad. She sees a therapist weekly. She does not have much friends, and she struggles socially. She has one boyfriend, though, but Andrea told me her concerns that she is worried Melissa’s boyfriend may not be good for her. Andrea also told me how much she loves going to Church, but how sad she was that her daughter and son no longer want to come with her, which breaks her heart because she wishes they could share her passion for God as well. Later into the event, she asked me if I could call her for lunch, and so I did. The food given was Indian Food, and she told me how all she cooks at home is Mexican food, and that she really wants to learn to make Indian food.

Heartbreakingly, Andrea told me that because of her difficulty with walking, she has to babysit little kids, making only $60 a week. My heart just melted when I heard this. After lunch, she said her husband was coming, and I was excited to see him, but no in a good way. It just made me so upset that he would abandon his own wife who has so much difficulty walking, his own daughter who already struggles with depression, and his son. Later that day, I saw that husband, and I wanted to just yell at him for leaving his family for another family, that he is supposed to sacrifice for his family, not just abandon them when they need a father figure. He made the choice to marry and have kids. He and Andrea are supposed to get through their lives with each other; but he just left her when she needed love and support the most. Being the person I am, of course I did care about him, but I couldn’t believe what he did to her, what he did to Melissa, and what he did to his own son. To my surprise, I saw Andrea again at the Anaheim Health Fair and Toy Giveaway,. She was standing in line for one of my booths when I came behind and hugged her. She stayed throughout the entire event, and sat down in a chair at the booth next to us for the last few hours. For the volunteers, there were some mini Ghirardelli Chocolates, and remembering how she only makes $60 a week, most likely not having anything to buy desserts, I just grabbed handfuls of the chocolates and put them in her plastic bag. I figured that out of all the kids, out of all of the staff there, Andrea needed it the most, and so I decided to help her because she needed some love. Then, she asked me if I could find her a small plastic water bottle, and doing the same thing with the water bottles as I did with the chocolates, I found the water bottle packages and just grabbed handfuls of water bottles to give to her. Once again, she needed it the most, so why not? Because of how many things I gave her, her plastic bag and purse were very heavy, and so I told her that I could definitely give her a ride home. Because of how injured her leg has been, she can’t drive cars anymore, and so she takes the bus. She thanked me and told me that her purse and bag are really heavy, and that it would be really difficult for her to carry everything. She waited by me until the event ended at 4. When I would move around with the group, I would carry her things so she could move and walk around with the rest of us. I just didn’t want her to be alone. I wanted her to feel loved. When all the volunteers and staff gathered near the curb, I helped Andrea, exhausted, to sit down on the sidewalk. When my dad pulled up, I helped her get up, which was hard because I didn’t know how to pick her up without making her feel uncomfortable.

I gave her my hand, but that wasn’t enough, and so I just wrapped my arms around her in an attempt to raise her. I failed dramatically, but one of the staff came and helped her to get up, and so we were soon on our way to driving her to her house. When we got there, I carried her bags while she walked. Again, my heart broke. She told me that she had been using a wheelchair, especially around the house, but it broke, and she’s struggling to afford a new one, and so I promised to help with the money I had, but she reassured me that she had enough, and that she had already ordered a new one and for me not to worry. When I walked her up the stairs to her house, which was extremely difficult for her, I saw lined on the railings Christmas decorations, and I told her how proud I was of her, that she still managed to decorate her house ever so beautifully. When she opened the door, I saw her daughter, Melissa. Looking at her, I knew she had an eating disorder. She had barely any visible fat on herself, and she didn’t look healthy. Upon seeing her, I told her how beautiful she was, and how special she was, and that her mom told me how she’s going through difficult times, but this is just temporary. It will pass. Weight doesn’t define who you are at all. A person’s value is not determined by their weight or body, a person’s value comes only from within. I didn’t want to talk too much. I was still standing in the doorway, with Andrea and Melissa pretty far back inside the house. I just told the both of them that I look up to them so much, that they are so special, and loved by me, that they are my new related family, and that I will always be there for them, that I’ll stay by them through every step of their journey to eternal happiness. I just wanted them to realize how special they really are. After a stressful week of school, Key Club Saturday events have always been something that helps get me through the week, knowing that the upcoming Saturday, I will be with the people I love, helping people who need help and love and care. Key Club has not only allowed me to help the most wonderful people in this world, but also to get to know people with such amazing, remarkable, and inspiring stories. I would not have been able to meet Andrea, or people like her, if it wasn’t for Key Club and the lives that our club has truly impacted and helped and cared for and loved. I find my value by helping people through Key Club every week. Honestly, what’s the point of a week if the only person we have really helped is ourselves? Our point in life is to give love, to help and care for other people, so that they too can experience and feel love as well love as love every single person around them and spread love like a contagious disease, continuing forever on incessantly. Through Key Club, I get to give my love to others, smile and compliment all the beautiful qualities of the people around me, and ask people how they genuinely are, not accepting “good” or “okay” as an answer because underneath a person is so much beauty, strength, hope, and love. //Shani Fernando

“beauty strength


and love�

starting o the new year

2016 was over in a flash, it seems, and 2017 is right around the corner. It makes me sad to think of how fast time goes by but I love to be able to look back at all the memories I have made! 2017 is a fresh start and I think everyone should think of it as a sleek new canvas. 1. It is a time to get motivated! Set goals for yourself and be sure to achieve them by keeping a positive attitude. Whether is be something as simple as giving up certain junk foods or saving up to buy something, always take small steps or it’ll get too overwhelming. 2. A new year is like a new chance to start something new. If you have always had an idea but never acted upon it, do it now. Don’t keep pushing it off! 3. Smile more! This can go along with keeping a positive attitude. Changing my view on things and seeing everything in a more positive light has definitely changed my life for the better. 4. Meet new people! There’s billions of people and you have so much opportunity to connect and meet new people every day so do it! For example, you can set a goal for yourself to meet at least three new people at each DCM. 5. Sleep, eat well, and take care of yourself. 2016 could’ve been a rocky road filled with stress and if you have a bad sleeping pattern, like me, try to get in the habit of getting enough good sleep. Also, eat well! What you eat can really affect the rest of your day so much so get into the habit of making healthy choices. I hope you follow your goals for this new year and remember to take it all one step at a time. //Kiana Hernandez

mental health As first semester finals are coming close to the end of January, I wanted to remind all of you that your mental health is important. Just as grades may be important to you, I hope you know that your mental health is equally if not more important than the grades you receive as in the end, grades are not a reflection of who you are as a person: you are much more than a number. As a current senior, I understand all the struggles you've faced throughout high school and the ones you'll face in the future but I want you to know that through the ups and downs of high school, that there are people who care about you and love you and want you to be happy. And going through countless numbers of finals, I understand the stress and pressure that you've been facing and will face- but I also hope you know that these finals should never define your worth. It's important to study but it's also important to make sure that you're taking care of yourself from eating right to getting enough sleep. 
 Here are a few tips for studying! • Creating a schedule is important. Though I also have broken many of my

schedules, I see myself a lot more motivated when planning out a schedule with what I want to accomplish by the end of the day. Make sure to take a nap if you're tired. Whether it be quick or a little bit longer, naps are important because the more rested you are, the easier it is for you to retain information! Make sure to take efficient breaks (give yourself a break every 30 minutes/ hour). Whether it be watching a video on YouTube to eating a small snack, breaks are important! Make sure to make a compilation of all the notes you've taken in that specific class. Try not to throw things away like worksheets that show you how to solve a certain problem or answer a question as they may be important for comps. Get enough sleep. Eat well & healthy. Make sure that your mental health is okay.

As I look back at my high school career, I can tell you that though making sure you're doing well in classes is important, making sure to take care of yourself is just as important. No one should ever have to sacrifice their own well-being in order to get a better grade and I know that's something all of us have fallen prey to but I hope that (even if it's a small step), we all focus on taking better care of ourselves while balancing our academic and social life. Good luck on finals and I know that all of you will do amazing regardless. Remember, in the end, that it's not about the grade you earn but what you get out of the class. Stay strong, stay positive, and remember you are loved. I'm always here if you EVER need anything! //Isabelle Lee

3 LIFE LESSONS AND MISTAKES 3 life lessons and mistakes I learned this year and hope to never repeat. I hope that reading this from my experiences can help you relate to what is going on with your life: .

1) “Don’t take things for granted.” Each day I cherish knowing that it can be worse or something bad could’ve happened to those I love. I rarely visited my great grandma which makes me sad because I cared for her a lot but I had such a busy schedule it was hard. When I did I felt so happy knowing she can still remember but knew she wasn't feeling all well but still kept her in my thoughts and hoped she gets better. A few days after she passed and I regretted those times I didn't go with my family to visit, those times where I was home doing nothing and didn't visit her. I wasted my time and now that it’s gone there's nothing I can do but visit her at her stone and be happy she's not suffering.


2) “Surround yourself with positive people.” Being around negative people doesn't do you any good but harm. At first you think to yourself they aren't bad people, they just have their own personal, unpopular opinion. But after awhile those opinions turned into comments, they felt the need to say something bad about everyone they see. I caught myself having those thoughts a lot and I knew I couldn't have myself around that; it didn't match up to my own personal values. After leaving those negative vibes I started becoming happy and less of a burden to people.


3) Lastly, “Do what makes you happy.” I've had tons of people tell me “to go do this” or “don't do that” my whole life and more recently. After hearing it so much you start to take in considerations of what they said and that you should listen to them. I want to be a teacher when I'm older but all I’ve heard of is “You can’t live in this world with a teacher salary” or “They barely make money, go into medical field” instead of “I support you” or “You’ll be an amazing teacher”. Now it doesn't bother me, those who have supported me has told me that happiness is worth all money, money can't do so much but happiness trumps over. Happiness is something I've struggled a lot with, I wasn't always bubbly or smiling so this is a definitely key to me.

//Kyla Basiana

new year’s resolution Everyone has their own new year’s resolutions, whether it’s small or big. Usually people only last for a month or two and that there’s this gray area as to why no one keeps up their resolutions. Do they do it because everyone does it? Everyone’s resolutions revolves on trying to better themselves but it’s like the end of year they're back to square one. Hoping that these tips can help someone keep their resolution(s). .

1) Set a goal each week or month depending what is needed and write it down on your phone or paper. Setting goals can help you keep track on what you need to do or just a helpful reminder of what you're trying to achieve. For example, if you’re going on a diet try listing the type of foods needed, what needs to be cut out, what exercise plan you're doing, etc. Keeping things organized really helps and in my opinion keeps me motivated!


2) See if your friends have similar resolutions so you can do it together and be on this journey! Having friends by your side can help motivate you to keep trying until the end of the year and do better.


3) Lastly, have a treat for yourself by December, or whatever month you need to end, for how far you’ve gone and sticking to it. It’s always good knowing you can treat yourself.

I hope all these tips help you stick to your resolutions and help you become a better person. //Kyla Basiana

why you should ALL apply for cabinet!

Hi everyone :^) As you may know, elections are coming up for the 2017-2018 Key Club term, and you should apply!! Being on cabinet this year has been such a rewarding experience. Not only have I met so many wonderful people, I’ve had the chance to grow as a person and I’m so grateful. From the initial reluctance to participate in icebreakers to the numerous friends and love for service I’ve developed, being on cabinet has led me to realize that Key Club is so much more than a club to show off volunteer hours; it is a family and a collaborative effort to impact the immediate community around us. Leading an effort to change the world gives you more insight into our purpose in being in Key Club. From being on cabinet, I’ve learned: 1. To get things done. Key Club cabinet is fun yet strict, and I love that executive board makes sure that we are on task and completing our duties. It’s important to know that fun should come as a result of being on task - if you are on top of your responsibilities, you’ll have time to mess around. In my opinion, I’m more productive when I have more things to do because since I feel like I’m pressed for time, I become more focused and I realize that I have no time to waste. 2. To be able to rely on others! I tend to like to do everything by myself, such as projects and things like that, but through cabinet, I’ve come to realize that it is unrealistic for me to depend on myself to do what is needed. If you do, you’re just going to end up so much more stressed out. It’s okay to ask for help from other people and to have faith that they will fulfill their part because that’s part of why they were chosen to be on cabinet. 3. To do more with what you love :^) I’ve noticed that everyone is always more than happy to volunteer to take on different tasks, doing what is outside their position’s requirements. It goes to show that everyone within cabinet is passionate about service, and that inspiration is infectious! Please apply for cabinet when applications come around because it is what they call LIT and you have nothing to lose! I encourage all of you to do so because our club is filled with so many passionate members and people that are capable of accomplishing even more than what our current cabinet has. SO PLEASE DO IT :-)) //Caitlyn Saw



Key Club district conventions are usually held in February or March. Every DCON is a little different, but all of them offer fun, fellowship and celebration 
 If you haven’t participated in a Key Club event outside of the ones your club hosts, your district convention will be an eye-opening experience. Meet high school students and club advisors from other schools who enjoy community service—and everything else Key Club represents. And don’t pass up the chance to learn more about and get involved with Key Club on the district level.
 DCONs offer a wide variety of workshops for members to build leadership skills and improve their clubs. You are given opportunities to connect and learn best practices. From new fundraising ideas to scholarship application tips, there’s something for everyone. Come learn from other clubs—and share your ideas with them too!
 Key Clubbers come back to their own clubs feeling energized and motivated. And that enthusiasm is contagious! Rejuvenate your club—get members ready to make a bigger impact through community service. Advisors also leave DCON with resources for guiding a Key Club and a network of other club advisors to reach out to.
 At DCON, members experience the magic of Key Club. You know their energy and enthusiasm—now imagine an event created just for them. All of you will leave inspired to take your Key Club to the next level. Key Clubbers get to enjoy the experience of staying at a hotel with friends and get time to explore the area. On the last night you can enjoy the Governor’s ball and dance the night away. Enjoy an experience you’ll never forget! //Danielle Lee

key club structure Our Key Club is part of a much larger program known as Key Club International. We have support and resources at three levels beyond out Whitney home club. Individual Key Clubs belong to Key Club divisions, which belong to Key Club districts, which comprise Key Club International. Here’s an explanation of each from starting from small, ending at the largest level. CLUB: Key Clubs are established in a high school or equivalent institution. These home clubs plan school/community events are given student a direct access to volunteer in their community. DIVISION: Each district is divided into territories called divisions, made up of various clubs. Each division has a lieutenant governor, a student leader who carries out the district’s policies and provides support to the clubs. Whitney HS is part of Division 30 South with other school ranging from Oxford Academy to Loara HS. DISTRICT: A district is sometimes defines by state or nation and tends to match a similar Kiwanis district. Each district chaired by a governor, elected by delegates at the annual district convention. INTERNATIONAL: Key Club International encompasses all clubs within the group’s 33 organized districts and in foreign countries that are not included in any specific district. Key Club International is led by an international board. Our international sister countries are West Virginia and Kenya. //Danielle Lee


CPAD is an organization that Whitney Key Club has been volunteering for, for years. It hurts to see the minimal numbers on the sign-up sheets for this event these past few months. However, it was relieving to see that there were more volunteers than usual for their Christmas event. Compared to the monthly meetings CPAD usually hosts, their Christmas event required the students to set up decorations, serve food, and perform in front of the audience. It was a great feeling-dancing and singing with the children up front while all of their parents watched-because I felt true happiness, and I knew I made a huge impact. Accompanied by volunteers from Renew Church, our members started off the event with hanging up snowflakes, snowmen, and other decorations. We set the tables and chair and put on table cloths and centerpieces to pull the whole look together. In between changing the room to look like a winter wonderland, I was able to talk to other people outside of our club; making new friends and getting to know other people outside of my normal circle of friends was truly something I’m glad I got to experience. As the event started and people started piling in, volunteers were busy serving food and making sure everything was going smoothly. Not to mention, once everyone got a plate, we were able to get food too. From chow mein to fish to sesame balls, the authentic Chinese food was delicious. After everyone finished their meals, we ended the event with performances by the volunteers ourselves, and dance routines by the kids. Cameras and phones were everywhere, and you could feel the Christmas spirit in the air. The people who invite Whitney Key Club to CPAD events are extremely kind and generous, and that’s the reason why I love going to their monthly meetings. The kids are adorable and fun to play with. They’re so pure and innocent and loving, but don’t take my word for it-go see for yourself at the January event! //Denise Chan

christmas turkey recipe With Christmas right around the corner, why don’t you surprise everyone in your family by cooking a dish this holiday! Here’s a recipe to make the best turkey. WHAT YOU’LL NEED: - 1 (8 to 9-pound) turkey -

2 .2 pounds diced turkey breast


3 1/2 ounces pine nuts


3 1/2 ounces dates, finely chopped 3 1/2 ounces walnuts


3 1/3 ounces diced cured ham


7 ounces chestnuts in syrup


1/2 cup brandy 1/2 cup sweet wine


2 eggs


Salt and pepper

INSTRUCTIONS: This will take around 3.5-4 hours, with 0.5-1 of those hours dedicated to preparing the ingredients. It yields approximately 6 servings. 1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. 2. Remove the bones from the turkey opening from the back and set aside while you prepare the stuffing. 3. In a bowl, combine the diced turkey, pine nuts, dates, walnuts, cured ham, chestnuts, brandy, sweet wine and eggs. Season with salt and pepper. Mix well and stuff the turkey with the mixture. Sew the opening shut with a trussing needle and kitchen string. You can also skewer the opening shut. 4. Place the turkey on a rack in a roasting pan. Roast for 3 hours or until the internal temperature in the center of the stuffing and in the thickest part of the thigh reaches 180 degrees F. While roasting, baste frequently 5. Cut into slices, spoon the stuffing, and serve.

Thanksgiving definitely shouldn’t be the only time of the year where you extend your thanks out to people who deserve it, and this is something I know I need to remember more often. Over the course of my 4.5 years at Whitney, I’ve gotten to know and befriend some AMAZING human beings, and I would like to just take a moment to express my gratitude. However, my gratitude and gratefulness extends to every single person who touched my life, whether or not you’re mentioned in this ☺ To Leanna Theam—I know I don’t say this often, but you really are an amazing sister! I’m so proud of the little sophomore/mini woman?? you’ve become and I hope you know that. Your passion and excitement for Key Club keeps my spirits high and reminds me why I do what I do, so thank you for that. Your enthusiasm doesn’t go unnoticed at events like DCM’s and it’s a trait I really admire in you. Please don’t let that fire inside you burn out, keep shinin’ you little sun! To Joshua Garcia—You’re honestly so adorable and you always know how to make me smile when I’m having a bad day, whether you know it or not. Your positivity always makes me want to smile, and you’re honestly so easy to talk too, and I really do appreciate that. I’m really glad you joined Key Club this year because I see so much passion in you, and it makes me want to do so much more and get out and volunteer more! Your willingness to serve is astounding and incredibly inspiring! To Charmaine Lee—I always have fun going to Key Club events with you, whether they be service or spirit!! You’re incredibly easy to talk to, and I really can talk to you about anything. I’m really glad we’ve been able to grow close these past few years, and I’m glad one of the ways we grew close was through Key Club (peep D04W LOL). Seeing how spirited you are always makes me want to get up and dance and shout with you, so thank you for helping to keep the fun part of me alive <3 To Key Club Cabinet—I’m so proud of all of the work each and every one of you has accomplished so far this term, and I can’t wait to see where these next few months take us!! Seeing your faces almost every Tuesday is definitely something I’ll miss this Winter Break. Your efforts to make a difference in our community have honestly made such a huge impact…be proud of yourselves!! We’ve been through a lot together, and I’m glad this journey isn’t over yet. Exec Board, you guys have done an amazing job nurturing this cabinet, and I’m so proud to serve under you guys. Have a great winter break, Suns!! //Kristina Theam


thanks target! Over the past month, operation Christmas has taken place at Whitney. Part of my job as a director of fundraising was to find donations for the families. In the beginning, it didn't look like we could get any since we had to go through a long process and Salvation Army had cut our dates short. However, a big thanks to target for being so cooperative. We were able to receive a gift card donated by target in order to make a family's holidays better. It was a great experience to work with them.Thank You Target, we’re so grateful that we can count on our local businesses. //Ankita Morari


KIANA HERNANDEZ Name: Kiana Hernandez Grade: 10th Cabinet Position: Director of Publicity Hello! My favorite animals are dogs or pigs and I love the color pink. In my free time I love to watch The Office, HIMYM, or paint. I also love all things Disney whether it be movies or characters or Disneyland, I love it all. I don't have a favorite subject at school but if I did take art it would probably be art. Favorite Food: Pasta Favorite Movie: Tangled Favorite Book: I don’t read! đ&#x;˜ž Favorite Drink: Fruit Juices Half Empty of Half Full?: Half full Fears: Regretting stuff when I’m old and it’s too late!

KYLA BASIANA Name: Kyla Basiana Grade: 10th Cabinet Position: Director of Publicity Hello! I'm Kyla Basiana! Favorite Food: My favorite of all time is fries. It's not the healthiest or necessarily a full course meal, but it's something I don't get tired of. Favorite Movie: My favorite movie is any Disney Pixar movie, I live for them and can never get tired of it! Favorite Book: My favorite book isn't anything, I don't read like I did before. Favorite Drink: My favorite drink is anything mango or lemonade! Half Empty of Half Full?: Depends on my mood, if it's half full I'm happy if it's half empty then I'm sad. Fears: My biggest fear is heights, drowning, and insects!

member of the month

aashwit nandhuri

1. Description of yourself: I'm a sophomore, and I love to meet new people and try new things.

2. What is your favorite part about Key Club? My favorite part of key club is being able to serve my community while spending time with my friends, and making new ones. I also love being able to be a person people are open, and willing to talk to, and Key Club has given me that platform. 3. Favorite music genre? My favorite type of music is, ALL lol. 4. If you could be one Disney character, who would you be, and why? I would be Mickey Mouse, because he defines the Disney brand, and can put a smile on anyone's face, and I aspire to be like that, but for Key Club. 5. Fun Fact!!!!!! A FUN fact about me, is that I love to dance!

member of the month

josie nieh

1. Description of yourself: I would describe myself as a pretty fun-loving person. I'm always looking for something new and exciting to do, especially with something I can do with friends. 2. What is your favorite part about Key Club? My favorite part of key club is definitely the experience of going to the various events. It really opens my eyes to the different types of people in the world as it is pretty easy to get used to the people in our "Whitney bubble". 3. Favorite holiday? CHRISTMASSSSSS 4. If you were stranded on a deserted island with one book, what would you want that book to be and why? I would bring The Wrath and the Dawn because it would help me forget that I was all alone on a deserted online, as it really sucks me into the world of the characters and all the fables they tell. 5. Fun Fact!!!!!! I have a love for bananas.

member of the month

cherin oh

1. Description of yourself: I consider myself an ordinary person. Nothing really special.

2. What is your favorite part of Key Club? I like Key Club, because you have the chance to help others out while having fun with friends. It helps you learn to interact with other people better too. 3. Favorite day of the week? Friday is my favorite day of the week, because it's the last day of school in the week and you’re done with all your tests, and there’s no more stress for the week. 4. If you could be any color in a Crayola box, what color would you be and why? If I were any crayon in a Crayola box, I would be white, because it's simple and a clean color.. there's nothing to it. 5. Fun Fact!!!!!! I like to cook food for people and I love dogs.

officer of the month

dani lee 1. Description of yourself: Hi!! I'm a very peppy person who loves spirit, helping others, hugging others, fanny packs, and exercising! 2. What is your favorite part about Key Club? I love meeting a lot of new people through every event :') My favorite part about key club is the flexibility of how and for what the volunteers can put their service into. Key club allows people to combine what their passionate about with service and benefit the community all while enjoying their time. 3. Favorite author? My favorite author would have to be Ray Bradbury. 4. If you auditioned for American Idol, what song would you sing and why? LOL lean and DABB 5. Fun Fact!!!!!! You can catch me in the hallways randomly dabbing!! If you

What is one of your biggest regrets in Key Club, and why? In the little time that I've been active in Key Club, I would say that my biggest regret is not allowing myself to really connect with the people I meet at volunteering events. I often forget that the words and actions I say or do can actually affect the people around me, and that a simple smile actually can make somebody's day. This is a regret of mine because I think that there are many amazing people at key club events that have made an impact on the people around them, and I want to shrive to be more like these people. Huge congratulations to 9h grader Josie Nieh for having the most BUZZIN response!

WANT TO SEND Want to be featured here? Send your article to bulletin editor Queena Hoang (AKA me) at queenaqhoang@gmail.com! Tell us your “Key Club Story,” “what Key Club means to you,” anything to related to Key Club, or simply advice and/or tips for our club! Maybe you’ll see your article in the


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