What's the Latest Buzz?- September

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welcome to the monthly newsletter!

EDITOR’S NOTE Hey Whitney Key Club! It is so incredible to see the year start off strong!! We are always so excited to see event spots fill up rather quickly. Definitely make sure to keep the passion going on in the later months as well! Study hard and keep volunteering! I’m SO happy we got over 170 signups at our Key Club booth, and I’m SO ecstatic to meet all you newBEES too. These past couple of days have been very difficult for me, as I was very behind on my schoolwork, and I tend to over stress myself a lot. Thus I felt very confused and lost, but Key Club’s cabinet definitely cheered up my mood significantly, and for that, it seriously shows how beeutiful the individuals in this club are inside and out!! Please do take the time to read these articles as I know most of you just skim through them, but these lovely suns seriously put so much thought and effort into it. Thank you all again for motivating me to make each monthly newsletter better than the one before. Again, feel free to submit in any pieces of writing about your experiences in any event or Key Club in general. My goal for the upcoming months is to reach my full potential as a Bulletin Editor and try to get you general members more involved with submitting in articles. It’s quite special to have your writing published for the community to read. Just know that Whitney Key Club is always there for you all, and we really are such a huge ohana. Thanks everyone!! :^)) Servin’ with Spirit, Queena Hoang

FAQS Does Key Club make keys? Only the keys to unlock your passion for service, true potential, and new opportunities! What are some examples of service events that Whitney Key Club do throughout the school year? Our major events are Fall Rally South, Pasadena Rose Float, and DCON. Some of our other services include city events like Hope Food Bank, CPAD, and Technior. Whitney Key Club also has smaller events like our annual Lock-In, Relay for Life, and we also coordinate with local elementary schools for their events such as the Bragg Carnival. How do I become a Key Club member (Deadline: October 14th, 2016)? 1) You must print/fill out the three forms! 2) You must pay a $13 membership fee to Donna at the Finance Office! 3) Attend general Key Club meetings. 4) Serve with spirit!!! When are the Key Club meetings? Answers may vary. We will publicize about our general meetings which occur every month or so.

What if I can’t attend a Key Club meeting? Don’t worry—all of our events are listed on our website and Facebook group! What if I can’t make it to an event I signed up for? Members who can no longer attend an event MUST NOTIFY the event coordinator AT LEAST 2 DAYS before the event, or you will be put on the last priority list. You are NOT allowed to just not show up if you RSVP’d for an event! How do I earn a stole? 1) Volunteer a MINIMUM of 50 hours each school year with Whitney Key Club. 2) Be an active member in our club! Where does my $13 membership fee go to? 1) $11.50 goes to Key Club International, 2) $1.50 goes to Whitney Key Club. Can I submit outside hours? You can submit up to 10 outside hours MAXIMUM for the school year. In which charities does Key Club support? - PTP (Pediatric Trauma Program) - Project Eliminate (prevents MNT-maternal/neonatal tetanus) - UNICEF - March of Dimes - Children’s Miracle Network Hospital How does the “How Do You Feel” chant go? We feel good! OH we feel so good. UH! We feel fine! All of the time! Abooga, abooga, abooga, booga, booga (turn in a circle while swinging your right arm in a fist)

*This chat is initiated with the question “Hey Key Clubber, how do you feel?” (usually at major events such as Fall Rally, DCON, or division/event events). What are newsletters? You can read about and see all of the different services that our members have done throughout the month! If you wish to submit your own articles or pictures, feel free to contact Queena Hoang. What’s up with the tutus and cheers? Spirit is how we express our Key Club pride and passion because of the impact our service has on our community & our world. How do i get more involved with the division? You can attend DCM’s (division council meetings), division socials, training conferences, and more! My question was not answered! Email me at queenaqhoang@gmail.com, and I can direct you to our President, Isabelle Lee who will get back to you ASAP!

President’sMessage Hello, SUNny Key Clubbers!

I hope that your first month of school has been SUN-tastic! As the new school year begins, I know that many of you will be stressed out due to schoolwork and tests, but I hope you know that if you ever need help or need someone to talk to, your Key Club ohana is here for you! Also, a shoutout to all the new members who joined Key Club during club rush! We are so excited for you to join our family and help make an impact in your community! Shoutout to all of the returning members as well; thank YOU for making a huge difference within your community. This past month, we were able to have our annual school supply drive for students and teachers at Palms Elementary! We were able to fill 8 boxes of school supplies for them and that truly warms my heart! Thank you so much, on behalf of all four clubs who participated and Palms Elementary, for all the support and donations brought in. I can truly say you have definitely impacted someone's life! Also, this past month, Club Rush 2016 also occurred! Thank you to everyone who came out to our booth and took pictures! We are SO excited for the upcoming year as there will be SO many new, exciting events planned! Here are a few upcoming events and reminders! Please remember that all the three forms on our booth (if you did not receive these forms, an email was sent out with the forms attached) and the $13 dues are due to Donna at the Finance Office by October 7th! Please remember that until you turn in all forms and pay the $13, we are unable to officially count your hours for our club! Also, make sure to look out for our first general meeting! We'll be talking more about what Key Club is, our club cabinet, an outline of the year, and award our summer, September, and October officers and members of the month! Also this month, we will be having our annual UNICEF Trick or Treat Drive where the homeroom that raises the most money will be given a free ice cream party! And finally, thank you all for joining Key Club and for being a member. Knowing that there are students within our school who want to help make a change in our world truly inspires and warms my heart on a daily basis. If you ever have an event you would like our club to attend or have any questions, feel free to email me at isabellelee2424@gmail.com! I would love to help you! As 1st quarter comps are also at the end of this month, I want to send a good luck to everyone! All of you will do amazing; I believe in you so much! After comps, Halloween occurs and I hope all of you have fun trick-or-treating with your friends or spending a day chilling at home and relaxing! Stay sunny! Shining with Service, Isabelle Lee Key Club President ‘16-’17

Now loading: Operation: R.T.C Region Training Conference Are you ready to join forces with the rest of the Region 3 Key Clubbers to learn more about various aspects of our organization to defeat the evil that lives upon us? Here, members will meet fellow operatives where we will all unlock your hidden potentials as we Plant the Seeds of Service. The event check-in will start at 11AM, so make sure to be there on time! If you have any questions or concerns, make sure to contact your Lt. Governor, Kelly Tran or President, Isabelle Lee.



- YOU make Key Club!!! - No matter what other positions you

- Student Board elected by -

hold, you are always a member first!


members of the club! President, V. President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian and Editor, Spirit Chair, Kiwanis Chair, etc.

DIVISION - 15 clubs within one division - Lieutenant Governor of the Division acts as a representative for the District! - Division Leadership Team DIVISION MASCOT sun

DISTRICT - Nation or State(s) that align with -

Kiwanis Districts Executive District Board One Lieutenant Governor (LTG) per Division

INTERNATIONAL - All clubs from countries (37 countries!) - International Board

WHAT I DID OVER THE SUMMER This past summer of 2016, I volunteered with an organization called the Student Conservation Association working at the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. Over the course of twenty-eight days I was apart of a group called a “National Crew” and in total there were ten of us: two adult crew leaders, four girl crew members, and four boy crew members. Each and every day we had to prepare our own breakfasts and pack out a lunch for the day. After this morning routine we would drive out to work in these vans off to our worksite. Most days we helped with the National Park trail crew, whose job is to help maintain hiking trails in the park. A lot of the days consisted of manual labor and almost everyday ended up being a sweaty one. What I enjoyed the most was that this opportunity allowed me to literally “get my hands dirty” and use my bare hands (and gloves for protection purposes) to use a pick-matic tool and dig into the Earth. The most enjoyable aspect of it all was when the actual work I was doing with my team of friends was when visitors coming from the city would compliment us on how nice the trail was. Finally at the end of the day we sometimes went swimming in the Delaware River and it was so clear you could see the bottom when you would swim. Finally at the end of the day we would typically prepare our own dinners for the entire group and after a long day of work and fun we would go to sleep in our tents. This volunteer/camping/bonding trip for me on the east coast was a lifechanging experience for me and it was something I very much enjoyed being apart of. The reason I’d like to share this personal experience of mine is that I hope to inspire others interested in nature and service to maybe partake in this same opportunity! For those that are potentially interested the organization is called the Student Conservation Organization and they offer really great programs that allow high school students to travel across the country and volunteer in efforts to help conserve our environment! Lastly here is a picture of me and my fellow Crew members on one of the days we worked by a waterfall!! //Justin Hogenauer


Below is a list of five reasons why I joined Key Club and how each reason has impacted my life. Key Club’s motto and what the club stands for… The very first time I discovered Key Club was during the 8th grade orientation and it was there that I learned about Key Club. Key Club’s motto is “Caring―Our way of life” and this is a motto that truly helps to define this club. I always consider Key Club to be a service club that emphasizes giving back to the community and volunteer, which is a true statement, but there is more beyond those emails and pun-filled bee jokes that make Key Club so enjoyable. Key Club is definitely a club that shouldn’t be judged by its cover but should be experienced first hand. My advice to those interested in key club is just try it out! Maybe go to a volunteer event or two with a friend of yours and see how you like it, if you have a good time and enjoy working with others I recommend joining! Being able to volunteer in my community... “Volunteering” is a common word around Whitney and it might be something that you think helps you get into college, and in some cases that is true, but it is also a whole lot more than just that. Being able to dedicate your own physical efforts and time to bettering others and knowing that what you are doing is benefiting others is a priceless experience that only volunteering can offer. Key Club is a great way to become more involved with the local community, whether its volunteering at a food bank or educating senior citizens with technological devices, volunteering offers a vast variety of opportunity for everyone, including me! The opportunity to rise as an individual and a leader... I personally joined Key Club my sophomore year of high school and it has been a decision I do not regret one bit! Over the past year. Being a member and serving over fifty volunteer hours, I have definitely learned more about my community and about myself. I have been able to work with people from schools around the region and strengthen my social and leadership skills to a whole next level. After a highly enjoyable year, I really got to enjoy how much Key Club meant to me so I applied for the position of Director of Activities and it has been a decision I cherish to this day. Always apply for Key Club cabinet if your interested and don’t be afraid of pushing yourself!

//Justin Hogenauer

Kiwanis International family dedicated to changing one child’s life at a time Encouraging the values of leadership, character building, caring, and inclusiveness Young students coming together to better their community and impact the world Caring group of volunteers with a passion towards community service Leaders of tomorrow with generous hearts Universal student-led organization Boldy diverse and welcoming to all faiths, ethnicities, and genders //Justin Hagenauer


A big big thank you to everyone who signed up for Whitney Key Club and Builder’s Club. I

can truly say that being a part of Whitney’s Club Rush was absolutely amazing and fun.

Everyone who came to the Key Club booth were all eager to join and I can’t wait to meet all the newcomers and make even more memories with the old members too. I can guarantee, for those who signed up, that they are in for a lot of fun and volunteering.

Through Key Club, I am able to make an impact on people’s lives, both young and old, and

seeing these people smile definitely puts a smile on my face too. While volunteering, I have become more aware to the things that are happening outside our Whitney bubble. We learn to raise

awareness for different causes and we get the opportunity to help those that are less fortunate than us.

Whitney Key Club is a tight-knit family that is supportive and loving. We are always there

for each other and we provide each other with care and love. Together, we help to make our

community a better place. Key Club has helped me realize that fun and service go hand in hand. With my Key Club family, I always have such a great time volunteering.

Key Club is an international organization that works to better our environment. It isn’t just

about service but it is also about the memories and the people. At Key Club events, you get the chance to meet a countless number of amazing people, and you are able to make the most

unforgettable memories. It isn’t about what the community can do for you, but what you can do for your community.

With that said, thank you again for joining Whitney Key Club. I would like to welcome all

new members and welcome back all the old members too.

//Justine Wu


There has honestly never been a time where I felt as spirited about Key Club as I did this past week during Club Rush. This Club Rush was something special to me; it reminded me why I joined Key Club in the first place. I know it sounds cliché, or even fake to a point, but I mean it. Okay MAYBEE I was this spirited at FRS LOL, but the point is that my love for Key Club was reignited recently, and I’m really happy it was. I’ve been struggling recently in terms of reminding myself of why I volunteer and why Key Club is important to me. I loved volunteering of course, that never changed, but it seemed like I was just “going through the motions.” I didn’t feel anything or any sort of connection when I volunteered. The sad part is I didn’t realize until recently. I’d attend DCM’s like a good cabinet member and get volunteer events/hours in every once in a while, at a fairly decent pace I would say. But I was getting too… comfortable. Key Club was just something that I got TOO used to. Of course I’m glad Key Club has become such a mainstay in my life, but I lost the passion and fervor I once had for this amazing club. I got distracted and wrapped up with a bunch of other things going on in my life that I couldn’t stop to realize that Key Club and I were growing apart. This past Tuesday, you might’ve seen me sitting in the Key Club wagon, waving our brand new flag, wearing a HUGE smile on that face. The feelings I felt in those moments were so genuine, so real. As Caitlyn Saw pulled me around the school, my enthusiasm for the club kicked right back in and it felt amazing. Unbelievably amazing. Seeing everyone’s smiles as I was wheeled around made my day. It was really cool to see how just being spirited can get other people excited about someone you care so much about. In those short moments where I was sitting in the wagon, shouting obnoxiously “Join Key Club!” all around the school, my heart and mind were finally at peace with each other. I definitely have a newfound motivation for volunteering and staying active in Key Club. Continuing to be active was never a question, but the passion and heart behind it was. Seeing how my enthusiasm could make someone smile or laugh was honestly one of the greatest experiences ever. Club Rush reminded me why I began. It was a really good reminder for myself that you should never, under any circumstances, forget your roots. //Kristina Theam


During this past week, clubs have been publicizing and posting in hopes to attract new members. This week, I participated in Key Club’s “how do you feel” spirit cheer multiple times, in front of people I’ve never met. Freshmen and seniors alike asked me why I love Key Club, and I got to tell them all about this wonderful family that has grown on me so much since the day I went to my first event. I met some of my closest friends at events that I’ve been to. Through many events, I have been able to help veterans, marines, the homeless, and the blind; all people that I never would have imagined that I would get the chance to impact. To all the members reading this, new and old alike, stay with this club because it is truly life changing. Thank you for joining this spirited and caring family – you won’t regret it. The Key Club family is here for you, and I may seem awkward when I first, but trust me, I’m truly excited to meet each and every one of you while we make a difference in the community we serve. :’ //Meghan Lee

CLUB RUSH I’m sure all of you sunny Key Clubbers were aware, but if you weren’t, Whitney’s club rush was from September 19th to September 23rd. Our booth was out on Tuesday and Friday, but you can STILL sign up to be a part of our sunny ohana (just let anyone from cabinet know!). Key Club has been one of the biggest impacts in who I am today, not only because of the GREATNESS of service, but also because, as an active volunteer, you are exposed to so many different situations and you have the chance to experience all of them. Every volunteer event is different, which allows our volunteers to mingle with strangers and make friends! I still talk to many of the people I’ve met through Key Club, and it’s great to meet new people since the Whitney bubble is so small. Reasons to join Key Club: 1. To be part of a club! When I was a freshman, I was looking for a way to fit in, so I joined what is thought to be one of the most social clubs on campus. I didn’t necessarily fit in, but I loved how accepting everyone was of each other despite our individual differences. 2. To learn about yourself. As time went on and as I attended more events, I realized that I was breaking out of my shell. I used to be so shy and never talked to anyone. At first when I joined Key Club, I hated having ice breakers at any event because I was scared of interacting with people I didn’t know. Now, icebreakers are my favorite part of any event and I realize that even though most of the activities are embarrassing, the embarrassing stuff is what gets you the most comfortable in a room full of strangers. 3. Do more with your time. I volunteer for a lot of morning events because I know that if I didn’t, I would just sleep in. I wouldn’t BEE productive without the event anyway, so I sign up because if I do go, I wouldn’t be wasting potential time that could’ve gone towards studies. Volunteering is also a great way to start your day because you start it knowing that you’re helping your community and giving to a cause. I hope this encourages you to join Key Club or, if you’re already a member, realize why you’re doing what you do. Encourage your friends to join our family! :-)) //Caitlyn Saw

WHAT KEY CLUB IS TO ME In light of club rush, which has happened just recently, I thought that it would be appropriate to talk about what Key Club really is to me. I joined this organization that revolved around service in my sophomore year expecting what I was told: a wonderful and bright community that you can call your family, and a place where you can find yourself as a person and learn so much more about what it means to serve. After my first few events, HOPE Food Bank being one of them, I believed everything I had heard: seeing volunteers hand out food to the people who so desperately need it with smiles on their faces, it was a nice sight, and I wanted to see more of that throughout these events. However, when I attended Fall Rally, my vision of Key Club changed. During this event, there is a spirit session that the entire event is based around; however, to see people only coming to Fall Rally for the rollercoasters at Six Flags was a bit disappointing; people were taking advantage of this opportunity in the wrong way. The surprises did not end there. While I was at the July DCM : Beach Boomba, 30 minutes of the event had been allocated to the event. These 30 minutes would make up a mere 8% of the entire event in terms of time, yet what did I see? At the end of the event, I saw more trash in the area Region 3 was at than we began with, which is questionable in the least. And even some of the people cleaning up were only talking and barely picking up anything while doing so. So far, it sounds like I’m telling people to realize that Key Club is a terrible organization, and because I know that’s how the first paragraph is going to come off as, let me explain why I’m saying any of this. It’s not the organization that’s bad, but some of the people that make up the organization who are misusing the opportunity that they are presented with (please keep in mind these people aren’t necessarily bad people). There will be those who volunteer for numbers on a college application, and that’s completely okay; some people need the hours for the application, but also love service and are so dedicated in their service that it shocks me.

Some other people love the service and would serve at any event even if they would get no hours for it, and I greatly respect those people, and then there are those people who misuse the opportunities given to them. I do not hate these people, in fact, I wish that they would understand what Key Club is for: on the most basic level, Key Club is a student led organization that strives to provide help for the people in need throughout the world. Whether you as a Key Clubber are there for college, or because you truly love service, you’re still helping this wonderful organization do its job. If you, however, only intend on being a bad representation of Key Club, then so be it. I’m not writing this to try to reform those who misbehave and whatnot. This is why I’m writing this article: to those who are joining Key Club, do not misuse this opportunity, but do not take it for this perfect organization either. Be a dutiful member and be genuine in your service; those who need your help couldn’t ask for more. Key Club can be another family if you wish it to be, there’s no stopping that, but do not think those people are immediately another family to you. Grow bonds with the people you want to meet, and those people will eventually become that second family. Key Club is what you make of it, so just don’t make it something you would hate to be a part of. Please let me reiterate and be absolutely clear that I neither dislike Key Club or the people who misuse the opportunity; there are wonderful things about both of those things. I simply wish that some people were as good as the intentions of the organization they serve //Jason Park


It's easy to do things out of spontaneity. Not exactly so with intentionality. If you think about it, most of your actions result from instinctual or habitual desires. Mostly self-centered thoughts. Doing things to please yourself. Weighing your options and choosing to do what's worth your time. We spend our limited days living like this. Without a greater purpose.
 This is not to say that spontaneous living is always selfish. There are indeed moments when we are unintentionally kind. We learn to be respectful at a young age. We learn what it means to have good manners. We learn to have common decency. We learn to behave appropriately. We learn to please other people. But, when actions are performed without any thought put into them, when they're done out of habit, don't they lose their meaning and value? If we are okay living a performance-based life, we are no different from circus animals who are trained to entertain in order to survive. So what's the answer to a more valuable life? Intention. We need to learn to live with intention, to actually think about what we're saying before we speak, to think about what externalities our actions have on others. When you do things, are you doing them "just because"? Because it's the trendy thing to do? When you make hurtful remarks, are you making them "just for fun"? To lift yourself up? To feel more confident? Or better yet, because everybody does it? You can't ever say something is "okay" because many people do it or are okay with it. Where do your values lie? These are some serious issues we all need to address. The majority of teenagers live thinking that there's a tomorrow. So we live to have fun. We call ourselves dumb, thinking that by doing so, we're justified from our stupid decisions. We make stupid decisions, believing that we can always choose to change in the future. But who the heck knows? We don't want to acknowledge it but it's true. Our days are numbered and nobody knows when we'll meet our last... So it's time to live with a greater purpose. More of us need to live for others. In our post-modern society, we're cultured to live for ourselves. To stop wasting our time on people who don't matter or add any benefit to our lives. But I'm telling you to live for others. Go to that one classmate you always see eating alone during lunch and befriend them. Have deeper conversations with your friends. Appreciate your family members more. Choose to build someone up instead of bringing them down. Offer what's precious to you to others. It's easy to give generously when what you're giving doesn't mean much to you. But to give what you deem precious, whether that'd be your time, pride, or thoughts, is a much more lovely challenge. So, start living intentionally & keep on keeping on! //Eunice Shim

How to Survive the School Year Hello everyone! School can be a handful, and sometimes you can feel like you’re drowning with all of the work load that you have, especially if you also have extracurriculars on top of that. Balancing your social life, homework, tests, clubs, sports, and family is hard and stressful, but here are some tips that hopefully make your life a little bit more manageable. 1) Grades are not your upmost and first priority. Remember: colleges don’t want to just see straight As or 4.0 GPAs on your application; they also want to see what you’ve accomplished outside of your grades. Sports and clubs or anything you do that is unique to you is great and that makes you stand out towards them. 2) Procrastination- we’ve all been there in that situation where we say we’re going to finish homework and studying in a certain amount of time, then go out and have fun or do whatever we want- and that doesn’t end up happening. We always tell ourselves to not procrastinate and to be on top of things, but that can be hard with your phone sitting right next to you, mocking you, or with your friends constantly bugging you to go out with them. Well, DON”T LET THAT TEMPT YOU FROM YOUR STUDIES. You’re just going to drag out time and before you know it you’ll be starting homework at midnight and you’ll regret going out. 3) When you’re drowning with a bunch of things to do, prioritize them. There’s some things that you can put off until the next day, and stuff that you really need to get done immediately. Make sure you spend enough time in each category of your life to make sure you can handle it the best that you can. 4) Don’t ever stress out to the point where you’re getting less than 4 hours of sleep each day. If you are, you’re goofing off too much and you need to learn to manage your time wisely. 5) If you ever feel stressed and alone, take a deep breath, put aside your work, and drink some tea or hangout with friends. The more stressed you are, the more panicked you will be, and the less you will get done. Remember, your friends and family are always there for you if you need someone to talk to, so make sure to talk to them if you need to, too! Hope these quick tips helped, and I’m sure you’ll have a successful, fun school year. See you next month on the monthly buzz! //Denise Chan


Although I’m an officer, these past few weeks, I felt like I haven’t been active enough within our Key Club in terms of actual volunteer work (not DCM’s). So, I forced myself to sign up for this event. All shifts (which were, in total, fifteen and a half hours) were spread out over the weekend and I volunteered for all of them. I was so tired. However, like any volunteer experience, I came back with new knowledge and a new experience. To me, this is invaluable and always worth a morning sleeping in. Some things I learned: How to set up a sound system How to make friends when you don’t know anyone at the event The fact that I had the strength to lift some heavy boxes that I thought I wouldn’t be able to carry! How to take initiative Some really great animal puns and jokes This event was on Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday, we helped set up the book fair by setting up directional signs and the dining room. On Sunday, I helped with last-minute set up in the morning and afterwards helped set up microphones and speakers for one of the stages. Towards the end of the event, I helped an author with her sales and booth. I know it’s hard to sign up for events, especially in the school year when everyone is busy, but you should always try to make room for a volunteer event or two. It’s definitely hard to get yourself to sign up; it’s hard to wake up on the day of the event and be excited to go, and it may even be hard to have to go through the event. Despite all of this, I promise that the feeling you get afterwards of accomplishment and gratitude is enough motivation to volunteer for more events. It takes a little effort to start volunteering, but that is enough to set the ball rolling. In the end, you never remember the heat on the day of the event or the sore muscles from lugging around ladders and tables all day. Now, I just remember that the stage manager gave me advice on how to be happy in the career I choose. I just remember the appreciation the author I helped had for me because she had bad eyesight and the fact that she trusted a total stranger with her profits. I remember that she even asked me for my contact information even though she lives in Chicago. I remember how friendly a poet was and the small talk we made while I helped him load his car. These are the things you truly get out of volunteer events, not just hours. //Caitlyn Saw

From September 12th to the 23rd, Whitney Key Club alongside other clubs at our school: Pen on Paper, Beyond the Books, and Girl Up partnered together once again to help create a school supply drive for students and teachers at Palms Elementary School who were unable to purchase supplies needed for the upcoming school year. After having been able to donate many boxes of supplies the past year, allowing Palms Elementary to fully supply its teachers and students with school supplies, all club presidents worked together to help create a successful second year through lots of publicizing and homeroom visits. 
 Throughout the two weeks this event had taken place, cabinet members from each of the club were assigned one of the thirty three homerooms at our school. On the first day of the drive, I was able to go on my school's news network and give a quick announcement about what the drive was about and how much of an impact a pack of new pencils or other supplies had on the students' lives. After our school's news segment ended, representatives from each club personally went to each of the classrooms to talk to the students about how they could make an impact and answer any questions about the drive. Every few days after that, representatives went to their homerooms to remind the students until the drive ended. On the last day of the drive, all representatives were asked to bring the boxes into the conference room in order to keep track of all the boxes and supplies to ensure they could be donated later on the day. During 7th period, Key Club and Pen on Paper cabinet members came together to sort through the supplies and make sure that all supplies were new or unused! Afterwards, they were put back into boxes and we were able to fill up eight boxes of supplies for the students and teachers! After arriving at Palms Elementary with two of Pen on Paper's cabinet members: Sabrina Chan and Jessica Andres, we were greeted by the secretary we kept in contact with! She was so grateful and happy that our school was able to raise supplies for the students and teachers at Palms Elementary as some of the students attending this school are homeless and knowing that we could provide some of the supplies they needed truly warmed my heart. On behalf of Palms Elementary and the four clubs, to everyone who was able to publicize this school supply drive and donate, thank you for making a difference. It truly warms my heart knowing that with your donations, we were able to impact so many students and teachers lives and makes me thankful to be in a school where there are so many kind and thoughtful students.

//Isabelle Lee


Club rush was this last week and for Key Club, it was absolutely

successful! All of cabinet put in a lot of work and effort to make it as successful as it was and all of it really paid off. It was great to see a huge crowd gathering around Key Club’s table waiting to get their names on our sign up sheets. All of us were so energetic and welcoming and there was just so much positivity in the air. I especially loved seeing cabinet go around the school in the wagon because it really shows how spirited and exciting Key Club is. I was able to get so many friends and acquaintances to join which felt amazing because I hope they can see the light in service like I do. After club rush, I loved looking through all the photos because it captured everyone's smiles and excitement and it reminds me of why I love Key Club so much. With such a great outcome, I hope this upcoming year is full of fun, bonding, and lots of service!! //Kiana Hernandez

5 WAYS TO RELIEVE STRESS Stress...it’s something that happens to all of us Whitney High School in one form or another. For some it may be stress to due an upcoming exam, bad grades, or planning an event, but regardless there has to be a solution to cope with these different levels of stress, right? The answer is yes and for those of you who feel like you're buried under a mountain of stress try these 5 things: SPEND MORE TIME OUTSIDE Busy and caught up in our everyday lives, we often spend a lot of our time staring at our phones or a computer and don't get to appreciate the great outdoors. So next time try going to your local park for a light walk or maybe even try going for a run. I personally always like a nice bike ride, because I can get some exercise while also feeling a continuous cool refreshing breezy. EAT A QUICK SNACK Sometimes you might get overly stressed when doing school work and often times it only makes it worse when you’re “hangry”, being both hungry and angry at the same time. Taking a few minutes to grab a bite to eat like some grapes or a scoop of ice cream always helps any stressful scenario. Also, make sure to stay hydrated and drink water, because you need that water to help your body and brain function to the best of its abilities. WORK WITH A FRIEND Whenever I’m studying for a big test such as semester finals, I find it really helpful to collaborate and form study groups. Two minds are better than one and often times students work better when they are with others because they can rely on them for help. Studying with a friend or two allows you to also quiz one another which becomes a useful tool when preparing for that test. LISTEN TO YOUR FAVORITE MUSIC Music is power in the sense that it can also be therapeutic. Whether it be that new upbeat pop song you heard on the radio or that soothing classic piece you heard from a concert, music comes in all sorts of different styles and many can relieve stress. Plug in some earphones and just close your eyes for a few minutes the next time you have the weight of the world on your shoulders. I’ve found listening to music to be very useful for example when I am nervous before a big race in track I like to listen to my jams. TAKE A HOT SHOWER OR BATH A lot of times people get stressed out because they are under a lot of pressure and tension and throughout the day it just begins to build up. Well, I have been there before and what I find very useful at the end of a hard day is a nice hot shower to rinse away all the stresses of that day. The warm soothing feeling of the rushing water against your face not only removes away all that dirt but also provides a relaxing sensation that can relieve any anxieties that might have been on your mind! //Justin Hogenauer




On the edge about joining Key Club? Well there’s no reason to be. Key Club is an amazing organization, not just a club, and you get nothing but positive experiences from it. You’re only gaining things and your life becomes so much sunnier. Do you think you’re too busy? Don’t worry Key Club has a variety of events spread out along the year so you’ll definitely be able to attend some! Key Club has opened me to so many new opportunities and experiences. I was doing things that I could never imagine doing like leading people at a fun run to make sure they get registered to helping the environment by picking up trash at Huntington. It made me a better leader and a better person. You gain so much more than just volunteer hours. You gain a network of people you can rely on and it doesn’t just stop at your high school. I’ve met so many people from just attending region and division events. You get communication and leadership skills, you gain the chance to make a difference in your community, a chance to give back as a young teenager which not something most people get to do. So don’t think and just join Key Club because it’s an opportunity knocking at your door? Answer it! //Ankita Morari

Now that the school year has finally started to get into the groove and we are getting busier and busier, we are getting bombarded with projects, homework, extracurricular, and personal lives. As key clubbers it is very important to balance your life and live a healthy happy one! The school year has just begun and is only to get harder from here.. So here are some practical tips that you can follow in order to maintain a more enjoyable and efficient life: 1. Live a life with purpose:

Positive health starts from within! Are you living a life of meaning? Are you living in line with your purpose?

2. Plan out a weekly schedule:

Keeping up with everything happening is pretty difficult so make a weekly calendar and write down all the goals you want to accomplish (both daily and weekly) Check each thing off as you complete them so that you can visually see that you are completing tasks.

3.Get enough sleep!!

When you don’t rest well, you compensate your health and are more prone to stress. As Whitney students, of course it is hard to sleep enough because of all the work, but remember it is just as important to get a good night’s rest for a fully functional body. In order to get enough sleep, be efficient with your time and get started on homework/studying right away. Sometimes, when students stay up to study they find themselves dozing off and not even studying. In this kind of situation, just go to sleep and set an alarm for EARLY in the morning, wake up then, and study/do hw with a fresh mind. With these tips, hopefully you will be able to save time, be more happy, and spread the key club love even more! So GO OUT THERE and SHINE BRIGHT SUNS! //Danielle Lee



To Eunice Shim—you are honestly, sincerely one of the most hardworking people I have ever had the pleasure to meet. You are always on top of your work, and you always help us DOF’s (shoutout to Ankita) stay on top of our own work as well. You make our help make our job easy, but you definitely challenge us as well. You are a joy to everyone’s life and I really do believe you’ve touched more lives than you know, mine included. There is never a time I see you without a smile on your face. When you walk out of AP Physics and I see you, it always brightens my day to hi to you because you always flash a smile right back at me. It’s also fun to see you in Hutch this year instead of yelling at people to grab a fruit or vegetable haha. You are a joy to work with, and I hope you know that. You challenge us to do more than what’s expected of us. When we were given a goal from Kelly of how much we need to raise for PTP, you immediately wanted to raise more. You helped us organize our bake sales for PTP, which helped out a lot since Ankita and I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you. It means a lot to me, especially, that you contributed what you could to the Key Club Yearbook Ad. Thank you for that. Seeing your joy and passion, your love for people, is so awe-inspiring at volunteering events. You’re always so willing to help out whenever and wherever you can. You do everything with a positive attitude. Through you, I can see the true character of what it means to be a Key Clubber. Thank you so much for all that you do for the club, and also for just being you. It really does sound cliché, but I mean it. You’ve definitely touched my heart and have made my Key Club experience so much better. //Kristina Theam


Key club, at first, was just something for me to do. I didn't plan to get involved as I am today. I loved volunteering, helping out so I knew this club was for me but I didn't think my life would revolve around it. I thought I would just go to a couple of events and that's it, as a new freshman I wasn't involved with school until Key club. Honestly I'm glad my life revolves around Key club, it’s helping me grow as a person, learning new skills, and meeting more and more people along the way. I see lots of people join so it looks good on college apps or to get the stole when they graduate but I join because of the memories I can look back to, the friends I made, the stressful planning, and of course the infamous cheers. Don't let the early times discourage you or think that we are inclusive and that you won't fit in with us, we are all big loving OHANA who would love to have you be apart of! Don't join so you can look good, join because you truly love volunteering!

//Kyla Basiana


JASON PARK Name: Jason Park Grade: 12th Cabinet Position: Historian/Tech Editor If there’s one thing to know about me, it’s that I don’t really have any special talents. I’m the most average person you’ll meet, and there really isn’t anything more to that. I haven’t won national competitions, or gotten awards for something remarkable. I do play League of Legends, but is that really something to be even remotely proud of? I moved to Cerritos when I was becoming a 5th Grader so I wasn’t here from the very beginning like many of the people I know. Another thing about me is that I like to edit videos and make short film productions, but I can’t really say I’m good at it (it’s a work in progress I hope). Favorite Food: Samgyupsal Favorite Movie: Zootopia Favorite Book: Half Empty of Half Full?: Optimism Fears: Loss of connections

MEGHAN LEE Name: Meghan Lee Grade: 10th Cabinet Position: Historian/Tech Editor Hi, my name is Meghan Lee, and I am an upcoming sophomore. Outside of Key Club, I play the violin, and I participate in Model United Nations. I love to read whenever I have the time, and I am always carrying a book, no matter where I am. Some of the many books that I love (besides Harry Potter) include Jane Eyre, Emma, and Never Let Me Go. I also watch a lot of Netflix, and my favorite show (though it was removed from Netflix a while ago) is Doctor Who! I used to attend Cerritos Elementary School, and I am very excited to spend the year as one of this term’s Historian/Tech Editors. Favorite Food: Pasta Favorite Movie: Tangled Favorite Book: The Harry Potter Series Half Empty of Half Full?: Half full! Fears: Bugs and the dark

What advice would you give to someone who’s on the verge of joining Key Club? As JFK once said, "Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country." Key Club members have dedicated much of their time to serving the community by volunteering at events like the Hope Food Bank and the Whitney Student Registration, thus adhering to JFK's words of wisdom. If you are interested in becoming a Key Club member, don't join Key Club just to pad your resume. Instead, help Key Club make our local community a better place by donating some of your time to providing for the poor, the disadvantaged, and other members of the community! Huge congratulations to 11th grader Aldrich Nocom for having the most BUZZIN response!


1. Description of yourself: I am an anemone aficionado, who loves volunteering and helping out my community, and has big dreams to make a difference in the world! I may only be 5'1" but there's a lot of heart inside me! 2. Favorite quote? The Earth has music for those who listen. 3. If you could be any season, which would you be and why? SPRING!! Spring is not too hot and not too cold. When it rains or sprinkles, there's still sunshine ^__^ I love how bustling nature is during the springtime and all the new baby animals that are born are adorable! 4. Fun Fact!!! I have 3 betta fish, 2 hermit crabs, and 1 aquatic snail!! (and I love them all heh)

WANT TO SEND Want to be featured here? Send your article to bulletin editor Queena Hoang (AKA me) at queenaqhoang@gmail.com! Tell us your “Key Club Story,” “what Key Club means to you,” anything to related to Key Club, or simply advice and/or tips for our club! Maybe you’ll see your article in the next newsletter!


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