What's the Latest Buzz?- January

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¡editor’s note! Hello Key Clubbers, With the new year comes a new year of service, leadership, and friendship. Although it’s hard to maintain new year’s resolutions, strive to accomplish your goals of serving your community and making a difference in the world! I’m going to keep this message short and bittersweet, because I’m short and bittersweet. :-) Keep serving bees, and have a great 2017! Servin’ with Spirit,

Queena Hoang

President’s Message Hello, SUNny Key Clubbers! Can you believe it?!?! It's finally 2nd semester!! Congratulations on getting through the first semester of the school year and half of the year! You all have worked so hard this past semester and I hope you all did well on your finals! Regardless, remember that a number or letter grade does not define who you are as a person or your worth! :-) Also, a huge congratulations to all the seniors that got through Civics! I hope you are as excited as I am to go into Econ and enjoy 2nd semester! If you haven't heard already, we are holding elections for the 2017-2018 term! This past Monday, we were able to hold our elections for the position of President! Tomorrow, we'll be holding elections for the position of Treasurer! Friday, you'll be voting for your future Vice President and Secretary! To be able to vote, make sure that you are a dues-paid member and also served 10+ hours this term! For those interested in appointed board, make sure to come out as you will possibly be working with some of these individuals in the future! And for all of those hesitant on going for appointed board, I definitely would say go for it. I was in your position as a freshman (an awkward and shy one) and I can tell you that ever since I joined cabinet, I have never looked back! Don't ever let your fear define your fate because I know that each and every one of you have the potential to do amazing as a leader! I hope each of you sincerely consider it as being part of cabinet is definitely a commitment of time but one of the best experiences I have had as a high schooler! Moving on, this past month, I was so excited to see around 70 of you on January 6th for our annual lock-in! Thank you SO much for the 12+ hours of volunteering, bonding, and making unforgettable memories. I hope all of you had an amazing time because I definitely did! Thank you for making my last Lock-In such a memorable experience! We also had our annual Region 3 Conclave where we were able to vote for our next LTG of Division 30 South! A HUGE congratulations to Vivian Bui for being elected as the 2017-2018 LTG and I look forward to seeing you help Division 30 South reach even greater feats! At January DCM | Region 3 Conclave, we were also able to get FIRST SHINING CLUB OF THE MONTH as well as MOST FUNDS RAISED! Thank you ALL for your hard work and congratulations for contributing towards these awards! Our club definitely has been growing thanks to all of you inspiring and passionate individuals! As the term is coming closer to an end, I just wanted to thank all of you for bringing me so much happiness throughout this term. There were definitely ups and downs but being President has been such an incredible and unforgettable experience. Being able to meet so many new members and just seeing the passion I have in Key Club instilled in so many of you makes me so excited for the future generation of Whitney Key Clubbers. All of you have such a huge part of my heart and I truly would not be where I am without you all. Thank you so much and stay shining! Shining with Service, Isabelle Lee Key Club President ‘16-’17

MY FIRST LOCK IN EXPERIENCE I started the day at 4:00 A.M. which is extremely early as I would usually wake up at 12:00 P.M. on a normal day however, I was super excited! I was looking forward to the long, possibly tiring day filled with various service events. We started off with making peanut butter & jelly sandwiches and followed with a poster making activity in which I led alongside Kyla. At the end of just these two events I saw how much we completed: boxes of sandwiches and over 40 posters! Next, we moved on to make non-slip socks for children who are recovering from surgery which was a familiar, yet still very nice activity to do while I talked and laughed with friends. After lunch, we moved on to my favorite event yet which was the clothes and food drive! I was the second group to go and my group started out not too good. We went door to door and left empty handed but towards the end of our session, we were getting bags at almost every door and had to walk back to the school with our arms hurting! When organizing all the clothes, it felt so good to know that it would’ve been going to families less fortunate who may be cold during the winter. As we were organizing, the rest of the volunteers worked on letters and decorations which ended the day just about right. The day was tiring but an experience I’ll cherish and always remember! //Kiana Hernandez

6th Annual 12-Hour Lock In

On January 6th, Whitney Key Club held its 6th Annual Lock-In in the MPR. Locked in at school for a solid 12 hours, volunteers participated in various volunteer events to serve our local community. We made PB+J sandwiches for the Long Beach Rescue Mission, encouraging posters & nonslip socks for the Children's Hospital of Orange County, dog toys for Orange County Animal Care, thank-you letters for the army, and Valentine/Easter decorations for Buena Park Nursing Home. In addition to that, a food/clothes drive was held around Cerritos while other volunteers helped beautify the gardens at Whitney High School. Through Lock-In, Key Clubbers were able to engage in an eye-opening experience that helped cultivate valuable leadership and volunteer skills. All the while, volunteers were joyful knowing that they made a tangible effect on so many lives (I hope all of them were). As Treasurer, I am pleased to announce that Whitney Key Club was able to serve a total of 761 hours through Lock-In this year with a total of 65 people volunteering! So I'd like to thank all of you who've sacrificed 12 hours of your Winter Break to help make a difference because you truly did. To those of you who couldn't make it to Lock-In this year, I encourage you to attend next year not only because it will be better planned by your new treasurer, but also because it's such a meaningful experience I wouldn't want any of you to miss out on. //Eunice Shim

lock in 2017

Hello suns! I want to thank all of you who came out to Whitney’s annual Lock-In this year. It was a major success, and now, many of you have twelve hours or more. Thank you for taking twelve hours out of your vacations over the break to come to this event, which we are using to raise money for DCON! For those of you who are not aware, Lock-In is one of Whitney Key Club’s biggest events of the year, is headed by the Treasurer (which is Eunice Shim this term) and its purpose is to help lower costs for DCON, which is an even bigger event for our club, which you should ALSO sign up for! Here’s a quick summary of Lock-In 2017: We started off with quick icebreakers and then proceeded to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to donate to a local shelter. Afterwards, we made posters of encouragement for those in hospitals, used puffy paint to create non-slip socks for babies, and had some people work in the garden. After another set of icebreakers and lunch, we split up into two groups - one to go collect donations from neighborhoods around our school, and the other to make cards for a nursing home. Everyone then received hot chocolate before going back inside to make dog toys and more cards, concluding our event. Going to this event definitely is a plus, especially if you want to run for Treasurer! It also doubles as a bonding event because you’re literally stuck in a room with the same people so you’re forced to become closer friends with them! It includes many of the same service activities that we do at Division Council Meetings as well, so Lock-In was a good chance to be more familiar with the types of things that our division does collectively. With that said, Lock-In’s contributions to DCON does lower the costs and with DCON being in our own backyard this year (Anaheim Convention Center!), the costs will be even lower compared to last term - about $100 less. Registration is being led by Danielle Lee, our Vice President, so you can be sure that things will run smoothly and efficiently in the time leading to DCON as well as our time there. :-) //Caitlyn Saw

ice skating social

On Saturday, January 21, 2017, D30’S had their annual Ice Skating Social at the Anaheim Ice Rink. This was my first time attending and I can honestly say I couldn’t have had a better time. At first I knew no one. I came early and there weren’t many people from my home club attending either so I was kind of alone. Then I realized that this was my chance to truly mingle with my division and once that happened I had sooo much fun! I talked to people I never even imagined talking to and I even learnt how to ice skate. My overall moral of this story is doing be afraid to put yourself out there. Don’t be afraid of falling on the ice or meeting new people. Confront your fear because once you do, everything becomes so much easier. Don’t question whether you should attend an event or not based on who’s going because in Key Club, you’ll always have a friend or someone to talk to. I don’t think I actually believed that before this social but I know it is! //Ankita Morari

why you should join cabinet If you’re debating if you should apply for Key Club Cabinet, just do it. Even Nike is telling you to do so. There are a million and one reasons why you should apply but here are just a few: One, as a part of Key Club Cabinet, you will be able to do a lot of behind-thescene jobs to be sure that Key Club is run effectively and smoothly. You can contribute my devoting time to ensuring that Key Club is able to reach its full potential and do amazing things, as a club, in the community. Two, the amount of people that you will meet and the amount of memories you will take with you, along the way, will be too many to count. Each person you meet becomes your friend and each memory you take will stay with you forever. There is no end to this journey with Key Club. Three, the leadership skills and the communication skills that you will obtain will also be quite useful. You are able to apply this on an everyday basis and applying for Key Club Cabinet will give you the opportunity to do so. Don’t worry about the competition. As long as you put your whole heart into it, no matter the outcome, it will be worth it. And finally, from my personal point of view, it was one of the best decisions of my life. I was able to gain another OHANA and have people around me that are constantly encouraging me, supporting me, and cheering me on through life’s ups and downs. Being in Key Club Cabinet has also taught me a lot more about the club. The amount of effort that everyone gives is always 110% and the time and dedication that everyone puts in is really unbelievable. So don’t think about it anymore and don’t be afraid! Just jump right into it. Test out the waters. Try something new! Just apply! You won’t regret it, I can promise you that! //Justine Wu

tips for future dop Since the new Key Club term is coming up here are things you would want to know before applying. And if you plan on being Director of Publicity or applying for Key club, or any club in general here are some useful tips needed in fulfilling this job! 1.

Don't procrastinate on your club calendar or announcement posters! Depending on if you have a partner or not may differ but pushing off posters or calendars may really stress you out knowing you still have homework and projects to do. I know for myself I'm a perfectionist so I want things to be neat and aesthetically pleasing. It’s hard to that when you know you have a million other priorities to do.


Get creative! Most of the small artwork or lettering I do come from Pinterest and Instagram because I personally get “artist block” where I have no creativity flow going through me and it's hard to come up with whatever subject being handed to me. I follow a few art accounts and that's where I solely base my ideas for the big 10 feet posters posted in front of the south entrance since those are the ones where people always look at at when exiting the school building!


Don’t do publicity thinking it’s the “easiest” job out there, do it because you thoroughly enjoy art. Having people not have any care is a waste for themselves and the club because they aren't giving their 100% to it.


As Key Club Publicity, it's more than making posters but as cabinet itself you have to put a lot of effort into it. We are probably one of the few clubs who do the most work in the school. Applying for Key Club cabinet means you have a flexible schedule, free on the weekends, spirit, and dedication into volunteering. By being flexible means maybe making a poster the next day so you have to free up time to do so or having free weekends means you are available to go to service events if there's not much volunteers or our monthly DCM’s. I've heard a lot of people joining and applying because it looks good in college applications. Again, don't do things if you aren't going to put 100% effort into, it's only going to waste your time as well as the clubs!

//Kyla Basiana

My family has always been fairly well-versed in using their technological devices, so signing up to volunteer at the Sanathan Temple Technology Day was a bit daunting in that I didn’t know what kind of questions I would receive. The day of the event arrived and I went, my mind consumed with my impending European history test on the very next day. My nervousness and stress from both the upcoming test and the fear that I wouldn’t be able to explain things properly flew out the door however as soon as I stepped into the room. I was immediately directed to a table where 6 or 7 seniors were waiting to be assisted. I began to teach them about sending emails and how to block the emails from “the people they didn’t like,” and it was interesting to talk to them about their lives and their families as we were doing so. One woman told me how she was alone, as her husband was gone and all her children were off at college and busy with their own lives, so she had no one to ask basic questions about her iPad. Knowledge that we take for granted is often really appreciated by the seniors that come in to ask questions. For example, one couple came to why a karaoke website they had paid for was only giving them demo versions of their songs. I sat there for a few minutes navigating the website at a loss only to realize that the problem was that they hadn’t even signed in to their account. Teaching others about small actions like these really made me feel appreciative of my own exposure to these different devices, and made me so happy to know that my teaching not only helped them on the day of this event, but will also help for months and years to come. I really encourage more Key Clubbers to attend this event in the future, as one of the big problems was that there were only three volunteers in a room of over twenty seniors, so we were unable to help everyone during the short hour and a half. However all in all, it was an incredibly fun event and a short break from my studying for that night, and so I will definitely be attending the Sanathan Temple Technology Day in the future! :’) //Meghan Lee

sanathan temple technology day

stress management–

Hey Key Clubbers!! As I’m writing this right now, comps are coming up around the corner, but I know by the time you’ll ready this, comps will be over (YAY!!). Since I’ve been feeling especially stressed lately, I wanted to share some of my best stress management tips with you all. I wish I could’ve gotten this out to you before comps, but better late than never (you can definitely use these tips WHENEVER your feeling stressed—it doesn’t apply to comps only!) Tip #1: Talk to a friend. For me personally, whenever I feel stressed, it’s usually when I’m working alone. Trust me, isolation makes it worse sometimes. Talking out my worries and anxiousness with a friend always relieves some stress because it makes me feel like I’m not alone, and the stress isn’t as big as it seems. This can be especially hard if the stress hits late at night, since most people are asleep by then. However, the keyword in that statement is MOST people. Chances are, if you’re stressed one night, there will probably be someone who’s awake as well. All you have to do is message them now! In the cases where really NO ONE is awake, please read further onto my other tips. Tip #2: Take a break from whatever you’re doing, take a deep breath, and either listen to some music or watch a funny youtube video. I know some of you like to listen to music while doing homework, but the difference between that and this tip is the fact that it’s just you and music now. When I choose to listen to music when taking a break, I like to close my eyes and really just enjoy the lyrics. This is honestly such a great way to calm yourself down because it lets you focus on something else other than homework or whatever else is stressing you out. Additionally, sometimes when I’m stressed, I have a tendency to think negatively, and that’s where funny youtube videos come in! I look up things that can make me laugh and just enjoy the moment. Usually after a good laugh, I feel distressed and can get back to work feeling a lot better than I did before. Tip #3: Drink some hot chocolate or tea & grab a snack! Yes, I know stress eating isn’t a good thing, but honestly, it helps. Working on a full tummy is so much nicer than working on an empty one. I personally love hot chocolate, and even though it isn’t the healthiest, it’s something that can always brighten me up. Remember that your mental health is important too! The extra calories are worth it ☺ //Kristina Theam

January DCM

At a college situated more than 20 minutes away, Key Clubbers from all over Region 3 – 7 divisions total – gathered in order to encourage the daring individuals who wished to become the Lieutenant Governors for their respective divisions. It was a pleasant sight to see so many emphatic and devoted individuals who were so willing to embark on responsibilities that are not only very difficult to handle, but extremely time consuming. Conclave is a division general meeting solely based around the speeches and caucus sessions for the Lieutenant Governor candidates; in this event, members listen to what these individuals wish to achieve, and what makes them qualified for the daunting position they were going for. Each candidate was given 3 minutes for the speech, and 4 minutes for the caucus session, and it was interesting to see the differences in experience among the candidates, and the differences in the ideas and the plans they had in store. Throughout the speeches and the caucus sessions which followed shortly after, I noticed that a majority of the candidates used acronyms in order to show others what their goals were. Words like “dirt” and “soil” were common among the candidates, and a very large similarity among these words were their lengths; they were not long words. Given that there were only 3 minutes to deliver a lot of information, it is quite apparent why long words for acronyms are avoided. In regards to speaking, however, it was clear between those who had experience with public speaking, and those who were still in the process of developing those skills. Nonetheless, it was impressive to see the courage that all of these individuals had in order to speak in the auditorium that we were in. After hearing all of the speeches and the answers that the candidates had for the questions that the audience wanted to ask, I was quite delighted, and knew that each division had a strong leader who would lead. Though I believed that each candidate was qualified in his or her own ways, I still felt as if there were better selections, and I believe that those who were voting that day did a good job in choosing the best qualified candidate. For my own division, Vivian Bui was elected as the Lieutenant Governor for the next term. Though Oxford will continue its reign of Lieutenant Governors, I am very glad that the division will be left in good hands as my time in Key Club comes to an end. //Jason Park

quick breakfast recipe I know that many of us struggle to wake up early and get ready in order to get to school on time. Many skip breakfast because they don’t have time to eat in the hectic morning. However, skipping breakfast is a HORRIBLE idea because you need that energy to go along in your day and focus well. Here’s an easy recipe you can make the night before and have it be ready to eat in the morning. It’s quick, simple, and delicious; enjoy! Ingredients: - 1/3 cup milk -

1/4 cup rolled oats


1/4 cup Greek yogurt


2 teaspoons chia seeds


2 teaspoons honey


1 teaspoon ground cinnamon OR 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla


1/4 cup fresh blueberries

Directions: 1. Combine the milk, oats, Greek yogurt, chia seeds, honey, and cinnamon in a
 1/2 pint jar with a lid. 2. Cover and shake until combined. 3. Remove lid and fold in blueberries. 4. Cover the jar again and refrigerate for at least 8 hours. //Denise Chan

goodbye . Now that 2016 is gone, we can look back at it and appreciate all the good things that have happened. I’ve heard many people say that 2016 was a terrible year, and although it may have had its ups and downs, we should learn from the downs and not forget to look at the good. A solar powered plan circumnavigated the world. World tiger count rises for first time in 100 years. Pakistan has made strides toward outlawing honor killings. California is now powering over 6 million homes with solar power, a record in the US (and that is the tightest shit). Volunteers in India planted 50 million trees in 24 hours. 500 elephants were relocated to a better, safer and bigger home. Harriet Tubman will appear on $20 bills. National Park Service turned 100. The Americas became measles-free. World’s largest marine reserve is established near Antarctica. Unemployment rate hits pre-recession low. U.S. high school graduation rate reaches record high. //Dani Lee

DCON Imagine being surrounded by thousands of Key Clubbers with the same intense passion for service and spirit. Imagine meeting new Key Clubbers from California and even from other states like Nevada and Hawaii. Imagine 3 days of being able to meet new Key Clubbers, reunite with friends, learn more about Key Club and its purpose, being able to meet the District Board, seeing your LTG cry, seeing the old LTGs retire, and being able to see the installment of the new District Board and LTGs. Everyone who went to DCON always posted on social media that it was "life-changing," an "amazing" experience, the "best" 3 days of their lives, and much more. Before I attended DCON, I never really understood why it was so amazing and so special for so many Key Clubbers. But after those 3 days, I understood the meaning of why DCON was so special for so many people. You were able to meet so many new people, reunite with old ones, bond with members, and have the best time of your life. For me, DCON was another Key Club moment. The first day we arrived at the hotel, we went up and unpacked then directly took a shuttle to Downtown Disney and took a 30 minute walk to the convention area (it was basically an adventure and it was really fun since we were able to bond with the rest of people attending DCON). Once we arrived, we checked in and found out that Frances, Melissa, and Rachel would all be recognized during the awards ceremony, which made me so happy! After that, we attended workshops and basically had a fun day attending seminars and general sessions. The second day was fun as well since we also attended seminars, met new Key Clubbers, bought pins and stickers, and much more. We also found out that some of the members in our club also got recognized as a bronze/silver member and it was definitely exciting to see a lot of our names being recognized. For me, DCON was honestly a rewarding experience to CELEBRATE all the amazing achievements our club, division, and district has achieved this past term. It was so amazing and inspirational to be surrounded by passionate Key Clubbers and my love for Key Club had grown so much in just 3 days. 3 days where you could meet so many people, celebrate the amazing things Key Club has achieved, and so much more. If you ever have the chance to go to DCON, take it. Because for me, DCON was one of the best memories I will ever hold in my life. //Isabelle Lee

KRISTINA THEAM Name: Kristina Theam Grade: 11th Cabinet Position: Director of Fundraising I'm an anemone aficionado who is proud to call herself one of your DOF's this year!! I dabble in photography every now and then, and aspire to a marine biologist one day. One of the most important values Key Club has instilled in me is the value of volunteering, which is something I'll treasure forever. Favorite Food: Mushroom Favorite Movie: Titanic Favorite Book: Hugo Favorite Drink: Anything mango! Half Empty of Half Full?: The glass is half empty not because I see things empty, but rather, I want to work hard to make the glass COMPLETELY full, and if I have the mindset of glass full, I feel like that would mean I'm settling and not willing to work hard. Fears: Pain

ANKITA MORARI Name: Ankita Morari Grade: 10th Cabinet Position: Director of Fundraising I'm a very fun and bubbly person (awkward too) but it takes me a while to open up. I'm super friendly and Key Club has to be one of the ideal things I'll never forget when I look back at my High School Career. I always put 100% effort into everything I commit too. Favorite Food: Pizza or NOODLES Favorite Movie: Idk I like a lot but She’s the Man is pretty good! Favorite Book: Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover Favorite Drink: Fruit Smoothie Half Empty of Half Full?: The glass is half full! Fears: Not being successful in life.

member of the month


1. Description of yourself: A 5’2” senior with a love for meeting new people and an undying passion for graphic design and volleyball! 2. What is your favorite part about Key Club? Over the years I’ve learned to appreciate the diversity of those who embody the spirit of Key Club. From LTGs to general members, everyone has their own approach to serving their community, and interacting with other Key Clubbers has allowed me to realize that everyone’s Key Club story is truly unique. 3. Favorite decade? (50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, etc.)? 90’s because, if I were born 2 months later, I would not have been a 90’s kid. 4. If you were to be on a reality TV show which one would you be on and why? Shark Tank because it is my dream to be roasted by Mr. Wonderful himself. 5. Fun Fact!!!!!! I can get fingertips above the boys’ volleyball net!

member of the month


1. Description of yourself: I’m Joanna Macaraeg and I’m a sophomore. I would describe myself as simple, god-fearing, understanding, and a kind hearted person. I place God, my family, and my education as the top priorities in my life and I enjoy playing volleyball and basketball. My favorite part would be getting the opportunity to meet new people at various events. It’s also interesting to be someone that is volunteering behind an event so that it can run smoothly because it gives me a whole new respect and perspective for people that work backstage, in a sense, for the participants to enjoy the occasion. 3. Favorite pick up line? Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile. 4. If you could spend 15 minutes with any living person, who would it be and why? I would like to spend time with Pia Wurtzbach. She was named Miss Universe in 2016 upholding the name of her home country the Philippines. I admire her message to young people around the world to always remember to be “confidently beautiful” since many shame themselves for the way they look. 5. Fun Fact!!!!!! I like to think that I can fly, for a little while, every time I jump off the ground.

member of the month


1. Description of yourself: I'll keep it short and simple in 3 words- spontaneous, extra, funny.

2. What is your favorite part of Key Club? I love working with people who are also in the club and become friends while we work together to make other people smile. It's the most fun, rewarding part Key Club. 3. Favorite candy? Kit-Kats. They're a delicious mix between crunch and chocolate. 4. If you could only wear one color for the rest of your life, what would it be and why? Brown. Theres so many shades of brown which makes it extremely versatile and most of the shades could match with each other. 5. Fun Fact!!!!!! I originally didn't think about joining key club, but I realized that I didn't have a life, so I joined for new experiences and to help people! (I'm so glad I did lol)

officer of the month


1. Description of yourself: Hi, my name is Eunice and I am just your plain Jane.

2. What is your favorite part about Key Club? My favorite part about Key Club is how it always brings me out of myself and offers a moment of happiness- however brief it may be. So far, Key Club has never failed to produce an opportunity for me to be grateful. 3. Favorite season? At this point in time, I don't have a favorite season. They all seem the same. (But I do enjoy fluffywhite-cloud, blue-sky, bright-sun, crisp-air, slight-breeze weather. 4. Which of Snow White's seven dwarfs describes you best and why? (Doc, This is a tough question, mainly because I act differently depending on the dynamics of who I'm with and where I am. After school, I'm very much like Sleepy. Why? Well, I'm assuming that that's self-explanatory.

When outdoors during allergy season, Sneezy best describes me. Again, self-explanatory.

At school, most people tend to describe me as Happy- teachers and peers alike. In the case of teachers, I would attribute this to my enthusiastic appearance during class lectures. For the latter, I would attribute this to my overall tendency to make short and sweet interactions.

People who really know me (aka Key Club cabinet) would describe me as Grumpy because I am a severe realist when it comes to goal-setting.

To people I admire, Bashful would describe me the best. I have never really been able to approach those I look up to, which may explain why I avoid making contact with them.

In settings where I'm required to be a leader, I'd say I'm most like Doc. At times, I think I have interesting ideas and good intentions in mind but when it comes to reality, I fail to communicate my thoughts and intentions well- often leaving people more confused. This is why I aspire to be more like Dopey- a go-with-the-flow type of person who is always smiley and agreeable.

5. Fun Fact!!!!!! I make music. Ask no further.

What makes Key Club stand out from other clubs? Key Club is such a tight-knit family filled with passionate volunteers and is a community where you can meet a ton of people and make a bunch of friends. Everyone in Key Club is always so welcoming and inclusive and it provides such a comforting environment for anyone who wants to be a part of it. Key Club is also a club that participates in events year-round which really gives members many opportunities to help out the community. From the amount of spirit this club has to the many amazing people in this club, Key Club is easily one of the most incredible clubs on campus! Huge congratulations to 10th grader Justine Wu for having the most BUZZIN response!

WANT TO SEND Want to be featured here? Send your article to bulletin editor Queena Hoang (AKA me) at queenaqhoang@gmail.com! Tell us your “Key Club Story,” “what Key Club means to you,” anything to related to Key Club, or simply advice and/or tips for our club! Maybe you’ll see your article in the next newsletter!


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