What's the Latest Buzz?- March

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what’s the latest buzz?

the last issue! March 2017 CNH District 30S Whitney HS Volume 1 Issue 13

Editor’s Note Hey Bees! Unfortunately, this is my last newsletter serving as your Bulletin Editor. After DCON in April, the new board will take over, woop woop! With the new term, my Bulletin Editor position will be passed on to my elect, Megan Hur. With this being my final Editor’s message, I just wanted to say that this term has been absolutely incredible. From becoming family with you all since our first meeting of the school year, to winning Shining Club of the Month multiple times, you guys have shown me a tremendous amount of love that I would have never expected to received. The dedication and commitment you’ve maintained throughout this year has made me truly blessed to have a club like you guys. Thank you for making this term memorable. Thank you for giving me the honor to serve as your Bulletin Editor. Thank YOU for being the reason I serve. Now, let’s finish this school year on a good note with DCON and our spectacular End of the Year banquet ahead of us! See you in the next term!

Queena Hoang WHS Key Club Bulletin Editor 2016-2017

___President’s Message Hello, SUNny Key Clubbers! Can you believe it? In 9 days, the 2016-2017 term is over and my journey as a Key Clubber will sadly be over. It's been a long journey yet so fulfilling with all the incredible moments I've been able to be a part of, the inspiring individuals I've been able to meet, and the unforgettable life lessons I'll be taking with me for the rest of my life. Thank you for being part of Key Club this past year and for sticking by me as I attempted my best to be the best President I can be for all of you. I remember joining as a freshman- the shy, awkward girl who refused to speak publicly because I feared being the center of attention. Three years later and now I love speaking and getting to meet new people. Thanks to Key Club, I've been able to become a more open individual and get over my fear of public speaking. This club is so important to me- it's not a club. It's an ohana - family - which supports you through the ups and downs filled with such motivated individuals who want to serve and who want to change the world. Throughout my Key Club journey, there have been so many individuals who have helped me through the ups and downs of my life. A huge shout out to my executive board for always being there for me when I was struggling and for helping me with all the tasks I went through. I wouldn't be who I am without all the help and advice you gave me. Thank you for making me a better leader. Thank you to my club cabinet for dealing with deadlines and for making this year so amazing. Without your help, I wouldn't have been able to accomplish anything. Thank you for accepting my flaws and working with them. To the division leadership team, thank you for always inspiring me with your kind words and for always motivating me. Thank you for being so accepting of me and I am so thankful to have met all of you. To Kelly, thank you for being such an amazing LTG and for always being there for me through the ups and downs. Thank you for always being so understanding when I had schedule conflicts and for always complimenting me and believing me. To all of you Key Clubbers, thank you for working so hard this term by volunteering and giving back to the community. You helped shatter records by serving over a 1000 hours in a month. You helped surpass our goals for Operation Christmas. Without you, our club would be nothing. We are so blessed and lucky to have such incredibly dedicated members. I wouldn't be who I am without all of you. Thank you for bringing me so much joy and fulfillment this past year. Thank you for volunteering and waking up early or staying out late or driving to far places just so you can help others in need. Thank you for continuously taking time out of your day to help better our world. Thank you for inspiring me and for accepting me as your President, flaws and all. It's been such a blessing and such an unforgettable year being your President- I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I am so dearly going to miss this club and miss the people in it but I know that it will be left in such amazing hands with our new executive board and cabinet. I can expect so many great achievements being made within the next term. Thank you for being you and thank you for everything you have done for me.

Signing off the last time as your Club President, 
 Isabelle Lee
 Key Club President ‘16-’17

TABLE OF CONTENTS - From the Editor - President’s Message - Meet the 2017-2018 Key Club Board - Calendar - Social Media - Contact Information

CNH KEY CLUB| ARTICLE We are nearing spring break and I am so excited since the last time we had a break was months ago. If you don’t know what to do during the upcoming week long break, here are some ideas! 1. Bike riding! Go outside and enjoy your free time and warm weather! Take some friends along and it can actually end up being really fun.
 2. Watch a sunset or sunrise. They really are beautiful. Just sit outside with a clear, open view of the sky and enjoy it with your friends or by yourself. Take some pictures or just gaze because they don’t last very long! 3. Swimming or the beach! It’s hard to predict the weather in SoCal but I am pretty sure it is going to be hot so take a swim and feel refreshed. :)
 4. Movies! It is the time to get outside but when is watching a movie ever not a good idea?
 5. Try out a new recipe. You have the time to do so and maybe you’ll end up liking something you would’ve never thought of trying! 6. Plant something green. Spring is the perfect time.
 7. Take a hike. The views are amazing and you get to see things you’ve never seen before.
 8. Scrapbook. Gather all of your favorite pictures and create something memorable.
 9. Binge watch your favorite TV show. We were all thinking it. Just do it! You deserve the break. 10. Volunteer!! The most important of them all. Do good for others and feel great about it. Hope you use some ideas or got something out of this! Have an amazing spring break and relax. //Kiana Hernandez

Spring Break

Spotlight on MARCH March of Dimes is one of the four mission is to prevent birth defects, Key Club raises thousands of dollars such as collecting change, holding Dimes’ signature event, March for Dimes by attending March in March make sure to visit the event page.

Service OF DIMES preferred charities of Key Club. Its premature birth, and infant mortality. annually through various programs, dances, and taking part in March of Babies. YOU can support March of on March 11th. For more information,

Spotlight on Service! The mission of the March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality. This mission is achieved through research, community services, education and advocacy. Since 1978, Key Clubs have been making a difference for babies everywhere. Key Club members, like you, continue to support the March of Dimes all year long by hosting service projects, raising funds and educating your community about the crisis of preterm birth.

Did You Know? • March of Dimes was founded in 1938 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. • Before becoming the 'March of Dimes', the foundation was known as the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. • Birth defects are the leading cause of death in the first year of Life. • The March of Dimes funded the development of America's Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU) in the 1970's. • 1 in 8 babies is born premature. Preterm birth is one occurring before the 37th week of pregnancy. //Dani Lee

Our Purpose Sometimes we as Key Clubbers forget our purpose throughout all the community service. Sometimes we just stop and think to ourselves, why are we doing all of this community service? What is our purpose here? We tend to get so caught up with the all the community service events and social events that we lose sight of the true meaning of being in Key Club. Our purpose as Key Clubbers is not just simply “doing community service.” We attend community service events bright and early or late at night on our weekends to make change happen. As a family, an ohana, we’re changing the world step by step. Yeah, waking up bright and early on weekends might sometimes seem pointless when you can sleep in until the clock strikes twelve, but in the end, it all pays off one way or another. What is our purpose, then? Our purpose as Key Clubbers is to make a difference in the world. Doing community service is just part of expressing our hopes of changing the world. Whether it’s from simply just leading runners in the right direction and cheering them on or partaking in other service events, we are serving the community and changing the world, one day at a time. Dr. Seuss once said, “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it’s not.” Here we are as Key Clubbers, caring a whole lot about our world and the environment around us. We won’t forget how much a difference we’re making or EDITORIAL how we keep striving to make a difference. //Dani Lee

Don’t Wait Till

Tomorrow .

Many of us face struggles in our lives. One of the biggest struggles some of us have to face is with our own family. Though we live with each other for all our lives, we still are unable to fully understand each other, whether we attempt to do so or not. This causes rifts in our relationships, children to go astray, family members not understanding each other, families to be broken apart… It’s a struggle that many of us face, but not many of us realize within our own families, or with our friend’s family. When we cause trouble for our families, we never truly put ourselves in their shoes. We never try to understand how they feel, or how we act will affect them. We just do as we like, not caring if our words stab through them, or if our actions cause them to collapse. Family is important, whether some of us may try to deny that fact. That’s why, when we as Key Clubbers say that we are family, it’s not a joke. It’s not a term we could use conveniently for anyone. We mean it when we say other Key Clubbers are a part of this family. No matter how much you hurt us, no matter how much you try to deny it, we will still love you, whether the way we show it is obvious or not. So please, I ask that Key Clubbers reading this article take the time to put themselves in their family members’ shoes. Whether they be your blood-related family, a family formed purely by bond, or a family made by a group such as Key Club. Understand how your actions affect your family, and what they mean to each and every one of them. Even if it’s difficult, convey how you truly feel. Don’t hold it off for tomorrow. Because there is a chance that tomorrow may never come again for you to tell them. //Dani Lee

MARCH DCM DCM this past weekend was nothing short of a blast! Every time, DCM’s never fail to be fun and this was the same for March DCM. The day started out at 10 am with the general meeting. Then at 11 am began all the service projects in the mpr of Fermont Prep. There were four projects in total. I started out with dog toys and then went into making posters for a local hospital. After that each group did a cheering contest and went out to lunch. Out of all my DCM’s, this one, I’d have to say, has been the most fun in terms of mixing with my division! After lunch, we made cards for seniors and veterans and the day ended with making puffy paint socks. If you still haven’t been to a DCM, I highly and encourage you to attend because you will have fun. //Ankita Morari


This month, Whitney attended March DCM at Fairmont Preparatory, the last DCM of the ’16-’17 term. Attendees first headed to the auditorium in order to listen to Lieutenant Governor Kelly Tran give her last meeting, with spirit chants and an open mind session about the best moments of the term. We then participated in the first two service projects, and for Whitney these were dog toy making and poster making. During these events, I chatted with older members of our club about classes for next year, a topic concerning many of us as the course requests deadlines approach. This once again reminded me of the amazing connections to other members Key Club provides, due to the myriad of types of people that you can meet in the club – and you can always count on asking these people for advice or suggestions. After a short lunch break when members from our own club ate pizza, we began the second round of service projects, which were card making for senior citizens and veterans, and non-slip sock making for the children’s hospital. As the last DCM of the term, it really surprises me at how quickly this year flew by. I remember attending March DCM during the ’15-’16 term as if it were just yesterday, from the dodge ball to the boba, and it is crazy to think that a year has passed in between these two days, a year during which some inexplicable events happened in my life that I could not have imagined then. On one hand, my life has changed in some not-so-great ways, but on the other hand, I have been so fortunate to live the good experiences and laughs in the past year, some of which with Key Club. The term will be over by the time April comes around, and I am so grateful for the skills I have learned and friendships I have gained. For example, I am so much more confident with walking up to random people to take pictures, and striking up a conversation while I’m at it, thanks to serving as Historian, and this is merely one of the many skills I’ve learned this year that makes me thrilled to see what my future in Key Club will bring. //Meghan Lee

end of the term .

Throughout this whole term, I’ve gained so many new friendships that I cherish so deeply, learned new leadership skills I won’t learn anywhere else if I never put myself out there and trying out for cabinet, and spent countless nights staying up just for key club. Starting the term last year I was so excited because I felt so involved and I honestly thought it was easy. Working behind the scenes and seeing all the ins and outs of Key Club made me realize and appreciate everything they do for us. Not just our Key Club but every club in general. Everyone puts so much effort into everything and sometimes we all have to take a second and appreciate it because they don't it for themselves but for everyone else. This term helped me build leadership skills but organizing events, scheduling others what to do in terms of posters, and get my creative side out. It made me realize how much I love art and how I want to pursue and develop this (somewhat) skill I have in this field. It’s not anything serious but more of a hobby I can focus on more instead of something I do every few weeks or months. Whitney KC made me find who I am, or help find a part of me since I'm still growing and maturing. They made me figure out my weaknesses, strengths, and abilities. This is something classes don't really teach you and without key club i’ll probably be this shy gal trying to get through the day. Ever since last year I’ve been super busy and all my focus on was Key club and it was getting annoying to everyone around me but I didn't even care, this is what I love. Sadly I did try out for cabinet but I’ll always be here for the new “FAM” and constantly be an activist member, helping them in their needs, teaching my successors in what they need help on, and etc. key club really changed my life and I want to thank them for that and for an amazing term! I LOVE YOU GUYS //Kyla Basiana

looking back one last time At the time that I am writing this very last article, there is only one day remaining until Key Club Banquet, and from starting Key Club in my sophomore year, I cannot deny that I’ve come a long way in this club. Through this organization, I was able to gain many experiences through the hundreds of hours that I volunteered at whatever it might have been, and at some events, I was able to bolster the reputation of our home club, but in the end, that’s not what really matters. Some events do occur annually, but most events will only occur once, meaning those experiences may have been beneficial, but they’re not as reoccurring as the moments that I had with my cabinets in both years serving an appointed position. From doing bubble runs to going to DCMs with my cabinet members, I can really say that I have been able to grow close to the people that made up these cabinets, and I can still remember vividly the moments that defined my terms as enjoyable and unforgettable. Looking back, there are many things that I wished I had done as a Key Clubber that would have benefitted not only my experiences, but those of others. Though we all make mistakes, I feel as if I have made more than many throughout my time as a Historian and Tech Editor. This position is a new one and so it was a little shaky on what exactly the duties were, but there were still some expectations which had to be upheld. I was not able to create 2 event overviews which I really hoped to create throughout my past term. There were many other expectations that I did not uphold, like taking photos at events other than DCMs or major events. All in all, there are many things that I wish I could have done, but at the same time, there were many things that I did do. I was able to experience many experiences, attend many events, write many articles, and more, and in the end, I am glad that I was able to join this organization’s strive to make the world a better place. I was grateful for the opportunities I was given, and I hope that everyone else can get the same benefits that I have through these wonderful experiences. //Jason Park

experiencing key club to the fullest

Being in Key Club for four years, I realized that there were steps I could have taken or choices that I could have made that would have made my Key Club experience a lot better. I wanted to share a few with them to you because the only way to learn is through one's own or other's own mistakes. I hope this helps you with your Key Club journey :-) 1. Try your best to go to division events. I never really knew what a division, region, or district was until I joined Key Club cabinet and never could really experience DCMs or division events my freshman year. The division is filled with some of the kindest, most genuine, sweetest, and friendliest people you will ever meet. Though it might be scary to talk to people from other schools at first, know that you have one thing in common- a passion to serve the community. 2. Apply for Division, District, and Club positions. Try to live your Key Club life to the fullest because after being on both club cabinet and division leadership team these past years, I was able to meet so many people from different schools and different grades. Know that it's a time commitment but the rewards are so beneficial. I don't regret ever joining cabinet or DLT because i've been able to connect with so many people. 3. Seniors, go for scholarships. The CNH District seriously wants to give Key Clubbers the chance to lower their college tuition and can give up to $2,000 per person. It seriously helps. Please do it. :) 4. Try going to DCON. Fall Rally. Rose Float. Lock-In. Some of the biggest events i've had the chance of being able to go to. Though the cost might be high, know that you can always fundraise! Let executive board know that you may be going through financial issues and they'll be able to set up some sort of fundraiser. Those 4 big events have completely changed my outlook on life. DCON- meeting over 3000+ Key Clubbers and getting to see our club awarded and even cabinet members being awarded. It's unforgettable. Fall Rally- over 8000+ Key Clubbers. Tons of cheers. Going on X2. Unforgettable experiences and an amazing way to meet new Key Club friends. Rose Float- one of the most tiring service events but one of the most breathtaking events. You're assigned jobs with people from different divisions. I've been able to meet people from divisions like D10S turtles. Such a cool experience. Lock-in- 12 hours of service, 12 hours of fun, 12 hours of bonding. I promise it's worth waking up at 5AM. Hopefully these four tips help you throughout your Key Club journey. Please know that if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here and would love to help you :). Live life to the fullest and try to make the most out of your own experience. //Isabelle Lee

message to key club leaders Being Key Club President and being part of Key Club cabinet is one of the most rewarding experiences yet difficult experiences throughout your high school career. There will be ups and downs throughout the terms, but please realize that the work you put in truly pays off in the end. Despite the hardships you may face in your term, please realize that there are cabinet members who are there for you and who want to help you so please do not do all the work by yourself. Make sure to keep in close touch with your club and Kiwanis advisor and please make sure to show them how much you appreciate them (little acts of kindness truly make a difference) because without them, this club wouldn't exist. Definitely do your best to make it out to as many events as you can (but still make sure to take care of yourself and balance your social/academic/Key Club life) and meet new members because they are what keeps the club going and they offer lots of new ideas on how to improve the club as they hold different perspectives. Definitely connect with the other presidents within your division because they are huge support systems throughout your term as they understand what you are going through and they definitely will be willing to help you with any questions you have or when you need advice. After being President this past term, some ideas and tips I would give would be towards member inclusiveness and truly being able to connect with club members. For the club, I suggest sending out monthly updates which include of letting members know what the club accomplished this past month (ex: received an award, number of service hours), division updates (ex: upcoming DCM, upcoming Division service project/fundraiser), region updates (ex: RTC/OTC), district updates (ex: Fall Rally South, new edition of the CNH newsletter), and international updates (ex: Helping eliminate MNT from another country). Since a lot of my club members were unable to go to our general meetings to receive these updates, it allowed members to be able to know what happened this past month. Another way I tried increasing club inclusiveness and helping increase member retention was making the members feel as if they were important. An example would be that our club has social media (Facebook/Instagram) and during our finals week, I posted inspirational quotes to keep them motivated. Our club cabinet also slipped in motivational notes throughout Key Club week to let our school know how much they were appreciated. Other ways of increasing inclusiveness is by giving birthday shoutouts monthly to your members, having a member/officer of the month, and having socials. One of my goals this term were to make members feel as if their opinion truly mattered so I tried my best to hear their opinions on a certain event or how to improve a general meeting by generating Google forms where they inputted their voice on what they would like to see at a future event/general meeting. In the end, you are incredibly brave for taking on this position. Though there may be obstacles and bumps within your journey, I can definitely let you know that this position is an unforgettable and positive experience. I believe in you and I believe that you will accomplish whatever you put your mind to. Thank you for your service and I cannot wait to see you blossom in your term. Keep shining with service. //Isabelle Lee

Thanks for a gre a t year!


WHEN: April 7-9 WHERE: Anaheim Convention Center REMINDER TO THOSE WHO SIGNED UP FOR DCON: Don’t forget to turn in your chocolate money to Danielle Lee. Keep checking FB for more info!

DCON Packing List As many of you already know, we will finally be having our annual District Convention in just about a week! You know what that means. You've got to start planning what to pack. How tedious, right? That's precisely why your fellow cabinet members (special shoutout to Dani for leading this effort) have worked to create a quick comprehensive guide. To make your life easier, here's are the following items you should bring for your 3-day-2-night trip:
 CLOTHES • Key Club Apparel • T-shirts • Jacket(s) • Jeans • Business/Formal Attire • Professional Dress Shoes • Tie (Boys) • Socks • Comfortable closed-toe shoes • Undergarments • Comfy PJs TOILETRIES • Toothpaste • Toothbrush (+ Floss) • Hairbrush • Hygiene Products • Shampoo/Conditioner • Disinfecting Saline Solution for Contacts + Contacts Case OTHER • Phone Charger • Camera • Laptop (if needed) • Battery Pack • Backpack/bag to carry around • Writing Utensils • Journal • Money for Special Dinner on Friday • Medical Form • Refillable Water Bottle • Key Club Badge Here is some additional information you may want to consider when selecting what clothes to bring! Dress Code for the Weekend: Friday: Key Club Casual Saturday morning walk: Key Club Casual Saturday Evening: Professional or Formal Sunday: Business Other than that, here's to an exciting DCON that awaits us! Be sure to pack early and NOT last minute! You don't want to be that person asking everybody for something. ;) //Eunice Shim

Looking Back on Dcon 2016

With the 71st Annual DCON up and coming, I thought I would revisit the DCON from last year, and remember what it was like to attend this wonderful event. The 70th annual District Convention was an event that was one that I will never forget. Though it is very trite and a hackneyed phrase, it’s appropriate in that there were many factors that made this experience what it is now. As a Key Clubber who has already attended a District Convention, there were many things that I were expecting to be the same; however, this DCON was significantly different than the one I had previously attended. The first difference was that the bus ride to the convention center was much longer, meaning there was a lot of time for bonds to be made stronger and friendships to last longer. The events that were to follow the car ride filled with putting small foods into Richard’s mouth while he slept, and listening to a variety of conversations that Frances Lee and Sara Ryave were firing up, we arrived at the hotel and eventually the convention, where DCON would technically begin. Another difference between this and the last DCON was the fact that I volunteered to be a Sergeant in Arms. Unluckily for Sara, I dragged her along with me, but the experience was not all too bad. The convention would go by, and the workshops would provide a lot of helpful information whether I already knew it or not. There would be good and tasty food, and fun-filled general sessions that we would attend together. After each tiring day, we would walk back to the hotel and as for me, I was usually doing my homework for APUSH or watching Spongebob while talking to my roommates who thankfully were all friendly with one another. Once the time had come to leave the convention center and return home, the whole event felt as if it were gone in an instant. As tiring as the convention was, and as messily as I described the event, the nostalgia and the feelings that DCON had brought back to me was what really made this event so unforgettable and noteworthy (and I hope I can better express myself here). In the entirety of the Key Club term, there are 3 very large events that occur: Fall Rally, Rose Float Decorating, and District Convention. Each event is unique in its own way, and personally, I believe that DCON is special because of the amount of people that attend. There are Key Clubbers from all over California, Nevada, and Hawaii who come to this event; at a point I met a Lieutenant Governor of a division in Hawaii which was really neat since I was able to hear of how they paid for a flight all the way to Sacramento. It’s not only the amount of people that you are going to see, but it’s also the kinds of people that you are going to meet. There have been multiple occasions where random people came up to me and greeted me, telling me their name and where they came from. The amount of friendly people who attend that event who have the same passion for service and volunteering is sometimes overwhelming, and seeing how many people are willing to make a change, big or small, really inspires you to do the same. DCON was more than a convention that lasted from April 8th – 10th, and it was more than an excuse to miss the last day of comps; DCON was a celebration for a term of hard work, and it was an event that I cannot ever forget for everything that occurs, and furthermore, DCON is a special occurrence that will help me keep my love for Key Club burning throughout this term that is to come. //Jason Park


ISABELLE LEE Name: Isabelle Lee Grade: 12th Cabinet Position: President Hi everyone my name's Isabelle and I have been blessed to have been able to serve as our club's President this past term. When i'm not doing work for Key Club or volunteering, you can catch me throwing discus/shotput for our track & field team, planning mental health segments for WHS Live, binge watching Korean Dramas, fangirling over BTS, or just napping!! I'm a shy person at first but I swear once you get to know me, i'm an interesting person to meet :^) If you ever need anything (help, advice, questions, etc), please let me know because I love meeting new people!!! Favorite Food: Pho & KBBQ & Pad Thai are my favorites; I can’t choose- I’m a foodie. Favorite Movie: Beauty and the Beast ((just watched the new version- SO AMAZING)) Favorite Book: I’ve been loving Rupi Kaur’s Milk and Honey Favorite Drink: Roasting Water’s Pure Strawberry or the Strawberry Slush from Quickly :^) Half Empty of Half Full?: I’m an optimistic person usually so half full :^) Fears: Loneliness, losing someone I care about, hurting people, letting others down, failing to reach my dreams/goals, SPIDERS, Bees (ironic because we're the CNH bees- I get told that a lot).

DANIELLE LEE Name: Danielle Lee Grade: 12th Cabinet Position: Vice President Danielle is a down to earth person who is down to go to the beach, go hiking, or to the gym at almost any time. She loves to serve her community and hopes to make a positive impact on the people around her wherever she goes. She has the weirdest fashion taste wearing fanny packs, bucket hats, or turtle necks and you can catch her dabbing through the hallways. Favorite Food: French Fries and Gummies Favorite Movie: La La Land Favorite Book: Their Eyes Were Watching God Favorite Drink: Any fruit based drink Half Empty of Half Full?: Full ofc! (-: Fears: Losing people important to me, apathy

SARA RYAVE Name: Sara Ryave Grade: 10th Cabinet Position: Secretary I’m Sara, and I love cats, watching ducks at the park, and reading (but let’s be honest, I’m usually watching Netlfix). My sense of humor is pretty dark and I enjoy shows like South Park, Rick and Morty, and American Dad or any satire you can throw at me. I love being out in nature, and I’m passionate about preserving the environment- we only have one earth, no doovers. So in the future I hope to work for the EPA, or in any way that benefits the environment. Favorite Food: Almost everything Favorite Movie: Good Will Hunting Favorite Book: What is the What Favorite Drink: Slurpees Half Empty of Half Full?: Although I see it as half empty far too often, attitude is everything! Fears: Wild mushrooms, having bad breath (lmao ok it’s true).

officer of the month

SUZAINE THOMAS 1. Description of yourself: Hi! I'm Suzaine and I am the Division 30 South Service Projects Coordinator. If i had to describe myself, I'd say that I'm funny and friendly. I try not to be as awkward as possible in certain situations, as I try to get along with everyone!. 2. What is your favorite part about Key Club? My favorite part about Key Club is the volunteer events we have. It's so much fun to go and volunteer at the events, and bond with everyone. 3. Favorite breakfast? My favorite breakfast is eggs (sunny side up!) with toast. 4. If there were a holiday in your honor, what would it celebrate? If there was a holiday in my honor, it would celebrate my long term achievement of being a great, amazing friend to everyone. 5. Fun Fact!!!!!! I like to play badminton!




for the 2017-2018 school year

Sara Ryave President 1. Please describe yourself! We would like to get to know you better. Hi there! I'm Sara- sophomore, lover of nature, cats, history, dancing, SERVICE, and Key Club. I enjoy listening to music, and all types of it- whether it be Opera, trap, classical, or rock, I'll give it a listen (so if you have a cool song you're listening to, let me know). My favorite TV shows are The Office, South Park, and anything with a little dark humor really. I have a HUGE sweet tooth, so candy is definitely the way to my heart. Serving the community is a huge passion of mine, so when I grow up I'd like to work for the EPA, or become a History teacher. And most importantly, I am so excited to serve as your next President and build upon all of the things that our club has achieved in the past few years! 2. What are you most excited for in the upcoming term? I'm excited to get to know more members in this club. I've met some of the best people I know through Whitney Key Club, and I really hope to get to know more of you as President, and hear what you have to say about the club, and what you'd like to do and improve. 3. Anything you'd like to say to the club? (-: How do you feel? ;)

Caitlyn Saw Vice President 1. Please describe yourself! We would like to get to know you better. Hi! My name is Caitlyn Saw and I am the 2017-2018 Vice President Elect. If you really want to get to know me, come talk to me! I love meeting new people. But I'll talk a little about myself for the sake of this - I'm a current junior, I like to go on adventures, and I freak out about college a lot. I think about traveling to other countries a lot too, even though I don't have the money for it, so I guess you could say that I'm kind of a dreamer. School sucks most of the time, but you know what makes everything better? Key Club! I met so many people through it and some of them are my closest friends. I get to talk to other people about common interests and have mini reunions with all of them at each Division Council Meeting. My favorite fruit is a strawberry, and I have a sweet tooth, which is really bad considering that my dentist told me I have 10 cavities...but if you want to give me candy, feel free! I'm so bad with spicy food that I can't even eat the steak burrito at Chipotle, which isn't meant to be spicy, so that's sad for me. However, it works out well because the chicken burrito is cheaper anyway and not spicy. Anyway, if you want to talk to me, feel free to send me a message on Facebook! I'm always online :-)) 2. What are you most excited for in the upcoming term? I'm excited for Fall Rally, as always, haha. It's my absolute favorite event, along with the spirit nights leading up to it. Not surprising considering that I am the 2016-2017 term Spirit Chair! From an executive standpoint, I'm most excited for this year's appointed board! The 9th and 10th graders are so active, way more than I was in 9th grade, and it's refreshing to see them all so eager to participate in Key Club. It makes me excited for what ideas they'll be able to bring to this club. Sara, Justine, Kristina, and I all really want more bonding within the club and I'm excited to help plan this out! 3. Anything you'd like to say to the club? (-: I want to say thank you to all our members, and I hope all of you continue to volunteer throughout high school. A lot of people stop volunteering mid-way and kind of drop out of their participation in Key Club, but Key Club really is a great opportunity to network and gain new experiences. For example, at one of our recent events, volunteers were able to zip-line afterwards, and for many of them, it was their first time doing so! When else would you have such a spontaneous opportunity to zip-line? Also, if any of you guys need someone to talk to, I am here for you! All of executive board is, and we're all shinin' with service. Thank you!

Justine Wu Secretary 1. Please describe yourself! We would like to get to know you better. Hi!! My name is Justine Wu and I am currently a sophomore and the Secretary for Whitney Key Club in this upcoming term! I am a pretty friendly person and I absolutely love meeting new friends! I love volunteering with Key Club, at the Cerritos Library and any other opportunities I receive! My favorite sport is basketball and I am currently on the Whitney Girls' Varsity Team and a team outside of school! I love the color blue and I love to eat spicy food! And lastly, as I have mentioned before, the thing I am most terrified of is birds! 2. What are you most excited for in the upcoming term? This upcoming term, I am most excited about all the amazing things that we will be able to accomplish together as a club! I can't wait for all the things we will do to help our community and I am beyond excited to get to know the people in our club, even more! 3. Anything you'd like to say to the club? (-: Thank you so much again for giving me the chance to serve as your next Secretary! I love all of you guys and keep shining! You are all the KEY to my heart! <3

Kristina î żeam Treasurer 1. Please describe yourself! We would like to get to know you better. My name is Kristina Theam and I'm absolutely ecstatic to serve as your Key Club Treasurer this upcoming term! Being a part of Key Club has honestly been one of the most life-changing things of my life, and it's definitely contributed to who I am today. Without Key Club, I really don't think I would understand the value of service, and how every little thing counts. Key Club has also helped me both find and pursue my passion in saving the world by saving the environment! I absolutely love animals, especially sea creatures (octopuses are my favorite, and yes, it's octopuses LOL). My passions include learning about and sharing information about impending natural crises, photography, volunteering, and eating!! I have 3 pet betta fish (Alby, Pikachu, and Brutus) and 2 hermit crabs (Mona and Louis), and I love them all dearly. In my free time, I enjoy watching cooking videos and looking up pictures of food on Yelp, as well as watching Netflix (Black Mirror & Stranger Things are must-watches!!). 2. What are you most excited for in the upcoming term? What I'm most excited for (I'm excited about a lot of things so I'm gonna talk about a few :-)) this upcoming term is (hopefully) selling all of our remaining t-shirts and tank tops so I can see general members wearing our cool spirit gear on campus! I also can't wait to plan Lock-In and get lots and lots of general members to come so we can fundraise for DCON, so lots of us can go to DCON in Sacramento in 2018!! A lot of us are going to DCON this year, and I want a similar turn-out next year! I also can't wait to continue to bond with all of you guys YAY 3. Anything you'd like to say to the club? (-: Please please do not hesitate to say hi to me in the hallways! It always brightens my day when I see a sunny Key Clubber with a smile on his or her face. I'm also here to talk to about anything, and that includes life advice!! For those of you applying for appointed cabinet positions, please feel free to email/text/ANYTHING any of exec board. We would be more than happy to help you out!

interview tips/ if you didn’t get into cabinet

If you applied and didn’t get into cabinet, please read this. I think it’s extremely important to address some of the feelings you may have after banquet! For those who did not get into cabinet, you’re probably feeling sad. And it’s okay to feel sad! As a member of executive board and an interviewer for all the applicants, I want to state some things that I was looking for in a potential cabinet member, and how you can stand out in a group of 20 or more people who want the same thing you do. I don’t know what it’s like for other clubs, but for Whitney’s Key Club, we take choosing cabinet very seriously because this is not just a club - it’s an organization, something that goes beyond the school. Although I know it’s difficult to develop your interviewing skills in high school because there’s not many opportunities to do so, I hope all of you take this article and this “rejection” as a way to build upon your skills and take this as advice for all your future interviews and encounters in the professional world. Please do not take this as me “throwing shade” or whatever, because I’m writing this to genuinely help all of you! I am not in any way directing this article to anyone specific :-) So here are some tips: 1. NEVER say that you have no new ideas. For me, it was discouraging to hear people say that they had no improvements for the club. Remember, we are not looking to replace appointed board. We are looking to IMPROVE upon it. If you say that you have no new ideas, you are basically saying that you have nothing to offer the club. We want people who can either provide new ideas or improve existing ones. 2. Come PREPARED. Do not come late. It may not seem like being a minute or even 10 seconds late is a lot, and before I was interviewing applicants, I didn’t think so either. Little do you know that executive board had our eyes on the clock while we waited for you to enter the room! It is always safe to be early and being early shows us that you’ll be early to future Key Club events, making you someone we see as DEPENDABLE. Also, make sure to bring the things we ask for. If we ask for it printed, we want it printed. If you are not able to provide it in physical form, then please tell us so beforehand. From my standpoint, it is unacceptable to be late to your interview because you have printing problems. Honestly, it was kind of suspicious that about more than 5 people all claimed to have printing problems. While this may be the case, it should not be an excuse to be late! If you really do

us!), you should be telling your interviewers before your interview and then sending them a digital copy beforehand as well. We only have about half an hour to get to know you, so it is only detrimental to yourself if we’re wasting time sending emails/ printing papers at the beginning of the interview. 3. Don’t be messy! If you schedule an interview, you need to keep that date. If you really can’t, you need to notify your interviewer at least a day beforehand. We have no problem changing the date and time, but please remember that all four members of executive board are giving up almost all their free time for two or more weeks to get through the interviewing process. We give up our snacks, our lunches, and our after school time to accommodate to the schedules of more than 20 people, and it’s not in our interest to elongate the application process. You absolutely cannot be telling us that you can’t come/need a schedule change when it’s an hour before your interview because we are sacrificing things in our schedule to meet you. It is completely understandable if emergencies happen, but if there is one, you need to tell us your situation because it’s a red flag if we see that you had many opportunities to tell us about a schedule change beforehand. 4. Don’t be modest. Modesty is great, but for an interview, it is not. We want to know about all your achievements, your skill set, your talents, everything, so don’t refrain from telling us anything! It is extremely difficult to sound egotistical in an interview because you’re supposed to brag about yourself! If you’re applying for publicity, tell us that you’ve won multiple awards in drawing contests! If you’re applying for fundraising, tell us that you’ve had past positions that dealt with money! And if you don’t feel that you are accomplished in terms of awards and positions, it’s okay! Many of you are young. Executive board completely understands that many of you are inexperienced, and we want cabinet to be a chance for you to develop some leadership skills. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have an official title for anything - instead, you can talk about qualities that will help you be a great cabinet member! If you’re hardworking, tell us that and give EXAMPLES of this. If you’re friendly, tell us that and how you make sure that you’re being inclusive to all types of people! Everyone has a strength. 5. Be confident in yourself! A leader needs to be assertive and strong. You need to lead the club and be someone that everyone will look to for guidance. To do this, you need to FIRST believe in YOURSELF. You are capable. You have potential. You are the face of the club, and you need to represent it properly. Have confidence in yourself, and come into the interview KNOWING that you will be accepted. I don’t

want to find out that you applied to cabinet halfheartedly. I don’t want to see you not attending Key Club events like banquet because you assume that you can just not be involved anymore because you think you didn’t make the cut. I find it disappointing when members do this because it shows that you only want the position for yourself, and it shows the lack of passion you have for Key Club. A good way to think of this is like any other assessment - you need to be confident when going into a test. If you fail, you won’t just skip class because you’re afraid of getting your test score back. Likewise, you probably tried your best in applying for cabinet, and if you didn’t get in, you shouldn’t drop your activity in the club. You need to learn from it and work on yourself and apply again for the 2018-2019 term. If you did attend banquet, you were probably extremely anxious to hear the results for appointed board. However, you should have also been there for the seniors, for the celebration of ending the term, for the purpose of supporting the club, and for your friends who were/are cabinet members, not just to find out if you gained a title. 6. Please don’t assume that if you have a close relationship with one of the current/ past executive members, you’re guaranteed a cabinet position. Also, PLEASE don’t hate us for it. It’s hard enough for us to choose to reject our friends, and we ALREADY FEEL AWKWARD DOING IT so don’t make it even more awkward. Having a best friend in cabinet means nothing. Key Club board should be a chance to create friendships with new people from different grades, and we absolutely do not want cliques to form within cabinet. Trying to force a personal relationship with someone is not a ticket in, and also, suddenly becoming very involved in Key Club the week applications come out is not as discreet as you think. Although connections are indeed very important, you should prioritize improving YOURSELF and your skills. 7. Passion shows. We can tell if you are being genuine or not, and if you truly have a passion for something, people will RECOGNIZE it. For Key Club, we will be able to tell whether or not you have a love for service just by the way you talk about it, regardless of experience. This goes hand in hand with number 5. You cannot halfheartedly apply for something that takes as much time as Key Club. We are the biggest club on campus. Our club is part of a much larger organization, Kiwanis International. We have a lot to do! An amazing cabinet needs to have good chemistry, and to have good chemistry, everyone needs to love what they’re doing. One negative attitude within cabinet will literally shut down everything, and then it’ll lead to people being afraid to speak their thoughts and ideas and people forming

cliques because they feel uncomfortable with those who seem uninterested. Bad chemistry means cabinet members being reluctant to come to cabinet meetings, reluctant to take charge and take on additional responsibilities, and this reluctance shows in our club performance. This is how important passion is. We do not only take into account your experience and skill set, but also your love for what we do. Another way to think of it is like this: if your math teacher hated math but had to teach math on a daily basis, the students would start to hate it as well. It would be obvious that the math teacher hates math, even if she tries not to make it seem like that. And because she’s supposed to be a role model, her students will take after her and hate the class. As humans, we feed off of each other’s energy, and because of this, we need passionate and positive people within appointed board. I wrote a lot but if you read this far, I hope you take all these things to heart and keep them in mind for your next interview, whether it be with Key Club or not. Not getting into cabinet is not a big deal, but it’s easy to make it one. If you ever need someone to talk to, or you want more advice about anything, feel free to message me! :-) Thank you for reading this suuuuuper long article! //Caitlyn Saw

why i love sara ryave Caring, passionate, loving, humorous, tall, beautiful, smart, talented. The list of words that can be used to describe Sara Ryave can go on forever. Back when we were three, Sara Ryave and I took dance class together and she was the really talented one while I was one of the weaker students. Because we went to separate schools, we didn’t meet or talk to each other again until 7th grade at Whitney High School. Although I have stopped dance, Sara has continued, and up till today, she is such an amazing dancer and choreographer. She has choreographed many dances for our class and for many different activities and those who have been choreographed by her are so lucky to have been. Sara Ryave is the type of person you would never get tired of hanging around with. She is such a fun and spirited person that every moment you spend with her is never a dull one. She is always full of creative and original ideas that gets all those around her hyped and pumped up. Her personality is so energetic and she is such an adventurous person. I absolutely love her positivity towards everything and she is one of the most passionate and caring people I have ever met. She always puts her 110% effort into everything that she does and she pours her whole heart into everything she is a part of. I have never met someone who is capable of accomplishing so many amazing things and still always have a bright and happy smile on her face! Over the past few years, I have really gotten to know Sara and see what a truly genuine and kind-hearted person she is. She is one of the most understanding people and is always so easy to approach. I know that I can always talk to her about anything and she is always there to listen to me about my million and one problems. I know I can count on her to cheer me up when I am down and her humor is always the highlight of my day. I don't

know where I would be without seeing her beautiful face everyday in 2nd period math class. It is always a great start to my day, knowing that she is right there alongside of me. Sara Ryave has really been such an inspiration to me in so many ways. Whether it is her ability to make so many friends or her passion for service and volunteering. In all honesty, seeing her do such an amazing job in Key Club is so admirable. She has been such a positive influence in my life and I am thankful to call her one of my closest friends. Here is a short note to her: Dear Sara with an h, Thank you for being such an amazing friend and person to be around. I am so lucky that you are a part of my life because you have really influenced me to become a better person. Your passion towards helping those in our community is such a great thing and it has really inspired me to volunteer in our community even more! Your positive attitude has always been such a bright light in my life and I am so glad that I am able to count on you to get through many of the hardships of life. Your encouragement is always so uplifting and your support means everything to me. You excel at everything you do and the time and dedication that you put into doing the things you love is really admirable. Your role as a Secretary in Key Club this term has led me to want to continue the legacy of great Secretaries! You are already doing such a phenomenal job as the President-elect and I can’t wait for all that you will achieve when you are President of Key Club this upcoming term! So thank YOU for being such a strong and important person in my life! I love you Sara Ryave! //Justine Wu

to justine wu Hi Justine!!! I’m so so excited to work with you this next term and you make me so incredibly proud with how much you’ve already accomplished!! I remember at Key Club banquet LAST YEAR, they called up your name for Director of Activities and I was so excited to work with you. I think I told you recently that I first “met” you when I saw you on the basketball court your freshman year playing in the Girls Basketball vs. Faculty Game!! You were such a star! Ever since then, I’ve noticed you more and more in the hallways, and more importantly, in Key Club. This past term, you were an amazing Director of Activities and you were able to deal with whatever we threw at you. You were always there to help find events in the case of a shortage of events, and when we changed to a new email system, you were so welcoming of it. I think one of the coolest things I noticed about you/learned about you this past term was how well you can accommodate to others and put others first. When we switched to a new email system, we put a lot on your shoulders, and it was definitely a big task to handle. Additionally, having DOA’s send out TWO EMAILS PER WEEK IS CRAZY, but it’s amazing!! Now Key Clubbers emails don’t have to be flooded with a bunch of emails, and all of the events are SUPER organized. You and Caitlyn make a fabulous team and you make me so proud! But besides being an amazing Key Club CABINET member, you’re an amazing Key Clubber period. I’ve seen you grow so much this past year, and I’m so happy to have met you. You’re so genuine, kind, caring, and incredibly hardworking! I always see you with a smile on your face, and you never hesitate to over a helping hand wherever it was needed. I can really tell (and I’m sure everyone else can tell too) that you truly care about Key Club and the well-being of others, and that makes me so happy. Justine, we have a long term ahead of us, but I am so excited to serve my last Key Club term by your side. Though we may be in different grades and classes, we still always have something to talk about and rant about. I hope you never forget this!! Let’s make this term a good one! ☺ //Kristina Theam

to caitlyn saw HI CAITLYN!! My other 2018-er on Key Club cabinet (and now Valeska!!) but also my fellow 2018-er in Key Club in general LOL. You are so incredibly hardworking and I cannot wait to make this last Key Club term an amazing one <3 I remember when I would just volunteer with you at events before you were a cabinet member, and I was absolutely in awe of how passionate and SPIRITED you were!! You always served with a smile and that made me so so so happy, and made the atmosphere so much brighter. You have such a full and open heart for volunteering, and it’s always an amazing experience working with you. You honestly always know how to brighten our days, and whether that be by flashing a big smile our way or yelling, “HOW DO YOU FEEL?!” it always makes my time volunteering that much brighter. One thing I’ve ALWAYS admired about you is your ability to go with the flow and socialize. You know SO MANY KEY CLUBBERS LOL and I honestly wish I was just as social as you. Whenever we’re at DCM’s or Division Events, you basically know nearly everyone, which is AMAZING. Your ability to make friends is admirable and it will honestly take you so far in life. Besides being an amazing person to work with in Key Club, you are an amazing friend and I value our friendship so much! You’re always there for me to talk to and rant to, and your advice is QUALITY. (wait I noticed how many times I used caps in this, SORRY IM EXCITED HAHA). Caitlyn, let’s go out with a bang and make this last term (for us at least!) a good one! I believe in us!! ☺ //Kristina Theam

to sara ryave HI BABY SARA (even though you’re a LOT taller than me HAHA). I’m so excited to work with you in Key Club this year and I’m so glad to serve under you, Ms. President!! When I was a Key Clubber, I remember being in awe of how an 8th grader could lead a club. I know that when I was in 8th grade, the chances of me leading a club, let alone Builder’s Club, were incredibly slim and unlikely. Even though Builder’s Club is still in the process of being built up, I think you were the perfect choice for Builder’s Club President. But hey! Look where you are!! Leading the BIGGEST CLUB ON CAMPUS. I know you’ll do an amazing job leading this club, and I trust in our abilities as exec to make this work <3 One of my fondest memories of you was Region Training Conference two terms ago, in your freshman year. I sat down in the Secretary workshop and saw this little freshman sitting near me. IT WAS YOUUU. Getting to know you at RTC, but especially at this workshop, was an amazing experience. I was truly able to see your drive, passion, and determination, and I can truly say I always pictured you as Key Club president one day. You have such a full heart for Key Club, and you’re always willing to serve. You ability to juggle other extracurriculars, sports, school, and Key Club amazes me!! You’re such a relatable person and I know I can always talk to you if I need help or just need to rant. I can’t wait to make this term a good one, and make more memories with you and the rest of exec!! I can’t wait to see what we accomplish! ☺ //Kristina Theam

why i love kristina theam If you don’t know our Treasurer Elect, you should. Kristina is amazing at what she does and I’m so glad with the fact that I’ll be able to work closely with her this upcoming term! I’ve known her since 7th grade and she’s known in our class for being involved in anything marine-related and always having outstanding grades. However, throughout this term and especially throughout the past few weeks after elections, in which we and the rest of executive board planned banquet, I got to become so much closer with her in a short amount of time. We talk about boys together (boys are dumb!), we talk about the classes we share, and we talk about our shared frustrations. I already know that she’s going to be a phenomenal treasurer because not only is she hardworking, but she’s also realistic, and that is probably one of the best qualities someone can have for that position. I see her stay up until the middle of the night and the early morning to study and take care of everything that needs to be done. Her work ethic is so inspiring! On top of yearbook (go congratulate her because she’s Editor-inChief!), being President of Ecology and Wildlife Club, being Director of Fundraising for Key Club and now Treasurer, working hard and volunteering for a service trip to Africa this summer, developing her amazing photography skills, and having a rigorous course schedule, she is still able to be such a chill, relatable, and up-to-date person. Also, she’s really cute (Steve is lucky HAHA). To whoever is reading this, I encourage you to take this opportunity to get to know her this next term, because she is such a role model for so many people and I think everyone should have the drive and motivation that she does. It’s inevitable that she will be extremely successful in the future, and she has done so much for Key Club, whether it be giving rides, buying food and setting up bake sales, suggesting great ideas in cabinet meetings, and the sense of responsibility and professionalism that she exerts! Kristina, you’re great :-)) //Caitlyn Saw

why i love caitlyn saw There’s something very special about Caitlyn Saw to me. With complete and utter honesty, I can say I’ve never met someone so friendly and outgoing before. It used to baffle me-I remember seeing her at a DCM during my Freshman year, meeting members from other Divisions and making friends instantly- I was awestruck. I couldn’t understand how she was able to connect with people so quickly, and make them feel comfortable and at ease around her. That was even before I really got to know her- and now that I have, I realize it’s just one of her many amazing qualities. Caitlyn finds a way to make people feel important. She’ll listen to you when you need an ear, ask you how your day was, and cheer you up when you’re at your lowest. She’s a friend when you need her the most, the world’s best comedian when you’re in need of a laugh, and all the time, an all around amazing human being. Not only that, but she’s an incredibly devoted person. As Secretary this term I’m tasked with recording hours, and there are few events where I’m not logging hours in for Caitlyn. On top of a busy schedule she always finds the time to do what a Key Clubber should- get out there and help others. I am beyond excited to be working with her in the upcoming term, and I know the memories we make together- whether it be video calling for hours about Key Club duties, or going on random adventures, or any of the little things in between will be unforgettable. She’s been kicking butt and taking names since day one, so together, I know we’re going to do something truly awesome. //Sara Ryave

what i love When I was young, my mother would often take me on hikes with her, or to the park. She’d force me to stand still and observe the little things around me- birds I would have never noticed, hiding in the spindly branches of trees, or the little weeds growing on the banks of a river. However tiresome it was for me to stop and listen to her ooh and aah over these miniscule things, I owe my passion to her. I love nature. The sound of the ocean crashing on the beach, over and over again. The way dew looks on the leaves of trees, the smell of dirt and bugs and grittiness. To me, there is no other feeling that replaces the calm of sitting and listening to the wind, or observing animals passing by. I love it because it is the one thing that can transport me from the mundanity of life- from the tests and extracurriculars and problems that tend to consume me until I’m left gasping for air. Being in nature helps remind me that everything is fleeting- trees fall, and new ones are born. A forest that has been destroyed by a wildfire is always rebuilt, aided by time. The world keeps turning, and the little conflicts and issues that control me will pass- and to me, that is pretty reassuring. This has lead me to my goal in life, my passion. To help protect fragile ecosystems, or prevent further depletion of the Earth’s resources is one of the worthiest causes to me, because there is only one Earth. One Earth, where once a species is gone, they are forever lost. One Earth for the seven billion people who are at it’s mercy. With the effects of climate change looming above us, we’re faced with the threat of drought, huge floods, megastorms, and changing landscapes. For many people on this earth, these changes are already reality. So to protect the Earth is to protect the people on it. That is what I want to do. Whether it be big or small, as long as I’ve got a hand in protecting the environment, I’ll be happy. //Sara Ryave

Things You Can do to BEE More Green! April is upon us- the flowers are blooming, birds are chirping- nature is everywhere! Here’s a few ways you can help out mother nature in your everyday life: 1. Use Reusable Utensils: This one may seem unnecessary, but go through your day and count how much plastic cutlery you’re using. I realized that every day I was going through a plastic spoon EVERY DAY at snack, a straw or fork at lunch, and a couple plastic bottles a week. I’d go to Costco and take a sample with a plastic fork, use that once, and throw it away without a second though. That all adds upjust at Whitney, we go through thousands of little plastic forks, spoons, plates, and bottles a week. You can cut that out of your life by bringing a reusable fork, spoon, or chopsticks with you. Wash them after using them, store them, and voila. 2. Eat Less Meat: Meat is delicious. Burgers are delicious. Big, giant steaks with fries are delicious. However meat is something that takes a huge toll on the environment- the amount of energy, water, and land it takes to raise livestock is astronomical. Production of livestock takes up ⅓ of all usable land on the ENTIRE earth, and are responsible for 18% of all greenhouse gas emissions. However, you don’t have to go full hippy-happy-vegan to make a difference. Going one day of the week or month meat and dairy free, or trying a vegetarian option on the menu once in awhile does make a difference. It might not seem like a lot. But when there’s a Key Club of 160 people making small decisions like bringing a reusable fork with them to eat, or trying out a vegetarian option once in awhile, it adds up. Building a culture of environmental consciousness is what will change the world, and that starts with us. //Sara Ryave


From: Justine Wu, Sophomore Shoutout to all of '16-'17 cabby members! Thank you all for being so fun to work with! I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know each one of you and I can't express how grateful I am to have met you guys! You made my first year in cabinet a very memorable one!

From: Justine Wu, Sophomore Shoutout to all of Key Club! All you members brighten up my day and I can't believe how far we have all come, this term! I had such an amazing experience and I can't wait for many more memories!!

From: Leanna Theam, Sophomore Shoutout to my sister for being there for me and going to key club events and introducing me to the club in general ((:

WANT TO SEND Want to be featured here? Tune in next month to see your NEW Bulletin Editor, Megan Hur! I never thought how sad it would be to hand down my position, but I’d like thank you all for a BUZZIN’ year and constant support. Signing out, Queena Hoang ’16-’17 Bulletin Editor


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