What's the Latest Buzz?- June

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Hello Sunny Keyuties <3 I hope that all of you have been enjoying the first few weeks of summer whether it be hanging out with close friends, going on vacation, or just catching up on missed sleep! Congratulations on getting through another year at Whitney; I hope that all of you are proud of yourselves as it is no easy feat to get through Whitney! I hope that all of you have a wonderful summer and make tons of new and unforgettable memories! This past month was definitely filled with a lot of events ranging from our club's Eliminate Week to the Aloha Dance to comps! I wanted to thank you all so much for helping our club raise $772.41 for Project Eliminate as with the money raised, we'll be able to save over 400 mothers and their future children. Thank you for donating any change/money you had as it truly will impact the world in such a positive way as well as save so many lives from this deadly disease. This month, we also held our annual 8th Grade Orientation! I wanted to welcome all incoming freshmen to Key Club. Thank you so much for taking interest in our club and I look forward to meeting all of you in the future! I was so excited to see over 70 incoming freshmen attend who were excited and eager to join Key Club. Thank you so much for attending! Furthermore, at June DCM on June 17th, our club was awarded Second Shining Club of the Month and D30S' Officer of the Month was our very own Kiana Hernandez! No matter what awards we receive however, I am so thankful and blessed to serve such an amazing and thoughtful club. Thank you for each service event you went to, thank you for impacting the community, and thank you for being such wonderful and genuine people. As July comes around, filled with lots of festivities such as 4th of July Celebrations and much more, please keep in mind that for all incoming sophomores, juniors, and seniors, your 50 hour deadline is approaching (July 31st). For all incoming freshmen, you are able to begin volunteering in the summer and your hours deadline will be July 31st, 2017. For those who ask why there is a hours deadline, it is because if you volunteer 50 hours/year for all 4 years of high school, you will then be eligible to buy a Key Club stole (which you can wear at graduation) your senior year! But, don't also forget to have fun with your friends and going on fun adventures! By the way, if you've been wanting to go to the beach and also receive a hour of service, make sure to watch out for an email from me soon regarding July DCM | Beach Boomba on July 16th from 11AM-4PM. You'll be able to receive a hour of service as we'll be cleaning up the beach but there will also be time to have fun at the beach! Even though summer has just started and school has ended, Key Club events and volunteering never ends! As the next two months of summer awaits us, there will be many more new events and exciting surprises ahead so BEE on the lookout! Thank you for continuously inspiring me each and every day through your passion for service and love for helping out the community. If you ever need anything/anyone to talk too, I will always be here for you! Shinin' with Service,

Isabelle Lee

Once I saw the words “Mary Bragg Carnival” I was ecstatic because this was my old elementary. Every year I went and coming back as a high schooler gave me so memories. I worked at one of the jumpers where you get in a suit that's velcro all over and then there's a jumper that had a wall where you jump onto the body and your body sticks on. Seeing all the joy and happiness from the kids made me feel so happy and slightly envious from wanting to be as carefree as they are now. It reminds me of myself when I was younger, running to my parents saying “Mommy, can I go on this?”. Now I’m the one who’s helping them g o on the ride. It’s crazy how time flies by so fast. //Kyla Basiana

Hey Key Clubbers!!! Summer has finally arrived and slapped us in the face with a short 2-months worth of "vacation"!! WOOHOO!! And like always, Key Club has plenty of opportunities for our members to volunteer in the summer, which brings me to my point. For those of you who didn't know, Key Club has its own pledge, and it goes a little like this: "I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions." I hope you guys noticed what I did. If you didn't, I'm kind of upset because I intentionally italicized 'it' for you. And that is *DRUMROLL...*, school! And you thought we were done with school, huh? Well, nope! Get a grip! (HAHA. just kidding..#butforrealtho) We, as Key Clubbers, tend to limit ourselves to service outside of school and for the most part, separate our school life from volunteer life, volunteer life from home life, and so on and so forth. However, maybe we need to reconsider this habit of ours and incorporate service into all parts of our lives! "Why should I do that?" may be some of your responses but...we Key Clubbers would answer with, "Because CARING IS OUR WAY OF LIFE!" Can I get an "Oh yeah?!" So one easy way you can follow the Key Club motto is by helping out at Whitney during your summer break. Key Clubbers will have the opportunity to serve our school by helping our fellow librarian, Luisa, or our office ladies! (Check out your emails for more pertinent information.) I really hope you guys got something out of this. As for me, I will try to practice what I "preach". //Eunice Shim

Although June 15 was the last day of school for most people, I found myself waking up at 8am to go to school again the very next day on the first day of summer break. I figured that I would spend most of the day just lazing around, on Netflix or reading in bed, and that instead, I could do something much more productive like help out in the office. Knowing that it was finally summer (still half-awake after comps), it was super hard to get out of bed to go back to school, but once I did, it was completely worth it. I was immediately put to work, helping Ilka file a bunch of documents and medical records. I even discovered the file room, which I always thought was just another supply closet until I walked in that day. I stayed for both shifts, which added up to 7 hours, a normal school day. However, it didn’t feel like a normal school day, and the time flew by as I spent hours alphabetizing and searching for the missing papers, and it all worked out in the end. It was definitely a memorable and rewarding experience, spending the first free day I had in what felt like forever, helping out in the office and meeting the faculty in the office, too. I would recommend to anyone that has free time this summer to volunteer as well, because it feels really great to know that my time was spent well. Even if finding the motivation to sign up for an event when you could instead rewatch a season of your favorite show is super difficult (trust me; I get it), it is so rewarding to spend the day doing something else like helping out where someone needs the help, and you get that happiness along with the knowledge that that TV show or book will always be there when you get back home/ //Meghan LeeÂ

Cancer can easily be a depressing topic. It hurts, kills, and bankrupts people worldwide. However, it is difficult to be happy in light of cancer, but that is what our sunny volunteers did for the Relay for Life in Liberty Park! The beginning of the race consisted of introductions, cancer experiences, and speeches. Cancer fighters, caretakers of patients, and relatives of those with cancer came out to share their story with everyone at the race. Their stories were examples of how speeches and words do not have to be complex and well-written to move the people’s emotions. Despite the uncomfort of the heat that day, others and myself were inspired and had a better understanding of what it means to have cancer. Following this, volunteers and participants of the race walked laps and sold items to promote awareness about cancer. In my booth specifically, we had a game set up along with prizes. Volunteers could also help out at the registration booth, where they put wristbands on incoming participants, took donations, and signed people in. In the booth next to us, two people were selling fruit juice (like Green Crush!). Later on, it was followed by singing, dancing, and overall a great time for everyone. It showed how that, on the topic of cancer, one can still enjoy life and to raise awareness about cancer doesn’t mean the environment should be depressing - it means that we should learn to enjoy and not take life for granted. Every day should be an experience; it should be something to remember. Volunteering has led me to cherish not only my days on Earth, but the value of others’ lives. Every act of kindness makes an impact on someone’s life, including yours. //Caitlyn Saw

Cancer has always traumatized the lives of many, and the amount of mourning and grief that has come from cancer is innumerable. The least we can do about this force so traumatizing is not only do what we can to help, but honor those that have fought, lived, or passed away as a result of any form of cancer. In order to honor those people, the event Relay for Life was held in multiple cities, and I attended the one held in Cerritos. When I arrived at the event, I saw that the Whitney Key Clubbers were watching over a booth that had a mini-game involving a duck, and most of the Key Clubbers were watching over the prizes for that mini-game. Other volunteers handed out beads to the walkers and runners who were going around the track. When I came, I was mostly on the lookout for anyone at the event who wanted to play the game, but since there were not that many attendees at the event, no one really came to play the game, and the only reason people came to the booth was to get a bead to make a bracelet or necklace of beads. Eventually, some of the Key Clubbers went to help out members from Whitney’s Future Business Leaders of America set up a hot dog booth for a fundraiser they were holding. Since there were an excess of members and not a proportionate amount of attendees to make up for that, helping other people was the best thing we could do to get moving. Throughout the event, the amount of attendees remained low, and we helped out with what we could. Eventually, some of the members helped out with placing paper bags on the ground around the track and then placed candles inside of them so that they would light up in the night and brighten the path for those currently fighting cancer or for the people who have survived and now need to adjust to life again. This event did not fully busy the volunteers to be completely honest, and it was a lot of bonding rather than constantly helping out with random things. We offered our help whenever possible, but as stated before, there were not many attendees. For the people who did attend though, it was nice to see that they were honoring the survivors, and it was nicer to know that volunteers like the Key Clubbers there were helping out making the event run smoothly. The fact that high school students cannot do too much for the patients and victims of this terrible killer is something that we cannot change too much; the general population of high school students cannot make a monumental change in terms of eradicating all cancers; such a solution has not even been presented in the real world as of yet. What volunteers like us can do though, is help others around us do other things like honor the survivors and pray and hope for the fighters. Remembering and thanking those who have fought hard but could not make it also is satisfying, and seeing what little we did that day turned out to be much more than the “little” that I thought it to be. The volunteers at Cerritos and the other volunteers at Anaheim were a big help, and although there weren’t that many attendees on the side of Cerritos, there certainly were many impacts that we Key Clubbers made as a whole to those who wanted to commemorate and remember and honor. //Jason Park

1) You can go learn more about what the Kiwanis do, such as the similarities and the differences, since their purpose is similar to ours! 2) You get the opportunity to meet so many new people, learn about their backgrounds, take from their experiences and gain knowledge, and enjoy their company. They’re so incredibly kind and adorable! 3) They support you in everything that you decide to do, and they respect you while you’re speaking. Their warm atmosphere and smiles on their faces make it less scary when you speak. You don’t feel as nervous, and you feel more confident in what you’re bringing to the table. 4) Kennedy High School representatives are also there, so you can meet more officers from other places. It’s like a mini bonding event, so take advantage of the moment-introduce yourselves, make new friends, and make and share memories together! 5) There are guest speakers sometimes, such as police officers or the head of other organizations, so you get insight on the world other than Key Club. 6) You can learn so much from attending these meetings, and the ideas they bring to the table are ones that we can implement and use to improve our own club! 7) If you see Key Club cabby as your family, consider this as your other new family! I promise you that once you go to the meeting you’ll want to go to every meeting from then on! The atmosphere is so loving and warm and brings a sense of togetherness and unity. 8) You can be who you truly are, express your opinions freely, and get a gist of other organizations related to us. 9) Represent our club with pride and joy! Coming with a wonderful officer’s report and a smile plastered across your face will impress the Kiwanis members and earn you a good reputation! 10) Connect with the people who do so much for our club, such as providing us with activities, supporting us morally and economically, and chaperoning for us, making our events possible! 11) FREE FOOD! //Denise Chan

Summer is the perfect time to get some hours in! Without the stress of school upon us, we can focus on doing other things and volunteering is a great thing to do on our long, sunny break. Service is so important because we can meet new people throughout our community and put smiles on so many faces...and it is so easy to reach out and do it. A few hours out our day can result in a great outcome for someone else whether we are helping set up for events or just making sure they are running smoothly. I really enjoy attending fun runs because there is so much positive energy when the marathon starts. They are usually super early and volunteers can nearly be falling asleep BUT, once those runners come in, there is always a huge wave of energy. Instantly, I feel so awake and happy to be cheering others on as they smile and thank us. I really hope to attend another one before this summer comes to an end! Another reason for others to volunteer during the summer is to meet other Key Clubbers and bond with some in our school as well! You can really create a family with mutual interest in service whether it be with some in our school or throughout our division; it's amazing to share a passion of service with other people. I really hope Key Club can expand so others can discover their passion for volunteering as well! //Kiana Hernandez

Peanut butter and Jelly. Who knew that these two simple ingredients could do so much to impact the lives of many? June 17, 2016 key clubbers of Division 30 S came together for a Division Council Meeting as well as a pb and j sandwich making service event. During the meeting, volunteers were able to share their thoughts on past events and specific ideas that were important to the mission statement of Key Club International. At the DCM it was really cool to see volunteers from various home clubs come together to create a sandwich making factory and work together to make hundreds and hundreds of sandwiches. Some volunteers spread the jelly and peanut butter, others bagged the sandwiches, and others packed them into boxes. With the hard work of each key clubber and the love that they put into the food, Division 30 S was able to enjoy their time all while making a positive impact on the community around

them! //Danielle Lee

Hello lovely bees! Just this past month, June DCM took place. This month we had a service project where we made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to donate. The meeting started out with the basics, going over old business and new business. However, the highlights of June DCM are what came after. Out of all the DCM’s I’ve been too, the games we played were the most enjoyable. I felt as if our club and division as a whole had just bonded a lot more that day. We played things such as Indian chief and an interesting new game. A club would line up in a conga line and try to grab the other lines tails that were attached to the back of the end person. I would definitely recommend this game to other group events because it really shows teamwork. After all the fun and games came sandwiches! We were given jam and peanut butter and started spreading them on bread. After making the sandwiches with individually wrap and then pack. The whole experience was so new and exciting. We even bonded closer while taking when we made the sandwiches. June DCM was one of my favorite service projects we have had and I encourage others to try and come out to other DCM’s because each one is fun in their own way. Enjoy your summer! //Ankita Morari

This past June 17th was my very first DCM and it was a memorable experience. Attending the June DCM not only offered a volunteer opportunity to make pb&j sandwiches but also allowed for me to meet a whole bunch of new faces from Region 3. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND GOING TO DCM's!! And I'll be honest, when I was there I had no clue what I was doing, but I did no I was having fun. Starting with ice breakers we formed these conga line and had to steal these pieces of cloth from opposing teams and it was so crazy running around in a giant train of people. There was also a trivia game we all did and I actually had the guts to answer a questions and I would just like to mention to all the newbies out there..."A BELL" is not the answer when they ask you for an object of Key Club. But Kelly (our current LTG...LTG is a fancy acronym for someone who kinda has this big leadership role in key club) was really nice about it and I didn't too embarrassed...SO ALWAYS PARTICIPATE! Throughout the entire day I had a really enjoyable time laughing and talking with friends and thanks to our historians(especially Jason Park) I got to keep a lot of picture to remember that day! So thank you key club for allowing me to have this memory and thanks to all people that made my first DCM so great!! //Justin Hogenauer

As students in Whitney High School, it’s easy to get caught up in studying, extra curriculars, extra EXTRA curriculars, trying to get sleep, maintaining grades, and spending time with friends. I know that I have that problem. I find myself often anxious about things coming up or things I have to do way in advance before they’re even close to being due. For example, even though it’s summer right now, my anxiety still kicks in every once in a while to remind me that summer is going to end eventually and I’m going to have stuff to do again. In an age where mental health is often overlooked, I’m here to remind you hard workers to remember that life is NOT a race whatsoever. It’s important to pace yourself and to not overwhelm yourself too much because YOUR mental health is just as important as your physical health.

Key Clubbers have always been known to volunteer with a sunny smile on their face and with eagerness to serve. This is great! However, I know that sometimes, we wake up on the wrong side of the bed or we just didn’t get a good night’s sleep. And this is OK. Of course, don’t make sour faces at people just because you feel like it, but it’s okay to not smile all the time and it’s okay to not be perky if you just feel down. Other Key Clubbers will be there for you.

I’m not writing this to give people excuses to have a bad attitude all the time and to make people uncomfortable, but I am writing this to let those of you who feel pressured by societal standards to always be positive and fake a smile know that you are not alone. This is entire article is super cliché but I feel that all of us are in need of this reminder sometimes.

//Kristina Theam

Following off my last article, here are some tips and tricks on how

to pace yourself in life! 1.


things you have to do, especially with dates you have to do them by helps you prioritize and figure out when you should do what. You should probably finish that thing due next week rather than the

thing due a month from now, or work on both, but divide your time effectively! I didn’t start until recently but by keeping an updated

calendar on my phone helps me figure out when I should do what.

2. SIT DOWN and PRIORITIZE: Of course, priorities change

and sometimes, things override others, but generally speaking, it’s extremely helpful to sit down and decide what’s important in your life. When you’re involved with a lot of things, it can be

overwhelming when you’re starting to finish all of the tasks you

have at hand. This works well with studying too. Prioritizing what subjects you need to focus more on and actually writing it down

somewhere is SO HELPFUL. That way, you have an idea of the order you’re going to do homework.

3. Use an app like SelfControl to block websites on your computer

than may distract you. You basically set a list of websites that you

want blocked off, set an amount of time, and voila! Those websites will be blocked off for whatever amount of time you choose.

4. If you have problems with being distracted with your phone and/or social media, just HIDE IT. Sometimes I tell my sister to hide my phone somewhere and to not give it back unless I’m done with work. Just having the phone away helps me get started.

5. Take breaks when you need to. If you come home and you’re

dead tired from an all nighter and you studied the entire day, then

take a nap. It’s okay to let yourself rest. You know your body best. Listen to what it’s saying!!

Enjoy all of these tips and tricks and have a fabulous summer! //Kristina Theam

Whenever us Whitney Key Clubbers needed assistance with practically anything, many of us went to the office and talked to a Whitney High School Secretary. From helping us solve incorrect absences to answering practically any question to much more, the secretaries at Whitney High School have done so much for each and every single student at Whitney High on top of their everyday duties at school. For me, personally, they have always been there for me and always have gone out of their way to help me with finding out where a staff member is located to much more. In a way, volunteering at the office allows me to help give back to them the amount of support and help they gave me throughout the school year as I can help lessen their workload during the summer. Being able to volunteer at the office for over two years now has allowed me to appreciate the secretaries even more as the amount of work that they have to do is much more than one would expect. From filing every attendance record for each teacher for the whole school year to alphabetizing the cards of the 1000+ Whitney students, the secretaries are truly the backbone of the school through all of the behind of the scenes work they do for Whitney. From being able to help the secretaries file all the records from the past school year to printing out copies of certain documents to much more, being able to volunteer at the office has allowed me to become closer with each Secretary and truly understand the workload they have to keep Whitney running the way it is. The workload that each volunteer is given definitely can be much more than one would expect at any other volunteer event but the feeling of finishing it and the smile on the Secretaries' face makes it all worthwhile. If you ever have the chance to volunteer at the office in the summer, I can definitely tell you that you will be assigned to do a lot of work but I can also tell you that all of the work you do definitely makes a positive impact on each Secretary. By being able to help out the secretaries, we Key Clubbers will lessen the workload they have to do within the summer and definitely brings a renewed appreciation for the Secretaries. //Isabelle Lee

A week of summer passed and I was already sick and tired of the blazing sun. But I was definitely looking forward to the Key Club Officer Training Conference with not just Division 30S, but with the rest of the Region 3 officers. I arrived to Costa Mesa High School right after a basketball game, and I was super excited to be there. The first thing I did was eat pizza. Our Whitney Key Club cabinet members gathered around and talked and laughed as we enjoyed our lunches! Then, we went into the gym for the opening ceremony where we did many interesting ice breakers and received the information for the different workshops that we would be attending for the next two hours! The Officer Training Conference included workshops for officers to get to understand more about their respective positions and learn how to become a better leader! There were workshops for all the executive board positions, and for the bulletin/tech editor. The first workshop I attended was all about the President’s positions. This workshop was very insightful because I was able to learn about all the difficult things that presidents, such as our president, Isabelle Lee, has to do. I have learned to appreciate even more, the amount of time and effort she puts in, and how she always gives it her all in everything she does. During this workshop, many of the attendees threw out numerous of new ideas that would be effective for our club. So I found this workshop to be very eye-opening and informative. I was able to also gather so many ideas for our Whitney Key Club. I also learned what it takes to be a good president! The Lieutenant Governor that led our workshop taught us about communication and organization, and how each of these things can help a club run smoothly. The next workshop that I attended was the public speaking workshop. I was really interested in attending this workshop because I have always been shy and was afraid of going up to speak, until recent years. During this workshop, I was given numerous tips on how to public speak such as avoiding the usage of taboo words, and annunciating important words. We then got the chance to volunteer to go up to speak about different topics and it was great, learning from the volunteers that spoke. Public speaking is such an important part of being a leader, and so this workshop could really help me improve as a speaker and ensure that I will be an even stronger leader. Overall, the Officer Training Conference was a lot of fun and I have gained even more knowledge on how to become a better leader. I now have more ideas to help improve our club and I hope to use the skills that I have learned today and bring it into Whitney Key Club. It was such a great conference to attend and I enjoyed every aspect of it! //Justine Wu

You’ve seen the fireworks stands pop out of nowhere, and the slow but steady rise of patriotic music blaring in TV commercials. The sun is blazing, the flags are flying- it’s almost the 4th of July! On this day, we celebrate the birth of our nation, and honor those who choose to perform another type of service, to our country. Just as there are plenty of ways to celebrate this great holiday, and there are also plenty of ways to serve in honor of it as well. Here are a few: Write a letter to a service man or woman through Operation Gratitude. The military isn’t easy- and a letter of support and thanks can go a long, long way. Write a member of the armed forces and show your appreciation for the sacrifices they make. Help clean up a park or beach and keep America beautiful! Volunteer with organizations that clean up local areas such as Save Our Beach or the Bolsa Chica Conservancy, or just grab a couple friends and pick up trash in a park. Every little thing goes a long way. Volunteer at a local VFW office. The Veterans of Foreign Wars Offices provide resources for those who have previously served in the Military, and often need help cleaning, or helping at various events. Make the first move and contact an office near you. //Sara Ryave

Everybody Can Have a Green Thumb (: If you have a love for nature and preserving the environment I would highly recommend attending a restoration event! I went to my first restoration-type event in Costa Mesa and had a wonderful time. While I was there I was able to interact with other local volunteers from Orange County, help install public signs for the new upcoming park, and plant a variety of California-native plants BY HAND! Now I know what some poeple might say..."OH I don't want to get my hands dirty" or "I don't like working outside in the heat". And my reply is "but it is worth it!" While I was there I talked to some of the most friendliest people and even learned a few pointers for gardening and planting... Here is a brief tutorial for planting a potted plant is dry soil: 1) Dig a nice round hole that is 1.5 times bigger than the size of the pot 2) Fill that hole with a small buckets worth of water (to moisten the dirt) and wait for the water to soak into the ground 3) Remove the plant from the pot and gently massage the bottom of the roots to break apart the root bulb 4) Place the plant into the hole and fill the hole with dirt so that the base of the plant is level with the surrounding dirt area 5) Create a small dirt barrier around the plant and add another small buckets worth of water 6) Watch that plant grow healthy and strong (continue to water weekly for the first year) So remember, don't be afraid to get your hands dirty when volunteering and check at a local restoration event near you! You may learn a thing or two and you'll leave a lasting impression for improving the environment. //Justin Hogenauer

Description: I’m just a guy who likes to hang out with my friends and have fun chilling. Don't be a complete jerkbag or you will face consequences. If you could be any superhero, who would you be and why? Iron man, because he is rich. Fun Fact: I like dank memes!

Description: I would describe myself as creative, organized, and friendly! Favorite ice cream flavor? Sorbet ice cream If you could travel to any place in the world, where would it be and why? The Bahamas, I would be able to see clear blue water and white sand, unlike California beaches. Also, they have a pig beach!! Fun Fact: My sister and I bought a dog once and hid it in my house (don't worry, we secretly took care of him too!) until my mom found out.

Description: People say I'm super intimidating by how I look and when I walk in the halls but I swear I'm super nice and the complete opposite! So if you see me around come say hi, I'll wave and smile back! Favorite service event? My favorite service event is anything to do with carnivals, booths, or festivals! It's like an actual job and usually it involves kids, which I love! If you could be any fruit, what would you be and why? I would be some sort of berry because I am a BERRY punny person. Fun Fact: My arms and fingers double jointed

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