imMagazine Crypto Currency
Contents P2. Introduction
Hi and welcome to the world of Crypto Currencies. Have you heard all about Bitcoin and just itching to get started but not to sure where to start.
P5. What is Crypto Currency P7. History P8. Types
My name is Quentin Brown and I am not a financial advisor or consultant. The idea behind this edition is to reveal the how's and whys which will then reveal the what's and where's.
P9. Invest VS Trade
I want to put it all in simple terms you can understand which should then give you a way to start and then go deeper if you want.
P13. Research
P10. Markets P11. How To Get Started P12. Exchange P14. Strategies P15. Training
This is mainly directed to Australians for the exchange but you can easily find a local exchange wherever you live. The rest applies to everyone.
P16. Scams P17. Security P18. Videos
So lets get started and look at what Crypto (Digital) Currencies are.
Quentin p2
Presented By QuentinBrown