CALLIGRAMS by Tania Espinales Correa
Doctoral Candidate, Spanish & Portuguese
A “calligram” is known as text arranged in such a way that it forms a thematically related image. Tania Espinales Correa, graduate student and teacher in the Spanish department, taught the values and principles of caligrams to her students, creating beautifully composed image poems. Below are student calligrams Correa shared with QuePasa from her 3450 Spanish Introduction to the Study of Literatures and Cultures in Spanish class, with translations provided. Feel free to browse!
Gina Falvo
Michael Hilmer
Poem's Description
Poem's Description
para cantar, besar, beber café, pero lo mas importante es para defender lo que crees
La hoja, revoloteando por el vientoque sopla, con trabajos se aferra a su rama. Simplemente vive una vida sin remordimientos. A pesar de la inclemencia, continua.
International Studies