Is s u e N °1 24
junio • june
2017 quepasa/App
Cada Día / Every Day Exposición Fotográfica en el CFCE Antigua, MAP C3
“30 años de imágenes”: del fotógrafo Marino Cattelan. Hasta el 16 de junio en la sala de exposiciones 1. Gratis
Busca/search CFCE Antigua
5702-6701 @HotelElDelfin Happy Sunset Every Day at Johny’s Place Hotel.
American Legion Library.
Tequila Q5 /rum, gin, vodka Q10 /beer Q10 3-6 PM
Lending 30,000 books. Find them at 7a Avenida Norte #49. 11 AM-3 PM
4369-6900/5812-0409 @johnnysplacehotel
7934-6576 / 5788-3432
Chocolate-Making Workshops at ChocoMuseo MAP D4 / E3
From the bean to the bar / Del grano a la barra & Truffles / Trufas. 11 AM, 1:30 PM, 4 PM Q180
7955-8282, 7832-2925 /ChocoMuseoGuatemala /ChocoMuseoArco2015 /ChocoMuseoCayala
Happy Hour at Hotel El Delfín Monterrico.
4-8 PM
Movies at The Bagel Barn, MAP C4.
Gratis 5 PM/5:30 PM Happy Hour at The Londoner, MAP C4
Monday to Friday. 2x1 house drinks, beer and wine. 3-7 PM
7791-2703 /londonerantigua
Tea Time at el Convento Boutique Hotel, MAP E2
El Tea Time, disponible todos los dìas, consiste en un menú especial de canapés, Petits Fours dulces y salados. Solicitar en el restaurante o recepción con dos horas de anticipaciòn. Información y reservaciones:
7720 7272 Cultural Walking Tour. MAP C4
With Elizabeth Bell. Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. 9:30 AM $25 per person. Includes entrance fees and beverage.
Tours and Activities at Finca Filadelfia MAp C1
If you like outdoor activities, then Filadelfia is what you are looking for. Coffee tours, mountain bike, camping and more.
7728-0800 /fincafiladelfia movies at Las Palmas. MAP C4
Go as a group and choose the movie. Free with a minimum consumption of Q40. 2 PM & 4 PM
Coordenada de Mapa 2
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Web / Social Media
Cada Lunes / Every Monday
Cada Jueves / Every Thursday
Pueblo Tour with Common Hope.
All day 2 for 1 Bacon Cheeseburgers at The Londoner. MAP C4
Free two-hour village tour and learn about its education, health care, and housing programs. Private tours also available. Meet at the fountain in Parque Central, La Antigua. Gratis 10 AM-12 PM
7791-2703 /londonerantigua
Cada Martes / Every Tuesday Experience Guatemala with Niños de Guatemala.
This tour to San Lorenzo El Cubo takes you off the tourist trail to experience the real Guatemala with carpentry, worry doll making, and El Porvenir primary school. Departing from the Ermita de Santa Lucía, corner of Calzada Santa Lucía and Calle del Espíritu Santo. Adults Q250 and children 12 and younger Q150
7832-8033 /NinosdeGuatemala
Free Art Tours with La Antigua Galería de Arte. MAP d2
Tour an eclectic collection of many different styles of artwork being produced in the Americas. A must for art lovers. Every Tuesday and Thursday. 4-5 PM Gratis
7832-2124 /LaAntiguaGaleria
Experience Guatemala with Niños de Guatemala.
This tour to Ciudad Vieja takes you to experience chicken buses, coffins, and Nuestro Futuro primary school. Departing from the Ermita de Santa Lucía, corner of Calzada Santa Lucía and Calle del Espíritu Santo. Adults Q250 /children 12 and younger Q150
7832-8033 /NinosdeGuatemala
Pub Quiz at The Londoner, MAP C4
7 PM
7791-2703 /londonerantigua
NGO Tour with Safe Passage/Camino Seguro. Seeking to empower those who live and work around the Guatemala City garbage dump by breaking the cycle of poverty through education. The tour includes a view of the dump, a drive through the community, a visit to their education centers, and lunch.
Taco Tuesday at Fridas, MAP D3
7832-1296 /RestauranteFridas
8:30 AM-1:30 PM Q150 donation
Cada Miércoles / Every Wednesday
5649-7640 /
Ciclo de Cine / Film Series at CFCE Antigua. MAP C3
Pueblo Tour with Common Hope.
Gratis 6 PM
Free two-hour village tour and learn about its education, health care, and housing programs. Private tours also available. Meet at the fountain in Parque Central, La Antigua.
Search for: CFCE Antigua
Free 10 AM-12 PM
Chicken Wings Club Wednesday at The Londoner, MAP C4
1 lb. of wings + 1 pitcher of beer for a special price. (Don’t foget to join the club for free wings) 7 PM
7791-2703 /londonerantigua
7922-6600 English Night for Locals with Disabilities with Transitions Foundation. Held at Colonia Candelaria #80 La Antigua. Anyone looking to practice his or her Spanglish is invited to join in the lively discussion. 4:45-5:45 PM
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Blessed Fruit of the Womb: A Fight for Reproductive Rights in Guatemala. At The Bagel Barn, MAP C4.
Documentary from WINGS, about the fight for reproductive rights and freedom in a country gripped by staggering poverty, the highest fertility rate in Latin America, and one of the highest rates of chronic malnutrition in the world. In Spanish with English subtitles, 26 minutes. 5 PM Gratis
7832-5130, 4019-6199 search WINGS Guatemala
Cada Domingo / Every Sunday Sunday Brunch at Fridas, MAP D3
Todos los domingos, con música en vivo. 10 – 12 PM
7832-1296 /RestauranteFridas
Belly Dancing Show at Gaia, MAP D2
9 PM Do You Want to Sing?
Música en las Aldeas is forming a choir for adults in La Antigua that will meet on Thursdays to rehearse music from the Renaissance period onward. Q150/month contribution to cover expenses
Cada Viernes / Every Friday All-day Fish and Chips at The Londoner. MAP C4
7791-2703 /londonerantigua
Belly Dancing Show at Gaia. MAP D2
9 PM Salsa Dancing at Las Palmas. MAP C4
Enjoy the best in live performances of salsa music. Mezcal Friday at Fridas, MAP D3
Ultimate Frisbee Game.
7832-1296 /RestauranteFridas
Cada Sábado / Every Saturday Cine Infantil. En el CFCE Antigua, MAP C3.
Easy to learn and great exercise. All are welcome to join in the game. If you are new, you must call Greg by Friday 12:00 noon in order to join the game. Find game location in Facebook page. 4 PM Gratis
FB Busca/search CFCE Antigua
Belly Dancing Show at Gaia, MAP D2
Easy to learn and great exercise. All ages/levels welcome. Location is VerdEventos side field on 1a. Avenida Chajón one block north of the Antigua market. Call Greg at 4787-3714 with any questions. See Antigua Ultimate Frisbee facebook page for updates. 10 AM-12 PM Q20
Search for: Antigua Ultimate Frisbee
Sunday Roast at The Londoner, MAP C4
All day from 1 PM.
7791-2703 /londonerantigua Pub Quiz at The Ocelot Welsh Tavern, MAP D3
Hosted by Shaun Paul Griffiths. 7 PM
Taller de Conversación Mensual en Alianza Francesa de La Antigua, MAP e5
Por el ultimo taller propuesto por nuestro profe Alexis, la Alianza francesa propone de Tour de Francia anticipado con la visita de las ciudades más bellas de Francia… ¡Con café y croissants! 6 PM Gratis Inscripción Indispensable
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Movies at The Bagel Barn, MAP C4.
Split: Three girls are kidnapped by a man with a diagnosed 23 distinct personalities. They must try to escape before the apparent emergence of a frightful new 24th. Inglés. 5:30 PM Gratis miércoles
Curso en Museo Popol Vuh. “2017 Tres Conmemoraciones”
Impartido por Miguel Álvarez Arévalo. Curso de 3 sesiones y una visita guiada. Miércoles 7, 14 y 21 de junio. Visita guiada: Miércoles 28 de junio 10 AM – 12 PM Público Q700. Estudiantes con carné y/o guías de turismo Q525 Estacionamiento: tarifa única por sesión Q40 Calle Manuel F. Ayau (6 Calle final), Zona 10. Guatemala Ciudad.
Conferencia La Escuela de Salamanca: El Origen del Liberalismo en Casa Popenoe, MAP D4.
Conferencia impartida por Gabriel Calzada. Q15 estudiantes con carné, public en general Q30. 4PM
Movies at The Bagel Barn, MAP C4
Las Cruces: Cuenta la historia y fatal destino de una comunidad enclavada en la montaña en el momento que un selecto grupo de siete combatientes guerrilleros, seis hombres y una mujer, irrumpen en la vida de la aldea. Español con subtítulos en ingles. 5:30 PM Gratis sÁbado
Talleres de Orientación en Centro Cultural real Palacio, MAP D4
Talleres de orientación vocacional para alumnos de tercero básico. 9:30 a 11:30 AM y 2 PM a 3:30 PM Gratis Cupo Limitado Más información en las instalaciones del Centro Cultural Palacio Real
w w w. q u e pa s a . g t
Movies at The Bagel Barn, MAP c4
Ixcanul: On the slopes of an active volcano in Guatemala, a marriage is arranged for seventeen-year-old María by her Kaqchikel parents. Kachiquel con subtítulos en ingles. 5 PM Gratis
Carrera Arco Iris Antigua, en el Parque Central Antigua.
5k llenos de esperanza. Los fondos recaudados son a beneficio de AYUVI, Ayudame a Vivir. 8 AM Donación Q75 (incluye playera y medalla)
Busca/search Carrera de Arcoiris martes
Movies at The Bagel Barn, MAP c4
When The Mountains Tremble: A documentary on the war between the Guatemalan military and the Mayan population, with firsthand accounts by Nobel Peace Prize winner Rigoberta Menchu. Inglés. 5:30 PM Gratis SERES: Guatemalan Youth Dream Big for Sustainable Communities en Rainbow Café, MAP C4
Winners of the 2015 UNESCO-Japan Prize for Education for Sustainable Development, SERES trains unlikely leaders: young people on the front lines of enormous political, social, environmental and economic changes, making a stand for justice and equality for people and the planet. Since 2009, SERES has worked with more than 2,500 young people across Guatemala and El Salvador, building a network of activators, change makers, movers and shakers. Come and join us, and learn about how these young leaders, empowered with their own sense of agency and desire to create change are addressing the Sustainable Development Goals and changing the status quo. 5:30 PM Q25 suggested donation
La Antigua Curry Club
Meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month to eat Indian food. A membership-based club.
d3 6
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Conferencia San MigueL Dueñas y Su Patrimonio en Casa Popenoe, MAP d4
Con el conferencista Johann Melchor. Contribución Q30. Estudiantes con carné y guías de turismo Q15. 4PM
Movies at The Bagel Barn, MAP c4
La Camioneta: The Journey of One American School Bus. Documentary 2012. Español con subtítulos en Inglés. 5:30 PM Gratis
Holistic Approach to Pet Care.
Greg Tilford, international authority on using herbs to maintaining your pet’s health will be sharing his expertise to benefit the Antigua Street Dogs Associacion which provides spay/neuter clinics in low-income communities around Antigua. 3-6 PM Q150 in advance, Q175 at the door, space is limited. Paypal accepted. Email: All proceeds to go Antigua Street Dogs, reducing the street dog population one dog at a time. Hotel Convento Santa Catalina, 5 Avenida Norte #28.
Talleres de Orientación en Centro Cultural real Palacio, MAP D4 MAP d4
Talleres de orientación vocacional para alumnos de tercero básico. 9:30 a 11:30 AM y 2 PM a 3:30 PM Gratis Cupo Limitado Más información en las instalaciones del Centro Cultural Palacio Real
w w w. q u e pa s a . g t
fe liz dí a de l pa dre
h a p p y f a t h e r´ s d ay
Bailá, Vení, Volá en CFCE Antigua, MAP d4
Noche de tango, danza y teatro; con los campeones mundiales Hugo Mastrolorenzo y Agustina Vignau. El 50% de lo recibido, será donado a Niños de Guatemala. Ver página 44. 7 PM Q250 por persona Cupo Limitado
7832 8033 / 55678067
Movies at The Barn, MAP c4
Hidden Figures: The story of a team of African-American women mathematicians who served a vital role in NASA during the early years of the US space program. Inglés. 5 PM Gratis lunes
Green camp at antigua green school, MAP c1
Weekly registration is still available. Email for more info: 4060 0023.” martes
Movies at The Barn, MAP c4
Voces Inocentes: A movie about the civil war in El Salvador. Español con subtítulos en ingles. 5:30 PM Gratis Mujeres Artesanas de Paz – EducArte (MAP-ED) en Rainbow Café, MAP c4
MAP-ED is a local nonprofit organization that works for women´s, children´s, and teenagers’ rights through education and health services. MAP-ED manages and develops programs such as: Providing children and teenager´s education, age appropriate comprehensive sexual health education, promoting the Arts as a means of selfexpression, promoting awareness campaigns to prevent violence against women and more. At its core, MAP-ED is united by a vision of a better and more just world for all. 5:30 PM Q25 suggested donation
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Taller Plantas, Agua y Aceite en Vivero y café de la Escalonia, MAP C6
Preparados medicinales caseros. 9 AM – 12 PM Q300 por persona (hasta el 20 de junio), Q350 el día del evento.
7832-7074 / 7832-6997
Open Windows Tour
Monthly free tour, with David Dean. 3 PM Gratis Meet in front of Cafe Condesa (MAP C4) Cena del 10mo Aniversario at Bistrot Cinq, MAP C4
Con Rodrigo Aguilar. Fb:/ Search Bistrot Cinq
7832 5510
La Fiesta de la Música es una manifestación cultural francesa hoy en día celebrada por todo el mundo en una fecha única y simbólica, el 21 de junio, día del solsticio de verano. Esta fiesta es de carácter popular, gratuita y abierta a todos los músicos aficionados o profesionales. ¡Ven a celebrar con nosotros este día de música y convivencia! 7:30 PM Entrada libre, cóctel ofrecido. jueves
Conferencia en Museo Popol Vuh: “nuevas interpretaciones del simbolismo de piedras mayas, en contextos mortuorios y escondites sagrados”
Dictada por Zachary Hruby 6:30 PM Público Q30. Estudiantes y/o guías de turismo Q15. Tarifa única de parqueo: Q40 Calle Manuel F. Ayau (6a calle final), Zona 10. Ciudad de Guatemala. Noche de Cine Francés en Alianza Francesa La Antigua, MAP E5
Solución Local Para Desorden Global. En el marco del día mundial del medio ambiente un documentario de Coline Serreau. 7 PM Entrada Libre
Movies at The Barn, MAP c4
Wild: A chronicle of one woman’s 1,100-mile solo hike undertaken as a way to recover from a recent personal tragedy. Inglés. 5:30 PM Gratis w w w. q u e pa s a . g t
VIP Party at Fridas, MAP d3
El último sábado de cada mes. 7832-1296, 7832-0504
FB /VipSunShine
Movies at The Barn MAP c4
Frida: A biography of artist Frida Kahlo, who channeled the pain of a crippling injury and her tempestuous marriage into her work. Inglés. 5:30 PM Gratis
Movies at the barn MAP c4
Mara Salvatrucha: Documental basado en miembros de pandillas y agentes encubiertos. Inglés con subtítulos en español. 5:30 PM Gratis Mayan Dances by Nuevo Amanecer en Rainbow Café MAP c4
Nuevo Amanecer or New Dawn is a locally set-up charity dedicated to helping more than 30 indigenous children in San Andres Itzapa. Their vision is to facilitate self-sufficiency within poorer families and allow them to empower themselves to change their quality of life through education. They also seek to preserve and strengthen the cultural identity of the indigenous Mayan people such as the language and dances, which are currently being lost at an alarming rate. 5:30 PM Q25 suggested donation
ANNOUNCEMENTS ANUNCIOS ¿Necesitas hacer un anuncio? ¡Por solo Q75 puedes regar la voz! Para más detalles, contacta
La Antigua Curry Club
Meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month to eat Indian food. A membership-based club.
Do you need to make an announcement? For only Q75 you can get the word out! For more details, contact cuentas@
Conferencia en Museo Popol Vuh “Crónicas de la Asunción”
Dictada por Anibal Chajón 6:30 PM Público Q30. Estudiantes y/o guías de turismo Q15. Tarifa única de parqueo: Q40 Sorteo de ejemplares del libro del mismo título Calle Manuel F. Ayau, Zona 6 Calle final, zona 10. Ciudad de Guatemala. viernes
Private English Equitation Lessons. At Ravenscroft
Riding Stables. From beginner to intermediate level and accompanied scenic rides. English owners. 2a Avenida Sur #3, San Juan del Obispo. 7830-6669, 5408-7057.
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Movies at The Barn, MAP c4
El Norte: Español con subtítulos en ingles. 5:30 PM Gratis
Qué Pasa Guatemala 10
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Every Day
Every Tuesday
START TIME 8:30 AM YogAntigua All Levels Vinyasa Flow. MAP D6
Spa Specials MAP C2
You deserve peaceful moments. The first and only SPA in producing its on products for use and for sale. Foot relaxing reflexology Q100. Full body relaxing massage Q150. Head and shoulders massage Q100. Special prices in our natural and organic beauty man products. El Reposo, 1a Calle Poniente #13A
YogAntigua Intermediate Vinyasa Flow.
START TIME 8:30 AM YogAntigua Mindful Mondays Balance Blocks / Straps. MAP D6
Asanas (poses) that emphasize balancing moves with mindfulness & gentle breath by incorporating blocks and straps to target core strength. Mesón Panza Verde, 5a Avenida Sur #19 Q70, Q250 for 5 classes | Until 10 AM
/YogAntigua 5262-8161
Combines holding asanas (poses) for 5 to 10 breaths followed by a breath transition vinyasa to the following asana with more dynamic and challenging sequences that allow you to flow into a timeless moment. Casa Blanca, 5a Avenida Sur #13 Q70, Q250 for 5 classes | Until 6:50 PM |
/YogAntigua 5786-8934
START TIME 6:15 PM Power Vinyasa
START TIME 9 AM YogAntigua Prenatal Yoga.
Classes focus on relieve fatigue and tension, gaining energy and vitality, keeping the body flexible, building strength and improving the abilities to relax and to concentrate. An opportunity to connect and breathe with your baby, to enhance the experience of pregnancy and to prepare for labor. Prana Holistic Center, Condominio Injertal #7A, Callejón del Burrito, La Antigua Guatemala. Q75 or Q250 for 4 consecutive classes | Until 10:15 AM |
/YogAntigua 4835-0190
A rigorous and fluid vinyasa based class. The class will take you through a flow of an athletic, dynamic and playful series of postures. The class blends great energy music with a fun powerful flow. Las Vibras de la Casbah, 5a Avenida Norte #30.
Every Wednesday START TIME 8:30 AM YogAntigua Power Yoga class. MAP D6
Combines flowing movements linked with breath, core strengthening, flexibility and endurance. Suitable for intermediate practitioners (some advanced poses). Mesón Panza Verde, 5a Avenida Sur #19 Q70, Q250 for 5 classes|Until 9:45 AM|
/YogAntigua 5251-4809
A restorative and mindful practice that focuses on remedy common post-pregnancy issues, like weakened pelvic floor and core, and that incorporates your baby, promoting the bonding. Classes includes heart/shoulders openers, stretches, strength-building poses and hypopressives. Prana Holistic Center, Condominio Injertal #7A, Callejón del Burrito, La Antigua Guatemala. Q75 or Q250 for 4 consecutive classes |Until 11:45 AM
/YogAntigua 4835-0190
/YogAntigua 5786-8934
Every Monday
YogAntigua Postnatal Yoga with baby
Combines holding asanas (poses) for 5 to 10 breaths followed by a breath transition vinyasa to the following asana that allows you to flow into a timeless moment. Mesón Panza Verde, 5a Avenida Sur #19 Q70, Q250 for 5 classes | Until10 AM |
START TIME 10:15 AM YogAntigua Foundations/Restorative Movement. MAP D6
An ideal class for beginners and other practitioners who want to focus on the foundations of yoga and increase their strength and flexibility. Emphasis on restorative movement. Taught in English and Spanish. Mesón Panza Verde, 5a Avenida Sur #19 Q70, Q250 for 5 classes | Until 11:30 AM |
/YogAntigua 5251-4809
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Every Thursday START TIME 8:30 AM YogAntigua Hatha Yoga. MAP D6 A Hatha yoga class using traditional poses with an emphasis on body awareness by using breath, music, movement, and meditation. Suitable for all levels. Mesón Panza Verde, 5a Avenida Sur #19, La Antigua Guatemala. Q70, Q250 for 5 classes | Until 10:00 AM | /YogAntigua 3022-5090
START TIME 5:30 PM YogAntigua All Levels Vinyasa Flow.
Combines holding asanas (poses) for 5 to 10 breaths followed by a breath transition vinyasa to the following asana that allows you to flow into a timeless moment. Casa Blanca, 5a Avenida Sur #13 Q70, Q250 for 5 classes | Until 6:50 PM |
/YogAntigua 5786-8934
Every Friday START TIME 8:30 AM YogAntigua All Levels Sivananda. MAP D6
It’s a Sivananda based class with classical hatha holding asanas (poses) for longer periods of time followed by proper relaxation. Stretch your body and calm your mind. Mesón Panza Verde, 5a Avenida Sur #19 Q70, Q250 for 5 classes| Until 10 AM |
/YogAntigua 5786 8934
Every Saturday START TIME 9 AM YogAntigua Vinyasa Flow. MAP D6
Combines flowing movements linked with breath, core strengthening, flexibility, and endurance. Suitable for all levels. Mesón Panza Verde, 5a Avenida Sur #19 Q70, Q250 for 5 classes| Until 10:30 AM |
/YogAntigua 5262-8161
Every Sunday START TIME 9 AM YogAntigua Deep Stretch. MAP D6
A deeply therapeutic stretching class. Suitable for all levels with modifications for beginners or advanced students with a focus on alignment awareness and body connection. Mesón Panza Verde, 5a Avenida Sur #19 Q70, Q250 for 5 classes | Until 10:30 AM |
/YogAntigua 5251-4809
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EL REPOSO 1a Calle Poniente #13A elreposoguatemala 7832-8106 HAIR CARE PRODUCTS by El Reposo
Los productos para el cabello que El Reposo te ofrece, están inspirados en la naturaleza y en la amplia gama de ingredientes que puedes encontrar en Guatemala. Sus formulas concentradas están llenas de todas las bondades (y aromas) de plantas, frutos y semillas como la jojoba, la linaza, el cacao, el aloe vera, el aguacate, el coco y la macadamia. Los aceites corporales de El Reposo son uno de los formatos más cómodos para hidratar y tratar tu piel. Gracias a su textura fluida se deslizan fácilmente sobre la piel y sus beneficios se sienten casi inmediatamente. The hair-care products that El Reposo offers are inspired by nature and the wide range of ingredients that you can find in Guatemala. Their concentrated formulas are full of all the goodness (and aroma) of plants, fruits and seeds – such as jojoba, linseed, cacao, Aloe Vera, avocado, coconut and macadamia, amongst others. El Reposo products contain the perfect balance of ingredients to guarantee stronger, healthier and more attractive hair. These are the kind of products that you deserve!
Dr. Bocaletti MAP D4 Medical Services
El Reposo MAP C2
Full service spa with all the amenities. 7832-8106
Maria Olga Paiz
Hypnotherapy, therapeutic guided imagery, crystal layout, reiki. Reiki, angel therapy, and various bodywork modalities. 3091 7274
Olga Gaitán
La Antigua Reiki, angel therapy, and various bodywork modalities.
La Antigua Yoga taught by registered. Yoga Alliance instructors. 5251-4809
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c a l e n da r i o m aya • m aya n c a l e n da r
Maya La Guía de los Días basada en el seguimiento del Calendario Maya the daily guide based on the Mayan Calendar
a cuenta larga de los Calendarios Maya, tiene períodos de tiempo mucho más allá de nuestro entendimiento como humanos, ya que vivimos un promedio de 80 años.
1 Katun = 20 años/years 20 Katun = 400 años/years
1 Baktun = 400 años/years 13 Baktun = 5200 años/years
he long count of the Mayan Calendars, has periods of time beyond our understanding as humans, because we live an average of 80 years.
20 Baktun = 1 Piktun 1 Piktun = 8000 años/years
12 Piktun = 1 Balaktun 1 Balaktun = 160,000 años/years
2 Aq’ab’al
Date permiso de olvidar tus errores pasados. Escoge una nueva vida en la luz. Give yourself permission to let go your past mistakes. Choose a new life in the light.
6 Kej
El balance entre dar y recibir te traerá la fortuna y la prosperidad. The balance between give and receive will give you fortune and prosperity.
10 B’atz
Puedes crear tu realidad, toda acción tiene una reacción, medita en ello. You can create your reality, every action has a reaction, meditate on it. 14
3 K’at
Sal de ese agujero y levántate con toda tu fuerza, ¡te lo mereces! Get out of that hole and stand up with all your strenght, you deserve it!
7 Q’anil
Lo que siembres, cosecharas; en todos los niveles. Pon atención a tus palabras. What you sow, you will reap; in all levels. Pay attention to your words.
11 E
4 Kan
Centra tu poder personal en tus propios logros, tu integridad y tu autoestima. Center your personal power en your own achievements, integrity and your self-esteem.
8 Toj
Gratitud y generosidad te traerán muchas cosas buenas, practícalo. Gratitude and generosity will bring you many great things, practice them.
12 Aj
Olvida tus errores Comparte tus pasados, enfócate en las inspiraciones y buenas bendiciones de este momento. ideas, apoya a los demás Forget your past mistakes, focus on y cree en ti mismo. Share your the blessings you have now. inspirations and good ideas, support others and believe in yourself. w w w. q u e pa s a . g t
5 Kame
Transforma tu vida, elige lo verdadero, bueno y positivo. Comparte con todos. Transform your life, choose the true, good and positive. Share with everybody.
9 Tzi
Confía en la Justicia Divina, todo es perfecto, lo que tienes, sientes y sueñas. Trust in the Divine Justice, everything is perfect, what you have, sell and dream.
13 I’x
Conviértete en un experto en lo que haces, con integridad y con tus mejores intensiones. Become an expert in what you do, with integrity and with your best intensions.
c a l e n da r i o m aya • m aya n c a l e n da r
1 Tz’ikin
Tuya será la abundancia y prosperidad, si realmente crees en ello. Yours will be abundance and prosperity, if you really believe in it.
Tienes la capacidad de ser mago creador. Reflexiona en tu próximo paso a seguir. You have the capacity of being a creative magician. Meditate on your next step.
7 Imox
Recuerda a tus guías espirituales, visibles e invisibles, sigue sus directivas. Remember your spiritual guides, visibles and invisibles, follow their directions.
11 Kan
Desecha tus creencias obsoletas y adquiere tu fuerza por medio de la fe verdadera. Discard your obsolete beliefs and acquire your strength through faith.
1 Q’anil
Siembra tus semillas en las tierras que ya has fertilizado con tu labor de amor y gratitud. Sow your seed in the ground you have already fertilized with love and gratitude.
4 B’atz
10 K’at
Permite que sanen las viejas heridas, bendice tus cicatrices porque de ellas aprendiste. Let old wounds heal, bless your scars because you learned from them.
13 Kej
Servirás para el bien de todos haciendo lo que te toca con excelencia y buena intención. You will serve for the good of all by doing what you have to do with excellence and good intension.
3 N’oj
Todos tenemos un programa de vida: nuestro destino. Activa tu sabiduría nata. We all have a life program: our destiny. Activate your wisdom.
6 Ajpu’
Tu sabiduría interna es tu conciencia. Despierta tu intuición y sigue tus impulsos. Your inter wisdom is your awareness. Wake up your intuition and follow your impulses.
9 Ak’Ab’Al
Prepárate para descubrir la nueva conciencia que nace en ti. Crea una nueva realidad. Prepare yourself to discover the new consciousness born in you. Create a new reality.
2 Ajmac
¿Tienes algo pendiente? Hoy es el día de resolverlo y quedar bien. Do you have something pending? Today is the day to resolve it and get along.
5 Kawok
Dedícate a tus seres amados hoy. Expresa lo que sientes por ellos. Today dedicate yourself to your loved ones. Express what you feel for them.
2 Toj
Cuida y protege los recursos naturales, consciente con lo que haces con tus desechos y basura. Care and protect of natural resources, aware with what you do with your waste and garbage.
4 Tijax
Olvida tus experiencias pasadas y concéntrate en crear algo mejor. Forget all you past experiences and focus on creating something better.
8 Iq’
Levanta tu espíritu y renueva tus energías tomando respiraciones profundas. Get up your spirit and renew your energies taking deep breaths.
12 Kame
Transformándote tu, serás ejemplo para tus seres amados. ¿Qué esperas? Transforming you, will be an example for your loved ones. What are you waiting for?
3 Tz’i
Activa tus relaciones, llama a alguien que tienes olvidado. Dile algo positivo e inspirador. Activate your relations, call someone you have forgotten. Say something positive and inspirational.
Prepárate a viajar a un sitio sagrado Maya. Será un peregrinaje de Iniciación. Prepare to travel a sacred Mayan site. It will be a pilgrimage of Initiation.
Más acerca de los Nahuales M o r e ab o u t Na h u ale s Toj:
Toj: It means the sun, its representative in the earth is Tojil, ceremonial fire. It’s the energy of action and reaction, activity and realization.
Tz’i’: The law of men and the spiritual law. Represents the rulers of the state and community, its justice and truth.
B’atz: It’s the beginning, time, art and love. It’s the day of ceremonies and customs of our ancestors.
Significa el sol, su representante en la tierra es Tojil, fuego ceremonial. Es la energía de acción y reacción, actividad y realización. La ley de los hombres y la ley espiritual. Representa a los gobernantes del estado o la comunidad, es la justicia, la verdad. Es el comienzo, el tiempo, el arte y el amor. Es el día de las ceremonias y costumbres de nuestros antepasados.
w w w. q u e pa s a . g t
w w w. q u e pa s a . g t