QUniverse Spring 2020

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QU | Franciscan Focus




uincy University is pleased to welcome back Bishop Fernand Cheri III, as a new member, and the first bishop, to serve on the Board of Trustees. Before Bishop Cheri was ordained a bishop, he served as the director of campus ministry from June 2011 to February 2015. He was known as Fr. Ferd. As an African-American Friar, he challenged the university to embrace and celebrate more fully the gift of diversity and inclusivity on campus since we are all God’s children, making us brothers and sisters. His New Orleans background also brought a special flavor and spirit to the campus. Students, faculty, and staff enjoyed his gumbo, red beans and rice, jambalaya, and his almond cake, which became known as “crack cake” because you could not eat just one piece. Due to his love for football, you would see him pacing up and down the sidelines of the football field, affirming, encouraging, and praying for the players. His passion for sports was his portal into the lives of the student-athletes. He, likewise, shared his love for gospel music, and you could often hear it coming from the Campus Ministry Office. Whenever he was invited to pray, at a community meeting, gathering, or religious service, he often had everyone singing. On January 12, 2015, the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States announced that Pope Francis named Fr. Ferd Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of New Orleans. Needless to say, this


QUniverse | Spring 2020

was a bittersweet day for the university community and the Friars of the Sacred Heart Province. On March 23, 2015, Fr. Ferd was ordained a bishop. Before Bishop Cheri entered the Franciscan Order in 1992, he was a priest of the Archdiocese of New Orleans for thirteen years. As a hometown boy, he received an enthusiastic welcome back to the Archdiocese. Besides his ministerial responsibilities in the Archdiocese, Bishop Cheri serves on numerous national committees; such as United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Safe Environment Committee, the Episcopal Moderator of the Catholic Campus Ministry Association, Episcopal Liaison for African Conference of Catholic Clergy and Religious in the U.S., Vice President for the National Black Catholic Congress Board, and Convener of the Black Catholic Bishops. He also remains involved with Archbishop James P. Lyke (a deceased Franciscan Bishop of the Sacred Heart Province) Foundation, which dedicates its time to the development of Black Catholic Worship.


Whenever one encounters Bishop Cheri, one experiences his passion for music, his enthusiasm for preaching, his love for the quality liturgy, and his dedication to rebuilding the Church, the Body of Christ, in the spirit of St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi. He resonates with St. Francis’ exhortation to the friars: “Let us begin again for up to now we have done nothing.” For Bishop Cheri, each day is another opportunity to go from good to better in making Jesus Christ visible through the ordinariness of one’s life. The Quincy University community is grateful to have Bishop Cheri engaged once again in the life of the University. In the words of St. Francis, we wish him “Peace and Every Good” (Pax et Bonum).

by Fr. John Doctor ’72, OFM

Whenever one encounters Bishop Cheri, one experiences his passion for music, his enthusiasm for preaching, his love for the quality liturgy, and his dedication to rebuilding the Church, the Body of Christ, in the spirit of St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi.

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