Qul Alahiym - The Voice of POWERS

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Open your heart and mind and allow yourself to be elevated‌

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Qul Alahiym - Voice of Powers will not be afraid to ask the hard questions in our section - Why EliYAH? Trying to understand why EliYah must come first before the return of Messiah. Also in this issue, Chanukah – And a Miracle Happened There?? Qul Alahiym - Voice of Powers will also seek out stories which showcase the successes of organic farming and food preservation. In the first story in this series, we unlock the secret behind the success of dehydrating fruits, meats and veggies with Zaqen Ward Parker, including a look at the booming organic farmer’s markets.

Welcome to Qul Alahiym - Voice of Powers Magazine, a new online media space for truth seeking readers.

I hope these articles will stimulate informed debate and a lively exchange of ideas. I look forward to receiving your feedback on this first issue. I also encourage your input on topics to be covered in future issues, and I call on young writers to sign up for Qul Alahiym Voice of Power’s contributing staff (see the Contact page).

This quarterly publication is an initiative of the NATION of Yishra’Al. Qul Alahiym - Voice of Powers Magazine will be a vehicle for cutting edge teachings and visuals on the most pressing multicultural issues of our times: The Re-gathering of A People who were not a people, but now we are the people. We have assembled a team of experienced and writers, artists and editors. Our central mission is to share the message that the KINGDOM

OF YAH IS AT HAND and to repent for the coming of YAH, and to do so, we will share information on a wide and varied range of issues.

Moreh Yare’Al preparing for the 2014 Passover Season

Please enjoy reading the first issue of Qul Alahiym - Voice of Powers Magazine. We look forward to addressing many more challenging topics in the months ahead. Our contact information and our Shabbat services are also included in this magazine. If you are ever in the Baltimore area….COME ON THRU!!! YAH bless family…..enjoy your reading.

Questions I Encounter???? How can I lean to become mature in the WORD if I don’t understand what maturity is?? ~Help is Necessary 2 Grow

Greetings Help, Take a look at this photo. It help me out tremendously to see the process of being mature and what it actually looks like. ~Editor

Behold, I will send you ĚliYah the prophet Before the coming of the great and dreadful day of YHWH: and he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the sons, and the heart of the sons to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse. ~ Mal 4:5-6

In the closing book of the Old Testament, according to the Catholic/Christian canon, we are reminded that the prophet Aliyah [Elijah]

that will be sent “before the coming of the

great and dreadful day,” but why? Why is the prophet Elijah given the task out of all other prophets in the prophetic legacy? How will this occur? Is the bible teaching reincarnation by asserting such an occurrence? Furthermore, what is meant by “the great and dreadful day?” Just exactly when will that be? These and many other questions have mystified bible believers for centuries. The Most High’s will be done; we will answer many of these questions within the pages of the current text you are about to read. Be advised that following along in your bibles, verifying terms in your lexicons and substantiating historical references with your encyclopedias and dictionaries is highly recommended. As we are taught “prove all things; holdfast that which is good,” and again, “study to show thyself approved unto God [Yah], a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

“Mighty Ones/Powers”, as cited above. Both terms are

Genesis 1:1

derived from the

‫בראׁשית ברא אלהים את הׁשמים ואת הארץ‬


In the beginning God [Mighty Ones] created the heavens and the earth.

parent root:

Through hundreds of years of research, scientists have discovered what is commonly called the first law of thermodynamics, the law of the conservation of matter, which states, “matter/energy cannot be created nor can it be

destroyed.” This conclusion, reached only after

The underlying thought is this, the Most High is that Great First Cause spoken of by philosophers; that energy/matter that cannot be created nor destroyed described by physicists and that

hundreds of years of research, is a description of

principle organism from which all life evolves

the entity described clearly and concretely in the

discovered by scientists. What is unfortunate,

first verse of the Holy Scripture. The Anglo-Saxon

however, is that many of these men and women

term “God” is a

fail to give credit where it is due, hence, the

translation of the

writing of this book.

Hebrew original “‫ אלהים‬Alahiym”, which, correctly translated, means

“In the beginning..,” this verse stands alone from all others in the Holy Scripture. Why, you may ask? The reason is this; it is simply an introduction, presenting the founding of the Word of Yah. It teaches the reader, at its commencement, the most authoritative matter

there could ever be; it teaches us that Mighty

two speaks of the result of an event that took

Ones is responsible for bringing into existence

place and verse three begins to teach of a re-

everything in the natural universe, of which we

creation of something already completed “in the

are all a part. It is for this reason alone that the

beginning�; a re-creation whose purpose was to

whole creation is indebted to worship and serve

prepare a renewed world for humanity, the

Yah, because it is from Yah Al Eliyun we receive

pinnacle and simultaneously, lowest point, of

life; being.

Mighty Ones creativity.






The subtopic, Miykha’al vs. Heylel, may

readers, is the lapse of time between its first

give you an idea of the purpose for this

verse and the remaining verses and books of the Holy Scripture. Before we get to the second verse something takes place; something that is recorded within its pages, between the lines of the history of man we have been told. This has been




misrepresented by many in the world today. The first verse of Thurah [Torah] tells us that everything in the Heavens and in the Earth was brought into being by Mighty Ones. Included in this

introduction. When we examine the first and

creation are the heavens, which to this day, in

second chapters of Genesis, there is no record

spite of the leaps and bounds made in the

of the angelic beings created during the week

technological advance of humanity, still remain

of, what was actually a re-creation; where do

a great mystery to us all. More correctly, verse

they come from? Consider the following

Consider for a moment that this was given to us

passages before we move on.

through King Daud [David], in one of his psalms. A

Gen 3:22 And ‫ יהוה‬Mighty Ones said, “See, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever...”

reference to the creation of an entity not

Gen 3:23 so ‫ יהוה‬Mighty Ones sent him out of the garden of Ěden to till the


from which he was taken, Gen 3:24 and He drove the man out. And He placed kherubiym

at the east of the

garden of Ěden, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life.

This is the first appearance of an entity other than Yahueh Alahiym, Adam and Chauah; Psa 104:4 Making His angels the winds, His servants a flame of fire.

mentioned in the first and second chapters of Bereshiyth, Genesis. Why was this given through him? Isa 6:1 In the year that Sovereign Uzziyahu died, I saw ‫ יהוה‬sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the Hĕkal. Isa 6:2 Above it stood seraphiym. Each one had six wings: with two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. Isa 6:3 And one cried to another and said, “Holy, holy, holy is ‫ יהוה‬of hosts; all the earth is filled with His esteem!”

In each of these passages is mentioned a being unaccounted for in the first and second chapters of Genesis; if Yahueh Alahiym is sole Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, when were the “angels”, “Kherubiym” or “Seraphiym” created? To be continued…

Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Ruach Haqodesh? 1 Corinthians 6:19 How encouraged would you be if you went to your healthcare provider seeking help for tobacco addiction and you can smell tobacco on their clothes, or you pass them standing outside smoking? Would it instill confidence in you that this person can help you? I know I wouldn't be very confident in their ability to help me. These are individuals that have attained very specific knowledge and training over many years, so it is fair, in my opinion, to scrutinize them when their lifestyle doesn't line up with the knowledge they've attained. As Believers, we have the same responsibility to live our lives with the application of what we've learned. As professing Believers, people are always watching and observing what we do and say. This is our silent ministry, our living example of what a Believer in Yahueh looks like. Some will observe to learn from us, others are waiting for us to slip so they can throw our "righteousness" back in our faces. (Tehillim/Psalms 5:8). 1 Corinthians 6:19 states that "...your body is the temple of ruach haqodesh (set

apart spirit)...:20 ...glorify Yahueh in your body, and in your spirit, which are Yahueh's." Our body and the spirit that dwells in it isn't ours. Our body was formed by Yahueh for the purpose of holding His ruach. This is what the creation of Adam teaches us, and what Paul is confirming. Yahueh could have just created Adam alive as he did the animals, but he didn't. He blew His ruach into his nostrils and he became a living soul. (Beresheeth/Genesis 2:7). Yahueh created us and placed the control and care of His creation into our hands. As Believers it is our responsibility to be good stewards over what Yahueh has given us. We have a responsibility to our spiritual, physical, and emotional health. We can even find in His word how to take care of ourselves.

Feed our spirit. Matt 4:4"...It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of Yah."

Eat right, i.e. dietary laws. Wayyikra/Leviticus 11:1-47

Rest, i.e. Shabbat. Shemuth/Exodus 20:8-11

Avoid sexual immorality. Wayyikra/Leviticus 20:10-22

Avoid emotional stress and anxiety. Mishle/Proverbs 17:22.

Exercise. 1 Timothy 4:8. (Some people actually use this scripture against the importance of exercise but what Timothy is saying is that in the grand scheme of things the life to come is more important than the life we live now, but at the same time it does suggest that physical exercise profits the life that is now)

Self-control. Mishle/Proverbs 25:28 He that has no control over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls. Applying these principles to our life and to our walk is part of our silent ministry. It's our testimony that yes we believe that our body is Yahueh's temple and that His ruach dwells within us. Consider Yahushua's parable of the talents (Matt 25:14-30). What are you going to do with Yahueh's rightful possession?

MoriYah baht Yah

temple upon the five and

The ‘Feast of Dedication’ What is it? Where does it come from & why is it observed? Many people assume that Chanukah is a Jewish version of Xmas, due to many of the customs associated with it. First, what is it & where does it come from? Chanukah is derived from the Hebrew word Chanok (Enoch) which means dedication. The Festival points to a time during the Maccabean revolt and subsequent rededication of the second temple in Jerusalem. Lastly, why is it observed? Upon the defeat of the Seleucid army’s occupation of the temple, we read in 2 Maccabees 1:17-18 “Blessed be our [Mighty One] in all things, who hath delivered up the ungodly. Therefore whereas we are now purposed to keep the purification of the

Twentieth day of the month Kislev, we thought it necessary to certify you thereof, that ye also might keep it, as the feast of the tabernacles, and of the fire, which was given us when Neemias offered sacrifice, after that he had built the temple and the altar.”

As it came to be called, is mentioned in the New Testament, John 10:22-23, when the Messiah Yahushua walked in the temple, it was during the time of “the feast of dedication.” Chanukah is not a sanctified observance like

the appointed times we learn about in the 23rd chapter of Leviticus & there is no obligation for Israel to observe it. The rituals of gift giving (derived from the giving of gelt, a Yiddish word meaning money) & putting up a Chanukah bush, have assimilated the festival with the observance of Xmas; neither of which is mentioned during the festival’s inception. Other customs surrounding the observance is the lighting of an eight branched menorah (this gave rise to it being called ‘the festival of lights’) & dreidels (a foursided spinning top). Favorite foods during this time are potato pancakes called ‘latkes’ & strawberry filled doughnuts. The first candle should be lit on the eve of December 16, 2014.

Nes Gadol Haya Sham “A Great Miracle Happened There?”

MOVIE NOTES… Another “biblical” movie will be coming out soon. EXODUS: Gods and Kings where Hollywood once again declares that the truth in Biblical History is not worthy of a better casting call. There are plenty of capable black actors who could fit the main character bill in these Bible epics that are being made. NOAH??? MOSES?? YAHUSHUA??? Come on, you can clearly see the hand of deception at work. The adversary does not want the truth to be seen. He wants to thwart the rising of the nation that was chosen to prevail against his system by the hand of YAH. YAH only needs a few good men and women to put into the hands of His ultimate conquering warrior and first begotten YAHUSHUA who has already come as the promised KING, just like Moshe: a prophet, a shepherd, a king, a priest, a deliverer, and a humble servant. May we all do likewise!!!!! HALLELUYAH!!!!!

Movies worth checking out!! Fifteen years ago, Ben Walker (Kevin Sorbo) decided to leave his college sweetheart Wendy (Kristy Swanson), and ultimately his faith, in order to pursue a lucrative business opportunity, graduating top of his class from Harvard Business School instead of receiving a doctorate in Theology with a minor in Biblical Archaeology from Moody Bible Institute. In the present, Ben has become a financial wizard as the head of his company, and has just proposed marriage to a pretty yet materialistic fiancée. When his car breaks down on the way to the airport, he is visited by a gruff yet angelic mechanic (John Ratzenberger), who tells him that he needs to see what his life would have been like had he followed God’s calling. Suddenly, Ben finds himself in an alternate reality married to Wendy with two daughters - rebellious teen Kimberly (Debby Ryan), and Kimberly's little sister, Megan (portrayed by newcomer Taylor Groothuis) - getting ready for church on a Sunday morning, where he’s scheduled to give his first sermon as the new pastor. The mechanic explains that this is an experience God has put in place to show Ben what would have happened if he'd accepted his other calling, the great "What If". If Ben wants to get back to his old life, he must first learn to appreciate the value of faith and family, and perhaps rediscover the love of his life. In the tradition of It's a Wonderful Life and The Family Man, What If... tells the story of a man whose glimpse into what he’s missing reminds him of what he truly wants.

REMEMBER: Be careful about what you allow your family to digest…in all things give glory and edification with the truth of the torah when necessary.

Music We Like Right Now!! Mali Music – Mali Is Sounds of Sinai – Monotheism Tribe of Benjamin – Raize the Praise


Are you struggling with a form of rebellion

Embark on a study of the justice and sovereignty

against authority? We have outlined a five-step

of YAH as reflected in Scripture. Keep an open

process to help you change and heal in this area

mind as you encounter biblical truth, asking YAH

of your life. Take all the time you need with each

to change your view of Him to make it more

of the steps below.

nearly conformed to the truth.

Adopt a Correct View of YAH

If you have a tendency toward rebellion,

Revise Your False Beliefs

chances are good that your view of YAH has

If you have mistaken ideas about people and the

become skewed in some way. Perhaps you see

world, you will rebel against authority figures and

YAH as a tyrant, selfishly wanting everything His

especially the greatest Authority Figure of them

own way. Your reaction to Him, then, could spill over to your relationships with other authority 

figures. Consider these points: YAH’s commandments are fair and good. He is the Rock; His deeds are perfect. Everything He does is just and fair. He is a faithful YAH who does no wrong; how just and upright He is! (Deuteronomy 32:4)

YAH will hold us accountable for our rebellion. The YAH is slow to anger and filled with unfailing love, forgiving every kind of sin and rebellion. But He does not excuse the guilty. He lays the sins of the parents upon their children; the entire family is affected—even children in the third and fourth generations. (Numbers 14:18)


all–YAH. Evaluate your beliefs with the following

YAH, you have established structures of


authority to make things work better for your children. Yet I have sometimes strived not to support but to break down those structures. In particular, I am guilty of _________. It is a sin, and I am sorry for it. Please forgive me now. Cleanse me entirely of my sin of __________. Then fill me with Holy Spirit power to enable me to resist the temptation of rebellion from now on. In the name of Yahushua the King, amen. If you have harmed others with your sin, apologize to them. Seek reconciliation and offer restitution where appropriate.

Do you believe you are not subject to properly instituted authorities? Those in positions of authority have been placed there by YAH. (Romans 13:1)

Do you believe you can defy authority without consequences?

Defend against Spiritual Attacks Don’t breathe too big a sigh of relief after

You will say, “How I hated discipline! If only I had not ignored all the warnings!” (Proverbs 5:12) 

Do you believe YAH’s commandments and will are unreasonable? I will walk in freedom, for I have devoted myself to your commandments. (Psalm 119:45) Trace the theme of obedience through Scripture. In the process, test your beliefs about how families, businesses, churches, and society should operate. Choose to accept the principle of obedience to proper authority.

Repent of Your Sin Where does your rebellion usually manifest itself? At home? In church? At work? In society at large? Toward YAH? Is your problem disobedience, insubordination, lawlessness, insolence, scoffing, or disrespect? Pinpoint your sin habit. Admit it to yourself. Own it. When you are ready, pray the following prayer in faith, trusting that YAH will forgive your sin and

repenting of rebellion. Attacks from the world, the flesh, and the Devil are all but inevitable now. These spiritual enemies want to draw you back into disobedience to YAH.

empower your obedience.


The world system tells us, “The way to a good life is to have total freedom and do whatever you want.” Would YAH agree? Of course not. He says, “True freedom comes from submitting to proper authorities, especially mine.” Overcome the world by rejecting its values and embracing YAH’s.

Your flesh, or sinful nature, has always enjoyed the sense of power and autonomy that comes from rebelling against authority. It craves to get that feeling back. What you need to do is remember that your flesh is already dead; you have no need to obey its dictates. Obey the Spirit and not the flesh.

The Devil is hatching schemes to tempt you to

the YAH are clear, giving insight for living.

rebel again, doing damage to you and others in the process. Among the other pieces of spiritual armor listed in Ephesians 6, put on the helmet of

Think about the usual sources of temptation for

The attacks of the world, the flesh, and the Devil

protect yourself from those sources. Let the

With YAH acting in your life, you are more than able to repel each assault thrown at you.

Flee Temptation Take practical steps to avoid sliding back into

(Psalm 19:8) Guard Your Gates.

salvation to protect your mind from Satan’s poisonous thoughts. are formidable, but not impossible to defeat.

you to rebel. Identify precautions you can take to following examples spark your imagination:

If you tend to be insubordinate to your boss,

start calling this person “sir” or “ma’am” as a reminder of the respect you owe.

If you are inclined to scoff at church leaders’

direction, take the lowliest position of service in

rebellion and to cement an attitude of obedience

the church you can find—and fulfill it without

in your heart. Focus on YOUR relationship with YAH.


In your devotional and worship times, focus on

officials, send a card of thanks to your

If you tend to be critical of government

YAH as King over all the universe. Learning to

congressional representative the next time he or

be obedient to this Sovereign will help you be

she does something honorable.

obedient in all areas of life. Latch on to YAH’s promises.

Find helpful verses in Scripture and then commit

against authority. Expect victory.

them to memory to help you in your struggles against the temptation to rebel. One such verse for you may be the following: The commandments of the YAH are right, bringing joy to the heart. The commands of

Ask a trusted Believing friend to hold you

accountable in your commitment to not rebel

Developing a submissive spirit is not easy, but you have the Holy Spirit living in you and producing in you a spirit of obedience. Be confident and rejoice in every sign of progress.


Titus 2 Women TITUS 2 WOMEN TAKE ON THE CHALLENGE OF ACTUALLY TEACHING THEIR DAUGHTERS TO REMAIN FOCUSED ON YAH The definition is clear. A Titus 2 woman is an older, mature believing woman who teaches and encourages younger women. Her desire is based on Titus 2:3-5, and she is called by YAH to make time for this work. She is not called to preach, but to teach, and most of what she has to teach is by example. Much is said and written today about "mentoring." A mentor is a guide, a teacher, a counselor and advisor; all words that apply to the Titus 2 Woman. We all can become one of many examples of how to disciple younger women. Take a practical approach by teaching how, by YAH's grace, we develop the character that YAH wants every older woman to have.

What Does YAH Really Expect From Me? I hear so much from so many people that I almost feel overwhelmed. I feel like I have to give up a lot in order to make The Father happy. One essential quality about YAH is that He is personal with each individual Believer. Although He chooses not to treat everyone alike, He does have expectations of His kids. Some believers may tell you about The Father’s expectations based on where they are in their walk with Him. If too many people are giving you advice, it could seem as though YAH expects way too much. This does not mean that you should quit listening to sincere Believers who want to help. It does mean however that if you are feeling overwhelmed, you are probably listening too much to others and not enough to the Ruach Ha Kodesh (Spirit of Yahushua).

So what do you do? How do you please YAH? The example from the story of Cain and Abel (see Genesis 4) gives a significant piece to the puzzle. Both of these men brought something to

the Most High, but only Abel’s sacrifice pleased Him. One reason was because Cain’s heart was not really in it. He tried to please the Creator out of obligation instead of LOVE. The first key to pleasing the Most High is found in our heart or our motivation. Do we REALLY want to make The Father happy?? Or are we going through the motions because someone told us we should? The second key to pleasing The Most High is obedience. “The one who obeys me is the one who loves me; and because he loves me, my Father will love him; and I will too, and I will reveal myself to him.” (John 14:21) Good parents want their children to obey them in the essentials of how to live, how to avoid situations that will lead to pain or scars, and how to treat other people. YAH is no different. But He is the perfect Father. He does not overload us with too much because He knows we would get discouraged. Obedience to YAH is loving Him enough to listen to what He says, then following through on what we know He is telling us. This is why reading the WORD every day is so important. It is a lifestyle change at best. 14

Welcome to my favorite things… But first, let me share a little bit about my foodloving background. I was a proper child and was taught well in the ways of making food stretch and expand from mere morsels of food stuffs to gourmet works of art. I can recall as a child…when we didn’t have much, several staples in the house that my mother (Ms. Joyce is what they called her) would make – mostly in the midnight hour while watching Kojak, I Love Lucy, or our favorite, Sanford and Son. She loved Fred, Lucy and the gang just as much as she loved creating and innovating in the kitchen. Needless to say that I had the pleasure to peep her style.…(putting whatever is in the fridge in it). So in this section, I plan to share how my food brain works. :o) There are a few things that I absolutely love that I continue to fix for myself and my Family in YAH every so often. Baked Beans with Ground Turkey aka GOULASH!! I normally get the opportunity to fix this gem during our

annual camping trip to SUKKOT in the Howard County area of Maryland. It is absolutely beautiful out there. I have been asked dozens of times by family and friends how do I make it?? What is the recipe??. And I can truly say, that I never make it the same way twice in a row. Like Mama Hall, it always depends on what I got already. LOL!!! Another favorite of mine, is plain ole spaghetti noodles with butter and ketchup. OMG!!! I absolutely love this right here! Getting chills over here. Well I can never remember to take a picture of it when I make it, but who knew??....I found a pict on the internet to give you a visual of this simple yet delicious dish. In trying to maintain a healthier lifestyle for the past 10 years, I have come to sacrafice many delectable meals in place of just enjoying the simple things in life like dessert. I was going to say cake or ice cream or doughnuts, but the word desserts just sums it up for me. (Check out the title graphic for a visual. Over 80% of my food


brain comes from my desire to enjoy a great piece of cake every once in a while and still being able to achieve rewarding Dr. reports. So I have come up with a few more favorite things that I hope you will enjoy. A healthier twist on some culinary classics.

1. Garden Salad with either Grilled Fish or Chicken All I did here was take away the extra cheese and croutons which adds tons of calories and replaced them with a few Cheetoes. This way I can get in a salty snack but in the right portion. I only need a few cheetoes to satisfy that craving.

2. The Classic Ice Cream Sundae Here is one of my favorites. This is how I get in my fruits and nuts and protein by using trail mix (which has a few bites of chocolate in it), fresh bananas and raspberries along with my new favorite yogurt publicized by Chef Bobby Flay, Fage. It is sooo good.

Well thank you for listening to me banter for a few. Stay tuned, because in the next issue, I will be sharing some more of my favoirite things. Maybe next time there will be a recipe or two. I will put forth effort to try to write things down.



ECHAD….is our focus in these last days…uniting us with the WORD of YAH and with one another as a nation.


As a prisoner for YAH, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make

every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Master, one faith, one baptism; one Mighty One and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. ~Ephesians 4:1-4





We would love to share the WORD of YAH with you….We are a group of sons and daughters who are striving to bring about the LOVE of YAH…the UNITY of His PEOPLE …and the RESTORATION of the SERVICE and WORSHIP of the MOST HIGH. Join us for Shabbat Service:

America’s Best Inn White Marsh Room 6510 Frankford Avenue Baltimore, MD 21206 * Saturdays: Prayer 10:30 am * Worship Service 1:30 pm * Torah Lesson 2:30pm * Fellowship 5:00 pm

We are on FACEBOOK!! Qul Alahiym & Beth YAHUEH Email: Qulalahiym613@gmail.com 31

Upcoming Events:

: Sisters from all over the country will be coming together for a Sabbath Dinner Fellowship on Friday, Sabbath Eve, December 26th at 5:00pm and then returning for a fellowship and Torah Study on Shabbat, December 27th beginning at 11:00 am. Come out to fellowship and share in the restoring of the Nation with us. All are welcome!!! Contact us for more information. Qulalahiym613@gmail.com


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