Middle School Student-Parent Handbook
Lead The Way This Handbook can also be downloaded from the Parent Online Community (POC) at www.rabungap.org/parents
Major Rules 1. Rabun Gap students respect the rights and property of others. Our community does not tolerate bullying, hazing, harassment of another person, theft, or abuse of personal or community property. 2. Rabun Gap students are honest. Lying, cheating, plagiarizing, or any other type of deceitful behavior is unacceptable at Rabun Gap. 3. Rabun Gap students abstain from the use of drugs and alcohol. Rabun Gap reserves the right to undertake periodic unannounced or random searches including bringing law and drug enforcement officials and canines to campus. 4. Rabun Gap students protect the health and safety of themselves and others. Note: Any student found smoking in a dorm room is subject to immediate dismissal. 5. Rabun Gap students abide by the School’s rules regarding leave slips, signing out, and permissions. 6. Rabun Gap students abide by the School’s policies regarding the use of technology. 7. Rabun Gap students abide by the School’s policies regarding the use of motor vehicles on campus. 8. Rabun Gap students meet community expectations and demonstrate a high standard of citizenship. 9. Rabun Gap students abide by all federal, state, and local laws. Enrollment at Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School constitutes a student’s acceptance of these rules as the guiding principles for proper conduct and recognizes the possible consequences of his / her violation. The School reserves the right to alter, change, or amend any of these rules and regulations at any time without prior notice. Moreover, the School reserves the right, as its sole discretion, to take such action as it believes is in the best interest of the School, regardless of these guidelines. This Handbook supersedes all prior handbooks, policies, or practices and does not replace the enrollment contract. This Handbook can also be downloaded from the Parent Online Community (POC) at www.rabungap.org/parents.
2015-2016 Academic Year
Middle School Handbook 2015-2016 Purpose of This Handbook
This Handbook supersedes all prior handbooks, policies, or practices and does not replace the enrollment contract.
Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School seeks to maintain the highest standards in all facets of school life. Therefore, we have thoughtfully developed this handbook to explain fundamental policies and procedures to guide the operation of the School and to facilitate each student’s maximum growth and development. Each student and parent is responsible for knowing the Handbook’s contents. Please become familiar with it and keep it available for your reference. After reading this handbook with your parents, please sign the Acknowledgement Form (which is part of your registration packet) and return it to the School with all other forms. Please note that Rabun Gap reserves the right to revise or amend this Handbook and the policies and procedures contained in it at any time with or without advance notice.
Please understand that no set of rules or guidelines can cover every conceivable situation that might arise at a school. The rules, policies, and procedures set forth in this handbook are intended to apply under normal circumstances. However, from time to time, there may be situations that require immediate or nonstandard responses. This handbook does not limit the School’s right to deviate from the normal rules and procedures set forth herein, and to deal with the individual circumstances as they arise in the manner deemed most appropriate by the School, taking into consideration the best interest of the School, its faculty, employees, and students, and the overall community.
Honor Code
Rabun Gap-Nacoochee Middle School Consequences: When the Leadership Council finds a student has committed an honor violation, the Council takes into account several factors to decide upon an appropriate consequence. These factors may include: • Severity of the offense • Premeditation for committing the violation • Previous honor history, excluding any cases where he or she was found innocent • Level of cooperativeness throughout the process • Forthrightness about the honor violation • Years living under the Rabun Gap Honor Code
Pledge: As a member of the Rabun GapNacoochee School community, I promise to uphold honor with my words and actions. I will not lie, cheat, or steal. I accept responsibility for my own actions and for what other members of the community may do in my presence. I understand the need for honor and pledge to defend it.
• Honor Code Motto: “Always Honorable” Middle School Honor Policies: The middle school honor policy is uniquely constructed so that it is both reflective and evolutionary by age level and maturity. Students are educated on what it means to be honorable within the construct of community. Any suspected honors violation is brought forth by faculty members to the administration and dealt with on a case-by-case scenario by the Head of the Middle School.
Taking all of these factors into consideration, the Head of Middle School determines consequences. Consequences may include but are not limited to a warning; probation; work hours on campus; delivery of a formal letter of apology; adjustment of test or final grade, including failure and the need to retake the course; out of school suspension; or dismissal. Students placed on honor probation will be ineligible for a student leadership position for a period of one year from the time of the offense.
Student Responsibility: When an Honor Code violation occurs, the individual who has committed the honor offense is encouraged to turn in him/herself before evidence of any wrongdoing has been discovered. Such unsolicited integrity will be viewed favorably by the Middle School Administrative Team. In the event that a Rabun Gap student has first-hand knowledge of a violation, he or she is obliged to act. We expect students to report the violation to the Middle School Administrative Team. If the student chooses to report the violation, his or her confidentiality will be protected throughout the process. In all cases, once a student reports an honor violation, he or she will be expected to maintain strict confidentiality, not disclosing the name of the accused nor revealing details of the process to others in the Rabun Gap community.
Major Rules Violation of any of these rules will place a student at jeopardy for dismissal for the first offense. 1. Rabun Gap students respect the rights and property of others. Our community does not tolerate bullying, hazing, harassment of another person, theft, or abuse of personal or community property. 2. Rabun Gap students are honest. Lying, cheating, plagiarizing, or any
2015-2016 Academic Year other type of deceitful behavior is unacceptable at Rabun Gap.
any alcohol or the presence of any other intoxicants or mind-altering substances in the body is a violation of this policy. Testing positive; refusal of a student to undergo testing; tampering with or alteration of a test sample; failure to cooperate fully with any test, search, or investigation; failure to execute any paperwork or consent forms necessary for an examination or test; or any unlawful conduct on or off Rabun Gap premises may result in discipline up to and including immediate dismissal of a student.
3. Rabun Gap students abstain from the use of drugs and alcohol. Using, possessing, or distributing drugs (prescription or nonprescription) or alcohol, or hosting a party at which drugs or alcohol are used is prohibited. (Note: If unauthorized drugs, alcohol, or drug paraphernalia are found on your person or in your room, or if you test positive for illegal substances, whether or not it can be demonstrated that the substance was used on campus, you are considered in violation of a Major School Rule.)
4. Rabun Gap students protect the health and safety of themselves and others. Tampering with fire safety equipment, smoking, or using fire in any school building in an area not designed for that purpose is unacceptable. Unauthorized weapons, guns, knives, lighters, fireworks, dangerous combustibles and explosives are prohibited on campus. Note: Any student found smoking in a dorm room is subject to immediate dismissal.
Rabun Gap reserves the right to undertake periodic unannounced or random searches including bringing law and drug enforcement officials and canines to campus. Students may be required to submit to urinalysis drug screens, blood alcohol tests, breathalyzer tests, or any other tests or medical examination at any time Rabun Gap suspects this policy has been violated including, among others: (a) when a student is suspected of attending Rabun Gap or Rabun Gaprelated activities with intoxicants or mind-altering substances in his or her system; (b) when a student suffers an injury or is involved in an accident while at Rabun Gap; (c) on a periodic or random basis, including but not limited to, in connection with the student’s participation in extracurricular activities; or (d) when a student is placed under disciplinary contract and such screenings or examinations are terms of the contract. The presence of
5. Rabun Gap students abide by the School’s rules regarding leave slips, signing out, and permissions. Leaving the dorm after check-in without proper authorization and leaving campus without permission are violations of Major School Rules. A student should not be in the residence hall of the opposite sex without appropriate permission. 6. Rabun Gap students abide by the School’s policies regarding the use of technology. The use of e-mail, the Internet, or other electronic spaces or social networking sites for hazing,
Rabun Gap-Nacoochee Middle School harassment, or other inappropriate behavior either on or off campus is unacceptable.
Dismissal/Withdrawal: Some offenses are so egregious and harmful to a community that a student might be dismissed or withdrawn for a first offense. When a student is dismissed, he or she is required to leave campus immediately. For boarding students, the Student Life Office will arrange transportation and all fees will be billed to the student’s account.
7. Rabun Gap students abide by the School’s policies regarding the use of motor vehicles on campus. Boarding students are allowed to have a car on campus for use of travel to and from home. Boarding or day students may not drive other students without proper permission.
*A student who is dismissed or withdrawn or is not invited back may only return to campus if he/she receives permission from the Middle School Academic Office. Generally, permission is not given for the first trimester after the student leaves school.
8. Rabun Gap students meet community expectations and demonstrate a high standard of citizenship. Every day and boarding student must display a spirit of desire to be a part of the School community and clearly show support of the School’s mission, rules and regulations, and dress code, in their attitudes, in their words, and in their actions. Violations of general expectations for proper conduct, including repeated failure to attend classes and other required commitments, comprise a Major School Rule violation.
When a student violates a Major School Rule, his/her actions affect the whole community. On such occasions, the whole community may discuss the specific discipline infractions. The discussion may include mention of the name of a particular student. It should be noted that the Head of School has the right to determine the appropriate disciplinary action up to and including immediate dismissal from school for
9. Rabun Gap students must abide by all federal, state, and local laws.
Disciplinary Responses Rules that the School considers particularly important for the wellbeing of the individual and the community are categorized as Major School Rules. These represent the most important standards of the community: honesty, personal integrity, and respect for others. Our disciplinary system tries to balance what is best for the individual student and what is best for the whole community. Students who violate Major School Rules will be subject to disciplinary sanctions depending on the nature and severity of the offense.
2015-2016 Academic Year any student whose behavior, attitude, actions or physical condition is considered unacceptable within the expectations of the School. A student who is dismissed or is withdrawn during the school year forfeits his/her right to the completion of the term for academic credit. The parents and/or legal guardians must understand that they are still responsible for the financial terms of the student’s contract.
minor infractions is the loss of privilege. In the middle school, we will allow our students to have many freedoms throughout the year. If a member of our community struggles to uphold our mission and values, they can often lose their freedoms. These punishments can once again stretch from a single day loss of privilege to an extend loss depending on the severity of the offense from the perspective of the Head of the Middle School. While these penalties are not necessarily cumulative, the middle school front office will keep record of all depravation of privilege.
Discipline Policies The Middle School discipline policies formative in the development of a student’s moral compass. We as a faculty and staff greatly appreciate the opportunity to mentor young people through their adolescent evolution in preparation for the Upper School experience.
3. Behavioral Warning: As deemed necessary by the Head of Middle School, a student can be placed on behavioral warning for repeated offenses. A student can eventually be released from behavioral warning after illustrating a pattern of behavior that realigns with our schools mission. The Head of Middle School will schedule a meeting with parents anytime the possibility of behavioral warning will be required.
This being said, we also are very proactive in upholding the current values and timehonored traditions that we as an institution hold dear. As an institution, we have a set of policies that, while allowing for the necessary gray, still ensure our students realize they have violated the ideology of our campus: 1. Dentention during Lunchtime: Students can receive a lunchtime detention for a number of minor infractions varying from repeated tardiness to class, missing their scheduled bus transport, a minor dress code violation, etc. Detention can be served for a single day or multiple days depending on the severity of the offense from the perspective of the Head of the Middle School. While these penalties are not necessarily cumulative, the Middle School Academic Office will keep record of all lunchtime detentions.
4. Final Warning: As deemed necessary by the Head of Middle School, a student can be placed on final warning for an egregious violation of any school policy. A student can only be released from final warning at the end of an academic year. The Head of Middle School will schedule a meeting with parents any time the possibility of final warning will be required. 5. In-School and Out-of-School Suspensions: At the recommendation of the Head of Middle School, a student could also serve and In-School or Out-
2. Depravation of Privilege: The other area of consequence dealing with
Rabun Gap-Nacoochee Middle School of-School suspension for an egregious violation. The Head of Middle School will schedule a meeting with parents anytime the possibility of suspension will be required. Any fighting will result in removal from campus until the Head of Middle School can decide upon the punishment.
keep conversations about sexual behavior confidential. We expect Rabun Gap students to show respect for one another as well as for others in the community by refraining from inappropriate displays of affection. Dating and any action that can be seen as sexual conduct between a middle school student and an upper school student is unacceptable.
Behavior Related Policies 1. Tobacco: Students are prohibited from using or possessing tobacco products, including smokeless tobacco. The School, through the offices of the Assistant Head of Middle School and the Health Center, will arrange oncampus support to assist those who wish to break, or assure that they have broken, a nicotine addiction. Violation of the rules regarding the use of tobacco products will be dealt with by the Assistant Head of Middle School and will be cumulative over the student’s career at Rabun Gap. Smoking in a dorm is a violation of a Major School Rule and is dismissible on the first offense.
3. Harassment, Discrimination, or Retaliation: Rabun Gap believes in respecting the dignity of all persons and expects everyone to show respect for others. Accordingly, this policy forbids any offensive conduct based on an individual’s race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, handicap, or citizenship status. Rabun Gap is committed to providing an educational and work environment that is free of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation, and we will not tolerate any conduct or statements which violate this policy. • Coverage: This policy forbids any student from engaging in any conduct which harasses, discriminates, or retaliates against any other Rabun Gap student or student’s family members, Rabun Gap employee, teacher, administrator, vendor, applicant, or agent. This policy shall apply at all times and shall cover conduct which occurs both on and off campus, as well as on the Internet. • Prohibited Conduct: The conduct prohibited by this policy, whether verbal, physical, or visual, includes any harassment, discrimination, or retaliation and any conduct that affects someone
2. Sexual Activity: We encourage students to develop friendships and relationships that are healthy. Rabun Gap specifically prohibits students from engaging in inappropriate sexual activity. School is not an appropriate place for sexual intimacy. If a student engages in inappropriate sexual activity on campus or on a school trip, the case will be referred to the Head of Middle School. The Head of Middle School may choose to meet with each student and his/her parents on campus. At that time, the Head of Middle School will consider sanctions. While the School does not condone student sexual activity, counselors and members of health services may
2015-2016 Academic Year because of that individual’s race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, sexual orientation, disability, handicap, and/or citizenship status. Among the types of conduct prohibited by this policy are epithets, slurs, negative images or stereotyping, intimidating acts, and the circulation or posting of written or graphic materials that show hostility toward individuals. • Sexual Harassment: This policy forbids harassment, discrimination, or retaliation based on sex or gender regardless of whether the offensive conduct is sexual in nature. Any offensive conduct based on sexual orientation, gender, or gender identity is also forbidden by this policy regardless of whether the individual engaged in the harassment and the individual being harassed are of the same or are of different genders. • Examples of sexual harassment forbidden by this policy include: –– Offensive sexual orientation, gender identity, verbal kidding, teasing, or jokes –– Sexual flirtations, advances, or propositions –– Continued or repeated verbal abuse of a sexual nature –– Discussions of sexual experiences or spreading rumors relating to a person’s sexual activities –– Graphic or degrading comments about an individual’s appearance or sexual activity –– Offensive visual conduct, including leering, making
sexual gestures, the display of offensive sexually suggestive objects or pictures, cartoons or posters –– Pressure for sexual activity –– Suggestive or obscene letters, notes, or invitations; electronic messages; conduct including offensive touching or physical contacts such as patting, grabbing, pinching or brushing against another’s body; unequal treatment that would not occur but for the person’s gender; stalking or other sexually related criminal activity. • Procedures: Students who believe they are victims of harassment, discrimination, or retaliation, or who have witnessed harassment, discrimination, or retaliation should report the matter to the Middle School Administrative Team. Students may choose to report to a person of the student’s same sex. Complaints will be kept confidential to the extent possible given the need to investigate. Students who make good faith complaints will not be disciplined. All reports describing conduct that is inconsistent with this policy will be promptly and thoroughly investigated. It is the obligation of every Rabun Gap student with knowledge of the conduct to cooperate in any investigation of harassment, discrimination, or retaliation. If an investigation confirms that a violation of this policy has occurred, any violator will be
Rabun Gap-Nacoochee Middle School subject to disciplinary action, including but not limited to, suspension and/or immediate dismissal. Any person making a knowingly false accusation will likewise be subject to disciplinary action. • Perspective: Determination of whether particular conduct violates this policy is assessed from the point of view of a reasonable person. In the complainant’s position, such a determination takes into account the totality of the circumstances including: –– Frequency of offensive conduct –– Its seriousness –– Whether it is physically threatening or humiliating –– The location of the conduct and context in which it occurred –– The degree to which the conduct affected the education or employment environment –– The relationship between the parties. • Prohibition of Retaliation: Rabun Gap forbids retaliation against anyone for reporting harassment, discrimination, or retaliation; registering a complaint pursuant to this policy; assisting in making a harassment complaint; participation in an investigation; filing a charge of discrimination; or otherwise pursuing his/her rights under this policy. Anyone experiencing or witnessing any conduct he or she believes to be retaliatory should immediately report it to the Middle School Administrative Team. In the course of investigating and in imposing any discipline,
Rabun Gap will attempt to preserve confidentiality as much as possible based on the circumstances. 4. Bullying: Bullying will not be tolerated at our school. Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and intentionally excluding someone from a group. Any student who believes that he/she has been the victim of bullying shall report the incident(s) to the Middle School Administrative Team, School Nurse or any trusted faculty member. 5. Hazing: Hazing will not be tolerated at our school. Hazing is defined as any conduct, coercion, or intimidation used as a method of initiation into a school organization or team which is likely to endanger the physical or mental health of any student. This behavior is a crime under Georgia law. “It shall be unlawful for any person to haze any student in connection with or as a condition or precondition of gaining acceptance, membership, office, or other status in a school organization.” Every member of the School community must report hazing to the Dean of Students or Head of Middle School. In addition, the School is required by law to report to the local police any hazing reported to it or of which it becomes aware. Keep in mind
2015-2016 Academic Year that, under the law, the implied or even express consent of any person toward whom any act of hazing is directed is not a defense to hazing.
his/her Residential Faculty, Coach, Advisor, or the Middle School Administrative Team. 6. Violence: Students must never resort to physical confrontation to resolve their differences. Fighting for any reason will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action including possible suspension or dismissal, loss of athletic or extracurricular activities, parental conference, or other disciplinary action as may be deemed appropriate. Fighting includes (without implied limitation) the throwing of punches or a serious physical struggle. Likewise, threatening another will not be tolerated. Threatening includes any behavior which purposely places or attempts to place another in fear of imminent bodily injury or physical contact.
Examples of behavior that could be considered hazing include being forced to: • Destroy or steal property • Be tied up, taped, or confined in a small space • Be paddled, whipped, beaten, kicked, or beat up others • Do embarrassing, painful, or dangerous acts • Be kidnapped or transported and abandoned • Consume spicy or disgusting concoctions • Be deprived of sleep, food, or hygiene • Engage in or simulate sexual activities • Participate in drinking contests • Be tattooed or pierced
7. Destructive Acts: Students should govern their actions by the values of respect for self, person, and property. Thus, any destructive actions, including setting fires, causing damage to property, harming others, drawing graffiti or defacing property, or similar conduct is prohibited.
Offending students will suffer appropriate disciplinary action including the possibility of suspension or expulsion. Any student, who is witness to, or the victim of hazing, should report it immediately to
8. Offensive Language: Students and parents are prohibited from using profane, obscene, bigoted, or other types of offensive language or gestures on campus or at schoolsponsored events. 9. Weapons and Threats: Students are prohibited from making threats or threatening gestures toward others and are prohibited from having any type of weapon, including knives, guns, clubs, martial arts paraphernalia, fireworks, etc., to campus or school-
Rabun Gap-Nacoochee Middle School sponsored events. Any such item may be confiscated and, if appropriate, turned over to law enforcement.
1. Students are permitted to use their phones to text or call their parents if granted permission by the middle school faculty, administration, or the academic office. These texts and calls must be placed from the academic office. 2. Students may leisurely use any electronic device (cell phone, tablet, laptop, etc.) during the following times: • Before school • After school • Upon dismissal from lunch • During backwork and tutorials ONLY if the student is on honors or high honors. 3. During these leisure times, students are only allowed to use their electronic device in the student commons or approved outside areas. 4. Students are not allowed to use their electronic devices anywhere else on campus unless directed or approved by the middle school faculty and administration. 5. Classroom technology usage will be published by each individual teacher in their syllabus. 6. All students are also governed by the Upper School campus cell phone and electronic policies when present on that campus.
Out of School and Off Campus Behavior Students should be aware that certain activities even outside of school hours or off school property may result in loss of school privileges and other disciplinary action up to and including suspension or dismissal. Students may be subject to discipline for misconduct which is, or may be, disruptive of the educational process, interferes with the work of the School, is contrary to the mission of the School, impinges on the rights of other students, employees, or members of the School community, or has a direct or immediate effect on the discipline or general welfare of the School, even if such conduct takes place off campus, during non-school hours or on breaks from school. Such conduct will be evaluated at the sole discretion of the School and the School reserves the right to deviate from the regular disciplinary process as may be deemed necessary under the circumstances. Some examples of such outside conduct which may have disciplinary ramifications at school include any violation of the law; underage purchase, use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance; use or misuse of computers, or computer websites (personal, at home or at school), which do, or could, impact the welfare of any member of the School community or the reputation or functioning of the School.
Specific Consequences: Boarding student cell phones and other electronic devices may be confiscated and held by the Upper School Student Life Office or the Middle School Academic Office for a period of time. • First Offense - 1 day • Second Offense - 3 days • Third Offense - 6 days • More than three times - could result in loss of technology for one month • Repeat violation - could result in loss of technology for the entire school year
Cell Phones and Electronics Policy While we understand the essential need for cell phones in today’s technological world, cell phones at Rabun Gap Nacoochee Middle School are very much seen as a privilege on our campus. As such, all electronic devices have designated times and place of use.
Other Policies and Rules
2015-2016 Academic Year
Animals on Campus: Due to concerns about the health, safety, and welfare of people in the school community, no animals are allowed on school property or at school related events without the express, written permission of the Head of School. This means that animals may not be brought onto school property for any reason (even if the animal remains in a vehicle or on a leash), including drop off, pick up, parties, games, and activities, and may not be brought to school related events on or off campus.
Posters and Announcements: All posters and flyers used on campus must be approved by the Middle School Academic Office and all posters and flyers for off campus use must be approved by the Director of Communication in the Advancement Office. Any poster or flyer using the Rabun Gap logo, crest, or mascot must be approved by the Director of Communication.
Rearden Theater Policies: The Rearden Theater is our most formal meeting place; therefore, we must take care to treat the area with respect and a sense of formality. • Appropriate dress for events in the Rearden Theater will be announced. • The furniture must be treated properly. Use the aisles – no walking on or stepping over seats. • All cell phones, iPods, and electronic devices must be turned off. • No gum, food, or drink is allowed inside the theater.
Campus Style Guide: Campus publications initiated by students or departments should follow the Rabun Gap Style Guide for appropriate use of logo, crest, and mascot. Publications and event programs should be reviewed and approved by the Director of Communication. Sample programs and designs are available for use by student groups, departments, and administrative offices.
Fundraising: Classes, individuals, teams, or organizations wishing to fund raise on campus must have permission from the Middle School Academic Office as well as the Rabun Gap Advancement Office. All extracurricular teams and organizations should strive to be self-sufficient, raising money through approved concessions and approved service-type projects. To request permission to fund raise on or off campus in the name of Rabun Gap, permission must be obtained from the Rabun Gap Advancement Office. Request forms are available through the Advancement Office and must be submitted at least one week prior to the event. This includes raffle items and other in-kind donations as well as general solicitations of funds of any kind.
Reporting of Accidents and Hazards: All accidents, including those which do not involve serious injury, must be reported immediately to the Director of Student Life. Only through a full knowledge of accidents can we become a safer, healthier place. Immediately report any unsafe conditions, defective equipment, or other hazards to the Director of Student Life. Students are expected to assist in maintaining safe conditions. Safety is a state of mind, and requires constant vigilance and common sense. Safety is everyone’s responsibility.
Rabun Gap-Nacoochee Middle School
Technology-Acceptable Use Policy
they believe are valid educational resource sites should discuss the site with the faculty member. After review the faculty member may request that the site be unblocked for the duration of the assignment.
This policy contains guidelines for the use, access, monitoring, and disclosure of electronic communications used, created, sent, received, transmitted, or stored (collectively referred to as “use” or “used”) by students using the Rabun Gap-provided network infrastructure and student-provided systems or equipment used either during school or while on Rabun Gap property.
Wireless Network Access: All access via the wireless system is subject to the same conditions and policies as the wired network. Student owned equipment must meet certain system requirements before access will be granted. Failure to gain this permission may result in confiscation of wireless device. This process is managed by our system access controller and all conditions, consents and agreements for client installations are considered a part of this document. Rabun Gap is not responsible for any damages that may occur to student owned equipment.
Internet Access: Rabun Gap communitystudents, faculty, administrators, and staff- have the privilege of filtered access to the Internet. However, personal files are not to be downloaded to Rabun Gap’s network hard drives. Students may not install any software on any Rabun Gapprovided System or copy software from any Rabun Gap-provided System without the prior written permission of our Director of Campus Technology.
Social Networks and Online Media: Any multimedia posting to the Internet (including but not limited to locations such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Ustream, iTunes, Tumblr and others) which clearly identifies Rabun Gap by name, location, content, or description must honor the integrity and mission of the School. For further clarification of appropriate material, students and faculty are encouraged to contact the Middle School Academic Office. At no time is it appropriate to post photos, videos, or other multimedia that defame or portray Rabun Gap students and faculty in a negative way. No posting should identify a student or faculty by full name unless approved by the Director of Communication. Students and families should be aware that Rabun Gap policies prohibit faculty and staff from using social networking sites as a way to connect or communicate with students. All sites including the Rabun Gap name or any variation clearly identifying the school must be approved by the Director of Communication and include dual administration rights by school personnel.
Rabun Gap does provide a filtering system to mitigate access to offensive and pornographic material but it also has the negative effect of filtering out limited sources of educational materials. In addition, since no filtering system is foolproof, we expect users to act responsibly in their searches and to immediately disengage from any site or materials that are inappropriate and to report the situation to the faculty member or administrator in charge of the activity. Although Rabun Gap cannot effectively restrict access to all offensive content obtained by students via the Internet, obtaining material that is explicitly labeled as not intended for minors will be considered a violation of Rabun Gap rules. Furthermore, making public or forwarding any material that is pornographic, violent in nature, or otherwise harassing or in violation of any Rabun Gap standard is totally unacceptable. Students working on assignments that are blocked from what
2015-2016 Academic Year Rabun Gap Right to Access and Inspect Electronic Communications: All electronic communications contained in or transmitted via Rabun Gap Systems are Rabun Gap records. Rabun Gap and the contents of the Systems and electronic communications conducted on the Systems are accessible by Rabun Gap at all times for any purpose. Thus, students should not assume that Electronic Communications are confidential or private. Rabun Gap’s right to use, access, monitor, inspect, and disclose electronic communications without further notice applies equally to student-provided systems or equipment used either during school time or on Rabun Gap property.
of the student’s enrollment for the following school year. Attendance Policy Definitions and Consequences: • Tardy: Anytime a student arrives late to a class period, work assignment, afternoon activity/sport, evening study hall or any other required event. Unless a student has written authorization, a tardy is always considered “unexcused.” • Absence: Anytime a student is not present or misses a significant portion of a class period, work assignment, detention, afternoon activity/sport, evening study hall or any other required event. There are three categories of absences: 1) Unexcused, 2) Approved and 3) Scheduled. A Scheduled Absence may or may not be approved based on the nature of the absence. • Accumulated Absences: Any student who maintains a pattern of absences (excused or unexcused) or excessive tardiness considered detrimental to the student’s academic progress will be dealt with by the Middle School Academic Office. Any student with more than 7 absences per trimester in any class, whether excused or unexcused, may be placed on Attendance Warning depending on the nature of accumulated absences. • Attendance Warning: Students on Attendance Warning may/will receive a half letter grade penalty deducted from the final grade in the course for each additional absence. The Head of Middle School may waive this requirement in exceptional cases, particularly those that are health related and promptly documented. Under Attendance Warning, a student is closely monitored. Continued negligence will result in further
Forbidden Uses of Our Systems: Students may not use computer systems, personal or Rabun Gap’s, in a manner that violates our Mission Statement, Honor Code, No Harassment Policy, or other Rabun Gap policies. Students may not use our Systems in any way that may be seen as insulting, disruptive, obscene, offensive, or harmful to morale.
Attendance Policy Expectations and Responsibilities: The School expects parents’ cooperation in supporting the attendance policies of Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School. Given the demanding nature of the Rabun Gap curriculum, students must attend classes, unless they are ill or fulfilling another school obligation. Students are also expected to attend all required school events, which occur each week during the school day and, periodically, in the evenings or on weekends. These occasions include but are not limited to: grade-level trips, Evening Convocation, Middle School Moving-Up, Upper School Awards Ceremony, Baccalaureate and Graduation. Failure to adhere to the School’s attendance expectations may include suspension, dismissal, and/or denial
Rabun Gap-Nacoochee Middle School disciplinary action and may even lead to dismissal. • Truancy: A student is truant if they are absent from school or a particular class without the permission of a parent/ guardian or leave Rabun Gap grounds once they have reported for classes without proper school personnel authorization. In cases of truancy, the parent/guardian will be notified immediately. Truancy is considered a violation of a Rabun Gap “Major Guideline,” and the first offense may result in Attendance Warning and/or a Disciplinary Consequence.
in attendance at the School event. Without this documentation, the absence is considered truancy and carries a more stringent consequence. 2. Approved Absence: Anytime a student is not present during one of the above mentioned class periods, activities or events and documentation for the absence is provided by the student’s parent or guardian before the absence occurs. Any student who is absent from class during the school day for any reason including illness will not be allowed to participate in or attend after school extracurricular activities. Approved Absences include the following: • Illness: Parents of day students must call the Middle School Academic Office at 706-746-7707 by 9:00 am to notify the School that their child is sick. Failure to do so may result in the absence being recorded as unexcused. Boarding students who are ill must report to the Health Center prior to the school day. • Extended illness: In the event of an unforeseen accident or extended illness, a meeting will be initiated with the parents/student and School Administrators to determine a course of action that best serves the student. • Medical appointments: Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School asks that all medical, therapeutic, and dental appointments be made after school hours. If a student must leave for an appointment during the school day, they must bring a note to the Academic Office in advance, or the office must receive parental confirmation for the child to have permission to leave campus.
Explanation of Three Categories of Absences: 1. Unexcused Absence: Anytime a student is not present during one of the above mentioned class periods, activities, or events and no documentation or authorization is provided before the absence occurs. However, to be deemed an unexcused absence (as opposed to truancy), the parent or legal guardian must verify that he or she was aware of the absence prior to the School’s notification that the student was not
2015-2016 Academic Year • School sponsored extracurricular
absences must be directed to the Middle School Academic Office. The reason for the request must be described in full, and parental confirmation must be documented. Once a request is made, the Middle School Academic Office will determine whether the scheduled absence is “Approved” or “Unapproved.” It is the responsibility of the student to make up all work missed according to the School’s Make-up Work policy. • Unapproved Scheduled Absence Consequences: If the scheduled absence is not approved, a student will receive a zero on any homework and graded in-class work, including papers, projects, class participation, quizzes, tests, or other work due on the day of absence. Teachers, however, will still expect all work to be completed.
obligations: Students are occasionally required to attend school events that take them out of class. Athletic events, performing arts events, and other activities frequently occur during school hours or require that students depart from campus before the end of the school day. For all such schoolrelated absences, documentation is provided by the supervising teacher or coach, and students are expected to make up any missed work following the School’s Make-up Work policy. 3. Scheduled Absence: Anytime a parent or legal guardian notifies the School in advance that a student will miss a class or school obligation for reasons not considered an approved absence. Scheduled absences are believed to be detrimental to the student’s academic progress and are strongly discouraged. Approval for scheduled absences is given only for extraordinary academic programs or unique family events. (i.e. a family wedding, funeral, or graduations are generally approved. Family vacations are not considered unique events and are generally not approved.) The School reserves the right not to approve any scheduled absence. Therefore, families should pay careful attention to the school calendar, note the scheduled school vacations, and make their child’s travel plans accordingly. • Petitioning for a Scheduled Absence: Should parents require their child to be away from school during the academic year, the parent should formally petition the School at least two days in advance. Petitions for scheduled
Dress Code and Appearance Clothing should be neat and clean, fit well, and be in proper repair. If a student’s clothing is too large or too small they may be asked to obtain new clothing. Students who are found to be in violation of the dress code by not being dressed appropriately for the day will not be allowed to attend class and may receive consequences. The classroom dress code is in effect from the breakfast period until the end of the academic day and at events as announced. Formal dress is required every Thursday and for certain special events including the first day of school, Honor Chapel, Academic Convocation, Awards Ceremonies, Middle School Moving Up Ceremony, Baccalaureate, Graduation, and other special events as announced.
Rabun Gap-Nacoochee Middle School Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School is pleased to partner with Mills Uniform Company as its primary provider for school uniforms. Mills will be on the Rabun Gap Campus on August 10, 18 and 23. A link is available to the Mills On-Line web store on the Rabun Gap homepage or visit Mills at www.millswear. com. Rabun Gap’s school code is 3550.
as the traditional khaki pant sold by Mills. Cargo pants are not acceptable. A variety of items and sizes of Mills apparel are available in the Campus Store for sizing needs. Shoes from the approved shoe list may be purchased from the vendor of choice. Winter Dress • The Middle School Academic Office will announce when winter dress is in effect. Normally, it begins and ends with daylight savings time. • Socks must be worn with shoes. • Shorts are not allowed during winter dress.
Rabun Gap recommends that all school uniform items be purchased from Mills Uniform Company. Khaki pants are the only uniform item that may be purchased from other vendors. Pants purchased from other vendors must be the same style and color Girls’ Classroom Dress—Middle School Required Items
Optional Items
Polo Shirt – Green, Navy, or White
Available From
Mills or Campus Store
The Rabun Gap Store has a small inventory of green, navy or white polo shirts that may be worn. White or Sky Blue, does not have to be tucked in
Blouse, ¾ sleeve
White Turtleneck
Vendor of Choice
Khaki Pants
Mills or Vendor of Choice
For winter wear under a long sleeved school blouse with logo. May not be worn alone. Same style as Mills selection. No low rise. No tight fitting pants.
Khaki Shorts
Must be of modest length (approx. 3 inches above the knee.)
Plaid, Khaki, or Grey Skort
Must be of modest length (approx. 3 inches above the knee.)
Mills or Vendor of Choice Tights
Vendor of choice
Black or white, full-footed
Mills or Vendor of Choice
Black or brown plain, no wider than 1 ½ inches
Sweaters, Fleeces, and Light Jackets
Mills or Campus Store
Must have school logo
Mills, Campus Store, or Vendor of Choice
Cannot be worn in class
Heavy Outerwear and Winter Coats See page 32
2015-2016 Academic Year Outerwear • Light to mid-weight outerwear, such as sweaters, fleeces, and jackets worn during the School day must contain the School logo. These items are available from Mills. • If a student desires a heavier winter coat for wear during the colder months the student may elect to wear their own heavy winter coat. This coat does not require the School logo, and should not be worn in the classroom. • Athletic wear, even though it may have the Rabun Gap logo, is not approved for classroom dress.
cropped. No low rise, torn, frayed or cut off edges, no holes (patched or exposed) • Shorts of modest length, should be no more than 3” above the knee. • Skirts or skorts of modest length, should be no more than 3” above the knee. • Appropriate length shirts that are modest and with no midriff showing. • T-shirts with any offensive or suggestive words or pictures that feature alcohol, drugs, or unacceptable social behavior are not allowed. • No sweatpants, yoga pants, pajamas, athletic shorts, or general athletic wear. • When wearing leggings, blouse/top must cover hips • Students who do not abide by casual dress guidelines will be required to change and will forfeit future casual days.
Casual Days • Casual days are announced by either the Head of School or Head of Middle School. • Blue jeans or casual pants, capri or Girls’ Formal Dress—Middle School Only Required Items
Optional Items
Available From
Unisex Vest, Blue or Green
Plaid Skirt/ Skort
White Blouse, Short Sleeve
White Oxford
May be worn as classroom dress, available in short or long sleeve
White Blouse, ¾ Sleeve
May be worn as classroom dress, does not have to be tucked in
White Turtleneck
Vendor of Choice
For winter wear under a long sleeved school blouse with logo. May not be worn alone.
Mills or Vendor of Choice
Knee-length white or black, must fall just below the knee
Mills or Vendor of Choice
Black, solid, full footed
Socks Tights Shoes
Hunter Classic Navy; Must be of modest length (approx. 3 inches above the knee.) Pointed collar
See page 32
Rabun Gap-Nacoochee Middle School Boys’ Classroom Dress—Middle School Required Items
Optional Items
Polo Shirt – Green, White, or Navy
Mills or Campus Store
The Campus Store has a small inventory of polo shirts that may be worn this school year.
Oxford Shirt Striped White Under Shirt
White Turtleneck
Vendor of Choice
Khaki Pants Khaki Shorts Socks Belt Sweaters, Fleeces, and Light Jackets
Available From
Heavy Outerwear and Winter Coats See page 32
Vendor of Choice
Mills or Vendor of Choice Mills or Vendor of Choice Mills or Vendor of Choice Mills or Vendor of Choice Mills or Campus Store Mills, Campus Store, or Vendor of Choice
Solid White, to be worn under school polo with logo. May not be worn alone. For winter wear under a long sleeved school shirt with logo. May not be worn alone.
Black or white solid Black or brown plain, no wider than 1 ½ inches Must have school logo Cannot be worn in class
Boys’ Formal Dress—Middle School Only Required Items
Optional Items
Unisex Vest, Blue or Green White Oxford
Mills Mills White Turtleneck
School Tie, 8th grade only Khaki Pants
Vendor of Choice Campus Store
Gray Flannel Pants Socks
For winter wear under a long sleeved school shirt with logo. May not be worn alone. May wear Blair or school official long or bow tie
Mills or Vendor of Choice Mills Mills or Vendor of Choice Mills or Vendor of Choice
Belt Shoes
Available From
See page 32
Black or brown solid Black or brown plain, no wider than 1 ½ inches
2015-2016 Academic Year RabunRabun Gap-Nacoochee School Approved Shoe List Rabun Rabun Gap-Nacoochee Gap-Nacoochee School School Approved Approved Shoe Shoe List Gap-Nacoochee School Approved Shoe ListList Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School Approved Shoe List This isisintended intended totodescribe describe style style and andcolor. color. This list list islist intended to describe and color. This list isThis intended to describe stylestyle and color. This list is intended to describe style and color.
Boys classroom dress Boys classroom dress Boys classroom dress Boys classroom Boys classroomdress dress
Girls Girls classroom classroom dress dress Girls classroom dress Girls classroom dress Girls classroom dress
Bucks: Bucks: black ororbrown brown Bucks: blackblack or brown
Bucks: Bucks:black black or or brown brown
Flats: Flats: black black Flats: black
Flats: black Flats: black
Mary Janes: black or brown Mary Mary Janes: Janes: black black ororbrown brown
Mary Janes: Mary Janes: black or black brownor brown
Penny loafer: black, Penny Penny loafer: loafer: black, black, Penny loafer: black,
Penny loafer: black, Penny Penny loafer: loafer: black, black, Penny loafer: black, brown, or cordovan brown, brown, ororcordovan cordovan Penny loafer: brown, black, or cordovan
brown, or cordovan brown, brown, ororcordovan cordovan Penny black, brown,loafer: or cordovan brown, or cordovan
brown, or cordovan Saddle Oxford: classic Saddle Saddle Oxford: Oxford: classic classic Saddle Oxford: classic
BoatBoat shoe: brown Boat shoe: shoe: brown brown Boat shoe: brown
Saddle Oxford: classic
Boat shoe: brown
BoatBoat shoe: brown Boatshoe: shoe: brown brown Boat shoe: brown Athletic shoe: predominantly black or Athletic Athletic shoe: shoe: predominantly predominantly blackoror Athletic shoe: predominantly black or black white, canvas or leather white, white, canvas ororleather leather white, canvas orcanvas leather
Boat shoe: brown
Athletic shoe: predominantly black or white, canvas or leather
Jungle Croc: black orbrown brown Jungle Jungle Croc: Croc: black black ororbrown brown Jungle Croc: black or
Jungle Croc: black or brown Flatsandal sandal withback back strap: Flat with Flat Flatsandal sandal with withstrap: back backstrap: strap: black orbrown brown black or black black ororbrown brown
sandal with back strap: FlatFlat sandal back strap: Flat Flatwith sandal sandal with with back backstrap: strap: black or brown black orblack brown black ororbrown brown
Flat sandal with back strap: black or brown
Flat sandal with back strap: black or brown
Athletic shoe: predominantly black orblack Athletic shoe: predominantly black or oror Athletic Athletic shoe: shoe: predominantly predominantly black white, canvas ororleather white, canvas leather white, white, canvas canvas ororleather leather
Jungle Croc: black orblack brown Jungle Croc: black or brown Jungle Jungle Croc: Croc: black ororbrown brown
Jungle Croc: black or brown
Athletic shoe: predominantly black or white, canvas or leather
Rain boot: solid black ororsolid RainRain boot: solidsolid black solid Rainboot: boot: solidblack black ororsolid solid dark green (no darkdark green (noprints) prints) darkgreen green (no (noprints) prints)
Rain boot: solid black or solid dark green (no prints)
Rain boot: solid black or solid Rain boot: solid black or solid Rain Rainboot: boot:solid solidblack black ororsolid solid dark green (no(no prints) dark green prints) dark darkgreen green (no (noprints) prints)
Rain boot: solid black or solid Boys formal dress Boys formal dress dark green (no prints) Boys formal dress Boys formal dress Bucks: black or brown Bucks: black or brown Bucks: Bucks: black black ororbrown brown
Boys formal dress Girls formal dress Girls formal dress Girls formal dress Girls formal dress
Bucks: black or brown Penny loafer: black, Penny loafer: black, brown, orPenny cordovan Penny loafer: loafer: black, black, brown, or cordovan brown, brown,ororcordovan cordovan
Flats: black Flats: black Flats: Flats: black black
Girls formal dress
Mary Janes: black Mary Janes: black Mary MaryJanes: Janes:black black
Boat shoe:Penny brownloafer: black, Boat shoe: brown Boat Boat shoe: shoe: brown brown brown, or cordovan
Flats: black Mary Janes: black
Boat shoe: brown • Undergarments must be worn and
Casual Dress for After School & Weekends • At all times, casual clothing must be modest and appropriate. This means cleavage, stomachs, behinds, or underwear should never be visible. • Pants and jeans must be worn at waistlevel with no underwear showing. • No clothes with excessive rips or holes even if they are patched.
should not be visible.
• No bare feet or bedroom shoes outside of dorm.
• No pajama type clothing in the dining hall.
• No halter tops, backless or strapless shirts, sarong tops, tube tops, or tops with spaghetti straps.
Rabun Gap-Nacoochee Middle School • All sleeveless shirts must cover
not exceed 2” in diameter or length.
• T-shirts may not have offensive
undergarments. • Athletic shorts and tops may only be worn when participating in events at a sports complex. • Girls must wear a shirt over a sports bra. • No tank tops allowed in the dining hall or classroom buildings. • Shirts to be worn at all times for boys. • Modest bathing suits should be worn when at the pool, lake, or sunbathing and a cover-up should be worn to and from.
or suggestive words or pictures that feature alcohol, drugs, or unacceptable social behavior. • Headwear (i.e., hats, visors, do-rags, and bandanas) may not be worn in any building by either gender except in the gym or the Grill. • Headbands for girls may be no wider than 3”. • Sunglasses may not be worn on the face or the head inside school buildings or residential halls any time during the school day. • Extreme make-up, dress, or adornment is not allowed. • Boys may not wear makeup unless approved by the Middle School Administrative Team.
Additional Information about the Dress Code • Hair length and style must be conservative in nature. No unnatural two-toned, dreadlocks or hair dyed unnatural colors. No unkempt, extreme, or radical hairstyles. The Middle School Administrative Team reserves the right to establish what is unnatural and what is a radical hairstyle for Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School. Boys’ hair must be above the eyebrows, above the collar and no longer than halfway over the ears. Boys sideburns may not extend below the earlobes. • Students may not have any new visible tattoos while enrolled at Rabun Gap. Visible tattoos must be covered at all times. • Afros and other hair styles must be less than two (2) inches high. • Boys are not allowed to have facial hair. • Boys must be clean shaven each day. Failure to comply may result in further consequences. • Boys may not wear earrings. No other piercing may be visible. • Girls may wear no more than 2 earrings in their ears. No other piercing may be visible. Earrings may
Day Students For reasons of safety and liability, day students are defined as students who live with their family. We ask day students to adhere to the following guidelines: 1. Day students should remain on campus until all school required activities, sports practices, and work commitments are completed. 2. Day students must leave campus after their last committment. They may not “hang out” on campus unsupervised. 3. Seventh- and eighth-grade day students are allowed occasional overnight stays in dorm with special permission. Day students wishing to spend the night in a residential hall must have permission 24 hours prior to the stay, from the Student Life Office and permission from his/ her parent. There is a $25 per night fee, which does not include meals. If a family is requesting more than 3 consecutive nights stay, this is considered a special request and
2015-2016 Academic Year will be carefully evaluated for approval based on space and need. If approved, these requests will have additional fees. There may be times when a request is denied, such as during the week of exams or the night before a break begins. 4. Because we are predominantly a boarding school, classes meet in inclement weather. The final decision to drive or be driven to school rests with parents and safety should be the primary guide. Absences related to weather are excused. Parents of day students are phoned when a late start is appropriate. Otherwise parents should notify the Middle School Academic Office at 706-746-7707 if the day student will not be attending school because of inclement weather. 5. If a day student is ill, the parents must call the Middle School Academic Office at 706-746-7707 by 9:00 am each day. Any student who is absent from class during the school day for any reason including illness will not be allowed to participate in or attend after school extracurricular activities including play practices and sports events. 6. When a day student wishes to invite boarding students to their home, a written invitation from the day student’s parent must be provided to the Student Life Office. The deadline for weekend plans is 12 noon on the Wednesday prior to the weekend being requested. In order for the invitation to be approved Rabun Gap expects adult supervision throughout the boarding student’s stay. 7. Bicycles, roller blades, scooters, and skateboards may not be used during the school day. 8. All students must adhere to check-out procedures prior to leaving school before the end of a school day.
Meal Program for Day Students: Lunch for day students on school days is provided as part of tuition. When required to stay for evening convocation, students will not be charged for the evening meal. If a day student chooses to eat in the dining hall at other times, his/her student account will be charged based on the following rates: Breakfast $3 Brunch/Lunch $6 (all non-school days, including weekends and breaks) Dinner $6
Boarding Students Boarding students are asked to adhere to the following guidelines: 1. Part of boarding school life is learning how to live with someone else. Sharing a room is a new and challenging experience for many students. This takes commitment and understanding from both parties. Each student is assigned a roommate. Rabun Gap tries to pair international students with domestic students whenever possible. Prefects are the only exception to this rule and they will have their own room, if available. Any other exceptions need approval from the Student Life Office. Students may not change assigned rooms without permission from the Head of Dorm for the dorm they are assigned to and the Student Life Office. Students cannot go in a room assigned to another student unless that student is present or has given permission. 2. No pets of any kind are allowed in student rooms. 3. Each student is expected to bring to school only essential items. For obvious safety considerations, the following are forbidden in student rooms: open flames, lighters, candles, smoking, string of lights, and burning incense. Space and fire code prohibit
Rabun Gap-Nacoochee Middle School any additional furniture being added to the rooms unless approved by the Student Life Office. 4. If there is any notable damage to the student rooms, the students involved and their parents will be responsible for the total cost of repair. 5. Full size gaming systems such as Wii, Nintendo, PlayStation, etc. are not allowed to be used in students’ rooms, and Rabun Gap discourages students from bringing such systems with them to school. 6. Students are encouraged not to lend, borrow, or trade personal items. Borrowing without knowledge of both parties is considered stealing. Rabun Gap is not responsible for loss of a student’s personal property for any reason. This includes articles that have been lent, traded, stolen, or sold. 7. Rabun Gap reserves the right to inspect and conduct a search of book bags, backpacks, vehicles, or dorm rooms, and any other possessions or property on Rabun Gap premises or on a school sanctioned excursion. Inspections and searches may be conducted on a routine or random basis, and may be unannounced, as deemed necessary. Further, Rabun Gap has the right to seize and permanently retain or turn over to law enforcement, property disclosed by an inspection or search which is considered potentially harmful, dangerous, illegal, or inappropriate, the possession of which is a violation of Rabun Gap rules, community standards, and/or local and state law. 8. Student rooms are to remain clean and in good order. A student can be placed on room restriction for having an unclean room. Students will be required to clean their rooms before leaving school for breaks. A $250 fine
will be assessed in the case where a student fails to properly clean his or her room prior to leaving for summer vacation. 9. The only visitors permitted to spend the night in the residential halls are day students and admissions candidates who must first have permission from the Student Life Office. A boarding student assigned to one dorm may not spend the night in another dorm. No person or persons from outside the Rabun Gap community may visit residence rooms unless specifically authorized by the residential faculty. 10. Students may not leave the residential hall after Evening Study Hall until 7:00 am the next day or unless permission is given. Girls and boys may not visit after study hall and day students may not visit boarding students. If a student wishes to leave the dorm prior to 7:00 am he/she must have permission from the Head of Dorm. 11. During the school day sophomores, juniors, and seniors may return to their own dorm during lunch or free time. Freshman and Middle School students may not return to the dorms during the school day without permission from the Student Life Office. 12. “Lights out” means that students should be in their rooms, in bed for the night with all lights out. Students must be appropriately dressed and modest at all times. 13. Students may only cook in microwaves provided in dorms. No other electric cooking appliances are permitted (i.e. hot plates, fryers, crock pots, grills, etc.). 14. Upper School students, in groups of at least three, may walk to Dillard on Friday and Sunday afternoons between their last school commitment and dusk. Groups should stay together
2015-2016 Academic Year at all times. On Saturday students may walk to Dillard anytime of the day until dusk, after they have completed their commitments. Students must use the designated pathway to help ensure their safety. No student should be in Dillard more than three hours at a time. Students must sign in and out at the residence hall. Middle School students are not permitted to walk to Dillard. 15. Students, in groups of at least three, are permitted to run or walk on Indian Lake Road and Neville Road until 6:00 pm on Saturday, and Sunday between 1:00 pm and 5:00 pm. No use of lake facilities or deck area is allowed unless under faculty/staff supervision. Students may not be on the road to and from Indian Lake at any other time unless there is a scheduled, faculty supervised event at the lake or Lake House. Students may run or walk on the cross-country trail or Neville Road on Friday afternoon, Saturday, and Sunday after signing out at Campus Central. Students must have their Residential Faculty’s specific permission to do so on Monday through Thursday. Middle School students are not permitted to be on Indian Lake Road or Neville Road unless supervised in a school activity. 16. Students may roller blade, skateboard, ride bikes, scooters or other approved vehicles on the pathway system on central campus and must wear buckled helmets. Students may not ride wheeled recreation equipment on any of the steep sidewalks or hills. Bicycles must be stored in the provided areas and secured with a lock. Rabun Gap is not responsible for stolen or damaged bikes. Wheeled recreation equipment may not be used during the school day.
17. Central campus is the area students are permitted during their free time without signing out. This area changes after dark by season meaning during the day light hours this includes the athletic fields, walking paths, area around the gym, Hodgson Hall, library, science buildings, dorms, dining hall, and the A&T Building. Excluded areas include maintenance and shop areas, barns, faculty housing, cemetery, and the front lawn of Hodgson Hall below the sidewalks. During winter season after dusk, the central campus is limited to the area around the gym, Hodgson Hall, library, science buildings, dorms, dining hall, and the A&T Building. The athletic fields and walking paths are off limits after dusk during winter season. Season changes will be announced by the Middle School Academic Office. 18. Students must obtain permission and sign out at Campus Central before leaving campus, including going to a faculty member’s home. 19. When boarding students invite other students to their homes, we expect there will be adult supervision. Both day and boarding students are expected to follow all the rules and expectations of the School. 20. Students with off-campus guests should obtain a pass from the Student Life Office in advance of their visit. If guests arrive unexpectedly, the Duty Administrator can approve the visit. Immediately upon arrival at Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School, all guests of students (boarding and day) must sign in at Campus Central. Guests may visit until 6:45 pm on Sunday – Thursday and until 9:45 pm on Friday and Saturday. The student must stay with his/her guest at all times and assumes responsibility for the actions
Rabun Gap-Nacoochee Middle School of his/her guest as long as he/she remains on campus. Visitors must obey all boarding and school rules while on campus. No student may have a guest on campus on weekdays before the end of the academic day or their last commitment without special permission from the Student Life Office. 21. During the School day, when dorms are closed, a student leaving or returning to campus must sign in or out in the Student Life Office. 22. Students are not allowed to access their dorms during breaks.
until the boxes are returned to campus in August. • Each box must be labeled with an 8 x11 typed sheet of paper taped to the box. A copy of the original label must be placed inside each box, with name, current dorm, grade for the upcoming year, and home address for possible shipping. Boxes not labeled correctly will not be stored. • If for any reason the student does not return to Rabun Gap for the next school year, the student is responsible for contacting the School and providing a credit card for shipping costs. Students are responsible for all shipping costs. Items are shipped in the condition they are packed. Rabun Gap will not repackage storage items if shipping becomes necessary.
Summer Storage: Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School will assist International students and students who travel by air in securing storage for the summer. Other students requesting storage must seek approval from the Director of Student Life.
Rabun Gap will do its best to protect all items stored, however Rabun Gap is not responsible for any damage, loss, or theft occurring to stored items. Any boxes left
The following conditions apply: • Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School will secure storages units. • Students who desire to use this service must use the storage boxes provided. • ONLY the boxes provided may be stored. No old boxes or boxes acquired from other sources. • STRICT 50 pound weight limit per box. • Storage items must be boxed. No plastic containers, bikes, etc. • A fee of $20 per box will be assessed and must be paid in cash to the Head of Dorm. This fee must be charged to pay for the operation of the summer storage program including warehouse rental, supplies including boxes, tape, labor costs, etc. • This fee MAY NOT be charged to a student’s account. • Once boxes are stored – there is absolutely no access to items stored
2015-2016 Academic Year after 90 days from the start of the upcoming school year, will be donated to charity.
Seated Meals Guidelines: Every student and head of table must be acquanited with these procedures. 1. All students will be assigned as a server and cleaner sometime during the school year. There is a server assigned for each meal for each table seating. 2. The list of assigned servers and cleaners is posted next to the Dining Hall. 3. At the beginning of the meal, the server will go to the table and set each place setting in preparation for the meal. 4. Students will enter the dining hall and stand behind their chair at the assigned table; the blessing will be given and all may be seated. 5. Servers will then bring food to the tables and begin serving. If any table would like seconds the server should bring the platter from their table back into the serving line for it to be filled. Servers should ask how many students would like additional portions. 6. Students will remain at formal, seated meals until the dessert course has been served. 7. At the end of the meal the servers are requested to place silverware into tubs, discard unused food into tubs, and to stack platter, bowls, side dishes, and plates on the carts in an organized fashion. 8. Students should not go to another table on business or pleasure during the meal. All students will be formally excused from the table by the adult in charge. 9. No food should be taken out of the Dining Hall. 10. Outside food is not permitted in the Dining Hall. Every effort is made to meet special dietary needs of students.
Mail and Shipping Services: The student shipping and mailing address is: (Boarding Student Name) / (Dormitory) / Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School / 339 Nacoochee Drive / Rabun Gap, GA 30568. Phone number for shipping is 706-746-7467. Mail is not delivered on Saturday, so please plan accordingly.
Dining Room Meal times provide opportunities to dine together. We believe that these interactions between the adults, their families, and the students greatly enhance our sense of community. Seating may be assigned at special functions. Every effort is made at all meals to maintain a friendly and gracious atmosphere. Students are expected to maintain a proper conversation level and display the use of good manners. • No plates, glasses, or utensils may be taken out of the Dining Hall. • No iPods or electronic listening devices are allowed in the Dining Hall. • NO HATS are allowed at any time. • Class Days – Breakfast: Required for all boarding students grades 7-11 (Seniors and Prefects are exempt from breakfast). Classroom dress is required. Students must be out of the Dining Hall by designated times. • Class Days – Lunch: The Middle School comes together for seated lunches, sitdown, family-style meals. All students are expected to display good table manners. Table seating assignments rotate so that students and faculty become better acquanited. • Class Days – Dinner: Casual dress unless otherwise stated. • Saturday & Sunday Meals: Casual dress for all meals, unless otherwise announced.
Rabun Gap-Nacoochee Middle School
Leave and Travel Information
Restrictions may negate any weekend, overnight, or open weekend plans. There may be occasions when poor academic or behavioral performance will prohibit a student from leaving school on the weekend. The Student Life Office will contact students by Thursday of that week if they are to be restricted to campus because of disciplinary infractions. On travel days, any changes in leave information should be communicated to the Duty Administrator at 706-982-2343.
Leave slips are required for all weekend leaves, holidays, breaks, and end-of-theyear travel. For weekend leave, boarding students should complete the leave request form by 12:00 pm on Wednesday prior to the date of requested leave. For all holidays, breaks, and end-of-the-year travel, boarding students must complete leave request forms two (2) weeks prior to departure. Once a leave request form is submitted, parents must notify the Student Life Office with confirmation of the student’s travel plans, via e-mail (studentlife@rabungap. org), fax (706-746-2145) or phone (706746-7704). If the student is planning a visit at someone else’s home, permission of all parties must be obtained, including an invitation from the host.
At no other time does the School provide transportation for weekend leaves. Students may not use the transportation reserved and used for a school activity or athletic trip as a means of transport for a weekend leave or visit. Leaving school without permission may lead to immediate dismissal.
Weekend Leaves: Weekend leave for open weekends begins after the student’s last commitment on Friday. Students are free to leave campus, typically, after 5:30 pm and after any required activities, sports practices, work, or dorm commitments. Please note: afternoon activities meet on Friday afternoon and are required. Students must return from weekend leave by 7:00 pm on Sunday.
Leaving campus without proper permission is considered a violation of a Major Rule and may lead to demerits or dismissal. Community and Closed Weekends: Note the community and closed weekends listed in the chart below. On these weekends, boarding students are not permitted to leave campus until after Community Day is complete on Saturday afternoon. On Closed
Community Days and Closed Weekend Dates Month Community Day Mid-Year Dorm Deep Clean Community Day – International Day Community Day CLOSED WEEKEND – COMMENCEMENT CLOSED WEEKEND – FINAL EXAM PREP Dorm Deep Clean
Date(s) Saturday, September 12 Sunday, December 13 Saturday, January 16 Saturday, April 2
Notes Middle School Open House; Campus closed until 1:00 pm All Boarding Students required to return to campus by 10:00 am Campus closed until 1:00 pm Campus closed until 1:00 pm
May 14–15
No boarding students to leave campus
May 22–22
No boarding students to leave campus
2015-2016 Academic Year Weekends, Boarding Students are not permitted to leave Campus. Closed weekends are planned for community events as well as additional preparation for final exams.
The driver will not discharge students at places other than their regular stop unless they have proper authorization from the student’s parent/guardian and the Director of Transportation.
Riding Permissions: Boarding students must have permission from their parent/ guardian and approval from the Student Life Office when riding with someone other than a faculty or staff member of Rabun Gap. Students may drive other students for weekend leaves only when the Student Life Office has received the proper permission. Parental permission from all parties must be obtained (driver, as well as passenger).
A student who becomes a behavior problem on the bus may be denied the privilege of riding the bus and may be disciplined up to and including dismissal. Students denied bus privileges who fail to attend school will be considered truant. Holiday Transportation: Before and after specific breaks and holidays, the School will provide shuttle transportation to Hartsfield International in Atlanta, GA (ATL). Reservations must be made two weeks in advance and are made by completing the holiday leave slip. There is a $40 one-way or $80 round trip charge for this service.
Day students are not permitted to be transported by another student’s parent or sibling without the Academic Office receiving an email giving permission. School Bus Transportation: Students who ride to and from school on buses provided by Rabun Gap are required to follow some basic safety rules. The driver is responsible for student safety and may assign seating or direct the student in any reasonable manner to maintain that safety.
Once a reservation has been made, this fee is nonrefundable. Students using the Airport Shuttle without Flights: Arrival at Hartsfield Airport in Atlanta is to the South Terminal, lower level. Follow signs to south terminal, stay in left lane and follow past Delta Dash to the covered drop off.
The following behaviors are expected of all students: • Be on time at the designated loading zone or bus stop. • Wait until the bus is completely stopped before moving forward to enter. • Refrain from crossing a highway until the driver signals it is safe. • Go immediately to a seat and be seated. • Remain seated while the bus is in motion. • Keep heads, hands, arms, and legs inside the bus at all times. • No littering in the bus or throwing anything from the bus. • Do not tamper with the bus or any of its equipment. • Remain seated until the bus is stopped.
Note: Due to Atlanta traffic conditions, students staying in the Atlanta area who have a reservation on the shuttle should arrive at the airport one hour before the Shuttle Bus is scheduled to depart. Unaccompanied Minor Information: • Most airlines require students under the age of 15 to travel as “Unaccompanied Minors” and charge a fee for this service. Parents should check the individual airline’s policy for children who must travel as an unaccompanied minor.
Rabun Gap-Nacoochee Middle School • If your child must travel as an
charged to a Student Account.
• Parents are asked to refrain from
unaccompanied minor, please call the Student Life Office at 706-746-7704 to make special arrangements. • Airline policy requires children traveling as unaccompanied minors to be accompanied by a chaperone who must sign a waiver and stay with the child at the gate until the flight takes off. If a student has nearby relatives or family friends, they can be helpful in escorting the student to the gate. When School personnel serve as escorts, students will be charged $20 per hour in addition to the transportation costs.
scheduling holiday travel in or out of the dorm between the hours of 11:00 pm and 6:00 am, as a simple courtesy to the people who live in the dorm. • During the school year, boarding students are not permitted to stay in hotels or motels without their own parents nor or they permitted to stay overnight in college dormitories. • The School is not responsible for securing transportation if a student deviates from the scheduled break/ vacation times and dates. • The School calendar is published well in advance so parents can make travel arrangements early.
Dorm Closing and Opening: All boarding students should be off campus by noon on the days when the break begins for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break. Unless approved prior arrangements are made, students are charged $20 per hour to the Rabun Gap Student Account after 12:00 pm.
Airport Shuttle Information for International and Domestic Flights Important Considerations: • All flights must land one hour before the shuttle bus is scheduled to depart to Rabun Gap. • Students staying in the local areas traveling by shuttle should arrive at the airport one hour before the shuttle is scheduled to depart. • Please notify the School of any changes in your child’s flight or transportation arrangements immediately. On the day of travel please notify the Duty Administrator of flight delays, missed flights or changes in leave slip plans by calling 706-982-2343.
Students may not access their dorms during breaks when dormitories are closed. Dormitories re-open at 3:00 pm on the travel day prior to classes beginning following breaks. Additional Information Regarding Holiday Travel: • There is no direct public transportation to and from Rabun Gap, but there are private transportation services that can be hired when students are unable to meet the travel schedule of the Rabun Gap shuttle. Please contact the Student Life Office at 706-7467704 for a list of local services. Cost for this service is strictly between the individual student and the shuttle service and must be paid at the time of service. This cost cannot be
2015-2016 Academic Year Holiday Airport Shuttle Schedule & Travel Information THANKSGIVING BREAK
All Dorms Close 12:00pm on Friday, November 20, 2015
All Dorms Open 3:00pm on Monday, November 30, 2015
LEAVE SCHOOL by 12:00pm on Friday, November 20, 2015
Shuttle Bus to Hartsfield-Jackson (ATL) leaves at 6:00am SCHEDULE DEPARTING FLIGHTS NO EARLIER THAN 11:00am Students using personal transportation may leave after their final school committment on Thursday, November 19
RETURN TO SCHOOL by 9:00pm on Sunday, November 30, 2015
Shuttle Buses from ATL depart at 1:00pm and 5:00pm SCHEDULE RETURNING FLIGHTS TO ATL: PRIOR TO 12:00pm for 1:00pm Shuttle Bus PRIOR TO 4:00pm for 5:00pm Shuttle Bus
All Dorms Close 12:00pm on Friday, December 18, 2015
All Dorms Open 3:00pm on Sunday, January 3, 2016
LEAVE SCHOOL by 12:00pm on Friday, December 18, 2015
Shuttle Bus to Hartsfield-Jackson (ATL) leaves at 6:00am SCHEDULE DEPARTING FLIGHTS NO EARLIER THAN 11:00am Students using personal transportation may leave after their final school committment on Thursday, December 17
RETURN TO SCHOOL by 9:00pm on Sunday, January 3, 2016
Shuttle Buses from ATL depart at 1:00pm and 5:00pm SCHEDULE RETURNING FLIGHTS TO ATL: PRIOR TO 12:00pm for 1:00pm Shuttle Bus PRIOR TO 4:00pm for 5:00pm Shuttle Bus
All Dorms Close 12:00pm on Friday, February 26, 2016
All Dorms Open 3:00pm on Sunday, March 13, 2016
LEAVE SCHOOL by 12:00pm on Friday, February 26, 2016
Shuttle Bus to Hartsfield-Jackson (ATL) leaves at 6:00am SCHEDULE DEPARTING FLIGHTS NO EARLIER THAN 11:00am Students using personal transportation may leave after their final school committment on Thursday, February 25
RETURN TO SCHOOL by 9:00pm on Sunday, March 13, 2016
Shuttle Buses from ATL depart at 1:00pm and 5:00pm SCHEDULE RETURNING FLIGHTS TO ATL: PRIOR TO 12:00pm for 1:00pm Shuttle Bus PRIOR TO 4:00pm for 5:00pm Shuttle Bus
LEAVE SCHOOL by 12:00pm on Thursday, March 24, 2016
Shuttle Bus to Hartsfield-Jackson (ATL) leaves at 6:00am SCHEDULE DEPARTING FLIGHTS NO EARLIER THAN 11:00am Students using personal transportation may leave after their final school committment on Thursday, March 24
RETURN TO SCHOOL by 9:00pm on Monday, March 28, 2016
Shuttle Bus from ATL departs at 5:00pm ONLY SCHEDULE RETURNING FLIGHTS TO ATL: PRIOR TO 4:00pm for 5:00pm Shuttle Bus
Saturday, May 14, 2016 Upper School Awards Ceremony at 5:00pm
Sunday, May 15, 2016 Baccalaureate at 9:00am Graduation at 10:30am
Seniors are required to leave campus by 2:00pm on Sunday, May 15, 2016. Rabun Gap does not provide airport shuttle service for Seniors following graduation.
Students may leave after their last exam during the week of May 23–26, 2016. All Dorms Close 12:00pm on Friday, May 27.
LEAVE SCHOOL by 12:00pm on Friday, May 27, 2016
Shuttle Bus to Hartsfield-Jackson (ATL) leaves at 6:00am SCHEDULE DEPARTING FLIGHTS NO EARLIER THAN 11:00am
Rabun Gap-Nacoochee Middle School
International Student Program and Support
teacher to determine if it is appropriate. Other important considerations: • Students must speak English at all official school events like Convocation, Chapel, sports practices and games, study hall, class meetings, etc. • Students must also speak English during informal occasions (in the dorm, on the way to classes, in the library, etc.) when they are interacting with people who do not speak their native language. • Students may speak their native language at meals, but are strongly encouraged to sit with people outside of their nationality group and speak English.
International Student English Immersion Program: International students are placed in the English Immersion program according to their level of proficiency in English. In some cases, students do not require any English Immersion courses. In order to promote opportunity for language development, students are placed in mainstream courses, even as they are enrolled in the English Immersion program. The progress of each student is carefully monitored throughout his/her course of study at Rabun Gap. As with many university ESL programs, English Immersion courses at Rabun Gap are required until the student reaches a level of English proficiency enabling him/her to exit the program. The English Immersion Director works with the Registrar to determine the courses needed as the student progresses. International Student Orientation: Rabun Gap Middle School provides an optional International Student Summer Orientation which helps new international students adjust to life in the United States and at Rabun Gap. Our Summer Orientation is an effective language and cultural immersion program. In addition, students particularly appreciate the opportunity to become familiar with campus before the school year begins. This orientation is essential to a smooth transition into life at Rabun Gap. Participation in this program is determined by the Director of Admission and Director of International Programing.
International Student Graduation Require ments: The transcripts of all international students are reviewed by the Academic Office and the Director of the English Immersion Program to determine which credits will transfer according to Rabun Gap policy. It is essential that all international students provide the Registrar with an official translated copy of their transcript from their previous school. Rabun Gap cannot issue transfer credits without this documentation. Rabun Gap does not offer an ESL diploma, and each international student who wishes to graduate must meet all specific language and mainstream expectations of the Academic Office. Every schedule and course change for any international student must have the approval of the Academic Office and/or the Director of the English Immersion Program.
International Student Language Policy: In order to foster growth in English language acquisition, international students are expected to speak English in class. Teachers may permit the use of native language in the classroom under very specific circumstances. Always check with your
International Club and International Day: International students are a very important part of Rabun Gap and their different backgrounds and cultures make the School a much richer community. The International Club looks for ways to give students an opportunity to share their
2015-2016 Academic Year approved by the Student Life Office at least two weeks before vacations begin. Students and parents are advised to plan early for vacations. The availability of seats and the cost of tickets will not be valid reasons for extending vacations. The School calendar is set early in the summer before the school year starts to allow parents to save money by planning ahead and booking flights according to the calendar. International Student Passports, I-20s & IDs: Upon arrival at Rabun Gap, all international students will give their passports and I-20s to the Director of Admission, who will keep them in a locked fire resistant safe during the school year. Passports will be returned to students traveling outside the United States or as otherwise needed. cultures, traditions, and homelands with others. International Day takes place every spring and allows international students to share some of the attributes of their home countries through food, traditional clothing, displays, and entertainment. All students are required to participate in International Day.
International Student Appointed United States Contact: Every international student at Rabun Gap must have a United States contact–someone who lives in the United States, speaks English, and is at least twenty-one years old. The United States contact is appointed by parents to act for them in critical decisions concerning their children, particularly when parents cannot be reached quickly. Also, experience has shown that having a contact who resides in the United States can be very important if there is an emergency or a need for special permission.
International Student Residential Hall Assignments: Community life provides international students an opportunity to share their cultural background with other international and American students. It also gives them an opportunity to experience and appreciate other cultural backgrounds and language. In order to encourage this type of mutual growth, international students are placed with someone from another culture so that both will benefit from each other.
Parents will receive grades and communication directly from the School. If parents wish, the United States contact may also receive copies of correspondence to parents. This can be helpful, especially if the guardian is bilingual.
International Student Vacations: The Director of International Programming is available to support international families as they make vacation travel plan. As with all boarding students, all travel plans must be
International Student Driver’s License: The School does not have a driver’s training program. However, students who want to apply for a driver’s license can make
Rabun Gap-Nacoochee Middle School arrangements to do so. They must be at least eighteen years old or the parent/guardian must appear at the Department of Drivers Services in person to give permission.
adverse effects, and expected outcomes. 5. Medications must be presented in original containers with the English translation clearly printed on the label. 6. The medication must be recognized by the United States Pharmacopoeia as safe and effective.
International Student Banking: All international students should have a personal bank account. The School can assist students in opening an account at one of several local banks. Rabun Gap does not maintain a student account, so students cannot receive spending money through their school account. Money can be sent by wire transfer to the student’s personal bank account. The Director of International Programming can give specific instructions for wiring money.
Student Support Services The Student Resource Center: The Student Resource Center (SRC) is housed in the Library on the Upper School campus and offers after-school math help until 4:30 pm. School Counseling and Health Services: The primary concern of the counseling and health programs is the wellbeing of the students in our school community. Parents and students agree, as a condition of continued enrollment, to consent to the release of any of the student’s health related information, including information relating to drug treatment, testing, medical and mental health records, to employees or agents of Rabun Gap, as determined by the Head of School or his designee, to meet the medical or safety needs of the student and the community or the legal responsibilities of the School.
International Student Medications: International students must follow Rabun Gap’s medication policy. Only medications that are considered over-the-counter in the United States will be administered without a written doctor’s prescription. The following information must be provided in English before any international medication may be administered: 1. Information on the container must include the student’s name, the name of the drug, dosage, amount, route of administration, the time interval of the dose, and the name of the prescribing licensed healthcare provider. 2. The School Nurse, based on nursing assessment, determines that the medication can be given at school. 3. The administration of medication in no way violates nursing protocols or standing orders. 4. The School Nurse is aware of and has access to current reliable information regarding the safe use of the medication including side effects and toxicity, possible drug interactions,
Rabun Gap will maintain appropriate administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect the security of all health-related information within its care or custody. While it is the obligation of Rabun Gap to safeguard student medical information, we must balance matters of privacy and confidentiality with safeguarding the interests and wellbeing of our students and our community. Thus, parents/guardians and students consent to allow employees and agents of Rabun Gap who have a need to know medical and/ or psychological information necessary
2015-2016 Academic Year to serve the best interests of the student and/or the community. In the event of a disclosure required by law, every effort will be made to notify the student and/or parents/guardians in advance.
of harm to the individual, someone else, or the community exists. If the School determines a student is a danger to himself, herself, or others, the parent is notified, and the student will be asked to leave Rabun Gap to obtain a psychiatric evaluation to ensure safety. The result of the evaluation must be submitted to the School’s senior administrators for review. A decision regarding the student’s return to Rabun Gap will be made based on the outcome of the evaluation and the student’s prior history while at Rabun Gap. The time spent away from school is excused medical leave, because this process may take time. The student may not return to school until approval is given by the School’s senior administration. If it is decided that it is in the best interest of the student and the community for the student to return, the student will be asked to sign a relapse prevention contract. Rabun Gap wants the student and the family to understand while every student deserves the opportunity to be successful, repeated episodes of similar behavior may mean Rabun Gap is not equipped to provide the appropriate type and level of care needed for this particular student.
Counseling is available to all students and can be obtained by self-referral or by parent/guardian request. Students who wish to talk with a counselor are encouraged to do so during a study hall or after school hours. From time to time the School reserves the right to require counseling intervention as a condition of enrollment at Rabun Gap. The School may require an evaluation by a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist. The School or family may arrange for these evaluations. Rabun Gap must receive the requested documentation as soon as possible, no later than sixty days after the request. Faculty members or Advisors may suggest counseling for a student about whom they have concern. If a student is referred for counseling, the nature and origin of that referral may be shared with the student. When long-term therapy, psychological testing, or psychiatric services are requested or needed, students will be referred to a local professional. Some local counselors are willing to meet with students on campus in a private counseling space. Parental or guardian permission is required for ancillary counseling services, and parents or guardians are directly responsible to providers for all charges.
If a student is involved with a counselor, psychologist, or psychiatrist independent of the School community, this information must be noted in the student’s Rabun Gap medical record. In such cases, the family must notify the Director of Counseling. The School will strive to work cooperatively with the family and mental health professionals to provide needed support. Parents/ guardians will sign a release-of-information with the outside provider so that pertinent information can be shared with the School to coordinate services.
All external professional counselors subscribe to a policy of confidentiality in their work with students or faculty members who seek them out for consultation. Confidentiality, however, must yield to safety when threat
Cases of physical or sexual abuse must, by law, be reported immediately to the Department of Family and Children’s Services.
Rabun Gap-Nacoochee Middle School
Student Health Center
the time of service. For this reason we recommend students have a debit or credit card.
Procedures: The aim of the Student Health Center is to care for the immediate health needs of students attending Rabun Gap. The Health Center is located across the street from the dining hall in Jackson. Students who need to see the School Nurse are encouraged to do so before school, during lunch, or in the afternoons.
There will be a transportation charge of $10 per student for local doctor and pharmacy visits. All out of town visits will be charged at the current IRS mileage reimbursement rate plus the cost of a driver. Upon request, students can receive confidential health services through the Rabun County Health Department.
Preventative medical and dental check-ups are very important. We ask that parents schedule these appointments while students are home over school breaks. If a child becomes sick or is injured while at school, the School Nurse or her designee will make the necessary arrangements for the child to see a local doctor if needed. Parents/guardians are directly responsible to the provider for all charges. It is very important that Student Health be advised of any changes to insurance coverage throughout the year. The student will be responsible for the insurance co-pay at
All prescriptions are filled at U-Save It: 321 Hwy. 441 North; Clayton, GA 30525 / Phone: 706-782-3813. If U-Save It is not on your plan, you may wish to have your child’s prescriptions filled at home and mailed to the Rabun Gap Health Center. Should you choose this option please be mindful of the time involved to ensure your child does not run out of medication. If your child takes prescription medications,
2015-2016 Academic Year please do not mail medication directly to your child. All medication should be addressed to the School in care of the Student Health Center. If you send medication back to school with your child after a school break, please instruct your child to turn in their medication to his/her residential faculty member upon arriving at the dorm.
bound students their evening meal from the dining hall. A student who is room bound is not allowed to participate in extracurricular activities or sports practices that day. Being room bound gives the student extra time for rest and recuperation in the evening and also helps prevent the spread of contagious conditions. When a student has an injury in which a physician has limited or restricted participation in sports or PE, that student will be required to have a written note from the diagnosing physician before the student will be allowed to participate, practice, or play in a game.
If a child is currently undergoing ortho dontic treatment (braces), parents should make every effort to continue seeing their own orthodontist at home while on breaks. If a child will not be going home during the school year, parents should contact the School Nurse for arrangements with local orthodontists.
Medication Policy: All medications, prescription, over-the-counter and homeopathic therapies, must be turned in to the School Nurse. At the discretion of the School Nurse, medications used for asthma, diabetes, and antibiotics may be returned to the student after appropriate verification and documentation of the prescription. These might include vitamins, homeopathics and medications used for asthma, diabetes and antibiotics. 1. A student who is prescribed an inhaler for asthma should keep the inhaler on his/her person at all times. Our athletic trainer requires a second inhaler if they are participating in a sport. 2. Medications and equipment used for control of diabetes may be kept in the student’s room provided that the School Nurse and residential faculty agree that the student will be responsible for his/her own medications. 3. All prescription medications must be presented in the original container with the correct instructions on the label, intact and legible. If the dosage instructions change at any time after the label is printed, a new physician’s
All students are required to have medical insurance which has a claims office within the United States. Insurance must remain in effect through the entire time a student attends Rabun Gap. Should your insurance coverage change during the school year, a copy of the new insurance card needs to be submitted to the Student Health Center. All students are required to have an annual physical completed after June 1st, 2015 by a licensed healthcare provider. All health and physical forms MUST be completed to the satisfaction of the School Nurse before a student may participate in any school activity, including athletics. Students who do not meet the immuni zation requirements of the State of Georgia may not remain enrolled in school. At the School Nurse’s discretion, students who do not feel well enough to attend school will be put to bed in the Student Health Center for the school day. Students are not allowed to stay in their dorm rooms during the school day. Faculty will bring room
Rabun Gap-Nacoochee Middle School order MUST be submitted to the School Nurse before the change in administration of the medication can be made. The physician may fax the order to the School at 706-746-7762. 4. Over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol, Advil, Sudafed, etc., must be identified and labeled by the School Nurse. Once identified and labeled, these medications may be kept in the dorm and self-administered by the student. Under no circumstances may students share these medications with other students. 5. Students who take daily medications, such as Ritalin will do so in a location designated by Rabun Gap. It is the student’s responsibility to allow time to obtain medications, initial the Medication Administration Log and be in class on time. On school days, the School Nurse or her designee will give lunch medication. Evening
medications will be given in the residence hall. 6. We take violations to the Medication Policy seriously and offenders will be referred to the Student Life Office. Supplements - Herbal and Homeopathic Remedies Policy: While it is recognized that many families have chosen natural and homeopathic remedies, Rabun GapNacoochee School requires that the use of these remedies follow Medication Policy as outlined in the Student Handbook. The School Nurse may elect to return certain preparations after appropriate verification and documentation. It is understood that if the preparation is returned to the student, Rabun Gap takes no responsibility for the supervision of its administration. If any of the supplements, herbal or homeopathic remedies are intended to alter the student’s mood, alleviate anxiety, or change behaviors, these remedies must be maintained by the residential faculty.
2015-2016 Academic Year
Airport Shuttle Information . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Alcohol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Animals on Campus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Attendance Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Behavior Related Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Boarding Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Bullying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Campus Style Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Casual Dress Days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Cell Phones & Electronics Policy . . . . . . . 10 Closed Weekends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Day Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Dining Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Destructive Acts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Discipline Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Disciplinary Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Discrimination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Dress Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Fundraising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Harassment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Hazing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Herbal/Homeopathic Remedies . . . . . . . 36 Honor Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
International Student Program . . . . . . . . 30 Leave and Travel Information . . . . . . . . . 26 Major School Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Meal Program for Day Students . . . . . . . 21 Medication Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Offensive Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Off Campus Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Out of School Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Posters and Announcements . . . . . . . . . . 11 Rearden Theatre Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Reporting of Accidents and Hazards . . . . 11 Sexual Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Sexual Harassment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Shoes – Approved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Social Networks and Online Media . . . . . 12 Student Health Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Student Support Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Supplements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Retaliation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Technology – Acceptable Use Policy . . . . 12 Tobacco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Violence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Weapons and Threats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School
339 Nacoochee Drive, Rabun Gap, Georgia 30568