Synopsis year 11 vol 1

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Lastly, we are pleased to announce the release of our club theme “


Rotaract club of Dharan Ghopa is not just a club...there is a separate world within itself. Enthusiastic youths from different parts of the nation from various faculties have come together under the

Year 11 Volume : 1

July/ August issue

single roof.


The aim for the reinforcement in Rotaract is to bind all the success and experiences that of the club and its members and then to disperse among us all to know the Rotaract or to follow the Rotaract. We all have the wishes and wants that has been lost within ourselves probably due to primary instincts and insignificant boundaries. Rotaract completely acknowledges the fact that life would be cloud nine if there is a grant for the things that we sigh for. Therefore, we-the rotaractors ally always, as a hope for those dreams and desires fulfillment.

Sponsored by : Rotary Club Of Dharan Ghopa Chartered Date : 29th June, 2004 RID 3292

Congratulations to the Board 2013-14 INSIDE

Another goal is to strengthen its dignity and pave to act on our motives. Our motives and goals are non other than to serve...serve ourselves to build us, serve the community and serve the world.It is the cause why we stand and why our club stands. what we want to achieve and will achieve after service is transcendence, the state of excelling beyond usual limits, state of being par excellence.


Club Service

Community Service

Rtr. Lalit Jha

Project Focus

Secretary (2013-14)

International Service

Club Theme




Smile On Your Eyes -Rtr. Ankita Rai

Staring at the ceiling all night long Didn't sleep a wink because I feared the world A coward patient who willingly aborted a baby Not caring about the life that she carried Nor being for her lonely soul Neither imaging the future they could have mould An ever so poor and heartless patients

-Rtr Aparna Ghimire

I do smile, When they touch my hands When they hold me tight, I have a promise to make To let them hear what’s outside To make them feel how’s it right They hear me smile

Nor can they repent for their sin

We know it well

Neither can they sew the blood they severed

It resides in the eyes

Hidden among us are so men so scary

Sight is darkness, But I see an insight

Destroys a girl's life without any mercy

A perfect being, I behold

Never realize ' its with life they are playing

A pure soul and a beautiful heart

Never regrets, repents yet are so proudly

Inquisitive eyes and grateful mind

All those scary thoughts kept me awake

I have to bestow rain today

So weak as a girl I have never felt.

Squeezing each droplet I hold

Had I been a boy would I have fought

I quench their thirst with all I have



“Best club of RI District 3292, Nepal and Bhutan”

I see their smile

For never be forgiven for selling one's daughter

Would I have slept or stayed awake at all !

And, History Repeats Itself At…

Outstanding President

Largest club in terms of membership

Outstanding secretary

Outstanding Project “PAILA”

Outstanding Treasurer

Best in Professional Development

Best In International Service

And I am granted wet eyes SYNOPSIS YEAR 11 VOL 1

Best DRR visit



From the Editorial and Publication Committee Finally the closing moment, which we have been eagerly waiting for the last two weeks. Our experiment in your hands, feels great! It is an experiment because when we set out to bring the first print version of this bimonthly publication of RACDG, sincerely speaking we had no idea in which direction we had to set sail in that ocean of uncertainty but today we are glad that somehow we came through. This endeavor of ours was greatly assisted by our “ god sent” friends and partners who we can’t thank enough. Hence , we thank our advisors, sponsors, printing partners, friends from Rotary and Rotaract club of Dharan Ghopa, Manoj dai , Mukesh dai and all our members. Being our first issue, all these late night work hours, missed deadlines, coping with the hectic schedule of medical school , and all ‘behind the scene stories’ of this issue will remain close to our hearts. HAPPY READING ,HAPPY DASHAIN & HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!

It is a matter of immense pleasure for me to write for the SYNOPSIS, 1st bimonthly magazine of the Rota year 2013-14. It has already been two months of the tenure now. We have launched “Abhilasha Goat Project “ in this tenure along with continuation of PAILA, SAFE HANDS and others for the needy and underprivileged people of society. RI president Ron Burton has a theme “ Engage Rotary, Change Lives”. So let us engage Rotaract and change lives, the change for good. I heartily congratulate the editorial board for the first issue of the magazine and express sincere gratitude to all for their contribution in this issue. I wish you all Happy Vijaya Dashami and Tihar. Jay Rotaract!! Rtr. Ananta Aryal President (2013-14) RAC Dharan Ghopa

Chief Editor: Rtr Dipak Mishra Co-editor: Rtr Prasoon Ghimire


Advertisement co-ordinators:

When I was a Rotaractor !! -Rtn

Mukesh Agrawal , Past President RACDG (2006-07)

-Rtr Sanjay Poudel, ISD

Dear fellow Rotaractors,

Editorial and Publication Committee Back View of our club T-shirt cropped from a photo

I nt er nat i onal Ser vi c es


Rtr. Dipesh Rohita

World Explorer Bulletin


Rotaract Club of Bostanli, RID 2440 organized this event and asked us for one best explorer from our country, we recommended the world famous cyclist, Mr. Pushkar Shah, he was included in the list and making us all proud and also increasing the recognition of our club in the international level.

“Friendography” was organized by RID 3130 on 2nd Aug, 2013 on the occasion of “World Friendship Day”. It was organized with the aim of strengthening international understanding and fellowship. Around 120 clubs from around the globe participated in this event. II was participated by Rtr Lalit Jha and Rtr. Akash Koirala from our club.

International Logo Competition RAC Dharan Ghopa was the winner in the International Logo Competition organized by RAC Kathmandu Midtown on 6th September, 2013. The judging was done based on the opinion of a judges panel and number of likes on facebook.


PARISARYA : DOCTORS at your door Mega project

EXCEL: Professional development month

SMARIKA: district level essay competition

Rtr. Sneha Dahal


Rtr. Bibha Pathak

Before writing about my tenure as the president , there is some history that all of us must know about. Rotaract Club of Dharan Ghopa, the first Rotaract Club in the Eastern region, was chartered on 29th June 2004 with just 13 members, of which 7 were Members: Rtr. Chiranjibi Patel from outside and 6 from BPKIHS itself under the presidency of Rtr. Bishnu Hari Pokhrel and RCC Rtn Dr. Sudha Agrawal. Under the guidance of Rtr. Subhas Piya, Rtr. Sunil Kr Sah then ADRR our club got its recognition in RI under RID 3290 . Rtr. Drishya Dhungana During my presidency our club jointly organized a mini Rotaract District Conference with Rotaract Club of Biratnagar . The same year we started conducting annual Rtr. Lalit jha Pindeshwor Health Camp and World Rotaract Week. The district conference of district 3292 in that year was organized in the same tenure. In those days, our club had Rtr. Pratik Chaudhary members, like me from the outside of BPKIHS. Now, members have been limited only coming from BPKIHS. Only two of us, Rtn Manoj Shrestha and I have been the Advisors: Rtr. Govinda Tiwari presidents from outside BPKIHS. Although I am not from BPKIHS, it is the Rotaract Club of Dharan Ghopa that makes Rtr. Sameer Kr Jha me so much attached to BPKIHS . Looking at the awards won by our club since many years, our club has caught the eyes of the world. Every year our club sets a new examRtr. Prabhat Sapkota ple. Every year the club gains a new height. I would like to give best wishes to the incoming president Rtr. Ananta Aryal and the entire board for a successful tenure. Lastly, I would like to wish all the members of Rotaract Club of Dharan Ghopa and the ones reading this article a Happy Vijaya Dashami !! SYNOPSIS YEAR 11 VOL 1

Rtr. Dr. Ashish Raj Pant, our past president and advisor starting his residency in Opthalmology. Rtr. Dr. Sachit Sharma Rupakheti our past president for releasing his second music video CM (Distinction holders) in the annual exams Batch 2011 :Rtr. Raksha Bhattarai, Rtr. Prabin Phuyal, Rtr. Rohit Panjiyar, Rtr. Kapil Gautam, Rtr. Saurav Lamichane, Rtr. Madhu Rauniyar, Rtr. Alina Tandukar, Batch 2012-Rtr. Sneha Dhakal. Rtn Dr Ajay Agrawal (RCC) for being blessed with a child. To all the new interns from Rotaract family of Batch 2008


Rtr. Sunny Bhattarai

Rtr. Priyanka Roy

Rtr. Durgesh Chaudhary

Rtr. Purshottam Singh

Rtr. Bimlesh Yadav

Rtr. Nivesh Yadav

Rtr. Dipendra Sharma

Rtr. Rahul chaurasia

Rtr. Robin Yadav

Rtr. Sufiyan Babu

Rtr. Prabin Phuyal

Rtr. Rohit Panjiyar

Rtr. Rupesh Verma

Rtr. Navalok Sharma Ghimire

Rtr. Pratichhya Khatiwada

Rtr. Neha Thakur

Rtr.Prachi Sharda

Rtr. Vaishali Agrawal

Rtr. Pankaj Sah Rtr. Sushant Kr. Swatantra Rtr. Soni Chaudhary

Rtr. Roshan Yadav Rtr. Sobha Chapagain



PROJECT FOCUS MEGA PROJECT ABHILASHA PINDESWOR BOL BAM Rtr. Pratik Chaudhary, Chief Co-ordinator/ Health Service Dir. Pindeshwor Babadham, Dharan; Mondays Of Shrawan One of the religious spots for such pilgrimage is Pindeshwor Babadham Temple in Dharan where A 17 kms of bare-foot walk, in the intense sunlight or heavy rain is no less than a penance for thousands of pilgrims, old aged, fast-strict & even sick persons visit every year during this month. Hence, medical service and first aid to such people proves to be significant. Just like last 10 years, on below mentioned dates, Rac Dharan Ghopa conducted provided health care service to the pilgrims. Treatment of minor conditions, free drugs, dressing of wounds & suturing, ORS & Glucose, IV line for Dextrose, Ambulance service, etc were provided at the camp. More than 1900 received treatment from the camp. Highlights of the camp: 1st (July 21-22) - 5 Rtrs., 2 Drs., 38 patients medicated/ procedure, 108 patients given ORS/ Glucose. Total- 146 patients. 2nd (July 28-29) - 6 Rtrs., 3 Rtr. Drs., 7 unconscious patients, 152 patients medicated/ procedure, 159 patients given ORS/ Glucose. Total- 318 patients. 3rd (August 4-5) - Evening-morning shifts, 5 Rtrs., 5 Rtr. Drs., 11 unconscious patients, 223 patients medicated/ procedure, 308 patients given ORS/ Glucose. Total- 542 patients. 4th (August 11-12) - Evening-morning shifts, 7 Rtrs., 2 Rtr. Drs., 16 unconscious patients, 389 patients medicated/ procedure, 412 patients given ORS/ Glucose. Total – 817 patients. With immense supports from Rotary Club of Dharan Ghopa, BPKIHS, Nepal Medical and Sales Representative Association(NMSRA) , Sunsari District Hospital ( Inaruwa), Dharan Muncipality, Sub-Health Post Dharan, Bolbom Organising Committee, the health camp was a grand success. A total of 10 rotaractor doctors had been consistently available in the nights to provide the health care and a team of 23 other rotaractors had been in camp so as to ensure the smooth running of the program.


CLUB SERVICES 10th Chartered Day Celebration

Rtr.Sanjay Paudel (Chief Co-ordinator) , ISD

Rtr. Aashish Yadav / 29-07-2013

Rtr. Nava Chandra Oli,Rtr. Rashmi Basnet Rtr.Sabita Poudel 27-7-2070

We celebrated our 10th Chartered Day ceremony at the seminar hall. The program was graced by the presence of ZRR Rtr. Dr Bijay Bhandari and several past presidents, board members and general members of Rotary and Rotaract. The program was followed by several games and intraclub fellowship programs.

ABHILASHA targeted in Foklyan VDC, Railway and Panchakanya of Dharan is a long term community service project under International Service Avenue. It is primarily focused to uplift the underprivileged and economically challenged people and improve their standard of living. Along with creating an opportunity for self-employment to the family members. Under the first phase of this project we have distributed total of 12 she-goats of 5-7 months of age to five families in Railway area, four families in Foklyan area and three families in Panchakanya VDC. The monitoring team of Rotaractors, VDC representatives,Social Leaders and distinguished personalities has been formed. The distributed goats will be under the supervision and regular monitoring of our club. The family has to return back the first female goat child to the club and the former she-goat along with other babies will be permanently handed to the family. Thus the new baby obtained from the family will be distributed to other underprivileged families and so on. This project is initiated under the support of Friends of Nepal, New Jersey and Rotary District 7510.

11th Installation Ceremony Rtr. Rajesh Deshar and Rtr. Sunil Kr. Shah/ 13-08-2013

We observed our 11th installation ceremony at Auditorium Hall, BPKIHS in the presence of ZRR and members from Rotary. The program was also attended by many Rotaractors & Rotarians from Biratnagar, Itahari & Dharan. Various awards were given to outstanding Rotaractors for Rota year 2012-13 by outgoing president Rtr. Sanjay Poudel

Radio Program : “Sewa Ma Rotary” 29-08-2013 Just like last year, our secretary Rtr. Lalit Jha was interviewed by “Radio Sagarmatha”, where he informed about our club activities especially about the children at Safalta Shikshya Sadan. Sewa Ma Rotary is a national level radio program supported by Rotary.

Felicitation to Rtn. Dr. Sudha Agrawal Rtr. Siddhartha Khanal / 16-07-2013 RAC Dharan Ghopa felicitated Rtn. Prof. Dr. Sudha Agrawal for her appointment as the Academic Dean of BPKIHS. She is also the ADG for RID 3292. We wish her a very successful tenure in the office.

Farewell to outgoing Rotaractors Rtr. Puja Pyakurel and Rtr. Sujata Karki -22-07-2013 As per our tradition, we bid farewell to our senior Rotaractors from B.Sc. Nursing of Batch 2009. It was held in Staff Canteen. Over 100 Rotaractors participated in the program where they shared their experiences of their stay in BPKIHS and Rotaract family


First Club Assembly Rtr Chiranjibi Patel/ CSD , 24-07-2013 As per the directives of RI, the first club meeting was held in the month of June. It was preparatory meeting for the plans and policies of Rota year 2013-14. It was held in the presence of ZRR Dr. Bijay Bhandari and RCC Rtn. Ishwor Tamrakar 2012-13 including representatives from Rotary.



BEYOND RAC Dharan Ghopa !!

We Participated in


1. First Zonal Meeting on 20th July 2013

Helping Children At Safalta Siksha Sadan

2. Installation Ceremony of Rotary Club of Dharan Ghopa on 2nd August 2013

Rtr Sabita Poudel / SAP co-ordinator (29-08-2013)

3. 29th Installation Ceremony of Rotary Club of Dharan and 13th Installation Ceremony of Rotaract Club of Dharan on 3rd August 2013 4. First Zonal Meeting on 20th July 2013 5. TWIN Club Agreement was renewed with RAC Swoyambhu,while new twin club agreements were signed with RAC Butwal and RAC Calcutta South Central

RAC Dharan Ghopa conducted a program on Helping Children with HIV/AIDS of Saphalta Siksha Sadan with grand success on 29th August, 2013 in Kirtipur. The program was conducted by Rtr. Sabita Paudel. Many Rotaractors were involved in the program and there support from Rotary club of Yala , Jawalakhel and Rotary club Of Branchburg.. Lots of fun filled moments were experienced which made the program enjoyable for the children and rotaractors alike.

Participation in BAGMATI SAFAI MAHA Abhiyaan 31-0 8-20 13

And the Rotaractism continues… Rtr. Puja Pyakurel, PRO ''Fellowship through service'', ''Self-less service'', ''Think rationally and act globally''.. Somehow manage to get along with the central theme of word ''ROTARACT'' which indeed is quite difficult to encapsulate. Confining the unlimited coverage of services offered by Rotaract would be an injustice to its efforts and I bet if anyone would disagree. My attempt to express my views and feelings related to Rotaract are just for appreciating and encouraging all those who have interest in being a Rotaractor, else jotting down these feelings of attachment is impossible. ROTARACT!!! Just like any other dedicated fellow Rotaractor of mine, I, as well couldn't abstain myself from getting along with its magical charisma. I clearly remember my first event in Rotaract as a participant in Zonal COTS which I must say brought a big difference in me as I got to extend my knowledge of Rotaract. It can be said, the event lit a spark of acknowledgement which flickered by passing time and my involvement in Rotaract never diverged off the track, may be the reason being its dedication and pure services to uplift the turned down status and helping others become independent achievers. Different projects aiming to make special effort in changing lives are so appreciable that one would feel immense pleasure and satisfaction for those returns gifts of blessing hearts and incredible smiles that would encourage you much more ;despite of sufferings you undergo during any initiations. Rotaract provides you the platform to expertise your efforts from local to international level as well as guide you to broaden your vision and act along different interlinked channels and grow even more confident n potent. Needless to mention about surplus professional development skills. The only ‘funda’ required is you need to be truly influenced and involve actively in Rotaract to mark and achieve difference within you.. 'the real you'!!. Me, being a Rotaractor who has already come across these very phases of self-changes assure you all of the guidance and support from us, for you'll not only be contributing your self-less services to others but also will be achieving numerous benefits. Its the perfect time to join Rotaract and explore your potentials. .Remember the platform is around you; all you need to do is to just pull your accelerator and bring your life to a well-directed track. Our arms are always ready to welcome new ideas and new initiatives.

As per the commitment of Rotaract Nepal to the CLEAN UP NEPAL Movement, our club participated in this grand event with the purpose of eradication of pollution from Bagmati River and its surrounding areas. Many Rotaractors and the members of other organization reached the site early in the morning worked together on cleaning the area. It was an excellent opportunity to build fellowship between members of different clubs.

Just This Once

Rtr Jigyasha Timsina

Why is it so hard, for you and me to wear our real attire

Just this once listen

To give in to our heart's desire.

to the music in your heart and

Pretending has always been the rule

dance to its beat

"Embracing yourself " is just for fools

Let loose, greet no matter who you meet

Holding it all in, has been your life

Just this once

But trust me there never will be a time so ripe

let go all your ifs and buts

Shed your mask for just this once

Believe in yourself

let go of all your worries , just live your chance

All you got to do is trust

Explore the heavens, all those unreachable

And just this once gather the courage to live your life

Dream, Live, Realize

Just this Once....

Break the rules unbreachable Just this once be crazy and be a little wild


why not release the suppressed inner child SYNOPSIS YEAR 11 VOL 1

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