Synopsis 1st Edition Rota Year 2020-21

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“The artist is not a special kind of person; rather each person is a special kind of artist.” We had assured not to let any stone unturned while trying to recapitulate our theme “Grab Opportunities to Create Yourself ” among all our members. So, here we present the first issue of our garden named ‘SYNOPSIS’ where different creative flowers blossom. The stature of Rotaract Club of Dharan Ghopa is justified by its members full of compassion, evolving minds, determination and their ultimate talents. We always try to create a favorable environment where we can share our talents and mutually encourage one another for betterment and upliftment in all the regards possible. Despite this Pandemic, we have tried our best to ignite our members to Grab Opportunities created by Rotary and Rotaract at various levels for the upliftment of the society. We have also been energized to work under our District theme “Creating Value” as we all know Rotaract has always been the self reliant and self accustomed organization known for creating and enhancing values; both at the individual level and the community level. I would like to appreciate this commendable effort of our editorial team and would also like to extend my best wishes to the team for this really commendable and praiseworthy work. “Keep Rotaracting!” Yours in Rotaract, Rtr. Rashmita Sunuwar


Board Members RY 20/21


Congratulations to the new Board Of Directors ! 3

Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Club Service Avenue 5-10 Community Service Avenue 12-21 Professional Development Avenue 23-27 International Service Avenue 29-34 Letterhead Exchange 11, 22, 28, 35, 37 Birthday Wish 36 Rotaractor of the Month 38-41 Art and Articles 42-53


Club Service Avenue

10 4

1. Installation Ceremony and Chartered Day Celebration 2. Zonal COTS 3. Zonal Meet I and Zonal Installation 4. Rota Fiesta 5. Induction Ceremony 6. Poem Competition 7. Zonal Meet II 8. Father’s Day Celebration 9. 1st Presidents Secretaries Meet 10. Post PS Meet Fellowship Night


Club Service Avenue Installation Ceremony And Chartered Day Celebration


The program was formally started at 5 pm by our host Rtr. Riwaz Adhikari. It was graced by the presence of Rtn. Prof. Dr. Ashish Shrestha, Rtn. Dr. Ashish Shrestha, Rtn. Rajesh Agrawal, DRR Rtr. Sneha Shakya, ZRR Rtr. Heniz Das, ZRR Elect Rtr. Aakriti Bhandari and 90 enthusiastic members. It was started by our IPP, Rtr. Dipendra Yadav’s warm welcome speech. Board members were acknowledged and awarded for their outstanding service. Rotaractor of the Year was awarded to Rtr. Raju Jaiswal, Rotaract Icon Award to Rtr. Akash Kumar Giri and Rtr. Riwaj Adhikari and Rotaract Rising Star Award to Rtr. Neha Sarkar. Incoming President Rtr. Rashmita Sunuwar and her team, the new board members were introduced to the participants. That followed the announcement of Twin clubs and Sister Clubs and release of Club Flex, Minute Book and Letter Pad. Then all the Board Members took oath and lastly “Rotaract de Journey”, a video trailer was released by the Editorial team marking the chartered day of the club. Finally our first ever digital Chartered Day Celebration and Installation program was concluded by the President with a Thank You note.

Zonal COTS Zonal COTS was started at 9:30 am till 12 pm. Attendee Board Members were divided into 3 groups, one group had President, Secretary, VPs, PE and JS, one for Treasurer and Joint-Treasurer and one had the directors, editorial team and coordinators. Two groups were trained through Google Meet while for President, Secretary, VPs, PE and JS the session was held on Microsoft Teams. It was a much needed session for the newly elected board members. All of them got to know their responsibilities as well as powers. The presentation also provided insights on conducting a club assembly/meeting, roles of a general member and so on.


Club Service Avenue During the fiesta, participants were asked to make videos on proper brushing technique, proper hand washing technique, proper mask wearing technique and demonstrate the techniques to their family & neighbourhood. Thus even in this menacing days of pandemic our rotaractors could serve and leave a mark on the society. Participants were judged on the basis of their efficiency, punctuality, dedication, discipline and creativity shown in the completion of the tasks. We also had a fellowship session to acknowledge every participants for their participation and for the announcement of the winners of different categories.

Zonal Meet I & Zonal Installation

The program was organized by Zone I on 25th July at 10 am. Our president Rtr. Rashmita Sunuwar attended the meet on behalf of our club. Various agendas were discussed by our ZRR, Rtr. Aakriti Bhandari with all the Rotaract leaders of Zone I.

Rota Fiesta Rota Fiesta was the most celebrated digital event organized by our club during the pandemic with the theme “Serve and Enjoy~ Enjoy and Serve�. It was a week-long event conducted in eRYLA format from 26th July to 2nd August. It was supported by our parent club Rotary Club of Dharan Ghopa and participants were the newly inducted Rotaractors, Interactors of Interact Club of Bishnu Memorial, Interact Club of Depot and Interact club of DPS School.


Club Service Avenue participation.

Induction Ceremony After receiving overwhelming response for new membership this year, we organized Induction Ceremony to officially welcome our 102 newly inducted Rotaractors. It was held on 11th July from 5 pm & ended nearly around 6 pm. We were honored to have Rtn. Dr. Vijay Khanal in our program who also led the oath taking ceremony for the newly inducted Rotaractors.

Poem Competition The online competition was organized for our interactors to unleash their literary dimensions. The competition was started from 2nd August, 2020 to 8th August and was co-ordinated by Rtr. Ayushma KC and was attended by the interactors from Interact club of Depot School, Interact club of Bishnu Memorial and Interact club of Delhi Public School. Every participants were great with their work yet the best 4 among the bests as decided by our judge Rtr Gopal Kr Yadav were: Itr. Iman Limbu (1st), Itr.Pranisha Khatiwada (2nd), Itr. Sashtika Acharya (3rd) and Itr. Mingsoma Limbu (4th). Winners were awarded with special certificate and every participants were given certificates for

Zonal Meet II The program was held on 22nd August at 10 am. The meeting was attended by Rtr. Rashmita Sunuwar, Rtr. Suraj Shah and Rtr. Neha Sarkar from our club and representatives of different clubs of zone I. It was an interactive session wherein fellow clubs presented their ongoing projects and club updates. We also had a brief talk on district dues and other club agendas with


Club Service Avenue media handles. It was really great to see everyone putting in their effort, dedication and creativeness.

ZRR Rtr. Aakriti Bhandari. All in all it was a great way to know the functionality of other clubs during this pandemic.

9 1st PS Meet For RY 2020/21

Fathers Day Celebrations

Rotaract Club of Dharan Ghopa hosted the We organised a programme on the occasion 1st PS Meet for RY 2020/21 virtually through Zoom platform on September 26, 2020. of “Father’s Day” (Buwa Ko Mukh Herne The Meet started at 11.45 am and ended Din/Kushe Aunshi) celebrated on 19th of around 4.30pm. There was the gracious August (Bhadra 3rd). The programme started on 18th August and presence of our District Governor Rtn. Rajib Pokhrel and our District Rotaract Committee ended on 22nd August. Chair Rtn. Subash Sigdel. Altogether there Altogether we had 22 participants (1 were around 280 participants including the Interactor, 2 Non-Rotaractors and 19 Rotaractors) who sent their entries through Presidents and Secretaries from the Rotaract Clubs of District 3292 along with the District emails. The participants celebrated the day Rotaract Committee Members. The session with photo collages, videos, short notes to fathers, sketches, poems and articles, related was hosted by our SAA Rtr. Simon Karki and to fathers. We posted them on our club social Vice President Rtr. Riwaj Adhikari.


Club Service Avenue 1st PS Meet Fellowship Night Rotaract Club of Dharan Ghopa hosted the 1st PS Meet Fellowship Night for RY 2020/21 virtually through Zoom platform with facebook live on September 26, 2020. The fellowship night event went really amazing with different rotaractors enjoying the night and showering their talents. We had a lot of wonderful performances like dance, singing songs, gajal, shayari, comedies, Guess the Movie Game and also as the Special attraction for the event, we had a great performer Mr. Basanta Shrestha, Past President of Rotaract Club of Butwal. Altogether there was the presence of over 200 Rotaractors from various Rotaract Clubs of District 3292.


Letterhead Exchange



Community Service Avenue

17 12

1. #NOTANYMORE campaign 2. WHO COVID-19 Guidelines 3. Awareness Month [Sep10-Oct10] 4. Rotaract-Interact Tuition Classes I 5. Art of Living 6. Quarantine and Isolation during COVID 19 7. Depression and COVID-19 is related 8. Gender Violence and COVID-19 9. Breathing Technique 10. Webinar on Mental Health awareness 11. JEEVANSAILI - Episode 1 12. Rota Forest Phase I 13. Rota Forest - Phase II 14. Tree Plantation 15. Mental Health and Happiness Matters 16. #NOTANYMORE campaign [Interact] 17. Three Wonderful Reasons to live a Happy Life


Community Service Avenue #NOTANYMORE campaign

We hosted the webinar on “#NOTANYMORE“ campaign on 18th July 2020, initiated by Political Literacy For Women. This program was organized by Zone 1 and co-hosted by all other Rotaract clubs of zone 1. The session was started by ZRR Rtr. Aakriti Bhandari and Samana Lawati giving a warm welcome speech and then by campaign lead Dipasha Bista. She well elaborated about online sexual harassment, laws regarding it, and actions to be taken against the violence. The presentation demonstrated during the session was so descriptive and helpful making the session a wonderful one. It was a very great experience for all of us.

WHO COVID-19 Guidelines We collaborated with Rotaract Club of Kathmandu University Medical School, as a media partner for their project “WHO COVID-19 Guidelines”. In the project, we posted one poster per day, for 26 days, from August 19, 2020 to September 13, 2020. The posters were informative and targeted to provide awareness to a large number of people regarding the precautions and safety

measures against the virus causing this pandemic.

Youth And Mental Health Rotaract Club of Dharan Ghopa jointly with our twin club Rotaract Club Of Bhadrapur on collaboration with Psychiatrists Association of Nepal (PAN) conducted a session on “Youth and Mental Health” as a part of our one month awareness programme (Sept-10 to Oct-10) on the ocassion of “World Suicide Prevention Day” and “World Mental Health Day” respectively. We had gracious presence of Dr. Prabhat Chalise (Consultant Psychiatrist, Koshi Hospital, Biratnagar) as our speaker. He started the session by introducing mental health. He clearly explained about the risk factors, warning signs, types of mental illnesses and many more. He also explained about how youth and mental health are related and what are the ways to control them. The main motive of the programme was to help the participants to face the mental health problems and move a step toward positivity.


Community Service Avenue Awareness Month [ September 10 - October 10] Rotaract Club of Dharan Ghopa with Rotaract Club of Bhadrapur organized a month long awareness campaign on the occasion of World Suicide Prevention Day (September 10) to World Mental Health Day (October 10). The awareness month included various programs targeted to the general public to help them remove any mental problems and help them lead a happy life. The details of various webinars, art of living sessions are described within the magazine. Our club also promoted the campaign on social media by releasing various videos, pamphlets and banners.

Rotaract Interact Tuition Classes Rotaract Club of Dharan Ghopa and Interact club of Depot school had 1st episode of long term joint project“Rotaract Interact Tuition Classes� on 25th September, 2020 from 3 pm to 4 pm. The main objectives of the program were to focus on the academic career of interactors, to increase the fellowship between Rotaractors and Interactors and to inspire people that involvement in club can also help us in our studies. The program was organized through online platform: Google Meet and there was the involvement of 6 students of Depot school (Class 10) and 2 Rotaractors from RAC Dharan Ghopa: Rtr Sujan Puri and Rtr Rajesh Achchhami.


Community Service Avenue Quarantine And Isolation During COVID-19 Rotaract Club of Dharan Ghopa in collaboration with RAC Birtamode, RAC Bhadrapur, RAC Biratnagar, RAC Biratnagar Downtown, RAC Dharan and RAC Itabhatta Municipal conducted a webinar on the topic “Quarantine and Isolation during COVID -19” on 2nd October, 2020 to cope with the exigency of isolation and quarantine knowledge among the general population in a developing country like ours. The event was conducted on the virtual platform ‘Zoom’ and altogether more than 100 participants participated in the webinar which was really the highest participation. We had Dr. Prajjwal Pyakurel, Assistant Professor at B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Dharan, Nepal, as the main speaker for the session. The event was divided into two phases. In the 1st phase Dr. Pyakurel presented and discussed different forms, constituents, and 15requirements of isolation and quarantine. He also added up with a few tips and measures “How can home isolation be done?” In the second phase, different questions were taken from the participants through chatbox which were addressed patiently by our speaker. The feedback form was also provided to the viewers and we received a good response overall.

Depression And Covid Is related Rotaract Club of Dharan Ghopa jointly with our twin club Rotaract Club Of Bhadrapur on collaboration with “Psychiatrists Association of Nepal” conducted a session on how “Depression And Covid is Related” on Saturday, Oct-3,2020 (Ashwin 17) as the part of our one month awareness programme (Sept-10 to Oct-10) on the ocassion of “World Suicide Prevention Day” and “World Mental Health Day” respectively. The session was started and moderated by Rtr. Alisha Rajbanshi from Rotaract Club of Bhadrapur. We had gracious presence of Dr. Abhash Niraula (MD Psychiatry) as our speaker. The main motive of the programme was to help the participants know about the causes, symptoms and various aspects of depression and its relation with COVID 19.


Community Service Avenue Dhungana, content creator of Swastha Naari as our speakers for the program who had been working as social activists since a long time. We had a discussion about all the aspects of gender violence, its cases during COVID-19 pandemic, laws and regulations for it, measures to fight against it, and about creating a women-friendly surrounding. Ms. Hada interacted on the effectiveness of the legal system, works of government, and other governmental/nongovernmental organisation working in this field. She proceeded by comparing cases of gender-based violence before and during the lockdown. Finally, she elaborated on changes needed to improve the status of violence survivors and reduce the causes of genderbased violence. In the end, both the speakers clarified the queries of the participants.

Gender Violence And COVID-19 We in association with Swatha Naari organized a Webinar on “Gender Violence and COVID-19� on 15th August, 2020 (31st Shrawn, 2077) via Google Meet. The webinar officially started at 4:08 pm and ended at 5:50 pm. There was the presence of 51 participants including representatives from Swastha Naari, rotaractors, and non-rotaractors. We had the presence of Ms. Manisha Hada, project lead of Swastha Naari and Ms. Shreya


Community Service Avenue Breathing Technique Rotaract Club of Dharan Ghopa jointly with our twin club Rotaract Club Of Bhadrapur in collaboration with “ART OF LIVING” conducted a session on how the mind can be kept calm only using breathe on Sunday, Sept-20,2020 (Ashwin 4) as the part of our one-month awareness programme (Sept-10 to Oct-10) on the occasion of “World Suicide Prevention Day” and “World Mental Health Day” respectively. We had our speaker Ms. Riya Thapa, Youth and Cooperative Faculty National Head. The main motive of the program was to help the participants to face the mental health problem, control their mind, emotions and help to move them a step toward positivity, healthy mind, body and soul by some breathing techniques.


Webinar On Mental Health Awareness

Rotaract Club of Dharan Ghopa jointly with our twin club Rotaract Club of Bhadrapur on collaboration with the Psychiatrist’s Association of Nepal (PAN) had conducted a Mental Health Awareness session on September -10, 2020 (Thursday) 25th Bhadra on the occasion of “World Suicide Prevention Day” as a part of one-month awareness programme from Sept 10 – Oct 10, 2020. We had our speaker Dr Suren Limbu, Assistant Professor, Dept of Psychiatry, BPKIHS, Dharan. The main motive of the program was to create awareness on mental health issues and related problems and move a step toward suicide free world. Dr. Limbu discussed the prevalent data of suicide, the main risk age group of suicide, about warning signs, methods of identifying the people with suicidal thoughts, evaluation of suicide risk, problem-solving emotion reducing strategies, suicide and lockdown, coping strategies with people having suicidal thoughts and so on.


Community Service Avenue JEEVANSAILI -Episode 1

Rotaract Club of Dharan Ghopa conducted an online talk show program in collaboration with SOCHAI (Social Changemakers and Innovators)- Youth for Nutrition team on 5th September 2020 (Saturday). “JEEVANSAILI” “Live Right~Shine Bright”: is a talk show by experts whose objectives is to prevent people from chronic diseases and help them to stop the complexities of these chronic diseases through simple lifestyle changes. The first episode of the project was related to the disease ‘DIABETES’. The session was moderated by Dr. Gopal Kumar Yadav. We had our main speakers, Dr. Pramendra Psd. Gupta, Associate Professor, BPKIHS, and Nutritionist Ms. Bonita Sharma, Co-founder, and CEO of SOCHAI - Youth for Nutrition. We discussed the disease Diabetes and had question-answer sessions with patients too. Both the doctor and the nutritionist were answering the questions and helped the audience solve their doubts related to the disease.

Rota Forest - Phase I

Rotaract Club of Dharan Ghopa conducted PHASE 1 - Mega Tree Plantation Programme at BPKIHS dumping site under the name ROTA FOREST with the theme “One Rota Step Towards Greener Dharan”. In this program, there was the presence of our Chartered President Rtr. Dr. Bishnu Pokharel, Advisor of RACDG Rtn. Dr. Ashish Shrestha, Chief of Environment Department of Dharan Sub-Metropolitan city Mr. Bhes Raj Pokharel, Dr. Indra Limbu, our RACDG President Rtr. Rashmita Sunuwar and 15 Rotaractors and 3 non-rotaractors i.e. a total of 23 people were there. In this first phase, we planted 1200 trees with full spirit and enthusiasm and concluded at 5 pm with the assurance of taking this project as a long term plan and taking full responsibility for the nourishment of these 1200 tree plants.


Community Service Avenue Rota Forest - Phase II

Rotaract Club of Dharan Ghopa conducted the second phase of our PROJECT ROTA FOREST on the 15th of August at our phase one plantation sites near the dumping area. It was completed in two shifts one from 6 am to 9 am and then 2 pm to 5 pm with the presence of our five Rotaractors. The main objectives of phase two were to protect the plant from the cattle grazing around and people passing by that way ignorantly trampling the plants in that area. We put the barrier at three different points initial point, endpoint, and midway in between to block the path. We also put the Rota Protection to some of the individual plants with bamboo sticks and string.

Tree Plantation Rotaract Club Of Dharan Ghopa joined our parent club Rotary Club Of Dharan Ghopa for their project on ‘Tree Plantation’ at Khatri Dhara, Dharan - 15 on Sunday, 26th July 2020. It was our first project with our parent club for the Rota Year 20/21. The main objective of the project was to build a strong bonding with our parent club by interacting and helping them while also to keep our environment clean, fresh, and healthy.



Community Service Avenue Mental Health and Happiness Matters

Rotaract Club of Dharan Ghopa in collaboration with team Art of living, organized a webinar session on “Mental Health and Happiness Matters” on 24th July Friday. Participants were taught about various meditations, the importance of energy in life, emotions, and coping with stress. The session mainly focused on maintaining positive health and having a peaceful mind.

harassment that is leading to a disturbed mind and overall health. The program was officially started by Rtr. Aarati Bhusal who handed the floor to the speaker, Rtr. Sinjin Ghimire. She presented the slides and explained about online sexual harassment in detail. She also mentioned some tips on how we can handle the situation boldly giving us various examples and made us realize that we shouldn’t stay quiet if anything like this ever happens to any one of us, rather we should raise our voice against the abuser or the culprit. The feedback form was also provided in the chatbox for the participants and we got a pretty good response.

#NOTANYMORE campaign

We conducted a webinar on “Online Sexual Harassment”, the first episode of the “NOTANYMORE” campaign which was initiated by political Literacy for women on Friday, October 9, 2020, for the students of Interact Club of Depot School through online platform: Google Meet. We conducted the session with a motive to help all the participants face and tackle the sexual


Community Service Avenue Three Wonderful Reasons To Live a Happy Life ‘Rotaract Club of Dharan Ghopa’ jointly with our twin club ‘Rotaract Club Of Bhadrapur’ conducted a session on “Three reasons to Live a Happy Life” on Friday, Oct-9, 2020 (Ashwin 23) as the part of our one-month awareness programme (Sept-10 to Oct-10) on the occasion of “World Suicide Prevention Day” and “World Mental Health Day” respectively. The main motive of the program was to help the participants to know about the reasons that one should say no to suicide or “Three Reasons to Live a Happy Life.” His grace Patri Prabhu, speaker of the session, started the session with a motivational story. Then he talked about the problems of today regarding suicide and many more. Then he explained the beauty and wonderfulness of life for which one should stay alive. He talked about some spirituality and about some religious beliefs. 21Then he explained about the three reasons to live a happy life. He explained that three reasons to live a happy life include *To love others*, *To help others* and *For the people who love you*.


Letterhead Exchange


Professional Service Avenue

08 23

1. Gyalideep 1 2. Gyalideep 2 3. Email and CV Writing Training 4. Rota Quiz 5. Rota Bandhan 6. Coordinator and Financial Rreport Writing Training 7. Youth Skill Day Competition 8. Mehendi Competition


Professional Development Avenue GYALIDEEP Episode 1


“Empty Mind Is Devil’s House, Fill It With Creativity and Knowledge.”

“Sharing knowledge is the most fundamental act of friendship because it is a way you can give something without losing something.”

We fruitfully conducted the First episode of our long-term project “GYALIDEEP” (Gyan Linu Dinu Parcha) for RY 20/21 on 4th October 2020 starting from 2 pm till 4:30 pm. The main objective of the program was to make BSc. Nursing students Batch 2019 familiar about the possible problems that they might face in exams, about the important topics that should be covered for the exams, sharing the experiences and thoughts, and possible available resources to the students to prepare themselves for the exams by their seniors.

We fruitfully conducted the second episode of our long-term project “GYALIDEEP” (Gyan Linu Dinu Parcha) for RY 20/21 on 5th October starting from 2 pm till 3:40 pm. The main objective of the session was to make BSC. MIT Batch 2019 students familiar with the possible difficulties which most of the students face during studies and to share the experiences; and make them aware of possible problems related to important topics, exams during their period by their respected seniors.



Professional Development Avenue EMAIL & CV Writing Training ROTA-QUIZ We conducted an online training session on “Email and CV Writing” on Saturday, 3rd October 2020, through Google Meet for all our Rotaractors, Interactors, and NonRotaractors. There was the gracious presence of our respected trainer Rtr. Abin Ratna Tuladhar (Immediate Past District Secretary) and our guest Rtr. Dipendra Prasad Yadav (Immediate Past President). Rtr. Abin Ratna Tuladhar presented and explained the proper way of email writing at various levels and authorities and correlated it with his experiences. Later he discussed the proper way of CV writing and it’s importance in professional life. After he was done with the presentation, the floor was left open for the participants’ doubt clearance. The training session was very informative and was found to add value in the future endeavors of the attendees.

Rotaract Club of Dharan Ghopa conducted “ROTA-QUIZ : Let’s Explore” on 18th of August 2020. It was organised using social media platforms and mainly WhatsApp for registrations and forwarding the informations about the event. Firstly a link with proper information about the event was prepared and forwarded to all the clubs mostly all over South Asia. More than 200 participants registered themselves from different countries like Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and so on. Every participant was awarded with participation certificate and a special certificate was provided to the top ten including: 2nd runner up Rtr. AMRITA MANDAL 1st runner up Rtr. SUYOG JHA Winner of the event Rtr. RAJIB GHIMIRE.


Professional Development Avenue Rota Bandhan “The purest and unconditional bond of love between brothers and sisters is the greatest blessing in their journey.” We organized a creative program called “ROTA BANDHAN” on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan which started from 29th July 2020 to 3rd August 2020 (14th Shrawan to 19th Shrawan) where participants had to submit any form of handmade gifts which showed fusion of creativity, work ethics and love towards their brothers/sisters. The participants sent us a photo/video of their handmade gift with their engaging caption describing their gift. Our Jury Members were 1. Rtr. Dr. Anoj Tumbahangphe Limbu 2. Rtr. Shilpa Gupta Winners: First: Rushanka Joseph Kottakkal Second: Rtr. Kavya SR Third: Rtr. Yogishi Sah However, every entry that we got was the best, unique and creative in their own way.

Coordinator And Financial Report Writing Training

We organized an online training session on “Co-ordinator and Financial Report Writing” on 5th August 2020 via Google Meet. Rtr. Bibek Keshari explained the coordinator report writing very enthusiastically with the floor left open in between for the participants welcoming the doubts and explaining the format of co-ordinator report writing. After he was done, Rtr. Dipendra Prasad Yadav presented the importance of co-ordinator report writing at the various level and authorities and correlated it with his experiences. After his session, Rtr. Raju Jaiswal explained about the Financial Report writing. He also pointed out the very common mistakes which occur during Financial report writing; demonstrating a previously prepared format of the financial report. After he was done with the presentation, the floor was left open for the participant’s doubt clearance.


Professional Development Avenue Youth Skill Day Competition

Mehendi Competition

On the occasion of “World Youth Skill Day” on 15th July, Rotaract Club of Birgunj Metropolis organized a competition of skills in which the participants had to send a video of their best skills such as dancing, singing, cooking, origami, art or anything else. There were about 19 participants from various places representing different Rotaract Clubs. Among them, we were six participants from Rotaract Club of Dharan Ghopa. Rtr. Sinjin Ghimire was also the winner of the competition. It was a wonderful platform for the participants to show their skills and hidden talents. We would like to thank RAC Birgunj Metropolis for organizing such an outstanding competition.

“If we are to preserve culture we must accept to create it.” We organized a Nationwide “Mehendi Competition” for the religious month of Shrawan. The program was based on the reconciling of “Creativity” and “Culture” in which a total of 47 participants sent us a picture of their mehendi design and a timelapse video of their creating henna art with their engrossing caption describing their work. The Jury members included: Rtr. Baishali Dass Rtr. Srijana Mainali Rtr. Asmita Rai Winners: 1st: Akchyata Shrestha 2nd: Rukshana Ali 3rd: Adya Aditi We express our gratitude to our jury members who helped us with this entirely new idea of our club. A huge congratulations to all the winners and the participants.



Letterhead Exchange


International Service Avenue

09 29

1. Doctor’s Day 2. Skill Up 3. Create and Conserve 4. YAARA TERI YAARI 2.0 5. Frame D - Photography Competition 6. Online Meme Competition 7. Goodwill Visit - RAC KUMS 8. Goodwill Visit - RAC Bhadrapur 9. E-RYLA 3292


International Service Avenue Doctor’s Day

One of our twin clubs, Rotaract Club of Navsari Young Turks made the move on the first day of the tenure and wished the doctors-to-be of our club A Happy Doctor’s day with certificates of appreciation. We, being overwhelmed by their such generous effort, were more than delighted to have them on the board as one of our twin club and thus acknowledged the gesture. We couldn’t have asked for a better start of the new tenure. Thank you, Rotaract Club of Navsari Young Turks RID 3060.


that they not only remain inside a person but are also shown to the world through the platform of social media.The videos had to be sent until 15th July, 2020. A total of 5 participants from our club participated in the event, viz. Rtr. Riwaj Adhikari, Rtr. Sonal Khadka, Rtr. Amrita Shah, Rtr. Sinjin Ghimire and Rtr. Siddharth Gupta. They got the collaboration certificate and the participants also got the individual certificate of participation.

Skill Up

Rotaract Club of Dharan Ghopa collaborated in an international event “Skill Up” initiated by Rotaract Club of Barasat Central RID 3291 on the occasion of “World Youth Skill Day 2020”. In the project, the participants had to send a video bringing out and showcasing their unique talent and skills so


International Service Avenue Create And Conserve

Rotaract Club of Dharan Ghopa collaborated in the project “Create And Conserve” initiated by Rotaract Club of Barasat Central RID 3291. The project was done on the occasion of “World Nature Conservation Day 2020”, and submission deadline was kept until July 28. ln the project, the participants had to send the handmade things made from the wastes of their houses inorder to conserve the environment from the non disposable wastes. A total of 4 participants from our club participated in the event, viz. Rtr Suraj Shah, Rtr Riwaj Adhikari, Rtr Sonal Khadka and Rtr Liza Bhandari. We also got the collaboration certificate and the participants also got the individual certificate of participation.

Yaara Teri Yaari 2.0 On the occasion of Friendship Day our twin club Rotaract Club of Navsari Young Turks (RID 3060) organised “Yaara Teri Yaari 2.0” to celebrate divine friendship. Many rotaractors from our club participated and for the same our club received certificate for maximum participation and Rtr. Alina Shah bagged the runner up title. We would like to thank RAC Navsari Young Turks for inviting us for participation.


International Service Avenue the end all the winners were provided with special certificates and all the participants were also given certificates of participation.

Online Meme Competition

Frame D - Photography Competition

Rotaract Club of Dharan Ghopa hosted a Online Photography event named “FRAME D” which was organized by Rotaract Club of Calcutta Avyanna. With the participation of more than 200 participants from all Rotaract Clubs of South Asia, total of 5 participants were from our club. They were: Rtr Pragya Singh Rtr Abhinash Kr. Yadav Rtr Mohammad Afroj Rtr Krishna Kr. Das Rtr Yasir Arman Ansari With a huge participation, the event was formally ended on 12th of August 2020. At

We, RAC Dharan Ghopa along with RAC Kathmandu University Medical School Organized Online Meme Competition on Theme “New Normal” from 17 August to 26 August. All the memes were collected via Google Form and were posted in official Facebook page of RAC KUMS and Instagram handle Of RAC Dharan Ghopa. We received the participants from all over Nepal, Bangladesh


International Service Avenue and India. Results were : Winner: Aaraju Bhatta First runner up: Prekshya Joshi Second runner up: Mahesh Kumar Yadav


Goodwill Visit With RAC Bhadrapur We, Rotaract Club of Dharan Ghopa had a goodwill visit with one of our twin clubs, Rotaract Club of Bhadrapur on 30th August 2020. We conducted our goodwill 33visit via Google Meet. The main objective was to promote friendship and strengthen bonds between two clubs and members. We discussed about different possibilities of joint projects and future collaborations.

Goodwill visit with RAC KUMS We Rotaract Club of Dharan Ghopa shared a successful goodwill visit with RAC Kathmandu University Medical School on 6th of September 2020 via Google Meet. We shared our club introduction and possible future collaboration followed by some fun activities including singing, jokes, etc.

We Rotaract Club of Dharan Ghopa participated in ERYLA organized by Rotaract District 3292 Nepal-Bhutan RYLA subcommittee. It was 3 days long ERYLA from 4th September 2020 To 6th September 2020. There were total 100 Rotaractors and Interactors from RID 3292 participating in this ERYLA. There were participation of 4 rotaractors from Rotaract Club of Dharan Ghopa including Rtr. Rashmita Sunuwar Rtr. Neha Jayswal Rtr. Suyog Jha Rtr. Sumit Yadav It started with opening ceremony comprising welcome speech by RYLA Chair Rtn. Amit Giri, experience sharing and adressing by District Governor Rtn. Rajeev Pokharel Sir, program briefing by the organizing team and finally motivational speech and adressing by Miss Nepal 2018 Shrinkhala Khatiwada. The participants got to learn many things from whole team and speaker in productive ways. The participants got to explore every dimension ranging from professional development, unity, friendship, spirituality


International Service Avenue and innovation. They also got some relief from COVID-19 stress and remotivated themselves.


Letterhead Exchange



BirthDays of Rotaractors

July 1 - Rtr. Kapil Dhungana July 2 - Rtr. Paras Dev July 2 - Rtr. Maushami Ale July 4 - Rtr. Roshni Dahal July 5 - Rtr. Tej Prakash Sah July 6 - Rtr. Nupur Thapa July 8 - Rtr. Akash Kumar Giri July 11 - Rtr. Susmita Sunar July 11 - Rtr. Sushmita Dhakal July 15 - Rtr. Argi Magar July 18 - Rtr. Siddhartha Shah July 23 - Rtr. Bikash Shah July 24 - Rtr. Sangita Shah July 25 - Rtr. Mamita Khapung July 26 - Rtr. Alina Shah July 29 - Rtr. Christina Nepal August 20 - Rtr. Jamuna Ban August 25 - Rtr. Priyanka Shrestha August 26 - Rtr. Arpana Mehta August 29 - Rtr. Nakendra Malla September 2 - Rtr. Aashish Baniya September 3 - Rtr. Bikram Gupta September 3 - Rtr. Bibhash Khanal

September 4 - Rtr. Shreya Mishra September 4 - Rtr. Krishna Kumar Yadav September 4 - Rtr. Binita Gautam September 9 - Rtr. Bijayanand Yadav September 12 - Rtr. Vivek Mehta September 12 - Rtr. Aayush Shrestha September 18 - Rtr. Barsha Mahaseth September 20 - Rtr. Rahul Singh Rana September 28 - Rtr. Nishu Sah October 1 - Rtr. Anjali Rai October 7 - Rtr. Liza Bhandari October 10 - Rtr. Prakriti Karki October 14 - Rtr. Pragati Mandal October 14 - Rtr. Girendra Yadav October 16 - Rtr. Jaya Poudel October 17 - Rtr. Amrita Mandal October 18 - Rtr. Sameer Hussain October 18 - Rtr. Krishna Kumar Das October 19 - Rtr. Yasodha Bhattarai October 26 - Rtr. Yashir Arman Ansari October 27 - Rtr. Khushboo Sharma October 29 - Rtr. Shailani Thakur October 30 - Rtr. Niraj Chapagain


Letterhead Exchange




July August September October


Rotaractor Of The Month

For July - Rtr. Suyog Jha For August - Rtr. Susmita Sunar


Rotaractor of the Month

For September - Rtr. Anish Adhikari - Rtr. Hritik Raj Paswan


Rotaractor of the Month

For October - Rtr. Christina Nepal Rotaract Club of Dharan Ghopa has been giving away the ‘Rotaractor of the Month’ award to deserving rotaractor(s), who have made a 41 significant contribution towards service through fellowship and by being inside the theme of Rotary and Rotaract. This award is given on monthly basis with the winners to be awarded on the subsequent Club Assembly. The core committee of judgement panel decides the recipient of the award based on the performance, dedication, presence and representation of the Rotaractor towards the club and its projects in every broader ways possible. Rotaract Club of Dharan Ghopa congratulates all the winners and wishes them all the best in their future endeavors as well. We would like to request all the members of the club to stay motivated for the service of mankind by going with the theme “Grab Opportunities to Create Yourself ”. 41



My Rotaract Journey

The only word that comes in my mind when I think about Rotaract is LEADERSHIP. Rotaract always gives a wonderful platform that helps to enhance your public speaking skills, leadership skills, helps to learn professionalism, and most importantly it teaches everyone to be a leader and to make leaders. My journey of Rotaract began with the celebration of children day in one of our special areas i.e. Differently abled home in Chaata chowk as an observer. At that moment it was just an excuse to escape from ragging but after that day Rotaract became a habit for me, a habit to explore, enjoy, serve, learn, and make memories. So it was 15th December 2017 when I got the honor to call myself as Rtr. Suraj Shah and I will always be proud of that. And the journey continues and I continuously got this opportunity to serve the community and Rotaract as Club Member (for 2 years), Joint Secretary, and then as a Secretary. During this journey, I learned different leadership skills, public speaking skills, the skill to manage personal and professional life, many technical things and the process never stopped during the global pandemic as well. I would like to thank the Rotaract Club Of Dharan Ghopa for giving me an opportunity to explore my capabilities. To me, Rotaract has given me a big opportunity and has changed my life for the better. And I must say let’s join this global movement and continue moving forward bringing changes among ourselves and make this community a better place to live. Keep Rotaracting. Grab Opportunities To Create Yourself. -Rtr. Suraj Shah

*The 4-Way Test developed by Rtn. Herb Taylor (RI President 1954-55) was adopted by Rotary in 1943 and has been translated into more than 100 languages and published in thousands of ways. “Of the things we think, say or do: 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?” *As of June 2019, Rotary had committed $2 billion to global polio eradication. *You can only donate plasma After 2 weeks of recovery from COVID-19. *Inj. Remdesivir is the first drug which has been given full approval by the US FDA for treatment of COVID-19(in October 2020). *Spanish Flu lasted from February 1918 to April 1920. It infected 500 million people – about a third of the world’s population at the time – in four successive waves. *Despite 32 Emmy Nominations “Better call Saul ‘’ has not won a single Emmy Award till now. *The color red doesn’t really make bulls angry; they are color-blind. *65% of autistic kids are left-handed, and only 10% of people in general are left-handed. *There is a punctuation mark used to signify irony or sarcasm that looks like a backwards question mark ⸮ - Rtr. Salman Haidar Husain


“Just like absolute zero in physics, perfection in life is anideal, hypothetical state or 44 point.� I would like to start with the same question: does perfection really exist? Well, if I was to answer, I would say no, certainly not. Just like absolute zero in physics, perfection in life is anideal, hypothetical state or point. So, going after perfection is like going after Shadow.

Remember, Thomas Edison failed for over 1000 times, yet he succeeded. Yes, it was his consistency that helped him make it to the end. He never strived for perfection. Like him, we have thousands of examples, of people who failed number of times, who made many mistakes, yet succeeded. And they still make mistakes: Better mistakes than all of us: Be it Sachin Tendulkar or Virat Kohli incricket, Leo Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo in football, LeoNardo Di Capirio or Shah Rukh Khan in acting and Paulo Coelho or Chetan Bhagat in literature, none of them is perfect. They make mistakes, they learn from them andso do I and so do you.

Rtr. Neha Jayswal BDS 2019

What we need to understand is that consistency is far more important than willing to achieve perfection. Consistency can transform an ordinary man into an extraordinary being. All we need, is the spirit to start.


PENDULUM The pendulum of the clock has just oscillated eleven times. The sound has been turned into low, because she would have liked it that way. One hour left. The hour hand needs one more numeral to traverse, to meet the minute hand for another oscillation. The pen of his mobile note is dipped into the ink. The app opened. “To the rhythm that makes my heart beat arythmically”- he started. He continued- It never felt that distant far away when at the entrance of the temple, I saw a fairy with long silky hair and carressing eyes accompanied with a sweet heart, that I would be writing this after some 364 days to you. It has been a wonderful journey towards love and I feel happy we have so far been able to gather a new definition for it. The notification popped up “Good Night”. He obliged. “Good Night”- he texted back and kissed the screen. The pen resumed- The day I started decoding what a beautiful mess you are, that was the very day I was into loving you. May be my love for you is madness, but I wouldn’t have had it any other way. I am so glad I found

you. You teach me love can happen; even with the guy who is not nicely built, who has lesser known skills and is a family guy just trying to make a career of his own. He then realized how she had grown that man into a confident lad who just had his 8 month salary some days back. It was her love that turned him to a man although being so far physically. May be our love is just like icecreams; the more we taste it, the more it melts our heart. My love for you has always come in parallel lines and I know it can never part away. Our love will forever be an uncomplete story and this incomplete story will always be my favorite story.- he added, taking a sip of coffee from the cup alongside. I have always written your name in the trees I pass by and they have always provided my world with the best of shades, the protection from the hatred around the world and a sense of breath as pure as anything. You are simply my oxygen tank babe.


Trust me, we have known each other now for a year, and however short a duration that be, I am pretty sure that must be enough for our love to last forever, and hope our love doesnot get tired with my forever. May be we deserve an Oscar for loving each other like the way we do. I have been emptified by your love towards you and I am pretty much loving it that way. We will let it remain exactly that way right?- he smiles as he types.

Finally the oscillation of the pendulum. The mobile showing 00:00. The message sent. Double tick, non-blue one. The door bell rung. For another surprise, it was the one year old love opening her arms all the way from her work. Love won and distance lost.

You have helped me see off my battles with my emotional misbalances. You have helped me recover from my painful mental distress. You have uncoiled my being from the coiled wires of earphones. You have always shown that people can be loved despite their differences and I cannot thank you enough in my life for that. He has a look at the time. 23:48 it is. He hurried- You have been more beautiful than the world is after the annual exams. You have been more satisfying than the extra five minute nap in the early morning. And more a 45listening friend than the puff of cigarette after every frustration. You are amazing and hope we continue to be that way. I am happy to be bounded in a world where the boundaries include your hair and your shoes. May be our love exists in all the small things we do except the ‘I love you’ we ever say. May be it is fine that way. “Happy One Year Anniversary dear. Hope we get to celebrate it every year till we get to know.” The writer introduction seemed pretty obvious at the end to not be written. It was 23:59. One more minute for the ticking of the clock.


Rtr. Riwaj Adhikari

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