Figure 10 Profile of the owner-occupied market segment (from Green Finance Institute, 2020)
4.9.3 Recommendations •
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The scheme should target NCC Class 1a single dwellings that are owner occupied or tenanted. This target market reaches most of the private Australian housing stock which would allow for the scale and impact required. The Scheme should further explore the sub-sections within the NCC Class1a dwelling sector to identify the best mechanisms to engage these market segments Social housing and NCC Class 2 apartment buildings should be considered for inclusion as the scheme delivery progresses. Scheme should explore mechanisms to support retrofits in low-income households and for social housing, including opportunities for Government funding. Scheme should target poor quality homes to achieve the largest improvement and impact.
Consumer Profile and Preferences Insight from the IRG on consumer preferences suggests that energy efficiency is not a high priority for homeowners, and that they are “Not really interested” in energy efficiency retrofits. This is supported by evidence gathered through the literature review and desktop research. The ARENA ‘DER Customer Insights Series’ investigated the experiences of customers involved in twenty ARENA-funded Distributed Energy Resources (DER) projects, mostly ongrid residential solar and battery storage trials. The projects were across almost all states and territories and involved over 1,300 customers who chose to have DER systems PAGE 76
Pathways to Scale: Retrofitting One Million+ Homes