I Need To Improve My Productivity

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I Need To Improve My Productivity rachelalexandrahill.com /need-improve-productivity/

I need to improve my productivity – Eat Your Frogs In The Morning! Do you remember trying to revise for a test and doing everything you can think of to delay sitting at your desk and actually working? My particular favourites were: I’ll only start when the the minute hand reaches the ‘o’clock’ I’ll just tidy up my desk [or my sock drawer] .. I’ll just make myself a drink of tea … Sounds familiar? I Need To Improve My The point I’m making is that you should do the things you don’t like as soon as you Productivity start your day. That nagging feeling that something is waiting to get done is sure to stop those creative juices in their tracks. Also, the longer you leave something that needs to be done the worse you feel and the less you want to do it and so the worse you feel and so on ….

If you make a short list of issues that need to be dealt with and work through it methodically, you free yourself of those guilty feelings and instead replace them with a sense of real achievement leaving to get one with the stuff you actually rather enjoy. Have a look at my blog ‘How to Manage Time Better’ for more tips!

I need to improve my productivity – Learn How To Say No It’s impossible to do everything but how often do we find ourselves saying ‘yes’ just to please as many people as possible? Guilty as charged. Trouble is when you do this you end up pleasing nobody. At the very best, you end up being mediocre and at worst you annoy someone to such an extent that they don’t bother reconnecting with you. In life and in business you must strike a balance because sometime saying ‘no’ means you will actually gain more respect not less. By making your time worth more, you become worth more and you will achieve more. It’s as simple as that.

I Need To Improve My Productivity

I need to improve my productivity – Be Ready To Record Your Thoughts


Have a pen and paper by the side of your bed and use the recording facility on your phone. Whatever you do, make sure you can record those moments of creativity because there’s nothing more frustrating than knowing you’ve forgotten a great idea. I’ve had a few of those annoying moments when I’d convinced myself there was ‘absolutely no way’ I’d forget such a brilliant idea only for it to vanished when I got round to making a note of it. As the Boy Scouts always say: ‘Be prepared’!

I need to improve my productivity – Use, Don’t Abuse Technology Technology is a wonderful thing and I’m the first to advocate it but it can be the thief of time! How many times do you see people glued to their phones, tapping, texting and swiping? There really can be too much of a good thing and sometimes, we really do need to ‘step away from the vehicle’. Social media is brilliant but it can also suck you in like a vortex. Limit yourself to a specified 10 minutes and set a timer to make yourself accountable. The same applies to email. We are bombarded more and more with information and it is completely overwhelming. I went through a phase when I convinced myself I had to open absolutely everything otherwise ‘I wasn’t doing a proper job’. How wrong was I? Like you must pick your battles so must you pick your emails, your social media and your texting ….

I need to improve my productivity – Mentors Will Shorten Your Journey I’m completely guilty of trying to make it ‘ on my own ’ until I was enlightened. Whilst it’s possible, it takes a long time and I am totally passionate about shortening the journey. After all, life’s too short to waste precious time when you could be brainstorming and learning from other entrepreneurial, like-minded people. After all, that’s what you want if you’re reading a blog like this right? There is nothing more important than making the most of the time we have on this planet. Learning from others who have trodden the path before you doesn’t mean you won’t experience frustration because that’s part of the process but what it does mean is that you will break through the barriers far quicker. The Six Figure Mentors is a great way of getting some of the best mentorship going! Life Hack Tip of the Day: I need to improve my productivity = Don’t Let Fear Stop You


Fear is part of the human condition and whilst it is necessary to survival, it is also easy to allow it to take us over. But fear can keep you within your comfort zone, it’s that little voice that keeps saying you can’t achieve x, y or z because you’re not good enough, not clever enough or not young enough and so the list goes on … Remember that the fear you are experiencing is nothing more than a thought – an illusion created inside your head. What’s more, thoughts can be switched off and changed if you train yourself to have an awareness of when they start to creep in. Some people find this easier than others, me for one, but practice retraining your thoughts by being aware and alert to those pesky voices in your head and eventually it will become second nature to kick fear in the rear! I wish you every success for your digital future! Rachel A Hill LLB [Hons] Digital Entrepreneur, Lawyer, Private Tutor and Author


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