What Is Mindfulness

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What Is Mindfulness? rachelalexandrahill.com /what-is-mindfulness/

What Is Mindfulness? It’s A Form Of Meditation Meditation is a way of focusing your thoughts and not allowing the distractions of everyday life to throw you off course. It’s a route to a more restful state when you suddenly want to shout, ‘Stop the world, I want to get off!’. Using mindfulness can help us cope with everything we have to deal with when you feel you’re permanently stuck in the fast lane. It’s a way of observing what happens to you but not taking any of the ‘bad stuff’ personally. For example, when you’re stuck in traffic [and you’re late] it’s important to accept that the situation is outside of your control. Instead of allowing your blood pressure to soar, you should be mindful of controlling your emotions and remind yourself that the situation will pass. Besides, what’s the point in making yourself feel ill on top of everything else? None because it achieves absolutely nothing.

What Is Mindfulness?

Using mindfulness is a coping technique to prevent you from going into a downward spiral of negative emotions. This, in turn helps you to regain control of your life and feel better equipped to handle whatever comes your way.

What Is Mindfulness? How Do I Do It? The most important thing to remember is that you don’t need any special equipment. You just find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably and focus on breathing deeply and evenly from your diaphragm. Imagine that the oxygen you are breathing is liquid and you’re pulling it into your body from the tips of your fingers and toes then releasing it. At first it will probably feel strange and your breaths may feel ragged and awkward. After all, most of us aren’t used to concentrating on our breathing as it’s something that just happens automatically. What Is Mindfulness? Our minds are also constantly active and so experiencing thoughts that distract you is perfectly natural. Thoughts like, ‘What shall I have for lunch?’ or ‘I need to take the dog for a walk’ will probably try to interrupt your attempts but just keep re-focussing. Don’t give them the satisfaction of a reaction!

Just keep practising and you will gradually get better and better.

What Is Mindfulness? What Can It Do For Me? Mindfulness can help you both physically and mentally. It’s a holistic approach to your health and anything that aids well-being, amidst life’s chaos, can only be a good thing. The physical benefits can include lowering blood pressure, reduced anxiety, fewer headaches and increased energy levels. Think about the word ‘disease’; it’s a body that is ‘not at ease’ and is in someway conflicted. The human body has amazing self-healing properties but it does need a helping hand and mindfulness can be part of that process.


The mental benefits are equally important and they include decreased anxiety, increased productivity, greater clarity and the ability to put problems into perspective. This means that the energy you create within you is what is radiated out into the universe which I discussed in my blog, ‘The Law of Attraction ’. Energy and what you attract to you, goes hand in hand like a chain reaction. What’s more it’s absolutely free and like most skills, the more you practise the better you will become.

What Is Mindfulness? How Can It Help Me In Business?

What Is Mindfulness?

The way you think and control what goes on inside your head is a key entrepreneurial skill. Most entrepreneurs will tell you that their business journey has been paved with obstacles: bankruptcy, divorce, deceit and home foreclosure are just some examples. However, they haven’t allowed those obstacles to get in the way of their vision, they don’t take it personally and think that the universe is ‘against’ them. They don’t use those obstacles as excuses not to move forward with their vision. Richard Branson, founder of Virgin, is just one advocate of this form of meditation. He has made the following comment: –

What Is Mindfulness?

“Mindfulness is one way that many entrepreneurs choose to combat the toll wrought by round-theclock emails, long working hours and other aspects of our accelerated business culture. The business leader Arianna Huffington says that mindfulness gives her a competitive edge; Steve Jobs did too …”

So, if it’s good enough for Richard Branson, the founder of Huffington Post and the man who started Apple, I reckon it’s pretty much OK for us all too!

Life Hack Tip of the Day: What Is Mindfulness? = Keep It Simple Headspace is a highly rated app available on iTunes and is specifically geared to help you simplify your meditation and mindfulness practices. You can try it for 10 days FREE of charge! Give it a go and see where mindfulness takes you on your entrepreneurial journey. I wish you every success for your digital future! Rachel A Hill LLB [Hons] Digital Entrepreneur, Lawyer, Private Tutor and Author

What Is Mindfulness?



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