My experience and approach to pedagogy in graphic design for the fashion business and promotion role Rachel Johnson
EXPERIENCE Extensive teaching on a range of graphic art and fashion design courses Experience of developing new approaches for a diverse range of learners
APPROACHES Collaborative learning outcomes Working with partnership colleges and industries
Working within an industry field in graphic design & fashion
the fashion industry is sensitive to visual communication and understands and values its importance to create a look a feeling or a brand, ACNE STUDIOS
Strong Links with the Business World
Dialogue and participation
The promotion of design as a strong economic asset both globally and locally.
Dialogue through design experimentation Encouragement through different activities and interventions Formative review and evaluation providing feedback on taught sessions
Variety in Teaching Activities Open design briefs Shared knowledge to increase understanding, discussion and exploratory learning
Recognition of Creative Learning and Working Experience of developing new approaches for a diverse range of learners Flipped learning plus pre session activity and experimentation
value added initial assessment methods tracking methods formative assessment methods feedback to include peer and self assessment feedback on my teaching sessions evaluation methods responding to learner needs widening participation flipped learning pre session activities collaborative seminars clear learning outcomes and evaluation scoop it pinterest robust