RachelConnolly Independant practice
I enjoy photography and as part of my independant practise I created some interesting light art images using torches and running around the garden to create these. I looked at exposing a person as they moved so you end up with a blurr. I also looked at mulitple exposures to create these creepy floating head images.
The pinhole camera brief was something which I found interesting so I decided to atempt to photograph fireworks using the pinhole camera. I had no idea what the results would come out like. I think the pictures came out with some very interesting results. They has interesting shapes and effects. I turned some sideways or upsidedown because they looked more interesting.
I wanted to expolore capturing the movement of traffic using a pinhole camera. I found that the photos are quiet yellow because of the street lights but came out more interesting because you could see more. When buses went past this created the most effective photos and when a car stoped at a roundabout and then moved.