May 2010

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Anne Garrity

Dear Readers, Hey everyone! As you can tell, this is officially the second issue of Racing Minds! I really appreciate all of the support that I’ve gotten for this magazine; this couldn’t run without you guys! Anyways, so I am proud to announce this second issue. Unlike the first issue, this has a theme: boys! All of the interviews and the big features are male photographers. In the photography world, it always seems as if I’m seeing female photographer after female photographer, and I really just wanted to showcase the male photographers that are out there, whether they be the minority or not. I would also like to thank Chloe Scheffe for designing the cover for this issue, and hopefully even the covers for future issues as well; she is such a great person. And I hope you all enjoy this issue!

xx Sarah

Craig Schlewitz

Alexandra Julian

contributors Editor in Chief

Artwork Kim Martin Jessica Tenekegian Marissa Shea Whitney Justesen

Sarah Nieman


Graphic Design

Zack Ahern Maren Hoopfer

Chloe Scheffe

Photographers Zack Ahern Logan Jackson Dario Torre Raul Romo Stephen Beadles Josh Hawkins Karl Emberton Ashley Senske Anne Garrity Craig Schlewitz Natalie Nguyen

Lauren marek

Content Interviews: Zack Ahern Logan Jackson Dario Torre Raul Romo Stephen Beadles

Features: Runaway Dreamer Brittany Photo spotlights Poems Art work

Zack Ahern My full name is Zachary Ahern, though I always go by Zack and very rarely by my full name. I was born and raised in Stillwater, Oklahoma, and I just turned twenty-one last December. I also have two younger siblings, Kylie who is nineteen, and Bree Ann who just turned sixteen. Photography is obviously my main hobby at the moment but other interests including writing poetry, cycling, teaching myself guitar, and helping my parents with the church they recently built.

When and how did you start photography? I started taking pictures with a point and shoot for the first time in 2006 and upgraded to an SLR in 2007, so about 3-4 years. Honestly, I think the original reason I got into photography was my love for nature and the outdoors. I loved bird watching, hunting for different kinds of flowers, etc. and photography was a way for me to capture what I saw outdoors and take it home with me. Do you think your photography has stayed that way? As a way to capture what you’ve seen outdoors? I think with the start of Project 365, my photography really began to change. I still enjoy the outdoors and nature is still used a great deal in my work, but it is not the focus of what I actually shoot. I'd say now that my focus in photography is more centered around portrait and self-portrait work, though natural settings still plays a huge role in how I create my images. What are your opinions of the idea of a 365 project and of your own project? I have several different opinions on the 365 project just in general before I talk about my own. I had never heard of this project until I joined Flickr last year and though it sounded like a daunting challenge, I'll be honest in saying I had no idea what I was getting into. I think it's a great project if you want to grow as a photographer and artist, but I think you should also have the understanding that it is not easy. My recommendation to anyone considering it is to do it, but do it with the understanding that not every image you create will be your favorite. Certain days it is just an accomplishment to get a picture of any kind done. In terms of my own project, I will have to say it has been one of the biggest challenges I have faced, but that I am so happy that I decided to do it. It has helped me not only grow as an artist, but more importantly helped me realize that photography is what I want to do for the rest of my life. I am very blessed to have discovered my passion so young in life and would not have found it without attempting a 365 project. You said you do self portrait work. How different is doing self portraits than doing normal portrait work? Do you find that there are difficulties? Interestingly, the first time I took a real self-portrait was last spring and prior to that time I was never very fond on being on the other side of the lens. Now, self-portrait work is really my focus and I love being able to control all aspects of the photo. Plus, I sometimes do some stuff that would be hard to convince a model to do. As you mentioned, there are difficulties that come with self-portrait work, but I really enjoy the challenge. I think the biggest challenge is the timing of the shots and there will be days that I take close to 200 images to get everything just where I want it. Have you ever had what might be called a “perfect� shoot? I laughed a bit at this one because I can hear all my friends and family shaking their heads no if they know me well. I am a perfectionist to the utmost extreme when it comes to a lot of things, especially photography. Obviously, there are shoots that go smoother than others, but rarely is there one where I don't run into challenges. There have been a few times where I've done things and not known what they were going to look like and said, "whoa" when looking at the back of the camera. I will say that my "whoa" shoots are the closest ones to the "perfect" for me. Specifically, some of my "whoa" moments would be the ones that include using flour and colored light.

Some people say that just because you have a camera doesn’t mean that you are a photographer. What would you say to that? I would be more inclined to say that just because you have a camera doesn't mean you are an artist. I think anybody can take a picture, just like anybody can pick up a paint brush and paint. It takes an artist to create art, and I am a firm believer in photography being a form of art. I think it is the difference between taking a picture and creating a picture that separates a person with a camera from someone who is actually a photographer and artist. How far would you go just to get a picture? Ive noticed in your stream you do quite a few crazy things. Which shoot do you think you have gone the farthest? Oh wow, it's hard to pick one so I'll mention a couple for different reasons. First I'll say that I will endure just about anything for a good picture and to me it's worth it as long as I had fun and the picture turns out. I'd say two that really stick out in my mind are: and The first one I was literally running and diving down a hill with nothing but the ground to land on. I was hitting the ground hard and was definitely sore and scratched up after I was finished. The second one was a battle with the elements and that picture was taken when it was about 25 degrees outside. I was in a short sleeve shirt and thin white pants so I literally could not feel my hands when I got back to the house. In fact, a lot of the red on my hands in that picture is from the cold and not from the fake blood. Still, these are two of my favorite shots and having the story to tell also helps makes it worth it for me. Do you think your photography has taken on a specific style? Though I think my photography has definitely changed over the past year, I have actually made a very strong effort to not take on a specific style. I want to try my very best not to limit myself to working with a certain kind of style, lighting, or technique because I love learning new things so much. I want to be in a constant state of learning and I think if I strive to have a certain style I will limit myself in a way that will not allow my creativity to continue to grow. Who is your greatest inspiration, photography or otherwise? Oh wow, it's hard to pick just one because there are so many amazing artists, especially on Flickr. I think if I had to pick just one, however, I'd say that Brooke Shaden is probably someone who's stream I always look to for inspiration. Her ability to generate concepts and reproduce them in photos is really second to none in my humble opinion. Others include Lauren Withrow, Holly Skye, and Joel (Boy_Wonder) who I just have to mention because their streams are just filled with so much inspiration and originality. Whats one word you would use to describe yourself? I'd say if I would use one word to describe myself it would be "blessed." As much as I would love to take credit for the work I do, God does so much for me and has given me such a talent that I simply cannot take credit for it. There have been some amazing moments during this project where the light has worked out just right, things worked at the last minute, or ideas just came out of nowhere. Those are the kind of things that I cannot take any credit for. It's really amazing to experience and I'm so thankful for His blessings.

How would you define photography? I've always liked the poetic definition of photography and that it's really about catching light, but to me it's even more than that. It's about catching moments in time, especially with portraits. With portraits you get to see how that person was looking and feeling for a single instant, and it will never be exactly the same. Do you have a favorite photograph that you have taken? It's really hard to just pick one though people have made me do it before. I think it's hard because to me a lot of my favorite photos have stories behind them and it's hard to put one story over another. I'd say though if I had to pick one this one would probably be it: It was just so spontaneous and such an unexpected result that it is definitely one of my personal favorites. What people don't see in the photo is me wading into the pond in 35 degree weather to look at each exposure because of the way the tripod was positioned. Like I said, I enjoy the story almost as much as the picture. What is your favorite word? I would have to say that my favorite word would have to be a question word such as "why" because I'm constantly asking questions. I was the kid when I was younger who asked why the sky was blue. How much do you think your photography, and you, has evolved since you started? I think the two main ways my photography has evolved are centered around lighting and ideas. When I first started photography I'd go out at anytime of the day, regardless of what the light was like and take pictures. I also made the mistake of going out and taking twenty pictures of twenty different subjects. I've learned now that it's better to take twenty pictures of the same thing until you get it right. With much more practice, I now know what good light and bad light looks like and feel much more confident in my ability to use it. The other way I think my photography has evolved is in terms of ideas. My goal when I first started taking pictures was just to take "pretty" pictures. None of them had concepts or anything like that. I think as my photography has evolved I have become more confident in being able to tell a story with my photos, which is something I could not have done when I first started. What do you think has been your greatest achievement, in photography or in life? I'd say that my greatest achievement in terms of photography will probably be finishing my 365 project in about a month. I really never thought I'd make it this far and it has just been an incredible journey. In terms of life, I'd say that my greatest achievement is getting baptized by my dad a few days after my 20th birthday. It is an experience that I will definitely never forget.

runaway dreamer A set of photographs by Josh Hawkins

Logan Jackson My name is Logan Jackson. I grew up in kind of a lot of places. I was born in Bermuda, then moved to Florida, then South Carolina, and then Arkansas where I live now. Hobbies are photography, painting/drawing, walking in the woods, the internet, making fun of the town I live in. And Im 19.

When did you start photography? I guess technically I started in the summer of 2008, because that's when I bought my first camera of any kind (it was a Kodak point and shoot). For a while there I was just using it to take photos of my friends and just random things outside. Then I started using Flickr in December of 2008, and that's what made really get into it, and what made me get a DSLR. How did you found out about Flickr? And do you think that if you hadn’t discovered it, you would be as into photography as you are now? My friend had been using Flickr as just a place to store her photos, and I thought that was a way better idea than putting photos up on Myspace or something. So I got one, and then I started finding out about groups I could put my photos in, and I was thrilled that I could get some feedback from those. I definitely wouldn't be into photography as much as I am now if it wasn't for Flickr, because there is a constant stream of inspiration I get exposed to everyday from the contacts and friends I've made through the site, it just makes me want to be creative for the rest of my life. Where do you go to look for inspiration on Flickr? I don't usually go searching for inspiration, it kind of just happens. Lots of times, the recent uploads from my contacts give me inspiration. Sometimes though, I will look through some groups on Flickr and feel heaps of jealousy/inspiration. How would you define photography? Oh snap....I don't know if I've ever thought to define it. But I guess for me, it's a creative way of documenting my surroundings, how I react in them, how others react in them, and also how I and others could react to them in some other reality. The whole spectrum of photography isn't necessarily creative output, but that's the great thing about it: it doesn't always have to be creative. The world does amazing things on its own sometimes and a camera is just something to capture it the way you see it. Why is photography important to you? How does it draw you in? Well, my definition of photography sort of coincides with why it's important to me and how it draws me in. I like that it's so expansive, that there's so many different fields and types of photography. The idea of creating another world with a photo is what draws me in. I really need a creative outlet in my life, and I used to paint and draw all the time. Now, I don't do it so often, so photography has pretty much become my main source of expression, even if I can't always get my ideas out. Do you think your photography has taken on a specific style? From my perspective, it hasn't . I'm not really sure if that's good or bad. I have looked at so many photos and just thought, "Wow i wish I could do that..." and maybe sobbed a little on the inside. Just kidding. I think maybe if I experiment for a while i'll find a style i'm really happy with / good at and stick with it. What are three things you couldn’t go a day without? Well there's really not much that I would have trouble parting from for only a day, so I suppose I would need my phone, nutrients, and cool shoes everyday of my life. What is something that no one knows about you? I used to want to be an actor slash musician when I was younger. It had to be that combo, and I particularly wanted to sing R&B music. Wow.

Where do you hope to find yourself in 10 years? 20? Haha, now you're forcing me to actually contemplate things. In a dream world, i'd love to be part of a design company that specializes in innovative packages, while also, you know, simultaneously working somewhere like i-D Magazine being there staff photographer / layout designer. That's where i'd like to be in ten years, and stay forever. Who is your greatest inspiration, photography or otherwise? Well I don't really have many. But some photographers that are inspiring to me are Luis Sanchis, Ryan McGinley, Mario Sorrenti, Solve Sundsbo, and lots of people from Flickr. I mean nothing I do is necessarily reminiscent of what they do, but they are so inspiring nonetheless. Whats your favorite concept to portray in a photograph? A lot of my photos are taken outside, and it may be clichÊ but nature is my ultimate inspiration. I don't do too much conceptual photography, but I do have a fondness for fantasy. And not necessarily like unicorns and magic. What I mean is using bright colors, putting people in strange surroundings, looking strange, holding an unexpected object, etc. I love contrasting ideas and images and making people look out of place. What type of equipment do you use? Camera, etc. I use a Canon 500D (T1i), and i haven't used the kit lens in a long time. I also use an old 35mm Canon lens, and a 75-300mm zoom lens. The 35mm lens is from my Canon Rebel, for film, and I would use that camera if it my mother didn't break it. I have a couple of crappy soft lights that I use occasionally, and I have never used a remote for my self-portraits because I always forget that I need one until I'm taking the photo. Do you have a favorite photograph that you have taken? Well, from the ones I have on Flickr, I can narrow it down to three at least, ha. or or If you could shoot anyone, past or present, who would it be? Ok so they're both alive, but I would love to shoot Ali Michael (model) and Michael Pitt (actor). Oh I just realized how amazing it would be to shoot them together. How much do you think your photography – and you – has evolved since you started? That's hard to say, but I would certainly guess that we (my photography and I of course) have evolved a lot. I guess I got to where I used to want to be in photography, but of course now I want to be further ahead. But I certainly do miss the creative juices that were flowing when I first started. What do you think has been your greatest achievement, in photography or in life? Gosh this is pretty unanswerable for me. I will just say that I might not think about them too often, but in retrospect I have achieved some things that I can be proud of myself for. The importance of some of those achievements wears off over time, but they're still there and some people may even still think about them, i don't know.

Alone by flightlessXbird

The Paper Butterfly The machines hummed dully in the background. A constant reminder of their purpose here. The boy gazed around the small, square, room that looked as though it had been dipped in vanilla ice cream. Maybe he would get some ice cream later. He always got ice cream if he was good during the visit. A steady beep was lost upon sitting in the room for any period of time. He had thought it would annoy him, but it was as though he could not even hear it now. Strange tubes came from the machines, carrying various colored liquids; some clear, some red, others blue. The tubes and dials looked fun to play with but he wouldn’t get ice cream if he touched them, his mother had said so. The man in the bed lay motionless, but how could he have moved? Those tubes were tying him down thought the boy to himself. If only the doctors would untie him, we could all go get ice cream together. His mother had been gone a long time and he began to fidget. He tugged at his stiff dress shirt that was making his neck itch. Starched his mother had called it when he asked. It was just itchy to him. Ice cream would make it better. Bored, he dug in his pockets until he found his school project. They had made paper butterflies in class today. He wished it would fly like a real butterfly. A slight toss into the air sent the tiny decorated paper twirling to the floor. He reached down to pick it up and jumped as his mother opened the door. It was time to go. He picked up the butterfly from the cold floor and gazed at it for a moment. Maybe the butterfly would like to stay until he came back. Carefully standing on his tiptoes, he placed the butterfly gently on the man’s face. Real butterflies could fly. Maybe he’d see some when they went to get ice cream. By Zack Ahern

Dario Torre Well, my name is Dario Torre, as shown in the profile. I was born in Milan, and spent 8 years there. Then my parents decided to move to Viareggio, in Tuscany, where I'm currently living. I spent one year in Madrid. I'm 23, but I'm getting 24 in a couple of weeks. I should maybe say I'm 24, but I'm already in the time I'm trying to lie on my age :) I have one main passion besides photography, and its point fight, or more in general martial arts. I love reading and listening to music, like a lot of people‌ I'm in love with Baricco, an Italian writer, and with Dostoevskij. I'm now reading the diaries of Sylvia Plath.

When did you start photography? This is hard to answer... I've always been very fascinated by photography, and I used to shoot sometimes when i was little with my parents' camera (when it eventually broke they said it was my fault). Finally when i was older I could buy my own compact digital camera, and I began to shoot was a simple way of shooting, with nothing more in it than fun. Then, a couple of years ago, after some events in my life, I unconsciously realized that I could go deeper with photography. It became a way to express myself, my feelings, a way to feel better in hard times. I spent almost a year taking self portraits. I was the subject and the photographer, trying to send messages to somebody I didn't know: often I was trying to get in touch with my self, to tell me things I knew but that I wasn't conscious I knew. Then last summer I met Demetra, the blond girl in a lot of my photos, and we became very close friends. With her it began a different route, still expressing myself, but through somebody it wasn't me. Now I shoot her and other friends with whom I feel I have something to share. Some people say that just because you have a camera doesn’t mean that you are a photographer. What would you say to that? Everything is so subjective...Speaking about myself, I don't think of myself as a "photographer", I'm somebody who likes to take photos. But there are other people that think differently, defining themselves photographers if they take photos, writers if they write something, artists if they do something. Am I a walker if I go outside to have a walk? I don't like who defines himself something, it's like creating an outfit to show off, it's like putting a label on you so that everybody can read and say "oh, this guy is a photographer, let's respect him!" Anyway it doesn't matter if you are good enough or not to be considered a "photographer" as long as you're happy doing what you do! Do you want photography to stay in your life later on? Yes I want. I need it to stay in my life. I hope in the future I'll do other things beyond photography, like videos and painting. I want to explore as much as I can the ways a human being can express himself! Do you think your photography has taken on a specific style? Actually I don't like the idea of a "style". If you constrain yourself into a style, you could lose a wider perspective of things, Anyway I think I have my own, even if it's evolving day by day, photo by photo. If I give a look to the pics I took last month I don't like them, I almost hate them... It happens to photos I took yesterday (to make an example), so let's imagine what i can feel with the older ones... Sometimes I try to think on what I'm doing, to do something different, to work with logic and to plan what I'm going to do: it doesn't work at all... I just follow what I feel when I'm holding the camera and looking through the lens. The same happens when I'm working on photoshop, it's like a flow, nothing is planned in advance, except in rare episodes. With this I mean that composition, colors, poses, nothing is planned, but I'd like to be able to escape from this "standard" whenever I want...It's not that easy for me...I'm unconsciously chained to my "style" . Where do you hope to find yourself in 10 years? 20? 10 years...well it's hard to answer, I don't have a clear vision or what should be my life. All that I know is that I'd like to do something I can be satisfied of. I'm really fascinated by Mirò, he has been able to do something that was perfect to him...I don't think a lot of people could manage to do what he did. How would you define photography? it's the diary I can't write with words.

Who is your greatest inspiration, photography or otherwise? I have several inspirations, but I think the most important, speaking about photography, is Jeanloup Sieff. I love his nostalgic way to take pictures, his words, his concept of "lost time". I discovered him by chance, because his book was 19 €, and fell in love with him. After him I feel I'm inspired by Helmut Newton, Peter Lindbergh, Lilian Bassman, Irving Penn...They were and are the best ever! Do you think your surroundings influence your photography? obviously, I'm influenced by everything I see and I feel. Once it happened I was thinking too much on what people were expecting me to do: the result was that I was taking photos not for me, but for other people. I wanted to hear people saying that I was good: bad mistake! It's normal to be influenced, but the aim must always be to do what you want, ,because what you want is what you are. Do you have a favorite photograph that you have taken? As I told you, I don't easily like my work, it's a pursuit of satisfaction. Anyway I have a print in my room, and though I look it everyday, I still like it. I guess it means it could be named "favourite" :) It's "Ihr Blick". What’s your favorite dream that you’ve had? When I was little, I used to dream a lot. The simplest is the one I liked more: I could fly! I loved the fear before jumping, the idea that maybe it wouldn't have worked...and then the jump, and the hands (not the arms, weird way to fly...) as wings. What do you think your strongest attribute is? Your weakest? I think I'm good with colors, but I feel like I fall too often in the same solutions, it's a consequence of the "style" we were talking about before. Probably the biggest weakness is, again, the style itself. What do you find most challenging when taking a photo? being able to understand the mood of the model, of the place we're in, of the weather, and to interpretate it through my eyes and feelings. What defines “home” to you? I'm not sure if it's a place where to go back or somewhere where being in peace with yourself. Or maybe a person who has one of these two attributes, or maybe both. I still have to get a lot of experience before being able to answer to this... How much do you think your photography – and you – has evolved since you started? we both changed a lot. The tones, the composition, the subjects...Once I was talking with a person I feel very close, and we were looking at a old self portrait I took in late 2008. Together we arrived to the conclusion that while in that moment the subject and the photographer/viewer were the same person, now it's not! Now the subject of the photo is the same of that time, always with the same gaze, the same feelings. The viewer has changed, the circle has been broken. What do you think has been your greatest achievement, in photography or in life? I think I still haven't achieved anything important in life. At least I'm kind of happy that I understood, more or less, what I'd like to do in life :)

brittany A set of photographs by Karl Emberton

Raul Romo My name is Raul Romo Jr. (named after my dad). I'm 15, full-time high school student and freelance photographer, living in San Diego, California! I love singing, dancing, and of course, taking pictures! I've been taking photos for a year and a half, (it'll be two years in June).

When did you start photography? The first time I ever knew what photography even was, was when I went to a birthday party of one of my friends. Her friend had been taking a photography class at school, and so they wanted to do a small shoot at her house. I was so amazed at everything they were doing! The makeup, the clothes, the lighting! I was mesmerized! I kept her friend questions, and so she had told me to give photography a try! So, I picked up my grandpa's camera, and started shooting! She told me about flickr, and so I created an account, and continued to shoot anything and everything. I haven't put down the camera since :) Do you think your photography has taken on a specific style? I believe my photos definitely have a very soft, quiet, and feminine style. I can try to do something colder or rougher around the edges, but not matter how dark my concept may be, my photos always seem to have a twist of femininity :) Is there one element that you think is very important for every photograph? For my photos, I always make sure that no matter what I photograph, there is an element of softness within each photo. Whether it be something already soft, or something rough and dim, I make sure to incorporate a touch of softness and feminism into each photograph. What’s your favorite concept to portray in a photograph? I love portraying the concept of purity, and femininity. I always use white, either white clothing or white light, to resemble that purity and innocence. It's fun playing with feminine and masculine concepts, while incorporating innocence and softness into the mix. What are three things you couldn’t go a day without? I can never go without my camera, my sketch book, and a jacket :) Do you have a favorite photograph that you have taken? I don't really have a favorite photo, but if I had to choose one, I would have to say that I really like the photo of a girl sitting on a bridge with apples scattered on the ground with a rabbit by her side :) What’s your favorite dream that you’ve had? I can never remember my dreams when I wake up from them, but when I daydream, I always dream of beautiful girls on horses running in fields. Other times I daydream of lush green garden mazes, and spring getaways. I've always wanted to live in the countryside, so I always daydream of one day being there. What is the process you go through when planning then taking your photographs? Usually I'll come up with an idea for something and allow everything to unravel. If there is a model that is interested in working with me, than I try to come up with some sort of concept that makes the model look and feel beautiful. I want to bring out the best in the people I work with, so I feel if I incorporate and idea that is suited just for them, then hopefully it’ll turn out great :) Once everything is set-the clothing, the hair, makeup, etc-then we're ready to take the photos. I check for little details on the subject, like earrings, hair ties around the wrists, and check lighting and settings on my camera. Then, when all is clear, we're all ready to create a great image!

What’s one word you would use to describe yourself? Friendly :) How much time do you usually spend on a photo/photoshoot? Depending on the shoot, it can take from 2-8 hours! If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? I would want to travel to Ireland, because it's so green over there, and I love sheep! What is one thing you don’t like about your photography? I don't like my inconsistency. I wish my photos could always flow. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? If I could have any superpower it would be to fly, so that way I could go wherever I wanted to whenever I wanted to, and have a nice view along the way :) What do you find most challenging when taking a photo? It can often get difficult when trying to make sure there distractions in the background and from the subject, and it can often become challenging when trying to minimalize excess shadows and harsh light. What’s your favorite memory? My favorite memory is when my brother and I were younger and played in the rain for hours. How much do you think your photography – and you – has evolved since you started? I believe my photos have grown greatly since I began, making me grow and evolve as a person too. Without photography, I'd be a completely different person. Now, I don't know what I'd do without it, because it's a part of who I am. It's everything I love to do mixed into one art. What do you think has been your greatest achievement, in photography or in life? I honestly don't know! I never feel like I've ever really achieved much, so I don't believe I've really achieved anything. If I had I really think about though, I would say that my greatest achievement is having the ability to have been introduced to an art that makes me really happy, and being able to make something of out that art :)

i dream and paint the stars against the twilight by autumnfingers.

brick cake i took off too soon on a broken hip slipped and landed in a big stone chain smoking ship grew my hair out and captained the S.S. Bob Dylan i met you still all salty sea legged walking with my boot soles flapping more swaggering, actually because if you wag your cigarette right you're cold but you're classic listless, she lit up filled a cup and lifted and i loved her in my own lost way that revealed itself on fridays i remember falling into the same sweet place both alright by landing on the other i remember old books we tucked each other in and how they were hymnals then. i saw you coming from a lanky mile six or seven feet of pidgeon-toed going " h-he-hello" something snuck in then and i felt how my top lip laid on the other. and i remember how sore my tip-toes were when you pricked your finger on my back bone " can you divide endless into three sections ? " you said to me as you broke the fever forever. By Maren Hoopfer

Stephen Beadles Well to start my name is Stephen Nicholas Beadles, I think my last names pretty nifty cause its unique haha. I've in been living/growing up in the little town of Milledgeville, GA for the past 10 years. I'm 17 years old but, I'll be 18 on July 19th! Hobbies would be photography of course, writing, running, hanging out...I don't have a lot.

When did you start photography? Well I would say I started getting more focused on photography about a year ago. That is when I received my Nikon D90 as a gift, which I love! Before that I had a simple point and shoot that I had taken photos with for a couple months. I sent some of the photos to my aunt and she sent me a camera! Somewhere in there I discovered Flickr and all its wonder as well. How do you think your life would be different without having discovered photography or Flickr? My life would be changed in so many ways. For starters I take my camera everywhere, I'm always looking at everything and thinking "that would be a cool picture". I'm always analyzing my surroundings thinking about how I could capture them in photos. Photography is my passion, I love it and without it I'm not sure what I would do. I spend so much time focused on it I’d probably be very bored without it! Flickr is one of the things that drives me. I like Flickr because it's a photo-book for me, once I finish something I place it there to keep forever. I'm so glad that I am aware of Flickr and photography! Do you hope to be involved in photography later on as well? I've always said I would never have photography be my career because I want to be rich. That seems pretty shallow, but I can't help it! I'm kind of kidding, but I’m pretty sure that although I'll keep photography as a major hobby, it’s not going to be my job. As for being involved in it, I hope I stay with it forever. I can't imagine not being outside taking pictures. Some people say that just because you have a camera doesn’t mean that you are a photographer. What would you say to that? Well I sort of have a complicated opinion on this. First off I see where people are coming from when they say that, but I think that's a bad way to put it. I think it should be "Just because you have a camera doesn't make you an artist", or something like that. Technically being a "photographer" just means a person who takes photos. I think they're trying to say just because you own a camera doesn't mean you’re talented or good at photography. I would never claim to be an artist, but I would say I'm a photographer because I take photos. Do you think your photography has taken on a specific style? I think my photography shifts "styles". At the moment I love using the sun and creamy tones. I like lens flares and hair flips! I'm not sure if you'd call that a style but a lot of my photos have a certain feeling. My photography has changed drastically in the past month and it is always changing. So I would probably say I don't have a specific style. Where do you hope to find yourself in 10 years? 20? In 10 years I hope you find myself at a job I love! If that isn't photography I'm ok as long as I truly enjoy what I'm doing. In 10 and 20 years I hope to be traveling the world, that is one of my dreams. Who is your greatest inspiration, photography or otherwise? I don't have certain inspiration photography wise that is the greatest, but I have many photographers that I love. I think God in general would be my greatest inspiration. What defines “home” to you? Home is where I home I guess. Right now its the house I've lived at for years even though part of my family has left it, it's still home. I guess home is where the heart is, however corny that is :).

How would you define photography? I guess I would say it’s the act of taking pictures. To me although it’s so much more, because it’s something I love. It's what cheers me up and makes my day better. It's one of those things I know will always be there. What’s your favorite concept to portray in a photograph? I think the most fascinating concept to portray is surrealality (If that is a word). I find it interesting to create images that seem impossible or strange, rather than capture ordinary images. Of course I love many other concepts as well. Do you have a favorite photograph that you have taken? Well my favorite photograph changes quite often, but at the moment I'd have to say this one If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? Not sure if this is a super power, but I'd give anything to have an amazing voice. A voice that is more awesome than anyones, so I could sing without people cringing! I love singing so much, but sadly I wasn't born with that gift. If you could shoot anyone, past or present, who would it be? Mmmmh I have around 100 answers to this and all of them are super thoughtful and interesting, but I'm going with Lady Gaga. I mean everyone wants to meet Lady Gaga right? What is your favorite word? I really don't have one favorite word, but I like interesting sounding words. Such as, Ratatouille, Evanescent, Efflorescence... How much do you think your photography, and you, has changed since you started? I think my photography has changed drastically. I feel like it constantly changing and I am changing with it. When I just began photography I had just learned more about photoshop and I was in love with contrast. I liked amping up the colors sometimes too much! Now I feel my photography is softer and warmer. Also now I only shoot on manual when I started out all I used was automatic! I have a lot more control over my photography now than I did before with all of the things I've learned. I think photography is more fun now because I don't worry about flickr I just take photos I love and that I think are cool. In the past I used to worry if a photo would be popular, but now it’s just about having fun. Don't get me wrong, I love it when their popular, but it’s not as important to me anymore. I'm glad photography has evolved the way it has and I hope it continues to get better. What do you think has been your greatest achievement, in photography or in life? I think my greatest achievement was having my picture used on a cover of a magazine. It was a small Christian magazine and it was only a picture of a dandelion but I'm so proud!

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