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DESIGN SENIOR DESIGNER Racs Salcedo ryan@hipmedia.com.au CONTRIBUTING DESIGNER Evelyn Rueda.............evelyn@hipmedia.com.au
NATIONAL SALES MANAGER Jenny Park jenny@hipmedia.com.au www.drinkscentral.com.au Produced and contract published by: ACCOUNTS: accounts@hipmedia.com.au Bay 8 / 6 Middlemiss Street, Lavender Bay, NSW 2060 Ph: 02 9492 www.hipmedia.com.au7999 | facebook.com/drinksmedia ABN: 42 126 291 914 drinks guide|5
BENEFITS • Trade customers can locate details of your products and contact details at any time.
All enquiries to: The Drinks Association Locked Bag 4100, Chatswood NSW 2067 ABN 26 001 376 423 consent,heldareTheviewsexpressedinDrinksGuidearethoseoftherespectivecontributorsandnotnecessarilythoseofthemagazineorTheDrinksAssociation.CopyrightisbyTheDrinksAssociationandreproductioninwholeorinpart,withoutpriorisnotpermitted.
• FREE for suppliers to list their products.
EDITORIAL PUBLISHING EDITOR Ashley Pini ashley@hipmedia.com.au DIGITAL EDITOR Alana House alanah@drinks.asn.au
• Multi-category database containing more than 18,000 products.
• Ability to search by supplier, category or product.
PUBLISHER The Drinks Association
• Products listed by category, sub-category, brand, variety, ABV and pack/unit size.
• Access to the database is FREE and no login is required for trade customers.
• Product listings from hundreds of suppliers and distributors within the Australian drinks industry.
This edition of Drinks Guide (formally Thomson’s Liquor Guide) celebrates 45 consecutive years of publishing, making it the longest-serving drinks publication in Australia. The primary purpose of Drinks Guide is to provide a comprehensive, multi-category database of drinks products available on the Australian market, connecting retailers with the industry’s leading suppliers. It also offers a snapshot in history, underpinning the industry’s challenges (and responses) to market conditions. This edition, of course, is dominated by the most virulent of disruptions - the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. In the following pages, you will hear from leaders of the supply community, alongside wholesale and banner groups on how their businesses are meeting thoseThischallenges.isalsothe year that www.drinksguide.com.au enjoys a whole new look. The relaunch includes a marketing campaign targeting key on- and off-premise trade customers across the industry, along with links to the highly-engaged Drinks Trade audience.
• Easy search fields by category, region, variety and supplier means your trade customers can easily find your products when looking at ranging in store or on wine lists. We hope you enjoy the 45th anniversary print edition of Drinks Guide and please take advantage of everything www.drinksguide.com.au has to offer. Editor
• Contact details of both product and service suppliers.
Other Drinks Association publications include: DrinksTrade Online drinkstrade.com.au Drinks Guide drinksguide.com.au DrinksYearbook
As a service to the industry, the Drinks Association has made access to both the Drinks Guide print edition and the refreshed website complimentary. To register your interest in access just log onto www.drinksguide.com.au. It’s that simple. This is what you can expect to find:


The top-selling brand in the world, which is also the product that added the most cases to its total volume last year, was Korea’s Jinro soju, growing 6.4% to a total of 80.9 million cases. Interestingly, Jinro sells 47 million more cases than the next-largest brand in the world, Officer’s Choice whisky, which posted 33.8 million cases last year, an increase of 5.6%.
The majority of brands that top the list of fastest-growing are national or regional products, including soju, baijiu, and Indian whisky. “Though we saw a decline in beer and wine consumption last year, brands in the spirits category continue to enjoy great consumer loyalty,” said IWSR CEO Mark Meek. “It’s particularly interesting to see the growth of gin brands, the category which experienced the largest gain in global beverage alcohol consumption in 2018.”
The world’s top 9 gin brands – ranked by absolute volume growth: 1. Gordon’s Gin 2. G.S.M Blue Gin 3. San Miguel Gin 4. Tanqueray Gin 5. Bombay Gin 6. Beefeater Gin 7. Best Gin 8. Old Buck Gin 9. Hendrick’s Gin
Gordon’s Pink Gin recently broke the million-case barrier less than two years since its launch after selling 1.21million nine-litre cases in 2018. Kathy Parker, Diageo’s senior vice president of portfolio Scotch, Haig Club, premium core gins, Captain Morgan and Latin rum, told Spirits Business: “Pink has been a runaway success. We’ve taken just over a year to get to a million cases where it’s taken other gin brands 20 years. It’s an indication of how massive Pink has been.”
Other global highlights in the top 30 were Tito’s Vodka at no.14, up 18.6%; then Aperol at No.21, up 22.6%; Jim Beam at No.24, up 9.5%; and Johnnie Walker at no.30, up 3.6%.
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Diageo was also the leading drinks company in terms of brand share, with six brands in the top 30.
Gordon’s Gin was also the top ranking global spirits brand on the IWSR Top 100 for absolute volume growth. The Diageo brand came in at No.13, which was up 27.8% year-on-year, making it the fastest-rising global brand.

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It’s Here. Business Engagement powered by Business Intelligence We are delighted to announce the launch of Advantage Analytics for Liquor Reporting in 2020. Advantage Analytics will change the way you and your teams see and analyse Advantage reporting to build insight and improve engagement with your Retail partners. For more information visit: www.advantagegroup.com @advantage_int@Advantage Group International@Advantage Group International Interactive Experience: Improved accessibility to all your quantitative and qualitative data Insights Driven: Unlock the drivers of engagement performance faster and with ease

Our priority is to secure as much insight and monitor trade shifts and spending implications to keep our members abreast and relevant with current market developments. Our goal remains members’ longevity and helping prepare them to meet the changing needs of consumers.
‘Get Digital with ILG’ launched last week with our very own The Liquor Coop Bacchus Marsh online store. We have about a dozen member stores in testing mode due to go live by the end of June.
If there is anything we realised most from this unprecedented pandemic, it is the spirit of resilience and our capability as a business to adapt to a whole new world.
ILG has had to fast track our fully integrated e-commerce solution to allow our members to compete in what is becoming a saturated online retail market and satisfy the behavioural shopping changes that are expected to increase the demand for online resources.
As we continue to ease our way back to familiar grounds, the best we can do is continue the good work and contribution we have extended the authorities in keeping each other safe.
At ILG, our priority was, is and will be the health and ongoing safety of our staff, members and stakeholders.
We are very excited about this progress and the benefits our members will realise.
Evidently, the ever-growing presence of online shopping has only strengthened as it became a perfect fit to the new norm we are experiencing.
Nothing could have prepared us more for the augmented pace of change we experienced at the height of COVID-19; if anything we should all give ourselves credit for the winged response we had to effect with extremely restricted alternatives available.
HEAD OFFICE Sydney 16 Tyrone Place, Erskine Park, NSW, 2759 Richlands Unit 3 Boundary Road, Richlands, QLD, 4077 Townsville 677 Ingham Road, Mount St John, QLD, 4818 Tel: Reception – 02 9675 8400 Pat Kenny (NSW) – 0409 308 341 Craig Stephenson (QLD) – 0434 575 589 SOCIAL MEDIA Bottler: www.facebook.com/l.bottler Super Cellars www.facebook.com/MySuperCellars:
Work from home arrangements could not apply to all with our ‘frontline’ teams required to be on-site to allow us to service our members’ needs and increased expectations, as well as respond to varying calls of help in support of their local communities.
The ILG online platform will cater to click and collect, home delivery and offer a rewards program for continued patronage.
As a precautionary measure, most of ILG’s let’s get together events 2020 have been rescheduled for next year. Our focus for the remainder of this year will be all about recovery plans as the world faces a new reality.
We are very grateful to our staff for their understanding and commitment in maintaining a ‘business as usual’ approach in such times of uncertainty.
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The sales team is in discussions with many more members who are being assessed for integration compatibility to ensure a seamless facilitation and activation.

• Liquor Retail Group of the Year 2011
TOP AWARDS Australian Liquor Industry Awards (ALIA)
• Liquor Retail Group of the Year 2017
• Liquor Retail Group of the Year 2014
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• Liquor Retail Group of the Year 2015
HEAD OFFICE Suite 4/40 Churchill Avenue, Subiaco, WA 6008 Tel: (08) 9380 9077 Email: cobrien@liquorbarons.com.au Web: www.liquorbarons.com.au SOCIAL MEDIA www.instagram.com/liquorbaronswww.facebook.com/liquorbarons
The overall size of Liquor Barons has increased over the last twelve months, now with over 80 stores across Western Australia. The group is performing well and we are pleased to be able to say that the Liquor barons offer continues to resonate with consumers and is the banner group that outperforms the market. Our performance in like for like sales each year, has meant more and more well-run independent stores are showing interest in joining our group. The Liquor Barons brand itself is strong with consumers allowing our members to be more profitable, attaining higher margins and developing more customer loyalty. We also focus on flexibility for our members – a key point in making sure we can service the local community in a way that only a true local can. We are aware that what works in one suburb may not work in another. Our model allows for this resulting in a better ranged liquor store for the local community and generally a better offer. At our group conference last year, we outlined our Vision 2020 plan, which incorporated upscaling our IT infrastructure, leveraging our 110,000 members in the loyalty program, and working on our data offer through a secondary dashboard, called “Board”. Our loyalty program is pretty-exciting too, which we’re renaming “Barons Locals”. It’s aligned with a new phone based app for members and a new website, which you’ll see in market in September. Adding to that is an ultra-convenient delivery model for those stores that want it. Again, flexibility is essential for our locally run stores, as we develop the integration of our customers, stores, head office, suppliers and wholesale partner, into a single database.

The manager approaches man, “I see you’re looking at that Glenfiddich 21 year, fantastic Scotch, best served neat. Although, I’ve been instructed to make you an offer. Buy both bottles and we’ll throw in this Jim Beam promotional cool bag?”
A dramatic pause falls over the meeting room.
Ah, alcohol related paraphernalia is the kryptonite of the bogan. The man appears hypnotised by the free bag and as predicted by Lou, he is unable to refuse the offer. “DEAL Peacemate”. falls over the store, Lou has restored @belltowertimesbalance. retail banner group of the year 2011 . 2014 . 2015 . 2017 We encourage and embrace our stores individuality, visit liquorbarons.com.au for more great stories.
drinks guide|13
When it comes to the liquor game, Lou has it wrapped up tighter than a Cuban cigar. Whether you come in for a bottle of wine or to have chat & cappuccino, Lou will look after you.
The manager nods, “yes, sir”. He knows what must be done.
Lou makes a FIFO worker an offer he can’t refuse
On a Thursday afternoon the annoying drone of a hipster talking shit about wine rings out through the shop. A man whose top-knot appears to be trying to communicate with his home planet of Wanktopia is at the tastings table. “Oh ma gawd darling, refrigerated Sav Blanc? Should be far warmer, I would know, I’ve been to France twice” The pretentious gourmand is an unfortunate casualty of gentrification, an ever creeping presence in suburban bottle shops. Lou signals for a manager to talk to him, “please educate our friend over there, a Sauvignon Blanc is a wine best served cold”. A few hours pass and a FIFO worker blows in like a Pilbara cyclone. He has the undeniable thirst of a man eager to throw a handful of pineapples into the blender of hedonism and get juiced up. The man is loudly serenading the store with an ode to his own spending power, “does this $200 one go orright with coke or nah? Moiggght just go the Makers Mark ay”. Like Natalie Imbruglia with one ply toilet paper he is Howtorn.one man can sound like an entire wetmess at an end of child maintenance payments party is a mystery. Nevertheless, the noise is interfering with a meeting Lou is having. He gestures for his manager to approach, “this man has no respect, I want you to make him an offer that he cannot refuse”.

Continuing on our mission to provide value to our outlets business, our new marketing tool will help activate the valuable audience in close proximity to our stores. The tool will raise awareness of our brand & current catalogue offers, to keep our stores top-ofmind and provide a new channel to drive sales. All campaigns will be launched from the national Liquor Legends Facebook and Instagram page each month aligned with our new financial year promotional program. Our strategy is only in its infancy and I warn you… It’s about to get crazy! Watch this space. Our business is emerging from lockdown stronger than ever with new facets of our business being realised which never existed before. Building on the success we have had with our new digital marketing tool; we have also tailored a one-stop shop on-premise reopening package for any venue to take advantage of. The package includes a 4-week intense digital strategy using social media, search engine marketing & EDM communications tailored to the specific venues to re-engage and encourage foot traffic back through their doors. The launch and exposure of our new shoppable platform has also managed to secure new business with Sun Hotel & McGuire’s group joining our legendary family. We are extremely proud of the results thus far and are pleased to be able to offer profitable solutions to our members retail business. Safe to say our new financial year goals are bigger than ever but with a clear and controlled strategy! We have pressed our thumbs on the green button which means there is no turning back. HEAD OFFICE 7 / 747 Fairfield Rd, Yeerongpilly QLD 4105 SOCIAL MEDIA www.instagram.com/liquorlegends/www.facebook.com/liquorlegends
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2020 is one for the history books, that’s for sure. With our on-premise venues forced to close their doors across the country, Bottle shops have played an essential role in sustaining a level of normality in our local communities. As a business, we have been doing everything in our power to support our members and customers by maintaining our best practice service standard, rapidly respond to the schizophrenic shopping behaviour and adapt to the turbulent trading environment. The impact of COVID-19 on the retail side of our business has been enormous. We saw customers buying less per shop but spending more and shopping more often. Looking at March through to May, our sales grew +21%, transactions +6% and average spend +14% like for like. Rewards Members played a key part in driving businesses by shopping 38% more frequently this year compared to year ago. Currently we have over 567,000 rewards members and recruiting +10,500 each month. The agility within the business to react and adapt, reflects our positive growth. Our mission is to ensure we are providing industry leading solutions to our members in this unpredictable market. This includes accelerating the launch of our digital commerce strategy. Within 4 weeks, we have successfully onboarded 40 outlets nationally to our platform and continue to work down the line-up as quickly as we can. We have designed an intense National Digital Strategy utilising local area marketing technology, tailored to amplify our online platform & support our outlets with best practice YouTube, Facebook and Instagram advertising, Search Engine Optimisation, and real time analytics. This is an omni channel approach which will not only enhance our bricks and mortar retail stores but also increase our online presence and amplify the Liquor Legends brand in its entirety. Each campaign is created by the Liquor Legends team with the support of our preferred suppliers, which will be designed to reach thousands of potential customers around our store’s location to deliver meaningful results for their business.

Australia is a dynamic and important market for Champagne, and all of our activities are structured to assist professionals in our market approach Champagne sales with confidence. Contact Champagne Bureau directly for dates and locations of the Champagne workshops as places are limited and strictly RSVP only - info@champagne.com.au
As the director of the Champagne Bureau I am fortunate to have a mission to communicate my passion and knowledge of Champagne to Australian wine professionals, students and media on behalf of Comité Champagne which is the trade organisation that represents the 16 000 growers, 140 co-operatives and 360 Houses of Champagne.
Finally, we have developed a structured Champagne education session tailored to suit many types of Australian business, from retail and online wine sales teams to hotels, restaurants and bars. These sessions are for smaller groups, both experienced and inexperienced, and present an introduction to the Champagne AOC, explaining unique Champagne terminology to show the best practices for young hospitality and wine trade workers how to successfully sell Champagne to their customers.
HEAD OFFICE GPO Box 461 Sydney NSW 2001 Tel: (02) 9698 4403 Web: www.champagne.com.au
Our main objective for the Champagne Bureau in 2020 is to provide a comprehensive range of high-quality Champagne education solutions for professionals working in our market. The foundation of our strategy this year is the launch of an online platform created by a specialist wine education department within Comité Champagne based in Epernay.
The Champagne-MOOC or Massive Open Online Course [www.champagne-mooc. com] is an online series of video tutorials and webinars about Champagne that are easily accessible from any video playing device including a smart-phone. The course is in itself a ‘virtual tour’ of the Champagne region and modules include a seasonal and year-long review of the work that goes on in the vineyard and the cellars of Champagne as well as the history, economy and business of region. Each of the tutorials is presented by key players from the Champagne industry and a certificate is available for download on completion of the premium course. To support the online Champagne education, we are also scheduling a national series of Champagne workshops aimed at industry professionals for them to taste and explore the diversity of Champagne wines. These workshops have proved to be very popular and after the lockdown crisis of 2020 we look forward to presenting Champagne in a safe environment with an interesting format that will showcase an exciting selection of Champagne styles and cuvees.
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It has been a year of positive transformation for Accolade Wines, with a new CEO at the helm in Robert Foye - formerly of Treasury Wines Estates and an experienced veteran of the FMCG sector – and the arrival of Andrew Clarke from Diageo to oversee the company’s operations in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific. At a strategic level, we have continued on our growth pathways of expansion in selected markets such as Asia (particularly in China), leveraging our eight key ‘global’ brands with renewed ambition for growth and market share in Australia, the UK, and North America.
Grant Burge PNC Rosé has been one of the strongest Sparkling Rosé launches within the Australian Market, showing the 2nd highest level growth for any brand within the segment.
HEAD OFFICE Reynell Reynella,Road,SA5161
In addition to the stock replacement offer in the first month of re-opening, the “Your Venue, Our Shout” package offers On-Premise venues increased discounts on Accolade Wines’ most recent wholesale list price for the first 6 months after re-opening. To further assist customers, we also kept up our promotional frequency and had our field force act as a telesales team whilst working from home. With the easing of COVID-19 restrictions, we were able to put the field force back out in the trade from May 18 across the country, enabling them to meet customers face-to-face for the first time since the lockdown began. For Off-Premise customers, we also made sure that we increased production safety stocks to cater for the increased demand in cask and sub-$10 wines in glass during this time.
Our House of Arras brand, meanwhile, continued its partnership with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, this year collaborating to deliver a prestigious Sparkling & Symphony event at the Sydney Opera House.
Late Disgorged 04 took out best Sparkling and 99 points in the Halliday wine companion, while Brut Elite won best Australian Sparkling trophy at the 2019 Champagne and Sparkling Wine World Championships.
Tel: 08 8392 2222 Email: accoladewines.comcorporate.communications@ Web: www.accoladewines.com
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The package is accessible to both existing and new customers, and is available until August 31 2020 across our extended portfolio of quality wines, including brands such as Grant Burge, Croser, Stonier, Hardys, Petaluma and House of Arras.
We took this a step further this year with the rollout of a new Purpose, Vision and Strategy, which captures a number of behaviours we are looking at all staff to embrace, including a greater focus on driving innovation and results at speed. Those behaviours also include our strategic push to drive engagement and growth, and to listen and be a partner of choice to our customers. In line with those ambitions, we recently launched the “Your Venue, Our Shout” initiative to the On-Premise trade in Australia.
SOCIAL MEDIA Accolade Wines Instagram: @accoladewines Facebook: @accoladewinesAU Hardys Instagram: @hardyswines Facebook: @hardyswinesAU Grant Burge Instagram: @grantburgewines Facebook: @grantburgwines St Hallett Instagram: @st_hallett Facebook: @sthallettwines House of Arras Instagram: @houseofarras Facebook: @houseofarrassparkling
After a tough end to 2019, Petaluma, like several other Adelaide Hills wineries, sustained significant damage to vineyards and outbuildings after bushfires ripped through the region just before Christmas. Stables that stored vineyard, winery and cellar door equipment were also destroyed. Thankfully, all Petaluma staff were unharmed, and the cellar door facility was spared from the flames. The team at Petaluma was appreciative of the support from the local community and the broader wine industry, and is relieved to be shifting its focus back to what it does best –producing top wines for its legion of loyal fans.
Grant Burge PNC Rosé was launched in 2019 to a positive response from both trade and consumers, leveraging the strong heritage of its sparkling white counterpart, Grant Burge Pinot Noir Chardonnay. Within the $20-$35 segment, Sparkling Rosé is growing at 25.4% value and is one of the strongest growth segments within sparkling wine, alongside Prosecco.
Overall, the impact of COVID-19, while still being assessed, has impacted wine drinkers’ spending patterns in an unprecedented way. We have seen shoppers reverting to strong legacy brands such as Hardys, Houghton & Banrock Station as they provide great value, quality and confidence.
At a brand level, Hardys has undergone a full packaging refresh and we have already witnessed our VR and Stamp range gaining greater shelf stand-out and presence thanks to the updated brand identity. Tintara, Hardys flagship range, has made great inroads into the $15-$20 segment, achieving key share gains with 44% growth (*IRI – Retail sales value - MAT To 10/05/2020) and plans for further extension into new varietals (Tempranillo, Grenache-Shiraz-Mataro).

• TROPHY Best Wine of Provenance - Red Grant Burge Shadrach Cabernet 2016 • TROPHY Best Cabernet Sauvignon St Hallett Barossa Dry Rosé
• TROPHY Best South Australian White Wine in Show Royal Adelaide 2020 Grant Burge The Vigneron Reserve Eden Valley Riesling 2016
• TROPHY Wine of Provenance Red Clare Valley Wine Show 2019 Leasingham Classic Clare Cabernet 2018
• TROPHY Best Red Wine Blend of Show Leasingham Classic Clare Riesling ‘05, ‘12, ‘18
• TROPHY Best White Blend Wine Show of Western Australia 2019 Houghton Crofters Shiraz 2017
• TROPHY Best Other Red Blend Queensland Royal 2019 Hardys Tintara Grenache Shiraz Touriga 2018
• TROPHY Best Non-Vintage Sparkling Barossa Wine Show 2019 Grant Burge The Vigneron Centenarian Semillon 2015
• TROPHY Best Australian Sparkling Wine Hobart Royal 2019 House of Arras Brut Elite 1501
• TROPHY Best Wine of Provenance Melbourne Royal 2019 Houghton Margaret River Sauvignon Blanc 2019
• TROPHY Best Rosé Royal Adelaide 2019 Grant Burge The Vigneron Reserve Eden Valley Riesling 2015
TOP AWARDS Champagne & Sparkling Wine World Championships House of Arras Winemaker Ed Carr • Lifetime Achievement Award House of Arras Brut Elite 1501
• TROPHY Best Vintage Section Dry Red • TROPHY Best Wine of Show TOP BRANDS
• TROPHY Best Semillon Grant Burge Meshach Shiraz ‘99, ‘12, ‘16
• TROPHY Best Great Southern Red Margaret River Wine Show 2019 Houghton Gladstone Cabernet Sauvignon
• TROPHY Best Vintage Section Cabernet Sauvignon
• TROPHY Best Shiraz Three Years or Older Sydney Royal 2019 Hardys Tintara Grenache Shiraz Touriga 2017
• TROPHY Best Riesling in Show Riverland Wine Show 2019 Hardys Fortified Sweet White • TROPHY Best Fortified White Wine
• TROPHY Best Sparkling Wine Tasmanian Wine Show 2020 House of Arras Brut Elite 1501
Petaluma Instagram: @petalumawines Facebook: @petalumawines Stonier Instagram: @stonierwines Facebook: @stonierwines BRANDS DISTRUBUTED Amberley, Banrock Station, Bay of Fires, Berri Estates, Brookland Valley, Croser, Days of Rose, Eddystone Point, Goundrey, Grant Burge, Hardys, Houghton, House of Arras, Jam Shed, Leasingham, Moondah Brook, Mud House, Omni, Petaluma, Tatachilla, TaKu, Stanley, St Hallett, Stonier, Yarra Burn
• TROPHY Best Wine of Show McLaren Vale Wine Show 2019 Hardys Upper Tintara Shiraz 2016

Our focus has shifted to how we can assist our partners evolve to a future state of operating, the recovery phase. The easing of restrictions will present new challenges with on-premise venues and this will differ by state. We will support all venues with their plans to re-engage with consumers to drive increased foot traffic into venues and bottle-shops whilst implementing a new operating model to ensure social distancing is maintained and enhanced cleaning regimes are employed. It is imperative that we quickly adapt to what will be the ‘new normal’. The safety of staff and patrons will be paramount and will be the key to further easing of restrictions in the future. The complexity of deciding how to emerge from the pandemic will be a new challenge that operators will have to navigate. The pandemic will irrevocably change guests’ relationship with drinking and eating out, and venues need to be ready for this and will have to reconsider what being a bar/pub/club/restaurant means to their guests and what experience patrons are looking for.
The retail drinks market has had a ‘rollercoaster’ ride since the Covid-19 impacts started to be felt. From the panic buying in March through to the lull in trade over the Easter period, it has been difficult to predict the true impact this pandemic is having on the retail drinks sector. Through the initial stages of lockdown restrictions, the usual at home drinking occasions reduced with limits placed on the number of guests allowed in the home and the lack of ‘events’ that consumers could celebrate. As the restrictions are eased, we expect for the retail market to trade strongly, especially whilst there are still on-premise limitations.
We anticipate that eating and drinking out will not return to previous levels of expenditure for the immediate future and this is what’s driving us to help all our customers (on and off premise) to be the best at what they do. Our focus will be to make it easy for customers to do business with Asahi Premium Beverages and we will be there to help our customers get back on their feet quickly. It is not going to be easy but rest assured APB is sharpening our focus to be well positioned to be a true industry partner for the new future.
The impact on the on-premise trade has been devastating with so many people directly affected who either work in the hospitality industry or have invested in venues. The closing of venues has a huge direct and indirect impact on our communities. The ‘local’ plays an important role in bringing people together to socialise, celebrate, commiserate and simply just to enjoy the pleasures of everyday life. With ‘locals’ closed and socialisation not permitted at home, the drinks industry has taken a significant hit. The changes occurred with such rapid speed over the past few months that we have had to respond quickly with a sharp focus on assisting our partners who have been most affected.
At APB, we are committed to supporting our retail partners in maximising this opportunity and to help create new areas for growth.
Over the past weeks, many operators have been looking to find creative ways to maximise revenue and keep staff engaged after their traditional business suddenly fell away. Whilst this new, physically distant reality may last into the future in some form, many consumers are trying to create an experience at home. Venues are supporting this through selling what they used to serve to in-house guests by putting it in a box or a growler, and offering it for takeaway or delivery. It is this flexibility and creativity that will serve our industry well into the unknown future.
This year started very similar to previous years with high levels of excitement and optimism, and within our business, we were looking forward to another superb year of growth while also developing a more entrenched relationship with our customer base. Unfortunately, as we all know, our world was turned upside down when Covid-19 started materialising and the environment that we operated in changed dramatically. To say that it has been a challenging time is an understatement and we, like many businesses, have had to revisit our operating business model and determine what is the best way forward for our customers, our people and our businesses.
Throughout the pandemic, we have maintained regular connection with our customers and implemented initiatives such as offering credits for unopened kegs and bag-inbox post mix, and proactively discussing credit and account management to help customers manage cash flow. We also have a specialist beer team who have assisted our on-premise customers with services relating to beer reticulation and post mix equipment, focussing on servicing, cleaning and maintenance whilst the venues are closed to the public.
Additionally, we have continued to provide our ‘Third Space’ platform services such as social media advice, consulting on training (online) and opportunities to assist with planning for any renovations that venues may undertake during the shutdown. We have also engaged with customers around new business models that venues may wish to explore such as online trivia or comedy nights that we are supporting.
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• Premium International Beer – Asahi Super Dry • Highly Commended Cider – Somersby 3. Liquor Legends 2019 National Supplier of the Year 4. Independent Liquor Group 2019 Supplier of the Year 5. ALM Partnership Award 2019 6. Australian International Beer Awards (AIBA) 2019
• Silver – American Style: Mountain Goat, North Street IPA (draught) Silver – American Style: Mountain Goat, Hello Humanoid (draught)
drinks guide|19
SOCIAL MEDIA LinkedIn: company/asahibeverageswww.linkedin.com/ DETAILS/ OFFICE DETAILS NSW Unit 1/171 Kingsgrove Rd, Kingsgrove, NSW 2208 Tel: 02 9577 1400 QLD Northport Business Park, Unit 5/441 Nudgee Rd, Hendra, QLD 4011 Tel: 07 3868 2388 SA & NT 153 Francis Rd, Wingfield, SA 5013 Tel: 08 8409 1618 VIC 50 Swann Dr, Laverton, VIC 3208 Tel: 03 8369 0300 WA 31 Somersby Rd, Welshpool, WA 6106 Tel: 08 9351 7623
• Trophy – Best English Style Ale: Mountain Goat, Summer Ale (draught)
• Off-Premise Supplier of the Year
• Silver – Other International Style Lager: Mountain Goat, Goat Lager (packaged)
• Silver – German Style Pilsner: Peroni Nastro Azzurro (draught)
• Silver – German Style Pilsner: Asahi Super Dry (packaged)
• Gaining in Popularity, Cider – Somersby
• Silver – New World Style Pale Ale: Mountain Goat, Pale Ale (draught) Bronze – Other International Pale Ale: Mountain Goat, Steam Ale (draught)
• Fan Favourite, Cider - Somersby • Fan Favourite, Light RTD – Vodka Cruiser • Most Distinctive, Dark RTD – Untold 2. Australian Liquor Industry Awards 2019
• Gold – Other International Style Lager: Mountain Goat, Goat Lager (draught)
• Gold – English Summer: Mountain Goat, Summer Ale (draught) Bronze – English Summer: Mountain Goat, Summer Ale (packaged)
• Silver – Reduced Alcohol Ale: Cricketers Arms Session Ale (packaged)
LIST OF RECENT AWARDS 1. Australian Drinks Awards 2019
HEAD OFFICE ADDRESS / CONTACT DETAILS 58 Queensbridge St, Southbank 3006 VIC Tel: 03 8866 3888 Email: ConsumerRelations@asahi.com.au Web: www.asahi.com.au
• Bronze - Other Amber / Dark Ale: Mountain Goat, Fancy Pants (draught)
• Silver – Reduced Alcohol Ale: Mountain Goat, Billy the Mid (draught)
• Silver – Other Amber / Dark Ale: Mountain Goat, Fancy Pants (packaged)
TOP BRANDS Asahi Super Dry CricketersTwoPeroniSuns Arms Mountain Goat GOAT Beer Green Seltzer Vodka
7. Australian International Spirits Competition 2020 • Gold - Nikka Coffey Vodka Gold - Tequila Blu Reposado Silver - Nikka Pure Malt Whisky Silver - Nikka Yoichi • Silver - Nikka Coffey Malt Silver - Nikka Coffey Grain Silver - Nikka Coffey Gin Silver - Untold Spiced Rum Silver - Vodka O Whey Vodka Bronze - VDKA 6100 Whey Vodka

OUR BUSINESS IN 2020 In 2020 Brown Forman celebrates its 150th anniversary. This is a year in which we celebrate and share the company’s achievements, commemorate its legacy and look toward future success. This period, facing a global pandemic after a summer of bushfires is not the first time our company has faced adversity and has risen to the challenge. For Brown-Forman, Prohibition in the United States coincided with its 50th Anniversary in 1920. It’s the resilience of our company and the spirit of our people that has made us successful through the tough times and is the key ingredient to our success in 2020. We very much value our business partners and friends, and look forward to supporting them in the reopening and reinvigoration of their businesses over the year ahead. This will require all of us to capitalise on opportunities and engage in creative thinking, as we have done so over the past few months, did in 1920 during Prohibition in the US, and will do again.
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We are seeing greater demand for ‘better for you’ and bolder flavour options, as well as a growth in premium spirits as consumers look to ‘reward themselves’. The Jack Daniel’s portfolio is well set up to capitalize on these trends.
• Dark RTD/RTS, Winner – Jack Daniel’s Double Jack Australian Drink Awards
• Award: Fan Favourite of the Year Spirits (Dark): Jack Daniel’s (Brown-Forman)
Whiskey: Jack Daniel’s, Woodford Reserve, Old Forester, Slane Irish Whiskey Scotch: GlenDronach, Glenglassaugh, Ben Riach
HEAD OFFICE Level 6, 280 Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010 SOCIAL MEDIA
• Michael Lawson - ILG ‘Manager of the Year’
• Sandy Christie - LMG, ‘Account Manager of the Year’
PRIDE ERG • Australian HR Institute Michael Kirby Award for LGBT+ Inclusion ALIA Awards
• NSW Team - LSA NSW ‘Supplier of the Year’ award
• WA Team - 2018 Liquor Store Awards (LSA), ‘Corporate Member of the Year Spirits & RTD’
We have been disappointed to witness the recent closures of many of our customers and business partners due to the Covid-19 shutdowns, and the devastating impact these closures have had on so many of our friends and partners. In response, locally we have supported on-premise industry charitable causes including HelpOutHospo, which has also been endorsed by key players in the industry including Matt Moran, renowned chef and restaurateur. This not-for-profit organisation has set up a portal through which consumers can pay a donation to watch videos showcasing chefs and bartenders teaching the public how to put together their signature dishes and drinks, with the money going into a fund that will assist hospitality workers. We sent Friends of Jack packs to bartenders and our trade community with personal notes to get them through the shutdown period, as well as continued bartender training online with live modules and webinars. All of this came after a heartbreaking summer, as so many communities battled the very worst of bushfires and floods. With so many consumers unable to enjoy the outdoors during that period, as well as not being able to get-together in groups to celebrate, our RTDs were impacted whilst our full strength portfolio continued to deliver a solid business performance.
Tequila: El Jimador, Herradura Vodka: Finlandia Liquor: Chambord, Jagermeister Gin: Fords Gin TOP AWARDS
‘Liquor Supplier of the Year’
BUSINESS AT THIS POINT IN TIME Like many industry participants and partners the past few months of 2020 have been unpredictable. That said, Brown Forman’s full strength spirits have performed strongly, and more recently our RTD business has seen increased performance as on-premise restrictions ease and RTD occasions become more prevalent once again. Our brands that are popular in the on-premise, particularly our tequila brands, have naturally suffered, but we look forward to continuing to partner with our many friends within the on-premise, as bars, pubs, clubs and restaurants reopen.
• Brendan James - FoodWorks & Richies
• Award: Most Distinctive Brand of the Year RTD (Dark): Jack Daniel’s & Lemonade (Brown-Forman)

Still nothing better in the market. 150 years… and counting. CELEBRATE RESPONSIBLY. ©2020 BROWN-FORMAN

We’ve seen this firsthand through the launch of industry support platform #ShakenNotBroken which we backed through a $500,000 in-kind donation that helped neighbourhood venues keep pouring drinks via a contactless cocktail delivery platform. Today, more than 200 venues across states and territories are on board and we hope it’s providing some form of revenue that can go towards ensuring these businesses can remain open and connected to their customers.
We’ll also strive to continue to build closer relationships with our on and off premise partners, to ensure we learn and adapt to others’ changing tastes and preferences together, such as the rise of wellbeing, health and wellness trends and the explosion of organic and sustainable ingredients. As we look to the year ahead, the future for our industry is beginning to emerge – it will be different, there will be challenges but with great adversity comes great opportunity and innovation. PTY LTD
LOOKING AHEAD WITH OPTIMISM While many of our industries have been disrupted, it’s important we look to face the future with positivity, pragmatism and agility, which we’ve already seen with countless venues flexing their business model to survive.
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SOCIAL MEDIA FACEBOOK: @aperolspritz.au@wildturkeyau@CampariAustraliaOfficial
Level 21, 141 Walker Street North Sydney NSW 2060 AU Phone: +61 2 9478 2727 Email: info.australia@campari.com Websites: www.aperolspritz.com.auwww.wildturkeybourbon.com.auwww.campariacademy.com.auwww.campariau.com
QLD Level 3, 5 Kyabra Street, Newstead, QLD 4006 Tel: +61 7 3253 1800 VIC 4/111 Coventry Street, South Melbourne, VIC 3205 Tel: +61 3 9249 2700 WA Unit 24/38 Fielder Street, East Perth, WA 6004 Tel: +61 8 9347 2600 TOP BRANDS Wild SkyyAppletonCampariGlenAperolTurkeyGrantEstate
From the devastating bushfire season through to a global pandemic, there’s no hiding from the fact that this is one of the most challenging years to hit our industry in a lifetime. But what this time has shown me is just how resilient and inspiring the people behind our industry of bars, venues, kitchens and dining rooms are – never giving up hope.
As we map our way forward, it’s important to take stock of what we achieved through the hard work and dedication of our Camparistas. We were fortunate to come off the back of another strong year of brand growth and continued consumer love for our portfolio. This includes the success of purpose-led brand and social responsibility initiatives, such as the Wild Turkey and Matthew McConaughey campaign that gave back to the support of the great volunteers of the Foundation for National Parks and Wildlife. This was a key example of how, in partnership with our key retailer partners, we can positively shift the perception of a category, such as bourbon, in the minds of new consumers while continuing to stay authentic to our existing customers. Our aperitivo range continued to be embraced with gusto by so many Australians, which can be credited in part to the 100year consistency and quality of Campari and Aperol. While in whisky, Glen Grant cemented its place as an easy-drinking, yet highly regarded, Malt Whisky, with its 18-year-old receiving global recognition.
While the Bottle shops around Australia have remained open, flexed to cope with changes in demand and worked hard to ensure they comply with Government legislation and keep their customers and suppliers safe at all times.
This includes investing in eCommerce, digital and social media platforms, which is critical to future growth in remaining the trusted and customercentric brand that we know customers expect in the age of Uber and Netflix.
As a business, I’m proud we embraced diversity and inclusion by holding ourselves accountable through the development of a blueprint for success, while championing change within the industry through participation in industry initiatives, such as the Embrace Difference Council, International Women’s Day and The Inclusive Leadership Program.
INSTAGRAM: @aperolspritzau@wildturkeyau@Campariau


• the health and wellbeing of our staff, their families and our local communities has remained our number one priority; • the need to adapt quickly and tailor our approach to each region, market and channel and • the importance of having trusted brands with a strong value proposition. We made the decision early on to close our regional cellar doors and take our sales team off the road to protect the health and wellbeing of our people and the communities in which we operate. It was important to me that we acted proactively and played a role in mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on our industry.
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At the beginning of the year Australia was in the midst of the tragic bushfires and over the last few months we have faced an unprecedented pandemic. As I reflect on this year’s vintage, one of the highlights for me was seeing our growers, viticulture and winemaking teams adapting to the changes in order to deliver a successful vintage. It’s been truly gratifying to see how the winemaking community has come together to support one another and demonstrates just how resilient and resourceful the industry can be. I’m confident the wines from the 2020 vintage will be excellent, and I’m sure this vintage will be remembered not only for its wines but for camaraderie and community spirit. Reflecting on the last few months and the complexities we have had to navigate in dealing with a significant global challenge, the three learnings that really stay with me are:
In contrast we have seen on-trade consumption ceasing altogether, coupled with a drop in international travel which has presented significant challenges. We hope that the easing of restrictions will see a shift in consumer behaviour, so the many cafes, bars and restaurants that have been impacted can open their doors again. We are committed to working closely with our on premise distributors to ensure we support them on the road to recovery. Throughout the pandemic, we have worked very closely with our trade partners with regular and consistent communication, particularly while our sales reps were unable to make face to face visits. We have adapted to meet the different challenges presented by each channel, from ensuing we are able to support retailers with stock requirements to being commercially lenient and supportive to customers impacted and challenged by the current situation. Our key priority moving forward is to continue to focus on our core brands. We know consumers will continue to look for valued and trusted Australian wine brands and we want to provide both our trade partners and wine consumers with reassurance and certainty in uncertain times.
There is a long road ahead for many businesses, and while consumers have indicated they will be more cautious about discretionary spending, we believe consumers will remain actively engaged with the category and wine will continue to be a way they choose to treat themselves. We anticipate wine drinkers with a passion for luxury and indulgence will embrace the return to restaurants and fine dining
The start of the new decade has certainly presented us all with unique and unexpected challenges and every business has had to adapt in the best possible way they can. As we enter the second half of 2020, while there is a long road ahead I hope to see stability and a gradual return to normality for Australia’s liquor industry.
As the pandemic began to take hold we experienced similar patterns of consumer behaviour as lockdowns created an increased demand of grocery items and alcohol. In particular, [yellow tail] sales in our major markets spiked as a result of the ‘pantry loading’ mentality in March. Following the stockpiling that took place, [yellow tail] continues to experience strong global sales due to a significant increase in at-home wine consumption and occasions. Furthermore, under challenging economic circumstances, consumers tend to choose brands that they trust and offer excellent value for money, which is the strong appeal of [yellow tail].

drinks guide|27 PARTNERSSUPPLIER
HEAD OFFICE Wakley Road, Yenda, 2681 NSW Tel: 02 6961 3000 Web: www.casellafamilybrands.com OFFICES NSW Units 506-510, 460 Pacific Highway, St Leonards, 2065 NSW VIC Level 1, 44-60 Fenton Street, Huntingdale, 3166 VIC QLD Unit 14, 53-57 Link Drive, Yatala, 4207 QLD WA Unit 5, 11 Preston Street, Como, 6151 WA SA Office 1, Ground Floor, 240 Currie Street, Adelaide, 5000 SA Casella awarded prestigious Graham Gregory Award at the 2019 NSW Wine Lehmann Wines MASTERSON Shiraz – 97 Points James Halliday 2020 Peter Lehmann Wines 2015 MASTERSON Shiraz – 98 Points Huon Hooke 2019 [yellow tail] #20 – Drinks International’s World’s Most Admired Wine Brands list 2020 [yellow tail] #1 – World’s Most Powerful Wine Brand by Wine Intelligence Global Brand Power Index 2020 for the third year in a row. and this will help drive resurgence of the premium wine category. In closing, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and we must maintain our belief in this fantastic industry, continue to approach each day with optimism and resilience but most importantly, unite to support each other through this next chapter.

In addition to our direct support for customers, we felt it was critical to contribute to the public health messaging using the power of our iconic and much-loved brands. To date, Lion’s public campaign, executed through its brands XXXX, Tooheys, Emu Export, James Boag, Furphy and West End has reached more than 20 million people. We asked people to stay home, something we never thought we would have to do as Australia’s leading brewer and champion of sociability!
• Work with customers who were doing it tough to see how and where we could help them manage the situation. These measures complemented the innovative responses from pubs and clubs we saw throughout the COVID-19 closures, which kept people in jobs and saw some operators continue to trade despite the closures through food and beverage delivery and take-away sales.
• We have also supported venues with cleaning procedures for their draught beer systems to keep them in working order, ready and able to open up quickly again. Our draught quality team has now cleaned 15,000 couplers and taps for our on-premise customers. So committed to the cause, our team has been doing all this vital work from home.
Despite the challenges COVID-19 has presented, at Lion, we tried to prepare for the future and continued with the launch of several promising new beers including XXXX Dry in Queensland, Furphy Crisp Lager in Victoria, James Squire Broken Shackles Lager and James Squire Ginger Beer nationally.
In those early days of the crisis, decisions were being made quickly. At Lion, we held grave concerns that brewing would not be permitted to continue when the closures were initially announced. The closure of breweries would have resulted in serious beer shortages for up to three months in Australia, not to mention the significant impact it would have had on the expansive supply chain that supports our industry - ranging from farmers to truck drivers to packaging manufacturers. Hundreds of more jobs would have been at risk. It was welcome news when assurances were given that brewing could continue and bottle shops permitted to trade. However, this good news paled in comparison to the impact the restrictions were having on all of our on-premise customers. We always try to do our best to continuously focus on supporting our customers. We began to implement several immediate measures to help reduce the burden for the on-premise which we knew would be doing it incredibly tough when they had to close their doors on March 23. Our team moved quickly to: • Offer a credit for all unused, full and capped kegs including the cost of freight to send them back to us. To date, we have credited venues around Australia nearly $30 million for 107,000 kegs.
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• In response to the ATO’s relaxation of excise requirements for repackaging draught beer, Lion rolled out nearly 20,000 1.25 litre amber bottles (although the feedback was they were a bit too small), caps and tap dispensers to venues around Australia to allow them to sell through their remaining draught beer. I would like to give a big shout out to the ATO as this was a really great initiative to support the industry and of course, allowed tap beer lovers a taste of their favourite draught beer. We welcome the announcement that this will be extended until the end of September 2020, which is good news for venues getting back on their feet.
We also made the exciting announcement of our partnership with Mark Anthony Brands International to bring the hottest beverage brand on the planet to Australian shores in time for summer – White Claw! Watch out Australia! The market leader in hard seltzers, White Claw promises to be a real hit in our market, meeting growing consumer trends towards mindful consumption.
Never have we seen parts of the economy systematically closed down in response to such a threat to the health of our nation. But never have I felt more privileged to be a part of this industry.
To coincide with the gradual re-opening of venues, in partnership with customers we rolled out branded safety kits that included signage about cashless payments, floor decals for space, sneeze screens and bar runners asking people to keep their distance. These were really handy kits, which meant venue operators had one less thing to think about when re-opening, allowing them to comply more easily with the new health and safety standards.
As we start to see life return to a new normal, I hope the next six months will see a much brighter time for our pubs and clubs as well as our country as restrictions are further removed. The recovery will potentially take years, not months. As an industry, we are a resilient group and I would like to send special regards and thanks to our fellow suppliers in all categories for what we have all done together to support our unique and wonderful customers and industry! Enjoy that draught beer back at your local! Cheers!
Australia’s hospitality industry has seen its fair share of challenges in the first half of 2020. Reflecting on the past six months for this piece was somewhat confronting. Horrendous bushfires, flooding events, smoke haze and, of course, the prolonged and brutal drought marked a shocking start to what was meant to be an exciting new decade. We did not think it could get any worse and then COVID-19 struck.

drinks guide|29 PARTNERSSUPPLIERHEAD OFFICE Level 7, 68 York Street Sydney NSW 2000 SOCIAL MEDIA LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/lion-co Instagram: www.instagram.com/lionbeverages Facebook: www.facebook.com/lionbeverages BRANDS DISTRIBUTED

Open Byron

Contains less than 0.04% Alc/Vol. Designated driver? Now you can. Great Alcoholtaste.free.


drinks guide|33 PARTNERSSUPPLIER HEAD OFFICE 195 Grote Street, Adelaide SA 5000 National Customer Service: Samuel Smith & Son: 1300 615 072 Negociants Australia: 1300 616 072 Trade Portal Access: www.negociants.comwww.samsmith.com
DISTRIBUTOR DETAILS/ OFFICE DETAILS QLD: 120 Factory Road, Oxley QLD 4075 Tel: 07 3373 5777 NSW: G.01 90 – 96 Bourke Road, Alexandria NSW 2015 Tel: 02 8344 8244 VIC: 109 – 113 Hyde Street, Footscray VIC 3011 Tel: 03 9268 1700 SA: 205 Grote Street, Adelaide SA 5000 Tel: 08 8112 4200 WA: 114 Radium Street, Welshpool WA 6106 Tel: 08 9333 4222
For a family-owned wine distribution business founded in 1923, Samuel Smith & Son and Negociants Australia has witnessed and emerged from many profound events over our last 97 years. 2020 will no doubt join this list with the global pandemic of the COVID-19 virus. This event has created a fracture in our industry and in particular, the hospitality channel. Our trade friends are enduring hardship as their livelihoods have not only been impacted but completely halted to manage the health crisis. Our promise of knowledge, service, friendship will continue to be our guiding light as we navigate our way through these challenges – in lockstep with our trade partners. Our commitment is to support our partners in making strong and sustainable recoveries, with support that is tailored to their individual needs. As of the end of May, there is reason to be optimistic as our hospitality trade have been given visibility on reopening in the coming weeks. We are ready and willing to join you back on the path to recovery and sustainability. In times of difficulty, people look to authenticity and security in the choices they make. We are fortunate across both Samuel Smith & Son and Negociants
Australia to represent the best and classic wines from all of the significant regions - not only in Australia, but the world. People are at the core of our values, and I want to assure you that our team and our partners’ health has been our paramount consideration during this time. Our COVID-19 management plan is in place, and we will work with our partners to continue safe ways of working into the future. Stay safe and well, and I look forward to sharing a wine with you in the happier days ahead.

Stuart Alexander offers a story that spans some of the most important events in modern history; the company has built an inspiring and lasting legacy based on loyalty, friendship and family values and is backed by an insatiable entrepreneurial spirit. The consumer and customer is at the heart of everything we do and we will continue to partner with market-leading and innovative brands they know, trust and love.
Continuing to build on the bar trades’ perfect collection, we are constantly seeking to expand our premium beverages to further complement our already successful portfolio in the on- and off-premises. The remainder of 2020 will bring a further expansion of this portfolio with new and exciting brands.
The beginning of 2020 saw unprecedented times for all businesses within the HORECA space, not only locally but also globally. We were and remain deeply concerned with the impact of COVID-19 on the broader HORECA trade; we continue to support our brands’ partners and customers as we all navigate through these unchartered times.
Stuart Alexander & Co is a company built on people, passion and brands. It is also one of tradition, enduring partnerships, loyalty to staff, suppliers and customers, and a powerful determination to control its destiny. Founded in 1884 and one of Australia’s largest privately-owned companies, Stuart Alexander & Co has been quietly thriving now for more than 136 years. In 2018, Nick Nairn was appointed Chief Executive Officer. During its life, the organisation has earned its status as one of Australia’s leading importers and marketers of luxury consumer goods and household brands. For example, in 1976 Stuart Alexander & Co introduced Australian consumers to Moccona coffee for the first time. At the turn of the century, the rights were secured for TABASCO and the business also brought MONIN into Australia - two brands that are known and loved and Stuart Alexander & Co has been proud to represent ever since.
We are passionate and entrepreneurial in spirit about providing our end customers with innovative drink solutions that support the sustainable, long-term growth of premium brands. With that, in 2019 Stuart Alexander & Co leveraged on our long-standing relationships with key brands such as MONIN, TABASCO and Ocean Spray by diversifying and expanding our Premium Beverages portfolio by launching in the liquor sector initially with Taylor Made Spirits (The West Winds Gin and AVOSH vodka), quickly followed by Fentimans mixers and evian. Furthering our Premium Beverage growth, in early 2020 we also introduced Chase Distillery into the portfolio. Stuart Alexander & Co now offers a broad range of locally and international crafted gin and vodka complemented with exceptional botanically brewed mixers.
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drinks guide|19 PARTNERSSUPPLIERHEAD OFFICE Level 3, 1 Smail Street Ultimo NSW 2007 Tel: 1800 225 417 Email: contactcentre@stalex.com.au Or contact your local state representative direct for more information. Web: www.stuartalexander.com.au SOCIAL MEDIA www.linkedin.com/company/stuart-alexander TOP BRANDS TheMONINWest Winds Gin AVOSH Vodka Chase Distillery OceanFentimansTABASCOevianSpray


Facebook: HendricksGin MONKEY www.monkeyshoulder.comSHOULDER:
drinks guide|37
Facebook: MonkeyShoulderAustralia Instagram: @MonkeyShoulderAustralia SAILOR www.sailorjerry.comJERRY: Facebook: SailorJerryAus Instagram: @SailorJerryAus
HEAD OFFICE Suite 21.02, Level 21, 111 Pacific Hwy, North Sydney, NSW 2060 Tel: 02 9409 5100 Fax: 02 9409 5128 Email: wgsacustomerservice@wgrant.com Web: www.williamgrant.com
Gin continues to perform strongly, leading the growth of all Australian spirits categories over the last year. Hendricks maintains its leadership position within super premium gin and to support the growing consumer demand for discovery, Hendricks Mid Summer Solstice was launched across all channels in late 2019. This, the first major innovation from the brand offers drinkers a refreshing floral gin that is perfect for long drinks and summer spritzes and has proven to be a great recruitment tool for bringing new drinkers into gin from adjacent spirits categories.
Whilst the start of 2020 has been turbulent, what we can be certain of is that at home experimentation and spirits premiumisation is here to stay. William Grant & Sons has a portfolio of quality brands that are well placed to maximise growth in the current environment and we are committed to supporting our customers deliver growth across all premium spirits categories.
SOCIAL MEDIA www.glenfiddich.com.auGLENFIDDICH: Facebook: GlenfiddichAU www.thebalvenie.comBALVENIE: Facebook: www.hendricksgin.comHENDRICK’S:TheBalvenie
2019 International Wine and Spirits Challenge • Outstanding spirits producer 2019 International Spirits Challenge • Distiller of the year • Scotch whisky producer of the year When William Grant first set out to disrupt the Scotch whisky industry in 1887 it was with the sole purpose of producing the best dram in the valley. 133 years on and his legacy lives on proudly, with William Grant and Sons having been recognised as ‘Distiller of the year’ and ‘Spirits producer of the year’ 2019 by the IWSC and ISC. It is this passion and commitment to producing quality spirits that are behind the continued momentum that the business is experiencing in both Australia and around the world. The William Grant & Sons Australia business performed strongly over the last 12 months, growing share to 4.9%* of spirits with double digit growth well ahead of the spirits category. Glenfiddich, the worlds’ most awarded Single Malt, maintained its’ leadership position growing share versus the category. A more distinctive and premium execution of the flagship 12YO and 15YO bottles hit market in early 2020, which in addition to the launch of the Whisky Wanderer bus and personalised bottle gifting program throughout 2019, helped deliver growth across all channels. Monkey Shoulder continues to welcome new drinkers to the whisky category, with its playful personality helping break down traditional preconceptions of Scotch to introduce new drinkers to whisky through the art of accessible cocktails. The ‘Monkey Mixer,’ a giant cocktail mixing four-wheeled extravaganza has been supporting venues through personalised cocktail delivery services throughout the COVID isolation period and part of our broader ‘Standfast’ trade programme to support hospitality staff affected by on premise closures. The whisky category continues to show strong evolution in the Australian market, however for many consumers there is still an intimidation factor which prevents them from trialling. Through high profile marketing programmes and delivering education via our brand ambassador team WGS want to demystify the category to help all our customers get their fair share of the $70M RSV* opportunity that exists within Malt Whisky. We expect to see a continued rise in experimentation and so having the right range, from a leading blend like Grant’s through to a connoisseur malt in The Balvenie, WGS have the expertise and range to unlock the opportunity.
2019 saw Sailor Jerry enter the RTD segment with the launch of Sailor and Dry and Sailor and Cola, targeting shoppers looking for the convenience of a readymade perfect serve to enjoy at home. This July will see the launch of Savage Apple, an apple infused Sailor Jerry that can be enjoyed neat or in a long drink with ginger as part of a broader initiative to expand occasions on the Sailor Jerry brand.

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4 Pines Brewing Company
Tel: 02 9099 2720 Web: www.4pinesbeer.com.au Email: nathan@4pinesbeer.com.au Brands: 4 Pines 919 Wines Tel: 0408 855 272 Web: www.919wines.com.au Email: admin@919wines.com.au Brands: 919 Wines, Ella Semmler’s Orchard
All Saints Estate Tel: 1800 021 621 Web: www.allsaintswine.com.au Brands: All Saints Estate Alpen Liquor Wholesalers Tel: 0417 733 057 Web: www.alpenliquor.com.au Email: info@alpenliquor.com.au Brands: Absacker, Affentaler - Black Forest, Bischofliches - Rudesheim, Feingeisterie, Hardenberg, Maisel & Friends, Maisels Weisse, Oberkircher - Black Forest, Oldesloer, Possmann, Scheibel Distillery, Specht, Weltenburger Kloster Amato Vino Tel: 0401 715 772 Web: amatovino.com.au Email: brad@amatovino.com.au Brands: Amato Vino Arquilla Bulk Trading Tel: 03 9387 1040 Web: www.arquilla-wine.com Email: ben@dwstas.com.au Brands: Argiolas, Arnaldo Caprai, Bellussi, Berta, Bigi, Ca del Bosco, Ca` Bianca, Candolini, Cantina Terlan, Cantina Tramin, Carpano, Casa Bianca, Castellani, Castellare, Castello Beer, Castello Di Cigognola, Cavit, Collavini, Collazzi, El Coto De Rioja, Falesco, Fattoria Le Pupille, Feudi del Pisciotto, Feudi di San Gregorio, Francois Labet, Fratelli Branca, Frescobaldi, Guicciardini Strozzi, Gully Wines, Hills View, Ichnusa, Janneau, Lamberti, Le Monde, Leone de Castris, Leone di Castris, Livio Felluga, Loredan Gasparini, Luce della Vite, Luxardo, Marenco, Mastri Birrai Umbri, Messina, Mission Estate, Molinari, Montalbera, Moretti, Nino Negri, Parri Estate, Pellegrino, Philipponnat, Pio Cesare, Planeta, Podere Monastero, Re Manfredi, Santa Barbara, Snow Road, Tamellini, Tenuta, Theresianer, Toro, Torrevento, Velenosi, Villa Branca, Zenato
Brands: Amberley, Banrock Station, Batch X, Bay of Fires, Berri Estates, Brookland Valley, Days of Rosé, Goundrey, Hardys, Houghton, Leasingham, Moondah Brook, Mud House Estate, Omni, Renmano, Reynella, St. Hallett, Ta_Ku, Terra Sancta, Tessabella, The Busselton Boys, Yarra Burn After Hours Wine Tel: 0438 737 587 Web: www.afterhourswine.com.au Email: afterhourswine@bigpond.com Brands: 9 to 5, After Hours Agnew Wines
Asahi Premium Beverages Tel: 03 8866 3888 Web: www.asahipremiumbeverages.com Email: ConsumerRelations@asahi.com.au Brands: Asahi Super Dry, Peroni, Two Suns, Cricketers Arms, Mountain Goat, GOAT Beer, Green Beacon, Grolsch, Pilsner Urquell, Somersby, Good Tides Hard Seltzer, Vodka Cruiser, Woodstock, Untold Rum, Vodka O, Nikka Whiskey Australian Vintage Ltd Tel: 08 8172 8333 Web: www.australianvintage.com.au Brands: Barossa Valley Wine Estates, McGuigan, Nepenthe, Passion Pop, Tempus Two Australian Wine Cellar Tel: 0427 721 478 Web: www.australianwinecellar.com.au Email: landi@australianwinecellar.com.au Brands: Botanic Hill, Early Explorer, Early Settler, Heritage Estate, Merlin Meridian, Lizard Creek, Old Bush, Pitts Hill, Rockbase Bacardi-Martini Australia Tel: 1800 846 141 Web: www.bacardilimited.com Brands: 42 Below, Aberfeldy, Angel Envy, Aultmore, Bacardi, Barbaresso, Bombay Sapphire, Cazadores, Craigellachie, D.O.M. Benedictine, De Kuyper, Deveron, Dewar’s, Dusse, Eristoff Vodka, Grey Goose, Leblon, Martini, Noilly Prat, Royal Brackla, Rutte, St-Germain Bacchus Wine Merchant Tel: 1300 309 773 Web: www.bacchuswinemerchant.com.au Email: info@bacchuswinemerchant.com.au Brands: Vive la Loire, Riviani, Coppeire, Satellite, Les Ligeriens, Condie Estate, Holm Oak, Spy Valley, 3 Drops, BK Wines, Black Jack, Capi, Champagne Collet, Joseph Cattin, Chevalier, Delatite, Chrismont, Dexter, Casa
Accolade Wines
Tel: 02 4993 3600 Web: www.agnewwines.com.au Email: info@agnewwines.com.au
Tel: 1800 088 711 Web: www.accoladewines.com Email: accolade.wines.comcustomers.awines@
Brands: Audrey Wilkinson, Cockfighter’s Ghost, Firestick, Poole’s Rock Alepat Taylor Tel: 03 9487 2599 Web: www.alepat.com.au Email: alepat@alepat.com.au Brands: Alexander Hill, Amaro Montenegro, Baitz, Balbi Soprani, Burmester, Camus, Capetta, Carpene Malvolti, Cecchi, Chabot, Churchview Estate, Cordero Di Montezemolo, Di Giorgio, Domain Barossa, Don Camillo, Farnese, Fernando the First, Jacqueline, London, Majella, Mancini Vigneron Selection, Mansion House Bay, Menabrea, Pasqua, Rosso Antico, Scarpantoni, Serafino, Singha,Stefani Estate, Taylor Ferguson, Trentham Springs, Whitehaven, Zampillo

Tel: 1800 007 282 Web: www.cub.com.au Brands: 4Pines, Actual, Akropolis, Balter, Beck’s, Black Douglas, Brookvale Union, Bonamy’s, Budweiser, Bulmers, Carlsberg,Carlton, Cascade, Continental, Corona, Cougar, Coyote, Crown Lager, Fosters, Frothy, Goose Island, Hoegaarden, Karloff, Kent Old Brown, Leffe, Lexington Hill, Little Green, Matilda Bay, Melbourne Bitter, Mercury, Miller Chill, Negra Modelo, Pacific Radler, Pacifico, Pirate Life, Powers Gold, Prince Albert, Pure Blonde, Reschs, Sheaf Stout, Stella Artois, Strongbow, Riot, Tooth’s, Victoria Bitter, Yaks
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Balgownie Estate Tel: 03 9730 0785 Web: www.balgownieestatewines.com.au Brands: Balgownie Estate Balmain Brewing Company Tel: 0418 244 658 Web: www.balmainbrewing.com.au Brands: Balmain Beer Baltic Spirit Tel:03 9762 0656 Web:www.balticspirit.com.au Brands: Kristaldzidrais, Riga, Arsenitch, Kurland, Latgales Dzimtenite, Latvijas Balzams Beam Suntory Tel: 02 8977 9700 Web: www.beamsuntory.com Brands: Ardmore, Canadian Club, Courvoisier, Cruzan, Jim Beam, Laphroaig, DeKuyper, Effen, 100 Anos, El Tesoro, Tres Generaciones, Hornitos, Sipsmith, Auchentoshan, Glen Garioch, Teacher’s, Kilbeggan, Horoyoi, DYC, Bowmore, Sauza, Yamazaki, Hakushu, Hibiki, Kakubin, Toki, Chita Beer Importers & Distributors Tel: 02 9667 3755 Web: www.bidbeer.com Email: info@bidbeer.com Brands: Abita Brewing Co, Bellerose, Bosteels Brewery, Brasserie de St Sylvestre, Charles de Cazanove, Chimay, Duvel, Frenchies, Greene King, Grevensteiner, Hoess Brau, La Brasserie de St. Sylvestre, Liefmans, Maredsous, Real Belguim, St Feuillien, Silly Brewery, Samuel Smith, Veltins Brown Family Wine Group Tel: 03 5720 5500 Web: www.brownbrothers.com.au Email:info@brownbrothers.com.au Brands: Brown Brothers, Devil’s Corner, Moonstruck, Pirie Brown-Forman Australia Tel: 02 9764 8777 Web: www.brownforman.com.au Brands: BenRiach, Chambord, Collingwood, El Jimador, Finlandia, Fords Gin, Gekkeikan, Gentleman Jack, Glendronach, Glenglassaugh, Herradura, Jack Daniel’s, Jägermeister, Old Forester, Slane, Woodford Reserve
DIRECTORYSUPPLIERS Lluch, Castel Torre, Flowstone, Hither & Yon, Hillbilly Cider, Huber, J. Moraeu & Fils, Jed, Kilikanoon, Merricks Estate, Moorooduc Estate, Peel Estate, Petits Detours, Beneath the Kite, Secret Garden, See Saw, The Willows, Rolf Binder, Juniper, Kimi, Chain of Ponds, Cape Margaret, Trentham, Wooingtree, Yarra Glen, Zema Estate, La Zona, Clandestine, Joel Delaunay, Rouleur Wine Co, Levrier, XO Wine Co, Reverend, Schwarz Wine Co, Coombe, Allandale, Cellier des Samsons, Bottle Tree, Les Lys, Angus & Bremer, De Chanceny, Thomas Goss, BCV, Mar De Envero, Piazzo, Mr Hyde, Masso Antico, Boccantino, Wine Knot, Brad Priest
Buller Wines Tel: 02 6032 9660 Web: www.bullerwines.com.au Email: cellardoor@bullerwines.com.au Brands: Buller Burleigh Brewing Co Tel: 07 5593 6000 Web: www.burleighbrewing.com.au Brands: 28 Pale Ale, Bighead, Burleigh Blonde, Burleigh Mid-Tide, FIGJAM IPA, Twisted Palm Callipari Wine / Ned Kelly Red Tel: 1300 633 733 Web: www.callipari.com Email: info@callipari.com Brands: Callipari, Ned Kelly Campari Australia Tel: 02 9478 2727 Web: www.campari.com Email: info.australia@campari.com Brands: Appleton Estate, Aperol, Averna, Baron Samedi, Braulio, Bulldog, Campari, Cinzano, Coruba, Cynar, Espolon, Frangelico, Grand Marnier, Ouzo 12, Riccadonna, Russell’s Reserve, Sagatiba, Skyy, The Glen Grant, Wild Turkey
Casella Family Brands
Tel: 02 6961 3000 Web: www.casellafamilybrands.com Email: info@casellafamilybrands.com Brands: Casella, Baileys of Glenrowan, Brands Laira, Magic Box, Peter Lehmann, Morris of Rutherglen, yellow tail Cassegrain Wines Tel: 02 6582 8377 Web: www.cassegrainwines.com.au Email: info@cassegrainwines.com.au Brands: Cassegrain Cerbaco Distribution Tel: 03 9646 8022 Web: www.cerbaco.com.au Email: cerbaco@cerbaco.com.au Brands: Adrien Camut, Applewood, Arcane, ArteNOM, Beer La Verte, Bertrand, Bielle, Bollenberg Alsac, Brana, Brillet, Brocken Spectre, Castarede, Chapoutier, Chateau de la Nerthe, Chateau du Tariquet, Compagnie Des Indes, Comte de Lamaestre, Comte de Lauriston, Comte Louis de Lauriston, Damoiseau, Delord, Depaz, Dillon, Distillerie De Provence, Distillerie Deniset-Klainguer, Distillerie Du Plessis, Distillerie Pernot, Distillerie Peureux, Dolin, Domaine Boingneres, Domaine de Severin, Domaine Des Hautes Glaces, Don Amado, Dos Maderas, Dudognon, Dumangin, Elie Arnaud Denoix, Ferme de Labouc, Fournier Freres, Francis Darroze, Francois Gontier, Francois Voyer, Fuentesca, Gelas, Germana, Grosperrin Selection, Habitation St Etienne, Henri Bardouin,
Carlton & United Breweries

Henri Vallet, J.M, Jacques Tissot, Jean Boyer, Jean Grosperrin, Kamm & Sons, La Cigogne, La Diablada, La Salamandre, Lacourtoisie, le Pere Jules, Macchu Pisco, Macvin Du Jura, Maidenii, Manoir Du Kinkiz, Massenez, Mette, Michel Couvreur, Mina Real, Normandin Mercier, Paul Giraud, Pineau Des Charentes, Pommeau De Normandie, Prohibition, Ratafia De Bourgogne, Renier, Rhum Rhum, Roger Groult, Salers, St James, Summum, The Melbourne Gin Co, The Ten S, Vedrenne, White Oak Clairault Streicker Tel: 08 9755 6225 Web: www.clairaultstreickerwines.com.au Email: wine@clairaultstreicker.com.au Brands: Clairault, Streiker Coca-Cola Amatil Tel: 13 26 53 Web: www.ccamatil.com Email: consumer_information@ccamatil.com
Delegat Australia
CoopersTel:1300 654 455 Web: www.coopers.com.au Brands: Coopers, Carlsberg, Sapporo, Kronenbourg 1664, Thatchers, Holsten, Mythos, Fix Hellas Cuttings Wine Merchants Tel: 02 9967 5900 Web: www.cuttingsnsw.com Brands: Astrolabe, The Frisky Farmer, Cannonball, Coppabella, Flametree, Greystone, Margan, Helen’s Hill, Hutton Vale, Ingram Rd, Laurenz V, Muddy Water, Nova Vita, Paxton Wines, Prinz Von Hessen, Pulenta Estate, Ridge Vineyards, Round Two By Mute, Scorpius, Tellurian, Skimstone, Teusner, Three Ponds De Bortoli Wines Tel: 02 6966 0100 Web: www.debortoli.com.au Brands: 3 Tales, Campanella, De Bortoli, Divici, Finbar O’Leary’s, Fizzero, Jean Pierre, Proverbio, Purato, Sheep Shape, Trevi, The Accomplice, Veuve Fourny & Fils Déjà Vu Wine Company Tel: 1300 655 732 Web: www.dejavuwines.com.au Email: sales@dejavuwines.com.au Brands: Alma Mora, Amanoto, Amisfield, Argyros, Bocelli Family Wines, Bodegas Valderiz, Bruno Giacosa, Ca’Di Alte, Cantine Europa, Chateau Corton C, Chateau de L’Escarelle, Chateau Haut-Brion, Chateau La Lagune, Chateau Le Mission Haut Brion, Chateau Quintus, Ciabot Berton, Clarence Dillon, Clarendelle, Dewazakura, Domaine de La Grande Cote, Domaine Papagiannakos, Domaine Paul Jaboulet, Douloufakis, Enter. Sake, Fattori, Finca Las Moras, Francois Crochet, Fukuju, Gaia, Golden Child, Graham’s, Grey Sands, Hesketh, Hombo Shuzo, Houraisen, In Praise of Shadows, Kalleske, Katsunuma Jyozo, Kenbishi, Ktima Gerovassiliou, Kumeu River, Kunizakari, La Prova, Lake Hayes, Lighthouse Gin, Luigi Pira, Maison Louis Latour, Margan, Mars, Mesta, Nietschke, Nigl, NK Selections, Pacha Mama, Patrizi, Pepper Tree, Pike & Joye, Pirathon, Poggiopiano, Prats & Symington, Regal Rogue, Rock of Wisdom, Russian Jack, Samos, Sangervasio, Serra da Estrela, Sherrah, Shichida, Spring Vale, St. John’s Road, Stanton & Killeen, Stefano Massone, Sunnycliff, Te Kairanga, Tengumai, The Pass, The Splendid Gin, Thymiopoulos, Vavasour, Voyager Estate, White Stripes, Yoshinogawa, Zafeirakis, Zardetto
Brands: Alan Corkindale, Baitz, Baladin, Bear Hug, Berrigan Wines, B.B.C Japanese Spirits, Bosca, Bottega, Buton, Camus, Capel Vale, Capetta, Carpene Malvolti, Casa Ducale, Chatelle, Cielo e Terra, Collector’s Block, Cordero Di Montezemolo, Cusumano, D1, Donelli, Etike, Farnese, Finca Fellas, Gonzalez Byass, Haselgrove, JJ Hahn, Jones Road, Kay Brothers, Kerrigan & Berry, Kirsberry, Lambay, Lawson’s Dry Hills, Lisa McGuigan, Listel, London No. 1, Masi, Menabrea, Mount Trio, Pasqua, Piccini, Santa Margherita, Singha, Star Bay, Ultimate Province, Vigneti Del Vulture
Brands: Blue Moon, Bowmore, Canadian Club, Coors, Cruzan, FERAL, Fiji Bitter, Galliano, Hibiki, Jim Beam, Knob Creek, Laphroaig, Larios 12, Makers Mark, Magners, Midori, Miller, Pavan, Ratu, Sam Adams, Sauza, Suntory, Teachers, Vailima, Vodka O, Vonu, Yenda Combined Wines & Foods Tel: 02 9533 7955 Web: www.combinedwines.com.au Email: info@combinedwines.com.au
Tel: 1300 131 815 Web: www.delegat.com Brands: Oyster Bay, Barossa Valley Estate, Delegat Diageo Australia Tel: 02 9126 7000 Web: www.diageo.com Brands: Baileys, Bells, Bfelsazar, Brora, Bulleit, Bundaberg, Caol Ila, Captain Morgan, Cardhu, Carsebridge, Ciroc, Cladach, Clynelish, Copper Dog, Cossack, Cragganmore, Crown Royal, Dalwhinnie, Don Julio, Gilbeys, Glenkinchie, Gordons, Guinness, Haig Dimple, Inchgower, J&B, Jeremiah Weed, Jinzu, Johnnie Walker, Ketel ONE, Kilkenny, Lagavuli, Mccallums, Mortlach, Oban, Pampero, Pimms, Port Ellen, Roe & Co, Ruski, Shui Jing Fang, Singleton, Slate, Smirnoff, Talisker, Tanqueray, UDL, Vat 69, Zacapa
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Tel:DiscoverVin 0414 596 395 Web: www.discovervin.com.au Brands: Achille Princier, Amiral de Beychevelle, Chateau Beychevelle, Chateau Bouissel, Chateau Clinet, Chateau Crabitey, Chateau D’Aiguilhe, Chateau de Fontenille, Chateau de la Bouyere, Chateau de Labrie, Chateau de Saurs, Chateau Greysac, Chateau Haut-Monplaisir, Chateau Jolys, Chateau la Rayre, Chateau Pibran, Chateau Rollan de By, Chateau Rouget, Chateau Tour des Gendres, Chateau Tour Seran, Chateau Truquet, Domaine Bellegarde, Domaine de Fregate, Domaine de I’Ancienne Cure, Domaine du Crampilh, Domaine LupeCholet, Domaine Roche-Audran, Domaine Villebois, Champagne Jeeper, Les Hauts de Croix de Labrie, Les Tourelles de Longuevilles, Maison Sichel, Producteus Plaimont, Villebois
Domaine Wine Shippers Tel: 03 8878 9638 Web: www.domainewineshippers.com.au Email: dws@domwineship.com.au Brands: Babich Wines, Balgownie Estate, Banks Road, Billecart-Salmon, Buckshot Vineyard, Catlin, Cantina Tollo, Chateau de Malleret, Chateau de Puigny-Montrachet, Clarendon Hills, Delas Freres, Domaine A & P de Villaine, Domaine Ballot-Millot, Domaine Blaine-Gagnard, Domaine Bouchard Pere et Fils, Domaine Bruno Colin, Domaine Comte Armand, Domaine Comte Georges de Vogue, Domaine Confuron-Cotetidot,
Tel: 0405 232 349 Web: www.eurocentricwine.com.au Email: sales@eurocentricwine.com.au Brands: Ca’di Rajo, Salutis, Franz Weninger, Pierre Frick, La Grange de L’Oncle Charles, Prince Estivac, Jean-Marc Burgaud, Clos de la Roilette, Jules Desjourneys, Thillardon, Closeries ded Moussis, Philippe Balivet, Oudin, Pattes Loup, Poitout, Ventoura, Clos des Rocs, Famille Paquet, Jean-Christophe Perraud, Denis Bachelet, Bernard-Bonin, Arnaud Ente, Benoit Ente, Michel Gay, Gerard Mugneret, Baron Albert, Etienne Calsac, Vincent Charlot, Domaine de Bichery, Geoffroy, La Parcelle, Benoit Margeut, Christpohe Mignon, Flavien Nowak, Adrien Renior, Frederic Puffeney, Domaine de la Tournelle, Mark Angeli, Betes Curieuses, Domaine de la Brettonniere, Chateau de la Roulerie, Thomas-Labaille, Clos Bellane, Domaine Bellegarde, Domaine de Cristia, Lionel Faury, Adrien Berlioz, AJ Adam, Fritz Haag, Willie Schaefer, Schloss Lieser, Schafer-Frohlich, Fred Prinz, Stefan Winter, Zilliken, Gianfranco Bovio, Venchiarezza, Giulia Negri, Arnaldo Rivera, Cerbaiona, Freres Laffitte, Val di Toro, Vignerons d’Estezargues, A&D Wines, Gonc, Natte Valleij, Bryan MacRobert, Fianca Bacara, Sicus, Pedro Balda, Celler Frisach, Antonio Arraez, Abel Mendoza Fesq & Company Tel: 02 9313 1888 Web: www.cottenham.com.au Email: orders@cottenham.com.au Brands: 2 by 2, Abel, Alex Gambal, Auvigue, Bella Modella, Ben Haines, Best’s, Between Five Bells, Billy Button, Brave Souls, Bream Creek, Brimoncourt, Byrne, Campo Flores, Charlotte Dalton, Charly Thévenet, Chateau Landra, Chiara Condello, Claude Riffault, Clay Pot Wines, Coin des Coquins, Cooke Brothers, Coriole, De Iuliis, Dodgy Brothers, Domaine Auvigue, Domaine Château de Grand Pré, Domaine de Cala, Domaine de la Vieille Julienne, Domaine Gallety, Domaine Jean Collet et fils, Domaine Jolivet, Dune, Elderton Wines, Félicette, Fire Gully, Forage, Gestalt, Gilbert, Guy Breton, Henty Farm, Heroes Vineyard, Hidalgo-La Gitana, Il Modo, Jayden Ong - One Block, Jean-Paul et Charly Thévenet, Jeanneret, Juliane Eller - JuWel Juxtaposed, Katnook Estate, Krinklewood, La Clef du Récit, La Sirene, Le Bon, Leeuwin Estate, Lethbridge, Liquid Rock’n’Roll, Lithostylis, Little Dead Doves, Main Divide
Edgemill Group Tel: 03 9982 8701 Web: www.edgemill.com.au Email: info@edgemill.com.au Brands: Arktika, Baboushka, BeGin, Black Bart, Bond Seven, Chateau Chantelle, Fiorini, Fiorini Pink, Gleneffer, Lightning Creek, Matildas Ghost, Misty Bay, Rare Penny, Zeus Empire Liquor 333 Tel: 08 8371 0088 Web: www.empireliquor.com.au Email: sales@empireliquor.com.au Brands: Premium Export, Alkoomi, Arnold Brothers, Bodegas Lagarde, Calvados Brandy, Caves Saint-Pierre, Chase Distillery, Chateau L’Oasis, d’Argenberg, Deeds Brewing, Domaine de Castelnau, Elysian Springs, Fuller’s, Glaetzer, Ginger Kid, Hobbs of Barossa, Hofbrau Brewery Munich, Jack Estate, Jacques Picard, Jumping Goat, Kingston Estate, Lost Buoy, Lowburn Ferry, Marley Farm, Mike Press Wines, Mornington Peninsula Brewery, Mr. Riggs Wine Co, Paulett Wines, Rehn Bier, Sensi Vini, Stockade Brew Co, Tokar, Trentham Estate, Vinaceous, Wilde, Zonte’s Footstep Endeavour Vintage Beer Co.
Tel:Drinkworks 02 8383 0600 Web: www.drinkworks.com.au Email: orders@drinkworks.com.au Brands: Bintang, Dos Equis, Monteith’s, Red Stripe, Sol, Tecate, Tiger, Tui East 9th Brewing Tel: 03 9510 7760 Web: www.e9thbrewing.com Email: info@9thbrewing.com Brands: Doss Blockos, Sample, Lick Pier East Coast Liquor Tel: 02 8005 4963 Web: www.eastcoastliquor.com.au Email: info@eastcoastliquor.com.au
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Domaine Fontbonau, Domaine Follin-Arbelet, Domaine Henri Gouges, Domaine Jacques Carillon, Domaine Jacques-Frederic Mugnier, Domaine Josmeyer, Domaine Francois et Antoine Jobard, Domaine de la Pousse d’OR, Domaine de Montille, Domaine d’Eugenie, Domaine Mongeard-Mugneret, Domaine Vacheron, Domaine Villa Ponciago, Domaine Marc-Antonin Blain, Domaine de Courcel, Domaine Laroche, Eldorado Road, Fraser Gallop, Fonesca, Geoff Merrill, Geoff Weaver, Guerrieri Rizzardi, Growers Gate , H.Peter Althaus, Hahndorf Hill, Indigo, Irvine, Juniper Estate, Maude Wines, Maison Patrick Piuze, Maison Andre Delorme, Maxwell Mead, Maxwell, Meerea Park, Nomads Garden, Paul Conti, Penley Estate, Pressing Matters, Quarisa, Riposte, Ros Ritchie, Ross Hill, Rudderless, Sew & Sew, Seville Estate, Singlefile, Skillogalee, Soho Road, Taylor’s, Turkey Flat, Underground, Woodstock Wines, Zepher Douglas Lamb Wines Tel: 1300 667 812 Web: www.douglaslambwines.com.au
Eurocentric Wine Imports
Tel: Tel: 0419 860 796 Web: www.endeavourbeer.com Brands: Endeavour Euro Concepts Sydney Tel: 1300 104 060 Web: www.euroconceptssydney.com.au Brands: Azienda Agricola Provenza, Borgo Magredo, Bortolomiol, Bredasole Franciacorta, Cantina Santa Maria La Palma, Castellide de Grevepesa, Damilano Barolo, Dezzani, Diferente, Il Colle, Kupelwieser, Majolini, Nadini, Nicolis, Paolo Cottini, Poggio Ridente, Rocca, Tenuta Girolamo, Tenuta Sant’Anna, Torre Rosazza, Vineyards V8+, Zimor Bio
Brands:Andre & Michel Quenard, Argyros Winery, Chateau de Moncontour, Chateau du Courlat, Chateau Ducasse, Chateau Roumieu-Lacoste, Domaine de Durban, Domaine Karanika, Domaine Zafeirakis, Douloufakis Winery, Gaia, Gerovassiliou, Ktima Kir Yianni, Louis Sipp, Lucien Aviet, Lucien Crochet, Papagiannakos, Thymiopoulos
Flying Brick Cider Co Tel: 0438 541 169 Web: www.flyingbrickciderco.com.au Email: lyndsay@thesharpgroup.com Brands: Flying Brick Cider, MC Cider Gage Roads Brewing Co Tel: 08 93140000 Web: www.gageroads.com.au Email: info@gageroads.com.au Brands: Little Dove, Hello Sunshine, Small Batch, Side Track, Single Fin, Sleeping Giant Gibson Wines Tel: 08 8562 4224 Web: www.gibsonwines.com.au Email: sales@gibsonwines.com.au Brands: Gibson Giesen Wines Tel: 64 3 572 7392 Web: www.giesen.co.nz Email: enquiries@giesengroup.co.nz Brands: Giesen Global Beverage Brands Tel: 03 8320 0500 Web: www.globalbeveragebrands.com.au Email: orders@globalbev.co Brands: Bareksten, Bumbu, Double Dutch, St Veneto, U’Luvka, Salt & Stone, Rusty Ranch, AKB6, Hertog, Oranjboom Global Fine Wines Tel: 02 8006 0013 Web: www.globalfinewines.com.au Brands: Chapman Grove, Trevor Jones, Clare Valley Brewing Co, Prancing Pony Brewery, Bannock Brae, Stonecroft, Te Hera, Anima, Casa Defra, Casaloste, Corte Moschina, IL Colle, Pelissero, Pradio, Sagrivit, Zolar, Kapriol, AQVA LVCE, Beniamino Maschio, A. Bergère, Barsalou, Chante Cigale, Domaine Montrose, Chateau Sainte Croix, Domaine Le Colombier, Domaine Fougeray de Beauclair, Bodegas Grupo Yllera, Attis Bodega Y Viñedos, Viña Pedrosa, Codorniu, Viña Pomal, Legaris, Scala Dei, Vina De Aguirre Ulmen, Piattelli, Ruca Malen, Bodega Azul, Wine Window Goulburn Wines & Spirits Tel: 02 9264 8459 Web: www.goulburnwines.com.au Brands: Ararat, Alfasi, Altoona Hills, Baltic Mist, Bartenura, Ben Ami, Barkan, Bernard Bohemian, Becherovka, Bohemian, Borovika, Brouczech, Budvar Czech Premium, Bulls Blood Bikaver, Casino, Dolev, Elite Arak, Five Stones, Farbrengen, Futyulos, Fernet, Gamla, Golan, Griotte, Golden Pear, Hobe Tea Rum Liqueur, Heering, Herzog, Hubertus, Joven, Jelinek, Kadarka, Kalil, Kedem, Kesser, King David, Kitl, Koruna, Kvini, Kozel, Lex Ultra, Louis Royer, Moravska, Mt Hermon, Nistru, Polish Pure, Pecsetes, Primo V, Pilsner Urquell, Rashi, Praded, Sabra, Saros, Soproni Kekfrankos, Sensei, Schmerling’s, Teal Lake, Torley, Tio Pepe, Tokaji, Tuzemak, Warka, William Pear, Wishniowka, Walder’s, Yarden, Zwack, Zion, Zachlawi, Zytnia, Zywiec
Tel: 08 9274 1432 Web: www.janebrook.com.au Email: pr@janebrook.com.au Brands: Jane Brook Juniper Estate Tel: 08 9258 9437 Web: www.juniperestate.com.au Email: hal@juniperestate.com.au Brands: Juniper Kingston Estate Wines Tel: 08 8243 3700 Web: www.kingstonestatewines.com.au Brands: Kingston Estate Kollaras & Co Tel: 02 4230 8000 Web: www.kollaras.com Email: info@kollaras.com.au Brands: 33 South, Axelvar, Brewmanity Beer Co, Celtic Honey, Chatsworth Estate, Cirque Water, Dailys, Dos Mexicanos, Finca 10, Geisweiler Excellence, Glenshiel, Ice Vodka, Kensington, Kentucky Gentleman, Krombacher, Los Arango, Miasa, Mi Scusi, Molly’s, MoTown, Mr Boston, Muirheads, Only, Ron
DIRECTORYSUPPLIERS by Pegasus Bay, Maison Harbour, Mandala Wines, Maximin Grünahus, Momo by Seresin, Mont Rocher, Montsablé, Moss Wood, Mr Brightside, Mr Riggs, Nadeson Collis, Nik Weis St. Urbans-Hof, Patrick Cotton, Pegasus Bay, Pierro, Portsea Estate, Renato Corino, Seresin, Shy Susan, Skigh Wines, Skipjack, SOHO Wines, Sons of Eden, Thistledown, Tim Gramp, Torre Solar, Two Tails, Underground Spirits, Vinden, Weingut Weigand, Xabregas, Zilzie Flox Wines & Spirits Tel: 03 9464 7299 Web: www.floxwines.com.au Email: info@floxwines.com.au Brands: Abaton, Anchor Bay, Anglias, Avec Raisins et Raison, Badel, Chateau Bourguignons, Chateau Chivedeau, Chateau Fongrave, Chateau Kefraya, Constance, Disco, Domaine Wardy, Flores, Gantous & Abou Raad, Gloria, Grappa Acquavite, Grappa Basv, Green Nines, Guerrero, Halkidiki, Haraki, Il Bastardo, Izmir, Jacques Senaux, Kanenas, Karma, Kav, Kayra, Kerisac, Kinross, Korlat, Krakus, La Bastarda, Latinae, Les Breteches, Les Coteaux, Lithuanian, Loukatos, Mad Cat, Makedonikos, Malamatina, Maraska, Masi Renzo, Mest Raki, Mono, Myst, Olave, Old Hands, Ozone, Parthenon, Piave, Prokupac, Rancho Mi Consuelo, Rapsani, Reserve Des Armoiries, Rio Grande, Rocamar, Ron Barcelo, Safir, Santorini, Squadron, Stara Sokolova, Starka, Stefan Nemanja, Teichenne, Tekirdag, Tres Ochos, Tsantali, Tugra, Valong La Legende, Verano, Vergina, Villeclary, Windspiel, Yeni
Haselgrove Wines
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Tel: 08 8323 8706 Web: www.haselgrove.com.au Brands: Haselgrove Hawthorn Brewing Co. Tel: 1300 422 233 Web: www.hawthornbrewing.com.au Brands: Hawthorn Hellyers Road Distillery Tel: 03 6433 0439 Web: www.hellyersroaddistillery.com.au Email: sales@hellyersroaddistillery.com.au Brands: Hellyers Road Husk Distillers Tel: 0406 063 040 Web: www.huskdistillers.com Email: customercare@huskdistillers.com Brands: Husk Rum, Ink Gin, Pure Cane Inglewood Wine Merchants Tel: 02 9958 0466 Web: www.inglewoodwines.com.au Email: sales@inglewoodwines.com.au Brands: d’Arenberg, Hamlin Bay, Borambola, ack Estate, Le Casee Noix, Vignole, Palazzo del Mare, Lindsay, Hemera, Forrest, Optimiste, Stony Bank, Paracombe, Terra Felix, Shut the Gate, Tattybogler, Two Rivers, Tuckerbox, Yarrawood Jane Brook Estate Wines
Molly’s Cradle Wines Tel: 02 9979 1212 Web: www.mollyscradle.com.au Email: hello@mollyscradle.com.au Brands:Molly’s Cradle Moppity Vineyards Tel: 0421 057 081 Web: www.moppity.com.au Email: jb@moppity.com.au Brands: Moppity, Lock & Key, Cato Mt Jagged Wines Tel: 08 8554 9520 Web: www.mtjaggedwines.com.au Email: sales@mtjaggedwines.com.au Brands: Mt Jagged Murray’s Brewing Company Tel: 02 4982 6411 Web: www.murraysbrewingco.com.au Email: info@murraysbrewingco.com.au Brands: Murrays Beer Negociants Australia Tel: 08 8112 4212 Web: www.negociantsaustralia.com Brands: Agricola Allegrini, Alamos, Alasia, Antinori, Antipodes Mineral Water, Ata Rangi, Barringwood, Bleasdale Vineyards, Bodega Catena Zapata, Bodegas Valdemar, Bowen Estate, Cantine Pra, Champagne Pol Roger, Collector Wines, Corte Giara, Dandelion Vineyards, Deviation Road, Famille Hugel, Freycinet, Fromm La Strada, Georges Duboeuf, Greywacke, Guigal, HaHa, Hay Shed Hill, Heathcote Winery, Heirloom, John Duval Wines, Joiy, Kanta, Kooyong, Langmeil Winery, Lark Hill Winery, Louis Bouillot, mesh, O’Leary Walker, Palliser Estate, Pierre Gimonnet & Fils, Primo Estate, Pitchfork, Redbank, Saint Clair Family Estate, Sisters Run, TarraWarra Estate, Smith & Hooper, Tiefenbrunner, Torres, Triennes, Two Paddocks, Valdespino, Veuve D’Argent, William Fevre, West Cape Howe
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Barcelo, Rodell Napoleon, Saint Mihal, SaintLouis, Seahorse Bay, Stem to Stern, Tanns, Tovaritch, Templeton Rye, Sambuca Valentino, Volare, Wild One, Wai Hua, Winning Streak, Xenta, Arana, Armand De Chambray, Brushtail Estate, Captain Gold, Feather & Hound, Flyka, Followers Bay, Folonari, Fraudsters, Faustino, Gran Torino, Godet, Hyland Baron, Indie, Kensei, Kamana, Kroftmans, Overexposed, Maison Castel, Mogu, Manyara, Mashio Dei Cavalieri, Rich & Rare, Roa Boat, Ruffled Feather, Southern Creek, St Augustus, Two Truths, Uppercut, Veras 1866 Kovar Pty Ltd Tel: 02 9018 9566 Web: www.kovar.com.au Email: kovar@bigpond.com Brands: Soplica, Krakus, Faust, Carp Diem, Spirytus, Pepkowpa, Frostic, Nektar, Wolkof, Alba Luba, Halkio, Anis Mistro, Iska Proseck, Ambassador Del Doge, Russo, Scottish Leader, Matisse, Black Cock, Maraska, Meukow, Meduska, Zlatni, Zlatna, Zlatnaya, Pisco, White Eagle, Legalna, Palace, Balsam, Malina, Zubrowka, Zamkowe, Basztowe, Old Krupnik, Zoladkowa, Wyborowa Lark Distillery Tel: 03 6231 9088 Web: www.larkdistillery.com Email: orders@larkdistillery.com.au Brands: Lark, Quiet Cannon, Forty Spotted Lion Beer Australia Tel: 1800 308 388 Web: www.lionco.com Brands: 5 Seeds, Boags, Brooklyn, Byron Bay Brewing, Emu, Furphy, Guiness, Hahn, Heineken, James Squire, Kilkenny, Kirin, Knappstein, Kosciuszk, Little Creatures, Legendary Brewing Co, Malt Shovel Brothers, Moretti, Panhead, Pipsqueak, Southwark, Steinlager, Swan, Tooheys, West End, White Claw, White Rabbit, XXXX McLaren Vale Beer Company Tel: 1300 682 337 Web: www.valebrewing.com.au Email: cheers@valebrewing.com.au Brands: Tropic Ale, Vale Ale McWilliam’s Wines Tel: 02 9722 1224 Web: www.mcwilliams.com.au Brands: Barwang, Coombe, Evans & Tate, Framingham, Henkell, Mateus, McWilliam’s, Mount Pleasant, Taittinger Tel:Mezzanine 1300 555 821 Web: www.mezzaninewine.com.au Email: customerservicevic@joval.com.au Brands: 42 Degrees South, AAA Aaron Aaardvaark, All Saints, Ashbrook, Bandini, Black Chook, Black Cottage, Bodegas Patrocinio, Borgo Maragliano, Breganze, Bruno Rocca, Burton McMahon, Buscemi, Caledonia Australis, Canaletto, Cape Barren, Chalmers, Chambers Rosewood, Champagne DuvalLeroy, COMM. G.B. Burlotto, Contesa, Cool Woods, Crabtree Wines, Craggy Range, Credaro, Cullen, Domaine Jean Dauvissat Père et Fils, Domaine Louis Claude Desvignes, Domaines Schlumberger, Domenica, El Desperado, Frogmore Creek, Giovanni Rosso, Glaetzer, Grosset, Harvest Social Cantina, In Dreams, Inama, Keith Tulloch, Lamura, Lavau, Le Ragnaie, Maison Saint AIX, Montevecchio, Motley Cru, ount Horrocks, Mountadam, Murdoch Hill, Nanny Goat Vineyard, Nick O’Leary, Penny’s Hill, Plumm, Poggio Anima, Printhie, Quartz Reef, Rieslingfreak, Rising, Sanglier, Save our Souls, Skillogalee, Tar & Roses, The Other Wine Co, The Pawn Wine Co, Thorn-Clarke, Tim Smith, Tonic, Totar, Trust, Two Tonne Tasmania, Unico Zelo, Whistler Wines, Wild Rock, Yangarra Estate Vineyard
Moët-Hennessy Australia Tel: 02 8344 9900 Web: www.lvmh.com/houses/wines-spirits Email: example@lvmh.com Brands: Ardbeg, Belvedere, Cape Mentelle, Chandon, Chateau Cheval Blanc, Chateau D’yquem, Clos Des Lambrays, Cloudy Bay, Dom Perigno, Glenmorangie, Hennessy, Krug, Mercier, Moet & Chandon, Newton Vineyard, Ruinart, Terrazas, Veuve Clicquot, Volcan De Mi Terra, Woodinville

Tel: 02 9433 3278 Web: www.robertoatley.com.au Brands: Ad Hoc, Alte, Apostrophe, Ara, Argento, Aurelia, Barefoot, Beach Hut, Bimbadgen, Block 50, Bodega Garzon, Bremerton, Caves D’Esclans, Chateau de Sancerre, Chateau de Sours, Clos Cantenac, Charles Heidsieck, Cherubino, Climbing, Clover Hill,Copia, Cumulus, Chain of Fire, 1858, Copia, Craigmoor, Derwent Estate, Domaine de Beaurenard, Eden Road, Elvarado, Esquinas, Fiore, Four In Hand, Gemtree, Giesen, Grandin, Hancock & Hancock, Hentley Farm, Il Fiore, Josef Chromy, Joseph Drouhin, Laissez Faire, La Gioiosa, Luna Rosa, Marquis de Pennautier, Mateus, Mirabeau, Montrose, Montalto, Oakridge, Pikorua, Piper-Heidsieck, Pedestal, Philip Shaw, Pikes, Pocketwatch, Ricasoli, Robert Oatley, Rockburn, Rolling, Rymill, Santi, Taltarni, The Lane, The Yard, Veuve Tailhan, Wild Oats, Woodbrook Farm, Working Lunch, Young Poets Paradox Wines Tel: 0412 034 947 Web: www.paradoxwines.com.au Email: orders@paradoxwines.com.au Brands: 83 Cotes de Provence, Alpha Crucis, Amalia, Belisario, Canal Grando, Cantina Di Gallura, Chalk Hill, Champagne Palmer, Chateau Bel Air Gassies, Chateau Cotes de Blaignan, Chateau de Brigue, Chateau De Castelnau, Chateau Lamothe, Cornaro Processo, Domain De Canterell, Domain De L’Herre, Domain Road, Domaine Roux, Fasoli Gino, Grafetta, Helen’s Hill, Ingram Road, Les Vignerons De Grimaud, Palama, Renato Corino, Robert Cantin, Rocca Di Castagnoli, San Biagio, Sidewood, Terroir, Tre Monti, Vini dei Cardinali, Wild Duck Creek Paxton Wines Tel: 08 8323 9131 Web: www.paxtonvineyards.com Brands: Paxton Pernod Ricard Australia Tel: 02 8874 8222 Web: www.pernod-ricard.com Brands: Aberlour, ABSOLUT, Altos, AVION, Ballantine’s, Bay of Stones, Beefeater, Brancott Estate, Camshorn, Campo Viejo, Caves De La Mer, Cedars, Chivas Regal, Church Road, Deutz, Goerge Wyndham, Gramps, Havana Club, I am Georg, J.P. WISERS, Jacaranda Ridge, Jacob’s Creek, Jameson, Kahlúa, Lawsons, Lillet, Longmorn, Lot 40, Malibu, Martell Cognac, Method & Madness, Midleton Range, Monkey 47, MUMM Champagne, Olmeca, OUR Vodka, Pacto Navio, PerrierJouët, Plymouth, Red Breast, Richmond Grove, Royal Salut, Scapa, Smooth Ambler, Spot Range, Soho, St Hugo, Stoneleigh, Strathisla, The Glenlivet, Wyborowa
Rebello Wines
44|drinks guide
Pinot NOW Tel: 0423 310 897 Web: www.pinotnow.com.au Email: enquiries@pinotnow.com.au Brands: A to Z, Carrick, Chehalem, Cristom, Domaine Jean Marc Millot, Domaine Philippe Livera, Drappier, Edmeades, Elk Cov, Evesham Wood, Eyrie, Haden Fig, Hartford Court, Kings Ridge, Lallier, Nielson by Byron, Ponzi, Providence, Rex Hill
QED Artisan Wine Merchant
Tel: 1800 637 776 Web: www.qedwines.com.au Email: sales@qedwines.com.au Brands: Brackenwood Vineyard, Caledonia Australis, Champagne Deutz, Chateau Canadel, Chateau de la Roche en Loire, Chateau Routaa, Chateau Sainte-Anne, Croft Port, Domaine Barmes Buecher, Domaine Chevrot & Fils, Domaine Chasslay, Domaine De Souch, Domaine Remy Jobard, Freeman Vineyards, Forrest Beach Estate, Grace Wine, George the Fox, Head Wines, Highbank, Julien Sunier, Kelley Fox Wines, Luis Seabra, Matewai, Rippon, Soumah, Tablas Creek, Woodlands Wine Quittin’ Time Tel: 0405 250 061 Web:www.quittintime.com.au Brands: Bache - Gabrielsen, Brinley Gold Shipwreck, Bristol Classic Rum, By The Dutch, Distillerie Du Peyrat, Doorlys Foursquare Rum, El Charro, El Dorado, La Mauny, Papagayo, The Organic Spirits, Riviere Du Mat, RL Seale, Trois Rivieres
Phoenix Beers
Tel: 0477 404 400 Web: www.phoenixbeers.com.au Brands: Blance de Namur, Brasserie Du BOCQ, Brasserie Dupont, BrewDog, Charles Wells Brewing, Daintons Brewery, Gueuzerie Tilquin, Lindemans Brewery, Napoleone Cider Co, Rogue Ales, Schlenkerla, Sierra Nevada, St Bernardus, Sunner, Theakston Brewery, Timothy Taylor, Weihenstephan
Nelson Wine Company Tel: 1300 720 006 Web: www.nelsonwineco.com.au Brands: A.T. Richardson, Angoris Villa Locatelli, Artea, Bellvale Wines, Bellwether, Big Easy Radio, Boat O’Craigo, Bonacchi, Castle Rock Estate, Cave de Beblenheim, Cave de Ribeauville, Chambers Rosewood, Champagne Devaux, Champagne Laurent-Perrier, Chard Farm, Chateau Barthes, Chateau de Font Vive, Chateau Peyrol, Domaine D’Estienne, Fattoria Ormanni, Fire Gully, Fox Creek, Gala Estate, Geoff Merrill, Golden Ball, Howard Vineyard, Hutton Vale Farm, Jean-Marc Brocard, Jericho, Jones Road, Julien Brocard, Kangarilla Road, Kellerei Kaltern, L.A.S. Vino, Lana, Le Grand Cros, Leeuwin Estate, Louis Max, Mahi, Medhurst, Michel Guignier, Mike Press, Mollydooker, Mount Langi Ghiran, Ouse River Wines, Paringa Estate, Paul Louis Sparkling, Paxton Wines, Pierro, Pizzini, Port Phillip Estate, Reschke, Rob Dolan Wines, Round Two, Ruggeri, Savaterre, Serengale Vineyard, Seresin Estate, Sidewood Estate, Silent Noise, Smallfry, Spring Vale, Tenuta Maccan, Terraced Hills, Teunta Ulisse, Teusner Wines, Three Dark Horses, Torzi Matthews, Val D’Oca, Vigna Sancol, Villa Conchi, Vocoret et Fils, Wairau River, Wood Park, Xanadu, Yarrabank, Yering Station
Nick Haselgrove Wines Tel: 08 8323 6124 Web: www.nhwines.com.au Brands: Clarence Hill, Black Billy, Wishing Tree, Tir Na N’og, James Haselgrove Noble Spirits Web: www.noblespirits.com.au Email: info@noblespirits.com.au Brands: Artisan Drinks, Botanic Garden, Château Les Mesclances, FAIR, Fishers, Frerejean Freres, Garden Grown, Hong Kong Baijiu, KOVAL, Old Sport, Sassy, Stache House, Susan For President Oatley Fine Wine Merchants
Tel: 0437 455 001 Web: www.rebellowines.com.au Email: info@cheekyrascal.com.au Brands: Cheeky Rascal Cider, Rebello Wines
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Tel:Red+white 1300 780 074 Web: www.redandwhite.com.au Email: customerservicevic@joval.com.au Brands: Abellio, Alois Lageder, Amelia Park, Aphelion, Aquilani, Azahara, BiancaVigna, Cake Wines, Campbells, Castillo Labastida, Catalina Sounds, Champagne Louis Roederer, Château des jacques, Chatto, Crowded House, Dal Zotto, Deakin Estate, Dog Point Vineyard, Domaine Christian Salmon, Domaine Oudin, Domaine Sigalas, Domaines Ott, Endless Wines, Fat Bastard, Felton Road, Fire Gully, First Creek, Giant Steps, Gilbert, Graci, Heathcote Estate, Hickinbotham, Hidden Sea, House of Plantagenet, Kendall-Jackson, Kir-Yianni, Kreglinger, L.A.S. Vino, La Crema, La La Land, La Linea, La-Vis, Leeuwin Estate, Loimer, Lokoya, López Cristobal, Louis Roederer, Maison Louis Jadot, Man O’ War, Mitchell, Mojo, Monte Tondo, Mt. Brave, Nick Spencer Wine, NON, Norfolk Rise, Oliver’s Taranga, Pierro, Pipers Brook Vineyard, Poderi Luigi Einaudi, Poliziano, Rameau d’Or, Ramos Pinto, Red Claw, Résonance, Rêverie, Robert Stein, RockBare, Savaterre, Shaw + Smith, Silkman Wines, Snake + Herring, Sticks, Stonestreet Estate, Storm Ba, TaiNui, Te Mata Estate, Three Lions, Tolpuddle Vineyard, Trediberri, Two Hands, Tyrrell’s, Vertigo, Veuve Ambal, Vietti, Vincent Paris, VineMind, Willow Bridge, Yabby Lake Vineyards, Plumm
Scotchmans Hill Tel: 03 5251 4431 Web: www.scotchmans.com.au Email: info@scotchmans.com.au Brands: Charlotte Sound, Cornelius, Swan Bay, Henry Frost, Hill, Jack & Jill, The Old Dairy, Scotchmans Hill Single Vineyard Sellers
Tel:Redoak 02 9262 3303 Web: www.redoak.com.au Email: info@redoak.com.au Brands: Redoak Regional Wine and Beverage Merchants Tel: 0417 036 436 Web: rwbm.net.au Email: bill.mason@rwbm.net.au Brands: Bathe, Batlow Road, Bee Mead, Beechworth, Ben Potts, Burgo Viejo, Casa Bianca, Chateau la Galante, Chateau Meillac, Cofield, Due South, Frescobaldi Pater, Gallagher, Gipsie Jack, Happs, Hirsch Hill Estate, Lamberti, Lychee, Mission Estate, Stockman’s Ridge, Sunshack, Three Hills, Tuckerbox, Yilgarnia, Willandra Estate, Zane Hills RMV Imports Tel: 0414 384263 Web: www.rmvimports.com.au Brands: Jans Samuel Smith & Son Tel: 1300 615 072 Web: www.samsmith.com Brands: Angus, Antipodes,Brokenwood, Cantina Viticoltori Sensi Aretini, Chaffey Bros Wine Co, Chãteau de Beaucastel , Christobel’s, Dalrymple Vineyards, Dunes & Greene, Famille Perrin, Forest Hill Vineyard, Grasshopper Rock, Heggies Vineyard, Hill-Smith Estate, Jansz, Jim Barry, La Maschera, La Vieille Ferme, Marty’s Block, Mt Difficulty, Lord Nelson Brewery, Nautilus Estate, Opawa, Oxford Landing, Parish Vineyard, Paulaner, Pewsey Vale Vineyard, Pol Roger, Radford Dale, Ringbolt, Rogers & Rufus, Running with Bulls, Smiths, The Winery of Good Hope, Winesmiths, Thelema Mountain Vineyards, Twin Islands, Vasse Felix, Villacampa Roble, Wirra Wirra Vineyards, Yalumba Family Winemakers 1849
Verdus, Deep Down, Flux, Feudo Arancio, Harewood Estate, Highgate, I Giusti E Zanza, Jacopo Poli, Jacquart, Jules Taylor, Le Colture, La Sorda, Mezza Corona, Mottura, Michelle Chiarlo, Merk, Ottella, Quinta do Portal, Rafael Palacios, Rotari, San Fabiano Calcinaia, Streicker, Silkwood Estate, Tolloy, The Little Wine Company, Verdus, Venica & Venica Sirromet Wines Tel: 07 3206 2999 Web: www.sirromet.com Brands: Sirromet Wines Sofi Spritz Tel: 0429 048 836 Web: www.sofispritz.com Email: sales@sofispritz.com Brands: Sofi Spritz SouthTrade International Tel: 02 8080 9150 Web: www.southtradeint.com.au Email: info@southtradeint.com.au Brands: 666 Vodka, 1792 Bourbon, Adelaide Hills Distillery, Agwa, Alize, AnCnoc, Armand De Brignac, Balblair, Bittermens, Bloom, Buffalo Trace, Corazon, Dictador, Dubliner, Eagle Rare, EH Taylor, Fever Tree, Finest call, Fireball, George T Stagg, Green Fairy, Haymans, Kurayoshi Whiskey, Monte Alban, Master of Mixes, Mr Black, Old Pulteney, Old Rip Van, Opihr, Pappy Van Winkle, Paddy’s Irish Whisky, Peychauds, Paul John, Regans, Scapegrace, Starward, The Dublin Liberties, The Last Drop, Thomas Handy Sazerac Rye, Tuaca, William Larue Weller Spirits Platform Tel: 1300 460 403 Web: www.spiritsplatform.com.au Email: orders@spiritsplatform.com.au Brands: Bruichladdich, Cointreau, Chartreuse, Disaronno, Famous Grouse, Fiorente, Glenrothes, Highland Park, Licor 43, Louis XIII, Macallan, Martin Millers, Metaxa, Mount Gay, Mozar, Naked Grouse, Nant, Niche / Nursery, Octomore, Opal Nera, Passoa, Port Charlotte, Remy Martin, Saint Remy, Sierra, The Botanist, The Famous Grouse, The Irishman, Tia Maria, Villa Massa Limoncello, Westland, Writers Tears, Yellow Rose Stella Bella Wines Tel: 08 9758 8611 Web: www.stellabella.com.au Brands: Stella Bella Wines
Tel: 02 9460 3177 Web: www.singlevineyards.com Email: wine@singlevineyards.com Brands: Allan Scott, Apricus Hill, Anselmi, Bartholomews Meadery, Bibliotheque, Buglioni, Campos de Risca, Campos de Hojas, Campos de Luz, Castel Firmian, Clairault, Cellier des Dauphins, Col D’Orcia, Chateau Le Grand
Red Island Tel: 1300 673 362 Web: www.redislandmarketing.com.au Email: info@redisland.com.au Brands: Deeds, Brothers, Alhambra, Founder’s Brewing Co, Isfjord, Jumping Goat, Quilmes

Stockade Brew Co Web: www.stockadebrewco.com.au Email: tribebreweries.com.austockaderoomenquiries@
Tel: 03 8533 3000 Web: www.tweglobal.com Brands: 19 Crimes, 821 South, Abel’s Tempest, Annie’s Lane, Baileys of Glenrowan, Black Grape Society, Chateau St Jean, Coldstream Hills, Devil’s Lair, Etude, Fickle Mistress, Flowerpot, Georg Jensen, Hartog’s Plate, Heemskerk, Ingoldby, Jamiesons Run, Lands and Legends, Leo Buring, Lindemans, Little Penguin, Maison De Grand Espirit, Matua, Metala, Mildara, Morgans Bay, Penfolds, Pepperjack, Rosemount Estate, The Rothbury Estate, Saltram Wines, Seaview Wines, Secret Stone, Seppelt, Squealing Pig, St Huberts, Stags Leap, T’Gallant, Upside Down, Westward, Wolf Blass Wine, Wynns Coonawarra Estate, Yellowglen
Tyrrell’s Vineyards
The Pisco People Tel: 0413 675 029 Web: www.thepiscopeople.com.au Brands: Cuatro G’s, De Carral, Pancho Fierro, Pisco Negroni, Pisco Porton, Vinas De Oro The Wine Company Tel: 03 9562 3900 Web: www.wineco.com.au Email: enquiry@wineco.com.au Brands: Alkoomi Wines, Baby Doll, Beronia, Bethany, Blue Pyrenees, Boisset, Castello Banfi, Champagne Volereaux, Crossroads, dÁrenberg, DADA, Dow’s Port, Finca Constancia, Four Sisters, Hand Crafted by Geoff Hardy, K1 by Geoff Hardy, La Vue, Matakana, McHenry Hohnen, McPherson Wine Co, Miles From Nowhere, Minimum, Nocton Vineyard, One Million Cuttings, Paulett Wines, Pazos De Lusco, Pertaringa, Petal Stem, Pirramimma, Quinta da Lixa, Redman Wines, Sanguine Estate, Santa Ana, Shottesbrooke, Sibling Rivalry, Step by Step, Swings and Roundabouts, Tahbilk, Vallate, Vilarnau, Vinas Del Vero, Wise Guys, Yealands Estate
Two Birds Brewing Tel: 03 9762 0000 Web: www.twobirdsbrewing.com.au Email: info@twobirdsbrewing.com.au Brands: Two Birds
Think Spirits Tel: 02 4577 7800 Web: www.thinkspirits.com Email: info@thinkspirits.com Brands: Antica Formula, Bayou, Branca Menta, Caffe Borgetti, Casamigos, Cargo Cult, Carpano Vermouth, Cenote, Chateau Tanunda Brandy, Cross Keys, Crystal Head, Domaine de Canton, Elijah Craig, English Harbour, Esprit De Figues, Evan Williams, Fee Brothers, Fernet Branca, Gin Mare, Glayva, Goslings, Harveys Bristol Cream, Hpnotiq, Italicus, Joseph Cartron, Jura, La Fee, Little Drippa, Malfy, Matusalem, Moskovskaya, Pama, Pampelle, Pikesville, Punt E Mes, Rooster Rojo, Riga Balsam, Sagatiba, Santiago Queirolo, Seedlip, Shackletons, Stolichnaya, Stolen, Tamnavulin, Teichenne, The Dalmore, Wenneker Tomarata Group Tel: 07 4121 7757 Web: www.lycheedivine.com.au Email: admin@tomarata.com Brands: Lychee Divine Toorak Winery Tel: 02 6953 2333 Web: www.toorakwines.com.au Email: info@toorakwines.com.au Brands: Willandra Estate, Toorak Wines, Amesbury Estate Top Shelf Tequila Tel: 03 9005 6288 Web: www.topshelftequila.com.au Email: info@topshelftequila.com.au Brands: Adictivo, Arette, Bozal, Bruxo, Calle 23, Cava De Oro, Chulpa Parranda, Clase Azul, Codigo, Del Maguey, Derrumbes, Fino, Hacienda Navarro, Kah, Los Azulejos (Skelly), Milagro, Nuestra Soledad, Ocho, Pasote
Brands: Arehucas, Blat Terroir Selections Tel: 0400 700 447 Web: www.terroir-selections.com.au Email: terroir@terroir-selections.com.au
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Brands: Arrivo, Bodegas Tradicion, Ceretto Azienda Vitivinicole, Chateau Le Tertre Roteboeuf, Château Pierre-Bise, Château Roc de Cambes, Château Villa Bel-Air, Daosa, Domaine Chanson Père & Fils, Domaine de Courcel, Domaine de la Grange des Peres, Domaine de Terrebrune, Domaine du Clos de Tart, Domaine François Lumpp, Domaine Jean Luc Colombo, Domaine Marcel Deiss, Domaine Mas Jullien, Domaine Pascal Cotat, Domaine Trapet Alsace, Domaine Trapet Père et Fils, Maison Langlois Chateau, Michel Lynch, Suavia Azienda Agricola, Tapanappa, Terre à Terre, Tunkalilla Vineyard, Twinwoods Estate
Treasury Wine Estates
Brands: StrangeLove Stuart Alexander Tel: 1800 225 417 Web: www.stuartalexander.com.au Email: contactcentre@stalex.com.au
Brands: Stockade Brew Co
Stockman’s Ridge Wines
Brands: Chase Distillery, The West Winds Gin, Avosh Premium Vodka, Fentimans, Monin, Ocean Spray, TABASCO, evian Taylors Wines Tel: 02 8585 3520 Web: www.taylorswines.com.au Email: info@taylorswines.com.au Brands: Taylors Tegusta Spirits Tel: 0421 329 071 Web: www.tegusta.com.au Email: manuel@vertigodistributors.com
The Odd Whisky Coy Tel: 0417 852 296 Web: www.theoddwhiskycoy.com.au
Tel: 1800 045 501 Web: www.tyrrells.com.au Email: tyrrells.wines@tyrrells.com.au Brands: Tyrrells
Tel: 02 6365 6212 Web: www.stockmansridge.com.au Email: enquiry@stockmansridge.com.au Brands: Stockman’s Ridge Wines, Small Acres Strangelove Beverage Co. Tel: 0431 050 114 Web: www.strangelove.com.au Email: stafford@strangelove.com.au
The Fine Wine Specialist Tel: 1300 130 181 Web: www.tfws.com.au Email: customerservice@joval.com.au Brands: Ashbrook, Botobolar, Chambers, Cullens, Edwards, Grosse, Keith Tulloch, Mount Horrocks, Pindarie, Riposte, Skillogalee, Tainui
Vanguard Luxury Brands Tel: 1300 DRINKS Web: www.vanguardluxurybrands.com.au Email: admin@vanguardluxurybrands.com Brands: Aviation, BarSol, Becherovka, Beluga, Calle 23, Cherry Heering, Coco Lopez, Crawley’s Bartender, Del Maguey, Don Fulano, Flor de cana, Four Pillars, Glenallachie, Herno, Ilegal, Ki No Bi, Laird’s, Marionette, Merlet, Michter’s, Ocho Tequila, Oscar.697, Spresso, Supasawa, Suze, Tempus Fugit, Tequila Fortaleza, The Gospel
Brands: Apsley George, Clarence House, Cooter & Cooter, Cork Cutters, Epsilon, Glenfion, Hughes and Hughes, JC’s Own, Jasper Hill, Massena, Mewstone, Ministry of Clouds, Moorooduc, Pooley, Priority Ridge, Sailor Seeks, Salomon Estate Vintage House Wine and Spirits Tel: 02 8736 3300 Web: www.vhws.com.au Email: vhws@vhws.com.au Brands: Alternatus, AMV-X, Angove, Blind Tiger, Bookmark, Chalk Hill Blue, Charles Pelletier, Estandon, Family Crest, Glenfarclas, Green Bay, Groundswell Organi, Hollick, Joel Gott, Koonowla, Le Cirque Wine Co, Les Peyrautins, Long Row, Lost Farm, Mondiale, Mt Riley, Napa Cellars, Nine Vines, Organic, Paladino, Prosper Maufoux, Quinta Do Pego, Rhythm & Rhyme, Rivarose, St Agnes, Stonegate, Stone’s, Studio Series, Temple Bruer, The Anchorage, The Medhyk, The Shed, Trinchero, Tulloch, Villa Jolanda, Vineyard Select, Warboys, Water Wheel, Wicks Estate, Wild Olive Vittoria Food & Beverage Tel: 02 9748 0299 Web: www.vittoriafandb.com Email: enquiries@vittoriacoffee.com Brands: Bolla, Luigi Cavalli, Venete Rapitala, Mellini Web:Vodka+www.vodkaplus.com.au Email: info@vodkaplus.com.au Brands: Vodka+ VOK Beverages Tel: 1800 896 080 Web: www.vok.com.au Email: vok@vok.com.au Brands: Andrew Garrett, Beresford, Bearded Lady, Beenleigh, Bickford’s, Black Bottle, Cawsey’s, Boronia, Dr Pilkington’s, El Toro, Fox Hat Brewing, Hobo Brewing, Galway Pipe, Terra Australis, Half Mile Creek, Katherine Hills, Infused Rush, Inner Circle, Lemon Ed, Olympus, Queen Adelaide, Real McCoy, Rebellion Bay, Step Rd, Three Oaks Cider Co, Tolley’s, Vale Brewing, Vicker’s, VOK Warburn Estate Tel: 02 6963 8300 Web: www.warburnestate.com.au Email: info@warburnestate.com.au Brands: Bushman’s Gull, Coolibah, Gossips, Kooba, Rumours, Sweet Lips Infusions, AC/ DC The Wine, Wine Gang, Warburn Estate Westons Australia Tel: 08 9381 2613 Web: www.westonswb.com.au Brands: Caple Road, Henry Weston’s, Innis & Gunn, K Cider, Old Rosie, Royal Jamaican, Sidra Del Verano, Stowfrod Press, Tennent’s Lager, Weston’, Wyld Wood William Grant & Sons Australia Tel: 02 9409 5100 Web: www.williamgrant.com Brands: Balvenie, Drambuie, Glenfiddich, Grant’s, Hendrick’s, Hudson, Milagro, Monkey Shoulder, Reyka, Sailor Jerry, Solerno, Tullamore Dew Willie Smith & Sons Tel: 03 6266 4345 Web: www.williesmiths.com.au Email: appleshed@williesmiths.com.au Brands: Willie Smiths Windowrie Estate Tel: 02 6344 3264 Web: www.windowrie.com.au Email: wine@windowrie.com.au Brands: Windowrie Winestock Fine Wines Tel: 1300 888 664 Web: www.winestock.com.au Brands: Allora!, Bastor-Lamontagne, Brummell, Cullarin Block 71, Decibel, Domaine Chantepierre, Domaine de la Motte, Domaine La Gemiere, Domaine Le Colombier, Domaine le Leyre-Loup, Dutschke, Geoff Weaver, Glaetzer, Heartland, Krinklewood, Laurent-Perrier, Les Jamelles, Mitolo, MollardGrivot, Mr Mick, Peyrassol, Pizzini, Poggio al Tesoro, Provenance, Rob Dolan, Ronan by Clinet, Roustabout, San Marzano, Stella Bella, Te Kano, Terres Dorees, The Upstarts, Tim Adams, Usher Tinkler, Walnut Block Wines Young & Rashleigh Wine Merchants Tel: 02 9967 5900 Web: www.youngandrashleigh.com Brands: Allan Scott, Angus the Bull, Baby Doll, Bimbadgen, Bouchard Aine & Fils, Cato, Lanson, Chard Farm, d’Arenberg, Cuttaway Hill, De Perriere, Delamere, Dunsborough Hills, Excuse my French, Fire Block, Finca Rosal, Flor del Montgo, Four Winds, Galli Estate, Howard Park, Joiy, Geoff Merrill, Kingston Estate, Lock & Key, Longview, Lowburn Ferry, Majella, Mad Fish, Maison Angelvin, Maison Bouachon, Moppity Vineyards, Marchand & Burch, Neudorf, Pico Maccario, Pigs Fly, Maxwell, Poggiotondo, Port Phillip Estate, Pillitteri, Quartier, Radio Boka, Sydney Brewery, Rosily, The Duchess, Ridgeside, Villa Sandi, Vinaceous, Viticoltori Ponte, Varichon & Clerc, Yealands Estate, Twelve Signs, The Wilson Vineyard, Printhie
Vintage & Vine Tel: 02 9420 5088 Web: www.vintageandvine.com Email: orders@vintageandvine.com
Tel: 03 9676 9663 Web: www.untappedwines.com.au
Untapped Fine Wines
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Brands: Aalto, Achaval Ferrer, Altanza, Alto de la Ballena, Altocedro, Amayna, Ànima Negra, Aquitania, Bouza, Caelum, Camilo Castilla, Carrau, Casa Marín, Castaño, Castell d’Encus, Castillo Viejo, Celler Credo, Contador, Enrique Foster, Ferrer Bobet, Finca Egomei, Gimenez Mendez, Giró Ribot, Gramona, Grifoll-Declara, Juvé y Camp, Lagarde, Loma Larga, Luna Beberide, Maquis, Marichal, Martinez Corta, Mauricio Lorca, Mendel, Narbona, Neo, Nestares Eguizábal, Ossian, Paco García, Pagos de Galir, Pizzorno, Recaredo, Renacer, Sant Josep, Tamaya, Trico, Tukma, Vivanco, Vizcarra, Yzaguirre

Austwine Tel: 08 8363 5188 Web: www.austwine.net.au Email: infof@auswine.net.au barmenus.com Tel: 0433 227 864 Web: www.barmenus.com Email: info@barmenus.com Barmetrix Tel: 0425 338 070 Web: www.barmetrix.com BarScan Tel: 03 9818 8202 Web: www.barscan.com.au Email: enquiries@barscan.com.au
Air Liquide Tel: 03 9697 9888 Web: www.airliquide.com.au Email: ALANSWSales@airliquide.com
Ace Bottle Printers Tel: 02 9605 9545 Web: www.acebottleprinter.com.au Email: ace@acebottleprinter.com.au
Aristocrat Technologies Australia Pty Ltd Tel: 02 90316000 Web: www.aristocrat.com Email: media@aristocrat.com Arrow Scientific Web: www.arrowscientific.com.au
John McLoughlin - Managing Director Email: jmcloughlin@advantagegroup.com
Arvinoil Pty Ltd Tel: 0414 933 012 Web: www.arvinoil.com Email: info@arvinoil.com
BottleCycler Tel: 1300 306 039 Web: www.bottlecycler.com Email: jason@bottlecycler.com Botton & Gardiner Tel: 1300 762 703 Web: www.bottonandgardiner.com.au Email: info@bottonandgardiner.com.au Bovec Tel: 02 8052 3931 Web: www.bovec.com.au Brand Promotions Tel: 02 8335 2900 Web: www.brand.com.au Email: info@brand.com.au Cafeideas Tel: 02 9690 2116 Web: www.cafeideas.com.au Camvex Video Surveillance Systems Tel: 03 9543 4844 Web: www.camvex.com.au CAV Security Tel: 02 9979 5222 Web: www.cav.com.au Email: info@cav.com.au Cellartags Tel: 07 3216 0220 Web: www.cellartags.com.au Chad Holman Tel: 0432 150 955 Web: www.chadholman.com Chill Tel: 02 9907 7099 Web: www.chill.com.au Civic Tel: 1300 692 484 Web: www.civic.org.au Comcater Pty Ltd Tel: 1800 035 327 Web: www.comcater.com.au Email: customerservice@comcater.com.au Cool Candle Company Tel: 02 4229 3668 Web: www.CoolCandles.com.au Email: sales@coolcandles.com.au Cork Supply Australia Tel: 08 8241 6700 Web: www.corksupply.com.au Creative Promotions Tel: 02 9417 0440 Web: www.creativepromotions.com.au Email: sales@creativepromotions.com.au CreditorWatch Tel: 1300 50 13 12 Web: Patrickwww.creditorwatch.com.auCoghlan,ChiefExecutiveOfficer Email: patrick.coghlan@creditorwatch.com.au Creditworks Tel: 02 9278 7035 Web: Graemewww.creditworks.com.auGribben,ManagingDirector Email: graeme.gribben@creditworks.com.au Custom Hospitality Systems Tel: 1300 424 767 Web: www.chspos.com.au Email: support@chspos.com.au
Denomination Tel: 02 9281 5533 Web: www.denomination.design
Advantage Group Tel: 02 8282 0000 Web: www.advantagegroup.com
Australian Wine Cellar Tel: 0427 721 478 Web: www.australianwinecellar.com.au Email: landi@australianwinecellar.com.au
DESS Point of Sale Solutions Tel: 1300 852 569 Web: www.dessbusiness.com Diversified Communication Australia Tel: 02 9275 9200 Web: www.divcom.net.au Equifax Tel: 13 83 32 Web: www.equifax.com.au Foss Analytics Web: www.fossanalytics.com FSEnet Australasia Pty Ltd Tel: 0458 858 649 Web: www.fsenet.com Gas Alarm Systems Tel: 02 9838 7220 Web: www.gasalarm.com.au Email: sales@gasalarm.com.au Gishen Consulting Tel: 0404 833 073 Web: www.gishenconsulting.com.au Great Engineering Labeling Solutions Tel: 03 9646 8688 Web: www.greatengineering.com GS1 Tel: 03 9558 9559 Web: www.gs1.org Maria Palazzolo, Chief Executive Officer Email: maria.palazzolo@gs1au.org
Blue Star Group Tel: 02 9089 8550 Web: www.ivegroup.com.au/production
All Table Sports Tel: 1300 036 199 Web: www.alltablesports.com.au Email: info@alltablesports.com.au
BevChain Tel: 02 8705 5999 Web: Mishawww.bevchain.comShliapnikoff-President Email: misha.shliapnikoff@bevchain.com
Australian Wine Export Council Tel: 08 8228 2000 Web: enquiries@wineaustralia.comwww.wineaustralia.com
Alpen Products Pty Ltd Tel: 02 9931 7600 Web: www.alpen.com.au
H&L Australia Pty Ltd Tel: 1800 778 340 Web: www.hlaustralia.com.au Email: sales@hlaustralia.com.au Hanna Group Tel: 02 4571 1222 Web: www.hanna.com.au HBM Plastics & Packaging Technologies Tel: 02 8814 3100 Web: www.hbm.com.au Email: sales@hmb.com.au Hospitality Information Systems Web: www.his.com.au Hybrex Tel: 1800 356 288 Web: www.hybrex.com.au Email: enquiries@hybrex.com.au Hycom Equipment Pty Ltd Tel: 02 9540 1888 Web: www.hycom.com.au Email: hycom@ozemail.com.au IBS Systems Group Australia Tel: 02 9719 9242 Web: www.ibsaus.com.au Email: sales@ibsaus.com.au iCandy Creative Tel: 02 8667 4600 Web: www.icandycreative.com.au Impos Point of Sale Tel: 1800 780 268 Web: www.impos.com.au Email: customerservice@impos.com.au
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Bormioli Rocco Glassware Tel: 1800 014355 Web: www.bormiolirocco.com
Andale Beer Dispensing Equipment Tel: 03 93396666 Web: andalevic@andale.com.auwww.andale.com.au
National Credit Insurance Tel: 1800 882 820 Web: www.nci.com.au Email: info@nci.com.au NCI Tel: 08 8228 4800 Web: Natashawww.nci.com.auBissett,Operations Manager Email: Natasha.Bissett@nci.com.au
Nielsen Tel: 02 8873 7000 Web: Berniewww.nielsen.comHughes,Managing Director Email: bernard.hughes@nielsen.com
Manenti Quinlan & Associates Pty Ltd Tel: 02 9744 8833 Web: www.mq.com.au Email: info@mq.com.au Manildra Group Tel: 02 9879 9800 Web: Debbiewww.manildra.com.auForster,HeadofEthanol, Commercial & Logistics Email: Debbie.Forster@manildra.com.au Mill & Turn CNC Engineering Tel: 0467 698 561 Web: www.millandturn.com.au Email: vasan@millandturn.com.au
Miranda Plastics Tel: 02 9525 1049 Web: www.mplastics.com.au
NextGen Tel: 02 9119 4200 Web: www.ngg.com.au Neil Rechlin, Director Email: neil.rechlin@ngg.com.au Nupos Solutions Tel: 02 9380 5565 Web: www.nupos.com.au Oddbins Wine Auctions Tel: 08 8365 4722 Web: www.oddbins.com.au Email: oddbins@oddbins.com.au Omond & Co. Tel: 03 9682 6688 Web: www.omond.com.au Email: mail@omond.com.au OnTap Data Tel: 03 9488 2000 Web: www.ontapdata.com.au Email: info@ontapdata.com.au OrderMate POS Tel: 1300 www.ordermate.com.au667067
Oxygen Interactive Marketing Tel: 0412 361 751 Web: www.oxygenmarketing.com.au P.G.C. Plastic Glasses Company Tel: 0419 647 484 Web: www.plasticglasses.net.au Email: pgcaust@bigpond.net.au RBA Group Tel: 1300 788 778 Web: www.rba.com.au Email: sales@rba.com.au Read Label Pty Ltd Tel: 03 9397 0355 Web: www.readlabel.com.au Real World Marketing Tel: 02 8282 0000 Web: www.realworldmarketing.com Paul Bull, Managing Director Email: paul.bull@realworldmarketing.com.au S.O.S (Speedy Over Sticking) Tel: 08 8244 0255 Web: www.soslabels.com.au Semak Australia Tel: 03 9796 4583 Web: www.semak.com.au Email: info@semak.com.au Sense 2 Tel: 02 9388 7122 Web: www.sense2.com.au Email: sense2@sense2.com.au Serendis Tel: 02 9371 2910 Web: Biancawww.serendis.com.auHavas,Director Email: bianca@serendis.com.au Shopper Intelligence Tel: 02 8282 0000 Web: Simonwww.shopperintelligence.comFord,ManagingDirector Email: simon.ford@shopperintelligence.com.au Skope Refrigeration & Heating Tel: 1800 121 535 Web: www.skope.com Email: skope@skope.com SKUvantage Tel: 02 8484 0345 Web: Danielwww.skuvantage.com.auRoberts,ChiefExecutive Officer Email: daniel@skuvantage.com Smartspotter Tel: 0403 133 225 Web: Andreswww.smartspotter.comVelasquez,BusinessDeveloper Email: andres@smartspotter.com.au StayinFront Tel: 02 9900 1100 Web: Archelwww.stayinfront.comAguilar,ManagingDirector Email: aaguilar@stayinfront.com Stomp Winemaking & Consultancy Tel: 0409 774 280 Web: www.stompwine.com.au Email: meredith@stompwines.com.au SUEZ Tel: 131 www.suez.com.au335 Swigg Consulting Pty Ltd Web: www.swigg.com.au Email: andrewthomson@swigg.com.au The Menu Company Tel: 1800 223 312 Web: www.menucompany.com.au Email: libby@menucompany.com.au tic technologies Tel: 0419 992 862 Web: www.tictechnologies.com Email: rhonda@tictechnologies.com Toll Customised Solutions Tel: 1300 550 360 Email: www.tollgroup.com Transfusion Ltd Tel: 0417 601 906 Web: www.transfusionltd.com Email: info@transfusionltd.com Trenton International Tel: 02 8571 9988 Web: www.trenton.com.au Email: office@trenton.com.au Vantage Australia Tel: 0438 986 693 Web: www.spiritofanation.com Email: bill.hargitay@spiritofanation.com Veritas Events Tel: 02 8908 5600 Web: www.veritas.com.au Email: journey@veritas.com.au
Intervintner Pty Ltd Tel: 08 8357 2900 Web: www.intervintner.com
ISEC Group Tel: 1300 007 432 Web: www.isec.com.au Email: security@isec.com.au JEM Computer Systems Tel: 02 8860 7575 Web: www.jem.com.au Matt Clay, Business Development Manager Email: matt.clay@jem.com.au JF Hillebrand Australia Pty Ltd Tel: 08 8352 2000 Web: www.jfhillebrand.com/australia Kegstar Tel: 02 8880 4440 Web: Andrewwww.kegstar.comHigginbotham,Director Email: andrew@kegstar.com Kennards Wine Storage Tel: 1800 658 855 Web: www.kss.com.au KPMG Tel: 02 9335 7000 Web: www.home.kpmg/au Layman Property Group Tel: 03 8394 7508 Web: www.laymangroup.com.au Email: enquiries@laymangroup.com.au Lightsounds Tel: 1800 55 22 05 Web: www.lightsounds.com.au Limehouse Creative Tel: 0404 359 250 Web: www.limehousecreative.com Email: info@limehousecreative.com Mainfreight Tel: 02 8784 2200 Web: www.mainfreight.com Brad Greer, National Business Development Manager Email: brad.greer@mainfreight.com.au
Monbulk Rural Enterprises Tel: 03 9756 6355 Web: www.monbulkrural.com.au
IRI Tel: 02 8789 4000 Web: Alistairwww.iriworldwide.comLeathwood,ChiefCommercial Office Email: Alistair.Leathwood@iriworldwide.com.au
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Vinspeak Tel: 08 7226 0513 Web: www.cwtranslations.com.au Email: office@vinspeak.com.au
MEDIA & CONTENT SERVICES HIP Media Pty Ltd Drinks Industry custom media and content specialists Tel: 0410 600 075 Web: Ashleywww.hipmedia.com.auPini,GroupPublishing Editor Email: ashley@hipmedia.com.au
50|drinks guide
National Wine Education and Training Centre Tel: 08 8222 9277 Web: www.nwetc.com.au Email: admin@winesa.asn.au Wine & Spirits Education Trust (WSET) Tel: +61 (0) 414541254 Web: www.wsetglobal.com Email: SAndrew@wsetglobal.com
RECRUITMENT SERVICES Core Element Tel: 02 8987 1984 Web: www.CoreElement.com.au Mondo Tel: 1300 737 917 Web: www.mondocalibre.com.au
Wine & Vine Personnel International Tel: 02 9956 3811 Web: www.wineandvine.com.au
Visy Tel: 13 8479 Web: www.visy.com.au Warehousing & Distribution Solutions Pty Ltd Tel: 02 9643 5200 Web: www.wads.com.au Email: info@wads.com.au Weatherdon Tel: 02 9906 2202 Web: www.weatherdon.com.au Email: sales@weatherdon.com.au
Wine Ark Tel: 1300 946 327 Web: www.wine-ark.com.au Wine Assist Tel: 0408 801 795 Web: www.wineassist.com.au Wine in a Glass Tel: 1300 959 466 Web: www.wineinaglass.com.au Email: info@wineinaglass.com.au WineX Tel: 1300 653 946 Web: www.winex.com.au Email: sales@winex.com.au WorkForce Software Tel: 02 8399 1688 Web: www.wfsaustralia.com Worldsmart Retail Tel: 1300 738 324 Web: www.worldsmart.com.au Email: wsrlogistics@worldsmart.com.au
Winegrapes Australia Tel: 08 8323 0056 Web: www.winegrapes.com.au Email: admin@winegrapes.com.au TRAINING Coffee School Tel: 0420 283 599 Web: www.coffeeschool.com.au Complete Hospitality Training Tel: 03 9654 1554 Web: www.chtmelbourne.com.au Email: info@chtmelbourne.com.au Institute of Brewing & Distilling Tel: +44 (0)7401 609290 Web: www.ibd.org.uk Email: Emma-Jayne.Quinn@ibd.org.uk
Touchstone Executive Search Tel: 03 8615 9888 Web: www.touchstoneexecutivesearch.com.au Paul Beattie, Principal Email: pb@touchstoneexecsearch.com.au
Australian Food and Grocery Council Tel: 02 62731466 Web: www.afgc.org.au Email: afgc@afgc.org.au Australian Grape & Wine Tel: 08 8133 4300 Web: www.agw.org.au Email: info@agw.org.au Australian Hotels Association Tel: 02 9281 6922 Web: www.aha.org.au Email: communications@aha.org.au
Australian Liquor Stores Association Tel: 02 8335 3200 Web: www.alsa.com.au Email: info@retaildrinks.org.au Brewers Association of Australia Tel: 02 6295 7199 Web: www.brewers.org.au Email: brewers@brewers.org.au Champagne Bureau Australia Web: www.champagne.com.au Clubs NSW Tel: 1300 730 001 Web: www.clubsnsw.com.au Clubs QLD Tel: 07 3252 0770 Web: www.clubsqld.com.au Email: clubs@clubsqld.com.aU DrinkWise Tel: 03 9682 8641 Web: www.drinkwise.org.au Email: info@drinkwise.org.au Food and Beverage Importers Association Tel: 03 9867 0270 Web: www.fbia.org.au Food Standards Australia and New Zealand Tel: 02 6271 2222 Web: www.foodstandards.gov.au Liquor and Gaming NSW Tel: 1300 024 720 Web: www.liquorandgaming.nsw.gov.au Email: contact.us@liquorandgaming.nsw.gov.aU Master Grocers Australian and Liquor Retailers Australia Tel: 1800 888 479 Web: www.mga.asn.au National Independent Liquor Wholesalers Association (NILWA) Tel: 02 4951 2385 Web: www.nilwa.com.au Email: nilwa@nilwa.com.au National Trust of Australia (ACT) Tel: 02 6230 0533 Web: www.nationaltrust.org.au\act Email: info@nationaltrustact.org.au NSW Wine Industry Association Tel: 0407 615 132 Web: www.nswwine.com.au Office of Liquor and Gambling Commissioner SA Tel: 131 882 Web: www.cbs.sa.gov.au Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation QLD Tel: 13 74 68 Web: www.olgr.qld.gov.au Office of Racing, Gaming and Liquor W” Tel: 1800 6552 7300 Web: www.rgl.wa.gov.au Phonographic Performance Company of Australia Tel: 02 8569 1100 Web: www.ppca.com.au Restaurant & Catering Australia Tel: 1300 722 878 Web: www.rca.asn.au Email: restncat@rca.asn.au Retail Drinks Australia Tel: 02 8335 3200 Web: www.retaildrinks.org.au Email: info@retaildrinks.org.au South Australian Wine Industry Association Tel: 08 8222 9277 Web: www.winesa.asn.au Email: admin@winesa.asn.au Spirits & Cocktails Australia Tel: 02 8233 6125 Web: www.spiritsandcocktailsaustralia.com.au Email: admin@spiritsandcocktailsaustralia.com.au Tasmanian Gaming Commission Tel: 03 6166 4444 Web: www.treasury.tas.gov.au/liquor-and-gaming Email: secretary@treasury.tas.gov.au Tourism Training Australia Tel: 0427 963 991 Web: www.tourismtraining.com.au Email: reception@tourismtraining.com.au Wine Australia Tel: 08 8228 2000 Web: www.wineaustralia.com Email: enquiries@wineaustralia.com Wine Tasmania Tel: 03 6223 3770 Web: www.winetasmania.com.au Email: mail@winetasmania.net.au
Accommodation Association of Australia Tel: 02 8666 9015 Web: www.aaoa.com.au Apra Amcos Tel: 02 9935 7900 Web: www.apraamcos.com.au Email: apra@apra.com.au Association of Australian Boutique Winemakers Tel: 02 8060 4650 Web: boutiquewines.com.au Email: ross@boutiquewines.com.au Australasian Lighting Industry Association Web: www.alia.com.au Email: cat@alia.com.au
NATIONAL NSW Tel: 1300 881 458 Web: www.almliquor.com.au Email: sales.bris@almliquor.com.au VIC Tel: 1300 881 458 Web: www.almliquor.com.au Email: sales.bris@almliquor.com.au SA Tel: 08 8152 8738 Web: www.almliquor.com.au Email: almservicessa@almliquor.com.au
WA Tel: 08 9455 9055 Web: www.almliquor.com.au Email: sales.bris@almliquor.com.au ACT Tel: 02 6239 4290 Web: www.almliquor.com.au Email: sales.bris@almliquor.com.au TAS Tel: 1300 881 458 Web: www.almliquor.com.au Email: sales.bris@almliquor.com.au NT - Alice Springs Tel: 08 8922 5300 Web: www.almliquor.com.au Email: almservicessa@almliquor.com.au NT - Darwin Tel: 08 8922 5310 Web: www.almliquor.com.au Email: almservicessa@almliquor.com.au QLD - Brisbane Tel: 1300 881 458 Web: www.almliquor.com.au Email: sales.bris@almliquor.com.au QLD - Townsville Tel: 1301 881 458 Web: www.almliquor.com.au Email: sales.bris@almliquor.com.au QLD - Cairns Tel: 1302 881 458 Web: www.almliquor.com.au Email: ALM_Cairns@almliquor.com.au Independent Liquor Group (ILG) NSW, ACT, QLD Tel: 02 9675 8400 Web: www.ilg.com.au Email: trading@ilg.com.au
River City Wholesalers QLD Tel: 07 3875 2636 Web: www.rivercity.com.au Oz North Food & Liquor NT Tel: 08 8984 4099 Web: www.bidfood.com.au/festival Email: Sales.FestivalCityDarwin@bidfood.com.au
Australian Liquor Marketers (ALM)
Gateway Liquor Wholesalers NSW Tel: 02 9136 0350 Web: www.gatewayliquor.com.au Email: orders@gatewayliquor.net Global Brands Liquor NSW Tel: 0479 020 115 Web: www.globalbrandsliquor.com.au Email: enquiries@globalbrandsliquor.com.au Midwest Foods & Liquor NSW Tel: 02 6800 2100 Web: www.midwestfoods.com.au Email: sales@midwestfoods.com.au
Liquid Specialty Beverages QLD Tel: 1300 668 736 Web: www.liquidsb.com.au Email: orders@liquidsb.com.au Liquid Mix WA Tel: 08 9434 8555 Web: www.liquidmix.com.au Email: orders@liquidmix.com.au
100 Proof NSW, VIC, QLD, WA Tel: 02 9099 5900 Web: www.100proof.com.au Email: duncan.baldwin@100proof.com.au
NILWA National Tel: 02 4951 2385 Web: www.nilwa.com.au Email: nilwa@nilwa.com.au Bidfood WA Tel: 08 9410 9200 Web: www.bidfood.com.au Email: sales.perth@bidfood.com.au
Paramount Liquor VIC, NSW, SA Tel: 03 9361 4800 Web: www.paramountliquor.com Email: orders@paramountliquor.com.au
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Festival Beer, Wine & Spirits SA Tel: 08 8349 1200 Web: www.bidfood.com.au/festival Email: Sales.FestivalCityAdelaide@bidfood.com.au Festival Beer, Wine & Spirits VIC Tel: 03 9361 1681 Web: www.bidfood.com.au/festival Email: Sales.FestivalCityAdelaide@bidfood.com.au Monacellars VIC Tel: 03 5134 2906 Web: www.wholesale.monacellars.com.au Email: info@monacellars.com.au

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