WWW.OFFSITEMAGAZINE.CO.UK OFFSITE DEDICATED TO OFFSITE DESIGN, MANUFACTURE & DELIVERY | ISSUE 34 DESIGNP26 FOR LIFE How are ilke Homes delivering energy efficiency, zero bills and the next generation of newbuild living? COLLABORATINGP46 FOR NET ZERO Timber’s role and why better cross-sector co-operation will deliver the UK’s environmental targets. CIRCULARP90 DESIGN & DELIVERY Understanding embodied carbon, new routes to sustainability and complex building lifecycles. SEP/OCT 2022 | £4.95 AMSTERDAM VALLEY LIGHT ARCHITECTUREFRAMINGSTEELANDINNOVATIVE

W: www.marmox.co.uk E: sales@marmox.co.uk T: 01634 835290 Natural Stone Tiles on a Roll 100% NaturalLightweightWaterproofStone Inbuilt Decoupling Only 4mm Thick 10 Year Guarantee 60% Less Grout Needed 80% Fas ter Tiling

Secondly, David Hopkins, Chief Executive of Timber Development UK, emphasises how sustainable the timber supply chain is in supporting whole-life carbon targets, circular economy principles and offsite manufacture. Importantly, in the light of recent divisive industry reports, he underlines the point that to ‘unseat traditional building’, we require crossindustry investment and collaboration to: “shift towards a culture which values carbon reduction, build quality, social value and circularity and not divisive counter-productive attacks… seeking to cloak rhetoric in the guise of officiallooking reports.” Climate change is too important for that.
Huge thanks to all our contributors, advertisers and supporters, it’s never taken for granted. See you at OFFSITE EXPO to enjoy a busy and fruitful couple of days.
For material efficiency and a bid to solve long term environmental problems, the construction industry is under pressure to develop a deeper understanding of carbon impacts across the entire building lifecycle. Not only measuring embodied carbon in production – but with energy bills at the front of everyone’s mind – longer term operational efficiency. As Elaine Toogood says about circular thinking inside: “Applying this to construction with shifts in behaviour, innovative design and developments… we can ensure we build more sustainably with longevity, efficiency and waste reduction in mind.”
Gary Ramsay Consultant Editor

Offsite Magazine is produced and published by Radar ©RadarCommunications:Communications Ltd.

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Email: gary.ramsay@offsitemagazine.co.uk
There are many pages to point you towards but two are worth a special highlight. Firstly, we spoke to Nigel Banks from ilke Homes about how – after only five years in operation –they have taken factory-designed, volumetric modular systems to another level. The ilke ZERO commitment, which is rolling out zero carbon homes with ‘zero’ bills guaranteed for residents, is hopefully an energy vision of the future for all newbuilds.
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SEND US YOUR NEWS: Gary Ramsay // T: 01743 290001
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Welcome to the latest edition of Offsite Magazine. As befitting the issue in circulation during and around OFFSITE EXPO 2022, it is bigger and fuller than usual and hopefully has plenty to interest even the most casual
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voestalpine Metsec
clear from many of the features inside and certainly a common theme across the built environment is the ongoing pressure to build more sustainably. Not only tackling the problems of achieving zero carbon targets but the requirements to move away from a linear process and engage in a circular approach to design and build.

ilke Homes is the Yorkshire-based company that has become a flagship name in the delivery of a new generation of energy efficient, low carbon, newbuild modular homes. We caught up with R&D Director Nigel Banks to talk about the latest developments.
52 | Steel Innovation Ready for Launch
| Design, Manufacture, Assemble… Repeat Work is well advanced at Assembly, Bristol, where a precast concrete and advanced kit of parts approach is part of offsite construction delivering repetition, cost and project efficiency.
94 | Appealing to All
68 | Everything Offsite
The Light Steel Frame Association, have created a new Sustainability Guide to help demonstrate that steel systems are a highly reliable, robust and sustainable method of construction.
| Hope Rise: a design blueprint
News and developments from across the UK offsite industry and wider construction arena including: Studio Anyo unveil a new national MMC Advisory Service, specialist contractors can now apply to join the £1.2billion NH3 framework to deliver offsite homes and Passivhaus pioneers of the future are announced at the TDUK University Design Challenge.

Lightweight steel framing systems are a core approach within the offsite sector and as voestalpine Metsec are proving, its varied shapes, sizes and profiles are playing a major part in a landmark new development in Amsterdam.
Offsite Expo is here. Two days as a major meeting place and business hub for all those operating in the world of offsite design, manufacture and installation. Don’t miss out…

| The Road to True Net Zero
60 | Verifying Sustainability Benefits
As the UK construction industry works towards reducing carbon emissions, John Smith, Technical Director at Donaldson Timber Systems, discusses why embodied carbon is critical to its success.
Elaine Toogood, Director, Architecture & Sustainable Design at MPA The Concrete Centre, explores the opportunities and benefits of MMC concrete to support a more circular economy and how better to understand carbon impacts across the entire lifecycle of buildings and materials.
David Hopkins, Chief Executive of Timber Development (TDUK), outlines the role timber can play in achieving a net-zero construction industry and the need for cross-sector collaboration to achieve tough environmental targets. ROUTES SUSTAINABILITYTO HOMEBUILDERORDINARY
The government has set out a vision for the education sector to be world leading in sustainability by 2030. As Richard Hipkiss, Development Director of the MPBA makes clear – central to shaping that will be the increased use of volumetric modular design.
74 | The Volumetric Modular Tool

P26 | NO
Leading the BIM revolution, Trimble will be demonstrating at Offsite Expo 2022 the latest addition to Tekla Structures constructible modelling software, with a tool designed specifically for volumetric modular design.
P90 | NEW
Zero carbon homes above car parks are on the horizon after a successful pilot project in Bristol, that could be the future for housing vulnerable young adults as the ‘cost of living’ crisis deepens.

Building new skillsets and developing a wider, more diverse workforce are central to the successful growth and futureproofing of UK construction and the offsite sector.
Fusion Steel Framing is gearing up to present Offsite Expo 2022 attendees an opportunity to get a first-hand look at its latest through-wall solution – Xterion™
In the UK, lightweight steel framing systems have long been recognised as a key component when it comes to meeting these challenges in multi-storey construction projects. They allow detailed solutions to be created well-ahead of construction, with all components designed to meet a project’s requirements and manufacturing, delivery and installation schedules established with Heldprecision.indigital
Verified by independent EPD authority, EPD Hub, the declaration provides designers, specifiers and developers with comprehensive information to include in a project’s sustainability assessment. It includes a lifecycle assessment and environmental impact data, comprising core environmental impact indicators, use of natural resources and end of life information.
The advantages of lightweight steel framing systems over alternatives are clearly demonstrated in a major new development recently completed in the Netherlands. In a departure from the more common local habit of using timber, Dutch developers have used SFS steel framing systems from UKbased voestalpine Metsec to provide infill for the varied shapes, sizes and profiles of a major new development in Amsterdam.
form, this information can then be fed into the construction process at the appropriate time. Framing components are then manufactured to the precise needs of the project, coded for ease of assembly on-site and delivered ready for immediate installation in accordance with construction schedules.
With governments working towards net zero carbon emissions manufacturers will need to up their game when it comes to environmental responsibility. As part of voestalpine AG’s Metal Forming Division, voestalpine Metsec is a signatory to the group’s target of achieving net zero by 2035 and has already published an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) covering its purlins and framing systems.
Lightweight steel framing systems are a core approach within the offsite sector and as voestalpine Metsec are proving, its varied shapes, sizes and profiles are playing a major part in a landmark new development in Amsterdam.

The demands to provide quality, affordable buildings, particularly in the residential sector, whilst delivering speed, efficiency, safety and sustainability are not exclusive to the UK construction industry. They are challenges faced by building professionals throughout the world – professionals who are adopting modern methods of construction (MMC) and digitalisation to help satisfy these Offsitedemands.construction techniques lend themselves perfectly to this drive towards productivity and environmental responsibility, with data-driven design contributing through enhancements in the flow of information from initial design concepts through to completion as well as the subsequent management and maintenance of the buildings.
Amsterdam Valley
In addition to its ability to deliver efficiency and precision throughout the building process, steel framing also contributes towards the sustainability credentials of a project, particularly when it comes to end-of-life. Whereas many other building materials are not readily recycled or repurposed at the end of their working life, steel has a re-use and recovery rate approaching 100%, making it one of the most recyclable materials on earth.
Rising from the flat landscape of Amsterdam’s Zuidas central business district is Amsterdam Valley, a striking 100m tall structure which presents an eye-catching jagged façade of stone terraces, bay windows and balconies, covered in dense greenery. More redolent of a three-peaked mountain than a building, Amsterdam Valley is an innovative and sustainable mixeduse development commissioned by EDGE Technologies and designed by architects, MVRDV.
Lall concludes: “With the untimely intervention of Coronavirus during the SFS installation phases, Amsterdam Valley posed a few challenges.
the architects’ setting-out information, which determined the wall and opening locations. Each floor required between eighty and one hundred SFS panel section drawings, with the entire project requiring in excess of 5,000 Todrawings.assistwith co-ordination between the 3D models and site a bespoke SFS track Revit family was created with additional offset nodes, facilitating a mainly digital collaborative environment, with some hard copy drawings produced to assist installation. As a BIM project, the location of each specific stud needed to be exact, as other parties would be reliant on the SFS model for subsequent installation of their own products and systems. This required each stud to be dimensioned from a datum to allow the SFS installation teams to position each stud precisely in its designated location.
MTJ Builders
“Fortunately, the digital environment created by voestalpine Metsec’s design team assured close co-operation between ourselves, voestalpine Metsec and the contractors. The project went as smoothly as the pandemic would allow, with SFS proving its worth and justifying the Dutch development team’s courage. The building’s design was out of the ordinary and, for the Dutch construction industry, so was the SFS solution.”
2 43
Produced to BIM standards, the SFS design was created to precisely match

comments: “The contractors needed an infill system which would support the bracketry for the natural stone cladding panels which had pretty much been cut by the time we were consulted. SFS provided a versatile and flexible solution which would also assure rapid progress when delivered to site. A full-sized working mock-up of one of the Valley’s cells, using SFS as infill, convinced the development team of the system’s efficacy. Working with voestalpine Metsec’s design team, we produced designs and 3D models of the installation before manufacture, delivery and installation.”
Images: 01-04. The SFS design was created to precisely match the architect’s setting-out information, which determined the wall and opening locations
lightweight solution which can be adapted on-site to accommodate any variances in the main steel or concrete structural frame, ensuring a seamless fit at each stud location which proved invaluable in coping with the Valley’s many and varied angles.
Providing panoramic views over the iconic city of Amsterdam, the Valley’s 75,000sq m of space accommodates 200 apartments, seven storeys of office space, a three-storey underground car park with space for 375 cars and 1,850 bicycles, and a variety of retail, leisure and cultural facilities, including bars, restaurants, gym, swimming pool and
For more information visit: www.metsec.com
Themuseum.project’s bold design is matched by the courage of the construction consortium (Boele & van Eesteren and G&S Bouw) in selecting voestalpine Metsec’s lightweight steel framing system, rather than opting for the more usual Dutch solution of timber, to provide infill throughout the building. Appointed to design, supply and install the SFS, British specialists, MTJ Builders were involved at the early stages of the Amsterdam Valley project, working with the project’s design and construction teams to develop a scheme which would accommodate the building’s striking outline as well as deliver the performance and efficiency for which SFS is Kulwinderrenowned.Lallof
Some 9,500sq m of voestalpine Metsec SFS was supplied to Amsterdam Valley, with a mixture of 90mm, 150mm, 240mm and 270mm stud sizes used according to requirements. Compared to timber or blockwork walls, SFS provides a

Kit of Parts rationalises all the components that are needed to build homes into a series of fully engineered elements, including wall panels and floor cassettes. These high-performance, Fabric First, sub-assemblies are net zero-ready and near zero waste and are designed for ease of assembly local to the final site.
Source: www.modulous.com
Richard Mawdsley, Director of Development for Peel L&P’s Wirral Waters, said: “Our strategic partnership with Starship Group has taken a leap forward. As environmentally responsible businesses looking to the future of the construction industry, we are very aligned in our ambitions and our values especially in growing a local workforce, and we are delighted that they can see the huge potential for Wirral Waters. Wirral Waters offers
The conversion of the low-bay element of the Mobil Building, into which Starship will relocate, is the first phase of the development of Mea Park. A planning application for the £9million second phase, a highly sustainable, 70,000sq ft multi-unit industrial and warehouse scheme for industrial and logistics companies and supply chains, was submitted to Wirral Council earlier this year. Starship’s new manufacturing campus will be fully operational by mid-August when it transfers all its residential manufacturing from Deeside. With over 90% of Starship’s workforce already from the Wirral, the new location will be within easy reach for
product suite of modular technologies that make the whole construction cycle, from feasibility right through to delivery on-site, more efficient, cost effective, and transparent. Its software platform generates optimised schemes based on a proprietary Kit of Parts, which is manufactured within the supply chain, removing the need for dedicated factories with the associated capital

was founded in 2020 following the merger of several highly successful property development and construction businesses. With a strong client base, including housing associations, private developers and investors, Starship build high quality, affordable and net zero homes with high-grade insulation to lower energy consumption and reduce energy bills. They also design and build bespoke homes and build to existing specs.
Modular housing manufacturer, Starship Group, has announced the move of its offsite manufacturing facility to the Mobil Building at Wirral Waters’ Mea Park.
The company focuses on panelised delivery which reduces waste in the manufacturing, storage and transport of the homes. While much of the construction takes place in the controlled factory environment, the final fit out is done using local labour and supports local economies. Starship also produces its own housing products, alongside the manufacture and delivery of homes designed for a specific clients or places, allowing for a healthy and sustainable pipeline to develop from a range of clients across the UK.
partner because Modulous has built an inspired solution to some of the biggest pain points in construction and development. Their technology removes many of the inefficiencies which, for too long, have stifled innovation, and better promotes demonstratable decarbonised design and build. The future of construction is changing, the UK Government, through its purchasing power are driving Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) such as offsite/modular to help improve safety, improved productivity, quality and sustainability. Our values.”
Managing Director at Starship Group said: “We are really excited to be bringing our offsite manufacturing facilities to Wirral Waters which will mean our whole Starship team will now be on one single campus. The new campus will focus on delivering on our significant residential MMC pipeline and is expected to create over 100 new jobs over the next 12 months. We have a fantastic partnership with Peel L&P and we are working hard together to put Wirral Waters on the map as a regional centre of excellence for MMC and the creation of next generation construction skills.”
A London-based construction technology company that is aiming to help developers and construction firms build modular housing without capital intensive factories has raised £10million of Series A funding to further grow its physical and digital technologies. Modulous – with a world class team from the likes of Microsoft, Google, Katerra, Ramboll, 3i, WeWork, Rolls Royce and Netflix – has developed a software platform that aims to solve major pain points across the three core areas of the homebuilding process. The digitisation of design will enable the developer to navigate the antiquated planning process more quickly and with substantially less risk. It will also create a more collaborative process between the planning stakeholders, reducing the chance of the process becoming adversarial.
Chris Bone, CEO at Modulous, said: “Building energy efficient, affordable housing without the waste and carbon footprint that accompanies traditional construction has never been more critical. Modular delivery is really the only way the housing crisis can be resolved, but, for many, the upfront capital investment has held back the industry’s ability to scale.”
many benefits to them as an MMC manufacturer and it is fantastic that, between Hythe and MEA Park, we will have the whole Starship team on site at Wirral Waters this Davesummer.”Dargan,

Modulous Aims for Construction Culture StarshipShift Group Move OperationManufacturing
Source: www.starshipgroup.co.uk

Matt Stevenson, founder of Ecosystems Technologies, said: “There are a range of ways that homegrown timber could be used more widely in construction and this retrofit design is a great example that can be easily adopted by businesses and other organisations as the built environment transitions to zero carbon. We are already seeing that become a reality with interest growing and the first commercial orders for the kit-of-parts already underway.
Scottish businesses are now being invited to view the demonstrator unit for themselves to experience how the timber-focused design could support future sustainable workplace strategies. Built-in flexibility and the use of components manufactured offsite means that the design can be applied to a range of different scenarios, from standalone pods to new build units or to repurpose vacant buildings – and not only used for Lynseyoffices.Bryson,

A new modular demonstrator unit has been unveiled by Built Environment – Smarter Transformation (BE-ST), designed to show Scottish businesses that a timber kit-of-parts approach to retrofit could be the key to future sustainable offices.
Minister for Zero Carbon Buildings, Active Travel & Tenants’ Rights, Patrick Harvie said: “The new unit developed by BE-ST is another important milestone for the NearHome project. The project is helping to create safe, hygienic and connected work environments, offering greater choice, flexibility for people to work locally. It’s also helping to create new opportunities in Scotland’s construction industry, making better use of Scottish wood.”
New Demonstrator Unit Shows Potential for Sustainable Offices
The project builds on BE-ST’s continued focus on modern methods of construction including homegrown engineered timber, which is central to the NearHome design. Environmental benefits include the use of a natural, low carbon material that would reduce Scotland’s reliance on imports, using a kit-ofparts that can be easily deconstructed and re-used if required as well as embracing biophilic design principles that are shown to have benefits for health and wellbeing.
Source: www.be-st.build
“Scottish timber is a fantastic regenerative, low-carbon resource and there are significant opportunities to expand the use cases in the built environment through collaboration, research and digital technology. The NearHome project demonstrates the added advantage of a circular approach with the kit designed for reuse, meaning captured carbon can remain in the cycle for as long a period as possible.”
Head of Digital Programmes at BEST, said: “We know that a one-size-fits-all approach is not going to be possible to suit the various building typologies we use in Scotland, but the modular design offers a flexible, sustainable solution that can be adapted on a case-by-case basis. While we were originally looking specifically at workplaces, the flexibility of the kit has shown that it could in fact be used for a range of different purposes. We’re pleased to now see the toolkit design come to life with the physical demonstrator and hope that it can inform and inspire decision makers to consider it as a viable retrofit option for future projects.”
Initial indications from the life cycle analysis of the NearHome approach suggest that the construction of a typical office building would produce five times more carbon dioxide equivalent compared to the modular, timber kit design.
Following the development of a blueprint design last year, Ecosystems Technologies – a specialist in advanced mass timber manufacturing – has now created a fully functioning prototype to encourage adoption of the modular approach among the Scottish business community. Alongside the physical unit, an opensource free guide has been created by ThreeSixty Architecture to enable organisations to replicate the design and adapt it to different types and sizes of buildings, with the first office spaces already commissioned using the design expected to be occupied later this year.
The work forms part of the NearHome project, supported by Transport Scotland, which was formed in response to the changing working patterns of a post-Covid Scotland. The aim of the project is to provide businesses with the tools to transform and retrofit unused spaces into sustainable, energyefficient out-of-town alternatives to city centre offices. A study was also conducted by the University of Edinburgh to review the potential of using geographic information system (GIS) data to determine the best possible positions for future sites. Researchers looked at the use of existing datasets, such as Scottish Census data, to identify locations for NearHome hubs based on demographics, economic factors and travel times.
FRAME ANY SPACE IN A FLASH. To find out more, visit Howickltd.com Trim time off every job with the innovative telescopic steel framing that extends to fit the most difficult spaces. With no re-work and zero wastage, X-TENDA™ 3600 can cut installation time by up to 50%.

The completed buildings are aiming to achieve a BREEAM Excellent rating, meaning they are in the
Algeco Secures MOD Accommodation Contracts
Planning permission for the development was granted by the planning committee for the National Park Authority, following a planning committee meeting in October 2020. West Ashling will be a flagship landled development and Rollalong’s first on behalf of its parent company, the Newship Group which owns a number of packaging, construction, manufacturing and premium hire businesses.
“Modular offsite construction has many benefits compared to traditional builds: it’s faster and less disruptive, it guarantees quality and it reduces costs,” said Steve Chivers, Managing Director of Rollalong. “Modular buildings are precision-engineered in tightly controlled factory conditions and adhere to a ‘right first time’ philosophy, which results in a high-quality, consistent product time after time. We’re excited to be working on Newship Group’s first land-led housing development and we’re looking forward to breaking ground on the site.”
Algeco has secured two major MOD contracts, awarded by the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) on behalf of the British Army, with a combined value of £31million, for supply of high-quality modular
Source: www.algeco.co.uk
Source: www.rollalong.co.uk
Stafford is a £10million contract for supply of a 60-bedroom SLA. Work begins on-site in September and will be completed again on a 46week schedule, including the demolition of existing Algecobuildings.will
South Downs to Get Modular AffordableLow-CarbonHomes

MOD Kinloss Barracks and MOD Stafford are being designed by AHR Architects, supporting OSS on the construction stage architectural design through from both their Leeds and Glasgow offices. Both projects have new three-storey buildings that will provide high quality accommodation with integral communal areas. They feature a brick slip façade and sustainable features including solar PV and heat pumps.
Jamie Turpin, Construction and Development Director at Newship Group, said: “West Ashling is a great rural residential scheme and the perfect development opportunity we’ve been seeking to combine our current ideal blend of scale and location. There has long been a shortage of modest new homes in the favoured western sector of Chichester and the addition of 17 new homes will help support the local housing needs. We are currently working closely with South Downs National Park Authority to fine-tune the sustainable approach on construction, material selection, drainage strategy and hard/soft landscaping designs. We look forward to getting the scheme under way in the coming months.”
Seventeen modular low-carbon homes are to be built in the South Downs National Park in West Sussex – nine of which will be for affordable rent or shared ownership. The homes have already been manufactured offsite in Dorset by offsite building specialists Rollalong and they will be transported and installed on-site in the autumn.
Major General Richard Clements CBE, Director Basing and Infrastructure added: “The contracts with Algeco mark the beginning of the Single Living Accommodation (SLA) Programme, part of the Army’s £800million investment in SLA over the next 10 years. We are investing in modern infrastructure to provide our people with the facilities they deserve and the new blocks at Kinloss and Stafford will be at the forefront – delivering high quality, fit for purpose accommodation; they will also be the first newbuilds with full kitchen diners and true communal space. In addition, the integrated sustainable and renewable energy initiatives demonstrate the Army’s ambition to be Carbon Net Zero by 2050.”
Barracks in Forres, Scotland, comprises a 112-bedroom Single Living Accommodation (SLA) for soldiers. There are two SLA blocks to be delivered in 47-weeks using the Algeco modular permanent building system, with work beginning on-site in December. This is followed by the demolition of the existing buildings. All works on-site will be completed in an overall period of
James Withey, Managing Director at Algeco, said: “Our modular solution will create a modern, efficient and fit-for-purpose accommodation facility for the MOD. We are confident that we will meet the high sustainability targets and complete the work with minimal disruption to the ongoing operation of the bases. Our modular offsite solution provides maximum benefit by minimising works required on-site.”
act as Principal Contractor on both projects, providing a full turnkey solution including demolition of existing buildings. The modules for the Stafford Barracks project will be manufactured in the company’s factory at Carnaby in East Yorkshire, and the modules for the Kinloss Barracks project will be manufactured at the factory in Inverurie, Scotland, with all modules being delivered to site with a PreManufactured Value (PMV) of around 80%.
Robert Vining, DIO’s Deputy Head of Major Programmes and Projects (Army), said: “The new Single Living Accommodation at Stafford and Kinloss will provide high-quality, efficient, purpose-built facilities for our military personnel. I am looking forward to working with Algeco to deliver the first of these fantastic buildings, which will make a real difference to our military colleague’s lives.”
top 10% of UK new non-domestic buildings in terms of best practice. Working with the architects, Algeco has incorporated innovative features into the design, such as solar PV orientation to maximise the amount of electricity produced and optimising the number of overall modules required.
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MTX Leads Pinderfields Hospital Expansion ConstructionProject
construction and are due to be installed from the end of September 2022. The second phase of the project is due to commence 15 months after the completion of phase one. This phase involves converting the open critical care ward into four-bed wards and the donning and doffing areas into single bedrooms to increase capacity across the ward.
Pinderfields Hospital’s new decant ward will enable flexible operation, allowing for the renovation of stateof-the-art units. These are designed to deliver more modern healthcare and will provide vital upgrades to services, ultimately improving the patient experience whilst also increasing capacity and reducing backlog pressures on the NHS.
Jonathan Leech, Project Lead at MTX, commented: “We’re thrilled to have the opportunity to work with Pinderfields Hospital, to showcase our flexible and multifunctional MMC solutions. The decant ward will assist in both developing and renovating new hospital wards. Additionally, this will relieve pressure on existing facilities to help increase capacity, ease the backlogs, and shorten delays for operations, treatments and screenings. We could not do this without the support of everyone involved in the project and their continuing hard work.”
Offsite healthcare specialist, MTX, is making great progress with its latest project at West Yorkshire’s Pinderfields Hospital. The £7.5million modern methods of construction (MMC) project will provide Pinderfields Hospital with a brand-new decant ward to relocate patients while essential remodelling and refurbishment work on main healthcare facilities take place.
The first phase of the project is well underway, with the onsite groundworks and foundation stages of the Critical Care Unit decant ward nearing completion. When complete, this will include a re-provided room, donning and doffing areas for hospital staff, and a bariatric care unit. The main building modules are under
driving improved quality and safety standards, CPQP sets out a five-phase process, ranging from product definition to product launch. It also includes the creation of a live control document, which provides a digital audit trail that forms the basis of a building safety case. At launch, a set of guideline documents is being made available including the CPQP Guide, the Construction Product Approval Process (CPAP) Handbook and nine supporting guidelines to follow which help complete crucial aspects of the quality assurance process.
The CPQP framework is designed to complement the Hub’s Product Platform Rulebook and Value Toolkit. It aligns with the ambitions of the Construction Playbook, where the Government is enabling more investment in innovation by committing its buying power to encourage offsite and platform construction. Speaking ahead of the launch of CPQP, Dame Judith Hackitt said: “I am delighted to see this very positive response to the new regulatory requirements for quality assurance. Learning good practice from manufacturing sectors is a smart way to accelerate the pace of change in construction.”
The Construction Innovation Hub has launched the Construction Product Quality Planning (CPQP) framework. CPQP is a new quality assurance framework setting out a best practice approach for manufacturers to follow during the creation of new platform systems and offsite manufactured construction

Amongst the benefits of using the new framework, CPQP will ensure that products and platforms are manufactured to the highest standards, in line with best practices and regulatory standards such as BSI 99001 and the Building Safety Act. QPQP also provides means for effective change control measures to mitigate risk,
Keith Waller, Programme Director at the Construction Innovation Hub said: “CPQP provides tools that will enable the accelerated adoption of platform approaches by helping to ensure quality and consistency across all of UK construction manufacturing. When applied in conjunction with the Product Platform Rulebook and Value Toolkit, the CPQP framework will improve the overall safety, performance, and quality of new construction products by identifying risks as early as possible in the design and development process, when the cost of change is lower.”
Source: www.constructioninnovationhub.org.uk
Thanks to the combined experience and hard work of the MTX team and external design consultants, together they have already overcome a multitude of challenges – mainly owing to the brownfield nature of the site. The team responded to the changing ground conditions by evolving the foundation design of the project, with minimal impact or disruption to the site. The fully compliant MMC build is reducing construction times by up to 50% and wastage by up to 60%, whilst still delivering high standards. The project will support
the Trust’s requirements for limited disruption and speed of delivery and allow the hospital to continue its operations throughout the works.

Source: www.mtx.co.uk
Current NHS goals are to deliver approximately nine million more tests and checks by 2025. Decant wards are crucial to achieving these targets, as they increase capacity to undertake procedures and scans.
and product journey mapping from design through to manufacturing. CPQP also ensures accurate product data is managed and maintained throughout as per the golden thread recommendations.
Innovation Hub Project will Help De-risk Offsite
modular & portable building associationmpba

New RIBA-approved CPD for MMC
Providing a vibrant, inspiring, and inclusive sports, food, and skills community focal point for the people of South Wye. Southside is a collaboration between two highly energised established community organisations
The winners of the Timber Development UK Hereford Southside University Design Challenge (#TDchallenge22) have been announced following an incredibly competitive nine-month process. The Timber Development UK University Design Challenge is a student competition based on a live project to design a net zero community centre, showcasing timber construction and meeting Passivhaus Standard.

UK University Design Challenge 2022: Southside Hereford ran in partnership with NMITE, Edinburgh Napier University, and the Passivhaus Trust. Built environment students and 2021 graduates from UK universities were invited to take part in the challenge to design Southside Hereford, a detached single storey building to accommodate three diverse partners with net zero aspirations.
Architects and specifiers can access a new CPD on selecting the correct render system for MMC solutions. The CPD, titled ‘Modern Render Systems for Framed Construction and Other MMC Solutions’ has been created by Saint-Gobain Weber to help specifiers understand what they should be looking for from a technical perspective to ensure the render systems they choose deliver the required
Source: www.uk.weber/training/cpd
Growing Local CIC and Belmont Wanderers CIC, and NMITE, all of whom share a common goal to improve the future health, wellbeing, life chances and employment skillset of the people of South Wye and
Source: www.ttf.co.uk
Across more than 150 students from 57 universities, the winning team were selected at a live two-day event at the New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering (NMITE). Students presented their designs to a panel of expert judges representing both local clients and leading figures in UK sustainable
Each of the detailed designs for Southside is ‘net zero’, creatively employing energy and resource efficient building materials and construction methods, focusing on the health and wellbeing of people, the community, and the planet. The designs were judged for longevity, desirability, adaptability, circularity, and a warming climate, as well as producing more energy from renewable sources than required. With the main material focus and specification for Southside to be timber and timber hybrid systems, each team's detailed design was to meet the Passivhaus Standard and exceed both the RIBA 2030 Climate Challenge targets and the LETI Climate Emergency Design Guide metrics.
The winning team brought together an interdisciplinary group of students from universities the length and breadth of the UK – from Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen to the University of Portsmouth – to produce a design the judging panel declared “A strong response and a great integration of uses, with simple elements including a good use of structural timber used effectively and meeting the Passivhaus standard.”
Kelvin Green, Senior Product Marketing Manager, said: “Render is a popular finish and it’s important to understand the different options depending on the type of construction. With MMC being less carbon intensive, this CPD also explains how render makes a genuine contribution to sustainability goals as well as the health and well-being of the occupants of the building.” Weber's commitment to training is widely recognised in the construction industry. This new CPD joins a growing library of resources available to help understand the benefits of the type of systems and solutions that Weber’s technical teams can deliver to specifiers.
Passivhaus Pioneers of the Future
Congratulations to the winners Alice Senior (University of Portsmouth), Malwina Bartoszewicz (Edinburgh Napier University), Johanna Schwarting (Swansea University), Kyle Henderson (Robert Gordon University), Daniela Lopez (University of Gloucestershire), Ali Uddin (University of Edinburgh), and Deepak Sadhwani (Cardiff University).
had to produce designs that sites the community centre within the local context and landscape, integrating the clients’ and community's interests. Through a series of webinars based on the Housing, Construction & Infrastructure Skills Gateway’s Timber TED competency framework, soon to be launched as a short course at NMITE, the students all gained knowledge and skills direct from timber construction experts.
fire safety and sustainability performance considerations, the CPD provides an overview of common MMC options and the aesthetic considerations of these types of projects. It also details the practicalities of installing the render system as well as maintenance considerations.

Infinite fastening solutions. Unique means ‘the only one of its kind’ No other manufacturer of fastening solutions has the breadth of knowledge or the range of products to span market sectors that include the entire modern building envelope, heavy duty anchoring, through to advanced joining systems that can be found in high volume engineering assemblies around the world. If you’re serious about volumetric construction, we’re perfectly placed to help. Visit our bespoke Volumetric Construction webhub: www.ejot-volumetric.co.uk Offsite-issue_34_HP.indd 1 08/09/2022 11:34

of workplace design and the knowledge and understanding, which spans both buildings and the design and construction process, that we can bring to flagship projects.”


phase III will also deliver a range of new healthcare facilities and provide 378sq m of new offices, over 1,500sq m of leisure and community space, 259 car parking spaces and extra public spaces and landscaped gardens. FHP has provided a comprehensive range of mechanical, electrical design and plumbing (MEP) 3D Revit services for RIBA Stages 2 - 6 of the scheme. This has involved design work to
Building services and engineering consultants FHP has celebrated the completion of a key phase of a £150million residential development in London with a ‘topping out' ceremony. The move sees the end of work on phase 3 of the Hallsville Quarter in Canning Town, which is a mix residential development consisting of 620 units across four blocks and varying in storey heights from nine to 14 floor levels.

ensure the building and its occupiers will benefit from the highest levels of air quality and reduced levels of

The topping out ceremony was attended by FHP managing director Tony Hewitt along with the developer Linkcity and its main stakeholders One Housing Group and Grainger, and Hawkins Brown Architects, Sweco Structures and the Bouygues construction teammarking the final stages of major construction work on a building due to fully open in 2024.
MEP Central to Hallsville DevelopmentQuarter
Tony Hewitt said: “We are delighted to celebrate this topping out milestone for the Hallsville Quarter development. We are proud to serve as building consultants on the project from concept to completion for this complex project. It showcases the best
Source: www.fhpp.com
and domestic hot water for the building will be provided from the already completed first phase of the development, through an intermediate plate heat exchanger sub-station located in the building's basement to serve all blocks. Each building was constructed using Bouygues continental frame method with all party walls and external façade being formed in reinforced concrete, and as such the small power and heating services having to be imbedded within the concrete structure.
As the project was designed in 3D Revit, FHP was able to provide construction setting out information early in the design and build process with the knowledge that all imbedded services and recessed outlets were in the correct position at the time of the concrete pour.
Unique market positioning.
Part of a wider £3.7billion urban regeneration programme, the Hallsville Quarter is a new £600million town centre for Canning Town being created in conjunction with Linkcity, Newham London Borough Council and other project partners. It's part of an ambitious project by the main contractor Bouygues UK that aims to regenerate and transform the broader East London
Fibo Offers Free Trial For ManufacturersModular
Beattie Passive has completed the UK’s first largescale, demountable and relocatable ‘Passivhaus Plus’ volumetric modular ‘net zero’ housing development for Cardiff DevelopedCouncil.onthesite

scheme, Cardiff Council is providing homeless families with an exceptionally high standard of accommodation that will, in turn, lead to a better quality of life with improved expected outcomes.
Ron Beattie, Founder and Managing Director of Beattie Passive, said: “As fuel costs soar and climate concerns intensify, we must urgently address the issues of energy efficiency and carbon in construction. The project at Ferry Road ticks all the boxes for a contemporary social housing scheme and then goes further still to achieve Passivhaus Plus standards of energy efficiency, comfort and carbon-
of a former gasworks in Grangetown, which was acquired by Cardiff Council in 2020, the scheme is comprised of 48 volumetric one, two and three-bedroom modular apartments and two large ancillary blocks, which have all been constructed to the rigorous performance requirements of the internationally recognised ‘Passivhaus Plus’
Designed in the Passivhaus Planning Package (PHPP) and constructed around Beattie Passive’s patented sustainable timber-frame build system, the homes at Ferry Road maximise airtightness and minimise thermal bridging to reduce energy consumption by up to 90%. The blocks are also equipped with
photovoltaic panels. Not only does this mean that the buildings are phenomenally energy efficient –effectively eliminating fuel poverty – it also means that the entire development is rated ‘net zero’.
“The flexibility of this fully demountable system means they can be moved elsewhere in the future if required, enabling us to respond to changing housing needs over time.”
Fibo, the leading supplier of tile-effect waterproof wall panels across Europe, is excited to be exhibiting at Offsite Expo 2022 (Stand E07), offering modular manufacturers the opportunity to learn more about Fibo’s range of waterproof wall panels and its new free trial.
With tiles having been the traditional choice for bathroom walls for many years, Fibo is excited to be showing Offsite Expo attendees why it’s waterproof wall-panels are the way forward for modular construction. Fibo’s wall panels are ideal for offsite and modular building as the product can be fitted directly onto wooden and steel studs or glued onto the wall with no specialist or wet trades required.
The standard panels are 2400mm high and 600mm wide to cover the full wall height in most bathrooms. The panels are easy to handle and install, and they’re also easily cut to size with standard carpentry tools. Made using a multi-layer plywood core and

high-pressure laminate, the panels have a 25-year guarantee, a 37% lower footprint than tiles and all surfaces are certified as antibacterial.
has been developed as a ‘meanwhile’ housing solution to provide temporary accommodation for families experiencing homelessness. Cardiff Council is providing wraparound services and support for residents. The site boasts an office block for staff, a training room, a training kitchen, a 24/7 medical office and a crèche.
option for offsite manufacturers, who are looking for an easy to install and more durable option for their production lines. We’ll also be promoting our Free Trial offer at the event, available for offsite or modular manufacturers to try our panels out before they commit to switching from tiles.”
One of the major benefits of the scheme at Ferry Road is the fact that the entire development is demountable and relocatable. The carbon saving potential of the project is enormous. Commenting, Councillor Lynda Thorne, Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities at Cardiff Council, said:
Beattie Scheme‘PassivhausVolumetricCompletesPassiveCardiffModularPlus’
Cardiff Council has committed to become a carbon neutral city by 2030 through its ‘One Planet Cardiff’ strategy, so sustainability and circularity were critical considerations from the outset. A whole life carbon assessment, conducted by construction industry analyst Cercula, calculated that the housing development at Ferry Road would save 8,880 tonnes of carbon – with 85% less whole life carbon (33 tonnes vs 218 tonnes per home) compared to a traditional build – equivalent to 20,640 barrels of oil.
Source: www.beattiepassive.com
Rachel Oddy, Marketing Manager of Fibo commented: “We’re really excited to be back at Offsite Expo for 2022 and can’t wait to show off the benefits of our tile-effect wall panels and all the new designs we’ve launched recently. They’re the perfect
Source: https://fibo.co.uk/offsite/
T284 National08/22House-Building Council (NHBC) is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority in respect of carrying on its insurance business and its insurance distribution activities. NHBC is registered in England and Wales under company number 00320784. NHBC’s registered address is NHBC House, Davy Avenue, Knowlhill, Milton Keynes, Bucks, MK5 8FP. Note that only certain parts of NHBC’s products and services are within the scope of UK financial services regulation. For more information on our products and services, please see our website nhbc.co.uk or your NHBC product documentation. Photo credit: ilke Homes We’re helping to build confidence in your innovation with NHBC Accepts Recognised by key industry stakeholders such as Homes England and UK Finance, NHBC Accepts is your fast-track route to acceptance for your building system for use in homes covered by our Buildmark warranty product. That’s equivalent to up to 80% of the new-build market. Visit nhbc.co.uk/accepts

M-AR and Housing 21 came together at a ceremony to mark reaching a major milestone on their latest project, which when finished will be the largest net zero volumetric modular retirement living scheme in TheEngland.ceremony,
Following the success of its SoloHaus modular home in helping local authorities address the on-going homelessness crisis, award-winning housebuilder
arriving fully equipped with all necessary furniture, cutlery, white goods and bedding. The homes have a well-considered layout, abundant natural light, good storage, and have been designed with the help of leading homelessness charities and stakeholder groups to ensure they are secure and practical. Importantly, the homes are also highly efficient, with low energy costs arranged via a pay-as-you-go
units are manufactured by Volumetric Modular from their two factories located in the West Midlands. Fabrication can take just 10 days and on-site installation can be even swifter, making the units ideal for addressing immediate accommodation issues. Trevor Richards, Operations Director said: “DuoHaus builds upon the same technology platform as SoloHaus, utilising a very high degree of standardisation and component interoperability, meaning that we can maintain optimal levels of manufacturing efficiency and follow the same module assembly principles both in the factory and on-site.”
The DuoHaus units build upon the successful SoloHaus design by expanding the available living space from 24sq m to 28sq m. The width of the
DuoHaus will provide temporary living to more people and greater flexibility to local authorities in supporting those in need of homes. DuoHaus are relocatable, easy to install and secure, with a high-quality finish throughout. They are designed to Future Homes Standards and exceed building regulations for energy efficiency and sound insulation. These impressive features have led to increasing demand for Solohaus from local authorities across the UK in their efforts to support people in need of follow-on accommodation.
two designs is the same and a DuoHaus unit can be installed in configurations alongside SoloHaus homes. DuoHaus also boasts a 3-bay wardrobe with full height mirror and double-width chest of drawers in the bedroom to accommodate two people comfortably.
Source: www.volumetric.co.uk
The Hill Group is expanding its product range with the launch of DuoHaus, a larger model designed to accommodate couples.

The DuoHaus units are specially manufactured and fitted out for two people to move into straight away,
Source: www.m-ar.co.uk
gave Housing 21 the chance to watch the project quickly take shape on site, having already seen the modules on the production line in our factory a few short months ago. As well as increasing the speed of installation and limiting disruption to the local residents around the site during construction, opting for a modular offsite build is also more sustainable, allowing us to achieve net zero status on a large scheme like this too.”
which was attended by members of Doncaster Council, representatives from Housing 21 and several neighbouring residents, marked the beginning of the second major phase of construction with the very first modules being craned into site at Patent House and Patent Walk in Doncaster. The modules will be carefully craned in and accurately positioned into place on-site by expert teams from both M-AR and specialist logistics partner Lift and
Doncaster Retirement Scheme Reaches New Heights

Mark Fox manufacturing director at M-AR added: “We’re proud to be working in partnership with Housing 21 once again on this, our third project with the team, as their ethos and values align perfectly with ours. It’s great to have the opportunity to pause during a project like this and celebrate what we’ve achieved so far – the craning in ceremony also
which make up the eight retirement living bungalows and three storey retirement living apartment block have been constructed offsite in M-AR’s factory in Hull. The modules are delivered to site completely finished, right down to the electrics, plumbing and interior paintwork, and the M-AR site team will then complete the project with external cladding and landscaping. When complete, the development will comprise six one-bedroom and six two-bedroom apartments alongside the eight bungalows, with the homes due to be ready for residents to move into next spring.
Deborah Hope, Head of Development at Housing 21, said: “We are delighted to be working in partnership
with Doncaster Council to deliver our Retirement Living Scheme Patent House and Patent Walk. This new development will provide much needed, highquality accommodation to support local older people and their changing needs. One of the benefits of this kind of scheme is the connection to and feeling of community and being able to interact socially in a safe space that is comfortable for you.”
Cabinet member for Housing and Business, Cllr Glyn Jones, commented: “As part of the five-year Housing Delivery Plan, we’re always looking to improve our housing offer to older people and those within our communities with physical disabilities. These new homes meet those objectives and local residents will benefit massively.”
Dan Macpherson Project Director at Henry Riley LLP, Project and Cost Managers, added: “We’re delighted to have been involved in the delivery of our third modular Retirement Living scheme with Housing 21 and M-AR. Achieving net zero and being trail blazers in both modular and sustainability is something we’re very proud to have been leaders on. We’ve really been able to leverage the wide-ranging benefits that MMC has to offer, we believe it is critical that these benefits continue to be celebrated and developed, and we are keen to keep working to demonstrate these to the industry as a whole.”
expected to start on-site in autumn 2022, with the first homes being installed in summer 2023. Completion of the scheme is expected in 2024.
ilke Homes has entered into a land-led package deal with Orbit Homes to deliver 140 affordable homes in Harrow Lane, Hastings. Hastings Borough Council granted Reserved Matters Approval for the 12.4-acre site in March 2022. Out of the 140 homes being delivered, 84 are to be delivered as zero-carbon, meaning they will emit no operational emissions via utilities such as electricity and heating.
Delivering Confidence and Certainty Backed by Rigorous Testing and Certification
materials. Hastings Borough Council are now seeing the fruits of our vision, to provide high quality homes for people on low incomes, while playing an active role in reducing carbon emissions for our town. This is a very proud moment and just the start of more to Helencome.”Moore, Group Director of Orbit Homes, said: “The delivery of offsite modular homes, which boast energy-efficient and environmentally friendly credentials, aligns with our 2025 Strategy to increase the number of affordable homes we deliver utilising MMC. The 84 net carbon zero homes will not only support our Orbit Earth initiative which seeks to minimise the impact of our activities but will also allow us to fully evaluate and then articulate the benefits to our customers of living in a net zero carbon newbuild Workshome.”are
Orbit Homes to Deliver Hastings Sustainable Development

Taking A Safety-First Systems Approach
full turnkey developer, ilke Homes has been responsible for securing the land and gaining planning permission and will now manufacture the homes and develop the site. Once complete, Orbit Homes will own or manage all 140 homes. Following a competitive tender process, Hastings
Source: www.ilkehomes.co.uk
Complete and compliant panelised and modular solutions for residential applications.
Each of the homes will be fitted with an air source heat pump (ASHP) and solar panels which, when combined, will provide clean energy. The entire scheme – which will deliver a mix of apartments and houses, ranging in sizes from one to four bedrooms homes - will be gas-free, running on renewable power generated from the ASHPs and solar panels which will combine to help heat the home more
Borough Council chose ilke Homes to develop the site in October 2021 due to the company’s ability to demonstrate best value, accelerated delivery and high levels of sustainability. The 140 homes will be delivered as 100% affordable tenure, comprising 70 shared ownership homes and 70 affordable rent Tomhomes.Heathcote, Executive Director of Development at ilke Homes, said: “ilke Homes is proud to be delivering an entirely gas-free scheme, with 84 of the homes to be delivered as zero-carbon for our partner of choice, Orbit Homes. As a company, we continue to pioneer a sustainable and future proofed housing typology in response to the climate crisis.”
Cllr Maya Evans, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Housing, commented: “We are absolutely delighted with the progress of this project, we are providing affordable homes for local people, alongside addressing the climate emergency. We are very impressed with ilke Homes who have gone above and beyond in ensuring 84 homes are zero carbon, this means the energy they use will be 100% renewable, on top of fabric first sustainable building
Applications Open for New £1.2 billion MMC Homes Framework
The framework, which replaces NH2, will address some of the new housing challenges within the public sector at a time of high demand and increasing emphasis on the need for sustainable methods of construction and a greater supply of housing stock that is environmentally fit for the future.
Dean Fazackerley, head of technical procurement at LHC, said: “The NH3 framework will build on the success of NH2, which has so far enabled £93.5m-worth of projects with a total forecast value of £277m. It has contributed to the number of lowcarbon, modern apartments and homes for housing associations and local authorities across the country, using modern methods of construction and offsite techniques to produce cheaper-to-heat homes for the communities they serve.”
The new NH3 (Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) of New Homes framework from public sector construction framework provider LHC will operate across England, Scotland and Wales, delivered through LHC London and South East (LSE), Scottish Procurement Alliance (SPA), South West Procurement Alliance (SWPA), Consortium Procurement Construction (CPC) and Welsh Procurement Alliance (WPA).
Specialist contractors can now apply to join a new £1.2billion framework to deliver offsite-constructed homes that will provide thousands of homes to benefit communities across the UK.
People’ programme. Among the environmental features incorporated in the build from Module-AR are PV panels and herb gardens.
Finally, NH2 has also delivered the award-winning Hope Rise scheme in Bristol, where 11 affordable, low-carbon apartments from Zed PODS have been installed as permanent living spaces for young workers and vulnerable households. Dean Fazackerley added: “NH3 will initially cover a range of MMC categories and features four distinct workstreams we hope will encourage both manufacturers and those that can deliver main contractor services for MMC to apply. We also hope SMEs will apply and take advantage of the opportunities available to them through this new framework.”
Developments so far procured or delivered through NH2 include 400 units, currently being built across a four-year period by modular offsite construction specialists Rollalong, for Magna Housing Association and Wiltshire Council in the South West. In the London Borough of Bromley, the framework has also been used to deliver 25 one- and two-bedroom affordable apartments, as part of the ‘Bromley Homes for Bromley
Aiding the construction of a range of different housing types, NH3 covers low-rise and medium/high-rise dwellings through to specialist accommodation such as care homes. It will support public sector procurers to increase the use of modern methods of construction
in their contracts and help to deliver low and net zero carbon homes with high levels of pre-manufactured value. The framework will also create the opportunity for procurement teams to access a wider range of MMC solutions and suppliers, encouraging greater collaboration between suppliers and clients.
The deadline for applications to join the framework is 14 October 2022 and to apply, companies should visit

Due for completion in 2024, the scheme will create a new sustainable community in London and substantial improvements to the public realm. The mixed tenure development will provide affordable housing, homes for shared ownership, and apartments for private 238rental.of
Phillips, Senior Technical Co-ordinator at Telford Homes, said: “We are looking at increasing the use of offsite manufacturing for larger components. Bathroom fitout typically needs multiple trades. With pods, we work with one single company which simplifies procurement, improves efficiency, and radically reduces management time. Because bathroom pods are pre-designed and manufactured using factory processes, there is significantly less waste compared to on-site fitout – which is more
James Stephens, Managing Director of Offsite Solutions added: “As the build-to-rent sector continues to evolve and mature in the UK, we are seeing a significant uplift in enquiries and orders for bathroom pods for mixed tenure build-to-rent projects, such as the Perfume Factory. We expect this demand to continue to increase as more investors look to diversify their portfolios with the creation of sustainable new neighbourhood communities and following successes in student living.”
Approach Complete and compliant panelised and modular solutions for residential applications. eosframing.co.ukeosframing.co.uk Delivering Confidence and Certainty Backed by Rigorous Testing and Certification THRUBUILDTHRUWALL FRAMESPRE-ASSEMBLED Eliminates uncertainty surrounding design and specification decisions Multiple loadbearing applications for external/internal walls and internal/separating floors Certified fire resistance periods of 60, 90 and 120 minutesTHRUWALL®THRUBUILD® Meeting Building Safety Standards
Taking A Safety-First Systems
Source: www.offsitesolutions.com
sustainable. Pods just need to be considered at the early design stages to allow installation. From our perspective, the process has gone smoothly so far and visits to the factory allow us to review the bathrooms before delivery to site.”
The benefits of factory-built bathrooms for major residential developments include greater certainty of completion on time and on budget, less time on site, and consistently high quality with advanced production processes and a robust testing regime in the factory. Steel-framed bathroom pods offer limitless design options for large-scale residential schemes, hotels, and student accommodation. The wet areas to the pod walls and floor are fully tanked for long-term durability, and a composite ceiling panel in a matt paint-effect finish combines low maintenance with an enhanced appearance.
Image courtesy Darling Associates/Telford Homes

Bathroom Pods for Perfume Factory
the apartments will be available for rent under the highly successful UNCLE Acton brand. Residents at UNCLE Action, as the project will be known, will benefit from lifestyle amenities and a range of features to ensure the building can be operated as efficiently and sustainably as possible, including air source heat pumps to deliver low carbon heating and hot
Offsite Solutions has won a £2.2million contract to provide 422 bathroom pods for The Perfume Factory – a new build-to-rent scheme in North Acton developed by Telford Homes. Designed by Darling Associates, the development will transform the former Elizabeth Arden site into 374 new homes for rent across three residential towers up to 25 storeys and 1,403sq m of commercial space.

is manufacturing three distinct steel-framed pod types for the Perfume Factory which are designed to meet the requirements of each tenure. There will be bathrooms and shower rooms for shared ownership and homes for private rent, and bathrooms for the affordable housing. The pods will be manufactured and delivered to site by Spring James2023.
(Multi-layer Composite) pipe systems were used in the construction of the pods, due to offering numerous operational and installation benefits that
Euroclass A1 rating along with independently tested acoustic performance and the potential for thinner wall Manufacturedconstructions.using patented technology, NyRock Rainscreen 032 has a more efficient fibre structure than traditional stone wool products, resulting in improved thermal properties. This fibre structure also helps to lessen the transfer of airborne noise, with NyRock Rainscreen 032 achieving a sound reduction index of up to Rw 60 dB when assessed as part of a typical system in independent in-situ laboratory
Like its rainscreen counterpart, NyRock Frame Slab 032 can withstand temperatures in excess of 1000°C, achieving the highest Euroclass A1 noncombustible reaction to fire classification. As well as suited to ventilated façade systems, NyRock Frame Slab 032 can be used in a variety of external timber or steel frame applications, including with a brick outer and with or without a service void. NyRock Frame Slab 032 is available in 570mm widths for timber or 600mm for steel ensuring quick, easy friction fitting into frame walls. Its strong dimensional stability when fitted under compression also accommodates building movement, without slumping and sagging, or a loss in thermal performance.
Source: www.rockwool.com/uk/nyrock
Uponor Boost Offsite Work on Manchester Hotel
were crucial for fast construction of a hotel of this scale. Paul Whittall, Territory Sales Manager at Uponor, said: “With a successful working relationship spanning 10 years, we were able to work closely with Elements Europe’s M&E manager and design team to engineer a solution that required fewer fittings than a traditional system, maximising efficiencies and saving on both cost and installation time.
ROCKWOOL® Launches Low lambda Noncombustible Insulation
Uponor has supplied high performance multilayered composite (MLC) piping to offsite building solutions specialist, Elements Europe, as part of the manufacture of 329-bathroom pods for the new Manchester city centre £60million Clayton Hotel development. Situated in the prime location of Portland Street in the centre of Manchester, the luxurious four-star hotel replaced a 50-year-old office block and is now operated by the Dalata Hotel Group, Ireland’s largest hotel group which is currently expanding its presence into the UK.
NyRock Rainscreen 032 is specifically developed for ventilated cladding systems and sealed structures such as curtain walling. It combines a low thermal conductivity of 0.032 W/mK and a non-combustible
ROCKWOOL has launched NyRock® Rainscreen 032 and Frame Slab 032, the first in a series of products that use NyRock technology, a patented production process that delivers the lowest lambda stone wool insulation available in the UK.

for straightforward installation as well as ongoing performance, the product can be easily fitted around brackets and other challenging details, with slabs designed to ‘knit together’ when tightly butted providing a continuous insulating layer that reduces thermal bridging.
speedy installation and superior insulation qualities. Overall, our strong partnership with Elements Europe, combined with the meticulous offsite construction process, meant that installation ran smoothly, the project kept to timelines, and the high design and quality standards expected of the Clayton Hotel brand were maintained.”
“The MLC pipe was an essential part of the Elements Europe specification for the bathroom pods in this prestigious Clayton Hotel project due to its flexibility,
of 0.18 W/m2K, specifiers can typically save around 15mm on the wall thickness compared to traditional stone wool products. Applying that saving over a 22m x 22m building of nine storeys, for example, it can yield an extra 99 square feet of usable or profitable floor space. The balance between building performance, sustainability and commerciality is a constant challenge for specifiers and building owners. Our NyRock range has been created understanding those pressures, hence deliver lower lambda for thinner walls, while also providing the additional benefits of stone wool including non-combustibility.”

Source: hotel-manchester-united-kingdomwww.uponor.com/en-gb/r/clayton-
For optimum thermal performance in framed structures, NyRock Rainscreen Slab 032 should be combined with NyRock Frame Slab 032, a further new addition to the NyRock range, that is purpose designed for fitting between the studwork of external timber or light gauge steel frame walls. Combined, NyRock Rainscreen 032 and Frame Slab 032 enable U-values to be met with a thinner wall construction versus standard stone wool solutions.
Paul Barrett, Head of Product Management at ROCKWOOL explains: “When working to a U-value
Opting to manufacture bathroom pods offsite meant that the main phases of the hotel could be built rapidly which would not have been possible using traditional on-site construction methods. Uponor, the leading building solutions provider, worked closely with the Elements Europe’s M&E manager and design team to engineer a new solution that required fewer fittings than a traditional system, maximising efficiencies by saving on both cost and installation
James Stevens, Head of Real Estate Investment at Aviva Investors, added: “Our intention is for 101 Moorgate to be considered the leading development
Complete and compliant panelised and modular solutions for residential applications. eosframing.co.ukeosframing.co.ukeosframing.co.uk Delivering Confidence and Certainty Backed by Rigorous Testing and Certification

in construction and fossil-fuel free in operation, the project will be fully electric using air source heat pumps throughout, and photovoltaic panels – targeting BREEAM ‘Outstanding’ rating upon Mace’scompletion.Managing
101 Moorgate will make significant use of offsite solutions including the manufacture of precast concrete panels with double-glazed aluminium punched windows, fully assembled in a factory, further reducing the building’s carbon footprint. The Moorgate over-station development will form part of the new Liverpool Street station’s Moorgate entrance. The building has been designed in close consultation with the Crossrail engineering team to ensure integration with the complex transport structures to the south end of the site and below street level.
of its kind, providing occupants with a building of the highest quality whilst also incorporating environmental and sustainability credentials. We have set high targets for those elements of the project and believe the experience and expertise Mace brings will be a key contributor to delivering on our ambition.”
Kari Pitkin, Head of Business Development Europe at Allianz Real Estate, added: “We remain convinced that future-oriented office buildings, strongly located close to key transport nodes in talent pool cities will continue to be an attractive long-term investment. With Mace now on board as contractor for 101 Moorgate, we look forward to the construction and delivery of this high-quality, user-focused and highly sustainable office asset.”
Source: www.macegroup.com
Look to Precast Offsite Solution at Moorgate Over-Station UK INDUSTRY NEWS
Taking A Safety-First Systems Approach
Mace will be undertaking both the construction and category A fit-out. Main construction will begin in October 2022, with completion expected in September 2024.
Director, Commercial Offices & Residential, Ged Simmonds, said: “We are proud that Mace will be playing a key role in Aviva Investors’ vision for 101 Moorgate. Not only is 101 Moorgate an exciting project right on our doorstep, but it’s our first project with Aviva and Alianz Real Estate. There is a common ambition to create a building that excels on all levels as a truly sustainable workplace for generations to come.”
International construction and consultancy company Mace has been appointed principal contractor by Aviva Investors and Allianz Real Estate at the partnership’s 101 Moorgate project in the City of London. The over-station development, which will sit above Moorgate station’s Hammersmith & City line, at the heart of the new Elizabeth Line complex, will be delivered by Mace for Aviva Investors and Allianz Real Estate.
terrace, and additional outdoor areas at lower levels will provide green spaces to enhance wellbeing for occupants. A newly created covered walkway will provide public access between Moorgate and Diesel-freeMoorfields.

The 10-storey building will provide eight floors of grade A office space, as well as a mezzanine-level business lounge and retail spaces. A generous roof
Eliminates uncertainty surrounding design and specification decisions Multiple loadbearing applications for external/internal walls and internal/separating floors
fire resistance periods of 60, 90 and 120 minutes THRUWALL® Simplifying Specification & Procurement Custom-designed non-loadbearing infill system for steel and concrete mainframes Supplied as a kit of parts including steel framing, external/internal boards and insulation Certified fire resistance periods of 60, 90 and 120 minutes are predictably achievable Pre-Assembled Frames (PAF) THRUBUILD® Meeting Building Safety Standards
building, ilke Homes has already secured a pipeline that exceeds 3,500 homes, putting us well on course to become a top ten housebuilder within the next five years.
Nigel Banks (NB): By creating a suite of high-quality house types, we have been able to cast our net wide when it comes to partners. Since being founded five years ago, we have worked closely with institutional investors, private developers, councils and housing associations to engineer solutions to some of the industry’s most fundamental problems – like quickly increasing output while simultaneously reducing the emissions associated with the development process. Thanks to our pioneering low-carbon solutions to house
As a well-capitalised business, we have also been able to invest heavily in research and development to drive time, quality and cost efficiencies. Investing upfront in capital intensive manufacturing capability will help address growing skills shortages in construction, and we are proud of the training and employment opportunities now being provided at our Yorkshire facilities. Without the kind of investment we are making, Britain will not be able to achieve the capacity needed to tackle the housing and climate crisis.
ilke Homes is the Yorkshire-based company that has become a flagship name in the delivery of a new generation of energy efficient, low carbon, newbuild modular homes. We caught up with R&D Director Nigel Banks to talk about the latest developments.
Q: Since launching in 2018 ilke Homes has become a leader in offsite housebuilding and achieved huge success in a very short space of time – to what do you attribute this spectacular growth?
NB: Launched in 2020, our turnkey offering means we can take care of the whole development process – from acquiring sites and securing planning, through to development and housing delivery – on behalf of clients. Our land team, comprising FTSE 250 talent, has helped build our land-led pipeline, and secured some of the sector’s biggest deals to date – including one where ilke Homes was chosen by FTSE 100 firm Boots to deliver a 622-home scheme at the pharma giant’s former HQ in Nottingham.
1 2
Q: The offsite construction sector has boomed over the last 3-4 years with many new entrants to the market plus recent business casualties as well –what is ilke Homes bringing to a busy offsite sector?

Complete and compliant panelised and modular solutions for residential applications. eosframing.co.ukeosframing.co.ukeosframing.co.ukeosframing.co.uk Delivering Confidence and Certainty Backed by Rigorous Testing and Certification THRUBUILDTHRUWALL FRAMESPRE-ASSEMBLED
Q: Factory-design and volumetric modular systems are one of many options available to unlock ‘net zero’ housing and reduce the construction sector’s carbon footprint – how is ilke Homes delivering its ilke ZERO brand with sustainability, affordability and net zero targets in mind?

Pre-Assembled Frames (PAF) Delivering A Faster Return on Investment Delivering certified and predictable performance in one unitised solution 60-minute fire resistant non-loadbearing infill systems for steel and concrete Deliveredmainframestositeasan assembled panelised unit achieving programme saving of 30% THRUBUILD® Meeting Building Safety Standards
Custom-designed non-loadbearing infill system for steel and concrete mainframes
Taking A Safety-First Systems Approach
Certified fire resistance periods of 60, 90 and 120 minutes
Multiple loadbearing applications for external/internal walls and internal/separating floors

NB: Last year we announced our ilke ZERO commitment, which is rolling out ZERO carbon homes with ZERO bills guaranteed for residents. Delivered in partnership with renewable energy provider Octopus Energy, investor Gresham House and their shared ownership residential platform SO RESI, the first ZERO bills homes are being delivered in Stanford-le-Hope, Essex and represent the future of UK housing.
THRUWALL® Simplifying Specification & Procurement
on their annual energy bills as the energy price cap continues to eye-watering highs. With the UK’s housing stock – the oldest in Europe –accounting for 20% of Britain’s carbon emissions, and the cost-of-living crisis beginning to bite, the ZERO bills offering sets a precedent for UK housing which all housebuilders and
On top of the standard efficiency gains associated with factory-built homes – better insulation, with airtight precision-engineering and low thermal bridging – the ZERO bills homes also feature solar photovoltaics, air-source heat pumps (ASHP) and battery storage technology that combine to generate more energy that a home consumes. This, teamed with a bespoke energy tariff provided by Octopus Energy, will see residents potentially save thousands of pounds
Another key differentiator is the fact that ilke Homes was the first offsite manufacturer to achieve the coveted NHBC system accreditation. This means that owners or our homes can obtain the same 10-year warranty that traditional homes offer, making it easier to gain access to mortgage products. Last year, ilke Homes also unveiled the UK’s first mainstream zero carbon home that can drastically reduce energy bills, in some cases to nil, thanks to progress in manufacturing, materials and renewable energy. This is known as our ilke ZERO offering.
Eliminates uncertainty surrounding design and specification decisions
Certified fire resistance periods of 60, 90 and 120 minutes are predictably achievable
Supplied as a kit of parts including steel framing, external/internal boards and insulation

Q: Building regulations, the planning process and warranty issues often stymie some of the benefits of offsite – e.g. its speed. What can be done to improve this situation and widen its client appeal?
NB: As previously mentioned, the issue with housing in the UK is an issue of supply. The Government needs to stimulate production by offering supply-side incentives if their 300,000 homes a year target is to be met. The most efficient way to deliver the homes the UK desperately needs is through backing modular construction. However, while the Government, via Homes England, has been championing modern methods for some time now, the insurance market and planning process has not caught up with the benefits MMC can bring. NHBC is a great example of a forward-thinking insurer, and as such, our homes are backed by the same 10-year NHBC warranty that traditional homes offer.
NB: The UK has a backlog of around four million homes, while the methods used to construct newbuild housing have remained largely unchanged for the last 100 years. These problems are compounded by the fact that traditional construction has a rapidly accelerating retirement rate. According to the Construction Products Association (CPA), the age demographic of construction workers across the industry is massively skewed towards those aged between 50 and 56, meaning that the sector is expected to lose about a quarter of its workforce within 10 to 15 years, regardless of the impact of the Becausepandemic.ilke
Homes is more akin to a manufacturing business, rather than construction, we can draw from different talent pools – spanning digital design, advanced robotics etc. Meanwhile our ilke Academy is committed to training up the next generation of house builders at our factory in North Yorkshire. The techniques we deploy across our production lines mean we are able to create six homes a day, a feat of engineering. Also, with 90% of the build stage taking place inside a dry, factory-controlled environment, our construction programmes are not
Q: Improving productivity is a common concern across the construction sector – and the UK generally – but how can factory-based manufacture and specifically ilke Homes’ volumetric modular systems improve productivity levels?

Q: The use of technology and digital tools within factory environments is central to offsite manufacture with additional rollout of toolkits, platform approaches, repeatable components and harmonised design – how is ilke Homes developing this Industry 4.0
Building a modular home is fundamentally different to constructing one in the traditional way. The level of complexity and accuracy required alongside rigorous quality control requires a particular approach. Every dimension, tolerance, and offset needs to be precise and fully co-ordinated meaning significant information is required to articulate each module in fine detail.
Before the development of ilkeX, a collaboration with matterlab to improve the efficiencies of our manufacturing techniques, the process of taking the early designs and creating the fabrication and assembly content took a team of eight people within ilke Homes a period of three months to produce. This included 4,000 drawings required to
exposed to the elements that tend to slow down progress such as adverse weather conditions.
Extending the life of outdoor structures, economically. www.strongtie.co.uk

Introducing the new PBWS single piece post base for post-to-concrete connections. With the same load-rated capacity as a standard post base, the unique folded build uses 45% less steel, making it better for the environment and easier to handle. And our innovative ZPRO coating provides the same protection against the elements as a hot dip galvanised coating, but with a neater, shinier finish.

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Structural Post Connection, Evolved.
Like its predecessor, the new government must be bold in its approach to fixing a broken housing market. One way of doing so is for Homes England, long-standing champion MMC, to reserve a greater area of public land exclusively for factory-built homes. Tightening building regulations will also see MMC’s ascension speed up, as it is so far the only ready-to-go solution in town for delivering truly zero-carbon homes en-masse, and ss the costof-living crisis bites, the rise of MMC will have huge societal benefits by protecting consumers from the worst parts of energy price rises thanks to hugely energy-efficient housing.
NB: According to Savills, traditional consruction accounts for over 90% of housebuilding in the UK. The estate agency reckons that by the end of decade, the proportion of newbuilds delivered using MMC will rise closer to 20%. The main drivers for adoption are the housing crisis, regulatory or government intervention, availability of skills and dwindling quality standards of newbuild homes.
transform the end-to-end process. In June of 2021, a year after beginning this collaboration, modules designed and documented entirely from the software were built on the factory floor with precision-engineering and automated manufacturing. This introduced huge financial savings throughout ilke Homes and reduced errors in the overall process, reducing downtime on the factory floor which can cost upwards of £50k/day.
On top of this considerable amount of work, the introduction of robotics and machinery on the factory floor left little room for error and manual intervention. As ilke Homes strive to create the best homes available in the UK and with a new product line, the goal was to automate the production of all information relating to linings, fixings, framing, all openings in steel, plasterboard, sheathing board etc, then co-ordinate within a 2mm tolerance to allow for a full product range refresh in a single phase rather than one at a time.
Q: How do you see the offsite and volumetric modular sector developing over the next 18 months and what ideally do you want to see from an ilke Homes perspective?

Images: 01. Nigel Banks, R&D Director, ilke Homes 02-06. ilke Homes expertise draws from different talent pools – spanning digital design, advanced robotics and cutting edge modular design
When matterlab and ilke Homes began to work together in 2020, they challenged themselves with finding a solution to the problem above by leveraging technology and automation to massively accelerate product revision cycle time, reduce errors, enable full virtual prototyping, integrate BOM & ERP, and digitally
For more information visit: www.ilkehomes.co.uk
manufacture a home using multiple design tools, while also relying on an interoperability workflow between software that simply doesn’t exist to the level ilke Homes require.
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As an industry association, it is one of our objectives to demonstrate how the route to 2050 could follow many different paths. It is now established that volumetric modular approaches are a game changer for the construction industry – reducing
The challenge is therefore two-fold. Whilst there has been a drive to reduce operational emissions through the implementation of government legislation to improve the building fabric and the wider use of innovative technologies – little has been done to address the carbon inefficiencies in the construction process.
The government has set out a vision for the education sector to be world leading in sustainability by 2030. As Richard Hipkiss, Development Director of the Modular and Portable Building Association (MPBA) makes clear – central to shaping that will be the increased use of volumetric modular design.

World Green Building Council, construction and buildings in use are responsible for 39% of all carbon emissions in the world. This is
All new school buildings delivered by the Department for Education (DfE) that are not already contracted will be net zero in operation. Recognising and finding ways to meet the requirements of changing regulations and policy demands is crucial in reshaping our approach to sustainability. The ecological clock is ticking, and we must take urgent action to mitigate the impact of global warming.
With great challenges come opportunities and the construction sector is setting out road maps to deliver buildings that will be net zero in operation, but this is only part of the carbon Accordingequation.tothe
broken down into two elements with 11% being linked to the manufacture of materials and construction processes known as embodied carbon emissions and 28% associated with operational emissions caused by heating, cooling and lighting systems when a building is in use.
We have a proud legacy of innovation in the modular and portable building sector and many of our members are gearing up to face the biggest challenge of our generation – the climate crisis. To prevent the global temperature rising and avoid the worst impacts of climate change, the world needs to reach our 2030 Nationally Determined Contribution, and net zero by So,2050.what is net zero? Put simply, net zero is a target of negating the amount
of greenhouse gases we produce by reducing emissions and implementing methods of absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. In November 2021 the DfE published a delivery framework so that all new schools and colleges can meet the same lowcarbon, climate-resilient standards as centrally delivered projects. From now on bids into the governments Further Education Capital Transformation Programme will also be assessed to determine if the new works will be net zero in operation.
build times by an impressive 50-60% whilst increasing quality, productivity and safety. But what is not so widely understood is that compared to traditionally built projects it is easier to control energy use in factory settings than in an open construction site. On average 67% less energy is required to produce a volumetric manufactured building and up to 50% less time is spent onsite, resulting in up to 90% fewer vehicle movements which is less disruptive and reduces carbon
23 Images: 01-02. Polegate School.

the actual construction of the building ‘greener’ but volumetric manufactured buildings are more energy efficient – reducing primary energy requirements and in-use operational emissions during the lifetime of the building.
To discover more about the MPBA, its training courses and how volumetric modular technology can benefit construction projects visit: www.mpba.biz Courtesy Wernick Group 03. MPBA Accreditation and Training Centre

The specialist MPBA Accreditation and Training Centre was created to deliver specific qualifications relevant to the sector it represents. Located in Coventry, West Midlands – it offers an environment for industry experts to share valuable knowledge away from the pressures of the workplace.
Unlike factory manufactured buildings, there is significant evidence that traditional construction methods do not produce structures that perform as well as design expectations and there is a void between anticipated and actual in-use performance. Findings from studies such as PROBE (Post Occupancy Review of Buildings and their Engineering) reveal that actual energy consumption in buildings is often as much as twice of that predicted in the design. Providing a predictable pathway to net zero, the benefits of volumetric manufactured buildings begin in the factory, continue to the construction site and last through the lifetime of the building.
The MPBA also works with key partners in specialist areas such as legal, insurance, employment, health and safety to offer industry specific business support together with technical and training services to help businesses reach their full potential. The MPBA has represented this highly innovative sector for over 80 years. Unlike regional training providers, course content is developed with members, for members.
The centre provides National Vocational Qualifications, training and apprenticeships in partnership with local and national providers. The MPBA has developed a specific qualification for operatives, in addition to specialist training on electrical systems, and is now developing an apprenticeship for the sector through the Trailblazer Programme. Through the MPBA’s Learning Hub the association also provides specialist online courses.
“We are excited to be part of this innovative and efficient method of construction. We recognise the significant environmental benefits of the build and that the units will be built in Connect Modular’s Ayrshire factory, to a very high standard, and delivered to site. With the support of our strategic partners, East Ayrshire Council and the Scottish Government, we are able to provide these highly sought after affordable new homes in this popular area of Kilmarnock.”
With houses constructed offsite, site preparation works can occur simultaneously, leading to a significantly condensed project timeline and earlier tenant occupancy. This approach also reduces waste, improves build quality and enables greater certainty over the project programme by eliminating variables such as adverse weather conditions. Jennifer Higgins, Managing Director of Connect Modular is incredibly proud to be delivering this brand new project, saying: “We are grateful for the opportunity to deliver a modular project at this scale. This project is a clear demonstration of Cunninghame, Scottish Government and the Council’s confidence in the ability of modular construction to provide better quality homes, to reduce construction waste and emissions, and to enable tenants to move in to their much-needed homes faster.”
To mark the commencement of work on-site, an official sod cutting ceremony was held on 1 August, with the official duties carried out by East Ayrshire Council Provost Jim Todd, saying: “It was a pleasure to attend the sod cutting ceremony on at Bridgehousehill Road, marking the start of a new range of house types being built in the area.
For more information connect-modular-ltdwww.theweehousecompany.co.uk/visit:
Housing Secretary Shona Robison is equally enthused by this new affordable housing development, commenting: “It’s fantastic to see this development underway which I know will provide high quality affordable homes within the local community and make a real and lasting difference to the lives of the new residents. We are proud of having delivered 111,750 affordable homes since 2007 with over 78,000 for social rent and these new homes will contribute towards our ambitious target of delivering 110,000 affordable homes by 2032, of which 70% will be for social rent and 10% in remote, rural and island communities These 101 new homes for social rent, supported by £10.5million of Scottish Government investment, are being built to a high standard using offsite construction methods. I recently visited the Connect Modular factory in Cumnock to see the quality for myself and I’m pleased people will benefit from these new homes.”
Images: 01-03. The use of modular will be a first for Cunninghame Housing Association and the largest modular low-rise housing development in Scotland
The £17million project will see a mixture of two, three and fourbedroom general needs houses constructed, together with ten amenity bungalows and five wheelchair bungalows. Located in the Shortlees neighbourhood of East Ayrshire, the homes are being delivered by Cunninghame Housing Association in partnership with East Ayrshire Council and the Scottish Government.
It will be interesting to see the different approach being taken to building houses and I very much look forward to seeing them completed, which I am sure will be to a very high standard.”
Work is officially underway on a large-scale, affordable modular housing development in Bridgehousehill, Kilmarnock, where Connect Modular will deliver 101 homes for Cunninghame Housing Association.

Frank Sweeney, Chief Executive Officer for Cunninghame Housing Association, welcomed the new development, adding: “We are delighted to be working in partnership with Connect Modular to deliver this important development of 101 new modular homes. This is the first modular construction project undertaken by Cunninghame Housing Association and the largest modular low-rise housing development in Scotland.
LHC strives for excellence in the services provided to their clients and aims to deliver the best solution to suit every project’s individual needs.

Our OJEU-compliant framework agreements provide public sector organisations with easy access to procure works, products and services for the construction, refurbishment and maintenance of social housing, schools and public buildings.
For more information on how our frameworks can work for you, get in touch.
Our dedicated Client Support and Project Support teams are on-hand to assist throughout the life of the project.
Facilitating off-grid living, a revolutionary Energy Centre developed by VOLUMETRIC™, meets the energy requirements of up to six modules. This intelligent technology is digitally connected to each module – instantly responding to demands for hot water, heating and energy requirements. Although modules have mains connection, the Energy Centre can meet demands at most times of the year as energy generated during the day is stored in battery cells until required. Surplus energy goes back into the grid, carbon offsetting and creating net zero living.
Energy-Efficient and Future-Proof Solution
Right from the initial concept stages, the decision was reached to develop a modular interim housing solution that would exceed the Future Homes Standard to relieve the burden of ongoing expenses associated with traditional temporary accommodation and negate fuel poverty. Created to meet the need for rapid-build housing, VOLUMETRIC™ has designed and developed this award-winning energy-efficient and secure modular accommodation solution. These hightech modular homes are now being used to great effect by local authorities and charities across the country for people who find themselves homeless and by NHS estates for onsite keyworker accommodation.
Modules achieve exceptional U-values (as low as 0.09W/m²K), in addition the airtightness achieved in using a volumetric modular approach enhances in-use energy efficiency and reduces carbon emissions for the lifetime of the building. Results of 3m³/hr/m² air loss at a 50 Pa are being routinely achieved during factory testing as part of QA procedures. With EPC rating A and B and emissions as low as 229.5KG CO2/year, modules are factory fitted with sustainable technologies, low energy lighting and white goods together with controlled flow shower mixers and dual flush cisterns to minimise energy and water consumption.

With bills set to rise by 80% this autumn, improving the energy efficiency of UK buildings is the most effective way to respond to rising prices. After several years in the making, sustainability and energy efficiency are at the heart of the MODULHAUS™ innovation.
For more information visit: www.volumetric.co.uk
Images: 01-04. VOLUMETRIC™ has designed and developed an award-winning energy efficient and secure modular accommodation solution

The embodied carbon assessment for MODULHAUS™ has been undertaken based on RICS and British Standard guidance. This includes information from relevant Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs), publicly available carbon data. LABC Assured with a 60-year BOPAS Certified design-life, MODULHAUS™ homes are futureproofed for Building Regulation changes and achieve 17% lower whole-life carbon impact than equivalent timber frame dwellings of the same size.
Robust Processes and Quality Checks
Fully relocatable, MODULHAUS™ provides a long-term adaptable solution to meet many unique requirements. High energy prices pose a significant financial risk to local authorities, charities and NHS estates budgets, MODULHAUS™ homes offer an investment in interim housing that is cost-effective, future-proof, and sustainable with running costs of less than £10/week.
All units undergo fully traceable factory inspections and test plans linked to unique serial numbers, with site installation inspection and test plans provided for maximum confidence. Optional extras and modifications are available to enhance the service with various purchase and lease arrangements to suit different sites and budgets. All options are available with a choice of fully integrated routine and reactive maintenance services.
With single, double, and family options available, VOLUMETRIC™ work with local authorities, councils, NHS estates, project managers, and charities to

Modules are designed with a Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) layout and allow for the highest levels of offsite added benefits, with a PreManufacture Value (PMV) exceeding 90%, by adopting the maximum level of up-stream sub-assembly/prekitting and assuring consistent quality through robust manufacturing and assembly
deliver homes offering outstanding energy-efficiency and award-winning functional performance. Modules are delivered in one load to site 100% complete, ready for simple commissioning and connecting. Depending on site layouts and stacking requirements, modules can be installed in a matter of hours, enhancing operational improvements.
technology can help deliver sustainability credentials in the entire construction value chain to improve resource and productivity efficiency. Designs are digitally constructed and virtually tested before moving onto the manufacturing phase. Any surplus materials are recycled or reused, virtually eliminating landfill waste. Materials are protected from moisture and extreme weather conditions, reducing the risk of disposal through water ingress and damage. Whilst widely recognised that volumetric modular technology has the potential to reduce overall construction programmes, it is not often acknowledged this approach can reduce up to 90% of site generated waste when compared with traditional construction methods.
The development and installation process has been optimised, from factory environment assembly to ground works, to ensure quality checks at each step. All units undergo a fully traceable factory inspection and test plan linked to a unique serial number, and VOLUMETRIC™ provides site installation supervision to ensure end to end quality control.
Long-Term Adaptable Solution
With the 300-year-old Napoleonic Fortress, Fort Amherst, located at the entrance to the gated development, the site blends its historic military heritage with contemporary modular homes. Surrounded by 70 hectares of green space at Great Line Heritage Park and with some apartments overlooking the meandering River Medway, Kitchener Barracks benefits from a picturesque location. Just a fiveminute cycle away, Chatham rail station brings offers services to London St Pancras in as little as 38 minutes, ideal for Thecommuters.homesare a mixture of one and two-bedroom apartments and two-, three-, four- and five-bedroom houses. All houses are either delivered to national space standards or above and all significantly exceed the requirements of Part L, which stipulates that newbuild homes built from last year much achieve a 31% reduction in carbon emissions.
One of the challenges faced was the significant fall from the top to the bottom of the site. It has therefore been essential that the phasing and sequencing is cognisant of the site terrain. The project is being delivered in various phases, with Phases 1 and 2 now complete and Phase 3 due to complete in November 2023. The site also includes a heritage building, which TopHat is developing as part of the current works, demonstrating our ability to take on more complex sites than most offsite manufacturers.
The project is a development owned by TopHat and being delivered as a turnkey solution by TopHat
Therefore, the completed units have all received excellent EPC scores. Most recently, TopHat announced they had sold 32 of development’s apartments to St. Arthur Homes’ shared ownership

TopHat’s new 650,000sq ft facility will be capable of delivery one-home-anhour. The factory will bring together the latest robotics and TopHat’s proprietary technology to manufacture and distribute up to 4,000 beautiful homes per year. One thousand new, green economy jobs across a wide range of roles will be created and a training academy will be established in partnership with local colleges. The new Corby facility will be the anchor tenant in the new Magna Park site being developed by GLP, the leading global logistics development manager, as part of a multi-millionpound investment in the site. Construction will begin later in the year, with the facility expected to be delivering its first homes by the end of 2023.
a leading 3D modular housebuilder which has recently announced it is building Europe’s largest homebuilding factory. Homes at Kitchener Barracks are being manufactured in TopHat’s existing factory at Foston in Derby where robotics and lean manufacturing techniques are used to increase housing supply, improve quality, reduce costs and protect the environment.
All completed units have been sold by TopHat with 13 major high street mortgage lenders providing funding. The sales point of Kitchener Barracks has exceeded other local developments. The houses have been delivered to an outstanding airtightness, with less than 1m3/hr/ m2@50pa being achieved in some of the homes. This has been achieved using triple glazing and exceptionally high levels of insulation.
Located on the former site of an 18th century military barracks, the Kitchener Barracks project involves the construction of 300 residential units and is being delivered using advanced modular technology from TopHat.
For more information visit: www.tophat.io
Communities under a D&B JCT contract with the development SPV. The site involves the delivery of over 600 modules, across each of the different house types and phases.
The homes have been delivered with a number of environmentally efficient technologies, including MVHR systems and wastewater heat recovery. This is in addition to the exceptional airtightness.
Images: 01-02. The project is being delivered in various phases, with Phases 1 and 2 now complete and Phase 3 due to complete in November 2023
waste • A reduction
delivery/completion • Reduced
By bringing critical processes off-site, project teams can eliminate risk and take total control over their final design solutions. This, alongside traditional on-site volume housebuilding methods, results in a hybrid solution that eases the pressure of delivering world-class architecture and design.

• Acceleration
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This results in development projects that benefit from: of overall site in
Following a test build and disassembly in Poland, the first transport to install the foundation pads arrived during the 2021-22 Antarctic summer. Construction of the structure itself will take place following shipments over the next two summers, with completion by early 2024.
Polish Antarctic Station will accommodate up to 29 scientists studying the polar region, including the critical impacts on this vulnerable landscape caused by climate change.
Global engineering, consultancy and advisory practice Buro Happold was engaged to support the challenging project around multi-disciplinary concept structural design, as well as MEP services engineering. It worked closely with architects Kuryłowicz & Associates (general designer) on a prefabricated timber design for the structure, required to endure the worst of the region’s harsh climate.
Structural timber and modular design will provide a natural, energy efficient and demountable building in the extreme conditions at the fringes of Antarctica on South Shetland.

It was decided early on that a mixedmaterial structure, comprising a glulam timber superstructure with a steel substructure and reinforced concrete foundation pads, could deliver all of the required benefits. Raised three metres high to stand above even from the thickest snow covers, computational fluid dynamics (CPD) digital simulations found an optimised shape provided by glulam that imitates the effect of an upside-down aircraft wing to keep it firmly on the ground in high winds.
A unique research station is being constructed for the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics of Polish Academy of Sciences on King George Island in the South Shetland Archipelago, 120km off the coast of Antarctica. While milder than the Antarctic mainland, the island still endures sub-freezing temperatures, bitter strong winds and round-the-clock darkness for a significant portion of the
geomorphology, glaciology, meteorology, seismology, biology and ecology. Together, they needed a holistic space for work, rest and technology, which would be comfortable, functional and welcoming, despite the extreme weather conditions. It must also be a fully flexible and extendable space. All elements of the building would need to be designed to be robust in the face of extremely low temperatures and strong winds, but quick to erect. The greatest obstacle is a construction programme limited to the three-month Antarctic summer weather window –the only moment when construction on-site is possible.
While busy in summer, during winter the building could house just a skeleton crew of scientists and needs to flex to this rise and fall in occupancy. This meant designing the MEP (Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing) services in such way that the station would be fully self-sufficient in energy and water most of the year, and wings of the building could be shut down when occupancy was low.
The client’s objective was to provide comfortable and practical accommodation for a wide variety of researchers working across a broad range of disciplines, including oceanography, geology,

The modular design means the station can be easily disassembled at the end of its working life, which could be up to 50 years. The timber superstructure also has the benefit of being easily reusable on the site either for further construction or as fuel, reducing the need to remove waste materials by sea at the end of its life. Drawing on a breadth of knowledge and experience across structural and building services engineering, Buro Happold has helped tailor a unique and striking design for the construction, transport and weather challenges of working and living in Antarctica.
For more information www.burohappold.comvisit:
Images: 01-02. The modular timber, demountable building will withstand extreme weather conditions
The resulting highly efficient tripartite design provides scientists with a flexible range of spaces. Designed as a modular structure, all elements fit into standard 10 tonne shipping containers, with timber helping to limit their weight and eliminate the need for large cranes or heavy machinery on-site. The central common space was designed with an aesthetically distinctive glulam roof, which the investor embraced as a true ‘heart’ of integration, familiarity and high architectural quality.
info@lathams.co.uk lathamtimber.co.uk NEED FLAME RETARDANT PANELS? We’ve got it! NEED EXTENDED EXTERNAL WARRANTIES? We’ve got it! NEED ULTRALIGHT PANELS? We’ve got it! NEED SUSTAINABILITY GUARANTEED? From the latest panel products to a wide selection of cladding solutions, including colourfast, anti-graffiti and FR options. With innovative products answering all those challenging questions, we deliver in pack lots up to full loads, meaning you have the flexibility to mix products all on Your perfect partner for the volumetric and modular build sector.

In 2021, the UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) developed the Whole Life Carbon Roadmap for the Built Environment, which indicates that the impact of embodied carbon is set to increase and will form over half of built environment emissions by 2035. Despite this, embodied carbon emissions are currently unregulated in the construction industry, with only voluntary measurement and mitigation
this build method for over 15 years. Our BOPAS Plus accredited and BBA certified Sigma® II Build System is designed to achieve superior levels of fabric performance, suitable for projects which are seeking to achieve the very highest fabric efficiency and airtightness standards.
At Donaldson Timber Systems (formerly Stewart Milne Timber Systems), we’ve been advocating for
As the UK construction industry works towards reducing carbon emissions, John Smith, Technical Director at Donaldson Timber Systems, discusses why embodied carbon is critical to its success.

completed to 2021 standards, embodied carbon from the construction and end of life demolition and disposal is around 15% of the whole life carbon emissions, with the rest from the operational heating and power. With a target to reduce emissions by 75% through operational carbon reductions, the embodied carbon becomes much more significant at up to 60% of the whole life emissions.
For us, the most crucial factor when it comes to reaching true zero carbon, is embodied carbon. Embodied carbon is the total greenhouse gas emissions generated in production and manufacturing of an asset. It can be calculated in two separate elements: from raw material extraction through to construction of the building on-site, including fuel and power for transport,
factories and plant and end-of-life emissions from demolition, transport from site and recycling/landfill.
While the Future Homes Standard is a much-needed step in the right direction, more clarity is required on what it means to be carbon neutral. When we talk about ‘zero carbon’, we should really be thinking about the cradle to grave impact of the build and the unintended consequences along the way.
the requirement for energy in the home is the first step, before introducing low and zero carbon energy sources to provide heating and power. Fossil fuel heating is likely to be banned – or at least carry a significant penalty – in new homes, with a shift to new heating systems like air source heat pumps. These heating systems are only efficient with a high performing building envelope, so the introduction of a Fabric Energy Efficiency measure within these latest changes is a necessary, and welcome step.
The journey to net zero carbon homes is well underway, with the first Building Regulations changes already in effect as we work towards the Future Homes Standard. From 2025, newly built homes will need to be ‘zero carbon ready’, with a 75% reduction in carbon emissions to 2021 levels in England and Wales, and a 57% reduction in

The research identifies an important gap in industry knowledge when it comes to measuring and reporting the impact created through applying circularity. The research concludes that measurement is infrequent, inconsistent, and difficult due to the lack of a common set of metrics and methods to measure both the whole life carbon and circularity of projects. Positively, the research also finds that many individuals and groups are working to improve clarity and consistency on these issues.
TThe UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) has published new insight into the positive impact circular thinking can have in delivering whole life carbon reductions and value creation across construction projects.

While we’ll continue to campaign for the legislation of embodied carbon, many organisations will reach the conclusion that they need to consider the full process to meet their corporate sustainability goals. In recognition of this, we’re working with our customers to help measure the sequestered and embodied carbon for all our build systems. Through experience, measurement, and science, we can demonstrate that timber offers an ideal solution to achieve true net zero carbon targets. One day, all homes will be built this way.
The findings of this research are primarily intended to be used by project decision-makers and key built environment stakeholders seeking to strengthen the business case for implementing circularity across their projects. This includes developers, owners, and investors in real estate, as well as design, construction, and consultancy teams advising real estate clients on their new and existing developments. Although the focus of the report is on non-domestic and domestic buildings, findings will also likely be relevant to infrastructure projects.
throughout its lifetime. Timber can also lower or offset its embodied carbon thanks to sequestration – absorbing atmospheric CO2 while the tree is growing and storing it until the timber is incinerated or goes to landfill at the end of its use. Around one tonne of CO2 is stored in every m³ of timber.
Timber frame homes are more environmentally friendly during the build, when the building is in use and
For more information and to download a copy of ‘How Circular Economy Principles Can Impact Carbon and Value’ visit: www.ukgbc.org
Images: 01. John Smith, Technical Director, Donaldson Timber Systems 02-03. Donaldson Timber Systems is one of only three businesses in the UK to hold the new BOPAS Plus accreditation.
For more information visit: www.donaldsonstimbersystems.com
The global shortage and fluctuating costs of raw materials are increasingly driving the construction industry to explore opportunities to adopt circular thinking, including the re-use of materials and re-purposing of existing building structures. Published in 2021, the UKGBC’s Net Zero Whole Life Carbon Roadmap (The Roadmap) confirmed that a net zero carbon built environment is achievable by 2050 and highlighted the essential role the greater use of circular economy principles will play in reducing carbon.
UKGBC’s Chief Executive Officer, Julie Hirigoyen, said: “The circular economy represents an enormous opportunity for the built environment industry. Whilst UKGBC’s Roadmap confirmed a net zero carbon built environment is achievable by 2050, it also reinforced that meeting this target will require a transformational shift in the way we approach and deliver construction projects, with circularity as a fundamental part of the solution.”
It is therefore crucial that the embodied carbon of new building fabrics designed for 2025 standards are understood, to ensure that any savings in operational carbon are not offset by the introduction of a building fabric with high embodied carbon.
The Sigma® II system, was one of the first offsite build systems originally to be accredited by BOPAS in 2013
This has been followed up UKGBC’s latest study, ‘How Circular Economy Principles can impact carbon and value’ seeks to increase understanding within the built environment industry of how circularity can support reductions in whole life carbon. It also seeks to enable project decision-makers and key built environment stakeholders to strengthen the business case for implementing circularity. It demonstrates that circularity benefits not just carbon, but delivers against a much broader set of organisational, social, environmental, and financial aims. The research also offers a library of case studies which evidence the positive impact circularity is already delivering across new and existing projects within the UK with an offsite approach highlighted as a way forward in saving carbon, improving energy efficiency and providing a range of financial gains.
When we factor embodied carbon into the zero-carbon journey, timber really comes into its own. As the only naturally renewable building material, timber build solutions are undeniably the most sustainable form of construction. Using a timber frame build system for a 2021 newbuild home reduces the embodied carbon by around five tonnes, compared to a masonry construction home of the same fabric performance. This carbon saving will undoubtably increase as the building fabric performance is increased to achieve 2025 levels.
The Structural Timber Association (STA) is proud to once again be an Industry Partner with this year’s Offsite Expo, taking place 20-21 September 2022 at the Coventry Building Society Arena and will be showcasing the importance of its STA Assure accreditation.
The STA views these changes as utterly crucial to the assurance that safety, competency and quality of construction standards come first, and this is part of the ongoing support to members and the wider industry. Both STA Assure and the competency programme schemes are regularly reviewed and updated, as part of its continuous improvement programme and increase in quality.
Speaking about the Offsite Awards, Andrew said: “I’m very pleased to return to the judging panel for the 2022 Offsite Awards. Recognising true innovation in projects, products and teams is incredibly important for driving positive development within the industry. There have been many strong entries into the competition this year, so there will be plenty to celebrate and reward on the 20 September.”
01. The Timber Frame Competency Accreditation Scheme is vital too to secure quality control and industry knowledge
It is crucial to ensure a programme of continuous improvement for any quality assurance scheme, and this is something that is in place for STA Assure to ensure that the scheme remains of high quality and robust. The most recent updates to STA Assure includes a focus on good management
Exhibiting on stand F10, the STA will be continuing to represent the collective interests of its members by providing confidence in the use of structural timber across the construction industry, all of which is underpinned by STA Assure, the STA’s Quality Assurance Scheme. In addition to this, the STA team will also be explaining how members are supported and how the association encourages the increased use of structural timber.
02. Andrew Orriss, Director, STA Assure

In order for members to attain an STA Assure accreditation, the installers must have successfully completed The Timber Frame Competency Accreditation Scheme (TFCAS). TFCAS is specifically designed for installers and is a focused programme that tests the capabilities and knowledge of installers across various structural timber systems in order to promote best practice. Currently, the scheme covers three subject areas: practical skills, knowledge skills and health and safety skills.
As part of the ongoing enhancements to ensure members and clients alike are confident of the audit scheme as well as the robustness of the installer competency scheme, the STA have added a further module to the programme. The additional subject matter covers the installation of cavity barriers, essential to the construction process and the safe use of structural timber. Furthermore, third-party invigilation for the testing aspect of TFCAS has been introduced to further bolster the strength of the accreditation.
The STA’s Andrew Orriss is once again on the judging panel for the Offsite Awards that runs alongside the Offsite Expo. The Offsite awards celebrate companies and projects that set the standard for innovation and expertise. The STA is also sponsoring the ‘Best Use of Timber Technology Award’ for this year’s event.
STA Assure safeguards the interests of end users, enabling them to partner with a reputable firm that will harness the multitude of inherent benefits that structural timber offers.

For more information about STA Assure and TFCA www.structuraltimber.co.ukvisit:
processes that once was solely factory based but has now been extended to the site installation process.
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We have seen several unhelpful examples of this recently. Carbon-
A sustainable timber supply chain is a proven business model. It is supporting a new wave of ingenuity centred on whole-life carbon targets, circular economy principles and offsite-manufactured platform and modular solutions. We are already
seeing the success of timber innovations such as cross laminated timber (CLT) in modular and offsite construction, where timber’s versatility and environmental credentials are particularly well suited.

But with concrete the second most consumed material on the planet after water, responsible for at least 8% of global carbon emissions, we need to find ways to minimise its impact. This includes using less concrete and more low-carbon materials such as timber. That will hardly be music to the ears of some entrenched interests. But it does not need to be this way.
Climate change is too important. The resources of everyone in the construction industry, regardless of the flag we fly, must be put towards building a low-carbon future rather
At its heart, it is about a shift towards a culture which values carbon reduction, build quality, social value and circularity. This requires cross-industry investment and collaboration to unseat traditional building approaches, especially the adversarial attitude we often see when different elements of the sector vie for market share amidst shifting priorities.
The built environment is currently responsible for nearly half of carbon emissions in the UK – accounting for many millions of tonnes of carbon emissions every year. Architects, engineers, urbanists, and all those who help shape our cities have a deep responsibility to minimise their carbon
Carbon Culture Shift
These can all help construction achieve its 2050 net zero targets. However, the large-scale adoption of renewable timber, and solutions such as offsite manufacturing, will require significant cultural change across the industry.
the climate crisis, timber offers a crucial route to decarbonising our built environment: it is a low-carbon, renewable material. This has been recognised independently by the likes of the United Nations, the European Union, the Royal Society, the World Wildlife Foundation, the UK Climate Change Committee and recently the Environmental Audit Committee.
intensive industries are evidently worried about their future, as there have been recent attacks on engineered timber products such as CLT – seeking to cloak rhetoric in the guise of official-looking reports. This approach is counterproductive. In the timber industry, we do acknowledge that concrete, cement and steel are all important for construction – and are likely to remain so.
David Hopkins, Chief Executive of Timber Development (TDUK), outlines the role timber can play in achieving a net-zero construction industry and the need for cross-sector collaboration to achieve tough environmental targets.

One of the first big projects we’re taking on is the creation of a Net Zero Carbon Roadmap for the timber industry. This will help modernise timber businesses and deliver on timber’s potential as a genuinely low-carbon building material. We also want to usher in a circular economy, by helping the timber industry produce
than seeking to discredit proven solutions. All parts of the construction industry should be supportive of new methods of offsite construction that can reduce our carbon footprint, and we should be equally supportive of materials and designs that reduce environmental impacts.
materials that last and can be reused once a building reaches the end of its Bylife.helping

Collaboration is Key TDUK is focusing on a collaborative approach. Timber has long been a fractured industry. Our supply chain consists of many thousands of businesses – big and small – which can make the kind of collective effort required to achieve net-zero targets quite difficult. But with the formation of TDUK, this will change. Merging TRADA and the Timber Trade Federation (TTF) to create the largest timber supply chain organisation means we can now tackle the challenges our industry faces.
the construction industry as a whole build a shared understanding, we can take these issues forward. This is why we are working with independent industry experts, to help upskill professionals on low-carbon resources and environmental issues. And we are supporting NMITE and Edinburgh Napier University on an educational programme to help support a new wave of design and engineering talents which understands how best to employ timber.
Finally, we have signed the AntiGreenwashing Charter, committing our members to uphold good standards of responsible marketing practice.
To truly achieve net zero across UK construction by 2050, we will need to be honest and transparent: we must speak the same language across the sector. The standards we adopt throughout our organisation will ensure green claims made about timber products and services are fair and substantiated.
It is more important than ever for all industries to collaborate in addressing
For more information visit: www.ttf.co.uk
Images: 01. David Hopkins, Chief Executive, TDUK 02-04. Timber provides a proven route to decarbonising the built environment.
Courtesy Wood for Good/ Greencore Construction/Stora Enso Maccreanor Lavington

the climate crisis. At TDUK, we will continue to support the construction sector to better measure and minimise carbon impacts. We see our work as complementary to industry commitments such as LETI’s building targets, and regulatory proposals like Part Z. Change is coming, and we know the timber industry will be ready to play its part.
IMAGE COURTESY OF HEYNE TILLETT STEEL & STUDIO RHE HEALTHCARE PROJECT OF THE YEAR RETAIL & LEISURE PROJECT OF THE YEAR COMMERCIAL PROJECT OF THE YEAR CLIENT OF THE YEAR INSTALLER OF THE YEAR PROJECT OR CONSTRUCTION MANAGER OF THE YEAR 12.10.2022 National Conference Centre, Birmingham Limited sponsorship opportunities remaining Network with over 600 business leaders and high profile decision makers

For more information, visit: www.structuraltimberawards.co.uk

Geberit Duofix
is simple. Wall-hung toilets are made possible in bathrooms thanks to the inclusion of quick and affordable pre-wall frame systems, such as Geberit Duofix. By concealing the cistern behind a stud wall, a wall-hung toilet reduces the outward projection of the ceramic. The ability to conceal the cistern and lift the toilet’s footprint off the floor can make even the smallest of bathroom spaces instantly appear bigger. Servicing and access to the cistern is also made easy via the flush plate.
Opting for a Geberit Duofix wallhung frame system means that pod manufacturers can create a space that will stand the test of time. From incorporating odour extraction technology or touchless flush plates to future proofing the bathroom with superior acoustic flush performance and adjustable seat heights, opting for wall-hung offers developers the opportunity to create an innovative, design-led solution. And, with millions of Geberit concealed installations around the world, you can guarantee we have just the right product for you.
Wall-mounted furniture and ceramics, which create the illusion of ‘floating’ above the floor, can offer a spacesaving solution that opens up the space and creates a streamlined
Opting for wall-hung sanitaryware can also offer operational benefits across commercial projects. Lifting the toilet from the floor makes maintenance and cleaning much easier, helping reduce dirt and dust accumulation; in turn, this can help commercial customers reduce any associated staffing and maintenance costs.
Images: 01-03. Opting for wall-hung sanitaryware can also offer operational benefits across commercial projects
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With manufacturers increasingly looking for cost-effective and complete bathroom packages that boast both quality and design excellence, Geberit’s range of wall-hung furniture offers pod and bathroom manufacturers a world of design possibilities for any budget or project.

At Geberit, our expertise and dedication enable us to provide a first-class service with support at every stage of your prefabricated washroom project. We work across a wide range of sectors that include hotels, private residential and student accommodation, providing solutions behind and in-front of the wall alongside specification and installation training support for your contractor teams. Our expertise across multiple sectors ensures you have the right technical support and knowledge from initial specification and planning to logistics and availability to installation and training.
For more information visit: www.geberit.co.uk
The prominence of bathroom and washroom spaces continues to grow. In residential markets, the bathroom is one of the most important places in the home to switch off from our ‘always-on’ world.

From high-quality bathroom design to cutting-edge technology that champions hygiene and sustainability, we’re proud to be setting the standard for a new era of bathroom design.
Wall-hung sanitaryware
Our customers are the focus of everything we do, and our dedicated OEM team work closely with manufacturers, applying their product know-how and technical expertise every step of the way.



Geberit’s service combines the quality you would expect from a true market leader, with a real focus on customer service from start to finish. We’re proud to deliver a collaborative approach which helps our clients to overcome their challenges through shared designs and on-time deliveries.
Prefabricated drainage is the sensible choice for tall buildings, providing a fuss-free solution which improves efficiency without compromising on project cost or quality.

Experts in designing, manufacturing and installing light steel frame superstructures, Fusion Steel Framing is gearing up to present Offsite Expo 2022 attendees with an opportunity to get a first-hand look at its latest through-wall solution – Xterion™.
Manufactured in Fusion Steel Framing’s advanced offsite facility, the innovative through-wall solution features a Fusion load-bearing external wall solution with a range of benx, external façade systems, such ‘Slip Fast’ mechanical brick slip system. Fusion Steel Framing has extensively tested the load bearing wall system to achieve fire safety standards of up to 120 minutes from both inside-to-outside and outside-to-inside. The outer facade options offer peace of mind with A1 non-combustible fire rating and independent certification. The team has designed the factory boarded, 2D panellised system to be erected onsite with the external facades installed on-site.

Using their combined understanding of the market and construction knowledge achieved through delivering more light steel structures than any other European producer, Fusion Steel Framing has created Xterion™ in partnership with external façade providers, such as benx, to provide façade solutions which complement the structural external wall product. This collaborative approach has led to a system that offers exceptional performance and quality to meet ever increasing thermal and fire regulatory standards. Through each stage of the development process, the Fusion Steel Framing team approached the design of the Xterion™ system with a focus on safety, sustainability, and efficiency.
Preparing for the official product launch, Fusion Steel Framing Managing Director, Mike Fairey said: “Our team has put a lot of research, time, and expert knowledge into creating the Xterion™ system and the attention to detail shows in the results. Offsite Expo presents an ideal opportunity to launch Xterion™ and engage one-to-one with other construction professionals. We are looking forward to showcasing the innovation and quality that Fusion Steel Framing has become known for over two decades. Offsite Expo highlights
During Offsite Expo, representatives from Fusion Steel Framing will be on hand to talk visitors through the processes and technologies behind the Xterion™ system. They will also be able to answer questions about the benefits of this and many other of its innovative systems and products. The launch will provide an opportunity to see the Xterion™ system as a specific product, as well as alongside other compatible technologies.
As part of the Fusion Steel Framing commitment to deliver products that optimise material use and energy efficiency, the Xterion™ system offers significant performance and sustainability benefits. The long-term benefits of steel usage – such as its recyclable nature and the fact that steel does not shrink or warp over time – are well-understood. The light gauge steel structure reduces the overall weight of the superstructure for lighter foundations. Building performance is further enhanced by generous acoustic values for reduced sound pollution, with ratings up to Rw + Ctr 55dB – subject to build-up. The Xterion™ system also provides a warm frame with optimum performances achievable from 0.18W/m2K down to Passivhaus standards.
several top industry names amongst those shortlisted but the Fusion team hope to crown their product launch by taking home the Best Use of Steel Technology award for their work on Holburne Park. For this ambitious £26million high-end residential development, Fusion Steel Framing supplied the cold-rolled light steel framing system and was delivered in collaboration with lead construction contractor, EngineeringBECT.Manager,
Michael Rowell, added: “Being shortlisted as a finalist in such a competitive category is further evidence of the innovations Fusion continues to bring to the table
the best in offsite technology, and Xterion™ is leading the way in through-wall solutions, so to have the product launch there is perfect.”
The launch of the Xterion™ system comes at an exciting time for Fusion Steel Framing, as alongside exhibiting the product and meeting event attendees, the team will also be hoping to take home one of this year’s coveted Offsite Awards. The 2022 winners will be announced on the first evening of the event on 20 September. All finalists in the 25 categories will be available to view in a finalist’s gallery during the event. Fusion Steel Framing faces fierce competition, with
01. The new Xterion™ system offers significant performance and sustainability benefits
As Fusion Steel Framing continues to further its reputation as a market leader at the forefront of the offsite sector, the team is eager to engage with new clients and project teams who would like to find out more about both the Xterion™ system and the overall benefits of light gauge steel usage. The team offers a wealth of knowledge in the steel sector, having advised numerous government and industry bodies, and can provide guidance from project conception through to completion.
02. From the 80,000ft2 manufacturing facility in Northampton, Fusion have the capacity to turnaround more than 30,000m2 of light steel frame each year

The innovative new Xterion™ through-wall solution will be on display on-site throughout Offsite Expo. The latest addition to the Fusion Steel Framing product range, it is the result of extensive research, development, and testing to achieve a rapid dry envelope solution. Visit K12 to speak to the team. Fusion also offers tours of its 80,000sq ft manufacturing facility in Northampton at selected intervals throughout the year. You can register interest in this by contacting the Fusion Steel Framing team. You can find out more about FusionX™, Xterion™ plus all Fusion’s products and systems at: www.fusionsteelframing.co.uk
every year, and to be recognised alongside other major industry names is fantastic. We’ll be hoping to celebrate both our product launch and an awards victory as the event closes, but as a team we’re already celebrating several achievements made over the last few years.”
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Light steel framing systems provide a more sustainable method of construction to fast-track the delivery of much needed high-quality housing for the retirement community.
The high specification contemporary retirement homes are being created using eco-friendly modern methods of construction – a first for the developer McCarthy Stone. Selected apartments feature Juliet balconies and private patios, and the landscaped gardens will be maintained all-year round. Hewson Court will be offering apartments for purchase outright as well as a range of flexible solutions including rental and part-buy part-rent options.
one-bedroom and 20 two-bedroom apartments by embracing advanced construction methods the team at McCarthy Stone were able to reduce the build time by two-weeks per floor.

Hewson Court on Dene Avenue is a new flagship retirement community from McCarthy Stone, designed to be located close to a number of local amenities, such as the bus station, shops and Hexham General Hospital. The properties are tailor-made for the over 60s, presenting homeowners with an opportunity to downsize and live in a community of likeminded people.
“We are delighted to have completed our first project with McCarthy Stone in Hexham, and we anticipate more projects to commence within the following 12 months,” Mark Eburne, CEO of Sigmat. “The scheme has demonstrated how light steel framing offers a superior advantage in terms of speed, quality and sustainability. By partnering with McCarthy Stone, we are committed to creating sustainable communities by providing quality superstructures, manufactured offsite for the UK retirement market.
For more information visit: www.mccarthyandstone.co.ukwww.sigmat.co.uk
Images: 01-02. McCarthy Stone’s new flagship retirement community Hewson Court is based on an offsite light gauge steel design. Courtesy Sigmat
A new retirement living project in Hexham has become the first in the country for the UK’s leading sector manager and developer to pilot offsite construction using an advanced light steel framing system.
McCarthy Stone worked in partnership with specialist Leeds-based company Sigmat to pilot the new housebuilding technique that uses an innovative light steel frame system.
The Construction Minister (at the time) Anne-Marie Trevelyan visited Hewson Court whilst in development. During her visit the Minister took a tour of the innovative project which
“At McCarthy Stone we work hard to create homes that older people can live independently and thrive in, and where location and design are key to ensuring each one of our developments are beautiful places to live. We are now committed to trial schemes in all of our divisions across the country and we have set ourselves a target for producing 25% of our new developments maximising modern methods of construction. Together we have sown the seed of a more sustainable, efficient and highquality future for McCarthy Stone’s communities.”
has a gross development value of £11.1million. She was able to see how modern methods of construction (MMC) is helping to fast-track the delivery of high-quality housing for the UK’s increasingly ageing population which despite the demand is currently Anne-Marieundersupplied.Trevelyan commented:
One of the many benefits of light steel frame is it can be fabricated and assembled offsite in Sigmat’s Leeds manufacturing facility, improving efficiency and productivity. It has also been shown to improve energy efficiency vastly reducing in-use energy costs when compared to traditionally constructed UK homes and is also better for the environment as a high proportion of steel is recycled.
“Innovation from McCarthy Stone is paving the way for the construction industry to build back greener and safer. The development of cleaner cheaper construction methods is critical for the sector’s drive towards net zero and our ambition to deliver high-quality housing that meets the UK’s Deliveringneeds.”23
Over the 12-week build programme the Sigmat team installed 1,765 linear metres of light steel panels across three floors, 3,510sq m of decking and installed four flights of stairs. John Tonkiss, Chief Executive at McCarthy Stone, said: “Hexham is the next generation in an increasing portfolio of McCarthy Stone projects to benefit from the use of this form of construction. To have this recognised by the Minister is a really important step, and we were very proud to show off the work of the team here and our partners Sigmat and to be able to discuss with the Minister the many challenges facing the retirement housing sector today.
An SCI membership group whose objective is the technical development of light steel construction systems. Industry Design

These existing buildings require widescale "de-risking " with all the challenges that this presents, as some date back to the 1600's for example, older universities, often with high student occupancy.
With the professional support of the FSi team, we can carefully guide PFP installers to compliancy, meeting specifications and, proposing the best solution.
However, there’s still so much to do, not only in new builds, but existing buildings nationwide such as schools, colleges, universities, hospitals, care homes, hotels, and high-rise accommodation.

Even with fire-related deaths in decline, we’re still faced with £billions in cost to the economy through loss, damage, and refurbishment. After the devastating impact and loss of life with Gren fell Towers, we need only to look at the winter of 2018, which saw a huge car park in Liverpool destroyed, then two major hotels, a large student accommodation in Bolton and a Cheshire care home razed to the ground in the summer of 2019.
Enhance your market share with added assurance for specifiers that products and processes meet current standards and regulations.
For more information, please call 01530 515130 or email sales.fsi.uk@etexgroup.com.
SCI Support for the Light Steel industry

Light Steel Forum Standards
In the 1980's, fire-related deaths were higher than 1000 per year but have come down dramatically over the last 4 decades to under 300 per year. This is due to several factors such as the Furniture and Furnishings (Fire safety regulations 1988), The smoke detectors act of 1999, The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 along with massively improved education and fire warden training plus the decline in smoking.
over 30 years of expertise in the steel industry SCI are able to support the light steel industry in a number of ways.
SCI supports the industry with many technical resources and are involved at Eurocode committee level to improve standards. +44 (0)1344 636525 For more information callFor further information on joining the Light Steel Forum contact Andrew Way, SCI. assessment@steel-sci.com To view the free resources, and the publications available visit: www.steel-sci.com Visit our website
Ade Aynsley BA (Hons) DipM PGCE
Assessment and Certification
Established in 2000, FSi has grown from strength to strength to become the biggest manufacturer of passive fire protection in the UK but there’s still so much to be done.
Steve Thompson, Managing Director of EOS Framing, makes a strong case for robust testing regimes, as architects and housebuilders are under increased pressure to develop safer residential buildings.
Coming in the wake of the Hackitt review, and receiving Royal Assent in April 2022, the Building Safety Act covers a raft of changes for housebuilders and developers. These include a new system of accountability for safety in projects, a construction products regulator, and a refreshed regulatory framework. It is claimed to be the biggest change in building safety for over 40 years.
In her report ‘Building a Safer Future’, Dame Judith Hackitt recommends: “More effective testing regimes with clearer labelling and product traceability, in order to drive continuous improvement, higher performance and encourage innovative product and system design under better quality control.”
Disparate supply chains result in components being offered by a multitude of manufacturers, it is
therefore down to the specifier to assess if the chosen materials will meet with required performance and safety standards. A lack of test evidence and performance data can make this an onerous task. This uncertainty also extends to the costs involved, the speed of build and the quality of the final outcome.

Helping Housebuilders Comply and Compete
EOS has developed an awardwinning range of unitised light steel frame systems. By working closely with developers, we are now able to provide real scalable light steel frame residential solutions – delivering precision-engineered homes that meet building safety regulations that can be produced at scale better than, faster than and more cost-efficiently than other market offerings.

three Innovation and Technology Centres where we have our own fire, acoustic, mechanical, structural and thermal testing facilities, equipment and laboratories. We also fully support and endorse third party certification systems such as BBA, BRE Global, Certifire and EOS has also recently gained BOPAS Accreditation. We work closely with certification bodies to jointly develop and design technical solutions. Our full-scale testing regimes study the performance of products working together to see how they interact in ‘real’ circumstances, such as under fire conditions or when exposed to wind and rain.
From early design and engineering advice to simplifying specification and procurement, our products, processes and whole business philosophy show that as a manufacturer, we take our responsibilities extremely seriously. At the heart of this is rigorous testing and a systems approach to our light steel frame solutions. We are committed to technical competence and as part of Etex, we have some of the best fire experts in the UK on our team.
The Building Safety Act makes groundbreaking reforms to give residents and homeowners more rights, powers, and protections – so homes across the country are safer. Many of the detailed provisions in the Act will be implemented over the next two years through a programme of secondary Principallegislation.Designers and Contractors under the Act will be required to manage building safety risks, with clear lines of responsibility during the design, construction and completion of all buildings. The Building Safety Act will strengthen the construction products regulatory regime, with
Annually we conduct over 500 tests in Europe alone. Etex Group have
new requirements to make sure all construction products on the UK market are safe for their intended use, with a National Regulator for Construction Products to monitor and enforce Constructionthis. is without doubt a complex business but as we evolve more advanced offsite technologies, we can help housebuilders reduce risk and operate within the strict criteria laid down by the Building Safety Act. Through the collaborative expertise of Etex brands EOS Framing, Siniat, Promat and FSi, our light steel frame systems approach is helping our construction clients comply and compete in challenging markets.

CERTIFIED SYSTEMS APPROACH The EOS range of Pre-Assembled Frames (PAF), Thruwall® and Thrubuild® systems have been developed to eliminate uncertainty surrounding design and specification decisions. All components – light steel frame, external and internal boards, glass mineral wool insulation and fixings – have been rigorously tested together for fire, acoustic, weathering, airtightness, and mechanical performance. Fire resistance periods of 60, 90 and 120 minutes are predictably achievable. • Thrubuild® has multiple loadbearing applications and can be used for external or internal walls together with internal and separating floors • Thruwall® is a fully engineered custom-designed non-loadbearing infill system which is supplied as a certified kit of parts that can be used with concrete and steel main frames • Reducing construction programmes by up to 30%, our non-loadbearing PAF infill systems are prefabricated offsite and delivered to site as an assembled panelised unit • Our steel is made from 59% recycled content and is 100% recyclable. When PAF, Thrubuild® and Thruwall® systems are built with Etex Group components and materials, following a validation process — Etex award a 30-year performance warranty. To discover more about the building safety benefits, go to the EOS information centre: www.eosframing.co.uk/information-centre Images: 01. The Thrubuild® system helps eliminate uncertainty surrounding design and specification decisions 02-03. Advanced offsite technologies are helping developers reduce risk and create high quality buildings 2 3

Windows – Doors

With an objective to support specification through developing a better understanding of the benefits, the LSFA has launched an informative Sustainability Guide to verify the environmental credentials of light steel technology. Timber may have a ‘greener’ image, but it is well documented that steel is one of the world’s most recycled materials with recovery and re-use rates in excess of 90%.
To maximise the benefits of offsite construction,earlyidentification of the type of offsitesystem to be used leads to more cost-efficientconstruction.The benefits of earlyincorporation of LSFtechnologyis noted in LSFApublication‘Specification & Engineering Guide for Light SteelFrame Construction’.This Guide clearlydemonstrates that LSF is the product to choose. Refer to LSFA document for more detail.
‘Construction 2025 (July 2013 Report)’ stated that the light steel frame sector was: “an industry that has become dramatically more sustainable through its efficient approach to delivering low carbon assets more quickly and at lower cost, underpinned by strong, integrated supply chains and productive longterm relationships.”
Sustainability is quantified in terms of various measures of environmental, social and economic performance. According to the World Green Building Council, construction and buildings in use are responsible for 39% of all carbon emissions in the world. This is broken down into two elements with 11% being linked to the manufacture of materials and construction processes known as embodied carbon emissions and 28% associated with operational emissions caused by heating, cooling and lighting systems when a building is in use.
• Reduced
1 4
Key Sustainability Benefitsof LSF Construction recycled materials with a potentialrecovery/re-usefactor in excess of 90%, and there is no waste at all. Steel components can also beunbolted/disconnected and dismantled forLight gauge framed steelstructures are substantially lighter thantraditionalsteelframed buildings allowing a significant reduction in the construction of foundations, circa 70% reduction relative to concrete and masonry according to SCI data.isminimised by the efficient use of materials.factory production, allsteeloff-cuts and drillswarf are for re-cycling back into Site waste is virtually using pre-engineered and Design for Reuse: This may be a newdiscipline to some designers – however, the process is not difficult. For example,deconstructed sections are inspected and tested to verify their dimensionaland strength properties. The section is then shot orsandblasted to remove any coatings,refabricated and primed to the requirements of the new project. Lightweight structures can be modified, easily extended and repurposed as they can be dis-assembled. • Durability: Light steelwalls and floors in warm frame applications have a predicteddesign life of up to 250 years.transportation: As the volume of material which can be included on a typicaldelivery is increased with LSF, there are less vehicle deliveries to the project(reduced by typically 60%). This assists in reducing the impact on the environment and minimises pollution.
LSF construction has many benefits includingcost-effective structures, durability, site safety, quality, predictability of delivery and versatility. However, in a world where a green, sustainable way of living/operating is essentialthe sustainable nature of LSF offers many benefits which include:Speed of build: Productivity and the speed of construction on the build site due tocomponents being manufactured offsite reduces the impact on the local environment. Faster construction brings an earlierwater-tight envelope, which allows earlier access to follow on trades. This leads to reduced build programmes of circa 20% reductioncompared to traditional construction. Energy/Thermalperformance: EmbodiedCarbon Assessments show OperationalEnergy is 67% of the overallcarbon total–the high levels of thermalinsulation and airtightness achieved in LSF construction assist greatly in this area.Carbon Emissions: Substantialreduction (circa 20%) in the overall carbon footprint of a building.Content: LSF structures are built using steelwith a high levelof recycled content – circa 40% recycled content based on manufacturers data. Recyclability: It is well known that steelis one of the world’s most
As light steel frame technology becomes more widely specified across the UK, members of the Light Steel Frame Association (LSFA), have created a new Sustainability Guide to help demonstrate that it is a highly reliable, robust and sustainable method of construction.
When designers research build systems – fire, thermal and acoustic performance together with structural stability and cost are key drivers. However, the sustainability benefits of light steel systems are not widely understood.
fabricated product so contributes to zero •
There is a misconception about LSF construction and steel in particular in the embodied carbon debate, that steel is not as good an option as timberwhere sustainability is concerned.However, the strength of the LSF structure when assessed against the lowweight of the steel used equates to improved efficiencies as a lot of structure can be formed with not a lot ofweight. This reduces embodied carbon and is where LSF technologies come to the fore as lighter structures not only reduce material consumption but reduce the concrete required in the groundEmbodied carbon assessments (also known as carbon foot-printing) look at materials used, energy use/performance, waste, transportation and are based on RICS and British Standard guidance and include information from relevant Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) and publicly available embodied carbon data. These assessments review the structure from facilitatingworks/demolition through to fixtures and fittings/ building services as part of the 60-yearwhole-lifeembodied carbon assessment including: product, construction process, in use – maintenance/repair and refurbishment, in use – water and energy and end of Embodiedlife.carbon assessments are quitestraightforward involving the multiplication of quantities of construction products and materials (generally on a weight basis) with embodied carbon coefficients or carbon emission factors. Quantities are generally derived from a ‘take off’ from construction drawings or directly from Bills of Quantities. Increasingly, design software is being developed to automate the assessment process.Embodied carbon assessment is a subset of a fullLife CycleAssessment (LCA) which is the tool used to develop Environmental ProductDeclarations (EPD) which are increasingly
Light steel performs well in embodied carbon and operational emission assessments. The key benefits show this to be a construction method which

It is clear that the ‘big wins’ are in the operational energy and product/materials and these areas are where benefits of LSF technology can be seen. Embodied Carbon Assessments and LCA’s may be available from manufacturers which can demonstrate the green credentials of the relevant LSF system. Manufacture ofconcrete generates 9% oftheworld’s carbon emissions - almost 3 times as much as the entire aviation industry. OperationalEnergy 67% Product Materials21% Maintenance 8% Transport 2% End of life disposal1% Construction <1% LSFA GUIDESUSTAINABILITY For Light Steel Frame Construction www.lsf-association.co.uk
is highly sustainable and suitable for all sectors of the construction industry including residential, commercial, education and healthcare. Light steel technologies include loadbearing and non-loadbearing elements which can be formed from panelised and modular systems or as steel studs for erecting as infill or oversail walling

used to quantify the environmentalimpacts of construction products.To validate these positive statements, whole-life carbon cycle analysis have been carried out to assess credentials/performance when compared to structures formed using other methods of construction. These assessments show that light steel frame structures demonstrate a substantial reduction in the overall carbon footprint of a building of up to 20%.An assessment of a medium scale residential property has been carried out by the LSF industry and can be found in a report on theSteelConstruction.info website. The figures in this report show the breakdown of the key elements are as follows:
From engineering excellence and precision manufacturing, to fire test certification and acoustics performance, we tailor our light gauge steel frame systems precisely to your brief, offering speed of build, high quality and great value. STEEL FRAMING tofromCollaborationconceptcompletion 25+ schools 2,000+ care beds 3,000+ houses 4,000+ apartments 12,000+ student beds www.fusionsteelframing.co.ukinfo@fusionsteelframing.co.ukDelivering InnovationOffsiteSince2000

As time has progressed steel has become part of a carbon neutral solution and sustainability is back at the top of the construction agenda. However, when budgets come into play it is safety, cost, programme, design adaptability and structural integrity which are more often the deciding factors, but the importance of sustainability must not be overlooked when assessing build systems.
The LSFA passionately believe that the answer to complex sustainability questions lie in a lightweight structural response. This is where light steel frame cannot be beaten, with the best strength to weight ratio of all construction materials.
This is particularly relevant when looking at lifecycle analysis including recycling at the end of a building’s life which must be factored into any sustainability discussions. The Steel Construction Institute (SCI) publication ‘Protocol for Reusing Structural Steel’ concludes that the environmental advantages of re-using reclaimed structural steel are considerable, compared to the common practice of recycling by re-melting scrap. There are also potential cost savings to be considered which influence the system
leads to reduced build programmes and embodied carbon during construction Energy/Thermal Performance high levels of thermal insulation and airtightness reduce operational emissions by circa 20% Recycled Content higher levels of recycled content, industry norm of circa 40% based on manufacturers data End of Life Recyclability steel is one of the most recycled materials with a potential recovery/re-use factor in excess of 90% Lightweight allowing significant reduction in foundations, circa 70% relative to concrete/masonry construction Production Waste wastage is minimised as all steel off-cuts and drill swarf are recycled into new steel components Construction Site Waste it is virtually eliminated using prefabricated components, contributing to zero waste site targets Design for Reuse lightweight structures can be modified, extended and repurposed as they can be disassembled Durability light steel walls/ floors in warm frame applications have a predicted design life of up to 250 years Reduced Transportation less vehicle deliveries, reduced by typically 60%, minimising environmental impact and pollution. For more information and to download the LSFA Sustainability Guide www.lsf-association.co.ukvisit: 2 COME AND SEE US ON STAND J15
The LSFA Sustainability Guide will be available in hard copy at Offsite Expo but also downloadable, along with other Guides from the LSFA website via www.lsf-association.co.uk/library LIGHT
ensure that the material is as specified in design. When using reclaimed steel, the design is based on the material properties (tested or conservatively assumed), maintaining the relationship between design assumptions and material resistance. It is therefore appropriate that re-fabricated, reclaimed structural steelwork may be CE Marked in accordance with EN 1090, which demonstrates its suitability for re-use.
It is also worth noting that the steel manufacturing environment is more automated than more traditional build technologies and the industry has become incredibly efficient at value engineering and minimising waste through design for manufacture and assembly (DfMA) approaches. This is assisted by the advances in digital engineering with better use of Building Information Modelling (BIM).

Thisselected.protocol notes that material characteristics declared under CE marking procedures are designed to
The new LSFA Sustainability Guide covers many of these topics in depth and includes sustainability in light steel frame construction, key sustainability benefits, embodied carbon, means of reducing embodied carbon, accommodating environmental enhancements together with sustainability now and in the future. There are also references for further reading which covers the subject of sustainability in more detail. STEEL FRAMEEnhancedBENEFITSENVIRONMENTALSpeedofBuild
Vertex BDVertex BD One BIM software platform to drive your entire building project from start to finish Increase Productivity, Improve Quality, Minimise costs how we canContact our Harrogate based team today to learn help you with your next project. •Architectural Design •Automated Steel framing, boarding and insulation layouts •Precise project documentation •One software, one model. It’s All About BIM Vertex BD MarketingProjectArchive CollaborationIFC File ConversionsFormat AutomationProduction Sales ArchitecturalDesign Framing www.VertexCad.comwww.vertex.fi It’s All About BIM Vertex BD MarketingProjectArchive CollaborationIFC File ConversionsFormat AutomationProduction Sales ArchitecturalDesign Framing T +44 (0)1423 500211

• Benefits of SFS are:
• Not affected by wood eating insects
• Doesn’t warp or rot
• Supports both the inner leaf of plasterboard and the outer façade
• 75% quicker to install over blockwork
For more information visit: www.ayrshire.co.uk
02. Barnsley College
Steel framed buildings have been around in the UK since the Ritz Hotel (London) was completed in 1908 and ever since then the construction industry has been working hard to reduce weight and cost on site. Steel Framing Systems (SFS) consists of light weight cold-rolled sections resulting in savings both in weight and cost.
the rescue. SFS is around 33% quicker than blockwork and takes the façade off the critical path. Sustainably is so important and making sure we protect our environment for the future is crucial. Thankfully Steel is 100% recyclable and an SFS system can reduce the number of deliveries by over 90% therefore reducing the need for fossil fuels and providing savings.
There are many advantages to Steel Framing Systems (SFS) and this modern method of construction (MMC) scores highly in the core considerations of cost, time and sustainability.

All projects are time critical and this is another area where SFS comes to
• System allows for movement of floors and facades
• Is able to achieve a high level of thermal performance
SFS allows for the construction of prefabricated panels and modules offsite under factory-controlled conditions, further reducing the time required on-site. Factory produced panels are highly accurate and easy to assemble on site with no site waste. Early involvement with Ayrshire Metals and precise foundations are key with this form of construction. To gain the most from modular construction, it is best to start the design with this in mind and create as much duplication room-to-room as possible so that the minimum number of module designs are Ayrshireinvolved.Metals
Early involvement and free indicative designs will help get your project started on the right path, making sure the structure is value engineered from the beginning. Ayrshire Metals’ engineers and sales team are on hand to assist you with every stage of getting your project from concept to completion. Get in touch to find out how we can help you.
• No hot-rolled support required unlike blockwork

• Is lighter than blockwork or timber, therefore reducing foundation costs.
have carried out fire testing gaining up to two hours fire rating on its SFS systems, this coupled with the ability to achieve a high thermal U-value makes it the right choice for your project. SFS can be utilised on nearly any type of building from schools to apartments, hospitals to offices, and student accommodation to hotels. SFS doesn’t just support a brickwork outer leaf but also render, cladding panels, terracotta tiles and more, therefore, providing the substructure to many different façade types to meet the architectural requirements for your project.
01. Ayrshire Load Bearing Structure
• Material is not part of the fire triangle
Costs can be saved in many ways by utilising SFS, from reduced foundations, lower labour costs due to less time on-site and saving on transport due to significantly less deliveries.
For more information visit: www.cpg-europe.com/en-gb
The fixings can be used during or after system installation, providing the most cost-effective and maintenance-free solution for the market, whilst also ensuring the integrity and protection of the offsite system and safe-guarding guarantees and warranties.
For more information visit: www.swifix.co.uk
The solution is suitable for all system finishes from brick slip, textured and rough-cast/dashing and through all types of insulation types and thicknesses of 50mm to 300mm. We have already seen an uptake in the fixings for clients supplying modular homes, such as ilke Homes, Elliot Group and Rollalong Off Site Construction.
The SWIFIX fixing solution was originally designed and developed specifically for refitting and installing both lightweight and heavy items through External Wall Insulation (ETICS) systems.
CPG (UK) will be showcasing its ‘one partner’ approach to modular manufacturing at Offsite Expo 2022.
Images: 01. A range of fixings are available for the offsite sector
SWIFIX fixings are manufactured from high quality tensile plastic using recycled content and can carry weights up to 50kg. There are currently five basic fixings to enable the installation of satellite dishes, taps, washing lines, fence posts plus many other exterior items householders may choose to fix, with approvals for use by Sky (for satellite dishes) and the NHBC. All products are manufactured in black and white as standard: however bespoke colours are available to compliment the finished render and, if required, manufactured in fire retardant material.
CPG (UK) will shine a spotlight on its ‘one partner’ process, which allows customers to access a range of versatile and compatible construction
products across its seven brands from a single source. Investment of tens of millions of pounds in illbruck, Nullifire, TREMCO, Dryvit, Flowcrete, Nudura, and Vandex and has allowed CPG (UK) to bring next generation manufacturing capability to the modular manufacturing market.
Seebrands.”CPG (UK) on Stand C24 at Offsite Expo. Visitors can also see products in action around the show, with various customers exhibiting CPG (UK) solutions in live demonstrations.
Laura Smith, CPG (UK) Senior Market Manager, said: “Our team has operated within modular manufacturing for several years and pro-actively works with customers to ensure that we are providing the marketplace with solutions that can live up to the demands of the everevolving offsite construction sector. We understand our customers varying product and production process needs and have the product range to support development with this in mind.
Images: 01. Laura Smith CPG (UK) Senior Market Manager

With frameworks in offsite systems carrying a high level of insulation, the exterior of the home is not designed to act as a support for fixings. Adding fixings, drilling or screwing into the typically brick slip or render surface is not recommended as it can cause damage to the insulation and affect these warranties.
“Our solution is to offer a ‘one partner’ approach for the complete project, offering support from the planning stage up to production with our technical know-how, and system solutions for offsite construction. We are the only manufacturer that can provide the marketplace with one point of contact for seven product
Fixings are available direct from SWIFIX Ltd via their on-line store and from various distributors and builders’ merchants throughout the UK.

is part of the new high-tech manufacturing sector in the UK, bringing new capabilities to the construction industry, taking the best from automotive manufacturing and the logistics industry. Our second manufacturing facility which is 137,000sq ft and based in Braintree, Essex, is under construction and will be operational in 2023. We’re here to give the design and construction industry choice – alongside the speed safety, efficiency and environmental gains of our UNI System – as well as do our part to ease the challenges in the UK housing sector.
For more information visit: www.britishoffsite.com
Images: 01-03. British Offsite is part of a new technology driven manufacturing sector bringing new capabilities to the UK construction industry

and UNI Floor, a highly flexible set of products capable of meeting every architectural need with precision and is complemented by our internal fit out modules for kitchens, bedrooms and Beforebathrooms.webecame manufacturers, we were developers, so we fully appreciated traditional methods of construction and just like our customers were born to build. The range of skills now required to deliver well-designed, high-quality housing solutions is often difficult to accommodate in one place. We’ve developed hybrid solutions that ease the transition to modern methods of construction (MMC), remove the risks and delays of traditional methods and deliver occupational properties faster. The level of choice we offer lets
1 2 3
British Offsite is the creator of UNI System, the most advanced light gauge steel panel system in the marketplace, suitable for houses, midrise and high-rise developments. UNI System includes UNI Panel, UNI Wall

As the pressure of the UK’s housing supply continues to grow, the task of identifying and unlocking development sites has become more challenging. High-density, urban developments are typically confined to brownfield sites, which offer their own set of challenges, and which have made the task of delivering new homes an increasingly complicated process. Time and budgetary pressures, alongside commitments to environmental/sustainability and health and safety targets, make running a site a complex task.
As British Offsite point out – hybrid offsite solutions offer the key to unlocking brownfield development – with its light gauge steel panel UNI System offering one of the most advanced in the marketplace.

you evolve or revolutionise how you build and help produce a project that is better designed, better built and
on the design and installation of the UNI Systems on multiple developments, including in Barking, Harlow, Hayes, Southend and Watford, working with the team to meet exacting design standards and respond effectively to different opportunities and conditions.
We are champions of precision. The consistent quality of each panel we produce is guaranteed by our technical design process, state-of-theart machine robotics capability and quality control systems. We are equally exact about construction sequencing and have a full set of accreditations to meet the requirements of technical Britishmanagers.Offsite
Techno Metal Post helical piles are engineered and guaranteed. • No excavation • In-house engineering services 18/5477 WORLD LEADER IN HELICAL PILE FOUNDATIONS • Fast and effective • Specialized installation equipment info.uk@technometalpost.co.uktechnometalpost.co.uk SWIFIX Fixings ROBUST INNOVATIVE EASY TO INSTALL Technical proven fixing solution Maintains warranties and guarantees Ensures continuous insulation Maintains building energy efficiency SWIFIX fixings – the complete fixing solution for fitting items through EWI, MMC and OFFSITE systems. To find out more or to buy direct go to www.swifix.co.uk Ideal for EWI, MMC and OFFSITE solutions #FollowTheBearinfo@swifix.co.uk 01884 560477 Made in the UK from 50% recycled material

Get ready for two busy days bursting at the seams with the latest products, innovations and developments across the offsite sector. Where do you go first and what do you look out for? Here are some of the essential highlights not to miss at the UK’s premier national offsite show…

Over 140 companies will unveil their latest products and services plus give advice on how best to use this dynamic construction method. Check out the exhibitor list available online and make sure to visit as many as possible across the two days. With live demos showcasing the latest digital innovations, new products, custom-
OFFSITE EXPO is here. Two days as the UK’s major meeting place and business hub for all those operating in the world of offsite design, manufacture and installation. Don’t miss out…
OFFSITE EXPO has been designed by leading industry experts to create an interactive seminar programme and stimulating exhibitor line-up to showcase offsite best practice, maximise knowledge transfer and facilitate collaborative opportunities – all with a view to increasing offsite technology uptake and improving construction productivity across the UK built environment.
Industry Champions
built features and offsite technology showcases – construction professionals will be able to review and interact with the widest display of new technology and offsite methods.
20-21 SEPTEMBER 2022 69SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2022 | WWW.OFFSITEMAGAZINE.CO.UK Explore Offsite Masterclasses & Spotlight on Offsite Sessions A key element to the show and a central part of the OFFSITE EXPO experience. With over 100 confirmed distinguished speakers, gain insights, learn from the best and meet experts offering in-depth analysis and technical know-how in an extensive range of CPD-accredited sessions – and all FREE of charge. Volumetric Modular 10.30 - 11.50 Light Gauge Steel 12.10 - 13.30 Facades & Fenestration 13.50 - 15.10 Fire Protection 15.30 - 16.50 MEP & Pods 10.30 - 11.50 Structural Timber 12.10 - 13.30 Precast Concrete 13.50 - 15.10 Healthcare 10.50 - 12.10 Housing 12.30 - 13.50 Commercial, Retail & Leisure 14.10 - 15.30 Affordable Housing 15.50 - 17.10 Education 10.50 - 12.10 Infrastructure 12.30 - 13.50 Housing 14.10 - 15.30 Training, Skills & Innovation 10.00 - 10.45 Digital Construction 11.00 - 11.45 Net Zero / Sustainability 12.00 - 12.45 Designing for Offsite 13.45 - 14.45 Productivity 15.00 - 15.45 Supply SustainabilityChain School Social Value Report 16.00 - 16.45 Government / Policies 10.00 - 10.45 Net Zero / Sustainability 11.00 - 11.45 Production, Process & Engineering 12.00 - 12.45 Supply Chain / Logistics 14.00 - 14.45 Digital Construction 15.00 - 15.45 20/09/2022 21/09/2022 MASTERCLASS THEATRE 1 MASTERCLASS THEATRE 1 MASTERCLASS THEATRE 2 MASTERCLASS THEATRE 2 SPOTLIGHT ON OFFSITE THEATRE SPOTLIGHT ON OFFSITE THEATRE SEMINAR THEATRE AGENDAS

Head for the CommunicationsRadarStand on K19
Offsite Connect Buyers & Specifiers Include:

The Offsite Café areas are one of our central ports of call to pick up show information, network, relax with refreshments and soak up news from across the show. There will also be a special industry networking event on 20 Sept 17:30 – 18:30 around the Offsite Café on E05 for exhibitors, speakers, buyers and selected VIP guests.
20-21 SEPTEMBER 2022
Sponsored by:

Remember to pick up a hard copy of this edition of Offsite Magazine at the show.
Offsite Café Areas
At the heart of OFFSITE EXPO is the Offsite Connect Buyers & Specifiers Forum. This provides a structured, effective way to meet with new and existing offsite industry manufacturers and suppliers who are exhibiting at the event. If you have booked a range of face-to-face discussions and appointments or need to know more, go to Stand E13 on arrival at the event and speak to the team.


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The Offsite Construction Awards Gallery is located on stand K20 at OFFSITE EXPO, showcasing this year’s shortlisted projects and companies before the Awards ceremony on the evening of Day One of the show. Head to the stand on Day Two of the show to discover who this year’s big winners are.
The profile and coverage gained by all the finalists and winners has helped to propel the sector to another level. So, if you are proud of your exceptional team, project development or product innovation, there are just five questions to answer to grasp the opportunity to take centre stage at the 2023 Offsite Construction Awards. The deadline for submissions is Friday 26 May 2023 with the winners being announced on 19 September 2023.
2022 Offsite Construction Awards were phenomenal to celebrate the use of offsite technology both in the UK and internationally. We are delighted to say that these Awards have proven to
Offsite Construction Awards have experienced exponential growth and this year’s event is set to be the most prominent yet, set to see over 400 industry leaders and innovators gather to celebrate those who are at the forefront of the offsite construction sector, developing ground-breaking new technology, innovative products and landmark projects using factorybased Entriesmethods.intothe
The industry-leading Offsite Awards is being help during OFFSITE EXPO in 2022. The Awards Ceremony will take place on 20 September 2022 as a separate event where all winners will be Thecrowned.

be a rich vein of stunning architectural design and engineering entries, reflecting the economic indicators for the industry and a growing confidence in the use of offsite technology within the UK construction industry.
Enter for 2023
OFFSITE EXPO 2022 – DON’T MISS OUT There is still time to register for your FREE ticket to visit OFFSITE EXPO 2022, just go to: www.offsite-expo.co.uk

20-21 SEPTEMBER 2022 WWW.OFFSITEMAGAZINE.CO.UK | SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2022Landmark72 OFFSITE EXPO Features OFFSITE EXPO is bursting with custom feature builds to visit across the two days. We recommend dedicating some time to go and visit: • BOS Logistica – STAND A21 • British Offsite – STAND C13 • EOS & Etex - STAND G17 • James Latham & Kiss House –VIP Lounge – STAND E21 • Kingspan Steel – STAND L06 • ModPods International –STAND H21 • Modular Building Automation –STAND K21 • Stelling Modular – STAND B08 • voestalpine Metsec – STAND C01 • Volumetric Modular – STAND H12

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With this comes the ability to anticipate design clashes and remedy them before a project reaches site, improving accuracy levels, saving time and therefore costs, as well as reducing waste material. In this regard, BIM and offsite are great partners. Using a BIM workflow can help to enhance all the values and benefits of offsite construction, helping to provide higher quality outcomes.
Developed on the back of the SEISMIC project, the new Volumetric Modular Tool was launched in the 2022 version of Tekla Structures. Designed specifically for the offsite market, the tool enables users to construct 3D models of container-sized modular units far quicker and easier, with automation at the tool’s core. A basic unit can be created in just a couple of clicks, saving valuable time and making the BIM workflow even more efficient and effective. The tool also offers a clear assembly hierarchy, automatically creating and organising assemblies, sub-assemblies and parts ready for production.
Images: 01-03. The new Volumetric Modular Tool is designed specifically for the offsite market and enables users to construct 3D models of container-sized modular units far quicker and easier

With this in mind, visitors to the Trimble stand will have the opportunity to learn not only about what Tekla’s constructible modelling software can bring to the offsite sector, especially with the launch of its new Volumetric Modular Tool, but also about other construction product
Likewise, if you put in door or window openings, the tool automatically configures the surrounding steelwork to account for the design change.

What’s more, the tool’s parametric capabilities help to streamline the change management process, meaning that if you make a change to one assembly it will automatically make the same change to all connected parts, again saving valuable time.
Leading the BIM revolution, Trimble is exhibiting at Offsite Expo 2022 and will be demonstrating the latest addition to its Tekla Structures constructible modelling software with a new tool designed specifically for volumetric modular design.
solutions from Trimble’s vast portfolio. These include Viewpoint’s powerful project management, operations and field teams tool, and Trimble MEP’s solutions for contractors.
Offsite Expo 2022 is a great opportunity to demonstrate the value digital software and hardware can bring to the offsite sector. Making sure the offsite industry, in particular, is aware of the fact that the design and planning of all building elements can be kept within the one 3D model, keeping all information and data consistent, amalgamated and easily accessible.
Offsite is a growing sector of the construction industry, helping structures to be built faster, greener and more efficiently. Building Information Modelling (BIM) can be a key part of this modern construction revolution, with the use of BIM software helping offsite manufacturers to visualise and model a building before construction has even started.
For more information visit: www.tekla.com/uk/resources/modular
NCC, Birmingham
In partnership with Volumetric Modular Magazine and The Modular and Portable Building Association, this TWO-DAY CONFERENCE and EXHIBITION presents a prime business opportunity to gain insight and network with those who are shaping the future of the volumetric modular industry as it focuses on the latest developments, innovations, and investments in the volumetric modular offsite sector.
2021 Offsite Awards Winner for ‘International Project of the Year’ Image courtesy of FortaPRO
www.modularmatters.co.uk 21.10.21SAVETHEDATE
Event Partners: modular & portable building associationmpba
07 & 08 FEBRUARY 2023

Policy change will be the quickest route to transform the industry so that we can match countries including the Netherlands, France and Sweden who already regulate embodied carbon emissions. It is frustrating that we are lagging behind others when we have an industry that is calling for it. Any new policy needs to be progressive otherwise the industry will not achieve substantive change. The government’s Future Homes and Buildings Standard will ensure that all future homes will be net zero ready from 2025, if new regulations around embodied carbon emissions don’t come into play soon, this will be a standard that will be difficult to meet.

Images: 01. Ellen Huelin, Head of Sustainability, Whitecode 02. The proposed Part Z will play a huge part in assessing and limiting embodied carbon emissions
Industry standardisation will support moves to regulate embodied carbon. Notes on the proposed Part Z say that a cross-industry team is developing a free-to-use Built Environment Carbon Database (BECD) that will be launched this year, the idea being that it minimises the cost and complexity of the process of measuring embodied carbon. The BECD will also include a product database. The standardisation and bringing together of information is vital to allow new regulations to be easily implemented. The government needs to adopt this approach by standardising methodology, creating reporting frameworks and setting minimum targets for the construction
‘Building to net Zero: costing carbon in construction’ states that the single most significant policy the government could introduce is a mandatory requirement to undertake a wholelife carbon assessment for buildings and that this requirement should be set within building regulations and the planning system. It says the government should then develop progressively ratcheting carbon targets for buildings, with a clear timeline for introducing this in place by the end of
For more information visit: www.whitecode.co.uk
support for regulation is clear, with major developers and industry bodies stepping forward to support the concept of Part Z. I am also seeing a change of mindset coming from within the sector around environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG). These are positive developments that demonstrate a real appetite by companies to accelerate their reduction in carbon emissions. The government needs to recognise that the construction industry is ready and willing for change. The time is now.
We need to look at how functional and adaptable they are and ensure they are designed for assembly so they can be remodelled and repurposed. We can no longer just stick materials together if we want to work towards a whole life-cycle approach.
There has been a great deal of focus trained on the energy efficiency of properties being built and operational emissions, but not enough attention has been paid to the sustainable aspect of the construction process.
The Environmental Audit Committee report published in May 2022)
the biggest indication yet that the government is beginning to listen to our industry which has been actively supporting the concept behind a new Part Z and recognising that, as a result of a lack of policy, no real progress has been made in reducing embodied carbon emissions within the built environment.
Ellen Huelin, Head of Sustainability at Whitecode, investigates the proposed Part Z amendment to the Building Regulations and the importance of embodied carbon regulations.

We also need regulation and quickly, around the use of sustainable construction materials to ensure that as an industry we are working towards net zero. To do this I believe the government needs to incentivise their use and their development. We need to consider the circular economy. We know that we shouldn’t be putting things into landfill and that we should be looking to recycle where possible, but we don’t want to just be able to recycle – we need to be able to re-use construction materials again and again.
Then, it is simply a matter of extending the panels for a precise fit in even the most challenging spaces. Doors and windows remain square, while cutting and wastage are eliminated completely.
The Howick X-TENDA™ 3600 is a new roll-forming system that creates lightweight, sliding telescopic components that make short work of framing, retrofitting or infilling interior walls and ceilings.

Design the panels in the software of your choice and the X-TENDA™ 3600 manufactures all of the components, ready to snap together and carry on site.


X-TENDA™ 3600 is a game changer for framing professionals, cutting installation times by 50%.

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You can always count on Howick steel framing to be 100% straight, job after job. Unfortunately, the same cannot always be said for the spaces it is installed into. Framing uneven spaces means spending extra time trimming and fitting framing on site. The good news is times have changed.
1 2
The concept of Hope Rise was instigated by Bristol Housing Festival – a five-year initiative to test and

At the time of moving in in 2020, four of these young adults were working, four were not in education, employment, or training (NEET) and one was in college. One year on, six were working, one was NEET, one was in college, and one was doing an apprenticeship. Additionally, four ‘Community Builders’ were recruited by YMCA Bristol to move into the two 2-bed homes to live alongside and help foster community spirit with those young adults formerly at risk of homelessness.
deliver innovative housing solutions across the city – in partnership with Bristol City Council. The homes were manufactured by turnkey modular housing company ZED PODS, while the housing support element was provided by YMCA Bristol. The postevaluation report was funded by social justice charity Commonweal Housing.
Zero carbon modular homes built above public car parks could help thousands of vulnerable young adults live in low-cost, sustainable council housing, while supporting them into work and education, following a successful pilot project in Bristol, a new report has shown.

Thousands of zero carbon modular homes above car parks are on the horizon after a successful pilot project in Bristol, that could be the future for housing vulnerable young adults as the ‘cost of living’ crisis deepens.
Ashley Horsey, Chief Executive at Commonweal Housing, said: “Reduced access to mainstream social housing, continued rises in private rents, coupled with an explosion in zero hours contracts for too many entering the world of work, all during an ongoing cost of living crisis has opened the chasm for an ever-growing ‘financial precariat,’. When these systemic housing issues are being navigated by those at risk of homelessness, the need for new imaginative solutions is clear. That is why Commonweal was pleased to be able to support all partners involved in making Hope Rise a reality.”
The ZED PODS zero-operational carbon modular homes were designed and constructed as part of ‘Hope Rise’, a housing project that delivered 11 newly built, one- and two-bedroom homes purpose-built for housing young adults at risk of homelessness. The homes were constructed on an elevated platform above an operational public car park in Bristol, utilising the air-rights above to bring forward much-needed council housing, and retaining 100% of the existing car parking spaces.
The ZED PODS zero operational carbon modular homes were constructed in just six months using its proprietary build system and created homes for young adults identified as being at risk of homelessness. The nine young adults are aged between 20 and 35 and moved-on from a range of housing situations including low support shared housing, sofa surfing and a safe house, three were care leavers including two refugees.
Innovation is everythingContinueyourjourneytonetzeroby
When you’re creating better buildings and healthy homes, innovation really is everything. With new Building Regulations Part L & F now in place, it’s time to future proof and get ahead of the game.

thinking fabric With one of the most innovative combinations of reflective and airtightness membranes on the market, our technical experts can help you value engineer your project and meet energy efficiency targets. technical guidance or to book a presentation, contact us on +44 (0)161 905 5700, email info@glidevaleprotect.com or visit www.glidevaleprotect.com/innovation

Project shown: Zed House - flagship zero carbon home by Barratt Developments Plc For
Airtightness Condensation Control Thermal Efficiency Ventilation


ZED PODS’s concept of utilising airrights over an operational car park to ‘increase’ land-supply has proved highly successful at Chalks Road, Bristol where the homes are located. Research by estate agents Knight Frank shows that as many as 103,000 homes could be built above existing car parking spaces in England, which could hold the key to unlocking tens of thousands of affordable homes for young adults at risk of homelessness, as well as key workers across the country. Meanwhile, research from national youth homelessness charity Centrepoint has found that almost 122,000 young people in the UK approached their council for help, as they were homeless or at-risk in 2021.
The one-bedroom homes cost just £370pcm, while energy bills averaged £46pcm, making them truly affordable to residents in receipt of the Local Housing Allowance. The average price for a one-bedroom flat in Bristol is £1,084pcm, according to real estate firm Zoopla, making these zero-carbon homes two-thirds cheaper than existing local housing stock.
The modular homes are fitted with latest renewable technologies like solar panels on the roof, heat-pumps, and triple glazed doors and windows, making the homes zero-carbon in Tomoperation.Northway,

The project also piloted a peer-topeer support model, in which a team of four ‘Community Builders’ were recruited to live alongside new and existing residents, helping to improve and foster community spirit. Around two thirds of the young adults chose to engage with the Community Builders, who supported individuals with a range of practical, emotional and social needs, including finding work or training opportunities. Support needs that were identified as part of the process included hanging shelves
Off the back of this multi-awardwinning development of 11 homes, ZED PODS now has a pipeline of around 1200 homes, the majority of which will be for affordable and social housing, earmarked for those at risk of homelessness, households on the housing register, and keyworkers. The residents have found that once in their homes they are entirely unaware of the car park. The entirety of the existing car parking space has been retained for the local community. In addition to the new homes, three new electric vehicle car charging stations and cycle storages have been added at the site.
Renhard, Cabinet Member for Bristol City Council, said: “There is a crisis in the availability of affordable housing across the UK. The pressing need to build high-quality, energy-efficient homes, combined with rapidly rising construction costs, is making the delivery of new homes for council tenants increasingly difficult. Hope Rise has shown us that innovation is essential as we seek to deliver homes fit for the future to meet Bristol’s housing need. We hope the learning from this pilot project will lead to the design and delivery of hundreds if not thousands of homes.”
Hope Rise is an innovative mixed community of young adults living in an awardwinning development of eleven newly built modular starter homes, constructed on stilts above an operational public car park in Bristol. This project was brought about through a unique partnership between Bristol City Council, the Bristol Housing Festival, ZED PODS and charity YMCA Bristol, to provide much needed move-on accommodation for young adults, identified as being at risk of homelessness. The thirteen residents moved in between the 20 December 2020 5 January 2021, amid national Covid-19 Tier 4 lockdown restrictions. For Bristol City Council, as well as increasing their stock of move-on accommodation in the City, this innovative scheme (and its Post Occupancy Evaluation), is an opportunity to investigate the potential of this precision engineered MMC housing solution as a way of providing quality new homes at pace. To download a copy of the report into the 12-month long monitoring exercise ‘Hope Rise: Post Occupancy Evaluation Year 1’ visit: www.zedpods.com 3 4
Chairman of ZED PODS, said: “We are extremely pleased with the performance of the building during occupancy which has improved wellbeing of its residents and made a positive impact on local community. This scheme, designed by our inhouse architectural team, and built using our propriety build system, demonstrates how superior energyefficient affordable homes can be built on constrained infill sites. This is an outstanding result of truly collaborative work which have changed lives of young people.”
and pictures, confidence hosting, volunteering in the community, starting an eco-group, work experience, job applications, exam prep and returning to Councilloreducation.Tom
Images: 01. The report Hope Rise: Post Occupancy Evaluation Year 1 02-04. Zero carbon developments using modular construction and superior fabric performance will only grow over the next decade. Courtesy ZED PODS

significant multi-million expansion programme that included the launch of our new SmartSpace semipermanent modular fleet,” says Ron.
“The investment will be made over a period of two years and will include ongoing research and development, manufacturing, and the implementation of additional infrastructure in terms of people, factory equipment and technology,” adds Ron. “We envisage the creation of this additional capacity will help drive the planned growth of our business in the UK over the next 2-3 years where we see significant opportunities to increase market share.
According to McAvoy CEO, Ron Clarke, 2022 has been a significant year in the strategic development of the business which has been marked with investment innovation and peer recognition. “Thanks to ongoing support from our investor, Blantyre Capital, we recently announced a
Innovation & Investment
The decision had been made in response to strong market demand, particularly within the health, education, and commercial sectors in the UK, after McAvoy already secured orders for the new modular SmartSpace range with upcoming projects across the UK and Ireland.

Glen Busby, Director of Modular Rental and Sales at McAvoy, says the first of the new modular units had already been deployed as part of a major health project in England, with the investment having the potential to be a real gamechanger for McAvoy within the modular rental and sales sector. “Our ambition is to significantly increase our market share and to be known as a UK and Irish market leader in the supply of high-quality permanent and accommodationsemi-permanentforrentalorsale. We believe our SmartSpace proposition to be amongst the very best available and with almost 50 years’ experience we have a track record and understanding of the modular offsite industry that is second to none.”
Since its establishment McAvoy has been focused on innovation and this 50th anniversary year, was marked by participation in two ground-breaking industry collaborations.
It’s been just over two years since one of the UK and Ireland’s best known offsite businesses was acquired by certain funds managed by Blantyre Capital Ltd. Since then, the trajectory has been strong across several fronts for McAvoy – not least in terms of financial performance.
Celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, McAvoy, has built a substantial reputation for its high quality and innovative work, primarily across the education, health and commercial sectors. McAvoy is now a major offsite manufacturer and provider of market-leading permanent and semipermanent modular accommodation solutions across the UK and Ireland.
Our market research, underpinned by enquiry levels, has indicated for some time the demand for high quality semipermanent accommodation across health, education and commercial but also within the pharma, manufacturing, and technology sectors, so this decision is all about helping our customers meet those needs.
The company operates a highquality precision engineering and manufacturing facility in Lisburn, Northern Ireland that harnesses the very latest digital technologies. In addition, it has other office locations in London, Dublin, and Oxford (which also has a rental division depot).
“Designed and built to enhanced energy and fire protection standards, this new product provides our customers sustainable and adaptable space solutions. SmartSpace will be one of the newest modular fleets in the UK and Ireland, so this investment will be a significant component of our overall sustainable growth plans.”
serves, including automotive, construction and the external
EJOT’s secure attachments solutions for concrete and other hard base materials complete the package for volumetric building providers. A next generation range of self-tapping screws and anchors for cracked and non-cracked concrete means safe, secure and reliable attachment is easy with the assurance of ETA-approval.

EJOT’s strong track record of supplying engineering screws and innovative fastening systems to fast-moving, highly automated manufacturing plants of all kinds demonstrates how it can help customers maintain quality consistency in jointing at all stages of offsite manufacturing.

For more information visit: www.ejot-volumetric.co.uk
Here in the UK, EJOT’s continuous focus on excellence and elevating expectations helps customers meet the numerous fastening challenges, particularly the goal to ‘build lighter, build stronger’. Its fastening systems are continuously adapting to the changing needs of the sectors it

EJOT helps manufacturersoffsiteand contractors to deliver superior quality buildings through its 100 years of fastening systems expertise spanning both the construction and industrial engineering sectors.

1 2
PARTEL.CO.UKOFFSITEandweatherUnmatchedtightnessprotectionforCONSTRUCTION | TECHNICAL@PARTEL.COM Contact us for detailed guidance on your project. EXOPERM™ MONO SA 250 • Advanced, self-adhesive breathable membrane, with integrated Monolithic Technology • Enables a faster, easier, and safe application for both on-site and factory installation methods PRODUCT INNOVATION

envelope, EJOT is ideally placed as its build-ready innovation has been at the forefront of fastening systems for roofing, cladding and façade systems for nearly 40 years. This has helped facilitate the development of many new types of building systems and construction methodology, and its range of solutions for ETICS (External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems), along with attachment systems for photovoltaic solar panels and green roofs, have long been supporting net zero building goals.
Images: 01-02. EJOT is meeting challenges, particularly the goal to ‘build lighter, build stronger’
latest digital construction technology and offsite methods, McAvoy has been successful in reducing new water demand by more than 30%, reducing operational energy consumption by more than 73% and reducing carbon emissions by almost 60% of the predicted regulated energy use on its largest project to date. With further positive financial results due to be published soon, and an impressive raft of new projects in the offing, McAvoy is looking forward to 2023 with huge optimism.
For more information visit: www.mcavoygroup.com
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) will be a major element in McAvoy’s strategic development.
Images: 01-02. The healthcare and education sectors are prime areas of innovation for modular manufacturers. Merstham Park School and Good Hope Hospital 03. Glen Busby (left), McAvoy Director of Modular Rental and Sales and Ron Clarke, CEO, 04. McAvoyMcAvoycelebrated its 50th Anniversary this year

additional ongoing investment across the business over the next three years, particularly in relation to digital technology, recruitment and people development,
Sandpit has been developed with input from Department for Education and, in addition to a Health Sandpit, will be located at the Manufacturing & Technology Centre (MTC in Coventry. The objective is that this will provide a safe place to test, learn and develop, thereby benefitting the schools and hospitals of the future.

Seismic: Delivered by a consortium of seven companies including McAvoy, Seismic is a new platform-based approach to construction using standard, repeatable components that can be configured according to client requirements. It offers a way of boosting sector productivity, improving quality and safety, minimising waste and reducing carbon impact. Designed with the latest in digital and manufacturing technologies, the results demonstrate that projects can be delivered up to 33% faster, 32% lower in carbon and 47% better value, when compared with typical modular construction.
Sandpit: McAvoy is one of a number of contractors working with Balfour Beatty on an Education Sandpit project, that has been established by the Construction Innovation Hub. Through the creation of three structural frame systems (steel, precast concrete and engineered timber) the sandpit will enable the demonstration of interoperability between the systems and different suppliers. The Education
42 3
Amongst some of the key project successes in the past year were a 2,300sq m school for children with Special Autism Needs at Cavendish – the world’s first International Baccalaureate special free school, a 6,850sq m, 900-place Low Carbon Pathfinder School for the Department for Education at Redhill and the securing of a ten-year rental contract for two 48 bed wards for University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation
“Like any ambitious business we know our growth strategy must be underpinned by a robust ESG strategy,” adds Ron. “We have a dedicated team focused on ensuring our ESG strategy will deliver clear outcomes that include a clear transition plan for the company to meet the government’s target of achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050, excellence in areas of diversity equality and inclusion and a comprehensive strategy to ensure mission critical operations can continue during any

With a façade system for virtually every scenario and almost limitlless choice of colours and finishes, we can help you create truly iconic buildings
Uncompromised Design and Specification Flexibility
Highly-durable and weather-resistant insulated cladding systems, typically used on lightweight steel framed structures to create a void between the cladding and the sheathed framed structure. Available in a render or brick slip façade finish.
Our Swisspearl through-wall system offers numerous design options with an extensive selection of finishes, joints fastenings and panel formats.
With a façade system for virtually every scenario and almost limitlless choice of colours and finishes, we can help you create truly iconic buildings
Highly versatile, lightweight yet strong, SLIPFAST® offers many cost and time-saving benefits as well as a 60 year design life.
The brick carrier system is supplied direct with pre-installed rails, ready to receive pre-formed clay brick-slips, which are then pointed and sealed on site (no adhesive needed).
Highly-durable and weather-resistant insulated cladding systems, typically used on lightweight steel framed structures to create a void between the cladding and the sheathed framed structure. Available in a render or brick slip façade finish.
Swisspearl™ System
Highly versatile, lightweight yet strong, SLIPFAST® offers many cost and time-saving benefits, as well as a 60 year design life.
RendaClad® System
Uncompromised Design and Specification Flexibility
Highly-durable and weather-resistant insulated cladding systems, typically used on lightweight steel framed structures to create a void between the cladding and the sheathed framed structure. Available in a render or brick slip façade finish.
Swisspearl coloured fibre cement panels give façades individuality, character, texture, colour and, very importantly, a highly effective protective layer.
Swisspearl coloured fibre cement panels give façades individuality, character, texture, colour and, very importantly, a highly effective protective layer.
A world of possibilitie s
Our Swisspearl through-wall system offers numerous design options with an extensive selection of finishes, joints fastenings and panel formats.
EWI Cavity Systems
Our Swisspearl through-wall system offers numerous design options with an extensive selection of finishes, joints fastenings and panel formats.
RendaClad® System
A seamless rendered or brick slip rainscreen system on to LSF or timber framed structures. Increasing the speed of construction, it reduces the building modern methods of construction.
Swisspearl™ System
A seamless rendered or brick slip rainscreen system on to LSF or timber framed structures. Increasing the speed of construction, it reduces the building modern methods of construction.
Swisspearl coloured fibre cement panels give façades individuality, character, texture, colour and, very importantly, a highly effective protective layer.
EWI Cavity Systems
The brick carrier system is supplied direct with pre-installed rails, ready to receive pre-formed clay brick-slips, which then pointed and sealed on site (no adhesive needed).
With a façade system for virtually every scenario and almost limitless choice of colours and finishes, we can help you create truly iconic buildings
A fast track, mechanically fixed clay brick slip system, designed for offsite, modular and site-based construction.
With a façade system for virtually every scenario and almost limitlless choice of colours and finishes, we can help you create truly iconic buildings

EWI Cavity Systems
Uncompromised Design and Specification Flexibility
A2A1A1A2 A2
A world of possibilitie s
A world of possibilitie s
A fast track, mechanically fixed clay brick slip system, designed for offsite, modular and site-based construction.

A world of possibilitie s
RendaClad® System
SLIPFAST® Mechanically Fixed Brick Slip System
The brick carrier system is supplied direct with pre-installed rails, ready to receive pre-formed clay brick-slips, which are then pointed and sealed on site (no adhesive needed).
Uncompromised Design and Specification Flexibility
A fast track, mechanically fixed clay brick slip system, designed for offsite, modular and site-based construction. Highly versatile, lightweight yet strong, SLIPFAST® offers many cost and time-saving benefits as well as a 60 year design life.
Swisspearl™ System
A seamless rendered or brick slip rainscreen system on to LSF or timber framed structures. Increasing the speed of construction, it reduces the building modern methods of construction.
SLIPFAST® Mechanically-Fixed Brick Slip System

Mechanically Fixed Brick Slip System
to seal in the appearance and colour to provide a
ertech™ Weatherboard System
Fully-ventilated rainscreen cladding system which has an appearance of traditional timber cladding but the durability and strength of cellulose fibre cement.
Insulated façade system that can be applied to SFS structures in an offsite or site-based environment.
kpanel™ System
EWI Direct Fix Systems
Key benefits include superior thermal efficiency, speed of installation and design flexibility.
Luxe Coat Aluminium Façade System
Luxe Coat Aluminium Façade System
A2 A1 A1 A2A1 T: 0845
Through-wall system with coloured solid aluminium panels. Its light weight and high strength-to-weight ratio offer superior handling and resilience, while its fire reaction and insulating properties help provide safety and energy efficiency.
Through-wall system with coloured solid aluminium Its light weight and high strength-to-weight offer superior handling and resilience, while its reaction and insulating properties help provide and energy efficiency. 519 8641 benx.co.uk
Insulated façade system that can be applied to SFS structures in an offsite or site-based environment.
Fully-ventilated rainscreen cladding system which has an appearance of traditional timber cladding but the durability and strength of cellulose fibre cement.
Coat Aluminium Façade stem
in the appearance and colour to provide a
EWI Direct Fix Systems
Key benefits include superior thermal efficiency, speed of installation and design flexibility.
Rockpanel™ System
Supertech Weatherboards are coated at our inhouse automated facility, offering a wide range of colour options.
Manufactured using compressed natural basalt (a readily available volcanic rock) bonded together with an organic binder, Rockpanel façades are sustainable and environmentally friendly. The boards to seal in the appearance and colour to provide a
A2 A1 A1 A2A1A2A2A1 T: 0845 519 8641
WI Direct Fix Systems
A2A1 T: 0845 519 8641 benx.co.uk Visit StandUsK6

Through-wall system with coloured solid aluminium panels. Its light weight and high strength-to-weight ratio offer superior handling and resilience, while its fire reaction and insulating properties help provide safety and energy efficiency. benx.co.uk
Rockpanel™ System
Manufactured using compressed natural basalt (a available volcanic rock) bonded together organic binder, Rockpanel façades are sustainable and environmentally friendly. The boards
Supertech™ Weatherboard System
boards are coated at our inhouse automated facility, offering a wide range of
Insulated façade system that can be applied to SFS structures in an offsite or site-based environment. Key benefits include superior thermal efficiency, speed of installation and design flexibility.

Supertech™ Weatherboard System
Manufactured using compressed natural basalt (a readily available volcanic rock) bonded together with an organic binder, Rockpanel façades are sustainable and environmentally friendly. The boards
Fully-ventilated rainscreen cladding system which has an appearance of traditional timber cladding but the durability and strength of cellulose fibre cement.

Supertech Weatherboards are coated at our inhouse automated facility, offering a wide range of colour options.

Images: 01. BeA Autotec 288 02. BeA Autotec stapler
A Complete Service
BeA also offer our customers an excellent service. This includes professional advice from our experts and field sales advisors, fast and on time delivery and both internal and mobile technical support tailored to our customers needs when it comes to maintenance and repair.
For more information visit: www.knauf.co.uk
Staplers and nailers remain the core products from BeA, more recently our range of automatic solutions for larger scale manufacturing have seen increasing demand from offsite and timber manufacturing.

The Airless Spray Finish is a quick and easily applied alternative to traditional gypsum plasters for interior use. The product is sprayed directly onto plasterboard, giving a fine finish ready for painting. Knauf Airless is easy to apply and therefore popular with contractors working with multi-skilled tradespeople rather than specialist trades and is perfect for use in a factory environment.
For more information visit: www.bea-group.uk
The product provides a clean application process which greatly reduces water requirements and has near zero waste. Appealing for modular construction is the fact that the finish retains some flexibility once dry, removing the problem of cracking when the completed module is moved to Flooringsite.
Fully Automatic AUTOTEC for Offsite Manufacturing
BeA have semi-automatic and fully automated fastening solutions capable of reducing costs and further improving production efficiencies. Autotec is BeA’s fully automatic system with a full range of framing nail guns, coil nail guns and staplers.
with which the interior finishes can be completed.
Images: 01. Knauf solutions are commonplace in a many offsite developments

In recent years in the UK, BeA has seen increasing demand from many offsite and structural timber manufacturers, with a focus on housebuilding. The offsite industry has some unique and specific construction challenges; the type and quality standards of fixings are very often bespoke to this sector. By working closely with some of the major manufacturers, BeA has actively developed specific fixings, fasteners, tools and manufacturing automation to satisfy this fast-growing sector.
is another area where Knauf UK & Ireland offers an appropriate solution. Buildings destined for public use such as hospitals or schools need a robust and resilient floor which, in traditional builds would most likely have been provided by a poured concrete screed. The lightweight alternative is Knauf GIFA dry screed flooring. This high-density screed panel is provided in a tongue-andgroove interlocking flooring system that is quick to install and needs no drying time. It also substantially reduces the amount of water used on-site adding further to the speed
Knauf UK & Ireland provide a long-established, innovative and increasingly sophisticated range of products and solutions developed with the offsite market in mind.
The range of drywall, ceilings and flooring products from Knauf are all popular for offsite products, but two stand-out products proving particularly in demand are the Airless Spray Finish and GIFA flooring.
BeA Fastening Systems Ltd is part of the successful global group BeA GmBH and have been in the fastening business for 50 years in the UK. BeA manufacture fixings and fastening for construction and industrial sectors across the world.
Across Europe and worldwide, BeA’s fastening technology, tools and consumables are the trusted choice for some of the biggest and best known names in timber frame and offsite construction. manufacture an extensive range of market leading fasteners, nails, staples and tools. We offer customers: offsite
Power Clamp – lifting device for transportation of solid panels and beams.

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The benefits of concrete’s robustness and durability extend far beyond
At the core of circular economy thinking is material efficiency and waste avoidance. Offsite construction, in all its forms, offers benefits in this regard and precast concrete is no exception – with factory-based production and just-in-time delivery, site wastage rates can be dramatically reduced. Offsite concrete benefits particularly from low factory wastage thanks to reusable forms and volumes of batched concrete matched to need. In addition, its robustness and resilience mean less packaging is needed with large panels simply lifted straight off the delivery vehicle, ready for assembly on-site.
Elaine Toogood, Director, Architecture & Sustainable Design at MPA The Concrete Centre, explores the opportunities and benefits of MMC concrete to support a more circular economy.
The construction industry is developing a much greater understanding of carbon impacts across the entire lifecycle of buildings and materials, from embodied carbon at construction, to operational energy efficiency, to what happens at end-of-

Therelife. is also a growing recognition among government, industry and the public that we urgently need to transform our linear take-make-dispose economic model into a circular one and that this can also offer significant carbon reductions. Applying this to construction with shifts in behaviour, innovative design and developments in concrete based MMC, we can ensure we build more sustainably with longevity, efficiency and waste reduction in mind.
Material efficiency
materials delivery. Retaining and reusing a structure can help extend a building’s life for as long as possible and extract the maximum value from it. These benefits are increasingly recognised by designers, developers and planners and there are numerous examples of precast concrete structures being given a new lease of life. This is often categorised as retrofit which belies its very real circular economy benefits, especially if the building is already over 50-60 years old, the current accepted design life for most contemporary buildings. The conversion of Centrepoint from office to residential is one well known example. As is ORMS’ conversion of Camden council’s old offices into a boutique hotel chain – The Standard. In each of these, both the precast concrete facades and internal
Offsite concrete construction already enables long life buildings, structures and elements to provide immediate value and well into the future. As industry starts to embrace a more circular economy, we can expect yet more exciting innovations and examples of good practice to help keep those wheels in motion.
Since offsite solutions are designed for site assembly, the leap towards enabling their disassembly seems straightforward. Interesting recent examples of prefabricated concrete structures designed specifically to be disassembled for reuse elsewhere include the Circle House, Denmark’s first circular housing scheme using precast concrete components, and the ‘D-Frame’ structural system developed by Laing O’Rourke. Greater standardisation of construction elements can also be seen as unlocking the potential of this Deconstruction,approach.
We can also maximise the lifespan of components by designing them to be disassembled and reused elsewhere. This is commonly applied to elements likely to be replaced more frequently, such as fixtures and fittings, but is being increasingly considered for more substantial elements such as cladding. Designing the less permanent layers or parts of a building to be easily removed and replaced serves not only to reduce waste but helps extend the longevity of the underlying structure by making it easier to upgrade it.
structures were retained, requiring little more than a clean to be reused.
Structural precast concrete elements can also be designed for disassembly and reuse. Today, this tends to be limited to elements that are expected to be in place for relatively short periods of time, such as stairs and stadium seating, fencing, barriers and paving. The upper tiers of London’s 2012 Olympic stadium, for example, were designed so that they can be reused elsewhere, though for now they continue to fulfil their original function.
Courtesy Laing O’Rourke
instead of demolition is likely to become more commonplace, when a structure does reach end-of-life. Buildings will be dismantled with more consideration given to maintaining materials at their highest value for potential reuse.

Courtesy Timothy Soar 03. Patented De- and Re-constructable modular concrete D-Frame structure.
Images: 01-02. The Standard, London.
Design for disassembly
For more information visit: www.concretecentre.com
Recycling and concrete
In Norway there is already a draft standard for the reuse of hollow core concrete planks.

When concrete does reach the end of its life, it can be, and generally is, recycled. Most of concrete’s mass is aggregates, and when recycled, it becomes aggregate again. Some
This is testament to concrete’s durability. According to the design standards for a concrete frame located internally (a ‘low exposure’ environment) no additional measures are required to achieve a service life of over 100 years compared to 50. The inherent low maintenance requirements of a concrete structure, and its resilience to fire and the impacts of water, mean that it can remain serviceable over a long period, with the potential for multiple reuses during its lifetime.
In fact, most concrete currently contains some recycled material, and often upcycling materials from other industries such as GGBS and fly ash as cementitious content, and China Clay waste, which has similar properties to primary aggregates and is commonly used as an alternative in some parts of the country. Here, one part of the industry’s waste is another’s raw material. On top of this, there are many exciting research projects that seek to use local waste resources in concrete – from coffee grounds to oyster shells – further promoting the reuse of local, secondary materials in construction.
The key to optimising this inherent longevity therefore lies in the way that it is designed. The ‘long life loose fit’ approach to design is well established and can ensure future functionality of structures through consideration of spans, optimum loads, regular grids and generous floor-to-ceiling heights. The many lessons being learned through current retrofit projects will also help inform the futureproofing of today’s new buildings.
of this makes its way back into new concrete, but most recycled aggregate, which comes from reprocessing of various inorganic material previously used in construction, such as masonry rubble, is used ‘unbound’ as sub-base materials, fill and hardcore. Already, over 90% of the UK’s hard construction, demolition, and excavation waste, is diverted from landfill for use elsewhere in construction.
shape of the stair cores, PCE and Peri designed a special platform that split into three parts, which could be lifted out in less than ten minutes, with its repositioning for the next level in the same time frame.
As each level was the essentially the same, the number of crane lifts were carefully choreographed, including the placement of loose reinforcement and other supplies, enabling them to be positioned in the same location on each floor level to ensure effective ease of locating and use by the onsite team. The strict tolerances required at each level were maintained with the positioning of loose reinforcement needed for structural connections,
Not only did the finalised schedule give clear direction to the on-site workforce regarding the operations scheduled for completion on any given day, but it also gave the offsite manufacturing facilities plenty of notice with their production planning and delivery scheduling, to ensure the right product arrived at site on the correct day and at the right time.
Work is well advanced at Assembly in Bristol, where a precast concrete and advanced kit of parts approach is part of offsite construction delivering repetition, cost and project efficiency.
Precast concrete from PCE and its HybriDfMA offsite Frame Systems has been employed at Building C of property developer Bell Hammer‘s development with Galliford Try as main Ascontractor.11outof the 13 levels were virtually identical, it was clear that this project would provide significant efficiency opportunities due to the repetition of offsite manufactured components. This enabled the PCE site team to develop
a construction plan and programme which provided each day’s onsite assembly sequences for every level. These were drilled down to onehour slots over the thirteen-day per level cycle and were identical in task requirements and timings from one level to the next.
Assembly is a new landmark mixed use development. Building A is a 200,000sq ft HQ office building completing in 2021 which has been let in its entirety to BT. Starting Q4 2020, the second phase comprises Buildings B and C which are 27,000 and 92,000sq ft respectively and are due to top out in September 2022 and complete in Q2 2023.
Safe access of personnel to each floor level as the assembly of the building progressed, was of the paramount importance. During the planning stage, PCE liaised with PERI regarding the deployment of its proprietary systems, enabling access to each level through the four lift cores with the system projecting past the working level each time as the building progressed upwards. This enabled the erection crew operatives the opportunity to remove lifting gear from the top of the next level of walls at chest height, instead of working from additional
For more information visit: www.bellhammer.co.ukwww.assemblybristol.comwww.pceltd.co.uk
Images: 01-03. Precast concrete, repeatability and offsite delivery is creating a landmark building for Bristol. Courtesy PCE Ltd

Darren Waller, PCE’s Senior Project Manager commented: “The process of determining and implementing the required 13 day repeat schedule was the result of collaborative conversations and planning by the whole PCE team involved with the project. It is often said that success can depend upon repeating good decisions, day in and day out, and avoiding repetition of poorer ones. From the first of the repetitive floor levels, we learnt where a few instances of our initial plan could be further improved for future benefit on the other repetitive levels, and this fine-tuning approach coupled with the initial in-depth repetition plan development has proved invaluable for the successful delivery this project.”
metal jigs were manufactured and used to ensure fast and accurate positioning of the bars preventing potential clash problems as the assembly continued.

NMITE, so I encourage them to make the most of this opportunity.”
Timber Technology Engineering Design 1 (TED 1) is a 12-week blended course composed of online distance learning and three on-campus challenge sprints of one week each. The Timber Technology Engineering Design 2 (TED 2) 12-week course will begin in January 2023, for those who have completed TED 1.
According to the Women’s Engineering Society, women account for only 14% of the engineering workforce in the UK and only 15% of engineering undergraduates in the UK are female. Every student joining NMITE in September 2022, regardless of gender or background, will receive a £2,000 bursary with females receiving a further £3,000.

The New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering (NMITE) has announced a £5,000 scholarship for every woman who will be joining their undergraduate master’s degree in Integrated Engineering programme in September 2022.
NMITE’s She/Her =Future Engineer scholarship aims to attract more women in to engineering by offering a competitive funding package specifically for specifically for females, or those who identify as female, wanting to further their education in engineering. “The engineering industry has told us time and again that there is desperate need for more diversity in the sector. NMITE has pledged to recruit a genderequal student population, and these scholarships will enable us to attract a wider diversity of undergraduate engineers with greater gender representation,” said NMITE President and CEO Professor Elena RodriguezFalcon.
Natasha Tait, a member of NMITE’s Pioneer Cohort, says: “I switched to NMITE after beginning my engineering degree at a different university which wasn’t right for me. Moving university was a tough decision to make and I was concerned about finances, but I realised that NMITE was really the place I wanted to be. My experience so far has exceeded my expectations and I am excited to come in every day and learn. The scholarship funding will alleviate some of the worries about paying for Higher Education, as it did for me. I think any woman who wants to see a change in the world can find their chance to make that change at
Also launched are two short courses in Timber Technology Engineering Design to help upskill and reskill UK built environment professionals. NMITE is now offering both a BEng and MEng in Integrated Engineering, is launching two new short CPD courses. Delivered in partnership with Timber Development UK and Edinburgh Napier University, the first course started in September 2022.
Building new skillsets and developing a wider, more diverse workforce are central to the successful growth and futureproofing of UK construction and the offsite sector.
Both courses aim to build a community of knowledge in timber as a building material, contribute to the UK’s understanding of sustainable building, and provide a generation of timber professionals with an understanding of the principles of timber design construction and engineering methods within the context of the built environment. NMITE says, as well as in
NMITE is supported by engineering businesses, the Herefordshire community, Herefordshire Council, Olin College of Engineering (USA), professional engineering bodies and the UK Government, which awarded up to £23million in initial funding. £8million of this funding was awarded by the Marches LEP via its Growth Deal with Government with details provided in two separate announcements in October and November 2019 regarding our redesigned city centre location, Blackfriars, and the building of a new campus Centre on Hereford’s Enterprise Zone, Skylon Park.
Abi Parsons has joined the Dorset-based company from MASS Concrete, where she was Head of Sales and Marketing. She is just one of eight new appointments at Rollalong, which has experienced a busy 2022 so far across the residential, defence, education and healthcare sectors. Among the other new recruits to join the company are: Ian Smicle-Thompson

For more information visit: www.nmite.ac.uk
Designer). As Business Development Manager Abi is responsible for tendering via frameworks and for seeking new business opportunities in the residential sector, as well for liaising with Rollalong’s external marketing and PR agency. “I was specifically looking for a design-led manufacturing business with a link to architecture or product design,” said Abi. “I have a background in CAD, marketing and sales in bespoke furniture, solar PV and aesthetic concrete. This role is quite different, but in a very positive way, and I’m absolutely loving it so far. I’m very happy to learn and I’m up for the challenge. “We have a fantastic product at Rollalong and it’s been amazing to learn about the pattern book design of homes that we have developed with Magna Housing and Wiltshire Council as well as the land-led opportunities we are working on with our parent company the Newship Group. I’m really excited to see these opportunities develop.” “I hope to remain at Rollalong and I already consider this a long-term role. I’m striving for growth within my sector and I’m happy to work hard in order to achieve this. I’d like to say a huge thank you to Managing Director Steve Chivers, Sales Manager Nigel Allen and all of the team for making me feel so welcome and for offering such great support at all times.” For more information visit: www.rollalong.co.uk 3
Quantity Surveyor), Aaron Staples and Ian Harman (Quantity Surveyors), Céline Brard

Assistant), Lynn Robinson (Quality Compliance Officer) and Dumitru Ipate
In time for September, NMITE’s new Centre for Advanced Timber Technology (CATT) building has been handed over. Prof. Robert Hairstans who was appointed as CATT’s Founding Director in March 2021 to lead the development and delivery of the building and to help establish it as the leading national location in timber education said: “We are delighted to see how fast things have moved in the last year. These two new courses will reach new audiences, outside our Integrated Engineering BEng and MEng students, attracting attendees from the UK and internationally. It shows both the speed at which NMITE can move, the role it can play in delivering both degree programmes
the UK it expects the courses to attract attention internationally in regions where timber construction is prevalent.
and short courses, and therefore the impact we will have in timber Witheducation.”thenumber of women working in the construction industry rising – an estimated 37% of new entrants into construction coming from higher education being female – the number of courses, recruitment drives and initiatives to drive gender equality within the workplace, will hopefully help bring a fresh impetus to revitalising the built environment.
Images: 01-03. More women and diverse talent entering the construction, manufacture and engineering sectors will drive long lasting change. Courtesy CSIC
Associate Professor Aghlab AlAttili, academic lead says: “We have developed the courses to appeal to a wide range of Built Environment Professionals, working full or part-time in architecture firms and construction companies including designers, architectural assistants or those involved in technical sales. There is currently no CPD course that directly addresses timber in construction on this scale of detail with the same degree of academic rigour and associated learning techniques which address the market need.”

“This study has proven to be a litmus test of where the industry is heading within the next twenty years,” added Russell Haworth. “Seeing more women and greater diversity entering the workforce will only continue its upward trajectory. With so much interest from young people our next challenge is turning interest into long and fruitful careers.”
New research from construction data platform NBS reveals that construction has now become a desirable career path for UK school leavers and young adults, with 56% now considering it an 'attractive' profession with plenty of prospects.
The poll included diversity-related questions and found marked improvement in a sector which has struggled to be inclusive for decades. Highlighting the fact that construction has been made to be more inclusive, 57% of females also stated that they consider construction to be a generally ‘diverse’ industry.
Over a third flagged they were interested in construction because they see it as an industry ‘going through a massive, positive change’. This might reflect a growing public awareness over the past few years around the sector’s growing diversity, greater digital adoption and greener approaches to business. Emphasising the impact innovation is having on the industry, three quarters of respondents also recognised that ‘a lot’ or a ‘fair amount’ of technology is used in contemporary construction.
that Millennials and Gen Z aren’t interested in highly skilled occupations, ‘Engineer’, particular structural and civils roles, ranked number two when it came to the list of most sought-after jobs. This was second only to ‘Healthcare Professional’ in popularity.
Drilling down, 8% were specifically interested an architectural career, potentially indicating why so many young people appear interested in
Now over a fifth of women are ‘very interested' in construction as a career, showing scope for an influx of female employees following A-level and university results day.
However, a similar number are being actively dissuaded by peers and family to take a job in the industry. It shows whilst personal attitudes are changing, sector misconceptions persist, which must be overcome. Mirudhula Ponraj, 26, a Technical Trainee Assistant at Bellway Homes, said, “It's interesting to hear that more women are interested in construction. Great strides are being made in terms of inclusion, but we know more work still needs to be done for the sector to represent 21st century Britain. With schemes such as Women into Construction, I'm optimistic that we'll see more change in the next ten

NBS quizzed 2,000 18–29-year-olds across the UK regarding construction as a potential vocation, yielding surprising, but refreshingly positive results. This will come as welcome news to a sector that saw job vacancies hit an all-time high (49,000) earlier this Importantly,year.
the survey indicates a distinct cultural shift in attitudes amongst younger generations, in part, helped by the growing number of digital opportunities available and extensive media attention around the sector’s use of industry-leading tech, dispelling the myth that construction is a dead-end career. Russell Haworth CEO of NBS, said: “It’s clear that perceptions around construction are changing. Young people now realise it’s not the dull, dangerous, and dirty job as mislabelled for years by educators and career advisors. It’s great to see such an uptick in interest following some very lean years recruitment-wise. The challenge for the sector now is to jump on this opportunity, we must not miss it as has previously been the case.”
For more information visit: www.thenbs.com
a misconception that construction is all about muddy boots and strong shoulders, today's industry is so much more. I studied Building Information Modelling (BIM) at uni. The fifth of women mentioned in NBS’ study looking to enter the industry might be surprised to learn that roles can be incredibly diverse. The next generation now have the opportunity to work with technical programmes and computer systems, utilising brains over Dismissingbrawn.”stereotypes
making their mark in construction. Almost a third stated a passion for architecture and a similar number wanted to ‘create a better physical’ world, further supporting Gen Z’s growing reputation as the ‘sustainability generation’, regarding greener construction as a route to a lower carbon future.
Despite an uplift in interest from a younger generation looking to make their way in the industry, another recent study by the Association of Colleges (AoC) found skills shortages amongst staff looking to teach construction are stalling progress. Putting the problem into context, 85% of further education colleges have struggled to secure staff to teach the relevant subjects.
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