elcome to my passion & excitement: teaching
When you are in open, unconditional contact with your-
humans to have open contact experiences with
self and your natural world, you will raise your frequency
our galactic family, nature, elementals, mythical beings,
and open the door further to be in contact more con-
and animal spirits. My intention is to be the bridge for you
sciously with your higher self, thus your galactic family. It
to see how this is very possible, natural, and beneficial for
is an inside job!
your everyday life. Our natural way of being.
All humans are hybrid; we were born here on this sacred I am a hybridized human; I am here upon Earth as a
Earth; she is our mother. Our DNA structure is deeply
preparer, living in open contact consciously with my ex-
reflective and coded with our galactic lineage and that of
tra-terrestrial family & Gaia since I was a young child.
the oversoul. Therefore, open contact, open communication with our extra-terrestrial extradimensional family
It is usual for me to be taken aboard crafts,
is one of the most natural ways of being for
to have experiences with the Maze
(greys), my hybrid children and counterparts, and a wide
However, we can have pro-
range of galactic beings.
gramming and negative be-
Being schooled on crafts
liefs, fractures of trauma
and in communication
that tell us otherwise.
with ET beings has Why is open contact
always felt natural
relevant? It is an
to me; to be honest
expansion, a natural
more natural than
evolution in humani-
humans in many
ty’s consciousness,
in knowing thyself,
living as a multidi-
I have also lived in
O p e n C o n ta c t contact with Gaia from a young age, realizing Gaia was communicating, by listening and running with the wind,
mensional being.
The method I use to live in open contact is astral projection.
talking with the trees and elementals, and living with no separation.
It’s more than a method, it is in the structure of our being.
As exciting as open contact is, it truly begins within, in
Astral Projection is a true inner body experience, not an
with ET beings when we do not know our own inner uni-
attuning with all that you are, aligning your 3rd/4th den-
knowing thyself. How can we hope to have open contact verse or communicate with our Earth?
MAR-APR 2022
outer body experience. When astral projecting you are sity-perceiving mind with a higher self-version of you.