Radiant Magazine

Page 1



The Craft



One of three Cosmic Ascension guided meditation CD’s

The online magazine for Holistic Living

Radiant people!

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WIN! 06 Emotions - Hope 09 The Mindset Gardener – Part 2 Planting & Sowing 12 Chromotherapy – Green & Yellow 18 Hypnotherapy – Change for good 20 Retreat - Fivelements Puri Ahimsa, Bali 29 The Tarot - The Emperor & The Heirophant 26 Poem - Emerging into spring 30 The vibrational energy of numbers – 2013 32 Win one of three Cosmic Ascension CD’s from Vikki Lightweaver 34 Crystals – Green Aventurine 36 The Craft – Ostara

One of three Cosmic Ascension CD’s p32

39 S pell – A simple candle room cleanse 40 NLP – Changing channels 42 Enter the Magical Realm of Patrick Gambles’ Psychic and Spiritual Art... 56 Walking on air – Kansa Vatki Foot Massage 58 Superfoods – Almonds 60 Recipe – Gorgonzola risotto with Isle of Man Queenies 62 Profile of a medium – Terri Lake 66 Spotlight on – Spirit Haven 68 Journey of the spirit 72 Magical Wishes – Weight loss 74 Contact



Greetings and welcome to issue four of Radiant Magazine...

Cover art by Jena Della Grottaglia www.autumnsgoddess.com

Email us any questions you have about Mind, Body, Spirit and we’ll get one of our experts to reply. questions@radiantmagazine.co.uk

I would like to begin by thanking all of our wonderful contributors that help to create the heart, passion and joy within the pages of the magazine and enable us to sprinkle our radiance like fairy dust. Everyone needs a little magic and fairy dust in their lives! We have 2 new pages to celebrate - a room cleanse Spell page and a weight loss Wish page, do try these at home! Our luxurious retreat on p20 is the Fivelements Puri Ahimsa in beautiful Bali, the photographs are stunning - this has been added to my ‘To do’ list! Something that has been on my ‘To do’ list for a number of years now is a treck to Machu Picchu, Peru - read Dr Sheri Rosenthals’ personal journey of discovery on the Inca trail, p66. On p42 we invite you to enter the magical realm of Patrick Gambles’ psychic and spiritual art... a breath-taking collection of magical paintings, imbued with messages from the world of spirit. Which links seamlessly onto ‘Spirit Haven’, a place of light, love and laughter, our featured business on page 64. As the days become lighter and we see the signs of new life all around us, Spring is in the air! It is impossible not to feel inspired and blessed by Mother Nature and our fabulous English weather. I love the change of seasons! Time to shed the weight of winter and embrace the lightness of Spring (note to self need to get back to the gym)! Wishing you love, light and abundant blessings on your journey!

Samantha x Editor

Radiant Magazine is owned and published by Flush Design. No part of this electronic magazine may be reproduced without the written consent of Radiant Magazine. 2 Old Bank House, Acle, Norfolk NR13 3DY © Radiant Magazine 2013 All rights reserved.

OUR Contributors Jena Della Grottaglia Sandra Boatman Jenny Eaton Patrick Gamble Vikki Fosdal

Sarah McRobert Sharon Kidd Terri Lake Pauline Street Graeme Kidd

Ani Barker Sheri Rosenthal Ursula Oak Trish Abbott




s Hope the best emotional state there is, as it brings with it anticipation, excitement, motivation, happiness, courage, confidence and inspiration? Hope is closely linked to happiness and optimism, and the three of them together form a virtuous circle - each one both supporting and helping to create the other two, leading to hopeful, happy, optimistic people! Interestingly, while happiness is based on biology (chemical changes within the body producing feelgood hormones), and optimism is something we are born with (or not!), hope is learned. It can therefore be developed, and we owe it to ourselves to be more aware of its role, its power in our lives and how it can be generated. There are great gifts to be discovered when we become better at understanding our emotions, especially those we usually take for granted, or perhaps, don’t notice. Hope has such a positive effect on our lives. It opens our minds up to limitless possibilities, and gives us a belief that things can get better. It creates opportunities for change, for innovation, and it brings with it self-confidence and a sense of expansion as our desire and ability to create something new, different and better grows. It is truly one of the best


“When you have lost hope, you have lost everything. And when you think all is lost, when all is dire and bleak, there is always hope.� Pittacus Lore


motivators. It lifts the spirits and brings saying it can lead to disappointment energy, vitality and persistence, even if our hopes are not realised, which in the face of setbacks. of course, is true. However, if we Being better acquainted with hope are honest, realistic and recognise means that we can also discover when hope is false, we can use this when it is time to give up on it. wonderful state to empower ourselves Optimism is very generalised, but and inspire others, and literally make hope is considered to be situational. the world a better place. Hope is a This means that we can recognise necessary part of all our lives. Fear just when something in our lives no longer keeps us stuck. has any positive future (perhaps There are strategies we can use for a relationship or career). Often, fostering hope in our lives, and training unfortunately, we have invested much our minds to be hopeful. These include time, effort and energy into making focusing on: l The positives in our life, and in it work, but the hope that things will the world improve one day may be a fantasy. l Being grateful By deliberately relinquishing hope we l Inspirational music and books become empowered by the choice l Inspirational people who have we made, and then we see that our created out of adversity, against energies will be better used in a new seemingly impossible odds direction. l Exceptions to the rule When we fail to see this choice, we l Laughter and humour can start to feel hopeless, which brings It is well worth giving hope a in a whole negative range of emotions, boost every day so that we live and states of being - helplessness, in that magical place of excited despair, sadness, fear, and worst of all expectation and are motivated to look – apathy and inaction. Hopelessness, for the positive and notice by its very nature, and the opportunities. It frees us from absence of any sense of wellBy deliberately old, narrow ways of thinking. being, encourages us to give up And then - anything can and do nothing. relinquishing hope Hope becomes the only way we become empowered happen! When there is no out, and it comes into play by the choice we made, attachment to the outcome, when the things are bad. It gets and then we see that hope allows us to play the us through the tough times – just our energies will be game of life, turning up and the thought of a brighter future, contributing to each day a better tomorrow. better used in a new energised, alive and already Everyone has a varying direction. fulfilled. degree of hope within them Hope gives us the power at all times, and we have all to change our outlook, and therefore experienced hopelessness (generally how we see and experience the world. at the failure or loss of something really It is not a promise, but it is an important to us), but sometimes hope is invitation – to enjoy possibility. something which we don’t notice until Become more aware of hope in your it’s gone. life, use it consciously, it can transform. Some believe that hope is a wasted Every day simply ask yourself “What emotional state, as it keeps our would it be like if…..?” and then go attention in the future and out of the and enjoy! present. Others are frightened of it, Sandra Boatman, Insights and Inspirations 01953 455500 www.insightsandinspirations.co.uk


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Neil Lawson 07836 545 382 neil@backtorights.com www.BackToRights.com www.facebook.com/BackToRightsMassage

Advertising in Radiant Magazine starts at just ÂŁ50 Email for more information: samantha@radiant-magazine.co.uk

Or find us on facebook: facebook.com/radiantmag


The Mindset Gardener 3 steps to a flourishing life... The second of a 3 part series by Jenny Eaton, Director of The Eos Programme for Women

Step 2

Planting and Sowing In part 1 of your Mindset Gardener, you weeded out some of the old stuff that doesn’t serve you to clear space for new growth (see issue 3 of Radiant Magazine). This kind of change can feel strange and sometimes uncomfortable; it can take some getting used to. You are creating a new ‘normal’ for yourself; one in which you have more freedom to focus on the things that matter to you. Be gentle on yourself during this period of change – in part 2 we’ll be looking at planting and sowing, and new plants need to be tended and nurtured if they are to flourish. So now you’ve cleared some space, what new habits and dreams do you want to plant? Sometimes it can be hard for us to know what we want – it may be easier to say what we

> 9

Step 2

Planting and Sowing don’t want. The brain cannot process a reverse thought, so you will need to programme it with what you do want. Let’s look at turning a ‘don’t want’ into a ‘want’… “I don’t want to be fat” becomes “I am slim and healthy”. “I don’t want to work for someone who takes me for granted” becomes “I am respected and valued at work”. “I’m sick of arguing with my partner” becomes “My relationships are harmonious and supportive”. “I’m a useless parent” becomes “I always do my best for my children, and my relationship with them is improving daily”. Let’s start planting and sowing… Human beings always move towards emotional comfort, however destructive that may appear from the outside. When seeking to replace old, unhelpful habits, it’s important that you work to actively replace them with new, positive ones, otherwise you will revert to what feels comfortable and ‘normal’ – i.e. your old ‘weeds’ will just grow back. In part 1, we identified 3 key life areas – work, home and you. What positive habits, dreams and changes would you like to see manifesting in these areas? 1. Work Would you like a promotion? To change jobs? To retrain? To earn more money? To set up a business? To feel greater job


satisfaction? 2. Home Would you like to have a more harmonious home life? Better relationships? To move / improve your home? To meet someone to share your life with? 3. You Would you like to feel more at ease with yourself / your body? To have deeper friendships? To be more courageous? To drop feelings of guilt and victimhood? Pick the area that feels easiest to address first, and ask yourself… l W hat is standing in the way of this change happening? l W hat practical steps can you take to remove these barriers? l W hat outside help can you get to remove them? (i.e. support from a friend, counselling, learning a new skill) l W hat ‘crutch’ might you have to drop to achieve this change? (i.e. your victim status may gain you sympathy and support) l W hat will you lose? (i.e. part of your old identity, some negative-feeding friendships). l What will you gain? l What date do you want to see this change by? Write it down. l N ow write down your dream scenario of how your life will look with this change in place. l C reate a positive affirmation around

it, e.g. “I’m enjoying my lovely new home with my friends and family” “My work is valuable, rewarding and fun” “I love my body, I love myself”. Mindset Gardener’s tips for planting affirmations that blossom: 1. Write them in the present tense, as though they are happening now. 2. Write them in the first person, using words like I, my, me. 3. Write them in positive language, focusing on what you want (not what you don’t want). 4. Use words that feel exciting to you – juicy, fabulous, thrilling, wondrous words. 5. Repeat your affirmations many times per day, say them out loud and in your head. Over time, you will grow new ‘mind plants’ which will flourish and bear fruit. You only need to spend a few minutes per day doing this, and yet the benefits and results can be bountiful beyond your imaginings – give it a try, after all, it’s only your life!

Remember! When you plant a seed, it takes time to develop and grow. Gardening requires patience – keep focused on your affirmations, and don’t expect results overnight. Your Homework… an affirmation for each of the 3 key life areas and start using them daily. l N otice any ‘sticking’ points – write them down. l O bserve how the affirmations become more natural to you as the days pass. l W hat changes are you noticing in yourself? l W hat changes are others noticing in you? l C reate

Jenny Eaton Director – The Eos Programme jenny@eosprogramme.com Tel: 0843 5235373 www.eosprogramme.com twitter.com/MindsetGardener


Chromotherapy – Colour Yourself Happy ď Š Colour is a universal language which affects everything within our lives. All within our world has colour, or a lack thereof – plants, animals, objects, the sky above us and the depths of the sea. It has been proven that anything changes behaviour when exposed to different colours ~ even bacteria and chemical reactions. Colour is a form of energy, and once you understand the different meanings and influences, it becomes a wonderful tool that can help you heal and express yourself better. As each colour has a clearly defined set of meanings and carries a very specific energy and message, it can be immensely helpful in understanding the world around us and our reactions within that world. Colours can help us counteract negative influences, bring calm into our lives or, if needed, the total opposite by infusing some zest, power and inspiration into it. These healing properties have an holistic effect on us, and will reach out to our physical body, mind and soul.


Magic of

Spring As we move further into the year, we see signs of new life and unfolding beauty everywhere. With the lengthening of the days, the grass is once again growing and turning into a vibrant, fresh green and the bright, cheerful, yellow heads of daffodils are popping up everywhere to announce the arrival of spring. New born lambs


are gambolling in the fields, the first trees are unfolding their leaves and the hedges are tentatively showing signs of new life. The birds are mating and building their nests and the lengthening evenings are filled with their beautiful song. The promise of more warmth and the abundance of summer days is in the air and fills us with joy and happiness. In this issue I would like to take you on a journey through growth, healing and happiness, as we look a little closer at green and yellow. Wherever we look in nature around this time of year, we are greeted by fresh vibrant greens and beautiful, bright yellows, even on the dullest, rainiest day. The sap is rising back into the trees and colourful flower heads are the messengers of warmer days to come! Both of these colours have a calming and peaceful effect on our souls and bring us back into a state of balance, calm and happiness. Our inner peace is restored when looking at a wholesome, rich green and, especially when working with a bright, happy yellow, we cannot help but be reminded of glorious summer days and a smile will gently, but irresistibly break through on our face.

Green is associated with Archangel Raphael, who is in charge of the green ray of healing. He works closely with all healers and is the guardian of those who are fighting illness, and is especially concerned with the animal kingdom.

Green is the colour of nature and the plant kingdom. It is the colour of natural balance and growth, health, relationships, new direction, change and transformation. When looking at a vast, green landscape, we automatically relax and feel a sense of freedom – we are able to let go of our worries and fears for a moment and dare to dream or just flow with our thoughts. Green has a balancing effect on us, and is as it is found in the centre of the colour spectrum, it is the easiest colour to focus on for our eyes. Its vibration is very much that of a breath of fresh air, freshly cut grass, and a dewy summer’s morning, when all is crisp and clean. It is full of promises and puts faith and heart back into us, gently lifting our spirits back into balance. Green is also the colour of our heart chakra and is closely related to friendship, love and all matters of the heart. Nature and relationships are in a constant flow of movement, they grow, transform, change, and the old makes

way for the new and fresh. It’s all about the flow of life and the never ending circle of birth, growth, decay and new beginnings. Green is associated with Archangel Raphael, who is in charge of the green ray of healing. He works closely with all healers and is the guardian of those who are fighting illness, and is especially concerned with the animal kingdom. Put some green into your life if there is: l A feeling of restriction due to being housebound or confined. l A need to let change happen, but also a fear of the unknown. l A feeling of being trapped due to other people’s rigid patterns. l A need for new ideas. l A need for a new state of balance. l A problem with personal relationships, especially if things are seriously out of balance. (dominance, subservience etc.) l A state of imbalance.



Magic of

Spring Yellow reminds us of the sun and the warming, happy sensation that the sun will bring about in most of us. It is above all the colour of happiness, beauty and joy, and brings about a sense of clarity, vitality, order, blissfulness and awareness. Just like a tiny plant will reach out through the darkness of the ground to reach the light, so our soul yearns for the bright, vibrant, warming rays of the sun. Yellow is the colour of our solar plexus, our centre of inner strength, power, self-value and esteem. It closely related to our digestive, immune and nervous system. All three have a similar function – of identifying and


Archangel Jophiel is in charge of the yellow ray of wisdom, and helps us find our way to enlightenment through joyful thought and seeing the beauty of all that is. He helps with inspiration, creativity, intuition and soul illumination. absorbing substances (foods, bacteria, thoughts, ideas) that are necessary for our maintenance and growth, as well as eliminating those that may prove harmful to us. Those of you who are having a difficult time with their digestive systems will probably find that there is a lack of self-esteem, nervous tension and a general unbalance within the “self”. Archangel Jophiel is in charge of the yellow ray of wisdom, and helps us find our way to enlightenment through joyful thought and seeing the beauty of all that is. He helps with inspiration, creativity, intuition and soul illumination. Jophiel is a ray of sunshine who will help bring about clarity, logic and a fresh approach to life. You should use more yellow in your life if: l there is a sense of confusion and indecision you need to take in a lot of new information through study. l you suffer from fear and anxiety leading to nervous and digestive disorders l you have a weak and confused immune system and suffer from minor, frequent illnesses, such as colds, and allergies and intolerances to foods l you suffer from nervous tension, exhaustion, burn out, panic attacks l you have a poor memory, can’t concentrate or study l you suffer from SAD or lethargy in dull weather. Our reaction to any colour speaks volumes and can help us understand our emotions and character on a

much deeper level. An attraction to a certain colour can tell us as much as a deep aversion to any colour - this understanding can guide us to and through deep-rooted problems, which might have taken hold a long, long time ago! Because Colour Therapy – or Chromotherapy – is a very gentle yet extremely effective healing aid, it is used alongside many other traditional and alternative healing methods, especially in the field of mental illness and depression. Try experimenting with different colours in your life. I have found that just looking at art or colours is an immense healing process in itself. Open yourself to the colours and listen to your soul – how are you reacting? A very simple, intuitive but hugely effective way of working with colour is through meditation. Imagine that you are in your favourite place, and you are guided to a beautiful waterfall. Step into that waterfall and look up. What colour is the water? Is it yellow, is it green, is it pink? Or is it perhaps a rainbow of colours? Feel this colour entering your whole body, soul and mind… your very essence. Enjoy this sensation as it cleanses you and washes away all your worries and pains. The colour you are given, will be exactly the colour you need at this moment in time, and when you look up its meaning, you might be very surprised at just how apt it is. Patrick Gamble Psychic & Visionary Artist / Healer www.patrickgamble.co.uk


Chrystal Clear Therapies and therapists

Chrystal Clear - based in Stalham in the Norfolk countryside offers a range of professional and personal therapies, guidance and workshops to help to restore a state of balance and wellbeing within. When there is a void between your thinking and your true self, disharmony and disease can set in, by restoring your emotional state of mind it can assist with physical pain and discomfort.

Kaye Mackinnon

Dawn Chrystal

Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping. The body’s energies may be blocked by long-held memories or beliefs. Tapping reaches out to the subconscious. Try it for phobias, addictions and just about anything!

Reiki & Crystal Healing Helping to restore balance and harmony. Assisting with pain, stress, disharmony on the physical, emotional & spiritual levels. Reiki Master teacher - learn how to practice this wonderful healing mode and gain a certification in level 1 and 2.

If you are looking for a totally organic product try NYR Organic. Endorsed by the soil association for no harmful substances. I will be using them in my practice and taking bookings for small parties.

Just 4 You Gentle and intuitive clairvoyant readings to help you recognize where you need to make changes in your life. Guidance and messages from your loved ones in spirit.

Bach Flower Remedies Helping you to heal your emotional state of mind, bringing peace, harmony and balance. Helps with stress, fatigue, trauma, life changes, motivation and sense of direction. Spiritual Development Classes Make the connection with the spiritual realm brings you a new sense of direction and understanding of your life.Exploring meditation, psychometry, psychic art,meeting your guides, dowsing, energy healing and how to hear messages from spirit. Our aim is to help you be the best medium you can be. dawn@astara.plus.com www.chrystalclear.co.uk 01692 584984 mobile 07586424828

Reflexology Reflexology is a calming and relaxing holistic therapy working on the reflex zones of the feet to restore and maintain the body’s natural balance.

07733114046/ 01692 584984. Email: tlcreflexology@hotmail. co.uk Facebook: www.facebook.com/ TlcReflexology

Annie Gant

Annie works with clients using body and energy work, her main practices focus on Shiatsu and holistic massage. Shiatsu seeks to balance the body’s energy. This is done by applying pressure to the meridian pathways, using thumbs, palms, elbows and often knees. A treatment can offer an experience of dynamic stretching and opening and conversely instill a deep sense of peace and relaxation. Holistic massage embraces the concept of using intuition to ‘notice’ areas

Pamper and Spiritual Evening Sponsored by John Egmore Equestrian Supplies (07799643050)

In aid of Acle Academy Project Kenya Saturday 20th April, 7pm – 10.30pm Acle Recreation Centre of need whilst working with a client. Because this form of massage is not confined to routine it is possible for the practitioner to shape a treatment entirely by ‘noticing’ the body’s subtle signals and responding accordingly. 01692 580339. email: anniegant2@googlemail.com

Angel Readings by Rachel Miller

Gentle and genuine readings to give you insight to help you on your journey. £25 per hour. 01603 710433 email: rachelmiller79@ hotmail.com www.rachel miller 1511.wordpress.com

1-2-1 Tarot readings with Cheryle

For an informative caring and intuitive insight into aspects of your life. 01692 584984/01493 748647 cheryle@marthamfisheries.fsnet. co.uk


Hopi ear candling £25, Indian Head Massage £25, Navel candling £33, Shellac nails £20 07934 479304 email beckysbeautytreatments@yahoo. co.uk

Portraits by Thomas Adamski Personal portraits of your pets and family.Do you want to know who is helping you from the spiritual realm? Thomas has a special Connection to Spirit and brings through sketches of your guides and loved ones who are around you. 01692 584984 mobile 07882861396

Over 20 stalls including: Mediumship by Shirley Cimelli, Vanilla Chilli Cakes, Tarot, Palmistry, Numerology, Phoenix Cards, Reflexology and lots more. £2 entry per person With free prize draw for a pamper hamper worth over £50. Teas, coffee and raffle on the night. Any questions contact Shelli on 07557234447

The Wishes Workshop Spooner Row Village Hall, Station Road, Spooner Row, Norfolk, NR18 9JR Sunday April 7th 10am - Noon £10 (tea and biscuits included) Contact:

Sandra Boatman 01953 455500 www.insightsandinspirations.co.uk

Do you have unfulfilled wishes? Why not come along and discover how to make them come true... No need to book


So, be honest – January flew by, we’re already in the third month of the year and how many of you have sabotaged and so given up on your 2012 New Year’s Eve resolutions?! Fear not, help is at hand… Integrated Therapist Sarah McRobert explains how therapy techniques can help to break unwanted habits & addictions.


“All things in moderation” is a wonderful mantra that few of us can truly follow – in reality we live in a society of excess, instant gratification & self-indulgence where many of us struggle with temptation on a daily basis to lead the healthy, happy, fulfilling lives we desire. Although a few highly disciplined individuals are able to continue smokefree, losing weight or maintaining that regular gym habit, despite having the best of intentions yourself, you may find that you need help to make real & lasting change in your life. Some may benefit from & really enjoy weekly group meetings & support networks but perhaps, like me, you really just want to be able to think, feel & therefore behave differently around your preferred “poison”? So, if you think you’re stuck, maybe now is the time for you to seek professional help from a practitioner of your choice… Any good therapist will tell you that your personal addiction is a symptom not the cause of your problems – that drink, drugs, cigarettes, gambling, video games, TV, shopping, food, sex, destructive relationships etc. are all ways you emotionally change the way

Secretly you do know, don’t you, that freeing yourself forever from that unwanted, unhealthy addiction will give you the best start to really enjoy the rest of your life – whatever it might bring?

you feel about yourself. So by working closely with you personally to find & address the cause (usually learned in earliest infancy & childhood) one to one therapy can really assist you to personally make those positive changes you long for in 2013. You may have read in previous Radiant issues my earlier articles sharing how you can find the best support available in your locality. If so you’ll know that as an Integrated Therapist I employ an “armoury” of various interventions & strategies to call upon so that I can work closely with you as an individual to find out your specific needs & so choose whatever techniques are best & will make a real difference for you. I’ve enjoyed the privilege of seeing many clients happily respond to Thought Field Therapy (TFT) “tapping” to remove cravings, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques to “re-programme” old, unhelpful beliefs & habits or Hypnosis to gently dispel the long term effects of past traumas & embed new positive thoughts, feelings & behaviours. Many subsequently report associated benefits, for example, increased confidence, ability to relax & healthier sleep patterns, more successful work performance & improved personal relationships etc. Secretly you do know, don’t you, that freeing yourself forever from that unwanted, unhealthy addiction will give you the best start to really enjoy the rest of your life – whatever it might bring? So, go on - be brave, go for it & invest in that healthy, happy future you know you deserve! Future “Radiant” issues will explore in more depth Hypnotherapy & associated therapies. Sarah McRobert B.Ed (Hons) Hyp.Dip. (Adv.) MNLP www.sarahmcrobert.com


20 16

Fivelements Puri Ahimsa


Fivelements Puri Ahimsa is a luxury, healing resort, nestled alongside the Ayung River in the lush highlands near the village of Ubud, Bali...


Inspired by the Balinese way of life, which encourages us to come into harmony with the Spirit, the environment and with one another, Fivelements’ integrative healing approach is designed to tune-in on physical, emotional and spiritual levels. The resort collaborates with each individual guest to activate, facilitate and nurture them on the healing path. Deeply rooted in the ancient traditions of Bali, Fivelements’ wellness programme is three-fold: traditional Balinese Healing treatments & ceremonies: from traditional Balinese massage to energy healing treatments.




Fivelements Panca Mahabhuta Retreat 3-Night Fivelements Panca Mahabhuta Retreat includes: n 3 Nights Accommodation in an exclusive riverside suite n Gourmet Healing Cuisine meals n Healing Consultation n Balinese Blessing Ceremonies n Daily Meditation n 2 Healing Massages n 1 Healing Energy n 1 Water Healing Dance n 1 Yoga n 1 Sacred Arts n 1 Bidadari Beauty Ritual Retreats are available in 3, 5, 7, 10, 14 & 21 nights stays. For more information: Fivelements, Puri Ahimsa Banjar Baturning, Mambal, Bali, Indonesia 80352 +62 361 469 206 contact@fivelements.org www.fivelements.org


Tarot The

The journey continues with the introduction of the masculine forces within The Emperor and The Hierophant.

The Fool discovers The Emperor, the compliment to the Empress - they represent the mother and father, wife and husband. Order, control, power and dominion are the realms of The Emperor. In The Hierophant, The Fool discovers an inner spiritual awareness and learns about traditional values and morale requisites.

The Emperor 

The number 4 The appearance of The Emperor can symbolize a father figure or an individual of wise authority that can be dictatorial, is trustworthy and dependable for advice or encouragement that is present in the querants’ life - someone who uses logic and reason to create a positive outcome. A man in authority who has a strict code of ethics that can be relied upon in times of trouble. As an aspect of the self this card can indicate that now is the time when you must act like a leader, by incorporating form and structure into ideas, plans and foundations to realize your goals and achieve success. By reigniting the masculine qualities of logic, strength, power, good reasoning and problem solving skills and learning to develop strong mental control over free reigning emotions you are more able to make a choice from a place of wisdom and rationality. The way in which you acquire, handle and wield power is now being tested. This card denotes that the querant is in a strong and solid position and has the confidence and ambition to realize his goals. This may manifest itself in the


form of taking on more responsibility, a job promotion, starting up a business or putting new ideas into action. The drive for achievement, respect and stability. Drawing this card shows you becoming your own person as you establish yourself in the world. It is the time to draw on your inner resources, have the courage of your convictions and receive the rewards and recognition you so deserve. Your hard work will soon start to pay off, bringing responsibilities, money, status and acclaim. - you will be able to assume the emporers’ throne!

The Heirophant

The number 5 When the student is ready the teacher will appear. This card illustrates that there is a spiritual teacher, mentor or professional expert that is about to step in to the life of the querant to impart his or her wisdom and also offer guidance and support. Someone that is able to integrate spirituality into the constraints of the physical world. This teacher/guide will be instrumental in helping the querant to discover a belief system or personal philosophy. On a personal level this card symbolizes your higher self, and suggests a need to look deep within for answers to achieve a more meaningful context to your life. It also teaches you to access the knowledge you already hold that will enable you to govern your own life. The Hierophant is linked with education and self-fulfillment, you may feel drawn to studying a subject that deals with the hidden aspects of life. This card signifies self discovery, a time to reach out and find a group of like-minded souls to inspire and encourage you to be all that you can be, finding the true inspiration and enlightenment that is part of your soul. Over time the student becomes the teacher, do not be surprised when others seek you out, this card is letting you know you have so much to share whether you realize it or not. You may visit a place of worship to participate in a rite or ceremony which links the individual with the traditions of a community.

Control and Order


Radiant Readers

Tarot and Rune Readings with Gillian

Over 25yrs experience. Can be in person, parties, on the phone or by email. Also EFT Therapy, Reiki Healing and Past Life Regression. www.tarotandhealing.co.uk 01284728761

Tarot Readings with Gilly

Gilly’s readings are person centred, allowing you to view your life from a different perspective and gain clarity. Through gentle guidance, you will become empowered to move forward to create a positive, happy life and fulfill your dreams. 01692 584883 havenhealing@hotmail.co.uk

Numerology/Psychic Reading with Vikki Lightweaver Would you like to know what 2013 holds for you? Unlock the hidden meaning in your name and date of birth. Vikki is an intuitive Numerologist/ Psychic reader with over 20 years experience. Readings can be in written form or by telephone or e-mail. Contact Vikki on 07752962879 at www.lightweaver.co.uk or find me on Facebook

Tarot Readings with Helen Martin

Tarot has been an important part of my spiritual growth since 2002. I offer traditional readings and Tarot birth numerology. Readings give wonderful guidance and comfort. I also offer: Tarot beginners classes; Reiki healing and attunements; Hypnotherapy including Hypnosis for Birth and Massage. Contact me: helenmartin4@sky.com 01603 453066 www.ntpages.co.uk/theavenues

Psychic Tarot Card Reader Ursula Oak Over 35 years spiritual experience Confidential readings by email

Mini Tarot reading ÂŁ10 Monthly prize draw to win a free reading www.UrsulaOak.com www.UrsulaOak.blogspot.co.uk

Emerging into spring by Trish Abbott

It starts out kind of slowly when spring begins to show The Snowdrops raise their tiny heads above the melting snow Then yellow flowering Aconite and Crocus, mauve and blue A picture perfect carpet in the sparkling morning dew The mad March hares are bounding out across the fields of green Whilst rabbits chase each other round the hedgerows in between And in the woods a sea of Bluebells fill the ground with ease Their nodding bells perfuming the warm and gentle breeze Below them, purple Violets splashing colour as they grow Picked out in dappled sunlight, they create a stunning show The sound of birdsong fills the air in treetops high above Telling everyone around them that their hearts are filled with love And as you take a fragranced breath and feel the warming sun The memory of the winter fades, new life has just begun So pause here for a moment, let the warmth caress your face When its springtime in the countryside, there is no better place


The Vibrational Energy of Numbers 2013 = Year Number six. Month Three. Well here we are in 2013 at the beginning of a new age and I have been thinking about the numbers and the energy of numbers...


s our vibrational energy changes and the energy of our planet changes so the energy of the numbers is changing. We are beginning to see things differently and are beginning to prove now scientifically just how everything is connected. I didn’t really make any resolutions as such for the beginning of the year but feel this year is very much about letting go of fear and revealing truths. There are so many different ways to work with Numerology. Some believe it can only be correct if combined with Astrology and whilst that certainly makes things clearer I personally feel that Numerology can stand quite well by itself. Last year we had quite a few significant dates on the lead up to 21/12/12. Now that these dates have passed I thought it might be fun to take a look at the number of the month and of the year and see how the energy of these numbers influence our day to day life. As I write this we are moving into February which is the second month


of a year six so the two numbers most prominent now are two and six. It is interesting to note that both of these numbers are concerned with sensitivity and with the emotions. Two is a number of Balance and brings opportunities to really look at how we interact with the people around us. When we are talking to someone do we give them our full attention and so give them energy ,or do we deflate their energy by only half listening or even interrupting as they speak? Does the person in front of you make you feel comfortable or uncomfortable.? Is there an injustice which you feel you need to set right? Two enables us to tune into those subtle energies and learn how to work with them more effectively. Sometimes two is about making more quiet quality time for our important relationships. Two is often linked to empathy and clairsentience and so we may find ourselves looking at ways to help those less fortunate. Two invites us to be more mindful of other peoples feelings. It also encourages us to think about the way energy flows through our home or our

workplace. In sacred Geometry two is represented by the Vesica Pisces which shows how bringing two things together can give birth to something new. As we move into March we move into a three month. Three brings a touch of magic and reminds us of the Joys of life. This is the number of Family and of love and fun and dance and colour. Three brings lighter, brighter energies which enable us to manifest our dreams. This is where having worked through the old emotions brought to the surface by Two ,we begin to truly create our new brighter future. The symbol for three is the Triangle and it represents fire and pure creative energy. Under the influence of three the only thing holding us back is our own self doubt. April is the fourth month and so brings a sense of order to things. This month we have the opportunity to ground our energy and to really begin to work on our ideas. The four allows us to bring ideas into the physical world. If you are still feeling unsettled then make time to connect to nature this month. Now is the time to begin to lay foundations for the future and really think about what you want from life. The key words here are stability and order. The geometry of four is the square which is solid and firm and represents earth. Six is the number of 2013 and as such has quite a strong underlying influence on us all. It is the number of Balance and of Harmony and also of relationships. Six asks us to take a look at our family relationships. Is there someone we need to speak to. Sometimes we simply need to clear the air in order to bring balance. The Inca say that 2013 brings a return to the Divine Feminine and six is the number of the feminine energy. Six brings Earth Mother energy and the opportunity to work from our Heart centre. This year we all need to work on

opening our heart centre and working with Love and Gratitude which are two of the highest energies we can work with. We are being reminded of our connection to all that is . We are all a part of the same family, the Human family and as such we all need to do something to make a difference. It doesn’t have to be a huge gesture costing lots of money. Maybe just saying hello to people you pass with a smile. It is amazing how a simple act of kindness can lift a strangers spirits and renew hope. Six also brings opportunities for group work so if you have been thinking of setting up a group or of joining a development group then now is the perfect time to do so. This number is also very much about personal

The Inca say that 2013 brings a return to the Divine Feminine and six is the number of the feminine energy. Six brings Earth Mother energy and the opportunity to work from our Heart centre. relationships and encourages us to make any changes that need to be made. Some people may find themselves changing jobs or moving house or even ending relationships or beginning new ones. Whatever change is made will ultimately be for the better.

For more information about the author Vikki Fosdal, or to get a personal reading go to: www.lightweaver.co.uk www.thenumberwitch.wordpress.com



One of three Cosmic Ascension CD’s from Vikki Lightweaver Mother Earth Father Sky As a Numerologist and Energy worker I am often asked my opinion on the shift in consciousness which is predicted at the end of the Mayan long count calendar. There have been many books written with a huge variety of thoughts and ideas on would happen on the winter solstice 2012. Some people predict the end of the world as we know it. Some speak of disaster , others speak of a shift in consciousness or Ascension. The Mayans predict it as a time of opportunity for positive change. The Inca call it the time of the sixth sun, a return of the feminine. I decided to meditate on this question and the word that kept coming to my mind is Balance. We need to bring the Divine feminine into complete balance with the Divine masculine and to embrace both of these aspects within our own being. This connection is portrayed beautifully through the Shri Yantra, an ancient sacred geometry image found in many temples around the world. If we are truly in balance within the self then we can stand firm and


embrace the changes that come to us now. We need to let go of our fear and for many of us that is what 2012 has been all about. In meditation I was shown an image. This image was a picture of myself standing upon the earth with a laser line of pure light which ran up through the earth through my spine, connecting all of my chakras or energy centres and then out into the centre of the Galaxy. I was surrounded by others who were also connected to earth and sky. It became clear that to stay in balance we need to remember our connection to all that is, to the earth and to the universe. I channelled words and recorded a guided meditation with the help of my partner who is a musician and this meditation is specifically produced to help us to find that connection to earth and sky. It is entitled “Cosmic Ascension A guided meditation to connect with Mother Earth and Father Sky.” Namaste Vikki

Shri Yantra The Shri Yantra is a yantra formed by nine interlocking triangles that surround and radiate out from the central (bindu) point, the junction point between the physical universe and its un-manifest source. It represents the goddess in her form of Shri Lalitha or Tripura Sundari, “the beauty of the three worlds”. Four of the triangles point upwards, representing Shiva or the Masculine. Five of these triangles point downwards, representing Shakti or the Feminine. Thus the Sri Yantra also represents the

union of Masculine and Feminine Divine. Because it is composed of nine triangles, it is known as the Navayoni Chakra. Together the nine triangles are interlaced in such a way as to form 43 smaller triangles in a web symbolic of the entire cosmos or a womb symbolic of creation. Together they express Advaita or non-duality. This is surrounded by a lotus of eight petals, a lotus of sixteen petals, and an earth square resembling a temple with four doors.

For a chance to win one of three Cosmic Ascension CD’s from Vikki Lightweaver go to: www.radiant-magazine.co.uk/competitions/cosmic or simply email competitions@radiant-magazine.co.uk quoting ‘Cosmic’ to enter. Good Luck and Enjoy! Competition closes 14th April 2013

For full terms and conditions: www.radiant-magazine.co.uk/competition For more information about the author Vikki Fosdal, or to get a personal reading go to: www.lightweaver.co.uk www.thenumberwitch.wordpress.com




Green Aventurine

The stone of Heaven

The healing properties of crystals were recorded many thousands of years ago by the Ancient Egyptians, Chinese and Indian cultures of old. Created in the womb of mother earth over millions of years by the action of water, wind and volcanic fire - these beautiful stones carry the life force and healing powers from the earth and sky... Green Aventurine, which comes in varying shades of green from light to dark, has always been associated with nature by virtue of its green colour and is the most well known healing crystal resonating with the heart chakra... Because of this connection to the heart chakra it can help us to become stronger on an emotional level, healing all emotional wounds in the past and present in all directions of time and space. Ideal for issues around affairs of the heart such as problems in relationships or separations. Energetically working with the emotions and the heart chakra, this crystal can instill a sense of calmness, balance and happiness which will help in seeking various alternatives and potentials to situations (particularly those around relationships) and helps you to have a continued positive outlook. This sense is also brought about due to heightened imagination, creativity and mental clarity. The perfect stone to solve any problem. As it helps us to become emotionally stronger it is also said to increase leadership abilities because of its ability to help with decision making and can enhance career success - so next time you have an important task to perform at work or an interview make sure you have this crystal with you! Green Aventurine is also said to be a good luck stone and to attract prosperity and can be kept in tills or your purse to attract money. Whilst in general an all round healer, on a physical healing level this crystal is specifically helpful for problems with the liver, lungs, heart and sinuses.

This crystal is ideal to use in meditation due to its calming qualities, to reveal our unresolved emotional issues and to generally heal where is needed. Use this basic mediation with the crystal:Either sit holding a piece of green aventurine or lie down and place over your heart chakra. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing, breathe in deeply and then slowly release repeating five times. Turn your attention to your crown chakra at the top of your head and visualize the colour green entering your crown and slowly moving down your entire body to your feet and then back up to the top of your head. Imagine this green energy expanding from your body and surrounding you until you are enveloped in a bubble of green light. Focusing on your heart chakra, feel what emotions or sensations you experience and allow them to pass and asking archangel raphael to assist with healing your heart chakra and emotional issues. Continue to breathe deeply for 5 minutes and then slowly open your eyes and become aware of your surroundings again. You should now feel calm and stronger to continue in your day.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Pauline Street http://serenityforyou.co.uk Mobile: 07900 988138



The celebration of Ostara represents the union of the God and Goddess; fertility, new life and balance...

Merry we meet.

I hope everybody survived the Snow and the winter weather that Mother nature brought us. Once again she proves to us that she is a force that has her own agenda and is something that can not be controlled by man. It is here that we now observe ourselves back at the wheel, turning once more and finding that we are heading towards the season of spring and away from the winter months and the cold weather. The spring equinox or Ostara as it is called by some is celebrated this year on the 20th of March. This is the time of year when the days and nights start to find balance and for most of us, we class it as the first proper day of Spring. We start to look forwards instead of back. Spring generally makes us feel better within ourselves as we are seeing more of the Sun. Here we celebrate the union of the God and Goddess making a connection that in the months to come will give birth to the Autumn harvest and the Yule King. Traditionally Ostara is a celebration of fertility, new life and balance. One Goddess that is central to this theme is Eostra, although some of the history to this Goddess has been blurred over time. She is known as the Goddess of “Spring” or “Light”. This celebration of “welcoming” the new season was not only important here in this country but also in Rome, Greece, Nordic and Germanic lands, taking place on or near the date. Isis, Astarte, Athena

and Aphrodite were also honoured. Eostra brought with her hope, new life - showing us the ever turning cycle of life. Mother Earth herself is now starting to show signs of waking from her slumber. Shoots are pushing themselves through the earth ready for the warmth of the sun. Buds are forming on the trees, new leaves - all tell tale signs that warmer weather is on its way. Hares have long been associated with spring, with tales of the “Mad March” hare, but also they work with many of the moon Goddesses and Gods. They are a symbol of fertility just like the egg. The egg also shows us of life, death

“Mother Earth herself is now starting to show signs of waking from her slumber. Shoots are pushing themselves through the earth ready for the warmth of the sun.” and rebirth. It was at this time of year that eggs were traditionally painted and given as gifts. Cakes were also traditionally made at this time and imprinted with a cross to acknowledge the two solstices (winter and summer) and equinoxes (spring and autumn). Which gives a new meaning for many on the humble hot cross bun !!! For us, this is a time to find balance within ourselves, but also outside ourselves. The spring and autumn


equinox both have a history of dragons and it is this dragon energy that is awoken within ourselves but also the land, bringing forth power that has laid dormant through the still time of winter. When spring enters and the sun shines through our windows, it is now that we have the urge to “spring” clean, to clear away the old. To de-clutter and shed what we do not need. This makes room for the new not just in our physical homes and lives but the emotional, mental and spiritual parts of our being. The creative side of our nature can then be brought forward, not hindered by the old. So how can we, ourselves take part in honouring this time of the year. There are many things that can be done. Most that walk the path will have their own way of celebrating and honouring this event. But if you would like to observe the festival then there are many things that you can do. l Prepare an altar in the garden to honour the Spring Goddess. It doesn’t have to be big, maybe a hare statue and spring bulbs or plants planted in a circle around the hare. The circle itself represents life never ending. l Make prayer flags/sticks and send the prayers to Mother Earth. These could include your hopes and dreams for the months ahead, things that you would like to achieve. Small goals that you would like to see completed. l Decorate eggs. Always a great craft past time with children, and givethem as gifts. l Spring clean - inside and out. De-clutter, sort out old paper work, clothes etc. Make your own cleaning products less harmful on the environment and cheaper. Cleanse the house using a smudge routine or home made incense, before


performing a blessing on the house for protection or bringing peace and balance to the house and its occupants. l Bless bulbs and seeds ready for planting in the coming months. So they may have the best chance when they are planted.

“To de-clutter and shed what we do not need. This makes room for the new not just in our physical homes and lives but the emotional, mental and spiritual parts of our being.” Whatever way you decide you are connecting back to the changing seasons and Mother earth/nature. They do not have to be big changes even the smallest offering is always noticed. Enjoy these festivals and make them part of your traditions. Have a blessed Ostara.

Merry we part, Till we meet at the next turn of the wheel Blessed Be

Sharon Kidd is a practising Witch and Tarot reader working from home and Spirit Haven in Great Yarmouth 01493 843131 You can find her on facebook as Enchanted/Sharon Kidd or email enchantedsk@yahoo.com Sharon has several new workshops for 2013 including the “Sacred Home” for dates, prices etc please contact Spirit Haven.

Spell page A SIMPLE CANDLE ROOM CLEANSE INGREDIENTS A white candle (A tea light is fine) Salt Lemon and/or Frankincense Oil PURPOSE To clear negativity from a room INSTRUCTIONS Once you have cleaned and de-cluttered the room, place the candle in a suitable holder in the middle of the room. Take the salt and sprinkle into a circle around the candle. Light the candle whilst saying the words below. Repeat three times. As the wax melts at the top of the candle, add a few drops of the essential oils to the melted wax. Visualise all negativity leaving the room, the candle flame transforming the negative energy into positive. Leave the candle to burn for at least 30 minutes. Do not leave candles unattended. White candle of wax, bringer of fire Hear me now as I pledge my desire From the power of fire and focused thought Clear negativity - Produce the peace that is sought This room to be cleansed - No corner untouched This is my will, So mote it be


Imagine your mind as an old black and white TV - it’s time to upgrade to an all singing, all dancing, colour, 21st Century HD TV with Knobs on!


Channels Hello again...or perhaps hello for the first time. I hope you are happy and well. In my first two radiant articles I gave you an outline of NLP ( Neuro Linguistic Programming ) and EMI ( Eye Movement Integration Therapy). This issue, in true NLP tradition, I want you to be involved experientially. If NLP is an “attitude and a methodology that leaves behind it a trail of techniques” (Richard Bandler) - then this week I would like to begin to lead you down the trail. Let us start with my twist on an NLP classic, the Swish Technique.

What does it do?

Well.....actually....it doesn’t do anything... it’s only a technique... you do the work.

What is it for?

This technique works for: l Changing from a negative state to a resourceful one instantly. l Breaking unwanted repeat behaviour and/or habits. l Improving performance, be it in work or play.

The ‘science bit’ ( you’re worth it! )

Whenever we think, feel or act in a certain way our neurology is firing. What this technique enables us to do is to overlay more desirable thinking, feeling and behaving over this same neurology in an instant. The process could be compared to changing wallpaper only quicker and cleaner! It’s still the same wall – but it looks and feels much better.

The steps

1 2 3

Create a mental picture of your problem state and/or behaviour - then clear the screen. Now create a picture of how you want to feel - include what you want to see yourself doing - then clear the screen. Next imagine the unwanted picture (step 1) on an old fashioned TV. Then shout “get this rubbish off!!” (or words to that effect) and picture yourself banging the top of the set with your hand. Watch the picture collapse into a single tiny speck (anyone over the age of 40 should remember how that looks). Focus now on that dot growing bigger and bigger and watch as your new picture starts to form (see step2). Imagine turning a dial to bring the picture into focus. If your picture was in black and white, gaze amazed as a further turn of the dial adds colour. Go one stage further - press a magic button and transform everything into all singing all dancing 21st century HD with knobs on. Rehearse this repeatedly at least 6 times.


5 6 7

Test by thinking of an approaching situation that used to trigger the unwanted state and/or behaviour. Admire your inspirational new wall paper. If you don’t achieve the desired result first time simply repeat the process. For a few people, even this might not be enough. There can be several reasons for this, and I would recommend a consultation with a qualified practitioner to explore further.

Graeme Kidd is a qualified NLP practitioner and EMI Therapist. For more information visit the website - graemekiddnlp.co.uk – or email Graeme at graemekiddnlp@gmail.com


Enter the Magical Realm of Patrick Gambles’ Psychic and Spiritual Art...

Patrick is an internationally well-respected psychic medium and spiritual artist, who brings us beautiful, inspirational and healing paintings through working with spirit. Patrick receives messages from spirit in the form of pictures. The visions he is shown all come with specific messages and energies to be brought through into our physical world to guide us on our own spiritual paths.

< The Wish

“Patrick’s visions come through with a very specific message and the image that you are most drawn to will hold a very clear message for you”.

< The Rock

A Winter’s Dream [next page] >

Winged Messenger

“Colour and art are a medicine in itself. The healing vibrations reach beyond the physical body right into the soul�

Universal Healing >


“Each of the images is closely related to a chakra. For example: Strength to the Heart Chakra and Communication to the Throat Chakra.�

< Strength

Magic Unicorn

“It is through connecting with the magical realm that we connect to our Inner Child�

< Transformation


“Patrick’s images speak through the rich tapestry of symbolism. Water represents the feminine Yin energy of emotions, intuition and nurture” For more information: Patrick Gamble Psychic & Visionary Artist / Healer www.patrickgamble.co.uk

< The Mermaid

WALKING ON Kansa Vatki Foot Massage is an Ayurvedic Tradition, a beautiful and relaxing health-care modality, which balances the body, the mind and the spirit.

Every person has a unique combination of the three doshas which are constantly being formed and reformed by food, activity, and bodily processes. Each dosha has its own physical and psychological characteristics.


AIR Ayurvedic medicine began in India thousands of years ago as an oral tradition and was recorded more than 5,000 years ago in Sanskrit in four sacred texts. It is considered to be the world’s oldest healing system. The term “Ayurveda” combines the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or knowledge). Thus, Ayurveda means “the science of life.” The essential philosophy of Ayurveda is ‘The art of living wisely’. This unique treatment, steeped in centuries of ceremony, involves the use of ghee (clarified butter). The massage is deeply revitalising for tired feet and legs and, as the feet contain key energy and nerve endings relating to internal organs, a Kansa Vatki treatment also helps to rebalance tri-dosha (Vata, Pitta and Kapha). Dosha literally means ‘fault’ – it comes from ‘dush’ meaning ‘error’, and relates to the prefix ‘dys’ (from Greek), as in dysfunctional. Each dosha is made up of two of five basic elements: ether (the upper regions of space), air, fire, water, and earth, and has a particular relationship to bodily functions and can be upset for different reasons. Every person has a unique combination of the three doshas which are constantly being formed and reformed by food, activity, and bodily processes. Each dosha has its own physical and psychological

characteristics. The heart of the treatment involves vigorously rubbing the soles of the feet with a “three metal bowl” to draw heat and toxins out, thereby inducing tremendous relaxation. In some cases when more internal heat is released, the client’s soles can darken from grey to almost black after receiving this treatment. This is nothing to be alarmed about - it shows the Kansa Vatki foot massage is working although no colour change does not mean that the massage is having little or no effect. Between forty to forty-five minutes in duration, the treatment begins with some relaxing foot and leg moves. Slowly and methodically the toes, feet, ankles and calves are helped to relax. The treatment continues with special moves performed with the small 3-metal Kansa Vatki bowl. This is followed by a re-balancing sequence of marma massage to help to detoxify and balance the body’s energies. The massage makes a wonderful addition to any form of bodywork. After a Kansa Vatki Foot Massage, you will be walking on air! Ani Barker (KVFM) 01603 457460/07932 803827 ani@lizardtherapies.co.uk www.lizardtherapies.co.uk facebook.com/lizardtherapies



ALMONDS Emerging as a superfood, almonds are high in protein, and are good at reducing cholesterol and packed with vitamin B6...

High in vitamin E and magnesium, which can improve blood flow and calm arteries.

Almonds can help prevent diabetes and help lower cholesterol.

Almonds are free in gluten and therefore, are one of the popular ingredients in the preparation of gluten-free food formulas.

In their natural state, almonds contain almost entirely ‘good’ fats or monosaturated fats, which can lower the risk of heart disease.


An ounce of almonds has about 3 grams of usable carbohydrate, plus 3 grams of fiber.

Almonds are not true tree nuts, but are the seeds of a fruit related to peaches, apricots, and plums.

Almonds are the most nutrient-dense tree nut. One ounce of almonds (20-25 almonds) contains 160 calories and only 1 gram of saturated fat and no cholesterol.

Almonds can can reduce your weight without leaving you feeling hungry!

Packed with nutrients. Some of those nutrients are similar to the ones in whole grains, but without all the starch.

Almonds are packed with natural oils that reduce the signs of ageing such as wrinkles and sagging skin.

Almonds are also packed full of essential minerals including magnesium, potassium and calcium.

Ancient cultures carved symbols in stone, on temples and on pottery. They considered the almond a fertility gift from the Gods.

Almonds grow well in areas with a Mediterranean climate, so are commonly found in southern European, North Africa, and some Middle Eastern countries. However, since almonds were introduced to California in the mid 1700s, 80% of the world’s almonds are now grown there.


This classic Italian dish is a simple but spectacular dish, perfect for special occasions.

Serves 4 Ingredients l 50g butter l 1 onion, chopped l 2 cloves garlic, crushed l 100g shitake mushrooms, chopped l 300g Arborio risotto rice l 200ml white wine l 500ml mushroom or vegetable stock l 16 Isle of Man Queen Scallops, seasoned You can substitute these with large scallops if unavailable) l 1 tbsp olive oil l 50g mixed wild mushrooms l 1 small courgette, finely sliced l 220g Gorgonzola piccante l Zest of half lemon l Salt and cracked black pepper

Method 1. Melt the butter in a saucepan and sweat the onion and garlic until soft. 2. Add the shitake mushrooms and cook for two minutes. 3. Add the rice and stir, cooking until the grains turn translucent, and then stir in the wine. Slowly add the stock, stirring continuously. 4. In a separate pan, fry the scallops in olive oil for 1-2 minutes a side until cooked through, and then the mushrooms and courgette for 2 minutes until crispy. 5. Stir 180g Gorgonzola and lemon zest through the risotto, season, and serve topped with scallops, courgette, wild mushrooms and more crumbled Gorgonzola.

Consorzio per la Tutela del Formaggio Gorgonzola Photography: Steve Lee Recipe and Food Styling: Jocelyn Barker, The Dialogue Agency



Profile of a Medium

Terri Lake

A Mediumship reading can offer tremendous comfort and hope when loved ones make the inevitable transition from this physical life to the realms of spirit. Terri Lake offers a bridge and proof of eternal life with her incredible gift.

I first became aware of spirit when I was 4 years old - pictures would move and talk to me just like in the Harry Potter films. My mum also has the gift but chooses not use it. My experiences were always played down so I never realized that what I was experiencing was anything unusual, and only really became aware of my gift many years later, as a result of a family bereavement. It all began suddenly with people singing to me in the night and talking to me constantly during the day, I genuinely thought that I was losing my mind. I asked spirit to help me; the next day a young man came into work and asked me to sign some paperwork - he said “my mum is a medium you need to ring her, here is her number�. I went to see the lady and started sitting in her circle, it was the best thing I did as she explained that with this gift comes responsibility, compassion


and honesty - and so my journey began..... I then went on to do stand-up Mediumship, but my passion is one to one readings where I can connect with the sitters loved ones and give them messages of comfort and confirmation that they are still around them. I tend to get a lot of young men come through that have passed in road accidents and I firmly believe that spirit uses your own life experiences to help others; I lost my cousin Richard in a fatal motor-bike accident on his 18th birthday and always feel his presence just before a young man comes through. I feel very honored to have this special gift, I never know what I am going to bring through but I am a firm believer that it is never what you want that but rather what you need at that particular moment in time.

A personal perspective As I stood in the hall of the Mind, Body and Spirit event wondering who I should book a reading with, my friend appeared in front of me and recommended Terri Lake. I am a firm believer in synchronicity and not wanting to miss the moment I wrote my name on Terris’ schedule for the day. As my reading commenced, Terri told me she had a lady singing Waltzing Matilda - as my eyes clouded with tears I knew without a shadow of a doubt that my beloved aunty was making her presence felt. We had a bond that went beyond family, she was my closest friend and confidant and had made the transition to spirit only ten weeks earlier! My aunty’s daughter lived in Australia and this was my only connection, hence the song. Terri continued to pass on accurate,

specific information about my aunts health, her personality, important family dates, our relationship and so much more. It was an extremely poignant reading at a time when I needed a little comfort and assurance that my dear friend was happy and well, on the next phase of her spirits’ journey. It was an incredible reading that will stay with me for a very long time - I had the foresight to tape the reading with the voice record facility on my mobile phone, my memory isn’t that good! Samantha, editor.

Terri Lake 07917 718864 terri@copyprint.org.uk


Spirit Haven is a holistic therapy and mind, body & spirit centre, with four treatment rooms & a reception/shop area, tucked away in a quiet side street in the centre of Great Yarmouth.

With a great team of experienced, qualified & fully insured self-employed therapists, the centre is able to offer a wide range of therapies, as well as courses & workshops. For years, the idea of opening such a centre had been just a dream for Helen Martin and Sue Crook, but a joint fit of post-menopausal madness, combined with a hefty push from Spirit and the Universe, resulted in our dream becoming a reality, and in December 2010, Spirit Haven was born!

Why “Spirit Haven”?

We had spent weeks bouncing names about, and had come up with thousands, but none was quite right. Some sounded too religious, some too witchy, some too posh, and some very


silly! One day, still racking our brains for a name that summed up who we are and what we wanted our centre to be, we both, at exactly the same moment, shouted “SPIRIT!” Ooh, synchronicity! We looked at each other and grinned. We had found our name! “Spirit” summed up everything - the souls that we all are, the spirit of adventure, the spirit of love, and the Spirit that had gently but firmly guided us to where we were: about to open a centre for healing therapies and to provide guidance for those lost and wanting to find their spiritual path, or for those already on the path, wanting to learn more and be with like-minded people. So “Spirit” it was! The “Haven” was added because the


shop we were buying at that time was right by Haven Bridge, and, besides, we thought it might spook people slightly to answer their phone and hear “Hello, this is Sue calling from Spirit!” When that sale fell through, and we bought the Queen St. property, we kept the “Haven”, because that’s exactly what we wanted it to be - a place of safety, a refuge, a safe harbour for mind, body and spirit. Our aim was to create a centre where anyone could come for therapy, or advice, to learn, gain insight, or just unwind and escape the trials & tribulations of the real world for a while. At Spirit Haven, all religions are respected, but we are a spiritual centre, not a religious one. We are not preachers, and do not preach. We are not judges, and do not judge. We are simply a group of people who care about other people, about our beautiful planet and the many forms of life we share it with. Built on the site of a 13th century Franciscan Grey Friars Monastery, we feel that this adds to the calm atmosphere at Spirit Haven, but when you visit us, you will certainly not find a bunch of religious bods, wafting about in robes! What you will find, we hope, is a place of light, love and laughter, where all are accepted & welcomed. We believe there are many paths to “enlightenment”, and that we each find our own way; that no one path is better, or more valid, than any other. As the old saying goes, “There are many paths up the mountain - but, from the top, the view of the moon is the same.” So, two years on, do we regret

re-mortgaging our homes to realise a dream? Our husbands probably do! In the current economic climate, it possibly wasn’t the wisest of decisions, but how could we regret it? We have met many wonderful people, have helped many wonderful people, and people love our centre! We know in our hearts that it was the right thing to do, and our dream will go from strength to strength! Spirit Haven is a friendly place – a growing, evolving centre; a community of like-minded souls, with new therapists joining, new clients becoming friends, and new ideas coming all the time. So, come and have a look around, browse the shop for goodies, book one of the many therapies available, buy a ticket for a mediumship evening, sign up for a workshop, buy a gift voucher for a friend … or just pop in for a chat! For more information on all that’s available, take a look at the website at www.spirithaven.co.uk or call us on 01493 843131.


“The Spirit is an inward flame; a lamp the world blows upon but never puts out” Margot Asquith


promised myself I would never fly another red-eye again – yet here I am trying to position my neck so that I don’t begin this amazing adventure cranky from the start. I promised myself a very special adventure this year – one to open my heart, deepen my commitment to my personal spiritual path, and to let go of anything that was impeding that journey. It was from that perspective that I began my journey to Peru and Machu Picchu. A little background I think is needed before we begin our journey. It was


1999 and I just sold my medical practice and my home, broke up with my boyfriend, and was feeling lost in my own life. I was unhappy yet again even though I moved my practice three times, divorced twice, dumped innumerable boyfriends, and had countless therapy sessions. I had heard about the teacher who wrote “The Four Agreements” and I was thinking perhaps he could help me figure out what was wrong with me and why the people in my life were so challenging. I had always wanted

to go to Peru and this would be the perfect adventure. I had no idea what I was stepping into or what would be revealed to me but I paid the money and boarded the plane. I asked for a roommate when I registered and when I arrived at the hotel (after arriving in Lima at 4:00 am in the morning, and then flying to Cusco, and transferring to the Sacred Valley ) her things were sprawled all over the room. I immediately pegged her as a “hippy from California” judging by the piles of health food all over her bed and the recyclable feminine pads hanging from the shower rack. I disliked her already – lot! We were asked to meet in the common room where don Miguel Ruiz chatted with us a bit and got to meet us. He had my number from the second he looked at me and was determined to call me Dr. Rosenthal the entire trip. I knew that was not a complement but at the moment I could not quite see where that was leading. I spent of my free time walking

I immediately pegged her as a “hippy from California” judging by the piles of health food all over her bed and the recyclable feminine pads hanging from the shower rack. I disliked her already – lot!

around the hotel taking in the clear crisp air of the Andes and feeling the sacred earth of Pachamama below my feet. The Incas were a very connected people to the earth and saw the sun as their Father and the earth as their Mother. Like many indigenous cultures they had a respect for our planet that was profound – even the mountains were imbued with the power of the Apu’s (Gods). The Inca believed in three levels of being: the underworld (represented by the snake), the middle world (represented by the puma) and the upper world (represented by the condor). The Inca Cross or Chakana is a three tiered cross that illustrates this symbology in a beautiful way. Their shamans were able to negotiate between the worlds and bring back information to help in healing people physically, emotionally, and spiritually. There is something magical about the Sacred Valley that is hard to put into words. Everything seems to grow larger, taste better, and even smell better here. Although the Peruvian Highlands are cold all year long – the valley is protected and crops are grown continually. Before going to sleep we gathered for a beautiful coca leaf ceremony asking permission of Pachamama to be here with her for a week. She seemed to welcome us with open arms – a wonderful way to start our journey. The locals chew the leaves to help with energy and also use them in almost every ceremony they do. After meeting my roommate and chatting (and chewing) I did my best


Images: www.stockfreeimages.com

to get a good night sleep despite the altitude of around 9000 ft/2700 meters. The next day started early with a visit to the sacred terraces of Moray where there are four huge natural depressions that have been sculpted into the earth. These circles represent for us the Cosmic Spiral, and we worked in ceremony with the energy of this place to connect with the womb of the Mother Earth (Pachamama). It was a powerful morning for me – I felt like a layer of something was peeling away – although I wasn’t quite sure of what that was. I did become acutely aware of all the judgment I was holding towards my roommate and the other trip members which got me thinking that perhaps I wasn’t as open and understanding of a person as I thought I was. Hum… After lunch we traveled through the Sacred Valley, with its breathtaking vistas of the Urubamba River to Ollantaytambo (City of Dawn) an incredible ancient Inca city. We walked


though this original Incan town with our guide, visiting the main altars and temples dedicated to the power animals of the Andean world. Two hundred steps lead up terraces to a double-jamb gateway and the Temple of Ten Niches, a long wall with odd protuberances. Above this is the unfinished Temple of the Sun, considered one of the masterpieces of Inca stonework. Six giant monoliths of pink rhyolite are perfectly slotted together with thin slices of stone and oriented to glow with the rising sun. At Ollantaytambo we could see Tunupa or Wiraccochan (the messenger of Wiracocha – the creator of civilization) who is seemingly sculpted in the rock face of the Cerro Pinkuylluna mountain in front of the archaeological complex. That night we gathered to share about our experiences and my teacher decided that it would be a good idea if I spent the next 4 days in silence. I was shocked and could not understand why

I would not be able to share with my fellow trip mates considering I felt like I had so much important information. I spent the rest of the evening angry. The next day we visited the ruins and market of Pisac. This market has evolved into one of the biggest, artesian markets in all of South America. It begins every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday at 9 a.m. The town’s main square is filled wall-to-wall with stalls selling the full range of Peruvian felt hats, alpaca sweaters and blankets, carved gourds, ceramics, musical instruments, paintings, antiques, a huge variety of trinkets, weavings and jewelry. Then in the late afternoon we left by train for the 1.5 hour ride through the beautiful mountains and jungle scenery of the Andes before arriving at Machu Picchu. Although the market and train ride were delightful – I still was having trouble dealing with being in silence. But somehow I was starting to realize the level of self-importance I had about myself was pretty huge (and why my teacher insisted in calling me Dr. Rosenthal rather than Sheri). It amazed me how I spent my life trying to impress others with my knowledge when all I had to do was be there fully, listening with compassion and non-judgment. Perhaps I was learning something. In the morning we took the bus from the town of Aquas Caliente up the mountain to the Lost City in the Clouds: Machu Picchu. We took some time in ceremony to ask permission of the Entities of the place: The Puma, The Condor and The Apu’s – and then visited the Seven Places of Power. This entire stone complex is a high voltage magnetic focal point and every invocation made at Machu Picchu is amplified to incalculable proportions. We explored the Royal Tomb, the Funerary Rock, the Sacred Plaza,

I still was having trouble dealing with being in silence. But somehow I was starting to realize the level of selfimportance I had about myself was pretty huge Condor Temple, and the Inihuatana Stone (the “hitching post of the sun” – a carved rock pillar whose four corners are oriented toward the four cardinal points). The Inca were accomplished astronomers, and used the angles of the pillar to predict the solstices. Merging our energies with this sacred site and deepening our understanding of the Inca mythology was our focus today. The next day I took a hike with some of the group to the top of Huayna Picchu. In most pictures of the ruins you see a small and then a tall mountain (Huayna Picchu) in the immediate background. If you look carefully you can see that those structures look like a side view of a condor – the symbol for the upper world (a very auspicious aspect for the builders of this city). I also took time to explore the hair raising trail to the Temple of the Moon, located on the far side of Huayna Picchu. The temple is built into a cave lined with exquisite stonework and niches. The climb is rather scary but it left me with a feeling of sacred pilgrimage – the perfect activity to do in utter silence.


Images: www.stockfreeimages.com

The next day I walked the circumference of the ruins and said a prayer with coca leaves at each of the rocks that represented one of the mountain Apus behind it. Exploring the Sun Gate was also beautiful as each direction I explored opened new vistas and power spots. If you actually hike the Inca trail to Machu Picchu you would end up coming through the Sun Gate – a stunning entrance to a long and arduous hike. That evening in our group circle my teacher asked me what I learned from my four days in silence. It was profound to be able to speak, and through my tears I was able to share my experience at the site and my realizations. I saw that there was never anything wrong with anything outslde of myself – all of the pain in my life came from my judgment of what was external to me. And in the end I saw that there wasn’t even any difference between what was outside and inside of me – there was


I saw that there wasn’t even any difference between what was outside and inside of me – there was only one and my lack of inner peace was from my perspective of being separate from everything. only one and my lack of inner peace was from my perspective of being separate from everything. Layer by layer I felt my authenticity retuning to me. The next morning we took the train to Cusco to explore the “navel of the world.” Cusco was laid out on a grid plan to reproduce the shape of a puma, the sacred mountain animal representing the middle world. It was a day of ceremony, processing, and letting go on all levels. We connected with the Uma or water element at Tambo Machay, Qenqo where the Puma awakens, and the huge ceremonial center of Sacsayhuaman,

marked by the huge stone paw of the Puma. The pre-Inca site of Sacsayhuaman is high above the northern edge of the city, and forms the head of the puma and the Coricancha temple forms the center of the grid. Sacsayhuaman looms over Cusco to the north with three ramparts of zigzag walls that run for nearly 300 meters on its north side. It was wonderful to have ceremony at each place and honor the ancient spirits and Pachamama. The next day we visited Kusillucchayoc, the Temple of the Moon – the perfect place to end our journey. We were able to feel the power of this sacred cave or womb, and it became the beginning and the rebirth of our sacred selves. Once inside, we were humbled by the aura of this ancient sacred space, transformed by the places we visited, the realizations we came to, and the heart-opening and healing we had all received. Reborn, we said thank you to the Apus and Pachamama for our magical time in Peru and promised to come back again as soon as possible. For me now, a spiritual journey is a ritual of the heart, an action we take to mark a special time in our lives or a transition in life. It’s a search that is seemingly outside of us yet extremely personal and deeply internal. No matter how far we travel we must come home to ourselves for the journey to be complete. Was it worth going on my journey to Peru? It was priceless. Just so you know – the trip inspired me to create Journeys of the Spirit. As a journey leader for many years now, I have watched people travel to the ends of the earth only to realize that the most profound part of their journey was the internal one – a mysterious adventure of self-discovery that

changes their perspective and life forever. …oh and by the way, that “hippy gal from California” is now one of my dearest friends. With all my love,

Dr. Sheri Rosenthal is a transformational coach, international retreat leader and author. A former podiatric surgeon, Sheri left behind a world of clinical success to find her life’s calling – to explore the landscape of her heart. After 8 years travelling, meditating and studying ancient traditions of personal evolution, Sheri wrote three books on spiritual growth and consciousness. Today, Sheri guides folks to express their deepest authenticity through her coaching practice and Journeys of the Spirit® her wonderful travel company. www.journeysofthespirit.com


with Ursula Oak The visualisation in this Wish offers you a powerful tool which will encourage you to keep going with your regime. Take a little time to read through all of the instructions before you begin, this will make it easier for you to follow once you are ready... This Wish is best performed on the night of a New Moon, this night is the ideal time for Wishes involving visualisations, new beginnings and planting the seeds of new ideas. Two days before or after is fine as the energy is still strong. By using the New Moon energy, it will give the Wish more strength and really engage your power with the power of Mother Earth and the Universe. The new moon in March 2013 is on the 11th. I suggest you take a few moments before performing the Wish to calm and relax your body. Slow your breathing, switch off the phone and have this quiet time for yourself.

Are you on a weight loss plan? Do you find it a bit of a struggle at times? Maybe this can help...

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A Magical Wish to help you with your weight loss What you need l A length of ribbon, it can be any colour and any width, it needs to be about 15cm (6”) long. l You need to choose an evening where you can dedicate 30 minutes to yourself. Put a ‘do not disturb sign’ on the door. Make yourself as comfortable as you can. Choose a comfy chair, or if the bedroom is the only private place, lay on the bed, don’t get too comfy though as you need to stay awake. What to do l Hold the length of ribbon in your left hand, if you are left handed then hold it in your right hand. l You are going on a short journey. You will be safe and comfortable at all times. l Make sure you are completely relaxed. Cover yourself with a light throw or blanket. l Take a few slow deep breaths, in……………… out……………… in……………… out……………… Feel every ounce of your body and every ounce of your being slowing down. You feel completely relaxed. l Now imagine that your chair or bed is made of light fluffy cotton wool. It is the softest chair or bed you have ever been on. You feel safe secure and light as a feather. l Imagine the light and fluffy cotton wool growing bigger, deeper and softer. It supports your whole body. You feel wonderful. You feel relaxed, you know that you can do anything you choose to do. You feel strong. l As you sit or lay on this blissfully soft and fluffy cushion, imagine yourself as the person you want to be. l Visualise yourself at your target weight.

l Visualise

yourself standing on your weighing scales and seeing your goal weight on the dial. l See yourself celebrating, see yourself as happy and proud of your achievement. Visualise your friends and family celebrating with you. Stay like this for a few minutes, then slowly bring yourself back to the here and now. Don’t get up at once. Wait a while. Enjoy the feeling of complete relaxation. l Now take your ribbon. Tie a knot in the middle of it . Hold your ribbon between both of your palms. l Sing say or chant the Wish The Wish ‘I feel so strong - myself I trust. The pounds will fall off as they must. My personal ribbon hidden away, makes me stronger every day. Strength of sky and power of earth, I will achieve what I am worth’ l Keep

the ribbon with you at all times, either in your purse or wallet or attached to your mobile phone. l At any time you feel you need strength, a little boost or some encouragement, hold the ribbon in your hand. By holding the ribbon in your hand you will link back to the visualisation you have just performed, and with your personal and powerful energy and the never ending energy of Mother Earth and the Universe. l Whenever you can leave your magical ribbon to moon bathe in the light of the full moon. This will give the energy a little top up. Successful Blessings to achieve your goal weight x


ISSUE 5 MAy 2013

www.radiant-magazine.co.uk Contacts EDITOR Samantha Yates samantha@radiant-magazine.co.uk PUBLISHER / DESIGN Dawn Li dawn@radiant-magazine.co.uk For advertising enquiries contact samantha@radiant-magazine.co.uk or call 07951 292687

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