Radiant Magazine Issue 5

Page 1


The Craft


The Colours of our Soul

Pink & Blue


Blue Lace Agate


The hidden power within your name

Finding Self Reliance



A De-stress roller from Sorrells Naturally

The Lovers & TheChariot

The online magazine for Holistic Living

Radiant people!

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WIN! 06 Emotions - Emotional Congruency 09 The Mindset Gardener – Part 3 Feeding and Maintenance 12 Colours of our Soul – Pink and Blue 16 Glamping in Glastonbury 18 Sorrells Naturally 20 Retreat – Kaliyoga, Provence 26 Numerology – The hidden Power within your name 28 Retreat – Norfolk Flintpath Retreats 31 Win a Sorrells Naturally De-stress roller 32 Hypnotherapy – Spring into Summer 34 The Tarot – The Lovers and The Chariot 36 Radiant Readers 37 Finding Self Reliance

A Sorrells Naturally De-Stress Roller 38 Capella Health and Wellbeing Centre 42 The Art of Photography by Jeff Frasier 56 Healing with Herbs – Garlic and Lavender 58 Poem – Summer Solitude 60 Radiant Book Review – The Earth Changes 62 The Craft – Beltane 66 As long as love may last – Handfasting 68 Superfoods – Blueberries 70 Recipe – Quinoa 72 Animal Healing 74 Profile of a Medium – Part 2 76 Crystals – Blue Lace Agate 78 Magical Wishes – Calm


Greetings and welcome to issue five of Radiant Magazine... As the suns’ warming rays cast their golden glow, I feel a definite change in energies and at long lost we are able to welcome a warmer climate and leave the dark days of Winter behind us now. Everywhere I look there are signs of new life and rejuvenation, from the animal kingdom to mother natures bountiful harvest, this is my favourite season - it is truly stunning! We have some wonderful new contributors joining our team to share their knowledge and passions; Anne Fallas begins a series of inspiring features on Self Reliance on page 37, Jhyenan O’ Shea uncovers the ancient practice of Herbal Medicine on page 56 and Nikki Senior our very own Dr Dolittle shares her wealth of wisdom in Animal Healing - an exchange of energy, on page 72. With the climate change comes a calling to reconnect with mother nature and immerse ourselves in the great outdoors. Highly recommended from personal experience is The Old Oaks campsite featured on page 16 - Glamping in Glastonbury. The perfect base camp to explore the delights of the picturesque Somerset countryside. Birds flyin’ high you know how I feel, Sun in the sky you know how I feel, Breeze driftin’ on by you know how I feel, Its a new dawn, its a new day, its a new life for me... AND I’M FEELING GOOD! And with the song replaying on a loop in my mind, I can resist no longer. I surrender to the calling to feel lush green grass beneath my feet, and acknowledge the child within - it’s time to go out to play! Brightest Blessings

Samantha x Editor

Radiant Magazine is owned and published by Flush Design. No part of this electronic magazine may be reproduced without the written consent of Radiant Magazine. 2 Old Bank House, Acle, Norfolk NR13 3DY © Radiant Magazine 2013 All rights reserved.

OUR Contributors Sandra Boatman Jenny Eaton Patrick Gamble Vikki Fosdal Sarah McRobert Gilly Fry

Anne Fallas Jeff Frasier Jhyenan O’Shea Trish Abbott Sharon Kidd Gill Macdonald

Niki Senior Terri Lake Pauline Street Ursula Oak



EMOTIONAL Finding our inner compass when the winds of emotions blow us off course!

Learning about emotions can be incredibly empowering. When we understand why and how we experience them, and appreciate their physical and mental impact on us, (be it good or bad); when we consciously delve deeper and make friends with and accept our human nature, we are able to take a step back and realise that we do not have to be a victim to our feelings. The more we know, and the more self aware we are, the more power we get to see emotions for what they are, and be able to quickly restore our inner balance.


CONGRUENCY There are 5 main considerations to achieve a place of deeper knowledge and peace:

seem so fleeting, and we expect them to stay forever; or we are consumed by whichever negative emotion we choose to ruminate on.


Knowing our “best selves” – as humans we are at our best when we are in higher state of mind. From here we make good decisions, we flow, we see opportunities and synchronicities, and we are more successful in every sphere of life. Get to know when you are there, feel it, enjoy it!


Realising our “lower mindset” – when we are pulled down (or even pulled apart) by negative emotions (or even our reaction to positive ones), our quality of mindset is not as good. We are easily distracted, we can be short-tempered, and we tend to make mistakes and poor decisions. We can also have a victim mentality, feeling that life “has it in for us”, and we seem to come across many Emotions can obstacles and blockages. Know be seen as high winds when you are here – take a back that cause ripples seat for a while!


Understanding the nature of emotions – they are natural, meant to be felt, designed to create change on some level, and then they are supposed to pass through and be gone. Don’t let them outstay their welcome!


(or huge waves), but, like any storm, they will pass, if you let them, and you can once again return to harmony and alignment.

Observing our self-sabotage – we do this so easily! We either try to prolong (unnaturally or unrealistically) a positive emotion, or we hold on rigidly to a negative emotion - thus causing ourselves emotional and mental pain. We are either continually disappointed when positive emotions


Taking responsibility – this means accepting that when we feel an emotion it is unique to us. It is because of our experience, beliefs, attitude, values, and the degree and depth of what we feel is ours alone. This is empowering in itself, as we often feel a victim, whereas, if we choose to see things differently, we realise we have a choice about what impact situations have on us. Take a look at what you believe! From here comes the appreciation of emotional congruency. We come to realise that within each of us is a place of inner well being. If we liken it to a still pool, emotions can be seen as high winds that cause ripples (or huge waves), but, like any storm, they will pass, if you let them, and you can once again return to harmony and alignment. You are able to show up in the world as your best self, both for your self and the rest of humanity. The secret is in continuing to learn about the wonderful nature of us as human beings and our emotions. They are there for a reason. Seek to understand what lies behind the impact they have on you, and let them pass through you. Let the change they bring be positive so that you continue to know and grow. Enjoy the journey!

Sandra Boatman, Insights and Inspirations 01953 455500 www.insightsandinspirations.co.uk




Mynatural naturalhealthcare healthcare business is undergoing massive My massive My natural is undergoing massive growth andIhealthcare I needhelp helpbusiness fromlike-minded like-minded entrepreneurs! growth and need from entrepreneurs! growth and I need help from like-minded entrepreneurs! Contactme menow nowififyou youwould wouldlike like to to Contact Contact me now if you would like to • w ork flexible hours around current • work exible hours around currentfamily familyand andwork work • commitments work exible hours around current family and work commitments commitments w orkfrom from home home • •work • work from homeincome • e arn additional income • earn additional • earn additional income d evelopingaasecure secure financial future • •developing ďŹ nancial future • developing a secure ďŹ nancial future This is a simple home based opportunity and is open to This is a simple home based opportunity. Applicants, over 18 This is a simple home based Applicants, anyone in thebackground UK or overseas. Applicants, over 18 andover 18 and from any canopportunity. expect a full, award-winning and from any background can expect a full, award-winning from any background can expect a full, award-winning training and complete team support from an honest, ethical, training and team support an honest, honest, ethical, training andcomplete complete team support from market leading company of 34 years from standing. Call me for market leading company of 34 years standing. Call me for ethical, market leading company of 34 years standing. further information. further Call meinformation. for further information.

Advertising in Radiant Magazine starts at just ÂŁ50 Email for more information: samantha@radiant-magazine.co.uk

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e. jodonovan@btconnect.com e. jodonovan@btconnect.com


The Mindset Gardener 3 steps to a flourishing life... The last in the series by Jenny Eaton, Director of The Eos Programme for Women

Step 3

Feeding & Maintenance So how’s your garden looking? In Step 1 you did some weeding, in Step 2 you planted some new things. Is your garden looking less cluttered now? Can you see small, green shoots popping up here and there? Can you feel the promise of the harvest to come? Gardens need feeding and tending to on a regular basis if we are to stay on top of them – your mind is no different. In part 3 we will look at simple ways to maintain and build upon the work you’ve done so far.

> 9

Step 3

Feeding and Maintenance What feeds and nourishes you? What gives you pleasure? Write down the things that: l You enjoy doing l Make you feel good l Connect you with others l Connect you with nature / outdoors lM aintain /improve your physical wellbeing & health l Use your creativity l You ‘lose’ yourself in l Make you laugh How many of these do you do on a daily / weekly / monthly basis? It maybe that some things are impractical to do very frequently (e.g. scuba diving, mountaineering) – whereas others you could do on a daily basis (singing, crosswords, gardening). Next to each activity, write how frequently you would like to do it. Take your diary and book in each activity over the next 6 months. Book them in daily / weekly /monthly – depending on how easy it is to do them. Write it in ink. You are going to fill your life with things that feed and nurture your spirit and make you happy. This will not only benefit you, but also those around you. If you feel happier and increase your sense of wellbeing, it will impact on everything you do – you’ll be a better friend, parent, partner and colleague. Some people believe that life is a hard grind and that we’re not meant to lead rewarding, happy lives – do


you believe this? The fact is that many people lead happy and fulfilled lives – why shouldn’t you? It’s just about the choices you make and the things you choose to fill your life with. If you fill it with slog and things you don’t’ enjoy doing, it’s no surprise if your life is hard and unhappy. You can’t plant carrots and expect to get radishes! Maintaining your garden How are you going to maintain your garden? Well you’ve already made a good start by identifying the change you’d like to see in your life and creating affirmations to support it. Let’s revisit the 3 life areas… Work. What would you like to accomplish at work over the next 6 months, 2 years, 5 years? Write down what you’d like to be doing, what you’d like to be earning, and how you’ll be feeling. Home. What change would you like to see in your home life over the next 6 months, 2 years, 5 years? If you have a partner / family, why not discuss this with them? Write some dreams and goals for your home life – how will you feel when you get there? You. What changes would you like to see in yourself over the next 6 months, 2 years, 5 years? Set goals around health and wellbeing, hobbies / interests / personal development. What kind of person do you want to grow into? How will you know when you’ve got there?

How will you feel when you’ve got there? Write down your goals and create an affirmation for each. Review them regularly. Get into the habit of setting goals – after all, many people have a Will (a plan for death), but very few have a plan for life! Build a bonfire… You’ve already done a lot of work, but perhaps there are a few more things you’d like to clear out - bad memories, old hurts, anger, guilt, regret? Write them down and burn them – if that’s impractical, you can shred them, tear them up or flush them down the loo! Create a ritual for letting go and moving on… Take time to smell the roses… In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to lose track of what’s really important to us. When times are tough it can feel like there’s nothing good in our lives and nothing to look forward to. Keeping a gratitude journal can be a great way of stopping and reflecting on the good stuff that’s happening, the things we’re thankful for; the small joys and moments of happiness. Take a pocket size notebook, and every evening write down 1-3 things that you are thankful for – e.g. a success at work, a good friend, your health, your family, a sunset, a delicious meal, a new outfit, your dog etc.

The more you focus on the good stuff, the more your brain will notice more good stuff – it’s miraculous, but it works! You will find more and more good things beginning to sprout in your world. Take time to show appreciation and celebrate with friends and family. Your Homework… regular ‘fun’ activities and positive affirmations into your daily life l Set and regularly review your goals l Keep a gratitude journal lY ou’ve worked hard on your garden – celebrate with friends and family! lP lant

Jenny Eaton Director – The Eos Programme jenny@eosprogramme.com Tel: 0843 5235373 www.eosprogramme.com twitter.com/MindsetGardener


The Colours of our Soul Understanding the

deeper connections

Pink and Blue

Beautiful Skies and Beltane Blessings The weather so far this year has been unusually cold, certainly for Cornwall, and nature is off to a very late start. Whilst I am writing about the beautiful pinks and blues of May, we are only just seeing the real flush of bright yellows and greens in the hedgerows. Primroses and Daffodils are only just coming into their prime now and we have passed the middle of April! Mayday (Beltane) is approaching fast and to me, this is the true messenger of summer. May and June are my favourite months of the year, as Mother Nature shows herself with such joy, gaiety and the most beautiful pastels, that my artists’ heart overflows. The hedgerows are coming to life with Pink Campion, Bluebells, Dog~Violet, Ground Ivy, Herb Robert and the odd stray Allium. Gardens are coming into their own now, overflowing with a heady rush of blooms. The soft pinks of Apple and Cherry, the deep fuchsias, burgundies and purples of the Rhododendrons and Azaleas, the dainty, fresh and pastel blues, pinks and purples of Tulips, Cosmos, Sweet William, Clematis, Wisteria…. The list is endless! Set against the lush, fresh greens and the beautiful, endless summer skies, they provide a feast for our eyes and senses! Both Blue and Pink are what I call “cool”


colours. They are light and airy, and connect us to the elements of water and air, rather than earth and fire. They are completely devoid of any of the earthy amber and “muddy” colours and therefore bring an element of clarity, light and focus into our lives. Light blues and pinks are often messengers of the angelic realm ~ the lightness of these two colours in their true essence captures the very essence of these ethereal, heavenly energies. These lighter colour vibrations help us detach ourselves from the stresses, hurt, worry and pain of everyday life on this earth plane and offer a true oasis of calm and soft, dreamy energy. When working with blue and pink, we enter a world of truth and unconditional love, where the ego steps aside and we just ARE. As with everything though, too much of a good thing can be harmful in its own right and the very lack of earthy warmth in both colours can leave us out of sorts. Their very lack of grounding energy will have us lose touch with reality (in the case of pink) or leave us feeling so cold and lonely (in the case of blue) that we end up depressed. Everything in moderation ~ balance is the key word. When working with the medicine of colours it is important to listen deeply to our feelings and emotions.


Love, Love, Love

It is Archangel Chamuel who is in charge of the pink ray of light. Chamuel will help us open our heart chakra and assists us in all our relationships, no matter whether these are on a family vibration, friendship, work or partnership.

Pink is the universal colour of love, joy and blissful contentedness. It stands for femininity, sensitivity and nurture. It is the colour of togetherness, companionship, friendship and relationships in any sense. Love from mother to child, partner to partner, friend to friend, neighbour to neighbour. It is the colour of caring, sharing, understanding, helping, healing, listening and all those other beautiful things that we do when we really, really care about someone! And it is also the colour of self-love, self-respect and self-confidence. Love yourself and the world will love you. Together with green it is closely related to the heart chakra. It is Archangel Chamuel who is in charge of the pink ray of light. Chamuel will help us open our heart chakra and assists us in all our relationships, no matter whether these are on a family vibration, friendship, work or partnership. He will help us especially when going through a difficult time with any relationship – strife, conflict and loss and bereavement. I firmly believe that pink carries the highest and most beautiful energy – for without love there would be nothing worthwhile. In a negative sense we can start seeing everything through rose-tinted glasses, when we are afraid to look reality into the eye and end up in an escapist dream, which isn’t going to get us anywhere. Use more pinks if: l You are struggling to accept who you are and finding it hard to love yourself. l You need to assert yourself but in a gentle, non-threatening way. l You are stuck in an aggressive or threatening situation. l You feel lonely and lost and need a little more warmth and contentedness in your life. l Want to manifest true love into your life.



Blue creates a sense of peacefulness, quiet and calm, which is why we love gazing over the sea on a beautiful summers day, or up into the sky when there is hardly a cloud around. Blue calms the nerves, is restful on the eye and infuses us with a sense of steadiness and reliability. Too much blue however, can leave us feeling cold, lonely and sad – which is why we are literally singing about the blues, when life is hard and love has forsaken us. Blue also gives us a sense of depth and it is the colour of faraway horizons. It invites us to look that little bit deeper, to look through the veil, taking our perception into the unknown. Blue is also the colour of our throat chakra, our centre of communication and the expression of our thoughts, feelings, emotions and impressions! The blue ray of light is the dominion of Archangel Michael. He is the protector of all mankind, especially the weak and vulnerable, and the messenger of truth. He carries the sapphire sword of justice and will not allow harm to be done to those who ask for his help. He will help you master your emotions, speak your truth and develop your higher self. You should use some more blue around you if: l You feel there is a need to calm things down l There is a need for clear, comprehensive communication l You need to take in a lot of new material when studying l You are in need of peace, detachment, solitude and rest.

The blue ray of light is the dominion of Archangel Michael. He is the protector of all mankind, especially the weak and vulnerable, and the messenger of truth. He carries the sapphire sword of justice and will not allow harm to be done to those who ask for his help.


Chakra Balancing A quick guide

If you are feeling out of sorts and a little off balance you might like to try the following chakra balancing meditation, where we work through our seven ‘bodily’ chakras (there are more) and imagine them becoming whole and vibrant with their colour again. Make yourself comfortable, take a couple of deep breaths and then work your way through your chakras in the following order: The Root Chakra, which is at the base of the spine and is associated with the colour red. The Sacral Chakra is located just below the navel and associated with orange. The Solar Plexus between the heart and belly button. This chakra is yellow. The Heart Chakra in the centre of the chest, carries the colours green and pink The Throat Chakra is at the base of the throat and is blue. The Brow Chakra, or Third Eye is found in the centre of the forehead and is associated with the colour indigo. The Crown Chakra is at the very top of the head. It is associated with violet and pure white. As you focus on each of these energy centres, imagine that you open them up like an unfolding flower, from bud to full bloom. See the associated colours become stronger, brighter and radiate with such joy and health, that the light illuminates all around you. Once you feel that the chakra is ‘wholesome’ again, imagine how the flower closes back to its tiny bud, perfect in every way. Take note of the colours and how far you can open each chakra up. You might even want to take note of what sort of flowers you are growing in each centre – flower medicine is a whole, magical world in itself and you might find more important information there!

Patrick Gamble Psychic & Visionary Artist / Healer www.patrickgamble.co.uk


Glamping in The Old Oaks touring caravan and camping site is the ultimate in glamorous five star camping for adults.


ake a serendipitous drive along winding picturesque country lanes to arrive at The Oaks – a haven of peace and tranquility, nestled in the picturesque Somerset countryside. Winner of the AA Campsite of the Year Award in 2013 in England, and overall. Offering you larger than average, landscaped pitches for your caravan, motor home, RV (30ft max) or tent, this 5 star adult only touring park is impeccably kept, spotlessly clean with facilities second to none.The ideal location for couples and families (18+) to truly kick back in a very special location. I personally experienced glamping at The Oaks whilst attending The Beltane


Festival in Glastonbury. We stayed in the camping cabins, suitable for two people. The cabins are spacious, containing a king sized bed with a sky-light view of the stars overhead, a fridge, a hanging wardrobe, under bed storage boxes, kettle, toaster, lighting, an electric heater, power sockets and a full length mirror. Outside is a decked area with bistro table and chairs, perfect for alfresco cooking and dining.


Situated close to the fascinating town of Glastonbury and centrally located for discovering all that Somerset has to offer, The Old Oaks is your perfect ‘get away from it all’ destination. And as a member of Tranquil Touring Parks, a group of independently owned adult only parks, you can be assured of the peace & quiet of the countryside in a child free environment. Bliss. Whether you enjoy walking, cycling, fishing, touring or simply relaxing and observing the abundant wildlife, the park has it all, so why not take a break at The Old Oaks adults only site and see for yourself why their guests return again and again? And last but not least... cake! Every morning there is a freshly baked, delicious and addictive cake of the day. Need I say more?

Your enjoyment is their mission at The Old Oaks, so give them a call today on 01458 831437, or check availability online now. Email: info@theoldoaks.co.uk See more at: www.theoldoaks.co.uk Online booking facility available 24 hours a day


Sorrells Naturally... Offering a beautiful range of natural, ethical and luxurious products to delight the senses, delivered right to your very own doorstep!


orrells Naturally is my on-line shop offering natural and organic bath and body products. All of our delicious creams, serums, scrubs, body washes and sprays are made right here in England and are unique to us. But really the quality is in the essential oils which are of the finest blends and are all ethically sourced. For many years I worked in a London university which offered groundbreaking degrees in Herbal and Chinese Medicines. Being in close proximity to academics and lab technicians, and occasionally being used as their ‘guinea pig’, gave me a love of natural and organic herbs and oils and their fantastic and many uses. We would often trot over to the labs to ask the herbalists to mix us something for a condition or an ailment


and I learnt so much from them. I quickly discovered there was a huge disparity in the products I was coming into contact with at work in the university and those that were in the shops and supermarkets which were labelled ‘natural’ and said to be using ‘essential oils’. I started my own research and came up with the vision and concept of Sorrells Naturally and,

Laura Sorrell

to be honest, I haven’t looked back. Sorrell’s products are available at Breathing Space retreat in Norfolk as featured in Radiant Magazine Issue 2. Myself and Margaret are sisters-inlaw and both share the same vision and values, our businesses work fantastically together. I still wake up excited by the prospect of a new development and absolutely love working in collaboration with other business owners who share my dream

and passion. Right now I’m working on a project with an award winning yoga company to combine my Goddess Empowering Spray with their DVD’s and we already have a large company signed up to stock them. Our best-selling Pomegranate Serum (Green Tea, Carrot Oil, Neroli & Frankincense) is top ranking on Google and when you use it in conjunction with our Pomegranate Cream and Rejuvenating Face Oil makes an excellent anti-ageing base. The Serum can also be used for sun damaged and acne prone skin due to its potent free radical scavenging ingredients. With so many tempting products... Choose Sorrells... the natural choice! Company Owner: Laura Sorrell www.SorrellsNaturally.co.uk Laura@SorrellsNaturally.co.uk Tel: 07786260284


A Sorrells Naturally De-Stress Oil on page 31



For those who prefer their yoga with a touch of glamour, treat yourself to a few days in a chic private hamlet with a story behind it, amidst unspoiled French landscapes that provided the setting for Manon des Sources.

20 20 16

21 21


Kaliyoga are hosting a special yoga and hill walking retreat in Le Grand Banc, a beautifully restored hamlet, nestled in the folds of lavender-scented hills in Provence. The famous, once-abandoned 400-acre property was rescued and renovated by an eccentric English inventor and philanthropist Jeremy Fry, of the Fry chocolate dynasty. He intended Le Grand Banc to be a community where intellectuals could work away from distractions. Surrounded by farmland, lavender, fig orchard and featuring a fabulous cypress-studded pool, Le Grand Banc is totally secluded from the outside world and offers spectacular views over vast skies and hills. Movie lovers will recognise the surrounding countryside where scenes from ‘Jean de Florette’ and ‘Manon des Sources’ were shot. Accommodation is spread throughout several houses, each decorated in an individual, eclectic style, with funky artwork and furniture of the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s era. Many famous artists and writers have made this magical place their retreat. Kaliyoga’s weekly retreat programme includes two yoga classes per day,


four guided walks through the hills and gorges, breakfast, lunch and supper in the Provençale style. Every evening there is a champagne cocktail served on the terrace and a disco round the pool on the last night.


ARE YOU SERIOUS about maintaining good health Then take a look at our exclusive range of aloe vera health & skincare products. Forever Living Products are the world leaders in the production of aloe vera which is grown organically. Our products contain 100% stabilised inner leaf Aloe Vera Gel and Forever Freedom contains Glucosamine, Chondroitin and MSM in an easily absorbed format. And with our 60-day satisfaction or your money back guarantee what have you got to lose! Contact Jean O’Donovan on 01493 369086 or jodonovan@btconnect.com for further details or visit my on-line shop at www.jeanodonovan.co.uk Jean O’Donovan is an independent distributor of Forever Living Products who are members of the Direct Selling Association.

Readers letters We will be introducing a new Readers/problem page to the magazine. If you are feeling a little lost and unfulfilled or are encountering a particularly difficult time at present - we would love to hear from you. If there is anything you would like our panel of experts advice on or help with – relationships, work, animals, alternative therapies; simply drop us a line. Our panel of experts are waiting to reply to your letters with empathy and heart-felt guidance. Your letters will be answered before they are published so that you will not have to wait for too long for your reply. We will only use your christian name and county of residence when the letters are published in the next issue. Samantha & Dawn Radiant Magazine email: samantha@radiant-magazine.co.uk


WHAT’S INCLUDED: l 11 x classes of yoga, pranayama, meditation l 4 x guided walks in the Luberon hills & gorges l 3 x meals per day (veg + non-veg options) l Evening champagne cocktails / alcohol-free option l Choice of single and shared accommodation l Heated outdoor swimming pool l Optional massage and healing therapies l Wednesday afternoon free time l Group transfers from Marseille Airport

The retreat is available in 2013 from May 5 to July 6 only. To find out more and to book, visit: www.kaliyoga.com/france/home/


The first vowel (a.e.i.o.u.) in the first name as given at birth gives the number of the inner spark or soul essence. It is the essential spark of our true self...

The Hidden Power The western version of the Chaldean / Hebrew conversion chart is as follows;

1 2 A B I K Q R J Y

3 4 C D G M L T S

5 E H N X

6 U V W

7 8 O F Z P

To link to your inner spark or soul essence you need to look at the first vowel letter of your first name. For example if your first name is Sheila then the first vowel would be e which gives a number value of 5.The number of your soul essence is 5. To see what this means for you, read the interpretations that follow: * If you have a name where y is used as a vowel i.e. Lynn, Wynn etc. – then use the y as a vowel.


A and I ( and Y ). =1 This number brings great inner strength and a need to be in control of your own life. It’s no good anyone trying to tell you what to do or how to do it. If they ask you nicely that’s a different story. You are not a follower and need to be allowed to find your own way through life and are fiercely independent from a young age. Influenced by the sun you have wonderful warmth to you that Which enables you to motivate others through quiet encouragement.

E=5 This is the number of the free spirit and of adventure. Communication is the gift of the five along with an insatiable thirst for knowledge. Where?, Why,? When?, How?, so many questions. This soul seeks to learn everything

within your Name about everything and to explore the world around them from a very young age. The five really does not like to be restricted in any way and needs room to grow. There is often a love of Theatre, Art or Music with this as your soul essence number.

O=7 The number of the philosopher. A high intellect with a need to analyse. There is a need to know how things work. These are the children who take things to pieces and often manage to put them back together again. Deep thinkers and very private about their personal life none the less the seven needs a stable family life. The seven needs to have quiet time to themselves to contemplate and meditate and to simply BE. Seven is the number of the Mysteries and also of Music and with

this as a soul essence number you will almost certainly be drawn to these subjects.

U=6 Sensitive souls with an inner need to care and to nurture. There is a love of nature and of beauty and an ability to adapt to any situation. The six loves people and especially family. It is important that the home environment is a place of harmony and balance in order for the six to function at their best. The six is badly affected by disharmony or negativity. Often the six will have creative Artistic abilities which tend to be used to make their home unique and beautiful. For more information about the author Vikki Fosdal, or to get a personal reading go to: www.lightweaver.co.uk www.thenumberwitch.wordpress.com


The Path with a Heart... Norfolk Flint Path Retreats

Look at every path closely and deliberately, then ask ourselves this crucial question: Does this path have a heart? If it does, then the path is good. If it doesn’t, it is of no use. Carlos Castaneda


“What is there to do in Norfolk, it’s too quiet and still”. Words we would hear countless times when we told our friends and family of our intention to re-locate to Norfolk three years ago. That was exactly the reason we were moving to Norfolk, we knew that it would suit our way of life, our aims and vision and contribute to us achieving a more harmonious way of living. Our love of Norfolk and it’s stillness was the reason why my Husband resigned from his successful career within The University of Sheffield after a period of 22 years and the reason I gave up my holistic client base back in Yorkshire.

Niki Jane

For the last few years I have been making choices for me. I was putting myself first. It hasn’t always been like that, I‘ll explain: I was in my final year studying psychology at university and it was the date of my first wedding anniversary. The occasion became a memorable one as I suffered a stoke. It was a time in my life that everything felt wrong. I wasn’t happy within my marriage, I didn’t want to enter the in to field of Psychology and I didn’t want to be ill. The stroke was a turning point for me. Much to the opposing views of family members, I made the decision not to take any medication to regain health, but instead to look

into complementary methods of self healing. I was advised I would suffer further strokes or T.I.A’s should I refuse medication. The conclusion to the root cause of the stroke was attributed to stress. After a short The stroke was a turning point period gathering for me. Much to the opposing my thoughts and views of family members, I reflecting on what made the decision not to had happened to my take any medication to regain health, I looked into reflexology and Reiki. health, but instead to look into Over the following complementary methods of year I had fortnightly self healing. sessions of these two therapies and everyone was amazed at how quickly I regained my health, as was I. This time also allowed me to reflect on the changes within myself and how I should move my life forwards. In a nutshell I quit university to become qualified in various modalities of complementary health and healing, this lead me to become a lecturer of therapy within colleges. My transition was a positive one as I now look back to the stroke to be the best thing to have happened to me. I am where I am now, being who I’ve always wanted to be. I didn’t have another stroke and now in my 40’s I


feel healthier and happier than I have ever felt. I founded Norfolk Flint Path Retreats with the aim for retreatant’s to discover and to become themselves too. To have the opportunity to reflect on their life and make positive steps to change areas that are not conducive with their souls purpose - all within a supported environment and without having the major health set back beforehand! All retreats are ‘experiential’ so do differ greatly from the usual relaxation

All retreats are ‘experiential’ so do differ greatly from the usual relaxation and spa retreats. Within NFPR there are professional, certificated & insurable training courses in areas which include: Crystal Therapy, Reiki & Animal Healing.


and spa retreats. Within NFPR there are professional, certificated & insurable training courses in areas which include: Crystal Therapy, Reiki & Animal Healing. My vision is for each retreat to be an inspiration. This may be achieved through being with likeminded people, it maybe through being in our peaceful location set in over ten acres with stream and ancient tracks, or it may be through the professional retreat training in the many areas or holistic health that could lead on to a full time career. Whatever the reason, Norfolk Flint Path Retreat weekends offer time to de-stress & discover, to connect & to calm, all in beautiful Breckland, Norfolk. The next Norfolk Flint Path Retreat is: The Crystal Journey - Professional training in Crystal Therapy - 25th & 26th May 2013. Full board residential accommodation or non residential. Vegetarians & people with food allergies can be catered for. Norfolk Flint Path Retreats Founder: Niki Jane Senior IIHHTDip VTCTDip IIHHT BABTAC & Reiki Master Teacher – 15 Years. Telephone: 01362 857896 or 07939 722792 Email: norfolkflintpathretreats@ hotmail.co.uk Website: www.norfolkflintpathretreats.co.uk


A De-stress roller from Sorrells Naturally Keep this handy lipstick sized roller ball in your handbag, desk or car or anywhere it can be at hand instantly as an instant stress-reliever. Put onto pulse point or rub gently onto temples to help relieve tensions and to instantly calm and aid against the tensions of modern day living. Contents: Geranium, Chamomile, Vetivert & Neroli. In a base of Sweet Almond and Apricot Kernal. Contains Vitamin E. 10ml

For a chance to win a De-stress roller from Sorrells Naturally go to: www.radiant-magazine.co.uk/competitions/roller or simply email competitions@radiant-magazine.co.uk quoting ‘roller’ to enter. Good Luck and Enjoy! Competition closes 14th June 2013

For full terms and conditions: www.radiant-magazine.co.uk/competition



As I type this, the sun squints through clouds laced with refreshing April showers & momentarily a cacophony of birdsong fills the briefly more temperate air. I wonder if, like me, you dare to hope that finally the long, hard winter is behind you & brighter sunnier days are just around the corner‌


In this fifth of six “Radiant” articles Integrated Therapist Sarah McRobert suggests that therapy techniques can help to move you forward into a more positive future. Many clients present to me as desperate, sad, grieving & hopeless. Sometimes it’s as if our world enjoys deliberately frightening us - rather like a malevolent older brother telling scary stories just before bedtime? Increasingly, newspaper headlines & media commentators, even politicians seeking our votes, take an unhealthy delight in describing the threat of a “triple dip” recession, stirring up a fear of violent crime or prophesying a dismal future of endless suffering for all – & often with a relish that borders on hysteria! Yes, the demands of family life, financial & health concerns, pressures of work & unfulfilling relationships can weigh us down so it is all too easy to slip into the negativity surrounding us, like an all-pervasive smog, until we’re also focusing only on what is lost or seems out of reach. No wonder levels of personal stress, anxiety & depression are endemic in society! Perhaps we all know that “emotional vampire” who with bitter words & punishing manner can drain the colour & life out of any situation - for whom “every silver lining has a cloud”?! Maybe, as we mature emotionally we tell ourselves, life cannot be all play, that, at some point we must realise that childhood passes all too quickly & innocence once lost can never be truly regained… I say – why not?! As the clouds burst, lightning flashes & thunder claps overhead, hailstones crash against the windows & the world outside unexpectedly whitens, my sensitive Labrador creeps anxiously into the room, tail between her legs & head down. So I leap to my feet, laugh, sing & dance around her until she starts to wag the tip of her tail, her eyes brighten, she relaxes & is reassured – even in a

Perhaps we all know that ‘emotional vampire’ who with bitter words & punishing manner can drain the colour & life out of any situation - for whom ‘every silver lining has a cloud’?! storm, all is well. Therapy interventions such as hypnosis, NLP & TFT techniques are designed to engage with & stimulate your imagination so you can revisit your playful inner child to inspire a sense of hope, joy, fulfilment & focus in your work, family & home life – perhaps reminding you of a time when you believed that anything really is possible & life is just… FUN! So often, as I’ve worked with them, I’ve had the privilege of hearing clients laugh out loud as they rediscover the potential, motivation, spontaneity & energy that is still within you, just waiting to be nurtured & enjoyed. So go on, take a chance – find that inner child within yourself & learn to cherish them. Change that old selfcritical, blaming voice in your own mind into words of kindness. Look yourself in the eye in every mirror or passing shop window, stand tall, smile & think kind positive thoughts about who you are & who you can be. Know that you are your own masterpiece, as you begin to celebrate all that resourcefulness within, just waiting to burst forth & take on the promise of so many more sunny days yet to come… The next “Radiant” issue will be my final article of this series of six exploring the benefits of Hypnotherapy & associated therapies. Sarah McRobert B.Ed (Hons) Hyp.Dip. (Adv.) MNLP www.sarahmcrobert.com


Tarot The

The journey continues with the introduction of dual forces within The Lovers and The Chariot...

The Fool is now ready to learn about duality, light and dark, yin and yang, temptation and choice with The Lovers card before he encounters The Chariot to discover how to integrate opposing forces and establish balance and control.

The Lovers

The number 6 The card of The Lovers is usually portrayed by a male and female united, representing unity, loving relationships and devotion. On an inner level this card represents conscious/unconscious awareness and the blending together of the two aspects of ourselves creating inner unity. It signifies balance within a partnership and teaches us discrimination. There may be choices that have to be made between a relationship and the need for independence or someone on the outside may be jealous of your relationship and be trying to jeopardise it by spreading rumours and false accusations. The Fool is now faced with the challenge of choice but having learned to go within may find that the answer appears easier than expected. The relationship with self starts to flow as inner guidance becomes easier to follow. This card symbolises that a choice of some kind needs to be made, normally on an emotional level. The choice may be between career and love or a creative activity. You must learn to listen to your


inner guide for the answers, your new knowledge is being put to the test. The card of The Lovers indicates learning about ourselves through our relationships with others.

The Chariot

The number 7 The card of The Chariot is normally portrayed by a chariot being pulled by two horses, one white and one black. The chariot is symbolic of movement and challenge. The individual driving the chariot represents our true self in charge of our own destiny. The black and white horses represent the polarities, the duality of positive and negative and the need to create balance and grounding when reassessing our current situation. The wheels on the chariot signify cycles and indicate changes. This card signifies a need for balance and reflection in a situation. Careful watch must be kept over the ego to ensure that balance is maintained. There may be a tendency to charge headlong into something that requires thought and careful planning. There are also challenges on the horizon that are sent to test The Fool and his newly acquired knowledge and understanding of self as progress is made along the path. As changes take place new purpose will arrive creating a strong will to move forward. Many things may be in the process of changing at the present time, which is all part of the learning process - enjoy the change without trying to anticpate the outcome. Success is ultimately there if care is taken to plan and release all that no longer serves.

Choices & Forces

Gilly Fry 07970 265805 / 01692 584883 www.facebook.com/gillian.vair?fref=ts


Radiant Readers

Tarot and Rune Readings with Gillian

Over 25yrs experience. Can be in person, parties, on the phone or by email. Also EFT Therapy, Reiki Healing and Past Life Regression. www.tarotandhealing.co.uk 01284728761

Tarot Readings with Gilly

Gilly’s readings are person centred, allowing you to view your life from a different perspective and gain clarity. Through gentle guidance, you will become empowered to move forward to create a positive, happy life and fulfill your dreams. 01692 584883 havenhealing@hotmail.co.uk

Numerology/Psychic Reading with Vikki Lightweaver Would you like to know what 2013 holds for you? Unlock the hidden meaning in your name and date of birth. Vikki is an intuitive Numerologist/ Psychic reader with over 20 years experience. Readings can be in written form or by telephone or e-mail. Contact Vikki on 07752962879 at www.lightweaver.co.uk or find me on Facebook

Tarot Readings with Helen Martin

Tarot has been an important part of my spiritual growth since 2002. I offer traditional readings and Tarot birth numerology. Readings give wonderful guidance and comfort. I also offer: Tarot beginners classes; Reiki healing and attunements; Hypnotherapy including Hypnosis for Birth and Massage. Contact me: helenmartin4@sky.com 01603 453066 www.ntpages.co.uk/theavenues

Psychic Tarot Card Reader Ursula Oak Over 35 years spiritual experience Confidential readings by email

Mini Tarot reading ÂŁ10 Monthly prize draw to win a free reading www.UrsulaOak.com www.UrsulaOak.blogspot.co.uk


Self Reliance Change is rapidly moving around us and within us, bringing with it the opportunity for renewal and regeneration on all levels. As our system breaks down, we are being given the chance to find our true roots and to discover who we really are.

Our dependency on a dysfunctional and disconnected system has caused us to lose sight of our own independence and our inner strength, we have forgotten how to hear or acknowledge the voice within. We all have that intuitive inner voice and as we move into the new phase opening up in front of us and around us, we can listen to our own natural inner self and find the strength to walk into the future without fear. Self reliance is just what it says, it is reliance on ones own self. It is a skill anyone can learn to use and it is a method of living that can allow us to live our reconnection with the nature around us, not in a selfish way but in a strong, harmonious and balanced way. It is not a method that demands total disconnection from our consumer society, it is a ‘middle path’, allowing a person to live simply without being totally cut off from society. It is possible to forge a better life for ourselves, for future generations and for our planet. Living a more natural, healthy

and environmentally friendly life is at the heart of self reliance, it is sustainable living in action. There are tried and tested methods suitable for people in rural or urban situations. We all can experience some degree of self reliance and in doing so, reconnect with the spirit of the earth, with the spirit of each other and with our own spirit.


63 37

Twinkle Twinkle little Stars The Capella Health and Wellbeing Centre is located in Stalham, a small town near the beautiful North Norfolk coastline. A long-time dream realized in February 2013 by proprietor Paulina Jones.


aving worked in the field of health and wellbeing for 30 years, both as a nurse in conventional medicine and as a complementary therapists has attributed to Paulina’s strong belief in the benefits of combining the two modalities to create health and wellbeing of mind, body and spirit. She has witnessed at first-hand the amazing impact of combining both approaches, inspired by her vision to create a vibrant centre for health and wellbeing in North Norfolk. The desire to offer an alternative to anti-depressants and other medical interventions is at the core of Paulina’s mission. Her wealth of experience working in the mental health section of the NHS, supporting individuals with disabilities and working as a freelance therapist, have all contributed to Paulina’s desire to promote healing and empower others to experience a


The centre offers one-to-one counselling or support groups where parents can work towards coming to terms with their loss within a supportive and understanding environment.

healthy and happy way of living. One focus of the Capella Centre, a cause close to Paulina’s heart, is to provide help and support to families which have lost babies to miscarriages or stillbirth. In recent years, Paulina’s own family has had two such bereavements. She thinks of the lost babies as stars in the sky, which led her to choose the name ‘Capella’ – a pair of bright golden stars in the constellation of Auriga. The centre offers one-to-one counselling or support groups where parents can work towards coming to terms with their loss within a supportive and understanding environment. Paulina will also offer plenty of information for families struggling with the aftermath of miscarriage. “We found after the miscarriages in our family that it was hard to get information and support,” she said. “So I am really driven to offer this

help.� The Capella centre is a place people can come and feel nurtured and supported – which makes such a difference for all kinds of healing. Paulina recognised the lack of healing and wellbeing facilities in coastal Norfolk and so developed a team of seven experienced and qualified therapists brought together under one roof in her Stalham premises, to offer an array of treatments and services; Counselling, Bowen Technique, Massage, Aromatherapy, Chinese Medicine, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming, Meditation EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique, Crystal healing, Relaxation, Clinical Ecology (food

sensitivities & allergies), Reflexology, Reiki, and Sound Therapy. Capella Health and Wellbeing Centre, a shining star in Norfolk! 31 High Street, Stalham, Norfolk, NR12 9AH Tel: 07776 402176 www.capellawellbeing.co.uk thecapellacentre@hotmail.com www.diamondhealingheart.co.uk www.paulinajones.co.uk - Art


for holistic therapies & beautiful things! Great Yarmouth’s Mind Body & Spirit Centre 01493 843131




Life Coaching


Angel Card Readings








Bach Flower Consultations


Past Life Regression


Bowen Therapy




Crystal Therapy




Ear Candling


Sound & Colour Healing


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Future Life Progression


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Swedish Massage




Tarot Readings


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Thai Foot Massage

Workshops & Courses l gift shop l Clairvoyance

6 Queen Street, Great Yarmouth NR30 2QP (near the Town Hall)



Meet some of our team of experienced, qualified and insured therapists... HELEN MARTIN & SUE CROOK In September of 2010, Helen and Sue cast caution to the wind, and followed their dream – to create a mind, body & spirit centre, where practitioners of all types of therapies could work together under one roof - where people could come for treatments; could relax, unwind and de-stress in a calm, safe and happy atmosphere; could learn therapies themselves; and could meet with likeminded people. And so… Spirit haven was born! Helen offers Reiki, Crystal Therapy, Ear Candling and Spiritual Healing, while Sue does Reiki and Indian Head Massage and crafts magical natural wands! SHARON KIDD Sharon has been with Spirit haven since it first opened its doors, reading the Tarot, and running workshops on all types of majick. She is also a regular contributor to Radiant Magazine. KERRY PEACE Kerry has been with Spirit haven for the past two years, specialising in Reflexology, Hot Stone Massage and Aromatherapy Massage bringing mind, body & spirit back into balance and eliminating stress and tension. ROY BRADFORD Shiatsu is a holistic massage technique using touch, comfortable pressure & gentle manipulation to adjust the body’s physical structure & balance its energy flow. Deeply relaxing, treatments alleviate stress & maintain health and well-being.

SUZANNE MANN Effective Hypnotherapy for weight, smoking and phobias, including Virtual Gastric Band and Stop Smoking for Life programmes for men and women. Call Spirit haven now for a free initial consultation. PAUL EAGLE Reiki Training in Norfolk - Real World Reiki with Paul Eagle. Relaxed, friendly atmosphere; experienced professional trainer; affordable prices. Includes Attunements, Manual, Certificate and on-going support. Book your place today. ANGI WEBSTER Angi specialises in holistic therapies and Remedial/Sport Massage, giving personalised treatments, that help to benefit your health and well-being, by aiming to reduce stress, tension and muscular aches and pains. GRAEME KIDD Graeme is a Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner, using language techniques to resolve issues including trauma, phobia, habits, anxiety, depression, confidence and self esteem helping you change, be happy and well. SUE KEENAN Originally a friend and frequent customer, Sue trained to become one of our team of therapists, offering Chakra Balances, Candle Magick, Colour Therapy and Reiki, by appointment.

Book an appointment for any therapy in May and mention Radiant Magazine when you come in, and we’ll enter your name into a prize draw to win a £10 therapy voucher, or a free ticket for one of our monthly Clairvoyant Evenings!


Re-Discovering Re-Inventing

The Art of Photography by Jeff Frazier Jeff Frazier is a professional photographer based in Nashville, Tennessee. His commercial portfolio includes images for national and international design firms, nonprofit organizations, advertising agencies, publications, and institutions. His true passions lie in lushly dynamic fine-art photography utilizing visual metaphor and symbolism to express the mystery that lies within us and the world around us, with a focus on elements of the mystical and the surreal.

Brigit, daughter of Dubthach


Ambriel, Queen of Cups

The Ascension Watcher in the woods


The Green woman

The Portal

www.jefffrazier.com https://www.facebook.com/pages/ Jeff-Frazier-Photographs/143848832309102?fref=ts

Nemain, Goddess of War

Healing with Herbs have been used as natural medicine since time began. The knowledge of herbal healing has been passed down through the centuries by folklore and word of mouth.


erbs have been used as natural medicine since time began. The knowledge of herbal healing has been passed down through the centuries by folklore and word of mouth. Mother Nature provides us with a variety of Herbs for healing common ailments, as well as healing the mind and spirit. Rather than just treating the symptoms, as our modern drugs do, Herbal Healing takes a holistic approach to curing us. However, it is worth noting that the modern day drugs used to treat complaints still rely on plants for the foundations for many of today’s more conventional drugs. Besides being used to Heal, herbs are used for cooking. They make a dish more palatable. As well as treating common ailments, Herbs can also be used for illness prevention. Herbs contain their own small vitamin balance along with minerals and other trace elements. E.g, Garlic and

Echinacea help to boost the immune system, especially if taken during the winter when colds and infections are more prevalent. Just a note about Echinacea, it should only be taken for up to two weeks, and then a break, to allow the immune system to strengthen. Herbs also have magical uses, which I have included alongside the descriptions. They are also used for Aromatherapy, Crafts, as Sacred Herbs and of course, Gardening. There is something satisfying in raising a Herb Garden. It is pleasing to the senses and also fills your garden with wonderful scents and encourages the humble bee to visit.


Let’s start with Garlic, latin name (Allium Sativum) which is used by many people on a daily basis, mainly for its flavouring in dishes. Garlic is a natural antibiotic and an antiseptic. It contains allicin in the oil, and vitamins A, B and C. It is also an antihistamine that helps to reduce inflammation and fever. Garlic can also destroy some types of cancer cells. Use Garlic for chest infections, including bronchitis, coughs, colds and flu and to reduce catarrh. It can reduce cholesterol, lower blood pressure and help prevent thrombosis. Use the bulb only. This can be finely diced, chopped, crushed or baked or it can be fried to release the oil, which can help when applied to a toothache, or as a remedy for earache. Garlic oil applied to the back can help relieve backache.

To make a Garlic oil back reliever: 1. Fry 10 cloves of Garlic in sesame oil or coconut oil or mustard oil.

Herbs 2. Fry until the Garlic cloves turn brown. Let the oil residue cool completely. 3. Apply to the back and keep on there for approximately three hours. Garlic is also thought to be a remedy for sexual impotence, when taken on a daily basis, as it acts a tonic for the loss of sexual power. Chew 3 or 4 cloves raw daily as an aphrodisiac, but make sure your partner does too! Magical Use – Protection, Healing, Exorcism, Lust and Anti-Theft. Also the famous fending off Vampires!


Lavender is used for its calming and relaxing effects. It can treat emotional or mental stress. It can aid restful sleep, if used within a pillow as the dried herb or a few drops of oil placed on the pillow. Lavender can also reduce muscular pain, and is a great skin smoother. It has a beautiful scent, and can perfume drawers, also believed to protect clothing from moths. Lavender can also aid the digestive system and relieves wind and bloating. Lavender oil rubbed on the temples, can aid and relieve a throbbing headache. If used as a cream or oil, it can assist in arthritic pain if applied to painful joints. It also relieves nerve pain and can help in treating bites or stings.

Why not make a Lavender Bath Blend you can relax in, at the end of a hard day... You will need: n Lavender as an essential oil. n 4 cups of Epsom Salts. n 2 cups of Sea Salt. n 1 cup of non-fat powdered milk. n 2 cups of oatmeal ground to a fine powder in a coffee grinder or food processor. n 40 drops of Lavender essential oil. 1. Mix together all the dry ingredients in

a mixing bowl. 2. Add the Lavender 10 drops at a time to ensure that the oil is distributed easily. 3. Add to a flowing bath and enjoy. Magical Use – Love, Protection, Sleep, Chastity, Longevity, Purification, Happiness and Peace. These are just a small sample of Mother Nature’s gifts to us. Plants, Trees and Shrubs all aid us in our everyday existence. In their decadent beauty, they give us the gift of oxygen, through photosynthesis, and so much more! They enhance and enrich our lives. They give us the gift of healing ourselves with their wonderful qualities. It is our responsibility, as caretakers of Mother Earth to ensure their survival and connect and live in Harmony with Mother Earth. Why not raise a small Herb garden? Herbs are so volatile; they can be grown in pots if space is short. It is a wonder, in itself to watch the progression from a tiny seed, to a full grown plant. Let’s continue this ancient and sacred gift to us. Herbs are beautiful, and can be uplifting, healing and are an essential part of our existence. Always consult your GP before using herbal remedies. Blessed Be Article by Jhyenan O’Shea Email: jhyenanoshea@yahoo.com Web page: Daughters of the Moon Community Page on Facebook



Summer Solitude by Trish Abbott

Sitting in the summer sun I feel the warming rays soak in, With just a gentle calming breeze that whispers cool upon my skin Gazing out across the water, sparkling ripples catch my eye. Reflections in the rocky pools that mirror back the deep blue sky. Irises of gold and blue grow tall along the shallows edge, Where water mint and clover pink fill spaces on the rocky ledge Swallows dive to sip the water as I sit beneath the trees Dappled sunlight gold and silver dance between their soft green leaves I close my eyes and tilt my face to greet the warming sunlight glow And breathe in perfume from the flowers, given freely as they grow It feels so good to sit in silence, not a word needs to be said Nature’s beauty all around me. Thoughts of summer fill my head

www.energy-for-life.co.uk www.facebook.com/pages/Energy-WorkerNatural-Healing-Therapist/387140137994132?ref=hl


Radiant Review

The Earth Changes Anne Fallas

The bee and the sun were powerful symbols of life regenerating itself, and the new life was linked to both. As fecundity began to bathe the earth, the shadow of its darker self began to fade. Healing had begun. What had been lost was beginning to be replaced with something totally new and completely unique. There was magic in the air and the bees noticed the magic before anyone else. The veil which normally separated the different dimensions was slowly being removed. A new reality was being born. Excerpt from The Eart Changes: Chapter 24

Anne Fallas www.annefallas.fr


Editor’s review: I finished the book in 2 days, a new record for me! I didn’t want the story to end. I experienced the whole spectrum of emotions and everything about the journey resonated with me on such a deep level. It provoked so many dreams and desires for a better life on a personal level but also reminded me as a human being of our connection to all that is and our responsibility to our wonderful hostess, our abundant mother earth. It is a truly fabulous, inspirational book! Samantha



On the cusp between Spring and Summer, Beltane is a fire festival that celebrating life and fertility for the coming year.

Merry we meet.

Hopefully we have all come out of the cold weather intact, Mother Earth has certainly given us something to think about these last few months and perhaps we will appreciate the warmer weather to come and enjoy ourselves more by getting outside in the fresh air. But oblivious to our concerns of the weather, the wheel of the year turns itself once again and we do find ourselves getting ready to welcome the summer months with the festival of Beltane. Beltane is traditionally celebrated on the eve of May day - the 30th of April and now continued through the 1st of May. The word Beltane or Beltaine, when translated usually means “Bright fire” or something very similar. It is an early summer festiva celebrating life and fertility. Like its counter part

the Witches tree was never brought indoors but only allowed on this eve, as it was very unlucky for anybody to mess with this sacred tree. Mother Earths energies at this time of the year are at there most potent. The earth is now ready to burst into life and everything that was at its beginning, is now ready to bloom into being. Ley or dragon paths are also beaming their energies around from there resting places under the earth and can be more easily sensed. Beltane is also about the sacred marriage between the Lord and the Lady, God and Goddess. Love and fertility. Villagers on May day would have the customary “love chases” as well as erecting a may pole that would be danced around by the men and women of the village. This age

The word Beltane or Beltaine, when translated usually means “Brightfire” or something very similar. It is an early summer festiva celebrating life and fertility. Samhain it is a particularly potent time at dawn and dusk. The veils of our worlds are thin at this time and doorways to the realms of others worlds may now become visible. It is at this time that the doorway to the realm of the fae can become open - but only to those who are granted entrance by their Queen. The Queen is most particular of who gains entrance. In days gone by none should fall asleep under the Hawthorn as they would be carried off by the fae, never to be seen again !! Hawthorn - the May tree or

old custom (one that we don’t see a lot of in our own villages now - mores the shame) shows how important the interweaving of male and female energies were, nobody better, each having their place to come together to form new life. To give more energy to the coming together of future relationships. One member of the village would also dress as the “Green Man” and dance around the men and women, he would represent the Spirit of vegetation, helping to ensure the fertility of the land. Beltane is a fire festival and a fire


would be erected sometimes in the village or on the outskirts. Fires were also erected on the top of hills and were lit from one village to another. There are a few places that do still carry on this tradition. The fire had a purpose as people of the village would jump the sacred fire for purification, fertility and cleansing, couples would jump together to show union to one another. When the fire smoked cattle and other animals were driven through to bring protection from disease and to make sure that

by giving seeds instead of plants. By doing it this way we can help to reinstate the plant itself. So how can we celebrate the festival of Beltane, green is the colour!! So on May eve or day wear something green for respect of the Lord and Lady Greenwood. Headdresses and mask of greenery can be made and worn. Walking a labyrinth or dragon path. If you can find a Maypole celebration, they are fun and full of laughter. But if that is not possible use a tree that is in

The fire had a purpose as people of the village would jump the sacred fire for purification, fertility and cleansing, couples would jump together to show union to one another. they would be fertile. The God Bel or Bell was named the “the bright one “ and this could be were this fire festival takes its name. He was the God of fire and light, the father archetype. He is the one that impregnates Mother Earth. In newer traditions the May queen is crowned with her headdress of flowers but should always have her consort - jack in the green or the Green Man. The term the Merry month of May could come from the fact that couple went a “Maying” in the woods and forest that were once abound. As to copulate in the outside was to be at one with the Lord and Lady but this could have given some rise into the tradition of tying ribbons and pieces of cloth to trees and bushes. Clothes would probably have been torn in their merriment and discarded, so it became a custom to honor the fae. It was also noted that the dew collected at dawn on May day would help to preserve a ladies attractiveness. Customarily it was also on this day that Cowslips were given as a token of friendship, these days the humble Cowslip is a protected plant, but we can still carry on the tradition


your garden or failing that a potted shrub/plant to dance around. Tie your ribbons to your tree to honour the fae, or hug a tree. Or build a sacred fire, this can even be with a fire pit, but take it from one who knows, be careful with those long flowing gowns! Where there is fire, always be extra vigilint, fire is dangerous as well as beautiful. There is also the option of a romantic evening in with a nice meal and wine unless you would like to go a Maying!

Merry we part, Till the next wheels turn Love and blessings to all for a wonderful Beltane

Sharon Kidd is a practising Witch and Tarot reader working from home and Spirit Haven in Great Yarmouth 01493 843131 You can find her on facebook as Enchanted/Sharon Kidd or email enchantedsk@yahoo.com Sharon has several new workshops for 2013 including the “Sacred Home” for dates, prices etc, please contact Spirit Haven.


For as long as Handfasting is a form of marriage ceremony. Originating from the ancient Celts it was something a betrothed couple could enter into for a year and a day as a sort of test run for a potential longer marriage.


t is named handfasting as during the ceremony the couples hands are symbolically tied together, this being the equivalent to the exchange of rings. The handfasting would often take place during May and June although other times of the year are also used. This tradition of celebrating love and romance whilst the flowering season is taking place is something that we still embrace to this day. The couple would exchange vows as in a modern ceremony and any marriage contract concerning mutual sharing of wealth and property would occur after the year and a day had ended when the couple would choose whether to make the marriage legally binding in front of witnesses and family. Handfastings today have become more complex with couples jumping broomsticks and holding elaborate celebrations overseen by usually a chosen person experienced in their pagan path and knowledgeable on how to hold handfastings. Modern handfastings sometimes include a full ritual and invocation of the couples chosen deity. Although they lack official recognition in the eyes of the law they can often be taken as seriously if not more than a


civil service. For todays neo-pagans they offer the opportunity for a shared spiritual celebration of love that can accommodate their individual beliefs, needs and creative expression. Handfastings are often held out doors in nature although with our unpredictable weather ancient barns are also popular venues. For couples wanting a ceremony that includes all the elements of their Wiccan or pagan path a handfasting is an excellent alternative. Places such as Glastonbury Chalice Well garden is frequently used to hold handfastings as are stone circles and places with ancient energies. There is no absolute ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to conduct and create a handfasting ceremony. Couples can have the handfasting any way they wish within practical reason. But the one element that should always be there is the binding of the hands. Weaved ribbons are often used for this and various ways of fastening the hands is employed. In my book Handfasting A Practical Guide I describe this in way more detail and include the origins of marriage ceremonies that have affected our shores over the past. Modern handfastings can still be

Love may last There is no absolute ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to conduct and create a handfasting ceremony. Couples can have the handfasting any way they wish within practical reason. But the one element that should always be there is the binding of the hands.

carried out in the traditional year and a day manner but often couples like to take vows that include ‘for as long as love may last’ or ‘until we part in death’ or ‘eternal soul bindings’, the choices and decisions lay with the couple concerned. Couples that wish to be seen as married in the eyes of the law still need to undergo a normal civil ceremony and sign a marriage register. Handfastings are often beautiful magical affairs that frequently have deeper meanings than registry office ceremonies due to the couple themselves deciding on the wording of their vows and usually the whole event is followed by a traditional feast shared by those invited.

For information on my book and enquiries on handfastings please visit www.tarotandhealing.co.uk Gillian Macdonald Tarot and Healing Tel: 01284 728761 or 07707759051 Email: info@tarotandhealing.co.uk


The healthful benefits of blueberries stem mainly from their incredibly high levels of antioxidant phytonutrients.Â

4oz of blueberries contain the same amount of antioxidants as five servings of other fruit and vegetables. Antioxidants help guard against a range of cancers, heart disease, asthma, arthritis and cataracts, Alzheimer’s and age-related neurological diseases.


By preventing infectious bacteria from clinging to the wall of the gut, bladder and urethra, blueberries also offer protection against cystitis.



Blueberries, as well as being full of flavor and nutritional goodness, are very low in calories. Around 145g of blueberries contains a mere 83 calories. They are very high in vitamin content, fiber and most importantly, antioxidants. In recent studies, blueberries have been found at the top of the list of fruits in their ability to destroy free radicals, considered important in the prevention of cancer.

Packed with nutrients. Some of those nutrients are similar to the ones in whole grains, but without all the starch.

High in vitamin C and a good source of fibre, blueberries have a compound, pterostilbene, which acts to protect the heart in the same way as cholesterollowering drugs.

Although found in some parts of Europe and Asia, blueberries are native to North America Studies have shown that blueberries slow down mental ageing. In humans, about 100g a day can stimulate the growth of new brain cells.

Blueberries have a high water content, which makes them good for hydrating your skin.

While blueberries contain well-known antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, their main health benefits are thought to come from anthocyanins – naturally occurring pigments that give them their blue colour and act as potent antioxidants.

Blueberries top the list in terms of their antioxidant activity when compared to 40 other fresh fruit and vegetables.

They contain polyphenols, which combat the effects of free radicals, a key cause of wrinkles, and so keep skin looking younger for longer. They also help the body to make collagen, which keeps skin supple.


Pearl and red Quinola lime-marinated


Mothergrain with courgette and mint High in protein, gluten-free, packed with amino acids, fibre, magnesium, calcium, Vitamin B6 and Omega 3s, and with a low GI that keeps you fuller for longer, quinoa is the fitness food for 2013 that everyone’s talking about (the UN has even declared it the International Year of Quinoa!).

Ingredients l Ingredients l 200g pearl Quinola l 50g red Quinola l 1 courgette l 2 limes l Fresh mint l Olive oil Method 1. Bring a pan of salted water to the boil. Add the red Quinola. After 2 mins add 200g pearl Quinola. Once the 14 minutes have elapsed from putting in the Red Quinoa, drain and rinse under cold water. 2. While the quinoa is cooking, peel the courgette into thin ribbons with a peeler and marinate in the juice of the two limes and some olive oil. Chop the fresh mint. 3. Once the quinoa is cooked, mix in the courgette ribbons with the marinade and garnish with the mint.

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Animal Healing an exchange of energy

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened” ANATOLE FRANCE

“What on earth are you doing with that cat?” I would hear these words daily from my parents during the 1970‘s. As an only child aged 8, Dad bought home a scrawny black semi-feral cat to ‘keep me company’, I named him Timmy. After just a few days Timmy had to see the Vet. He was thin, not able to eat and very unhappy. Numerous tests showed a renal tumour - the size of a small orange. The Vet gave Timmy 6 weeks to live and put him on medication. I was distraught and concluded I would not allow this to happen to my best friend. Every day I sat with Timmy on my knee and placed my hands over his tiny body. Out of nowhere I saw a white light surrounding him. I knew it was doing him good. As the days turned into weeks he began to eat, regain strength, play and become like any normal cat. We took Timmy to see the Vet a few months later and he was astounded. The tumour had gone.

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Who can say whether it was the healing energy or the medication, but one thing for sure is that Timmy lived happily with us for another eight years passing to spirit aged around 16. He even saved the lives of my Mum, Dad and I, but that’s a story for another time. So what is animal healing? In a nutshell it’s working with the animals’ own energy field and linking it with our own and that of the vibrational energy that we are part of everyday. I teach many forms of animal healing but the modality that proves to be ever popular is ‘hands on healing‘. Animal healing is an exchange of energy. The energy is channelled through the healer’s hands into the animal by placing hands on specific points throughout the animals body. There are many energy centres from which the healing is absorbed. One of the main areas is the butterfly centre which is located just below the shoulder area. This centre has condensed and

complex energy and quite often just by healing this one area, profound healing can take place throughout the animals‘ body. There are many benefits to animal healing and although animal healing cannot be a substitute for veterinary medicine it is a non-invasive, non-toxic system of bringing about positive health changes to the animal concerned. I do work alongside Vets. I have seen near miracles with some of the animals I have in my clinic and on an average week I can treat between 10 and 20 animals, with a wide variety of health concerns. These can range from behavioural and emotional problems, physical health issues like with arthritis, muscle problems and then I see many rescued animals who may need help with a

“Love of animals is a universal impulse, a common ground on which all of us may meet. By loving and understanding animals, perhaps we humans shall come to understand each other.” Dr. Louis J. Camuti

combination of the above. I do have a 5 week waiting list but thankfully I have the support of my Animal Magic gradates, people that I have trained through my training school. This allows me to refer on many more animals in need of healing. If you would like to become an Animal Healer contact Niki Senior at: ukanimalhealer@hotmail.co.uk www.animalhealingcourses.co.uk Mobile 07939 722792


Profile of a Medium PART 2: Terri L ake

Serendipitous steps... Joining a spiritual development circle and connecting with like-minded others is an extremely empowering experience that helps you to gain clarity, understanding and build your confidence...

When you first sit in a spiritual group it is exciting and fun as it is all a new experience. Given the opportunity I would have attended the group everyday, I couldn’t get enough of it. Then reality sets in, people in the group start to tell you that they have been attending for years and you then start to wonder when you will be able to move on and improve. Your development group becomes your little family, they are there through all of your experiences good and bad and then the time arrives when you seem to outgrow your group and need to move on – then what do you do, where do you go? After I outgrew my first group I must admit I had no idea where I


wanted to take this gift, or whether I would actually be good enough to give clear and accurate messages. Findind the right development group is a very personal and important experience. I sat in quite a few groups until I settled in one in Norwich. After a couple of years of practice my group held a fledgling evening at the Puppet Theatre in Norwich. There were about eight of us that night and I had worked myself up into a right state. I had lost count of how many times I had disappeared to seek refuge in the Ladies. It was a warm summers evening, I had chosen the wrong outfit and my nerves were getting the better of me. I wish I had been the first one on the

stage, rather than sixth out of eight, it felt like an eternity waiting for my turn to arrive. Suddenly my turn came, I went into panic mode, my spirit friends had deserted me and I felt it was crash and burn time. All of a sudden I felt the presence of a lady with me and the next thing I remember is having a dead budgie laying flat on its back with its legs in the air in the palm of my hand. I knew this was someones’s sole companion and that when it had made the transition to spirit, the lady could not bear to be parted with her dear friend and so the bird had been left resting in its cage for five weeks. The cage was covered so that the bird wasn’t visible but obviously it started to smell and had to be removed.

Whilst I was relaying this information I kept being drawn to a rather large lady in a bright turquoise tracksuit who was sitting in the corner of the first row. The lady did not acknowledge any of the information, so undeterred I continued and said “ also Aunty Joan wants to say hello” with that she let out a bloodcurdling scream and burst into tears. The whole theatre was hushed as the lady went on to explain to the audience that all of the information that I had passed on was was in fact correct. I learnt a valuable lesson that evening; in the sense that if we put our trust in our friends in the realm of spirit they will not let us down.

Terri Lake 07917 718864 terri@copyprint.org.uk


Blue Lace Agate In pre Christian times in Scandinavia and Denmark blue lace agate was dedicated to Nerthus the earth mother...


lue lace agate is a light blue stone with delicate bands in a wavy pattern or lacelike arrangement. The delicacy of its color can hardly be described using words. It is a very calming stone and instills peace into your being. Due to these qualities it can be an excellent stone for starting afresh by overcoming bitterness and healing inner anger. It can aid balancing of the throat, third eye, heart and crown chakras enabling us to open up to higher energies and respond to situations with loving thoughts and words. As with all agates it facilitate acceptance of yourself and speaking your truth. Blue lace agate is very commonly known for being associated with communication from both perspectives, being expressed from ourselves and also communication being received by us, helping us to hear what other people are trying to express and take on board their view points. Often we don’t speak out for fear of being criticized, judged and for fear of offending others and then being rejected. Blue lace agate helps to counteract this fear enabling us to speak without anger and from the heart. As a support crystal, Blue Lace Agate assists those who fear speaking in public or sharing thoughts and ideas with strangers. It is a great stone for those who communicate for a living, such as workshop directors, lecturers, teachers,


or anyone who must connect in a clear, intelligent manner. Blue Lace Agate’s calm, centering properties also aid those who are unable to stop talking, or who speak before thinking about the consequences of their words. It encourages discernment about the thoughts they share and the beauty of inner silence. It helps those who have trouble keeping a secret, and promotes understanding in the sanctity of trust. It is an excellent stone for imaginative children who present created stories, and may need help in discerning whether an event was real or imagined. As it works well with the crown chakra and the throat chakra, blue lace agate can help you to hear the words of your guardian angel to guide you in the right direction when needed. As it is such a calming stone it can be useful in hectic households, it can also lower the volume of noisy communication so if you have noisy children, barking dogs or meowing cats, keep a bowl of blue lace agate in the home to help calm and reduce these energies for more blissful surroundings! Physically, this crystal can help with sore throats, sinus problems, high blood pressure and tension headaches. Blue Lace Agate helps to strengthen and accelerate the repair of bones, thyroid deficiencies, throat and lymph infections. It soothes red, sore eyes and any skin problems associated with redness and irritation.


To help to connect with the qualities of blue lace agate try this simple meditation:-

Either sit holding a piece of blue lace agate or lie down and place over your throat chakra. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing, breathe in deeply and then slowly release repeating five times. Turn your attention to your crown chakra at the top of your head and visualize a pale blue colour entering your crown and slowly moving down your entire body to your feet and then back up to the top of your head. Imagine this calming blue energy expanding from your body and surrounding you until you are enveloped in a bubble of blue light. Focusing on your throat chakra, feel what emotions or sensations you experience and allow them to pass and asking your guardian angel to assist with healing your throat chakra and any communication issues. Continue to breathe deeply for 5 minutes and then slowly open your eyes and become aware of your surroundings again, feeling more centered and peaceful to continue your day.

Pauline Street http://serenityforyou.co.uk Mobile: 07900 988138


with Ursula Oak A Wish to bring a little calm into your life Life in today’s hectic world can sometimes be overwhelming. We dash from one place to the next, and can feel as though life is rushing past us far too quickly. This can cause our stress levels to rise as we feel there are not enough hours in the day to do all that we need to do. How many times have you thought to yourself, If only I felt a little calmer, I just need to stop worrying about everything. I need to take a step back and be still. Worry can overtake our lives and really upset the personal balance of our mind body and spirit. If you are thinking, ‘that describes my life’, this Wish is perfect for you. This Wish could help to calm you and relax you, this in turn can increase your happiness levels. This wish hopes to leave you feeling that things can be a little bit better. During the day you will need to take a short walk to find a few items, keep your eyes open and alert, maybe as you walk to work, take the children to school, walk the dog or go to the shops.


A Wish to bring into your life in 3 easy steps What you need need to gather together these items. l A small leaf, this represents all aspects of your life. The leaf begins life as a shoot on the tree, then grows to be a leaf in full bloom and then falls from the tree and is absorbed back into Mother Earth. A full cycle of life. l A feather, this represents your dreams and ideas, your need to feel free. l A small stone or pebble, this will keep you grounded, feet on the ground and able to cope. l A large leaf to use as a natural biodegradable wrapper l A length of string l A Tigers eye crystal, a wonderful crystal for reducing stress and promoting calm. l A small tumble stone is inexpensive to buy and easily sourced from a crystal shop or online supplier. l You

What to do lG ather everything you need together, set it out on your table and then wait until the sun goes down. This Wish is best performed at dusk. lP lace your large leaf on a table, in front of you. lP lace the feather, stone and small leaf in the centre of the large leaf. lR oll the large leaf around the small leaf, feather and pebble so they are enclosed within the large leaf. Tie with your length of string. lP lace the Tigers eye crystal on top of your parcel. lH old the parcel and the crystal within your cupped hands. lC lose your eyes. Take a few deep breathes, in… and out. Relax your whole body and your mind. lA s you hold the parcel visualise the air around you as calm and still, visualise yourself as a calm and fully relaxed

person, in your mind’s eye see yourself coping with your life, see yourself laughing and enjoying your life to its full potential. lY ou are calm. lH old that wonderful and calming image for a moment or two. l T hen say sing or chant the Wish rhyme while still holding the leaf parcel in your cupped hands. The Wish ‘Energy light and energy bright, calming energy for me tonight. Fill my life with peace and love, from the universe above’ Keep my feet upon the ground, feel the earth, safe and sound’. Now you need to bury your leaf parcel somewhere close to your home. If you have a garden you can bury it there, if you do not have a garden bury it in a flower pot, either inside or outside of your home. If you have nowhere at all where you could bury your parcel go to a local park, forest or wood and leave it there under the foliage of a tree. Burying the Wish begins the process of releasing your request to Mother Earth and the Universe, and starts to activate your Wish. Keep the Tigers eye crystal with you at all times. Place it in your purse, wallet, handbag or pocket. At times of stress hold your crystal tightly within your palm, remember the visualisation and the Wish. This will re energise your inner self with a wave of calm which will stay with you as you go about your day.

Blessings for a calm and happy life. Ursula x Ursula is a natural psychic and author. You can find out more about her here: www.Ursulaoak.com www.ursulaoak.blogspot.com


ISSUE 6 July 2013

www.radiant-magazine.co.uk Contacts EDITOR Samantha Yates samantha@radiant-magazine.co.uk PUBLISHER / DESIGN Dawn Li dawn@radiant-magazine.co.uk For advertising enquiries contact samantha@radiant-magazine.co.uk or call 07951 292687

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