ML Magazine N.3 December 2019 English Version

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# 3 ENG

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ï‚— Cover: Ayrton Senna photographed by Angelo Orsi

R a c e s a r e l i k e t h i s , s o m e t i m e s t h e y e n d u p at t h e f i r s t c o r n e r , s o m e t i m e s w i t h s i x l a p s t o g o .

( a .

s e n n a )

S u z u k a ,

1 9 9 0

( f i r s t

r o w )


Mirco Lazzari ď‚– Ambience, Tanzania Nikon D4S Nikkor 800 5.6 ď‚– 1/320 f 8

( f i r s t r o w )

Mirco Lazzari  Joan Mir, Sepang International Circuit Nikon D5 Nikkor 400 2.8  1/1600 f 2.8

( f i r s t r o w )

Mirco Lazzari  Remy Gardner, Phillip Island Circuit Nikon D5 Nikkor 600 4  1/10 f 22

( f i r s t r o w )

m o t o r s p o r t a n d l i f e

m l m a g a z i n e # 3

D e C 2 0 1 9

#3 summary 4

(first row)

1 4 ( M i rc o ’ s s p e e c h ) 16 (champions) 2 7 ( SIMPLY THE B EST ) 48 (africa) 62 (galà) 74 (portraits) 80 (race queen) 84 (photographers’


102 (dedicated to)

( M i rc o ’ s

s p e e c h )

Few weeks ago, Malesia, question and answer between riders and fans and a question to all riders: which five tracks do you like best in the world championship? Various answers, one constant: Phillip Island, for all of us The Island. If the photographers had been asked the same question, the result would have been the same. Phillip Island, a paradise for riders and photographers. Large spaces, sea, ups and downs, sky, background. Here the light is

different, here the curves have something special, here the sea mixes in the sky and everything becomes more intense and true. Charm. Track for great drivers and great drivers for great races: the track on the island hardly betrays the expectations. For this reason we have decided to dedicate an entire chapter to this issue, to give free rein to photography, to the possibility of showing, and enjoying, the cuts of light, the settings, the contrasts that the photos

taken here have. The spring season with its climate does not help to fully enjoy the location, however, honestly, to us photographers allows to dare as only cold places let you do. And this year, with a special halfhour session to test new Michelin tires for the next MotoGP season at an unusual time combined with the southern spring with short days, the low light sun was a boost that could not be fully exploited, even if it appeared in that half hour for no more than three minutes. ⚍ Mirco L azzari

( c h a m p i o n s )


( 1 7 )

ď‚— Previous page: Lorenzo Dalla Porta celebrates the World Champion win in Phillip Island. This page: Lorenzo Dalla Porta in action during the practice.

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( 2 1 )

ď‚— Left page and Right page: a very happy Alex Marquez after the Malaysian race where he won the title. Next page: Alex in action.

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( a y r t o n


s e n n a )

27 Foto tratte dalla mostra fotografica Simply the Best. Fotografie di Angelo Orsi e Mirco Lazzari.

( 2 7 )

( 2 9 )

( G R EAT ) Great. A whole life like this, great. Since the time of karting, a very young man transplanted away from home to win races and exorcise the nostalgia of the distant family. Great. From the time of the first single-seaters: victory already in the third race, twelve even in the debut season. Great. And the F. Ford 2000: twenty-one successes on twenty-seven races. Great. And the debut in F3? First! Great. Then twenty-two races and fourteen victories. Great. And then again F1, the risky choice of a small team, Toleman, but with a leading role. Great. And the Lotus, the first pole position with the timely wink to Gerard Ducarouge, designer and accomplice of a thousand tricks. Great.

only races, many, and trials, moreover. But also family, business, friends and women, often different, more and more beautiful. Great.

Ten years in the Olympus of the best, face to face with Mansell’s desperate courage, Prost’s thousands of tricks, Piquet’s job and long tongue, sharing world titles with them but never doubting who was the best. Great. Ten years starting almost always in front, where to be served the leg of the champion. With the turbo or the aspirated, with the electronics and without, with the eight, with the ten, with the twelve cylinders. Great.

The impossible challenge with the Ford against the Renault, stick to the rain or curves to see talent and courage rewarded. Five winning bets. Great. Arm wrestling with Dennis, the long run-I don’t run, Ron’s collapse. Great.

Ten years in motion on the Montecarlo-Portugal-Brazil axis because there were not

Ninety-six Grands Prix with a Honda engine behind his back, thirty-two wins, one every three. Great. Trips to and from Japan, a thousand bows, a thousand smiles, a lot of patience and six signatures on fabulous contracts. Great. The happy smile of old Soichiro and the saddest but most admired of the equally old Ferrari. The pleasure of having spoken with them, of having been invited and above all admired by them. Great.

All planned in detail since a child. The name that becomes a patented brand, the career, relations with the press, free time, white pasta. But also faith in God and the weaknesses of men. You showed yourself how we seemed to us like Him. Great.

( 3 1 )

Then that last curve, round as the questions of a season on the break and as insidious as the relationships within an ally but not friendly team. The foot down as always to escape from the heap and doubts. Looking ahead and rivals in smaller and smaller mirrors. The usual things, Ayrton, if only your Williams had swerved. Once again it would have been a curve of yours. Great. But this time to be great was only our desperation. ⚫

Carlo Cavicchi Suppl. Autosprint n°19 ‘94

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( 4 5 )

ď‚— Some images from the backstage of Simply the Best exhibition. Opening: 16 December 2018, Sala di Arte Contemporanea, Castel San Pietro Terme (BO), Italy.

( s i m p l y

t h e

b e s t

i n

n u m b e r s ) printed photos 50x70 cm




Photos after second selection

Photos after first selection



months of work




Exhibition opening days

Hours of postproduction




3 0.0 0 0 + ( 4 7 )

( a f r i c a )


( 5 1 )

( 5 3 )

( 5 5 )

( 5 7 )

( 5 9 )

( 6 1 )

( g a l à )


( 6 3 )

ď‚— Marc Marquez, the Gala leading actor: winner of World Championship MotoGP rider, Tissot Pole Position Award and BMW M Award.

( 6 5 )

ď‚— Left page: Andrea Dovizioso second position in World Championship MotoGP Rider. Right page: Fabio Quartararo Rookye of the year and winner of Indipendent Riders Championship. Next page: all the winners on stage.

( 6 7 )

( 6 9 )

ď‚— Left page, left side images, from top to bottom: Maverick Vinales, Toni Arbolino e Brad Binder during the Gala evening. Right page: ambience.

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( ML

t h e

b o o k

e d .

2 0 1 9 )


types of paper


361 photos in the book


120 pagES

44 EuroS

s a l e

o n


f o r

click here ( 7 3 )

( p o r t r a i t s )


ď‚— Previous page: Jaume Masia. Left page: Giacomo Agostini and Marc Marquez. Right page: Lorenzo DallaPorta and Marcos Ramirez.

( 7 7 )

ï‚— Left page: Danilo Petrucci. Right page: Jack Miller.

( 7 9 )

( r a c e

q u e e n )


( 8 1 )

( 8 3 )

( p h o t o g r a p h e r s ’ ) ( h e a v e n )


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( d e d i c at e d ( a f r i d z a

t o )

m u n a n d a r )

and to everyone like him who lost the most important thing chasing a dream

( 1 0 3 )

Editor Claudio Pavanello Art Director Mirco Lazzari Photographers Raffaella Gianolla Carlo Gambini Mauro Lazzari Mirco Lazzari Angelo Orsi Archive and Iconographic Research Raffaella Gianolla Graphic Design Silvia Lannutti Post Production Marco Mercuri Mirco Lazzari

(all rights reserved) No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including printing, photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher at

m l - m a g a z i n e . c o m m i rc o l a z z a r i . c o m

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