WAKOS, feline and bird evolution, male and female. Resin sculptures.
WAKO portrait Mr.Cactus and Mrs. Mushroom, Mixed media, 120x120 cms, oil on canvas and acrylic.
WAKO. Mr. Mushroom Mixed media, oil and acrylics on canvas 80x80cms
WAKO. Mrs. Felina Mixed media, oil and acrylics on canvas 80x80cms
WAKO. Mr. Cactus Avelino Mixed media, oil and acrylics on canvas 80x80cms
WAKO. Mrs. Cactus Mixed media, oil and acrylics on canvas 80x80cms
WAKO. Skates Mixed media, digital print, resin, bronce and silver leaf on skateboard decks. 80x20 cms
WAKO. Mr. Cactus and Mrs. Mushroom, silk screen limited edition prints composition. Printing on Taller Cono Norte, Lima Peru. 65x50cms
WAKO. jirou Mixed media, digital print with bronce and silver leaf, plus resin coating. 30x30cms
WAKO. Octo.twins, resin scultptures, and Felina. portrait (150x90cms), mixed media.
WAKO.Octo.Storyteller, resin scultptures, painted with acrylics and resin coating. 45cms height
WAKO.Piranha.Storyteller, resin scultptures, painted with acrylics and resin coating. 45cms height
Psychedelic.Sculpture.Garden, composition of different resinsculptures. In this picture, to the left, Felina evolution level 4, storyteller, to the center, WAKO.cactus-mushroom, resinscultpure with gold plating and WAKO.Avelino.Storyteller (60cms height)
WAKO.Totem, resinscultpure, mixed media hand painted with resin coating. 65cms height.
WAKO.Totem, resinscultpure, mixed media hand painted with resin coating. 65cms height.
WAKO.Mushroom.storyteller resinscultpure, mixed media hand painted with resin coating. 30cms height.
WAKO. Mr. Mushroom, cactus, resin sculpture gold plated 24k. 45cms height.
WAKO.Wevo.storyteller resinscultpure, mixed mediahand painted with resin coating. 50cms height.
WAKO.Wevo.mushroom.affected resinscultpure. 50cms height.
WAKO.Felino.storyteller.evolution.4 resinscultpure, mixed media hand painted with resin coating. 24 cms height.
WAKO.Felina.storyteller.evolution.4 resinscultpure, mixed media hand painted with resin coating. 22 cms height.
WAKO.Felino.Bust.Storyteller.Evolution.5 Resinscultpure, mixed media hand painted with resin coating. 24 cms height.
WAKO.Cactus.Storyteller Resinscultpure, mixed media hand painted with resin coating. 22 cms height.
WAKO.Martin.X. Storyteller Resin scultpure and fiber glass, mixed media hand painted with resin coating. 90 cms height.
WAKO.Elementals, resin sculpture instalation, with 3D video animation on LED screen
WAKO.WEVO.X.Elemental, resin sculpture 22cms
WAKO.Cactus.Elemental Resin sculpture 22cms
WAKO.Dragon.Elemental Resin sculpture 20cms
WAKO (plural: WAKOS or wacti, magicus-evolutionis possibilitus) Family of fictitious real magic entities, of linear and explosive cognitive-evolutionary growth and development. According to studies by Roitman, Chambi and Aoki (Boston, 2010), they are curved descendants of the Andean-kawaii-pop family, and the millennial global primary and post-revolutionary generation. PSICODELIA (from the English psychedelia) (...) that manifests the soul (Osmond, 1953) (‌) all efforts to project the inner world of the psyche (Source: Wikipedia)