Wakos x contemporary art fair presentation

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ABOUT X CONTEMPORARY ART FAIR Opening in the Wynwood Art District, across from Wynwood Walls, the 28,000 square foot art fair will feature a selecPon of major exhibiPons and over 28 exhibitors from the US, Europe, LaPn and South America. The art fair will emphasize a crossover between postwar and contemporary art in specially curated projects that add depth to the fair’s exhibiPons, while considering the art historic importance of the trends and cultural influences impacPng arPsts today. For its first ediPon, X Contemporary is introducing a unique cross-­‐generaPonal and internaPonal trio of exhibiPons that underscores the original intenPon of Art Basel Miami – which is to exchange art and ideas between North and South America. While Miami Art Basel’s reputaPon is exhausted by A-­‐listers and Instagram-­‐ready spectacles, X Art Fair has specially curated this pla^orm to highlight the social dynamics of countries and creaPve ideologies in transiPon.

X CONTEMPORARY EXHIBITORS | 2015 4D2 Studios, Lima Peru Ambacher Contemporary, Munich, Germany ArtStager, New York, NY Ar^ully Awear, New York, NY Art Shape Mammoth, Brooklyn, NY Arte CollecPve, New York, NY | SanPago de Cuba, Cuba Berlin CollecPve, Brooklyn, NY Castle Fitzjohns Gallery, New York, NY Compass Realty, Miami, FL Dorian Grey Gallery, New York, NY Fashion InsPtute of Technology, New York, NY Gallery Sensei, New York, NY The Hollows Art Space, Brooklyn, NY Hungry for Fortune, Berlin, Germany & New York, NY KH Fine Arts, Jersey City, NJ

X CONTEMPORARY EXHIBITORS | 2015 Krammer & Stoudt, Brooklyn, NY LGTripp Gallery, Philadelphia, PA LOCUS, Oslo, Norway Nicole Longnecker Gallery, Houston, TX Olive & Orient, Brooklyn, NY Parenthesis, Brooklyn, NY Robert Fontaine Gallery, Miami, FL Sasson Soffer FoundaPon, Jersey City, NJ TIMEBAG, Medellin, Colombia Torche Gallerie, Belmar, NJ Treason Gallery, Seafle, WA US+U, New York, NY Vertu Fine Art, Boca Raton, FL Willoughby Art Advisory, East Hampton & New York, NY

WAKOS| RAFAEL LANFRANCO In the world of the Wakos, created by Peruvian arPst Rafael Lanfranco, he constructs a narraPve around the idea of redefining the Peruvian pre Colombian art, integraPng the esthePcs of contemporary sculpture with the vivid feel of its unique design. The concept rescues an extensive, inspiring and mysterious ideas present in the pre Colombian Pan Andean civilizaPon, the only civilizaPon that was able to reach a true state development in the southern hemisphere, which hold a rich and original narraPve. With the Wakos, Lanfranco wants to reinvent that narraPve, recreate its characters, its legends, its world and bring them to the present Pme in a Perú that is seeking to reinvent itself, find its place within the global mold, and share its art and cultural legacy with a more contemporary offering. As the healing process of Perú avidly conPnues, and even though is predominantly opPmisPc, there is something inside, something underneath the bonanza that quesPons this progression.



Arte CollecPve supports and empowers arPsts and creators in all disciplines to showcase their work, promoPng creaPvity and cultural awareness through collecPve collaboraPon. It facilitates arPsts with direcPon and strategic tools to propagate and promote their works, allowing them to focus on their passion for creaPvity. Based out of New York City with establishments in LaPn America and Europe, Arte CollecPve believes in coming together and giving back through art by curaPng & producing exhibiPons, helping the community, sponsoring and supporPng causes that benefit society in general. AcPvely involved with the U.S. and LaPn American arPsts community, it focuses on supporPng the promoPon, exchange, educaPon and understanding of the Arts and Culture.


VIP | Press Opening RecepCon Tuesday, December 1st -­‐ Press -­‐ 5:00pm -­‐10:00pm -­‐ Collectors -­‐ 7:00pm – 10:00pm

General Hours December 2nd -­‐ December 6th 12:00pm – 9:00pm

X Contemporary Art Fair -­‐ 28,000 sq. :


Social Immersion


Making History


Art with Unique POV



Cultural IntegraCon

New Art

New Experiences

New Influences


•  Showcasing the talent and creaPvity of the Peruvian in one of the most important art event in the world •  Exclusive exhibiPon of original hand crajed artworks and sculptures hand made in Peru •  Over 100 pieces by ArPst Rafael Lanfranco •  150 square foot stand in the heart of the Art Fair •  Cultural mulP-­‐pla^orm, forming alliances with the community, press, media, corporate and social partners

ABOUT ART BASEL Art Basel is a collecPon of modern and contemporary art shows held annually in three major ciPes, Basel, Miami Beach Wynwood and Hong Kong. The Miami Beach ediPon takes place each December. It provides local galleries introducPon to internaPonal audiences, such as curators and collectors. The Miami Beach show debuted in Miami Beach in 2002. Its debut year had 15 shows and events and has grown over the years to an internaPonal high profile event. In 2014, its 8th year at Miami Beach there was over 75,000 visitors and art patrons. Galleries and art shows included VIP secPons and celebriPes from around the world performed and afended many of the events.

ART BASEL | DEMOGRAPHIC AND AUDIENCE Core Demographic: 25+ About Miami Art Basel Significant work from the masters of •  Collectors Galleries over from 31 countries Modern and contemporary art, as •  Young Art Patrons Over 75,000 collectors, arPsts, dealers, well the new generaPon of curators, criPcs and art enthusiasts emerging stars •  Art Enthusiasts Art Basel Projected Impressions 2015: X Art Fair Projected Afendance: 35,000 visitors •  200 Million -­‐ Print & Digital •  New locaPon with increased foot traffic and larger exposure and larger Venue – 28,000 square feet Artwork Price Range: $20,000 – $300,000 •  4,000 VIP’s including, Galleries, Collectors, Media and Household Income: $400,000 Average Art InsPtuPon Average Y early P ersonal I ncome: $ 250,000


ParCcipaCon in Opening Night ExhibiCon Introductory Speech Custom Social Media Promoted & Cross-­‐PromoConal Posts Digital Presence: *Online Sponsor Page *Press Releases *Bi-­‐Weekly E-­‐blasts (25k+ audience) Brand IdenCty | Logo: *Kickoff acCvaCon *Printed materials *On Site signage

Brand Category Exclusivity On/OFF Premise AcCvaCon

Product Sampling

Exclusive Events Access

Custom Video-­‐Campaign with Brand PromoCon Exclusive announcement in a Sponsor Newsleger (25k+ audience) Brand leverage of arCst and artworks for product communicaCons. Custom Campaigns -­‐ exisCng audience(s) engagement


X CONTEMPORARY ART FAIR | SCHEDULE VIP | Press Opening RecepCon –  Tuesday, December 1st •  Press -­‐ 5:00pm -­‐10:00pm •  Collectors -­‐ 7:00pm – 10:00pm

General Hours –  –  –  –  –

Wednesday, December 2nd | 12:00pm – 9:00pm Thursday, December 3rd | 12:00pm – 9:00pm Friday, December 4th | 12:00pm – 9:00pm Saturday, December 5th | 12:00pm – 9:00pm Sunday, December 6th | 12:00pm – 9:00pm

LocaCon: 240-­‐-­‐252 NW 25th St. Miami, FL 33127


Rafael Lanfranco | 4D2 Studios 750-­‐939-­‐3997 rafa@4d2studio.com


Yubal Márquez Fleites | Arte CollecPve 646-­‐570-­‐7545 yubal@artecollecPve.com

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