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bauma CONEXPO India Rescheduled To February 2021
from Aug 2020
Due to the increasing spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in India, government restricons on travel, massgathering and based recommendaons from key stakeholders, the organizers have decided to postpone bauma CONEXPO INDIA 2020.
Originally scheduled from 3–6 November 2020, the Internaonal Trade Fair for Construcon Machinery, Building Material Machines, Mining Machines and Construcon Vehicles, bauma Mr. Bhupinder Singh, CEO, bC Expo India Pvt. Ltd. elucidated on the decision to reschedule the trade fair, “We have arrived at the decision to postpone bauma CONEXPO INDIA aer thorough market assessment and consultaon with our key stakeholders.
The postponement is in the best interest of the exhibitors and visitors.”
The decision was supported by Mr. Arvind K. Garg, Chairman, bauma CONEXPO INDIA – Task Force and Execuve Vice President and Head, Construcon and Mining Machinery Business at Larsen & Toubro Ltd.: “We are in an unprecedented situaon that has affected our industry significantly. This decision to reschedule bauma CONEXPO INDIA, is in accordance with the feedback we received from both our important stakeholders—exhibitors India's automove industry is one of the hit due to the onset of COVID-19. The bus and coach industry in conjuncon has also exisng level of demand and disrupon in supply chain. In consideraon of these and customers.” Mr. Sandeep Singh, President of ICEMA and Managing Director, Tata Hitachi Construcon Machinery Company Private Limited supports bC Expo India Pvt. Ltd.'s decision to reschedule by stang, “The pandemic has had a deep impact globally and in India , both in human and economic costs .The postponement of bauma CONEXPO INDIA will give the Indian industry me and resources to enable exhibitors to parcipate in the 2021 edion.”
Mr. Mu. Moahan, President of Builders Associaon of India (BAI) commented on the postponement: “Rescheduling bauma CONEXPO INDIA 2020 will enable exhibitors and visitors from across the country to parcipate in the trade fair without any complicaons.
The postponement is although more welcome, as BAI Naonal Members Meet can be planned alongside with bauma CONEXPO INDIA 2021 with maximum parcipaon from pan India.”CONEXPO 23 to 26, 2021 in Gurugram/New Delhi.
Busworld India To Open Its Doors In 2022
key economic sectors that has been hard experienced several setbacks due to the INDIA will now be hosted from February
In consultaon with key OEMs and exhibitors from the bus and coach industry, the 2020 edion of Busworld factors along with preeminent concerns due to the current circumstances, the organisers have expressed their decision as an appropriate course of acon. India that was postponed to 6 – 8 October 2020 at the Bangalore Internaonal Exhibion Centre (BIEC) in Bengaluru is now set to be hosted in 2022. The organisers have confirmed that the dates for the next edion of the trade fair are currently under dialogues and will be announced aer detailed discussions in the coming months. A joint statement issued by Busworld Internaonal CVBA and Messe Frankfurt India stated: “The automove industry is currently going through a period of uncertainty with manufacturers and component makers severely affected due to supply chain disrupon. Therefore, we believe that waing for the segment to

recover would be the best course of acon right now; so that the event can serve its objecve of enabling business, knowledge and tech-exchange in a more meaningful way.
As supply chains and trade routes reopen, Busworld India as a plaorm will enable the bus and coach industry to showcase their new launches and re-emerge as the backbone of domesc transportaon in India.” Despite the uncertainty this year, the organisers have ensured that the industry stays connected by iniang insighul interacons for the bus & coach industry through virtual mediums like webinars and will connue to explore digital mediums to enable knowledge exchange and networking within the fraternity unl its next edion in 2022.

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