41 minute read
Why An All-Digital CES 2021 Is The Right Thing To Do
from Aug 2020
The Consumer Technology Associaon (CTA)®, owner and producer of CES®, announced CES 2021 will be a global digital event without a physical Las Vegas presence. Why would the world's most important business and innovaon event make its January 2021 event all-digital?
It certainly wasn't due to a lack of interest or success in our annual physical event in Las Vegas. CES 2020 aracted over 170,000 aendees, 6000 media and 4000 exhibitors. Thousands of exhibitors have already signed up for and commied to CES 2021. It wasn't to make money. Canceling the physical presence, invesng in an all-digital presence for 2021 and creang a fair refund policy was the costliest opon on the table.
It wasn't because we don't love the incredible hospitality and trade show friendliness of Las Vegas. The city is wonderful for business events with great convenon centers and hotels, an amazing workforce, a world class airport and an atude of appreciaon and service. We are so sad to disappoint our partners and the Las Vegas community, hotel and restaurant workers, skilled union workers, professional drivers and others who not only rely on our physical event for their livelihood but extend their hospitality to our exhibitors and aendees. We value them and know our all-digital approach in 2021 affects them. But we will be back in town for CES 2022!
It wasn't because we no longer believe in the power of live, face-to-face events. People sll need people – inperson, human interacon. Trade shows provide a five-sense experience that allows relaonships to be formed, new products to be launched and discovery and serendipity to occur. As the world remains in various stages of reopening, the desire to meet face-to-face is even stronger than before.
It’s not because we don’t want and love to promote innovaon and the power of technology to solve problems. Our mission is to enable innovaon to solve human problems – and an all-digital event will not only help migate transmission of the virus, it will highlight technology that improves virtual engagement when inperson meengs aren’t an opon. More, it will allow hundreds of thousands of people involved in innovaon anywhere in the world to access CES, see new products, hear hundreds of CEOs, experts and visionaries and interact with thousands of industry execuves and leaders.
We are not going all-digital for any of those reasons.
When our execuve board met last week and discussed this issue, we were driven by one mandate – to do the right thing. This mandate is right not only for our industry and its people, but for our naon and the world. We did not make our decision on financial or legal grounds, but on what is right.
We concluded it is simply not possible to safely gather over 100,000 people indoors with a raging COVID-19 virus and no real hope for a tested and widely available vaccine by January. The world does not need more COVID-19 cases, and we decided we would do our part by ensuring we are not helping spread the disease. Instead, we commit to producing the best possible global digital innovaon event. We will spread the gospel of 5G, arficial intelligence, self-driving vehicles and new forms of mobility, digital and telehealth, resilience, robocs, drones, new forms of entertainment, 8K Ultra HD screens and smart TVs to the curious, entrepreneurs, investors, business and media who can access the best of CES from their homes and offices.
Our CES 2021 aendees will hear and see the future. They will also learn first-hand from global policy leaders about big policy issues involving privacy, compeon and the regulaon of new technologies and media plaorms. CES 2021 will digitally gather those who have come to rely on CES for inspiraon, business and knowledge about innovaon and possibilies. We will provide a first-class experience for the thousands of journalists, investors, retailers, entrepreneurs and innovators who rely on, benefit from, love and feel ownership of CES. CES 2021 will be different. It will be all-digital. It is the right way to focus on the cause of innovaon in this unique moment in our shared global history. Mark your calendars for Jan. 6-9, 2021 and stay tuned for some amazing announcements!
UFI Global Barometer Shows Global Impact Of COVID-19 Pandemic
- Aer monthly acvies dropped sharply everywhere in the world, the industry is gradually starng up again - Revenues for 2020 are expected to represent 39% of 2019 revenues - Every second company has increased investments related to digitalisaon, but 44% of companies have stopped all investments - A large majority of the industry is confident that COVID-19 confirms the value of face-to-face events, and that the sector will come back quickly - Research delivers dedicated profiles for 25 markets and regions

diversity, and 54% in those related to sustainability. The survey also tackles possible driving trends for the format of exhibions in the coming years. Global results indicate that 57% are confident that “COVID-19 confirms the value of face-to-face events", ancipang that the sector will bounce back quickly, whereas 31% are “not sure” and 12% are “not sure at all” or “disagree completely”.
UFI, the Global Associaon of the Exhibion Industry, has released the latest edion of its flagship Global Barometer research, which takes the pulse of the industry.
The report highlights the severe impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the exhibion industry worldwide.
Globally, 85% of companies declared their overall level of acvity was “normal” in January. This quickly dropped to 15% in March, to reach between 5% and 6% in April, May and June. For both April and May, 73% of companies worldwide declared “no acvity”.
With a majority of companies expecng “local” and “naonal” exhibions to open again during the second half of 2020, the level of acvity is expected to slowly increase, and two companies out of three project at least a “reduced” level of acvity in the last quarter of 2020. In all regions, a majority of companies believe that exhibions with an internaonal scope will not open unl 2021.
Globally, revenues for the first half of 2020 dropped by two thirds on average, compared with the same period last year. expected that globally revenues will represent only 39% of those of 2019.
In terms of profits, a strong level of performance was reached in 2019, with 45% of companies declaring an increase of more than 10% for 2019 when compared to 2018. The sharp drop in revenues that occurred in 2020 has led to a loss for 39% of companies, and only 7% of companies currently expect a stable or increased profit for 2020.
44% of companies that parcipated in the research have stopped all of their investments. At the same me, 50% of companies are increasing their investments in digitalisaon programmes. By comparison, investments have decreased or been stopped for 55% of companies in programmes related to “On the back of an exceponal year in 2019, we are now seeing an unprecedented drop in revenues around the world. While the industry remains confident that it will bounce back, everyone is aware that this crisis will lead
Looking at 2020 as a whole, it is currently to major changes in the way exhibions are produced, especially with a push towards more digital elements before, during, and between events,” says Kai Haendorf, UFI Managing Director and CEO.
Size and scope
This latest edion of UFI’s bi-annual industry survey was concluded in June 2020 and includes data from a record 459 companies in 62 countries and regions. The study delivers outlooks and analysis for 20 countries and regions: Argenna, Australia, Brazil, China, Colombia, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Thailand, the UAE, the UK and the US. In addion, it analyses five aggregated regional zones.
“We sincerely thank all companies who took part in this study, as its results provide strong insights, for 25 markets and regions, to several key quesons raised in relaon to the crisis,” says Chrisan Druart, UFI Research Manager.

Operaons in 2020 – reopening exhibions
Each region follows the level of operaons indicated above for the world, with two notable differences: - The Asia-Pacific region first faced a drop in acvity: only 73% of companies declared a “normal” level in January compared to a minimum of 85% in all other regions; in February, the level had already dropped to 45% in the Asia-Pacific region. - The Middle East & Africa, and to some extent Central and South America, appear less confident as to the return to a “normal” level of acvity than in other regions. In both those regions, a majority of companies expect that “naonal” exhibions won’t open unl 2021.
Turnover – operang profits
In addion to the global results indicated above, regional results indicate that: - The revenue drop for all of 2020 is expected to be slightly higher in the Middle East & Africa and Central and South America (respecvely only 31% and 33% of last year’s revenue) than in the Asia-Pacific region (39%) or Europe and North America (44% for both) - In terms of profits, the percentage of companies expecng a loss for 2020 varies from 34% in the Asia-Pacific region to 48% in the Middle East & Africa, and around four companies out of ten in all other regions.
Cost reducons – public financial support – investments
Overall, 87% of companies applied cost reducons, and of more than 50% of overall costs for 17% of them. A majority of companies did not get any public financial support. At the same me, 44% did, and for a majority of those, it related to less than 10% of their costs.
The short-term investments required to comply with COVID-19 (likely) protocols and guidelines appear unknown at this point in me for one company out of three in general. For one company out of four, they will represent more than 10% of their overall costs.
Generally speaking, all 2020 investments are stopped for 44% of companies throughout the world, and they will decrease for another 32% of companies. All those proporons apply to most regions, with a few significant differences: - Financial public support is less frequent in the Middle East & Africa and in North America, where only respecvely 31% and 38% benefied from some. - 60% of companies have stopped all their investments in Central and South America.
Impact of COVID-19 on specific programmes
Results indicate that, on average, companies consider that the transion of the exhibion industry is more than halfway for digitalisaon (2.9 on a scale of 1-5), diversity (2.9) and sustainability (2.8). It can be noced that those rangs do not vary much from one region to another.
Out of the three areas, digitalisaon programmes are those where COVID-19 had the most impact (“strong” or “significant” for 60% of companies). Globally, every second company has increased their investments in that area. By comparison, investments have decreased or been stopped for 55% of companies in their programmes related to diversity, and 54% for those related to sustainability.
Around one company out of two indicates that public investments are “essenal and necessary for most of the investments” required towards digitalisaon (50% of companies) and sustainability (46%), and “necessary for a significant share” towards diversity (49%).
Most important business issues
“Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the business” is considered as the most important business issue (27% of combined answers). Also, for the first me, “Impact of digitalisaon” (10% of answers) joins the “State of the economy in home market” (21%) and “Global economic developments” (18%) in the top priories. “Internal challenges” and “Compeon from within the industry”, always in the top four most important business issues, are ranked below for this survey, with respecvely 7% (15% six months ago) and 5% of answers (20% six months ago).
It can be noced that “State of the economy in home market” is ranked as the top issue in Central and South America, and the Middle East & Africa.
Format of exhibions in the coming years
About possible driving trends, global results indicate that: - 57% are confident that “COVID-19 confirms the value of face-to-face events” ancipang that the sector will bounce back quickly (19% “Yes, for sure” and 38% “Most probably”), but 31% are “Not sure”. - 56% believe that there will be “Less internaonal ‘physical’ exhibions, and overall, less parcipants” (13% “Yes, for sure” and 44% “Most probably”), and 25% are “Not sure”. - 82% of companies consider that there is “A push towards hybrid events, more digital elements at events” (30% “Yes, for sure” and 52% “Most probably”). - A minority of 17% agrees with “Virtual events replacing physical events” (3% “Yes, for sure” and 14% “Most probably”), and 20% are “Not sure”.
There is one significant regional differenaon: - “Virtual events replacing physical events”, with stronger and opposing views – from Europe, where 80% of companies disagree, and from North America, where “only” 50% do.
TCEB Launch “New Norm Exhibion Support” For Post-COVID19 For All Exhibions In Thailand
The Thailand Convenon & Exhibion Bureau (TCEB) has joined forces with the Thai Exhibion Associaon (TEA) to promote the ‘new normal’ of exhibions management and operaons. The Exhibions New Norm SOP (Exhibions New Norm Standard Operaon Procedures) has been conceived as a guideline for all businesses in the exhibion ecosystem.
It provides the markets our industry serves with the assurance that they can trade safely and securely in Thailand, in the wake of the Covid-19 epidemic. This ‘new normal’ landscape in which exhibions must take place, is subject to safety and hygiene measures that elevate the already high operaonal standards associated with events in the Thai exhibion industry.
By incorporang these procedures in all aspects of exhibions businesses, from organisers and service providers through to the businesses aending these events as exhibitors or visitors, business

professionals will vastly migate the risk of spreading Covid-19. TCEB will further drive force to return business back for trade shows held in Thailand through its ‘New Norm Exhibion Support. This aims to accelerate the return of exhibions business as well as the delegates necessary to make each one a success.
The programme offers unrivalled business opportunies for organisers, providing post-Covid-19 connuity for its reputaon as a high potenal exhibion desnaon, revitalising the Thai exhibion industry, supporng stakeholders including internaonal organisers and naonal hotels. Included in TCEB’s New Norm Exhibion Support is an extra support of up to THB 300,000 for trade shows held in Thailand this fiscal year, channeled through three acvies:
Ÿ Hosted Buyer Support: A buyer appreciaon programme for organisers to host local and internaonal buyers around the globe to visit trade shows in Thailand.
Ÿ Hygienic Management Support: A support that assists organisers as they bring exhibion safety standards in line with TCEB’s ‘Exhibions New Norm SOP’, in preparaon for reopening.
Technology Support: Innovaon support for organisers seeking to promote their event during the Covid19 pandemic, with addional support for digital technologies and tools such as track & trace, visitor density, or AI Chatbot. These tools facilitate the conduct of business and safety management at trade shows in Thailand, while arficial intelligence helps organisers match aendees and generate business opportunies upon their return to the show.
TCEB’s support programmes are expected to generate income with an approximate value of USD 84 billion (THB 2,537 billion), paving the way for a return to business as normal, in addion to revitalising the trade show industry in Thailand.
CES 2021 Moves to an All-Digital Experience
The Consumer Technology Associaon (CTA)® announced CES® 2021 – January 6-9, 2021 – will be an all-digital experience connecng exhibitors, customers, thought leaders and media from around the world. The new format will allow parcipants to hear from technology innovators, see cung-edge technologies and the latest product launches, and engage with global brands and startups from around the world.

"Amid the pandemic and growing global health concerns about the spread of COVID-19, it's just not possible to safely convene tens of thousands of people in Las Vegas in early January 2021 to meet and do business in person,” said Gary Shapiro, president and CEO, CTA. “Technology helps us all work, learn and connect during the pandemic – and that innovaon will also help us reimagine CES 2021 and bring together the tech community in a meaningful way. By shiing to an all-digital plaorm for 2021, we can deliver a unique experience that helps our exhibitors connect with exisng and new audiences." CES 2021 will be a new immersive experience, where aendees will have a front row seat to discover and see the latest technology. This highly personalized experience will bring a global event to the comfort and safety of your home or office.
For over 50 years, CES has been the global stage for innovaon. CTA’s goal for CES 2021 is to provide an engaging plaorm for companies large and small to launch products, build brands and form partnerships, while priorizing health and safety. Members of the tech community thrive by coming together, sharing ideas and introducing products that will shape our future.
Mark your calendars for the first week in January and be on the lookout for more excing news about CES 2021. We plan to return to Las Vegas for CES 2022, combining the best elements of a physical and digital show.
Sign Africa And FESPA Africa Postponed To 2021
This decision was taken due to the had for 2020 indicate current pandemic, restricons on that the industry is internaonal travel, and the event looking forward to the industry being closed at the moment in next event.' 'We are South Africa with no clear indicaon if it working on other will reopen before the planned dates. opportunies to host interacve, dedicated 'The planning for these events involves a audience sessions for significant amount of me for both companies later this year. organisers and exhibitors, who in some Once we have approval cases import equipment to showcase and on these ideas from the have representaves from their necessary authories, we manufacturers on their stand,' said Dyelan will launch them. Copeland, expo organiser. FESPA Global Print Expo will no longer Right now, whilst we wait for approvals take place in Madrid in October 2020, but The decision has been made to cancel this and the event industry to open up, we will now take place at the RAI Exhibion year's expo and reschedule a new date in have a great digital media plaorm to give Centre in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2021 to ensure the event will have the fantasc exposure to our readers and from 9-12 March 2021, again co-locang due planning from all sides to make it a audience and promote your services and FESPA Global Print Expo, European Sign success. Copeland added that, 'The products to our extensive databases in Expo and Sportswear Pro. number of online registraons we have sub-Saharan Africa.’

UFI Elects Monica Lee-Müller As President For 2021/22
The UFI Board of Directors has today elected Monica Lee-Müller as President of UFI for the 2021/22 period.

The UFI Presidenal Trio for the 2020/21 term will therefore comprise of:
Monica Lee-Müller (Managing Director of Hong Kong Convenon and Exhibion Centre (Management) Limited (HML), Hong Kong), Incoming President Anbu Varathan (Indian Machine Tool Manufacturers’ Associaon – IMTMA, India), President 2020/21 Mary Larkin (Diversified Communicaons, Portland, USA), Outgoing President
This decision becomes effecve at the conclusion of the 87th UFI Global Congress, which runs from 15-20 November 2020.
Monica Lee-Müller is the Managing Director of Hong Kong Convenon and Exhibion Centre (Management) Limited (HML) since July 2012. HML is the professional private company responsible for the management and operaon of the 306,000 square-metre Hong Kong Convenon and Exhibion Centre (HKCEC). About 1,000 events are held at the HKCEC every year. Monica Lee-Müller has been acve in UFI for many years, supporng the associaon’s mission and driving developments, especially on diversity and sustainability projects. She has served as a Board Member of UFI for the past 12 years.
Mary Larkin, UFI’s current President, welcomed the elecon of Monica LeeMüller, saying: “I am thrilled to welcome Monica to the UFI leadership alongside Anbu Varathan. Monica has been a very acve member in our industry and has spearheaded many iniaves on diversity and sustainability. She has also been very involved with UFI as a Board member and I look forward to working with her as she takes on the role of Incoming President. Having worked with Monica, I know she will be a wonderful leader for all aspects of our industry.”
Monica Lee-Müller commented: “I am privileged to have served the UFI Board for the past 12 years, during which me I learned and contributed along with so many of the outstanding leaders in the exhibion industry. Currently, as we experience the world’s economy being seriously impacted by COVID-19, I am more confident than ever about the significant role of UFI and importance of the exhibions it supports. It will be an extraordinary honour to join with the UFI leadership in the coming years in moving this remarkable industry forward into a new era. I accept the challenge ahead for it is our global network of industry professionals working together that can meet that challenge. I am parcularly fortunate to be part of UFI’s Presidenal Trio that will inspire diverse perspecves and innovave soluons through the unique efforts of different genders, cultures, professional backgrounds and experiences that UFI represents. I am grateful for the support that I know I will have and I am commied to the responsibility with which I am being entrusted.”
As UFI’s Incoming President, Monica LeeMüller will work closely with the incumbent President and Outgoing President to make up the Presidenal Trio, managing UFI at the highest level, and helping UFI connue on its global mission to connect, support, and promote the exhibion industry around the world.
UFI was founded in 1925 as a non-profit, non-parsan internaonal associaon, and today is the global associaon for the exhibions industry, directly represenng more than 50,000 exhibion industry professionals in almost 90 countries around the world. UFI operates four regional offices in addion to the headquarters in Paris.
UFI’s recent presidents were from South Africa (Craig Newman 2018/19), Italy (Corrado Peraboni 2017/18), Germany (Andreas Gruchow 2016/17), Russia (Sergey Alexeev 2015/16), Colombia (Andrés López-Valderrama 2014/15), and France (Renaud Hamaide, 2013/14)
Posive Developments in Australia & England For The Exhibion Industry
As businesses across the globe are starng to resume, posive developments are also shaping up for the exhibion & convenon industry. In a media conference aer a private meeng with representaves of the Australian business events industry, the Australian Prime Minister Sco Morrison has appreciated the work taking place to reopen the Exhibion and convenon sector in the region.

The Australian Prime Minister said, “we can get business events running again, they can be done safely, they can be done economically and viably.” This development follows aer another posive news that came in last week for our industry.
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson last week announced that, in England, the government “intend(s) to allow conferences and other business events to recommence” from October. In a public statement, the PM insisted that “these changes must be done in a Covid Secure way” and that the implementaon will be “subject to the successful outcome of pilots.”
Already from 1 August, indoor performances to a live audience will be able again in England, subject to the success of pilots, and “pilot larger gatherings in venues like sports stadia“ were to be arranged, “with a view to wider reopening in the Autumn.“ Details about the referenced “Covid Secure way” and corresponding regulaons are not yet known.
Nick Dugdale-Moore, UFI’s Regional Manager Europe, commented: “We are very happy to hear the news, which is so vital for our industry colleagues.
The UK was the last major exhibions market in Europe without a reopening date. We are now looking forward to seeing more clarificaon on the “COVID secure” guidelines for England, which will help give visitors and exhibitors confidence to return, and also to have some guidance for Scotland soon too.
SEMA To Require Masks, Will Query Visitors About Health, Sanize Frequently
SEMA announced Thursday that aendees must wear a mask or face shield to aend the massive automove aermarket trade show Nov. 3-6 as a precauon against the COVID-19 coronavirus. The organizaon will also “Designate entrance and exit areas to control and screen visitors with discrete daily health queries, incorporang noninvasive thermal cameras, etc.,” it wrote in a news release.
“Just like the world we live in today, this year’s SEMA Show will be different,” SEMA events Vice President Tom Gauso said in a statement. “We recognize the challenges that the industry is going through, and we’ve made changes so that the industry will be able to gather and conduct business safely.”
The floorplan will include hand sanizer every 200 feet and “one-way aisles where possible,” SEMA wrote in the news release. It also plans to reduce touch points at onsite registraon and reduce registraon density with satellite staons, preregistraon and badges delivered by mail. SEMA is closed to the public and would-be aendees checked for badges during normal mes. But a SEMA “Safety Guidelines” webpage also describes a plan to “Secure venue to allow only qualified

Showgoers onto a closed campus both indoors and outdoors” as a new step for this year, perhaps implying a ghter perimeter than usual. SEMA wrote in the news release it also plans to require “frequent hand washing and social distancing.”
“SEMA staff, contractors, exhibit staff will be REQUIRED to follow SEMA safety protocols, including use of personal protecve equipment at all mes, health queries, temperature checks, frequent hand washing, etc.,” SEMA wrote on the safety guidelines webpage. “Exhibitor Appointed Contractors (EAC) and union labor will also be REQUIRED to follow SEMA safety protocols, as well as ESCA safety guidelines.”
Common areas and the show floor will receive sanizing every hour for “high traffic areas … including doorways, elevators, and escalators,” according to SEMA’s news release. SEMA also described nightly sanizaon as part of its work with the Las Vegas Convenon Center “in their advancements to be among the first in the naon to pursue cerficaon for safety measures aimed at outbreak prevenon through acons such as sanizing the facility nightly.” SEMA said the show has 1,800 exhibitors this year, which is 600 lower than the final tally listed in the SEMA 2019 fact sheet but sll a good sign for the show. SEMA preregistraon typically draws around 2,000, Gauso said. Plus, it’s only July. Gauso said SEMA sll is open to exhibitor applicaons for months aer the preregistraon deadline, which was March 27 this year. “As a trade event focused on doing business, the SEMA Show is unique,” Gauso said in a statement Thursday. “We’re confident that we can successfully host an event where businesses can connect safely.”
SEMA predicted the show would bring value despite the changes. “In some respects, it will be one of the most challenging events the associaon has delivered,” SEMA wrote on its safety guidelines webpage. “But it will also be among the most rewarding for those parcipang. SEMA members have made clear the event is essenal this year to help the industry renew business es, find new opportunies, and accelerate into a successful 2021. While there’s no doubt that the 2020 Show will be different, the SEMA team is making plans to preserve the Show’s core business value in a safetyfirst environment.”

Digital launch of Chillventa eSpecial In October
Between 13 and 15 October, the Chillventa eSpecial will offer the Director Chillventa. “The Chillventa eSpecial is our response to the level of event. We must remember that Chillvent is the internaonal business plaorm for a internaonal refrigeraon, airinterest from our Community, and will the refrigeraon, air-condioning, condioning, venlaon and heat pump reflect a large part of the world’s leading venlaon and heat pump sector. And if community three days of industry exhibion for refrigeraon technology in we can’t see each other in person at the knowledge, dialogue and innovaon – this virtual form.” exhibion venue in Nuremberg this year, year, for the first me, in the form of a virtual event. As the world’s leading exhibion for refrigeraon technology, it will carry the spirit and drive of the event over to the digital world. As usual, parcipants at the Chillventa eSpecial will be able to establish contacts, culvate their networks, share knowledge, and discuss new products, projects and developments in the sector. Here, too, the focus will be on the theme of “Chillventa Connecng Experts”. The Chillventa CONGRESS will be held on Tuesday 13 October, the first day of the Chillventa eSpecial. Experts worldwide can look forward to a top-level, internaonal congress programme. Company profiles and product presentaons will be available to parcipants throughout the event. On Days 2 and 3, the digital event will focus on the highly professional, first-class programme of lectures by the parcipang companies. we can enjoy meeng up with our customers via the web at the Chillventa eSpecial.” High priority on matchmaking and professional dialogue in 2020 During the event, a range of communicaon opons will enable the parcipang companies and individuals to contact each other quickly. For example, a clever matchmaking system will give all event parcipants suggesons regarding contacts that most closely meet their “In recent weeks, our customers’ wish for an industry plaorm offering intensive knowledge sharing has taken shape, at least in digital form in the absence of a live event at the Nuremberg exhibion venue,” observes Daniela Heinkel, “With the Chillventa eSpecial, we place parcular value on direct and personal interacon for the enre duraon of the digital event,” connues Heinkel. “Just as our customers are used to at the on-site requirements. Other services will include chatrooms and many other opons to meet business friends, and directly discuss and learn about new and innovave products and news from the sector.
Business At The Kuala Lumpur Convenon Centre Forging Ahead!
Safe resumpon of events and a focus on the future is assisng gradual business recovery
The Kuala Lumpur Convenon Cen (the Centre) is delighted that the tre Malaysian Government's is connually refining industry Standard Operang Procedures (SOPs) to smulate the resumpon of domesc business events with no set limit on the number of aendees. The Government has confirmed that the number of guests and parcipants will depend on the size of the event space and the capability of the venue to ensure the safe implementaon of social distancing measures in line with the industry SOPs.
The Centre has turned its focus to the delivery of safe and hygienic events and is seeing posive client feedback on the Venue's SOP implementaon. Rigorous social distancing measures, comprehensive health and safety guidelines on-site and stringent adherence to visitor access and registraon is building client confidence and reassurance. According to the Centre's General Manager, Alan Pryor, “The exact capacity each of our rooms can host will vary depending on the event type, layout and requirements.
With over 33,000 sqm of meeng and event space the Centre can comfortably apply more than adequate social

distancing for events. We have always had stringent health and safety operaons in place, and our experienced and knowledgeable team are fully trained and equipped to execute connual sanisaon and hygiene measures at high standards and frequency” “Furthermore, we have listened carefully to our client's needs and requests and developed new virtual soluons to meet the changing landscape of how events are being produced. This provides an excing opportunity to be innovave and demonstrate our execuon experse,” he connued.
These investments have started to slowly pay off and generate a return of events to the Centre since opening on 1 July with five completed corporate events hosng between 30 to 500 aendees. 20 confirmed bookings have been secured from the corporate, associaon and exhibion sectors for the period July to December 2020 with connual enquiries being received that are materialising. For 2021, the Centre has a posive outlook for exhibions and convenons segments with 40% of its business target secured.
The Centre has taken the lead to collaborate with industry partners and clients to demonstrate its readiness to execute events based on the Government published industry SOPs and we will be displaying and showcasing different types of event set-ups for viewing by Government and industry players. In addion to the industry and venue SOPs, the Centre's is also going the extra mile and implemenng VenueShield, a new environmental hygiene protocol developed by its parent group ASM Global. VenueShield has been created in partnership with medical professionals, industry experts and public health officials and is being rolled out across ASM Global's 325 venues and facilies worldwide.
Pryor concluded, “It is the combined efforts of the collaboraon of our industry supply chain, our industry associaons and the interface and engagement with Government that has generated a posive movement forward on the resumpon of business events. Our industry is a vital social and economic driver and delivers thousands of jobs, economic impact and grows Malaysia's profile and market share globally. We are confident that our venue, combined with our event execuon experse will contribute highly to the return of major naonal, regional and internaonal events in me, and are thrilled to be welcoming clients and aendees back to a safe and secure environment at the Centre.”
Cosmoprof India And Personal Care Ingredients & Lab 2020 Present Their New Digital Events
BolognaFiere Group S.p.A and Informa Markets in India, organizers of Cosmoprof India and PCIL 2020, present a calendar of digital events dedicated to beauty companies, buyers, and distributors interested in the Indian & Internaonal market. The meline of acvies aims at offering new business tools to the beauty industry, from ingredients to supply chain to finished products, to improve the experience of the physical trade shows, scheduled from October 29-31 2020.

The sector has undergone unexpected transformaons in the latest months. In the next weeks, stakeholders will have the opportunity to re-establish professional relaonships, and to share their knowledge, brand-new technologies, and soluons. On August 5, the whole cosmecs industry will be invited to join Cosmoprof India and PCIL Virtual Expo, which will be a flexible and safe opportunity for beauty & personal care companies and professionals, wishing to

reinforce their business relaonships with partners and to have greater visibility among stakeholders and new players. A digital plaorm will offer a display to present new products and share papers, case studies, brochures, and any further informave material.
A one-day conference will be organized on the same day with two parallel conclaves: One focusing on personal care, ingredients & labs and the other on finished products & supply chain. The conclave will provide the latest news about the trends among global consumers, an overview of the latest innovaons and industrial soluons, challenges and tools which all professionals must deal with to stay in the market. In September, Cosmoprof India will present COSMOTALKS The Virtual Series: a program of 5 webinars held by key internaonal experts.
The online sessions will invesgate new technological advancements, high-impact megatrends, developments in global and local markets, new generaons of connected consumers, global e-brands plaorms, and structural industry shis. Cosmoprof India in Mumbai is the ideal business-to-business event for the fastgrowing beauty market in India. Launched in 2018 as a special "preview", the 2019 edion of Cosmoprof India recorded excellent results, hosng 237 exhibing companies from 23 countries, and 7,429 visitors from 48 countries. Cosmoprof India provides a microcosm of the changing, mul-dimensional, complex beauty market that is India. It represents the ideal plaorm for internaonal brands to test waters in the Indian beauty market.
Cosmoprof India's mission is to infuse a new direcon to the dynamic local market by creang an opportunity for companies to network with internaonal brands, key players and suppliers to enhance local producon, introduce innovave technologies and superior quality standards. BolognaFiere Group S.p.A and Informa Markets, organisers of the Cosmoprof India Show, had postponed its 2020 edion to the new dates of October 29-31, 2020 at the Bombay Convenon and Exhibion Centre. The event was originally scheduled to be held from September 2 to 4, 2020.
In October, Personal Care Ingredients & Lab, co-located with Cosmoprof India, will showcase the most innovave proposals for this segment - ingredients for perfumery and cosmecs, essenal oils, labs accessories, equipment and furniture, tesng soluons. Thanks to this synergy, exhibitors and operators aending Cosmoprof India will have the opportunity to discover new tools to improve their business.
Singapore Food Fesval (SFF) Goes Virtual

Singapore Food Fesval (SFF), Singapore's only event dedicated to local cuisine and local F&B talent, will take on a “Rediscover the Foodie in You”, SFF 2020 will see more than 25 F&B partners coming onboard to serve up gastronomic home. August (21–23 August and 28–30 August), Singapore's dining scene will come to life in the form of virtual food tours, live masterclasses, chef collaboraons, food bundles and limited edion food
For the first me in its history, the virtual format this year. Themed experiences for fesval goers to enjoy at merchandise.
Taking place across two weekends in SFF 2020 is a highlight under the recently launched SingapoRediscovers campaign which seeks to show locals a different side of Singapore, encourage rediscovery of world class tourism and lifestyle offerings, and smulate demand through hidden gems and stories, as well as value-formoney experiences, packages and promoons. In line with SingaporeRediscovers, SFF also encourages the rediscovery of local cuisine – from the rich depth of foodie tradions to innovave new takes on Singapore cuisine that connue to shape the past, present and future of their food culture. During this challenging period for the F&B industry, SFF 2020 also aims to be a plaorm for chefs and local F&B businesses to collaborate and showcase their culinary passions and products.
Ms Ranita Sundra, Director of Retail and Dining, Singapore Tourism Board (STB), said: “The Singapore Food Fesval has always been about pung the spotlight on our vibrant and evolving local F&B landscape. While we are unable to host SFF in its usual form, we are excited about the possibilies that the fesval's very first virtual edion will bring. This year's programming aims to bundle the joy of feasng with interacve and engaging experiences. We encourage everyone to support our chefs, bartenders and food personalies, while rediscovering the foodie in them through the excing gastronomic acvies we have planned.”
Grip Wins The UFI Digital Innovaon Award 2020
UFI, the Global Associaon of the Exhibion Industry, has named Grip across the globe, including Reed Exhibions, Informa, Messe Frankfurt, a catalyst for change resulng in the exhibion industry becoming stronger as the winner of the UFI Digital Innovaon Hyve, Messe Düsseldorf, Messe Berlin and and more relevant in the years to come,” Award 2020, for its project: 'Taking ITB many others. A convincing story of says Tim Groot, CEO and co-founder of Berlin Virtual In 2 Days'. The UFI Digital powerful technology, close collaboraon Grip. Innovaon Award compeon rewards with event organisers, a firm focus on the best exhibion industry iniaves event success, and a clear vision for the “This year was the first me that we have related to digital innovaon. For 2020, the future, convinced the audience to award ever voted virtually for the winner of the UFI Digital Innovaon Working Group Grip their second UFI Digital Innovaon UFI Digital Innovaon Award, and we did selected three final entries by Grip, Award. so via UFI Connects. We had three Superexpo and Swapcard. finalists that truly demonstrated their “It's an absolute honour to have won the visionary digital approach to leading our For the first me, the three finalists UFI Digital Innovaon Award. 2020 has industry into the future. This is especially presented their soluons and been an unprecedented year and, while important as “digital” and “hybrid” now implementaon techniques to the it's difficult to see many of our clients carry a lot of weight on the strategy audience during a UFI Connects session. struggling, we are glad to be able to offer agendas of industry players. Parcipants were asked to vote live and them a virtual experience that is of value they selected Grip as the winning entry. not just in the short term but also in the I was very impressed with each Grip is an AI-powered event matchmaking long-term alongside in-person exhibions. presentaon and recommend that soluon and first won the UFI Digital everybody has a closer look at the Innovaon Award back in 2017. The innovaon and compeon coming services these three companies have to from fellow finalists Swapcard and offer! Congratulaons to Grip for winning This accelerated the company's credibility Superexpo as well as many other event the award for the second me. and enabled Grip to become a trusted technology suppliers is amazing and partner for many leading organisers makes me confident that COVID-19 will be
IOTSWC To Be Held In May 2021, Promong A New Digital And Face-To-Face Edion

organised by Fira de Barcelona and the Industrial Internet Consorum (IIC), is undergoing a total transformaon and is gearing up for a new edion which will be held from 11th to 13th May 2021, combining face-to-face and digital parcipaon. The event, focused on showcasing soluons to digise industries through the Internet of Things (IoT) and other technologies, is changing its dates, inially scheduled for this October, in order to prepare a renewed and innovave edion and face-to-face exhibion for professionals with a high decision-making profile and will offer streaming content and virtual parcipaon for a more global audience. With the slogan “Connect with Game IOTSWC seeks to bring together the main transformaon in the industrial sphere through technologies such as IoT, Arficial Intelligence, 5G, Robocs and Digital soluons and knowledge to guide implemenng these advances, thus ensuring well-being and sustainable growth. With the aim of adapng to new consumer habits and reaching new audiences and markets internaonally, the trade show begins a transion to a hybrid model, presenng face-to-face approaches. Thus, the event's physical aspect will consist of a congress and exhibion area, with a networking space will organise an online aspect with the aim of sharing knowledge with an increasingly broad and internaonal audience. In its new edion, the event takes one step further in its search for companies through six main topics: opmizaon, intelligence and customer experience, through which it will connect the specific needs and main challenges of industries with companies specialized in deployed such technologies. Likewise, with the aim of adapng to new consumpon habits and reaching new audiences and markets at an internaonal level, the show is transioning towards a hybrid model, simultaneously carrying out face-to-face and digital content. Thus, the physical event will comprise a congress and an exhibion area, with networking space and high-value content, aimed exclusively at C-Level execuves. Simultaneously, it will hold an online program to share knowledge with an even broader and internaonal audience. From Barcelona and Chicago Another of the outstanding changes of this new phase of the IOTSWC will be the delocalisaon of part of its offer of content, which will be held in other cies around the world with a view to increasing the event's value proposion
IOT Soluons World Congress (IOTSWC),
which will include an exclusive congress
Changers”, the sixth edion of the players that are leading digital Twin, among others, offering real different industrial sectors in content in parallel with digital and high-value content, aimed exclusively at high-level execuves. Alongside this, it praccal soluons for the digizaon of security, connecvity, business
and facilitang internaonal parcipaon. In this way, the start-ups compeon, which was launched in the last edion, will relocate to the city of Chicago, and other iniaves are being looked at in other major cies and capitals worldwide. Meanwhile, the trade show will now be held in May of 2021 with a programme of webinars and digital chats to cover content with experts in the sector, thus becoming, throughout the year, a meeng point and knowledge exchange hub for discussion about the main challenges facing industry and its process of digitalisaon, as well as the opportunies that new technologies can offer in this irreversible way forward. According to IOT Soluons World Congress Director, Roger Bou: “we are living at a me when changes are accelerang in the world of technology, which offers us an opportunity to redefine the trade show and digitalise part of its content to go a step further and contribute more value to industry, more than ever facilitang a shared space for business and knowledge distribuon.”
Execuve Director of the IIC, Richard Soley, states that: “we are convinced that both the new dates and the event's new format are keys to success that will ensure the IOTSWC's leading posion as the main meeng point, both face-to-face and digital, for the exchange of knowledge and promoon of business at a key me for industrial digitalisaon.”
Themed: “Transforming Global Events Together” - The 59th ICCA Congress will be a Global Hybrid Experience
The congress has a hybrid format and is themed: “Transforming Global Events Together”. The event will allow ICCA's global community to connect with each other and explore new ideas, formats and technologies to combine efforts and create the “Kaohsiung Protocol” a framework that idenfies major trends and key strategies that will enable the internaonal meengs industry to thrive, now and into the future.

ICCA has worked in collaboraon with Maritz Global Events on the format of this years' Congress. ICCA's global community of member-suppliers and associaons can experience the future of global events live in Kaohsiung, at a regional hub or virtually from 1-3 November 2020. An innovave virtual plaorm will give all aendees the opportunity to network and engage with ICCA Congress content. As part of the Congress, all parcipants can be involved in a 6-week online pre-Congress “Road to Kaohsiung” programme, idenfying major trends, key strategies, new ideas, formats and technologies for the future of global events. This year, the ICCA Congress will be transformed into a unique hybrid experience. The world is changing, but global events will always be key to connecng people.
ICCA CEO Senthil Gopinath said: “This is all aimed at leading the transformaon of our industry and unlocking the experse of our global community to jointly create the “Kaohsiung Protocol”, a framework that will document and highlight best pracces to help ensure global events connue to be vital drivers of social, scienfic and economic development. To achieve this, ICCA has created a truly global and a unique event model which will ensure engagement of business events experts from all over the world.”
In response to the uncertain situaon and to give parcipants full control of how they wish to aend, ICCA is offering flexible and adaptable approach to registraon and the accompanying fees. This means delegates can sign up now but change their registraon type later, allowing them to change between virtual aendee, hub aendee or Kaohsiung inperson aendee. Gopinath concludes: “We believe in the power of meeng faceto-face but know this isn't always possible.

Osaka Stages Japan's First Large-Scale Exhibion Since Japan Lied Its Naonal State Of Emergency
The 12th Kansai Hotel & Restaurant Hiroshi Mizohata, Show and five other co-locang president of the Osaka events took over the enre INTEX Osaka Convenon & Tourism facility, 29 July, as the exhibion industry Bureau, a supporng returns The 12 th Kansai show is running organizaon for the unl 31 July at INTEX Osaka, along with exhibion, expressed in five other exhibions which are involving his congratulatory a total of 460 companies at 830 stands address, “By firstly throughout the INTEX complex. The holding Japan's first exhibions are the first large-scale B2B major exhibion amid trade fairs to be held in Japan since the the coronavirus country lied its naonal state of pandemic, we want to for event organisers, draed under the emergency due to coronavirus pandemic. send a big, encouraging shout to those guidance of Osaka City University's Dr concerned about exhibions and Tetsuo Kase of the Department of Public Fieen representaves from the Osaka internaonal meengs held across Japan.” Health in the School of Medicine (also the prefectural government, Osaka city Osaka Convenon & Tourism Bureau's government, and Osaka Chamber of During a show seminar on Infecous infecous disease control advisor.) Mr Commerce and Industry, as well as Disease Control Measures, the Osaka Tanaka, who spearheaded the draing of representaves from economic and Convenon & Tourism Bureau's MICE the guidelines, elaborated on what will tourism organisaons aended the policy director, Yoshikazu Tanaka, took the and will not change for the MICE events opening ceremony of the show. stage to explain the Bureau's guidelines during the “with-corona” era.