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National Book Trust Celebrates Its 64th Foundation Day
from Aug 2020
The Naonal Book Trust, India celebrated its 64th Foundaon Day on 1st August 2020. The Annual Foundaon Day lecture was held online E-aended by all NBT officials. Prof. Govind Prasad Sharma, Chairman NBT wished all the officials on the joyous occasion, and said, “The Naonal Book Trust, India was established in the year 1957 with the objecve to produce and encourage the producon of good literature in Indian languages and to make such literature available at affordable prices. We are not just publishing books in all major Indian languages but also in various dialects and tribal languages, as well as in Braille.
Our recent projects in the state of Jharkhand and Mizoram are a few praiseworthy examples”. He also informed the audience about the various internal journals published by NBT for the benefit of the readers. As the Chief Guest at the event, and the main Speaker at the Foundaon Day Lecture, Shri Prabhat Kumar, member of NBT's BoT and a disnguished publisher talked about his own long associaon with NBT, and stressed upon the role that NBT has
played in publishing quality research work for the special segments of readers, which otherwise no other publicaon house would do, because these books are not considered profitable.
Lauding the efforts of NBT in projecng the psycho-social impact of the pandemic through its publicaons, Shri Prabhat Kumar suggested that NBT should take this forward as it is the need of the hour. He further added, “NBT has the resources to bring together the literature of all States and write about our glorious history again. NBT takes up special issues and publishes diverse literature, and has connuously been taking up new iniaves to make them available in even the remotest areas of the country.
NBT’s ‘Book Exhibion Van’ program is one of its kind not just in India but globally as well”. Congratulang all NBT officials, Shri Yuvraj Malik, Director NBT said, “As a naonal instuon, we are quite conscious of our role and the expectaons that our authors, readers, and other stakeholders have. I always say that Naonal Book Trust, India is not just a premier naonal instuon, rather our mandate makes our reach possible to the internaonal forums where we are able to showcase and represent the Indian publishing industry and its achievements.
During the global corona pandemic, we took it upon ourselves to remain engaged with the likely changing reading needs and to come up with programmes and iniaves that represents our commitment to promote bookmindedness and the culture of reading in the country”. Director NBT also informed all that in the coming future, NBT’s major focus is on mentoring kids as future authors, illustrators, editors to create a beer ambience of reading in the society and the values aached to it.
Also, NBT is going to come up in the virtual space as well, in a big way and take NBT to the community of readers in India as well as abroad through some interesng events and iniaves. On this occasion, as per tradion, officers and other staff who completed 25 years at NBT were felicitated for their hard work and dedicaon.