Oct 2020

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Oct 2020 Vol 8 Issue 03 Voice Of Asia’s Exhibition & Convention Industry

SOP Released For B2B Exhibitions Messe Frankfurt India Releases Industry Research

ICPB CIC Conclave Goes Hybrid

As pioneers of the industry, and with the first mover advantage, we will be able to further customise our offerings for the stakeholders in the new year

Yogesh Mudras Managing Director, Informa Markets in India

Dear Readers, In the new normal, businesses must pivot their strategies and business models to adapt to the digital economy and incorporate innova on and technology in order to remain resilient. However, there are the mul -faceted challenges and concerns of going digital, including data privacy, cybersecurity, digital fraud and the digital divide.

M I C E Showcase &


Thankfully, the government of India has given its nod for the B2B exhibi ons to restart w.e.f. 15 October, 2020. A much-awaited decision indeed. This has rung posi ve notes in the fraternity and we have captured industry reac ons and comments in this issue. We also bring to you an exclusive interview with Mr. Yogesh Mudras, MD, Informa Markets in India. We hear that Informa Markets India has planned a series of physical exhibi ons star ng from December 2020. Informa Markets in India has been leading in the virtual events too with ini a ves like Super September and we have u lised this opportunity to understand their perspec ves and gain valuable insights on various issues for our readers. There is good news for the conference industry and events sector too. For conferences, now the cap has been increased to 200 pax (previously 100 pax). The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has recently further relaxed visa restric ons enabling foreigners to come to India for various purposes including business & conferences. “The Government has now decided to make a graded relaxa on in visa and travel restric ons for more categories of foreign na onals and Indian na onals who wish to enter or leave India. Therefore, it has been decided to permit all OCI (Overseas Ci zens of India) and PIO (Persons of Indian Origin) card holders and all other foreign na onals intending to visit India for any purpose, except on a Tourist Visa to enter by air or water routes through authorized airports and seaport immigra on check posts. This includes flights operated under Vande Bharat Mission, Air Transport Bubble arrangements or by any non scheduled commercial flights as allowed by the Ministry of Civil Avia on,” the MHA said in a statement. In another significant development for the industry, The India Conven on Promo on Bureau (ICPB), a na onal apex body focused on promo ng India as an a rac ve MICE des na on, under the aegis of the Ministry of Tourism, will organise its flagship event, the 13th Conven ons India Conclave (CIC) – as a hybrid event with the theme – 'Physical & Digital Mee ngs – A Harmonious Blend'. This unique hybrid event will be held on 30-31 October 2020.

World Map - News From The World Of Exhibitions Industry In Pictures From The World Of Social Media

Pg. 08-09 Pg. 10 Pg. 12-23

14th Edition Of CPhI & P-MEC India Now Scheduled For January 27-29, 2021 Exhibitions Crucial To Find Right Sourcing Partners For Business As India Begins Unlock 5 : Messe Frankfurt EPCH Raises Issue Of Unavailability Of Containers For Exports Of Handicrafts With Railways, Commerce And Shipping Ministers

Group Editor : Raghav Khosla Design : Firoz Accounts : Pappu Yadav

Pg. 12

Pg. 14-15

Pg. 16


Pg. 17-20

Industry Leaders Reaction On Unlock 5.0 Announcement

Pg. 22-23

Industry Reactions

Pg. 24-30

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Trade (B2B) Exhibitions in india

Pg. 31-39

Cover Story

Pg. 40-44


Pg. 46-49

Global News

Pg. 50-64

Singapore Launched The World's First Roadmap For The MICE & Events Industry

Pg. 50

Austria Center Vienna Takes Stock Of Covid-19 Pilot Project: Rapid Tests Can SigniďŹ cantly Improve The Safety Of Events

Pg. 51

We Have Restarted: September Exhibitions

Pg. 56-57

Message From UFI President, Mary Larkin

Pg. 59

MEDICAL FAIR ASIA 2020 Goes Digital

Pg. 60

Trade Show Budget Will Return To Pre-Covid-19 In One Or Two Show Cycles

Pg. 62-64


United Kingdom Event professionals from all across the UK are being urged to join in a mass email send on Friday 30 October. In an a empt to put more pressure on the Government to allow events to run safely under its own Covid-secure guidance, the en re events industry is being asked to send the a pre-designed template to BBC Breakfast and Good Morning Britain TV shows between 6-7am, 30 October. This campaign is Ini ated by Mash Media with a belief that having the media on its side is vital in pressuring the Government into le ng the industry get back to work.

U.S.A Global mee ngs industry associa on PCMA has appointed Bruce MacMillan as chief opera ng officer. He will head PCMA’s Recovery Discovery business events recovery plan for the industry. MacMillan has over 30 years’ experience in the business events industry and is a former president and CEO of MPI.

Nigeria The Abuja Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) is to host the 15th edi on of the Abuja interna onal trade fair from October 22nd to November 2nd, 2020. With the theme: "Trade and Commerce Beyond Borders," the fair will provide a pla orm for sharing of trade, investment and market opportunity and informa on. This year's event will be observed in compliance with the COVID-19 protocol and only showcase indoor and virtual exhibi ons, to make room for a controlled environment that will ensure social distancing.

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Greece “Technoekdo ki / T-Press” has decided to set a new date for the 4th Interna onal Trade Fair and Forum “Verde.Tec / Environmental Technologies”. Experts and pioneers on circular economy, smart ci es and environmental technologies will meet from the 14th to the 16th of May 2021, at the MEC Exhibi on Center in Paiania, A ka, Greece.


Dubai The yearly consumer computer and electronics trade show and conference, Gitex 2020, will run from December 6-10 at the Dubai World Tr a d e C e n t r e c o m p l e t e w i t h precau ons to stem the spread of covid.

Philippines is looking to cater to the demand for tropical food in the Chinese market through the par cipa on of 40 companies in the world’s biggest trade fair to be held in Shanghai next month. In a statement, the Center for Interna onal Trade Exposi ons and Missions (CITEM) said the Philippines would be highligh ng food brands and agriculture products during the third China Interna onal Import Expo (CIIE) on Nov. 5 to 10.

Australia Melbourne Conven on and Exhibi on Centre has been recognised as an Employer of Choice for the fourth consecu ve year, in the annual Australian Business Awards 2020. Over the last year, MCEC has offered a range of health, wellbeing and learning benefits to its employees, with ini a ves such as onsite yoga, exclusive food and beverage offerings and a comprehensive Employee Assistance Program.

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Industry In Pictures From The World Of Social Media

Meet #NorthstarInfluencer Kai Ha endorf, CEO of @ufilive. He says the events industry needs to "show we are a cri cal part of the solu on to the challenges the pandemic is presen ng us with." #EventProfs #mee ngprofs @kaiha endorf

We are delighted to announce we have opened a state-of-the-art hybrid event studio in partnership with @WeAreAnnaValley. This versa le facility will enable customers to produce broadcast-quality content & deliver dynamic hybrid events. h ps://bit.ly/2SVDY3s #EventProfs #ExCeL London

Singapore will pilot pre-event tes ng from midOctober to December to iden fy a model that can be widely implemented so that more large-scale events can safely resume, Health Minister Gan Kim Yong has announced.

We show how it’s done - in our #bSAFE4business Village! At our exemplary trade fair in hall 9, we provide concrete examples, of how Koelnmesse translates the hygiene and distancing measures in compliance with the Coronavirus requirements into the event prac ce. The Village is open to our customers by invita on un l the end of October.

NSIC conferred with the "Na onal Award for Excellence in PSU” (CSR Ini a ves- Social Development) on 14th October, 2020. This pres gious award has been given by World CSR Congress to recognize the contribu on of NSIC under CSR ini a ve in unitedly figh ng COVID 19 pandemic.

MSME Ministry officials took pledge in view of PM’s Jan Andolan on Covid. Ministry wishes all to stay safe and behave safer & #Unite2FightCorona. MSME owners/workers advised to follow SOPs.

Construc on Progress Of IICC, New Delhi venue reached 68% as On Oct 17, 2020.

#DidYouKnow: Conferences and mee ngs are worth £19bn to the UK in direct spend annually, while exhibi ons are worth £11bn. We also export £2bn of exhibi on services annually and are currently the only major European na on which has not restarted its #BusinessEvents sector.

Event industry technology specialists Ungerboeck has launched a new virtual event pla orm solu on which it says adds powerful virtual func onality for events including registra on live streaming virtual exhibi ons, engagement tools and awards and compe ons capabili es which allow organisers to manage compe ons and awards with a full process for submission and judging.

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News Buzz

October 2020

14th Edi on Of CPhI & P-MEC India Now Scheduled For January 27-29, 2021


nforma Markets in India, India's leading B2B events' organiser, has announced that its flagship event, CPhI & P-MEC India, will now take place from 27 – 29 January, 2021 at the India Expo Center, Greater Noida, Delhi-NCR. The show, Asia's largest pharma event, was originally scheduled for 25-27 November, 2020. The announcement comes right a er the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Govt of India, has started to allow B2B exhibi ons to take place with due SOP. Considering this new direc ve for Unlock 5.0 has now come into effect, CPhI & PMEC India will pull all stops to act as a catalyst for the industry and help kickstart the economy. Ever since the lockdown started, the organisers of the CPhI & P-MEC India expo have been in constant discussions with key industry stakeholders, partners and the local government to stay abreast of the challenges and complexi es in the face of disrup on due to COVID-19. The new dates will allow more me for

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normality and confidence to return to the market and provide all-round be er condi ons for exhibitors and visitors to engage. CPhI & P-MEC India will also be organised in accordance with Informa's AllSecure health and safety standards. As the world's leading events' organiser, Informa has developed a detailed set of enhanced measures to provide the highest levels of hygiene and safety at its events, providing everyone with the reassurance and confidence that they are par cipa ng in a safe and controlled environment. Speaking on the announcement of the new dates for the CPhI & P-MEC India expo, Mr. Yogesh Mudras, Managing Director, Informa Markets in India, said, "We are delighted to announce the late edi on of our flagship event in the context of the crisis that the ensuing pandemic has created. This announcement will no doubt boost the morale of the sector, and the industry at large, and we gratefully acknowledge the

encouragement given by the Government in allowing B2B trade expos to func on with the start of Unlock 5.0. The new dates, arrived at a er close consulta on with our key stakeholders, will ensure that India's largest pharma marketplace will look towards readying the industry to rebuilding itself and focus on decima ng the effects of Covid-19.” He added, "Like always, we will have a plethora of events surrounding CPhI & PMEC India , such as Pharma Connect, Women in Pharma, India Pharma Awards and CEO Roundtable filled with eminent speakers, knowledge sharing and unparalleled networking opportuni es. This will help create a consolidated strategy for 'Atmanirbhar Bharat' in the pharma sector. We would like to thank our stakeholders for their support, encouragement and recommenda on throughout the crisis and now looking ahead, while organising the show as well.”

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News Buzz

October 2020

Analy ca Anacon India & India Lab Expo Hyderabad Edi on Postponed To September 2021


ue to the rampant spread of COVID19 in the country and the consequent travel restric ons imposed by the Government of India, show organiser Messe Muenchen India has announced the postponement of the Hyderabad edi on of analy ca Anacon India and India Lab Expo to September 23–25, 2021. The trade fairs were originally scheduled from September 17–19, 2020 at Hitex Exhibi on Center, Hyderabad. However, considering the safety of stakeholders, exhibitors and visitors, the show

organisers have rescheduled the trade fairs. The decision of postponement is also based on industry feedback received through the extensive survey conducted by the organiser. Mr. Bhupinder Singh, CEO, Messe Muenchen India explained, “Owing to the restric ons enforced by the Government of India on travel and mass-gatherings, September 2020 is no longer a viable op on to organise analy ca Anacon India and India Lab Expo.” Mr. Singh added that, “Health and safety of everyone involved in the trade fairs is our prime concern. For the upcoming edi on we will strictly follow government direc ves and standard opera ng procedures to ensure a safe environment to conduct business at our trade fairs.” Dr. Reinhard Pfeiffer, Deputy Chairman of the Board, Messe München GmbH also commented on the

postponement, “In view of the current situa on in India, rescheduling the trade fairs is a sound decision. The decision is also taken to safeguard the business interest of our stakeholders, associates, clients and visitors.” Mr. Gautam Rajan, President of Indian Analy cal Instruments Associa on said, “While the relaxa on of the lockdown has provided an impetus to business, the situa on is s ll not conducive for exhibitors and visitors alike to benefit from the show to the fullest. A postponement of the show would benefit all stakeholders and help the 2021 show to be a greater success.” analy ca Anacon India and India Lab Expo will bring together professionals from various ver cals to foster businesses globally in the upcoming edi on, scheduled in September 2021 at Hitex, Hyderabad.

Co-located Paperworld India, Corporate Gi s Show And Interior Lifestyle India Presented By Ambiente India Slated In March 2021


ni ally slated in January 2021 at the Bombay Exhibi on Centre in Mumbai, the co-located fairs are now set to take place from 11 – 13 March 2021 at the same venue. Scheduled in the first quarter of the year, the new dates bring in ease of planning, prepara on and par cipa on for all stakeholders. Mr Raj Manek, Execu ve Director & Board Member, Messe Frankfurt Asia Holdings Pvt Ltd: “The decision of the strategic reorganisa on of the consumer goods

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shows in India was to create synergy and mutual collabora on – the need for which is being felt now more than ever. The industry is geared up to take on 2021 and this will be the convergence point for the sector.” “The Indian consumer goods industry has been reeling under the nega ve impact since the onset of the pandemic, and for us it was even more important to bring the industry together on a much-awaited ordering pla orm. We are looking forward to welcoming the en re industry for a safe, successful and highly produc ve show in 2021.” added Mr Minesh Modi, Director, Netlink Solu ons (India) Ltd. While 2020 has undoubtedly been a challenging year bringing economic ac vity to a near stands ll, there is a clear indica on of op mism amongst India Inc.

with signs of economic revival despite near-term challenges. Therefore, restar ng the business year under the new normal, the 2021 edi on of co-located fairs will undoubtedly be marked in trade calendars as three days of face-to-face business networking – to meet buyers and suppliers in-person, sign deals and source solu ons for the 'new normal' demand. Moreover, bringing school, office, home décor, houseware and corporate gi ing suppliers together, the synergic advantage of the co-located fairs Paperworld India, Corporate Gi s Show and Interior Lifestyle India presented by Ambiente India will present a single-sourcing business pla orm to re-start trade discussions and return confidence in the market.

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News Buzz

October 2020

Exhibi ons Crucial To Find Right Sourcing Partners For Business As India Begins Unlock 5 : Messe Frankfurt Over 90% respondents affirmed that trade fairs enable them to touch-and-feel the product as well as to build a rela onship with the seller which are key factors for making an effec ve purchase decision: Study purchasing ac vity, most buyers cannot find right suppliers while others cannot find stocks (12.97%), cannot import (13.81%), as per company policies (20.08%), or would like to wait for exhibi ons (24.27%). Even as other sourcing alterna ves such as online events, webinar and WhatsApp are picking up, 59% buyers are finding it difficult to make purchasing decisions during Covid-19.


s India moves towards a gradual removal of the lockdown, businesses are showing strong resilience in the face of crisis as they begin to re-start opera ons slowly. Assessing the impact of the pandemic on industries, the biggest challenge businesses will face is business con nuity as several industries are reeling under the effects of a disrupted sourcing and supply chain. According to a study conducted by Messe Frankfurt Trade Fairs India Pvt Ltd, those who held off purchases do so no longer due to cash flow issues – a prime consequence of the pandemic in the earlier months, but rather because they can’t find the right suppliers (35.56%). A market survey of more than 1,000 professionals from across the country was conducted in June 2020 & September 2020 to examine the shi ing business climate and the state of mind of the most senior buyers at Messe Frankfurt India trade fairs during this period. The key objec ve of the ‘Senior Management Survey’ was to gauge the business and purchase behaviour amidst the pandemic that has affected businesses of MFI stakeholders and the cross-collabora on

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that Messe Frankfurt India can enable through its virtual tools through emphasis on sourcing alterna ves or the need and inten on to visit exhibi ons for trading. The study covered a wide range of industry sectors from the automo ve, tex les, building technologies and consumer goods, showing that 88 percent respondents relied on exhibi ons to help them with their purchase decisions.

Over 90% respondents affirmed that trade fairs allow them to touch and feel the product as well as to build a rela onship with the seller which are key factors for making an effec ve purchasing decisions. While there has been a strong shi with regards to the purchasing behaviour from June (53%) to September (63%) with a rise of 10 percent in

As purchasing ac vity has increased across the board, willingness to a end exhibi ons also saw an increase with respondents looking at visi ng the next exhibi on ” as soon as possible” registering the highest increase of 10 percentage points. In this regard, the role of the Exhibi on industry will also become much more significant in terms of rebuilding customer connec ons, suppor ng the exchange of knowledge and technology as well as restoring business con nuity and growth in the economy. Given the current environment and the increased intent of visi ng trade fairs, Messe Frankfurt has been strongly focusing towards developing standard protocols and a framework for enhanced measures for hygiene and safety at their Exhibi ons and Conferences in India. It was also interes ng to note that – while only 16 percent respondents a ended online exhibi ons in June 2020, this trend has quickly shi ed to 29 percent in

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News Buzz

October 2020

September 2020 showcasing that hybrid exhibi ons will play a vital role in future.

Mr. Raj Manek, Managing Director, Messe Frankfurt Trade Fairs India Pvt Ltd shared: “Technology will play a significant role in enhancing the experience of physical exhibi ons in future, so as organisers we are using this as an opportunity to build our digital tools more rapidly and open up new avenues for business that can intelligently complement our exis ng trade shows. As a group that has been into the trade fair business since centuries, we strongly believe that business rela ons and personal encounters at exhibi ons will be irreplaceable but offering a hybrid pla orm will become a standard feature at our physical events, so that we con nue to enable our customers to expand reach and transform virtual connec ons into face-to-face interac ons.” Known for its trade fair history of 780 years, Messe Frankfurt is the world’s largest trade fair, congress and event organiser with its own exhibi on grounds. The Indian subsidiary, with a por olio of

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20 trade fair brands and over 30 conferences, hosts some of the country’s leading trade fairs such as LED Expo (Mumbai & Delhi), Light India, Media Expo (Mumbai & Delhi), Techtex l India, ACMA Automechanika New Delhi, Rail India conference, NGV India Summit among others, covering the automo ve, automa on, ligh ng, technology, tex les, consumer goods, entertainment, media and crea ve industries. Globally, Messe Frankfurt has ‘restarted’ exhibi ons with the opening of Intertex le Shenzhen Apparel Fabrics and Yarn Expo in July 2020 in China and the Summer Nords l in September 2020 in Germany. “The survey results also go on to show the crucial role exhibi ons can play in enabling Indian businesses to find right sourcing partners amidst the current environment and more so in the postcovid era.” concludes Manek. The government of India has issued new guidelines under the Unlock 5.0, allowing Business to Business (B2B) exhibi ons to resume with effect from 15th October 2020, with new SOPs as issued by Department of Commerce.

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News Buzz

October 2020

EPCH Raises Issue Of Unavailability Of Containers For Exports Of Handicra s With Railways, Commerce And Shipping Ministers


n order to ensure that handicra s sector keeps growing at a brisk pace and con nue to earn much needed foreign exchange and provide livelihood to millions, it is important that the logis c system (availability and movement of containers) should support and compliment the efforts made by the ar sans and exporters. Mr Ravi K Passi, Chairman-EPCH drew a en on of the Railways Commerce and Shipping Ministers towards the problem of the shortage of availability of

containers for exports and said that the current Covid crisis has resulted in the decline of exports of handicra s by (–) 34.75% during the April –September of the current financial year 2020-21 and a er the Government’s relaxa on given under unlock-1 to 5, business ac vity has resumed and exports are beginning to take place, however, any disrup on at this cri cal stage in shipments would deal a severe blow to all the export promo on efforts of all the stakeholders. Adding further, he said, handicra s is one of the worst affected sector on account being the voluminous cargo shipments. He also raised the issue of repo charge (reposi oning charge) ranging from Rs.10,000/- - Rs. 20,000/- which the exporter has to bear in case he wishes to source the container from the nearby ICDs thus incurring addi onal transac on

cost and also the increase of 20 to 40% in shipping charges. Shri Rakesh Kumar, Director General – EPCH urged the Government to consider establishment of a Regulatory Authority through enactment of the Parliament to control and monitor the pricing, terms & condi ons and other provisions rela ng to the shipment of goods. The current shipping lines are arbitrarily deciding the pricing and imposing condi ons at their whims and fancies. Mr. Passi has requested all the concerned ministries to urgently look into the ma er, so that exports from the country can con nue without any hindrance as the interven ons of the concerned Minister’s would certainly help facilitate mely shipments of the export consignments and thereby promote exports from the country.

Indian Exhibi on Industry Associa on (IEIA) Thanks Ministry Of Home Affairs And Ministry Of Commerce, Govt. Of India For Re-opening Of B2B Exhibi ons In Unlock 5.0


ith the announcement of reopening of b2b exhibi ons, Indian Exhibi ons industry is all set for a restart a er a hiatus of 6 months. As part of Unlock 5.0 Guidelines, The Ministry of Home Affairs has permi ed organisa on of B2B exhibi ons from 15 October 2020 and has requested Ministry of Commerce to suggest SOPs for organising safe and secure trade shows. “The restart of B2B Exhibi ons from October 15, 2020 is welcome news for the exhibi ons industry in India. We thank the Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Commerce for their mely decision. Exhibi ons are economic mul pliers for economies world over and the restart of exhibi on will result in kickstart of Indian economy. The Indian

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SMEs and corporates look forward to trade shows which will catalyse both commerce and investments in India and strengthen Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan,” stated Mr. S. Balasubramanian, President, IEIA. “Safety and security have always been integral parts of the set-up of exhibi ons in all mes. The Indian exhibi ons industry under IEIA stands commi ed to deliver quality exhibi ons and awaits the recommended Standard Opera ng Procedures by Department of Commerce, Government of India,” added Mr. S. Balasubramanian. The announcement defines the success of the con nuous efforts, ini a ves and advocacy engagements with Govt. by the IEIA team and industry members during the en re lockdown period. The period

from October to March is generally known as the peak season of Exhibi ons and the restart announcement during this period shall pave the way for organising exhibi ons during this season. Many industry players had been anxiously awai ng Government guidelines and will soon announce their exhibi on schedules. The Indian Exhibi on Industry Associa on is India’s representa ve associa on of Exhibi ons since 2006 and has been on the forefront of undertaking numerous ini a ves to support the members and the industry since the beginning of the lockdown in India. IEIA had been engaging with the Govt at various levels for the restart of exhibi ons

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October 2020

Liquidity To MSME Sector – Illusion To Intent And Then Implementa on "The AtmaNirbhar Financial stimulus package which is considered to be one of the largest ever support in India is yet to reach out to all the struggling MSME units as the beneciary units for the Rs 3 lakh crore collateral-free credit have/has been mapped by the banks based on the asset quality and track record," writes P Udayakumar.

AIMO dissects the pros and cons of the MSME sector and self-employed.

Article by Mr. P Udayakumar, Director-Planning & Marketing, NSIC


he COVID 19 has brought 'new normal' in all walks of life, including the much-debated MSME Sector. The op mists and pessimists have rolled out different scenarios for the MSME sector, highligh ng the vital factors like Liquidity, Migrant Worker issues, Fresh orders, uncertain exports, EMI payments, unfriendly banking support etc., A comprehensive survey published by

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The findings are very gloomy se ng an alarming bell for a quick revisit of some of the structural fault lines in the banking sector in the country which is the life support system for the revival of the strategic MSME sector which the backbone of Indian Economy. According to the survey, 35 % of the MSMEs and 37 % of the self-employed see no scope of survival of the MSME sector which employs about 150 million people and about another 130 million are selfemployed. It appears that only around 45 Lakhs MSMEs are likely to get the sanc on of the EGCLS loan as compared to the 6 Crore official MSME data raising a ques on mark on the future of these balance Units when there is no alternate Financing mechanism available in the country.

The AtmaNirbhar Financial s mulus package which is considered to be one of the largest ever support in India is yet to reach out to all the struggling MSME units as the beneficiary units for the Rs 3 lakh crore collateral-free credit have/has been mapped by the banks based on the asset quality and track record. According to the AIMO survey “ Only accounts up to SMA1 are given addi onal Finance needs, whereas the crying MSMEs are those with SMA2 a/cs who may be temporarily irregular as the sector started failing due to various reasons and global recession since 201920”. Banks, as usual, follow the rules strictly as they are driven by the procedure to safeguard the interest of the banks. Off course, the one-year moratorium, 4-year repayment and 100 % credit guarantee cover are no sweeteners for the SMA2 accounts.

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October 2020 FDI inflows to India during the year 201415, 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18 were US$ 45.15 billion, US$ 55.56 billion, US$ 60.22 billion and US$ 60.97 respec vely. This indicates the preference of foreign companies to invest in India in the immediate past.

According to media reports, Banks have cumula vely disbursed close to Rs 1.15 lakh crore to 24.70 lakh MSME accounts under the Rs 3-lakh crore targeted emergency credit line guarantee (ECLGS) scheme announced by the government in June to help small businesses survive the pandemic shocks, according to a CARE Ra ng report. The cumula ve sanc ons touched 54 per cent or Rs 1.61 lakh crore of the target of Rs 3 lakh crore as of September 3, as per data collated by the agency. Though the Finance Ministry is monitoring the progress, the huge difference between sanc oned and disbursements under this ECLGS is a ma er of concern and this underlines the mismatch between the bankers and borrowers. As the demand crea on for the sector and reengagement of the migrant labour are the priori es of the Government, we now need to adopt a new normal in the lending domain also to safeguard the lender and borrower. With this intent, a radical shi in the lending ac vity for the MSME Sector is suggested which can evolve a er addressing the teething troubles. A er all, if there is a will there is a way in the new normal scenario!!!

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CREATION OF MULTIPLE CREDIT GUARANTEE TRUSTS : Hence it is suggested to have as many credit guarantee trust/unions which need to be created with the corpus of Rs 20000 Crore to Rs.1 lakh crore (it can be of smaller size also for managing Micro Fin agencies) by raising contribu ons from MNCs / FDIs/ Por olio investors, Public Sectors / Private Corporates / Pension Funds/ State Governments' RIDF funds and other unspent budgets etc. This / these trusts can be created based on sectors, products, ac vity, state govt etc. and also based on the nature of credit requirement (capital/working capital / or for wage payments, GST etc.). The credit guarantee trusts will provide the guarantee support to the banks and NBFCs for extending the credit and the lending ins tu ons will work out the lending procedures in a detailed manner based on the comfort of the Credit guarantee trusts. Stake holding by FDIs, MNCs, Corporates, PSUs will form the corpus and this can be further leveraged by por olio investments, borrowings and lis ngs through Stock exchanges. It is to be noted that most of the developed countries are ge ng ready to exit China and shi to the Far East and India depending upon the red carpet treatment by these countries and faster decision making.

Hence, it is suggested that all FDIs/ por olio investors should be mandated to par cipate in this credit guarantee trust to the extent of 5% -10% of their investment as stakes in the trust as per their sectoral or products or state preference. This can have an exit clause a er a minimum lock-in period so that they can opt-out when want to quit or disinvest from the venture. Similarly, all other stakeholders will also par cipate in the trust besides the MSMEs with nominal stakeholding like a coopera ve ins tu on (without any veto power). The Credit Guarantee trust will act as a backup for any failure/default of the MSMEs when borrowing funds from the banks a er closely monitoring the performance. The credit guarantee trust will be run by professional CEOs with the stake-holders as trust members. Besides, the trust will have professional execu ves who will also be having a say in the management control or monitor the performance of the MSMEs availing credit from banks. The credit guarantee trust will also source funds from banks, foreign line of credit and through commercial papers etc. The beneficiary MSME units will have the op on of migra ng from one trust to another trust depending upon the service and fees. This can bring in efficiency and price compe veness among the credit trusts. Post COVID-19, it is clear that most of the developed countries like Japan, Europe, USA etc. are keenly looking for exi ng China and mostly they would like to have a shi to India and hence this FDI opportunity will create a huge corpus for the credit’ guarantee trusts by adop ng the above pa ern. As the smaller countries in Far East Asia are likely to provide the much-needed comfort to the countries like Japan, South Korea etc. for investments, India needs to create such

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October 2020

alternate funding strategies to facilitate collateral-free funding to the MSMEs (both exis ng and new ones). Besides, the huge stashed black money in the offshore can also be tapped in this trusts by offering good long term returns and immunity provisions as a one me measure. The MSME sector and Ministry of Commerce and DIPP may form a task force for following up with the poten al countries for a rac ng the FDIs and mul lateral agencies for se ng up anchor industries and MSME ancillary units with Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier3 layers with credit guarantee trust support for the ancillary units. The state governments may provide further incen ves to a ract FDIs. Besides the fund of funds proposal of Rs 10000 crore under crea on as per Mr. UK Sinha commi ee can also be leveraged for nurturing the Startup culture with simplified procedures and safeguards.. Monitoring of the performance of the MSMEs borrowing funds under credit guarantee trusts: This guarantee trust execu ve will be closely monitoring the MSMEs for their efficiency and performance on a real- me basis and in case of any poten al defaults or low performance, the trust will reserve the right to take over and auc on the same to any buyer including to foreign en es depending upon FDI cap limits. The Union Govt may stand as Sovereign

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guarantee for the CGTs a er a thorough scru ny of the cons tuents and the structure of the CGT. The finer working of the Mul ple CGT unions and its compliances for mee ng the statutory and RBI guidelines need to be worked out by experts.

of prices and dilu on of quality. In order to avoid crea ng excess capaci es and undercu ng a na onal level, MSME Investment Bureau should be set up which will have a real- me database of the sector/product wise Bank credits given already and the Demand supply sta s cs of the product & service so that the Startups and MSME units will prosper with decent returns atheist for a period of 5 years. Some of the products and services should be reserved only for the Micro sector by appropriately revisi ng the MSME criteria.

A model can be evolved by which the underperforming MSME can be taken over or disposed of off by the Credit Guarantee union if the performance does not improve a er two alerts. Then the unit should be kept under intensive monitoring for a turn around before sale of the stakeholding. Successful units can be handheld for about three years and a er that, they should be asked to mandatorily list in the MSME exchange so that the proceeds will go to the stakeholders and the funding agency(Banks or NBFCs or HNIs).

Besides the anchor Industries should be developed across states depending upon the raw material availability, port facili es consump on pa ern etc. so that the MSME ancillaries boom in this area offering self-employment opportuni es.

Similarly, credit guarantee trust concept can be considered for export guarantee mechanisms also by crea ng more no for boos ng up the much-needed exports. Monitoring and fixing a cap on the Bank credit on products and services of MSMEs to maintain the op mum compe veness and volume of produc on : It is o en no ced that any sunrise sector and new products with high demand a ract mul plica on of MSMEs due to limited-entry barriers seeking Banking credits and crea ng excess capaci es leading to undercu ng

SKILL MAPPING OF MIGRANT LABOURS FOR A GAINFUL LOCAL ECONOMY: The Migrant labours who mainly belong to SC, ST and minori es need to be mapped for their skill sets and village level industrial clusters can be created by the State agencies for conver ng their skill sets gainfully, in areas like Tex le, Agri /Food products, etc. which can be a major economic livelihood ac vity locally. Besides, a workers data bank also can be created for an organised engagement of this invisible force of the modern economy.

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October 2020

Crea on of cluster Mapping: It is also suggested that Indian clusters and industrial estates can be connected to successful clusters in abroad like European na ons, USA, S. Korea and Japan for crea ng and shi ing major manufacturing industries to India on a mission mode. It is also expected that most of the industrial clusters and entrepreneurs in the USA, Europe, farEast will be dilu ng or qui ng entrepreneurship who hold a lot of brand image, goodwill capital and market access. These entrepreneurs can be engaged through the Cluster Matching strategies to provide design, technology and also capital to the clusters in Indian ci es and villages in the chosen states cum ci es so that “ Make in India” becomes a booming ac vity and become ac ve exporters. This can also create Indian Global Brands in the future. The Chinese loss should be India’s gain. Dedicated industrial parks and export zones also can be created under the cluster matching concept. States can also compete in a rac ng the cluster partners. MSME Ministry can iden fy the various clusters

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available world over through the various bilateral agreements signed and provide the connec on to the domes c and poten al clusters in technology sharing and investments. Parallelly, world-class infrastructure like highways, logis cs, port facili es etc. may also be created on a fast track basis so that this can a ract the cluster partners to shi their export hub to India. This can also create an ac ve E-commerce ecosystem in India along with physical infrastructures. India can easily emerge as a major player in digital, electronics goods, food processing, solar and consumer products etc. Land and resource allotment- Key component in a rac ng FDIs: Land allotment and Environmental clearance for larger projects con nue to be a concern for both for domes c corporates and MNCs, especially in progressive states due to mul ple reasons. As we are currently passing through ‘challenging mes during the life me, the poli cal differences among the states and poli cal par es should not become a hindrance for poten al investments. A er all, the

anchor industries are going to be the fulcrum of ancillary growth and hence a single-window Landbank authority with the coopera on state govt is desirable with industrial estates for MSMEs side by side. A Centralized Na onal Land Bank Authority may be created with the support of State governments for facilita ng the MSMEs and Foreign cluster partners for the spot allotment of land through digital/ online format. *Views expressed in the above ar cle are personal and does not reflect any ins tu onal viewpoint.

About the Author Mr. P Udayakumar is currently Director (Planning and Marke ng ) and in the Board of NSIC, New Delhi. He is an Engineer and Aluminus of IIM Bangalore. He is in the Board of NSIC for about 10 years and well-acknowledged in the MSME circle who is known for radical and futuris c approach on the MSME issues. He has been involved in several key assignments in spearheading the growth models for NSIC. He is widely travelled and a regular speaker in MSME forums and leading ins tu ons.

Asia’s Most Comprehensive Media Pla orm For MICE

News Buzz

October 2020

ICPB’s 13th Conven ons India Conclave


ndia Conven on Promo on Bureau's annual flagship event, 13th Conven ons India Conclave will be held as a Hybrid event on 30-31 October 2020. The theme of the Conclave is 'Physical & Digital Mee ngs: A Harmonious Blend'.

ICPB's MICE film for global markets and the digital MICE planner.

The venue of the event is JW Marrio , Aerocity New Delhi for hos ng the physical component of the Conclave within the permissible limit. In addi on, it is expected that about 500 par cipants including hosted buyers, exhibitors, visitors, students, industry associates, media will join virtually.

Mr. Ori Lahav, President – IAPCO will deliver the Keynote Address on the Conclave theme. Conference sessions on contemporary topics with speakers and panellists are designed to engage par cipants on interes ng topics relevant to the industry facing the current pandemic crisis.

Shri Prahlad Singh Patel, Hon'ble Minister of State (IC) for Tourism & Culture will be the Chief Guest at the Inaugural session. Hon'ble Minister will also launch

A unique component of the Conclave are Hybrid hub sessions which will be held physically and transmi ed live from Crowne Plaza, Gr. Noida and BIEC, Bangalore to promote these ci es as MICE hubs through advanced technology to provide a quality digital experience.

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The B2B mee ngs have been arranged on virtual pla orm for exhibitors and buyers to interact and forging new alliances. The 13th CIC is an effort to kickstart the MICE ac vi es complying with all safety protocols like masks, sani za on, social distancing etc. for a safe and enjoyable experience of the par cipants. This event will be a tes mony to the industry's ability to adapt and successfully handle hybrid events complying with all safety protocols.

Asia’s Most Comprehensive Media Pla orm For MICE

News Buzz

October 2020

Positive Developments For The Indian Exhibition, Event & Convention Industry Industry Leaders Reac on On Unlock 5.0 Announcement


n a much awaited development, the Government of India has issued new guidelines under the Unlock 5.0, providing a huge sigh of relief for the exhibi on industry. As per the guidelines, the Business to Business (B2B) exhibi ons will be permi ed to resume with effect from 15th October 2020, provided they are hosted outside the COVID containment zones. For this, the SOPs have been issued by the Department of Commerce, and exhibi on showcase has published these SOPs in this edi on. We sincerely hope that Indian exhibi on industry stakeholders adhere to these SOPs in le er and spirit. Posi ves for Events and Conferences sector too! Although the social/academic/sports/entertainment/cu ltural/religious/poli cal func ons and other congrega ons had already been permi ed with a ceiling of 100 persons (outside containment zones), as per the new guidelines of Unlock 5.0, now a maximum of 50% of the hall capacity will be allowed, with a ceiling of 200 persons, in closed spaces. Wearing of face masks, maintaining social distancing, provision for thermal scanning and use of hand wash or sani zer will be mandatory. It is also important to note that the document states that there shall be no restric on on inter-State and intra-State movement of persons and goods including those for cross land-border

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trade under Trea es with neighbouring countries. No separate permission/ approval/ e-permit will be required for such movements. Movement by passenger trains; domes c passenger air travel; movement of persons on Vande Bharat and Air Transport Bubble flights; and sign-on and sign-off of Indian seafarers will con nue to be regulated as per SOPs issued. This is a significant development for the exhibi ons/conferences/seminars/mee n gs sector. The document also states that Entertainment parks and similar places will be permi ed to open with effect from 15th October, 2020, for which the SOP will be issued by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. It is noteworthy that a lot of industry leaders, industry bodies and associa ons have been working earnestly to make this happen. It was reaching to a point where the industry shoulders were beginning to drop but this announcement has brought much joy to the fraternity. Exhibi on Showcase spoke to some of the industry leaders to understand their reac on to this announcement. Excerpts; “UFI welcomes the decision by the Government of India to allow the exhibi ons sector to re-open, and we want to thank all our industry colleagues on their relentless lobbying effort to make this happen. India now joins the growing

list of countries where we as an industry can build and operate the much needed market places and mee ng places for all the industries and sectors to recover from this pandemic as quickly as possible. Business events are not another ‘problem’ governments have to deal with now – they are a key part of the solu on. As an industry, we know how to organise and run business events safely. With global standards and a growing number of successful shows taking place in Asia and around the world, we are showcasing that every day again.” Kai Ha endorf, CEO, UFI “The decision of the Government to allow B2B exhibi ons in the country from 15th October onwards outside the containment zones is an extremely welcome step. It shows the government’s confidence and commitment towards support to the exhibi on sector which plays an important role in promo ng businesses and trade across the country. Now it’s me for the exhibi on industry to come forward and work collec vely towards holding of trade shows with strict adherence to SOP and requisite COVID precau ons in place. We will need to

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News Buzz

October 2020

to make small beginnings and graduate to pre-COVID levels in next 6-9 months. #WeSupportExhibi ons” Rajesh Agrawal, ED, ITPO & Chairman, India MICE Alliance “Indian Exhibi on industry extends its thanks to the Ministry of Home Affairs for its decision to open B2B exhibi ons from October 15 as it bodes well for the country’s economic growth. This will benefit the various SMEs and MSMEs that were affected by the COVID pandemic as well as people at the bo om of the pyramid, the most vulnerable sector of the society. The announcement was the need of the hour and will go a long way in providing support during this unprecedented situa on. The industry now awaits the SOP from Department of Commerce and con nue to play a crucial role in furthering Atmanirbhar Bharat.” Balasubramanian S Pillai, ED & COO, IMTMA & BIEC, President, IEIA “It’s a panacea for industry in today’s situa on. Our industry has been very resilient. We will come over from our past and back to our business as usual by end of October. IEML is ready with all SOPs and compliance protocols and ready to welcome the industry.” Rakesh Kumar, DG, EPCH , Chairman, IEML & Chairman, Advocacy Commi ee, IEIA “The Government’s nod to physical trade expos is cause for joyous celebra ons for the industry. It is symbolic of the faith the Government reposes in trade expos as catalysts to rebuilding the economy, and to uphold safety protocols and security of mul tudes of people. It is also the glorious result of the unceasing efforts & advocacy of the exhibi ons industry which had stood together to

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pe on to the government to allow it to start func oning without further delay. It brings back renewed hopes among millions of industrious people associated with trade expos, who had suffered greatly due to COVID-19 related restric ons. Honestly, we can’t wait to get started and will spare no efforts to jus fy the faith entrusted upon us!” Yogesh Mudras, Managing Director, Informa Markets in India

went a long way in ensuring that government looks at us favorably. The resultant opening of events and exhibi ons is a great development, but we need to keep the safety protocols in mind One misstep by exhibitors and event managers can translate into our work being shut down. this is the perfect me to show how responsible we are and how responsive.” Roshan Abbas, President, EEMA

“The decision of the Government to re-open B2B exhibi ons in the country with new SOPs is a posi ve first step, and encouraging news for Indian Exhibi on Industry and business fraternity. The move certainly reflects the government’s confidence in ‘Exhibi ons’ as a key facilitator for economic growth. Messe Frankfurt has been gearing up and we are commi ed to leaving no stone unturned in delivering a safe and conducive environment for business exchange for our customers, across all our trade shows.” Raj Manek, Execu ve Director & Board Member, Messe Frankfurt Asia Holdings Ltd.

“On behalf of IESA and on behalf of the event industry fraternity, I thank Government for issuing order opening up the B2B business exhibi ons in October 2020. We sincerely hope that this move will help rolling the wheels of the event industry.” Sunil More, President, IESA

“This news was “very very” eagerly awaited. Credit to our en re fraternity in making this happen. It has been a thorough teamwork. It’s, however, also cri cal to maintain extreme cau on – SOPs have to be strictly adhered to. Last thing we want is ge ng back to square one due to negligence and laxity.” Ravinder Sethi, CMD, RE Rogers India “The work that EEMA’s Govt Interac on commi ee has done has been superla ve and constant pressure and making our invisible industry visible to the government has resulted in this. Our COVID safety protocol

“I think it’s a great news and the best thing that we can have in difficult mes. In my opinion, business events are the best mode to reignite the economy. Now, shi in the economy can be seen in all the fields once business events start to take place. Similarly, conferences are also going to start in October as per the fresh guidelines of MHA. We have high hopes that congrega ons restricted to size of 200 people currently in Unlock 5 will definitely rise to 500-700 people in days to come. But, what is most important for organisers, venues and par cipants is that they should ensure the safety protocols to be followed strictly.” Girish Kwatra, Hony. Secretary, ICPB “We welcome the government’s decision to open entertainment and exhibi on centers. We must ensure strict COVID protocol in this phase and keep the visitors and those engaged in the industry safe.” Sanjoy Roy, Co-Chair: Art & Culture Chapter, FICCI

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Industry Reac ons

October 2020

What Industry Leaders Think On Reopening Of Physical Events Sudeep Sarcar, CEO, India Exposi on Mart Limited We will con nue to offer this pla orm to supplement the organisers physical events. We have been working round the clock to make IEML the safest venue in India for organising MICE events. We have had many consulta ons from the industry players, major organisers, service providers and stakeholders to make suitable arrangements in order to ensure world-class ameni es in the new normal. Today, we have the best in class safety compliances to host world class events. We are equipped and ready to follow the SOPs released by Indian Government in le er and spirit.

Onsite Exhibi ons: Need Of The Hour ES. What are the effects of the pandemic and how have you tried to turn around things and adapt to the new normal? Sudeep. The event industry is no stranger to this trend, with the announcement of the lockdown, the sphere of outdoor entertainment came to a stands ll. As per a recent report published by the Event and Entertainment Management Associa on (EEMA), the Indian event and exhibi on market is bound to experience an Rs 1 lakh crore hit this quarter. The prevailing scenario put everyone, right from the ar sts to the organisers in a baffled state of mind. However, it is rightly said, “when the going gets tough, the tough gets going.” Similarly, the event sector made space for numerous innova ve ideas such as hos ng events in such a way that viewers can enjoy the performance of their favourite ar st right from the comfort of their homes. As per an analysis presented by Ernst and Young (EY), 94% brands aim at exploring the sector of digital IPs for the purpose of improved consumer a rac on and reten on in the new normal. Further, around 85% of these companies are taking ac ve interest in developing the digital IPs, while 90% have iden fied alliances which will help them provide the same. World over, large and small exhibi ons got postponed and cancelled during this period. We at IEML, have been fiercely preparing for the new normal and crea ng effec ve pla orms for the industry interac ons. We started with launching virtual pla orm for enabling organisers to conduct their events virtually.

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ES. What are your predic ons for 2021? Sudeep. From 2021 onwards all major events will be looked at with a keen eye to a poten al disaster scenario. The unthinkable will become an agenda item – a er all, in a year that saw the cancella on of the Olympics, the Edinburgh Fes val and pre y much every football match on the planet the future is more difficult to predict than ever. Contracts will be ghtened, and cancella on terms carefully re-worded. Venues and suppliers will be trying to protect themselves from losing revenue, while agencies and event managers will be trying to ensure they can avoid paying for an event that may never happen. There will be just as much focus on what happens if an event has to be cancelled as there is on making it a success. As government permi ed B2B exhibi ons subject to implementa on of SOP issued by Ministry of Commerce, we are quite confident of hos ng major events in 2021 including SATTE, IHGF, REI, CPHI & PMEC, Indus Food, Dibex, Putech, ITME and many more. Some of the key trends would be: Ÿ Focus on quality Ÿ Digitalisa on Ÿ Health & Safety Ÿ Improved matchmaking Ÿ Focus on Big Data Ÿ Sustainability & responsible events Ÿ Specialised & Focused Team Building ES. How can the exhibi ons remain significant and meaningful in the new normal? Sudeep. One must note that the dynamic sphere of events will not always have a digital orienta on. Several experts have suggested that a gradual transi on will be witnessed, which will entail three primary phases – phase 1 will be the ini al 3-5 months, boas ng about online events, followed by phase 2 for the next 6 months, marking the slow as well as contained start of physical experience with limited a endees, and finally the phase

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Industry Reac ons

October 2020

3 which will follow in another 6 months to a year, wherein the en re industry will be bouncing back stronger and be er. However, aspects such as consumer safety and personal hygiene will be the priority of organisers amongst other facets. According to a recent study conducted by Messe Frankfurt Trade Fairs, India, those who held off purchases do so no longer due to cash flow issues – a prime consequence of the pandemic in the earlier months, but rather because they can't find the right suppliers (35.56%). The study covered a wide range of industry sectors from the automo ve, tex les, building technologies and consumer goods, showing that 88 percent respondents relied on exhibi ons to help them with their purchase decisions. Over 90% respondents affirmed that trade fairs allow them to touch and feel the product as well as to build a rela onship with the seller which are key factors for making an effec ve purchasing decisions. As purchasing ac vity has increased across the board, willingness to a end exhibi ons also saw an increase with respondents looking at visi ng the next exhibi on ” as soon as possible” registering the highest increase of 10 percentage points. In this regard, the role of the Exhibi on industry will also become much more significant in terms of rebuilding customer connec ons, suppor ng the exchange of knowledge and technology as well as restoring business con nuity and growth in the economy. ES. What are your comments on the reopening of B2B exhibi ons

in unlock 5.0, announced by the Govt.? Sudeep. It was the necessity of the me for the exhibi on industry since this sector was closed for the last seven months and has suffered a huge loss. Re-opening of the B2B exhibi on is a welcome step of the government for exhibi on sector. We are quite confident to deliver safe and secure exhibi on to all stakeholders complying the SOP of the Government. ES. What are some of the key things which you feel as mandatory parts to be added in the SOP to go ahead with the exhibi ons? (This ques on was put before the release of SOP) Sudeep. IEIA which is the leading body of Indian Exhibi on Industry has played a pivotal role in preparing the SOP a er taking due cognizance of present situa on and inputs/sugges on from all stakeholders of exhibi on industry. Hall sani za on and crowd management need to be priori zed during exhibi on planning. ES. What is your message to the industry at such a cri cal me? Sudeep. As you are aware that Government of India has permi ed for re-opening of B2B exhibi ons a er 15th October 2020 subject to implementa on of suggested SOP of Ministry of Commerce. This is a welcome step of the Government for the exhibi on industry. We are sure that all exhibi on sector will comply the SOP of the Government of India and must recommence and con nue to build the na on.

Suparna D. Gupta, Co-Chairperson, G S Marke ng Associates ES. What are the effects of the pandemic and how have you tried to turn around things and adapt to the new normal? Suparna. The effects of the pandemic have been bad and now, we are very glad to hear the news that the Government has allowed B2B exhibi ons to restart. ES. What are your predic ons for 2021? Suparna. The financial year 2021-22 will be extremely successful because by then, the vaccine for Coronavirus will definitely be available and the economy will bounce back in a big way. ES. How can the exhibi ons remain significant and meaningful in the new normal? Suparna. We request the Government of India to allow B2C exhibi ons also to restart with the observance of all the SOPs & norms.

in unlock 5.0, announced by the Govt? Suparna. It is a very posi ve step towards normalcy considering the nega ve impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Indian economy. ES. What are some of the key things which you feel as mandatory parts to be added in the SOP to go ahead with the exhibi ons? (This ques on was put before the release of SOP) Suparna. We suggest the following SOPs for both B2B & B2C exhibi ons - Maintaining social distancing between people, wearing of face masks, Hand sani sing, using fog machines at the gates, number of entries of the visitors at a me can be fixed according to the size (floor area ) of the exhibi on on an hourly basis. ES. What is your message to the industry at such a cri cal me? Suparna. My message to the industry at this me is to make your businesses survive with great grit & resolve, because in this pandemic me, with zero income in the business, survival itself is like a good profit. Try to maintain your staff as far as possible by giving them their salaries - at least 50% to help them survive too. Next year will see just the opposite.

ES. What are your comments on the reopening of B2B exhibi ons

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Industry Reac ons

October 2020

Manish Gandhi, COO & Execu ve Director, ABEC ES. What are the effects of the pandemic and how have you tried to turn around things and adapt to the new normal? Manish Gandhi. Well, the pandemic has surely affected the Indian business growth dras cally and has affected the na on’s GDP by a whopping 3.1% during the fourth quarter of 2020. Exhibi ons and events have taken the brunt of the pandemic and the health & fitness and the travel & tourism industry are yet defined by uncertainty. Having said this, propelled by the Government’s Unlock 5 guidelines, which permits more social, academic, sports, entertainment, cultural, religious and poli cal events, the events industry is all geared up for redemp on in the face of adversity . It’s a new Challenge we are facing and which we at Acetech are taking head-on!! We have been conduc ng various industry and segment related webinars to engage our target audience since the lockdown. We have run effec ve, inclusive and interac ve sessions with industry stalwarts resul ng in a more produc ve discussion. We in turn are effec vely a rac ng a global webinar audience to all our sessions. At Acetech, we are constantly finding novel avenues and striving towards making our exhibi ons and physical networking safe for both our exhibitors and our trade visitors. ES. What are your predic ons for 2021? Manish Gandhi. 2021 for the exhibi on sector will be a major game changer. There definitely has been modest recovery in the leisure and travel segment around the world and we as exhibitors are envisioning a turnaround in the near future. Though we do realize that there are going to be major changes in how exhibi ons are produced, we also know that Trade Expos and fairs are much more effec ve in a physical environment owing to a endee mo va on to tangibly assess and experience products and solu ons. Moreover pivo ng to Virtual may not be a permanent resolu on. We as exhibi on organizers are looking forward to welcoming a large number of exhibitors. The industry is definitely wai ng to reconnect, network and ink big business deals with channel partners, dealers and distributors. Brands and Channel partners need to connect and align on strategies to address the impact that the pandemic has had on their businesses over the last few months due to near complete shutdown of businesses. Engineering, construc on, and building materials have a cri cal role to play in a post-pandemic recovery of global economies. Major Construc on projects which have faced disrupted supply

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chains due to extended lockdowns are gradually ge ng back on track now and transla ng into a larger demand for various raw materials and products and services offered by our exhibitors. ES. How can the exhibi ons remain significant and meaningful in the new normal? Manish Gandhi. In all my years of interac ng with the building materials manufacturers and providing them their most important requisite i.e. interface with the trade on a neutral, independent, reputed, robust pla orm, which is Acetech, I cannot imagine any replacement for the annual expo exercise. Face-to-face trade expos are the only eventuality. I would like to emphasise that “B2B Exhibi ons and physical networking is a key back bone for growth of any business.” At trade gatherings, manufacturers experience first-hand impression of new products, which are verified immediately, conver ng to business done on the shop floor. The emergence of virtual formats does not eliminate the need for expos. Trade shows will always remain important as they breed new business connec ons, networking and interac on between the exhibitors and their prospect partners, dealers, end-users etc. Our expos are characterized by packed a endees with Actetech being the largest, and we have always employed and spared no expense in providing safety standards, hygiene and emergency response to any eventuality. The new way of organising exhibi ons does demand for a be er and safer infrastructure but as pioneers in the exhibi on field, we are well posi oned to quickly adapt to the new normal. We have prepared a detailed checklist of dos and don’ts which chalks out every minute organiza onal aspect, right from how to prepare a coherent floor plan to providing a safe experience for exhibitors and visitors, to streamlining the onsite registra on process through contactless check-ins for visitors, visitor screening, sani za on and management and ensuring social distancing safety protocols are being followed by both the exhibitors and trade visitors. ES. What are your comments on the reopening of B2B exhibi ons in unlock 5.0, announced by the Govt? Manish Gandhi. The only ROI for any exhibitor is a good and quality visitor turnout, but the current SOP announced by the Government during Unclock 5.0 does no good to anybody in the exhibi on industry as it restricts the overall presence of a endees at any event or exhibi on to 200 which is highly imprac cal. For any medium or large size exhibi on this count does not even cover the exhibitors and their staff. Even an exhibi on with just 50 booths with four staff members each touches the 200 mark. The Government cannot oversee the fact that exhibi ons in India have an es mated industry size of approximately

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Industry Reac ons

October 2020

INR 25,000 crore (INR 250 billion) and 800+ major trade shows annually, with an es mated growth rate of 8.8% per annum. The exhibi on, MICE and events industry also has the dis nc on of being major job creators, directly and/or indirectly providing employment to approximately 3 million + people na onwide. The Government should encourage and support the exhibi on industry to reopen normally. People are ge ng educated about the safety measures and exhibi on organisers on their part will ensure that adequate safety measures are taken to make exhibitors and visitors feel safe and secure. ES. What are some of the key things which you feel as mandatory parts to be added in the SOP to go ahead with the exhibi ons? (This ques on was put before the release of SOP) Manish Gandhi. According to me authori es should allow exhibi ons to re-open based on the guaranteed applica on of agreed health and safety standards instead of prescribing unrealis c a endee numbers. Events must be evaluated as per the industry segment and content and not according to one fixed number across the board. The exhibi on industry has always put people interac on at the heart of its business model and going forward too we will definitely pool resources to minimise health and safety risks for all exhibitors and visitors under controlled circumstances by various methods which include but are not limited to: Ÿ

badges instead of queuing up at registra on counters Ensuring social distancing is being followed Proper sani za on at the point of entry Educa ng trade visitors via adequate venue branding and social media campaign about the new normal SOPs to be followed inside the exhibi on venue. Ÿ Encouraging the concept of dedicated one-on-one mee ngs based purely on pre-invites to avoid crowding Ÿ Strict monitoring of access routes and entrances Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

When visitors preregister for events, we as organizers are also in a posi on to impose me schedules to circumvent crowding. Also, the new SOPs should not just be applicable to exhibi on organizers. Exhibi on venues also have an equal role to play. Venue operators must make their venue safe for organizers to conduct B2B exhibi ons or any event hereon. Exhibi on Venues also must be future-ready to accommodate emergency clinics and tes ng facili es with healthcare workers and other such facili es. ES. What is your message to the industry at such a cri cal me? Manish Gandhi. I feel that the en re industry should come together and strongly propose new, real-world SOPs that can be followed to re-open exhibi ons like before and chart out an effec ve strategy, which is in tandem to the new normal. “Stay strong coz Exhibi ons are here to stay” ABEC / ITE is at the forefront of the 180 degree turn around that we are envisioning for the exhibi on industry. It is just a ma er of me.

Encouraging visitors and delegates to pre-register and get e-

Dharampal Singh Malhotra, Execu ve Director, Namdhari Events & Promo ons Pvt. Ltd. ES. What are the effects of the pandemic and how have you tried to turn around things and adapt to the new normal? Dharampal Singh. Pandemic has taught us how to preserve, collaborate & support not only to our loved one’s but to the whole humanity in these difficult mes. It is the love and support of the people which have helped us to cope up in such situa on. ES. What are your predic ons for 2021? Dharampal Singh. The Start shall be a bit slow, as recovery process will take me to bring situa on to normal. The fear to wander out shall be there ll the vaccine is provided to each Individual in the World. The pace in life shall be seen by the end of 2021. ES. How can the exhibi ons remain significant and meaningful in

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the new normal? Dharampal Singh. Without Physical exhibi ons, the new Businesses may not flourish in the same manner. You cannot get the feel of touch, also mee ng face-to-face cannot be compared to the mee ng someone virtually. ES. What are your comments on the reopening of B2B exhibi ons in unlock 5.0, announced by the Govt? Dharampal Singh. Feeling delighted about the re-opening of the B2B exhibi on, as we can see a ray of hope for a comeback of livelihood of more than 25 Lakh people who work in various segments for crea ng the Grounds of an exhibi on, like Stand Contractors, Specialised Booth Teams, Electrical Distribu on Services, Housekeeping Services, Security Services & a lot more. ES. What is your message to the industry at such a cri cal me? Dharampal Singh. BE POSITIVE, we will Bounce Back with more energy, we’ve already set an example how to survive in the toughest mes. Now it's TIME to FIGHT BACK & GET BACK what we have LOST & CO-EXIST.

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Industry Reac ons

October 2020

Gagan Marwah, Director, Saina Events ES. What are the effects of the pandemic and how have you tried to turn around things and adapt to the new normal? Marwah. The effects of the pandemic are dras c and it has changed the dynamics of our industry upside down. The clients are reluctant towards making any new investment due to less demand of the products and hence less cash flow. We are s ll wai ng to begin new normal with physical exhibi ons only. ES. What are your predic ons for 2021? Marwah. As far as 2021 is concerned, my predic ons are not very posi ve. S ll, hopes are high at our side that the industry will come back to its original pace soon. ES. How can the exhibi ons remain significant and meaningful in the new normal? Marwah. We don't see high poten al in virtual exhibi ons as per our industry and will look forward to see the beginning of physical exhibi ons soon with the approved SOP. Physical exhibi ons will remain significant to boost trade as people s ll tend to meet physically and do business. The benefits of mee ng in person and establishing a good connec on are always be er than any form of virtual mee ng.

ES. What are your comments on the reopening of B2B exhibi ons in unlock 5.0, announced by the Govt? Marwah. We want the government to come with straight but not very stringent plan for the reopening of the exhibi ons under these circumstances. The opening of the onsite or physical exhibi ons is the need of the hour as the industry is suppor ng many small and medium scale companies who will wipe off if the sector is not revived immediately. ES. What are some of the key things which you feel as mandatory parts to be added in the SOP to go ahead with the exhibi ons? (This ques on was put before the release of SOP) Marwah. There can be social distancing norms wherein only a certain number of people should be allowed inside the exhibi on hall, moreover, temperature check, use of masks, sani sers should be made necessary and available at all points in the exhibi ons. Also, it is very important to ensure good ven la on and purifying of air a er regular intervals inside the premises so that the chances of virus ge ng into air does not exist. ES. What is your message to the industry at such a cri cal me? Marwah. My message to the industry is we should remain op mis c about our trade. Things are going to be changed without taking much me and we will bounce back like never before.

Sa sh Mandole, Director, Globe-Tech Media Solu ons ES. What are the effects of the pandemic and how have you tried to turn around things and adapt to the new normal? Sa sh. Covid-19 has badly affected all of us and the exhibi on industry also is not le out. Organisers have been compelled to cancel/postpone their established shows due to this pandemic. Hugely affected by me, revenue, expenses and morality, many organisers removed their manpower to cut down the expenses among other things, and rescheduled their plans. In fact, we all tried very hard to overcome from this worldwide pandemic, no one is spared. We have already rescheduled this year’s plan to the next year, no one will help. We have to take our own decisions. Also, without a good gathering, we can’t conduct our shows and now the Government has given permission to restart B2B exhibi ons (from 15th

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October), but the containment zones are s ll a ques on for many organisers. Some rules and regula ons are s ll there for conduc ng the exhibi ons, so we have decided to go for the next financial year only as far as organising the exhibi ons is concerned. ES. What are your predic ons for 2021? Sa sh. As per our experience and knowledge, domes c exhibi ons will be more powerful than interna onal exhibi ons. Few countries and big manufacturing companies will definitely have some restric ons for the year 2021 in terms of their manpower. Instead of going for interna onal exhibi ons, they will prefer domes c exhibi ons. Also, due to reduced manpower and shor all in 2020, they will play very safely. My predic on is domes c exhibi ons will play a very vital role in 2021. ES. How can the exhibi ons remain significant and meaningful in the new normal? Sa sh. All manufacturers and service providers can’t run their business without demonstra ng their products in

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October 2020

the exhibi ons. The role of the exhibi ons will be more important in the coming year post Covid. Many organisers tried virtual (digital) exhibi ons, but it has a restric on in many terms like you can’t feel products physically, you can’t see live demo of the products, you can’t interact with the people physically. Moreover, your PR is also important during the show, so the physical exhibi ons are significant and meaningful in the new normal.

(This ques on was put before the release of SOP) Sa sh. Every organiser should focus on the rules and regula ons issued by the Govt, and it has to be compulsorily done by all the members of the organisa ons. Though we have received permission to restart B2B exhibi ons, the vaccine for Coronavirus is yet to come in the market. Therefore, the safety of every visitor and exhibitor is important and all the organisers should strictly take care of the same.

ES. What are your comments on the reopening of B2B exhibi ons in unlock 5.0, announced by the Govt? Sa sh. It’s good news for the en re exhibi on industry. Though some restric ons have been imposed but it is important for the health of the public. Every organiser should welcome the decision of the Govt and follow all the rules and regula ons for the safety.

ES. What is your message to the industry at such a cri cal me? Sa sh. No one is excep onally saved from this pandemic situa on, every business, service, lower to upper class people have suffered from it, and everyone knows the exhibi on industry has also faced lots of losses during Covid-19. All have gone through it and in the future, we need not panic, instead things be handled pa ently. Tomorrow is our and we will definitely overcome from these losses. Happy selling,Happy exhibi ons in future and all the best to all of you!

ES. What are some of the key things which you feel as mandatory parts to be added in the SOP to go ahead with the exhibi ons?

Dilpreet Singh Oberoi, Managing Director, Arch Concept Private Limited ES. What are the effects of the pandemic and how have you tried to turn around things and adapt to the new normal? Dilpreet. All of us have witnessed the effects of the pandemic in one way or the other. However, the experien al industry comprising events and exhibi ons, has been one of the worst hit in this dura on. We have kept our spirits high as we do believe that tough mes are always around the corner, we need to be prepared to fight through them.

services. Exhibi ons provide that pla orm, while during this me we have seen a surge in virtual exhibi ons, I'm sure in the months to come we will see the return of the physical world of exhibi ons, a model wherein the physical and virtual world will co-exist. ES. What are your comments on the reopening of B2B exhibi ons in unlock 5.0, announced by the Govt? Dilpreet. I believe that the government knows the importance of physical exhibi on. Also, that exhibi on industry provides job to a large number of people directly or indirectly. Hence, it is a great move to reopen in a phased manner with proper safety measures issued by the Govt.

ES. What are your predic ons for 2021? Dilpreet. All I will like to say is that we have to be op mis c. I’m sure that we will rally through, and unlock 5.0 clearly states that things will open up and I’m sure businesses will be back with more gusto and fervour.

ES. What are some of the key things which you feel as mandatory parts to be added in the SOP to go ahead with the exhibi ons? (This ques on was put before the release of SOP) Dilpreet. Well, the SOPs’ men oned in the unlock 5.0 must be followed properly by everyone. Safety has always been our primary point of ac on, be it during the construc on of an exhibi on space or ac vi es happening in a day to day life. With the proper safety protocols in place, we can definitely adapt to the new normal and issue guidelines for all involved during an exhibi on.

ES. How can the exhibi ons remain significant and meaningful in the new normal? Dilpreet. Exhibi ons will always be significant, especially for SMUs and government bodies, as an exhibitor and buyer interac on is key to sale and demonstra ons of products and

ES. What is your message to the industry at such a cri cal me? Dilpreet. Every dark cloud has a silver lining, the silver lining is that we all have learnt to adapt to the trend and move forward with a posi ve mindset. We need to keep innova ng ourselves and work together to bounce with more energy.

Our team has been engaged with keeping abreast with the ‘new normal, and we have bagged and executed some virtual events. We are fully prepared, adapted, and geared up to move ahead in these mes.

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Prashant Vats, Director, Opera ons, IPAMA ES. What are the effects of the pandemic and how have you tried to turn around things and adapt to the new normal? Prashant Vats. IPAMA’s corporate office had scrupulously followed the Government's issued guidelines and simultaneously, also requested its members to strictly observe the lockdown's rules & regula ons framed thereunder in their manufacturing opera ons and take preven ve measures to control the disease. The net impact was that no human loss has been reported by the members of this organisa on. Most of the IPAMA members have now resumed their manufacturing processes, in line with the relaxa ons granted by the Central and State Governments. The workers are also returning to the workplaces. We are op mis c that in the coming months or by the end of 2021, the working condi ons will become be er. The members are also taking advantage of the liberalized policies of the Government to meet their financial requirements for running their day-to-day opera ons. ES. What are your predic ons for 2021? Prashant Vats. The pandemic is not playing out in the same way across the world. The countries such as China, New Zealand and Rwanda have reached a low level of cases a er enforcing lockdowns of varying lengths. In India, the situa on is en rely different. Even though the cases have been increasing, the loss of human lives have been at the minimum level in comparison to other countries. IPAMA believes that the year 2021 will bring normalcy across the country. Major improvements are expected in undertaking manufacturing opera ons. This will have a posi ve impact on the Indian economy. The export levels will also improve. IPAMA Members have already started their opera ons, and we sincerely believe that the year 2021 will bring prosperity to the Industry. ES. How can the exhibi ons remain significant and meaningful in the new normal? Prashant Vats. Trade Shows and Exhibi ons provide great opportuni es to learn in which direc on the industry is going. These events are indispensable for the industry across the world. They provide an effec ve pla orm where a customer can see the product of his interest, discuss technicali es and the usefulness of the same on the spot. He can nego ate prices and see the live demonstra ons along with the technical support experts. He can also see the different

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brands of a product being manufactured by different companies under one roof. Due to the adverse impact of COVID-19, the Exhibi on Industry has also suffered heavily. There have been a large scale cancella ons of exhibi ons throughout the world. Neither the exhibitors nor the business visitors had shown interest toward exhibi ons during this wave of COVID-19 pandemic. Keeping in view the uncertainty and the nonavailability of the vaccine, the exhibi on industry should adopt the policy of wait and watch, and follow the safety measures to mi gate the risk of transmission. ES. What are your comments on the reopening of B2B exhibi ons in unlock 5.0, announced by the Govt? Prashant Vats. It is a good news for the en re Indian Exhibi on Industry, Organizers, Exhibitors and business visitors who have been anxiously wai ng for the opening of the Exhibi ons and Trade Shows in different parts of the country. The Government has taken the right decision at the right me. IPAMA had also represented the concerned ministry for opening of the trade shows in the country. We have succeeded in our mission to some extent. ES. What are some of the key things which you feel as mandatory parts to be added in the SOP to go ahead with the exhibi ons? (This ques on was put before the release of SOP) Prashant Vats. Apart from the IEIA or Govt. SoPs, following precau ons will also be taken during our expo: a) A Covid Vigilance Cell to look a er that all precau ons are being followed properly or not. b) Will allow only online registered visitors, no physical touch. c) Will check Temperature at every point. d) Automa c Sani zing machines at every entry/exit point. e) Isola on rooms for suspected visitors f) Informa on counters for visitors regarding Covid-19. g) Free distribu on of water bo les to avoid needless touch. h) Maximum Entry/exit points to minimize crowd at these points. i) Regular announcement for social distancing and other precau onary measures. j) Free distribu on of masks at different places. k) Strictly follow all Govt. SOPs and self-maintained SOPs. ES. What is your message to the industry at such a cri cal me? Prashant Vats. The exhibi ons are an indispensable part of the Industry. Our Message to the Exhibi on Industry, Organizers, Exhibitors and service providers in this cri cal me is that everyone must follow the Government guidelines scrupulously while planning or organizing B2B Exhibi ons or Trade Shows in any part of the country. Public interest must be taken care of at all costs to prevent loss of human lives.

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1. Background The exhibi on industry enables business opportuni es across all industries by directly connec ng the buyers with the sellers, and these B2B market places also serve as a major s mulus for industrial and commercial development in the regions where these are held. The Ministry of Home Affairs has permi ed Business to Business (B2B) exhibi ons outside the Containment zones only, from 15th October 2020. To prevent spread of COVID-19 infec on, it is important that necessary preven ve measures are followed during such events, and the SOP aims to minimize all possible physical contacts between Exhibi on organizers, service providers, Buyers/Sellers/Exhibitors/ business visitors and maintain social distancing and other preven ve and safety measures against COVID-19.

2. Scope The document outlines various generic and precau onary measures to be adopted, in addi on to the specific measures, for holding Business to Business (B2B) Exhibi ons. The measures to be put in place are divided under the following categories viz: I. Measures to be adopted by Venue Provider(s) ii. Measures to be adhered to by Fair/Exhibi on Organizers iii. Measures to be adhered to by Service Providers iv. Measures to be followed by Exhibitors v. Measures to be followed by Business Visitors / Delegates The competent Authority may implement addi onal measures within their jurisdic on as per their local assessment and in line with ac vi es permi ed by Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) as per MHA orders issued under Disaster Management Act 2005 from me to me Note: The words Fair/Trade Fair/Exhibi on have been used interchangeably in this document.

3. Generic Preven ve Measures The generic preven ve measures that include public health measures are to be followed to reduce the risk of COVID-19. These measures need to be observed by all: the venue providers, exhibi on organizers, service providers, exhibitors, business visitors/delegates and are as follows:i. Persons above 65 years of age, persons with co-morbidi es, pregnant women and children below the age of 10 years are advised to stay at home, except for essen al and health purposes. Fair/Trade Exhibi on Organizers to advise accordingly. ii. The other generic measures include simple public health measures that are to be followed during the trade exhibi on at all mes. These include:Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

Physical distancing of at least 6 feet to be followed as far as feasible. Use of face covers/masks to be made mandatory. Prac ce frequent hand washing with soap (for at least 40-60 seconds) even when hands are not visibly dirty. Use of alcoholbased hand sani zers (for at least 20 seconds) can be made wherever feasible. Respiratory e que es to be strictly followed. This involves strict prac ce of covering one’s mouth and nose while coughing/sneezing with a ssue/handkerchief/flexed elbow and disposing off used ssues properly. Self-monitoring of health by all and repor ng any illness at the earliest to state and district helpline. Spi ng shall be strictly prohibited. Installa on and use of ‘Aarogya Setu’ app shall be mandatory for all with smart-phones.

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4. All the stakeholders, the venue providers, exhibi on organizers, service providers, exhibitors, business visitors/delegates, shall also ensure the following: A. Measures to be adopted by Venue Provider(s) I. The self-assessment through Aarogya Setu Mobile App is recommended for all the entrants and is mandatory for ones with a smart-phone. All the entrants should be instructed not to have a close contact with anyone if they are experiencing any of the symptoms in respect of the virus. ii. Venue Provider should setup health/first-aid kiosks manned by op mal staff with adequate equipment like thermal guns and hand sani zers at all entry/ exit gates of the venue for mandatory thermal scanning and hand sani za on of all the entrants. All Security and cleaning staff should use Face Mask, Face Shield and Gloves. iii. Preferably mul ple and separate entry and exits for visitors shall be ensured. The structure/space/venue for the event must also ensure adequate natural crossven la on.

iv. The Exhibi on halls shall be disinfected before giving possession.

v. A well-planned garbage disposal policy should be implemented.

vi. For air-condi oning /ven la on, the guidelines of CPWD shall be followed which emphasize that the (i) temperature se ng of all air condi oning devices should be in range of 24-30 degree (ii) rela ve humidity should be in the range of 40-70%, (iii) re-circula on of air to be avoided to the extent possible, (iv) intake of fresh air should be as much as possible and (v) cross ven la on should be adequate. The air handling unit is required to be cleaned and maintained regularly to maintain adequate in-hall temperature / air movement as recommended by health authori es. vii. Adequate number of CCTV should be installed in the venue/ campus, including inside the halls and the F&B loca ons, to closely monitor visitor movement to ensure social distancing and control overcrowding at any point. There should be adequate AV unit for announcement to manage the crowd movement. viii. A dedicated lane for vehicles movement with single entry and single exit of the vehicles needs to be created. The round robin arrangements should also follow this dedicated lane. The drop-off points and parking points should be iden fied. The spaces for parking of vehicles should be clearly defined so as to maintain social distancing in the parking areas. The parking space provided should have adequate distancing norms between vehicles. ix. The F&B service providers to be advised that proper hygiene be maintained and the infrastructure be disinfected regularly. They may be advised to offer prepacked food to the extent possible and to avoid a buffetstyle set-up to avoid queue-ups. Digital payments must be encouraged. The F&B outlets / counters shall mandatorily install glass par ons as a physical distancing measure. The serving personnel should wear masks and gloves. The F&B services providers will be required to follow the guidelines issued by the relevant government agencies. The business visitors/delegates to be encouraged to bring their own water bo les. There should be a provision of ssue papers near water dispensers, Tea/Coffee makers etc. to avoid direct contact with hand. All equipment should be as far as possible made contactless.

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October 2020 x. To maintain social distancing the number of individuals that can be permi ed in any given hall, stall/ booth and toilet/ washroom at any par cular me at any par cular me may be moderated such that the latest MHA/ MoHFW guidelines on social distancing are complied-with, which currently translates into a 3.25 sq. m per person in the halls. (10,000 sq. m hall should have a maximum of 3076 persons; a 5,000 sq. m hall should have a maximum of 1538 persons.) xi. Isola on centre should be created by the venue owner on a permanent basis.

B. Measures to be adhered to by Trade Exhibi on Organizers I. The Trade Fair/Exhibi on Organizer should assess the risk involved by doing a thorough pre-event review of the event prior to the planned dates. The Organizer should also analyze the health and safety situa on of the zones of the expected a endees, both na onal and Interna onal. ii. Based on health and safety analysis of visitor origin ci es, the Organizer should avoid promo ng their events to visitors from affected areas whose visit to the event may possibly impact the health and safety of other visitors at the show. iii. A plan should be prepared well in advance about conduct of each ac vity separately (exhibi ons, mee ngs, shows, food/catering arrangements etc.)

iv. B2B arrangements shall be permi ed outside the containment zones only. Fair /Trade Exhibi on Organizers, venue providers, service providers, exhibitors and business visitors from containment zones shall not be permi ed. v. Keeping in view the physical distancing norms, event sites should have adequate floor area at all loca ons which are likely to be visited by public. The Organizer should ensure that the number of business/trade delegates into the Venue, in respect of their event, is regulated as per the Govt. guidelines during that par cular me. Physical distance of a minimum of 6 feet, when queuing up for entry and inside the venue as far as feasible. Specific marking for the purpose may be done at various places like, queues at entry and exit of halls, in front of registra on desks, in front of booths/stalls in the passageways etc. vi. Fair/Exhibi on Organizers should stagger the opera onal hours of exhibi on so that there is organised gathering. The Organizer may also be requested to plan for staggered exit of exhibitors and business visitors / delegates at the closing me of the show on each day. vii. The Organizer should maintain record of all the entrants & par cipants who will enter the venue in respect of their event. They should be able to provide traceability support of suspects to local health authori es, if required. In line with the govt. guidelines, the entrants screened-out based on travel history/symptoms/ informa on based on the medical interview sheet may be refused entry. Availability of informa on of any overseas COVID-19 cases that were detected during or a er the event should be passed on to their respec ve embassies. viii. The Organizer must ensure that they, along-with the exhibitors, visitors, staff/labour belonging to all the agencies for Construc on and Decora on (C&D), Food and Beverages (F&B), Security, Housekeeping etc. hired by the organizer and any other staff deployed by them, in connec on with the exhibi on/conference, are aware of and are following all the precau onary measures advised by the Govt. Authori es, in respect of Covid-19 virus, from me to me. 34 | www.exhibi onshowcase.com

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ix. Appropriate arrangements for personal protec on gears like face covers/masks, and other logis c like hand sani zers, soap, sodium hypochlorite solu on etc. shall be made available by Fair/ Trade Exhibi on Organizers/exhibitors for their staff as per requirements. x. The Organizer should regularly play recorded messages/announcements on the precau onary measures, good prac ces and relevant informa on in respect of the virus during the full tenancy period. Regular Health and safety announcements may be made in English and local languages. They should promote ‘Namaste’ gree ngs as a replacement to handshakes. It should highlight availability of onsite doctors and ambulance. Signage/ boards are to be installed at all prominent places, about preven ve measures to be followed by entrants and also that spi ng inside the premises will be prohibited. A short advisory on social distancing in all signage, digital messages, boards etc may be included to reinforce the standard signage. xi. Business visitors should be given prior informa on on what they should carry, which includes face mask, water bo le, hand sani zer. xii. The Organizer should advise all the entrants to prac ce hand washing e que es (even if the hands are visibly clean) with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub/sani zer with at least 70% alcohol content. xiii. The Organizers should encourage pre-registra on of business visitors / delegates to minimize queues at the registra on area and seek health declara ons from all a endees in a pre-exhibi on entry safe zone. All a endees should be registered in order to ensure traceability, if needed at a later date. Contact-less entry should be encouraged. xiv. Adequate number of cket counters/registra on counters shall be planned duly ensuring physical distancing norms. The Organizer should consider minimal social contact while se ng up their Registra on area. Queue masters could be used to manage movement flow. Registra on counters set up by the organizer could have transparent glass par ons to act as a barrier to physical contact xv. The Organizer shall also encourage online registra on with the op on of prin ng of entry badges at home. Further, QR Code may be generated during the registra on and the entry can be allowed inside the hall by scanning the QR code by the Organizer. xvi. The Organizers should encourage use of technology to minimize human interface. The organizer should ask its exhibitors to encourage the use of e-brochures to minimize contact and paper wastage. xvii. The Organizers should be advised to monitor the number of business visitors / delegates in a par cular hall by technology-enabled/other means by tracking the inflow as well as ou low of visitors in real- me. As soon as the hall reaches satura on as per the hall-wise occupancy load no fied by Government agencies, inflow may be restricted. Number of people in the elevators shall be restricted, duly maintaining social distancing norms xviii. The furniture and other surfaces (frequently touched or otherwise) present in each of the halls and going to be used in respect of their event need to be wiped with disinfectant regularly by the Organizer. xix. During the event, the Organizer should ensure that there are sufficient hand sani zers/soap/ ssues in all the washrooms. Their housekeeping agency should be strictly instructed to regularly monitor the hygiene of all the halls including the washrooms. All the ssues should be in closed bins. Visitors and staff should be advised to dispose of used face covers/masks in covered bins available at premises. The housekeeping agency should ensure that the used ssues are thrown into closed bins immediately a er use. The CPCB guidelines available at h ps://cpcb.nic.in/uploads/Projects/Bio-Medical-waste/BMW-GUIDELINESCOVID_1.pdf may be referred to for biomedical waste management (mask, ssues, etc.) 35 | www.exhibi onshowcase.com

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xx. If Organizers are providing transport shu les, they should be cleaned regularly. Avoid transporta on to/fro from any Containment Zones, if iden fied by the Government.

xxi. The Organizer should encourage use of pre-fabricated material while construc ng stands to ensure minimum me spent by the stand fabricators, fi ers etc. The organizer should also instruct the C&D agent to disinfect the booth construc on material etc. Stand Contractors should use mechanized trolleys / pallets etc. to minimize human labour while bringing / taking out material out of the halls. xxii. The Organizers will construct minimum of one Isola on Room of minimum 3m x 3m (four sides & ceiling covered, with lockable door), which would be manned by the Fair Organiser staff adept in handling a COVID-19 pa ent and would have adequate facili es like PPE kit, face masks and sani zers. The Fair /Exhibi on Organizer would also ensure to iden fy and safely transfer the iden fied suspected COVID-19 pa ent to the isola on room ll arrival of medical team or transferring to a COVID Hospital. Disinfec on of premises shall be taken up if the person is found posi ve. xxiii. The Fair/Exhibi on Organizer should ensure that the paramedic ambulances that are inside the venue for their event are manned by full- me doctor/healthcare staff/nurses with personal protec ve equipment like mask, visors, gloves etc. xxiv. The Fair/Exhibi on Organizer shall set up and chair Core COVID-19 response team with involvement of senior officials of all service partners and venue. The organiser should Iden fy and convey emergency contact numbers to all the stakeholders on repeat basis ll the exhibi on dates.

C. Measures to be adhered to by Service Providers i. Duly filled in Self health Declara on forms shall be collected from all Stand Fabricators

ii. Service providers shall park their vehicles at designated places ll they get clearance from Venue Owner to enter.

iii. Vehicles shall be parked by maintaining social distancing.

iv. All service providers shall undergo thermal scanning at entrance of the exhibi on venue by maintaining social distancing. v. Cleaning and regular disinfec on (using 1% sodium hypochlorite) of frequently touched surfaces (doorknobs, elevator bu ons, hand rails, queue barricades, seats, benches, washroom fixtures, etc.) to be made mandatory in all public u lity common areas. vi. The bio-medical waste (mask, face covers, visors, PPEs etc.) generated may be disposed off in accordance with the hazardous waste disposal guidelines. (h ps://cpcb.nic.in/uploads/Projects/Bio-Medical-Waste/BMWGUIDELINESCOVID_1.pdf) vii. While se ng-up the Exhibi on: Arrange maximum pre-fabrica on of the confirmed stand design at own premises. Ensure necessary social distancing among workers, supervisory staff etc.


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viii. While Transpor ng the prefabricated materials to exhibi on venue: Sani ze the delivery vehicle and all materials before loading. Driver and other personnel involved in transporta on of material must ensure social distancing and wear all necessary PPE. Ÿ Ensure contact-less transporta on of materials to the exhibi on venue. Ÿ Ÿ

ix. Complete stand build up maintaining social distancing at the site.

x. While Dismantling: Ÿ Sani se the stall along with furniture, fixtures etc. before dismantling the stall. Ÿ Dismantle and deliver all material back to the warehouse using sani sed vehicle and mandatory use of masks and other required PPE by the driver and other personnel. Ÿ Avoid any unnecessary stopover during transit.

xi. Duly filled in Self health Declara on forms shall be collected from all Logis c Providers .

xii. Sani se the logis cs and warehouse facili es along with all equipment before use by the workers.

xiii. During Pickup and Transporta on: Exhibitor goods shall be sani zed before packaging. Pick up and ensure contactless transporta on of the exhibitor goods to the exhibi on venue.


xiv. During Re-transporta on: Sani se the exhibitor goods before pick up from the venue. Re-transport to the port of origin.


D. Measures to be followed by Exhibitors I. Aarogya Setu Mobile App is recommended for all the persons manning the stall and is mandatory for the ones with a smart-phone. ii. All the stalls should have hand sani zers. They should ensure that a sufficient gap (of two yards) is maintained at all me between the people manning the stall. All the personnel at the stall should use Face Mask, ll COVID-19 is prevalent. iii. Every stall should have a covered dustbin. iv. To maintain social distancing the number of individuals that can be permi ed in any given stall / booth at any par cular me may be moderated such that the latest MHA / MoHFW guidelines on social distancing are complied-with. v. Exhibitors should encourage Digital Payment Op ons at Food & Beverage (F&B) outlet

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E. Measures to be followed by Business Visitors / Delegates I. Aarogya Setu Mobile App is recommended for all business visitors/delegates and mandatory for the ones with a smart-phone.

ii. Visitors should pre-register themselves.

iii. The business visitors/delegates should not enter the venue ground if their temperature is not normal.

iv. Visitors to be allowed entry only if using face cover/masks. The face cover/mask has to be worn by all, at all mes, while in public places.

v. Frisking of persons entering the venue, if planned, shall be undertaken a er thermal screening. Personnel involved in frisking shall wear triple layer medical mask (in addi on to gloves). Proper hand hygiene shall be maintained by such personnel every me they change their gloves.

vi. The business visitors/delegates must ensure that they maintain a suďŹƒcient distance (of about two yards) from other persons at all the me. Proper physical distancing shall be maintained while exi ng the premises too.

vii. The number of visitors inside the event venue shall be restricted in accordance with the order issued by Ministry of Home Aairs from me to me.

viii. Sea ng arrangement in the exhibi on halls, food courts, mee ngs, etc. to be made in such a way that adequate physical distancing of 6 feet is maintained

ix. In case a person falls sick, he must report to the COVID help desk. 8 Page 8 of 8

x. Visitors should adhere to all the guidelines prescribed by the Trade Exhibi on Organizer.

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F. Addi onal SOPs for holding Conferences during Exhibi ons I. Iden fy closed door conference areas for any conference sessions planned during the exhibi on with sea ng and avoid any standing a endees. Preferably the conference sessions can be held in an Open air Conference Hall.

ii. Speaker / panelist chairs to be placed ensuring safe distancing.

iii. Ensure social distancing for a endees and sani za on of conference area a er regular intervals.

iv. For holding B2B mee ngs during the event, a suitable facility ensuring sufficient space must be created to hold the mee ngs. The Mee ng table must be separated by a distance of at least 6 feet. Not more than two people are allowed to sit at the table at a me for the B2B mee ng. Face shield along with mask and hand gloves must be made mandatory for the B2B par cipants.

v. The Na onal Direc ves for COVID-19 Management and the relevant guidelines issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, relevant State Governments etc. shall be strictly complied with during all ac vi es.

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Cover Story

October 2020

Exhibition Showcase Talks To Yogesh Mudras, Managing Director, Informa Markets In India

“We rst introduced a line of virtual trade shows by June. But 'Super September – Virtual B2B Celebration', was a concerted effort to give the industry something to celebrate with the onset of the festive season and our most busy time of the year. It was rst launched as a powerful array of 6 virtual trade shows in the month of September 2020. These were supplemented by a host of conferences, trainings, webinars and awards in the same month, to drive our leadership vision to serve the industry and rebuild the economy.”

Cover Story

October 2020

The elegant lounge area of the virtually organized REI E-Expo under the aegis of Super September - Virtual B2B Celebra on ES. As a leading stakeholder in Indian exhibi ons, please share your message to the industry. Yogesh. I would like to offer my hear est congratula ons to the Indian exhibi on industry for the hear elt, concerted and un ring advocacy to allow it to restart. The Government has recognised B2B marketplaces for providing “major s mulus for industrial and commercial development”. This is the first me that the Government has also men oned trade exhibi ons as an independent and relevant catalyst for the economy. Having got the nod, it is now me for us to take all the necessary steps to securely restart the industry and repose the trust of our Government and our stakeholders. ES. How has the pandemic affected Informa Markets in India? How have you all managed to cope up with the situa on and come back to the new normal? Yogesh. The pandemic situa on played havoc with public health, necessita ng a lockdown that had a huge impact on the economy. While India's GDP is predicted to contract 9.5 % for FY 2020-21, a strong rebound in the form of a growth of about 8 per cent is projected for 2021-22. This interim phase is cri cal to learn, adapt, seek solu ons and rebuild towards that vision. It is also an opportunity to showcase India's ability to affect an excep onal turnaround. Over the course of the pandemic, the exhibi ons sector per se took a resounding blow from this fallout. But we relentlessly persevered by means of our alternate/addi onal methods of engaging and staying connected with our customers through our wide-ranging array of over 85 digital events. We were quick to comprehend that our stakeholders' business needs had started evolving. Correspondingly, we too are ready to serve them with

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unique, new and meaningful experiences in our trade exhibi ons lined up for December, 2020. Looking ahead, we seek to provide turnkey hybrid engagements, combining the best of physical and virtual pla orms. These will enable us to offer efficient, impressive and state-of-the-art solu ons for their evolving requirements and restart vision. ES. What was the idea behind organising ‘On Super September Virtual B2B Celebra on’ and why was it extended? Yogesh. We first introduced a line of virtual trade shows by June. But 'Super September – Virtual B2B Celebra on', was a concerted effort to give the industry something to celebrate with the onset of the fes ve season and our most busy me of the year. It was first launched as a powerful array of 6 virtual trade shows in the month of September 2020. These were supplemented by a host of conferences, trainings, webinars and awards in the same month, to drive our leadership vision to serve the industry and rebuild the economy. Humbled by the impressive response we received for 'Super September', we extended the celebra on to for fy 6 more specialist markets. The celebra on enabled various industries to con nue with their cri cal business conversa ons, informa on sharing and training. The Virtual B2B Celebra ons supported the Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan' s COVID-19 s mulus ini a ve to build a self-reliant India through the priori sa on of MSMEs, sustainability, power distribu on, hospitality, health, and rural employment, among others. As it turned out, the virtual celebra ons ended the day (October 15) the Government permi ed trade exhibi ons to start. ES. Please comment on Virtual Shows and their future. Can you highlight various intriguing aspects of the Virtual Shows, their

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October 2020

pros and cons, learnings you have had from these shows? How is your audience engaged and gets interacted at your virtual shows? What is the feedback from the par cipants and whether they will be around in future? Yogesh. Virtual events can analyse a lot about a endees, including data on which sessions were a ended the most and for how long, and which booths had maximum interac on, among others. This kind of insight is invaluable for developing targeted content and enhancing the value proposi on of virtual events. Their ability to track leads, quan ta vely measure event performance and gauge event ROI is also useful. In the foreseeable future, virtual events are likely to be well-leveraged and unlike what was earlier believed, today everyone is comfortable with a virtual interface, not just millennials! Ul mately, though, the efficiency of these pla orms will really depend on how well we are able to understand and pin-point on our customers' short term and long term requirements, pain points, and provide relevant solu ons for their issues. In that context, we have received very posi ve feedback from our stakeholders. Yet, one's bet is ul mately on a hybrid engagement, with physical expos supplemented by digital engagements. This observa on is also basis feedback from our stakeholders, especially newly launched start-ups or SMEs, who might feel unno ced in a virtual pla orm but use other means of brand advocacy in a 'brick and mortar' trade events. Besides, at the end of the day, all of us prefer face-to-face mee ngs, want to shake hands (be er s ll, a namaste) and exchange thoughts.

It provides an environment of friendliness which, in turn, boosts the success of our rela onships, whether they are personal or professional. ES. The Govt has allowed B2B expos to func on again. This is a victory for the industry which had advocated for it -- can you share some of the most significant/memorable moments of working in unison for the objec ve, which according to you, made it successful? Yogesh. While the pandemic situa on has resulted in unprecedented challenges and pressures, it has also served up some opportuni es for the community to accomplish tasks for greater good. The advocacy by the exhibi on industry to the Government for allowing physical expos to restart, is a shining example. Every stakeholder -- exhibi on organisers, venue owners or service providers -- irrespec ve of the fact that they may otherwise be compe tors, came together, suppor ng one another, thereby also finding reassurance in this solidarity at a difficult me. The IEIA, as a torch bearer, guided all stakeholders, enabling them to play a vital role in this mission. Informa Markets in India was happy to be a part of the advocacy through its visionary marke ng campaign to support this cause. ES. What are your predic ons for 2021 and beyond, and how is Informa Markets in India preparing to adapt to it? Yogesh. While it is neither wise nor feasible to indulge in crystal gazing for the upcoming year given the dynamic nature of the



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Virtual B2B Celebra on -- a successful, concerted effort to for fy specialist markets with unique and dynamic solu ons through digital pla orms 42 | www.exhibi onshowcase.com

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October 2020

inflic on, indica ons are strong for 2021 to rally back in the 3rd and 4th quarters. It will be prudent to leverage the general tendency towards digital detox. Besides, Q3 and 4 of 2021 will have a busy me-table of leading trade exhibi ons to enable us to gain serious momentum. It will also be the apt moment to truly imbibe by the principle of 'self-reliance' in the domes c sector by focusing on the local, given the formidable domes c demand. Ever since the Government's green signal for B2B exhibi ons, we are channelising all our energies on the long-term revival of the industry. As of now, fuelled by the fact that more than 70-80 per cent of par cipa on at our shows have always been domes c, we intend powering the hybrid format. This will be done by nurturing the domes c ecosystem more in our physical shows, while striving for greater interna onal presence in the virtual format. To prepare for 2021, we are delighted to kickstart the proceedings with trade exhibi ons scheduled for the last month of this year with complete adherence to government extremely balanced SOP, further ring-fenced by Informa's AllSecure health and safety standards. As the world's leading events' organiser, Informa has developed a detailed set of enhanced measures to provide the highest levels of hygiene and safety at its events, providing everyone with the reassurance and confidence that they are par cipa ng in a safe and controlled environment. As pioneers of the industry, and with the first mover advantage, we will be able to further customise our offerings for the stakeholders in the new year. ES. You have been at Informa Markets in India and the world of trade expos for a decade now and at the helm of affairs for five! Can you tell us something about your s nt here -- What a racts you the most about the industry and what have been your

biggest learning moments? Yogesh. The best part about being in the world of exhibi ons is its dynamic nature, and the excitement that catering to mul ple industries provides. Besides, it is fascina ng to witness how we can make a difference to the economy in conjunc on with India Inc., government officials, associa on heads and professionals. Honestly, it is no exaggera on to say that every day is a new day in the exhibi on industry and that becomes our hook. 2020 has, no doubt, sprung a different kind of challenge altogether, but this is not to say that we didn't encounter issues in the previous years. As in life, you have to prepare in advance, nurture your Plan Bs and Cs in the strategy roadmap, implement them perfectly when the need arises, and feel the sa sfac on of having learnt and overcome them as a team. In this context, it is impera ve to men on that an organisa on is as good as the team. Informa Markets in India is blessed to have a wonderful blend of seasoned industry professionals with their experience as well as those who have joined us from the other industries with their fresh perspec ve. ES. A true leader is known in difficult mes and you have excelled in the hour of crisis. Please tell us how you led your team and kept them mo vated at this difficult junc on? Be it WFH or other aspects, how did Informa keep up the morale of its employees? Yogesh. Well, the Jury is s ll not out on that! Hard work and teamwork are behind everything we do. We have a predominantly young team, and we wanted to combat the pandemic as a team with solidarity, resilience, efficiency and compassion. From the ini al days of the Lockdown, we engaged with colleagues through online wellness sessions, scheduled mes reserved for social interac ons, Town Hall mee ngs with senior management, and blogs from my side to transparently discuss and analyse updates. We also had several in-team

Mr Yogesh Mudras, Managing Director, Informa Markets in India converses with Mr Ravi Uday Bhaskar, Director General, Pharmexcil, as part of Inc. Accelerated - Success Mantra from the Trailblazers. This exclusive leadership series was a part of the Virtual B2B Celebra on and included strategic discussions on industry sectors, economy, leadership and trade exhibi ons in the broader context of the pandemic

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October 2020

Apart from the business, Informa Markets in India is ready with its line of physical shows infused with eminent speakers, knowledge sharing and unparalleled networking opportuni es just like before, but with complete adherence to the new safety and security guidelines. (Photographs taken from our archives). workshops, marke ng meets, and candid conversa ons, among others. One of Informa's key mission is to connect market specialists to knowledge for a purpose, helping them learn more, know more and do more. We intrinsically understood that the lockdown was a good me to purpose this. Keeping the business, knowledge & networking needs of our valued customers as our priority, we built a comprehensive and virtual pla orm of over 85 events in record me. In this manner, we also stayed true to our responsibility of helping different sectors seamlessly spring back through our dynamic and innova ve pla orms. ES. What are some of the upcoming blockbuster physical shows Informa Markets in India is working towards? Yogesh. Taking the responsibility to kickstart trade exhibi ons, Informa Markets in India is organising six physical B2B events in December. These are: 8th Annual InnoPack F&B 2020 Confex: 4th December, New Delhi (Food & Beverages Packaging) Ÿ Fi India & Hi: 8-10th December, New Delhi (Food and health ingredients) Ÿ Propak India: 8-10th December, New Delhi (Processing & Packaging) Ÿ Renewable Energy India Expo: 10-12th Dec, Greater Noida (Renewable & Green Energy) Ÿ Delhi Jewellery & Gem Fair: 12-14th Dec, N Delhi (Jewelleries & Gems) Ÿ Hyderabad Jewellery Pearl & Gem Fair: 18-20th Dec, Hyderabad (Jewelleries & Gems) The shows will help in recalibra ng the industry with complete adherence to all health and safety standards as shared earlier and we are working real me to enhance the experience of our stakeholders. ES. We would love to know about the top 3 learnings which you got in 2020. Yogesh. There have been many actually, but if I were to choose three, they would be: Ÿ It is cri cally important to keep engaging with your stakeholders and always align with their evolving business

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requirements with help of right engagement and solu ons. Adapt, learn and grow with them. Ÿ Some things are clearly beyond our control. Instead of panicking over these, look objec vely at what you can control immediately and over the long term. Ÿ Be discerning, own your thoughts and strive to arrive at informed conclusions. Not everything that appears on different media channels including social media needs to be consumed. ES. How can the exhibi on industry bounce back and remain relevant in the mes to come? Yogesh. Physical exhibi ons, now enhanced by the digital corpus, will always remain relevant. Professionals in different industries are passionately curious, love the touch and feel aspect of products, and view networking as more than just a clinical process. You cannot do without the faceto-face aspects in some key sectors, such as jewellery, food ingredients, leisure or where large machines are involved. With the pandemic, we have come closer to technology as a way of staying relevant in the physical expo ecosystem. It is up to us to leverage these to make the en re process of visi ng a trade show impressively comfortable for a endees. These would include conduc ng businesses seamlessly, enabling brisk registra ons, adhering to safety standards, erasing geographical boundaries to terms of interna onal thought leaders, and dignitaries, to name a few. ES. Finally, do we need Government's focus on our industry and how can it be done? Yogesh. While a lot more needs to be done, it pleases us to see that over the years, there has been a visible transforma on in terms of the Government's increasing focus on our industry. Looking ahead, we need to con nue working in harmony, and seek con nuous dialogues with the Government, share regular updates on our achievements, challenges, sugges ons and how we can make a difference in the combined vision for a prosperous India.

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October 2020

Exhibi on Showcase Talks To The Young Leders Of UFI NGL Grant Winners The UFI NGL Grant promotes next genera on leadership in the exhibi on industry, rewarding professionals who show clear ini a ves in driving change and innova on in their area of ac vity. The programme is spread over a period of 18 months, allowing the winners to con nue to fulfil their daily work obliga ons. The Next Genera on Leadership Grand is a fantas c opportunity for UFI to work with young professionals and discuss their vision for the future of our industry. We are convinced that sharing insights that developed from the exchange with the NGL Grantees is not only enriching UFI's perspec ve but is beneficial for the global exhibi on industry overall. This is why we invite the NGL Grant winners every year to take the stage at the UFI Global Congress to share their thoughts of how the industry must change. In addi on to the speaking opportunity at our annual Congress, the NGL Grant winners have the chance to benefit from execu ve level mentoring. “Having been part of this project since its launch five years ago, I highly value UFI's encouragement for cross genera onal exchange. The project has been rewarding for me professionally and personally in many ways and I highly respect the efforts that all NGL Grant winners put into the prepara on of the congress and the enthusiasm in which their thrive during their mentoring experience”. Angela Herberholz, UFI Programme Manager for Educa on and Working Groups.

VIJAY SHARMA Head: Partnerships & Business Development, Koelnmesse (Singapore)

MATTHEW FUNGE Managing Director & Founder, Your Stand Builder (UK)

ERIKA KARLSSON Project Manager, ELMIA (Sweden)

ES. Please describe your job and your prepara on work for applying for NGL? Vijay: At Koelnmesse Singapore, I work in a revenue genera on role allowing me to interact with clients to address their business objec ves – focussed on building sustainable partnerships. I spent close to three months thinking about the problems I wanted address – pandemic happened – but I am glad it’s s ll in line with my NGL Grant applica on. I had to pivot a li le which makes my work even more relevant to the industry. Ma hew: I launched my own event tech startup – Your Stand Builder – in 2018 following 4 years as an exhibi on project manager at a worldwide healthcare company, an experience which directly led to the idea for our innova ve new service. Our intelligent web pla orm instantly connects exhibitors with stand builders in just a few clicks, and already operates on a global scale across all con nents of the world. My background in event tech and focus on the digitalisa on of processes put me in a great posi on to be considered for the NGL Grant, and I’m delighted to have been successful in my applica on!

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ALEXIS ZAMUDIO Events Manager, former FINNOVISTA (Mexico)

CHRISTINA RABL Project Manager ISPO, Messe München (Germany)

Erika: In my work as a project manager for IT and business development at Elmia, I strive to combine technical solu ons and a business point of view together with my co-workers. I have many years of exhibi on insights when it comes to developing the future of our industry and crea ng a be er exhibi on experience for tomorrow mostly through digitaliza on as a tool for developing our business. Alexis: It's curious because my prepara on work included the idea that technology is not the only the answer for our industry… Today I can say that it's not the technology by itself but the way to use it, and how we can take advantage of that. And now I’m more excited about all new opportuni es a er this experience. Chris na: I’m currently working as a project manager for ISPO at Messe Muenchen in Germany. There, I’m working on Open Innova on projects and support companies when they want to do product tests or market research. Before applying for the NGL Grant Program, I have been working to make another summit happen, but it had to be cancelled due to the pandemic.

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October 2020

ES. When did you first encounter UFI? Please share a story between you and UFI Vijay: It was through happenstance while I was looking to learn more about the latest innova ons coming out of our industry. I made up my mind to engage with UFI – in some small capacity – when I observed my management regularly engaging and contribu ng to the global associa on. I instantly knew, UFI would sa ate my curiosity. Ma hew: I first became properly acquainted with UFI in the lead up to Global Exhibi ons Day (GED) 2019, as this was the first GED since the launch of my company's new pla orm. I thought the ini a ve in par cular, as well as the ongoing work they do for the industry, was fantas c and I immediately decided they were an excellent partner to pursue opportuni es with as I con nued to build my career. Erika: I encountered UFI on one of my first All-staff mee ngs at Elmia when a colleague presented insights a er a ending one of UFI's global congresses. Since then I have been hoping to get to par cipate myself and this year, I am one of the presenters, amazing! Alexis: First me I heard about UFI was in 2017 - but it was in 2018 when I knew the programs and especially the NGL Grant. I remember that during a conference organised by UFI's Regional Manager for LatAm Ana María Arango, in Mexico City, I decided to par cipate in. Chris na: At my last project, which was a fairly new summit, we wanted to establish a matchmaking program for our par cipants. We had many ideas what we could do but felt that we didn't have a good structure yet. And then, we got the informa on about the Interna onal Summer University 2019 in Cologne, which had matchmaking as focus topic that year. The speaker line-up was great, so I decided to go there and had amazing days at this very well-organized event with a lot of input, ideas and conversa ons with the other par cipants. ES. Why did you apply for the UFI NGL Grant Vijay: Foremost, it allows me to be part of a diverse community driving our industry forward. I saw UFI NGL Grant as a crea ve space to bring my ideas – addressing industry problems – to life. Ma hew: I saw it as an invaluable opportunity to have a voice in the industry and contribute to how it will take shape in the future, by sharing my own vision for the direc on in which I believe it should go. The extensive exposure across the industry alongside the support from the UFI team was something I didn't want to miss out on, and I felt that I had some really interes ng ideas to share with like-minded industry colleagues who like myself are hoping to become future leaders around the world. Erika: The UFI NGL Grant is a great possibility to enlarge my

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network within the exhibi on industry and gain insights of the same beyond the na onal industry in Sweden. To see and learn from others as well as the mentoring programme is the top reason for applying. Helping me to do my work even be er in the future. Alexis: I applied to the NGL Grant because it's a great opportunity to learn and to improve myself and my industry from interna onal experiences, i.e. every session with my peers I learn something new and I hope they do too. Chris na: The previous project I was working for, was meant to take place at the beginning of March 2020, but with the pandemic becoming more severe, we had to cancel the event in a short no ce. Then I realized that our industry wasn't prepared at all for situa ons where trade shows can't take place as regular. In 2019, I was doing my master's thesis and it included literature on the future event – what it's going to look like, what the par cipants will expect, etc. With that background and the trauma of seeing your event being built up half-way only to be teared down again, I thought that this year would be a good year to apply for the NGL Grant to get a chance to contribute ac vely in the future of our industry. ES. You are currently preparing your session for the upcoming UFI Global Congress. Can you share with us what you are most excited about? Vijay: I am fortunate to meet and work with fellow NGL Grant winners – also my friends – and UFI team from across the world. Thrilled, and looking forward to sharing our ideas and open a discourse with the UFI fraternity and others. Ma hew: The opportunity to present our forward-thinking, crea ve ideas to a senior audience of industry leaders, to outline our vision for the future of this global industry. Having such access to powerful figures is a rare opportunity in itself – but the possibility of presen ng new concepts and approaches directly to them in order to ini ate a much wider conversa on is something I'm sure all of us NGLs will be unbelievably excited about. Erika: A er many Zoom-mee ngs me and my NGL Grant colleagues have come up with a presenta on sharing our ideas and thoughts on how the exhibi on industry can work in order to bridge the gap between physical and digital which we believe will be the new normal, post-Covid. My part in the presenta on will focus on digitaliza on and ways to use digital tools and processes. Alexis: I guess 2 facts: 1) That our session is a product of a challenge to work remotely and with differences in cultures and schedules. 2) That in the middle of this COVID crisis, nothing is decided yet, so our ideas could have a great impact.

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Chris na: I'm most excited about the audience's reac on to our presenta on. Will they be excited? Posi ve? Suppor ve? Doub ul? Will there be many ques ons a erwards? Although it would have been a fantas c experience mee ng all the interna onal par cipants at the UFI Global Congress in person, I am looking forward to e-mee ng everyone and exchanging with peers across the globe. About the industry ES. What in your opinion will be the future of our industry? What subject is closest to your heart w.r.t the exhibi on industry? Vijay: I believe future of our industry will be human-centric – enabled by digital technologies – by crea ng elevated customers experiences, while adding economic and social value to the community. Ma hew: It's clear that our industry will be moving to a more hybrid model going forward, as we move out of the “COVID era” and into the new normal. Technology will certainly play a vital role going forward and the innova ons brought to market by event tech companies everywhere will be of great interest to everyone in the industry. I personally believe this tech revolu on is long overdue, and as awful as this year has been perhaps this can be viewed as something of a silver lining which will allow us to immediately build towards a much improved future exhibi on industry. Erika: We will see a new tomorrow past the pandemic where our behaviour certainly has changed. Digital mee ngs are here to stay but in collabora on with the physical one. I believe we all are longing for and feeling the urge to meet face-to-face again, and my work to combine this with digitaliza on is my priority. Alexis: I really hope the formal rise of EventTechs in response to the needs of innova on and technology. In the same way I want to see this industry trying to be closer to our clients and visitors, being more a rac ve, more exci ng and with be er results. Chris na: In my opinion, we will see major disrup ons when it comes to the physical size of the events. When the pandemic is under control, there will be a change in all stakeholders' expecta ons and the ways of achieving the set goals. Organizers will have enlarged their offers to exhibitors and visitors by various digital op ons, exhibitors will go for quality in leads, rather for quan ty and will start to use exhibi ons in different ways and visitors will be more open to a end trade shows as they have many op ons of par cipa ng and ge ng in contact with all important players of their market at once. ES. As a future leader, what a ributes & skills will you like to see in your team and what will you do to keep your team inspired? Vijay: I am inclined towards three skill sets – open-mindedness, adaptability, and curiosity – poten ally helping us become an fragile and be er human beings. I must lead by example, or it's

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just all sizzle and no steak. Ma hew: I want crea vity to be at the heart of my team, and I'll always encourage open communica on in order to generate exci ng new ideas for opportuni es to improve the industry as a whole. I've learned over the years that agility and seamless problem solving are essen al for anybody working in events, and I think this will prove to be par cularly true in the coming months and years as we collec vely recover from this period of unprecedented disrup on. Erika: The most important skill is working hard and having an open mind for new ideas. A lot of technical info and knowledge can be taught but working together for a common goal and doing what it takes to reach it makes you come a long way. Alexis: Definitely passion about what they do. And this passion will be the result of knowing, visi ng and talking about own and external events and ge ng out of working rou ne. Chris na: I'm a big fan of realis c op mism: dream big and always stay posi ve even when the road gets rocky, because there's s ll a road – but keep looking ahead, so that you have the chance to no ce when there's a bis obstacle in your way, so that you can search for another way in me. I will always encourage my team to openly discuss problems, try to step back and have a look from a different ankle at anything and come up with unusual ideas. ES. How important will it be to work towards responsible events (sustainability) and what ac onable things can be set to mo on in this regard in our industry? Vijay: I believe sustainability must be entwined with all the industries – not just ours – as we must all play our part to leave a be er world for future genera ons. Our industry is making huge strides on this front by aligning itself with UN Sustainable Development Goals. Ma hew: It will undoubtedly be of utmost importance, and this has been the case for a long me now. A shi to hybrid events will have an effect on the number of people travelling long distances to events – which in turn will help to reduce the carbon footprint – however I believe the main area to be addressed relates to waste created by our industry. We should ac vely encourage a more circular economy by re-using and reselling materials wherever possible, so that not everybody needs to buy new all the me. Erika: We all need to take responsibility and work towards a sustainable future. Within the exhibi on industry there are numerous ini a ves already in mo on and even more can be done. Everything One example is greener electricity to run our exhibi on halls. Here at Elmia we just installed a solar panel park on the roof of our facility.

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October 2020

Alexis: Very important. Now we are aware of the risks and dangers of bad behaviour with nature. The first ac on we can take is to start to think of our events as real members of local communi es, of this way we could be more responsible for our environment. Chris na: Working towards sustainable events will be crucial to the industry. Some day in a hopeful near future, everyone will

understand that we only have this one world and that we need to take care of it. The exhibi on industry in known to innova ons, so the industry could be braver when it comes to try out new services and products – and make their service providers use these new things as well.



Get To Know This Year's Winners ERIKA KARLSSON Project Manager, ELMIA (Sweden) ANGELA HERBERHOLZ Programme Manager Education and Working Groups, UFI (France)

MATTHEW FUNGE Managing Director & Founder, Your Stand Builder (UK)

VIJAY SHARMA Head: Partnerships & Business Development, Koelnmesse (Singapore)

CHRISTINA RABL Project Manager ISPO, Messe München (Germany) ALEXIS ZAMUDIO Events Manager, former FINNOVISTA (Mexico)

MODERATOR RAGHAV KHOSLA Group Editor, Exhibition Showcase


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Global News

October 2020

Singapore Launched The World's First Roadmap For The MICE & Events Industry taken the lead to work with STB and ESG on the Event Industry Resilience Roadmap. This roadmap will be a valuable guide to our industry during this period, to help them build new capabili es and emerge stronger. We look forward to working closely with our industry partners to rebuild and recover, and set Singapore apart as the world's leading des na on for safe, trusted and innova ve business events.”


he Singapore Associa on of Conven on and Exhibi on Organisers and Suppliers (SACEOS), together with Singapore Tourism Board (STB) and Enterprise Singapore (ESG) launched the world's first roadmap for the MICE & Events industry, the Event Industry Resilience Roadmap (IRR) which provides guidance on safety measures and best prac ces in line with the gradual resump on of business events. The Event Industry Resilience Roadmap presents three strategic objec ves : Ÿ Helping the industry to implement best-in-class standards under STB's Safe Business Events Framework; Ÿ Crea ng agile business models with a focus on hybridisa on; and Ÿ Developing pathways for professional development in the new way forward. Apart from providing advice for event organisers, venues and suppliers on the safe management of events in Singapore, the Roadmap also includes best-in-class prac ces, a long-term plan for business models to pivot into, innova ve solu ons for hybrid events and a capabili es development plan to support the

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enterprises and workforce to survive, thrive, and emerge stronger from the pandemic. This will be underpinned by SG SafeEvent Standard, an industry-led na onal accredita on programme, which will be launched later this year. Similar to ini a ves such as SG Clean, the SG SafeEvent Standard cer fica on will be awarded as a mark of assurance that Singapore is a world-leading des na on for safe, trusted and innova ve business events. The “living” IRR document will con nuously be updated to stay current with the evolving situa on and prevailing safety, health standards. The Event Industry Resilience Roadmap's first release (IRR 1.0) will focus on SG SafeEvent Standard and hybridisa on. IRR 2.0 is in development and will expand on the business models innova on and the core capabili es that are necessary for event enterprises and professionals to pivot successfully. Mr Yap Chin Siang, Deputy Chief Execu ve, Singapore Tourism Board, said: “As we gradually resume MICE events safely, we are heartened that SACEOS has

Building Capabili es for the Future To ensure Singapore's MICE industry con nues to be an important economic driver, the Event Industry Resilience Roadmap will also map new educa onal pathways for MICE professionals to acquire the skills needed for future success, as well as iden fy opportuni es in emerging industries. Mr Aloysius Arlando, President, SACEOS, said: “The MICE & Events industry may be down, but we are not out. We have taken a whole-of-industry approach to establish safe opera ng standards, and best prac ces for hybrid models; to work on making hybrid events viable commercially; to re-skill & up-skill our workforce and transform our enterprises into compe ve and resilient businesses. As the Covid-19 situa on evolves, the resump on of business events and, later live events, in Singapore is dependent on the industry's ability and readiness to implement newly-mandated Safe Management Measures and equally important, new competencies for our workers and enterprises to be hybridready and remain compe ve in a postCovid world. The Event Industry Resilience Roadmap serves as a valuable “opera onal guide” to strengthen our industry, enhance the skillsets of our workers and curate impac ul hybrid events, making Singapore a safe, trusted and innova ve MICE des na on.”

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Global News

October 2020

Austria Center Vienna Takes Stock Of Covid-19 Pilot Project: Rapid Tests Can Significantly Improve The Safety Of Events


n 16 and 17 September the Austria Center Vienna conducted around 2,000 rapid tests in a pilot project in partnership with the Vienna University of Economics and Business, ArbeiterSamariter-Bund and medical products wholesaler Alpstar. The resul ng interest from event organisers, hotels, hospitals, na onal and interna onal business and poli cians was overwhelming. Across all industries there are high hopes for the new an gen tests. The Austria Center Vienna will make the key insights from the pilot project publicly available, in the interests of crea ng a repository of informa on which can be used as a founda on for future events. “We wanted to use the pilot project to show that rapid tests can significantly improve the safety of events, and that their use is prac cable from an organisa onal point of view. The overwhelming feedback and interest from all industries shows us just how much hope is being placed in the new tes ng system. We are very pleased to have provided this ini al impetus with the support of our project partners and would like to make our insights available

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to all interested par es,” explained Susanne Baumann-Söllner, Managing Director of the Austria Center Vienna. Out of the 2,000 rapid tests that were handed in, five were posi ve. The diagnoses were subsequently confirmed in PCR tests conducted immediately a er. The central finding from the pilot project was that rapid tests are indeed prac cable in real-world condi ons and represent a meaningful addi on to exis ng hygiene and safety measures. In prepara on for the project, a scalable system of test lanes was developed specifically for the rapid test. Key figures: 30 seconds per swab, one medic per lane, results in max. ten minutes The pilot project delivered valuable insights into the amount of me tes ng takes ahead of an event, as well as the number of staff needed: as a basic rule of thumb, the number of test lanes needed and me slots for par cipants is calculated on the basis of the 30 seconds it takes to complete each swab. Each test lane requires one medical

expert to take the throat swab and two to three assistants to prepare the solu on and support the test subjects. In addi on, a team of paramedics is on hand at the end of the test lane to manage any posi ve cases. Conduc ng the test took an average of six to ten minutes from swabbing to receiving the test result – significantly less than the 15 minutes originally planned in. Test subjects included students, staff members, employees of partner companies and journalists. The five people who tested posi ve were isolated immediately, underwent an addi onal PCR test and were then sent to quaran ne at home. On the second day of the event, one person tested posi ve, having presented a nega ve result on the first day. This par cular case confirms that an an gen test only provides a snapshot of an individual's viral load, sugges ng that rapid tests should be carried out on a daily basis at mul -day events. This also suggests that a nega ve test result should not be mistaken for total protec on against Covid-19, but can significantly reduce the chances of infec on at events.

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Global News

October 2020

UFI And SISO Call For “Tes ng Over Quaran ne” Policies To Keep Businesses Going


FI, the Global Associa on of the Exhibi on Industry, and SISO, the Society for Independent Show Organizers, call on policymaker and governments around the world to empower the best policy solu ons to maintain the flow of people, products, and services – and in doing so, to ac vate the poten als of rapid an gen COVID tests. The statement, signed by UFI President Mary Larkin (President Diversified Communica ons, USA) and SISO Chair Doug Emslie (Group Chief Execu ve, Tarsus Group), reads: “Around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has already caused a global recession unlike anything we have seen in genera ons. Going forward, and un l the global community has developed and

rolled out vaccina on programmes, we have to find the best solu ons possible to maintain the flow of people, products, and services. This is needed to stabilize business, to avoid economic hardships for ci zens around the world as government support programmes are being scaled back over me. The exhibi ons industry possesses one of the cri cal skills for any economic recovery: It sets up and operates the market places and mee ng places for industries and communi es to meet for business. Trade shows and exhibi ons are organised events, as recognized by the WHO and governments. They are not unorganized mass gatherings. In recent months, hundreds of trade shows have taken place, predominantly in Asia, the Middle East, and Europe, with health and safety measures in place, based on global industry standards and aligned with local regula ons. Not one of them has caused a COVID outbreak. At the same me, hundreds of relevant

trade shows have to be cancelled or postponed, as buyers and sellers cannot plan to a end, primarily due to travel restric ons and fast changing quaran ne regula ons. For economies to recover, for sectors to restart, the business community needs clarity and reliable regula ons for the coming months. Rapid an gen COVID tests are reliable and becoming widely available. These Rapid Tests provide the best solu on for crea ng a safe environment to hold managed business events. We call on governments and authori es to follow a “tes ng before quaran ne” approach for business related travel and ac vi es. Rapid tes ng can be applied pre- and post-flight, and at the check in points for events – replacing the need for people to quaran ne if tests are nega ve. Combined with the exis ng safety measures around events, this will create a safe and reliable framework for business professionals to engage, and can overcome the current impasse that is causing addi onal economic damage every day.

ISE 2021 Postpones To June 2021 And Launches New Digital Offering


er a period of consulta on with the industry and the impact of the ongoing pandemic, Integrated Systems Events announce that ISE, scheduled for 2-5 February, has been postponed and will now take place from 1-4 June at the Fira Gran Via,Barcelona , alongside a virtual offering. Addi onally, ISE will launch RISE Digital, a regular programme of content and networking events which will run throughout the year and support the live show. Integrated Systems Events has also announced the launch of RISE Digital. This is a regular programme of content as

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well as virtual networking opportuni es. It will run throughout the year in addi on to suppor ng the live event. “We've been monitoring the condi ons in Europe since the beginning of this year and have worked hard on your behalf to balance health and safety concerns with the need for commerce and F2F interac on,” says a statement from Integrated Systems Events. “These two factors have had shi ing weight throughout the calendar year and

although we've felt confident and hopeful regarding delivering this show in February, we've come to the conclusion that the best op on for all of us is to delay the show edi on un l June 2021.”

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Global News

October 2020

Global Recovery Insights 2020 Report Published - Latest data from global study shows no evidence of a major customer shi away from live events - A majority of exhibi ng companies expects a fast return to pre-COVID levels of investment into the marke ng channel


FI and Explori have published the first edi on of the Global Recovery Insights 2020 report, which presents the findings of a global study conducted by live event research specialists, Explori, in partnership with UFI, the Global Associa on of the Exhibi on Industry, and supported by SISO, the Society for Independent Show Organizers. The study findings, based on more than 9,000 responses from across 30 countries, show that exhibi on visitors and exhibitors overwhelmingly prefer live events, and that there is no evidence of a major shi away from face-to-face mee ngs. Although the intended frequency of par cipa on has dropped for both groups, this is only marginally the case for exhibitors, indica ng a clear desire amongst exhibi ng companies to return to on-site show floors. The social aspect of events remains a cri cal draw for both groups, who rely on live events to create connec ons within their communi es.

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Study par cipants, globally, believe that this aspect of events cannot be served effec vely by digital events. There is a clear message from visitors that the quality of exhibitors is paramount, while exhibitors are now also valuing visitor quality, over quan ty. There are signs that budgets will also be restored quickly, with 53% of exhibitors expec ng their show investments to return to preCOVID-19 levels within 12 months, while 28% report that their investments will return as soon as trade shows start running again. Whilst funds allocated to live events have been put on hold, overall marke ng budgets were yet to see severe cuts as of late summer. Both visitors and exhibitors will look at their previous experiences when deciding to return to a show. They will turn to show brands they trust to deliver both robust safety measures, and, perhaps more importantly, a high-quality audience. “This study delivers important

insights and reassurance to organisers and the wider industry, as they plan ahead in these uncertain mes. It underlines the clear preference and importance of being able to meet inperson to do business, and the desire for both visitors and exhibitors to again meet face-toface. It also underlines the nega ve impact all industries are experiencing as a result of industry events not going ahead,” said Kai Ha endorf, CEO and Managing Director at UFI. Sophie Holt, Managing Director at Explori, added: “On behalf of Explori, UFI and SISO, I would like to thank all of the organisers and partners who par cipated in the study, making it the largest and, possibly, most- mely we have ever undertaken. I hope it is of value in shaping thinking over the coming months and in suppor ng those who advocate for the industry. The results are extremely encouraging, and I look forward to sharing more insights over the coming months as the research progresses.”

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Global News

October 2020

Big Tech And Virtual Events. It’s Finally Happening? What do Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microso , Spo fy, and Airbnb have in common these days? sooner than later, some of these big tech companies will “get it,” and things will begin to change. Or, some smart entrepreneurs will take advantage of being small and fast, and they will figure it out and be acquired by any of these big companies for massive accelera on or raise enough capital to scale into one of the next unicorns in the tech world. By Marco Giberti, Founder and CEO of Vesuvio Ventures


hat do Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microso , Spo fy, Zoom and Airbnb have in common these days? Well, in some way or the other, all of them are experimen ng with Virtual Events Experiences. A er decades of almost ignoring virtual events, it seems that now many of the big tech guys have begun paying a en on. Airbnb launched Experiences in April 2020, and, since then, they are growing this concept and helping many creators connect with customers. Google Area 120 in house incubator presented Fundo, and Amazon announced Explore in September and Zoom just announced OnZoom. I already wrote about exci ng eventrelated ini a ves from Linkedin, Alibaba, Tencent, and Spo fy this year. And, the list con nues, including some B2B and B2C concepts. I was talking with a pre y big event organizer CEO this week about some of these big tech companies’ investments and launches, and his immediate reac on was, “Tech companies do not understand live events. They simply don’t get it, and, we’ve seen similar experiences in the past, failing miserably.” And I think that he is not the only one thinking that way. I have a pre y different point of view. I believe that, at some point, probably

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We are experiencing drama c changes in the live events industry, and, we are rethinking which specific experiences should be done face to face or only online. This is the me to innovate or die. Innova on and tech are no longer a luxury for the live events world, regardless of whether your events are just online, offline, or hybrid. I’m convinced of the unique connec on that live events generate on their audiences and have wri en many mes about this in the past. Let me repeat this concept (again). Tech will not replace live events. But, I’m also convinced of the poten al disrup on and transforma on that technology could and should bring to our industry. If you are part of the live events industry, you should benefit from these big tech players’ entrance into the category. You will see a fresh perspec ve and different value proposi ons for creators, organizers, sponsors, and a endees. It’s not going to be perfect in the short term. It took decades for some of these big tech companies to validate their ini al products, and it’s probably going to take many years in this case as well. For smart event organizers, all these tech tools and pla orms should be great news instead of challenges or threats. For industry dinosaurs, it’s probably another nail in their coffin. For innova ve entrepreneurs building startups in this sector, it will certainly help to have the venture capital world’s a en on now that all the big guys are paying a en on and

acquiring successful startups in the future. But more importantly, this is great news for everyone that par cipates, enjoys, and benefits from events. Because of great tech, events will be be er, more produc ve, and more fun to par cipate in. Events will probably start online and move to offline ac va ons to later go back online again. Communi es will interact through the combina on of virtual and face to face experiences in ways that will increase their return on investments and improve efficiencies. If you work (or want to work) in the live events industry, you should pay a en on to big and small tech players innova ng in the space. You should learn digital and tech skills as soon as possible to be relevant to your company. And you should not be afraid. You must be proac ve instead of reac ve and start engaging with tech genera ng change now. Actually, let’s be honest, you should have started years ago, but it is be er to start now rather than never :). It’s not too late if you are ready to unlearn and learn again, and, there is a massive opportunity ahead of us. For those of you that want to invest (Angel investors, VC’s, Corporate Venture, or Private Equity) in the event tech space, ming is in your favor. And for those of you who are brave enough to launch startups in the event tech space, there are s ll many problems wai ng to be fixed and technology will be a cri cal part of the solu on. I hope that we can all learn some valuable lessons from big tech experimen ng in our industry. We will remember 2020 as the year where many great event tech products and startups were created. As Winston Churchill was working to form the United Na ons a er WWII, he famously said, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Well, this is a pre y good crisis for the live events industry, and, some people are ready to take advantage.

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Global News

October 2020

HML Welcomes Hong Kong Government’s Announcement To Launch Conven on And Exhibi on Industry Subsidy Scheme


ong Kong Conven on and Exhibi on Centre (Management) Limited ("HML") has welcomed the announcement that the Hong Kong SAR Government will launch the Conven on and Exhibi on Industry Subsidy Scheme (“Subsidy Scheme”) on 3rd October 2020. HML Managing Director Ms Monica LeeMüller said, 'The Government's launch of the Subsidy Scheme in early October will help ease financial burdens on the local conven on and exhibi on industry and help it a ract domes c and overseas exhibitors, buyers and conference delegates to Hong Kong, strengthening the city's compe veness as the region's leading conven on and exhibi on hub.' The HK$1,020 million (US$131 million) Subsidy Scheme to reinvigorate the

conven on and exhibi on industry has been set up under the Government's An -epidemic Fund. Originally slated to be launched in July 2020, it was postponed following the third wave of the pandemic in the city, which caused the postponement of conven ons and exhibi ons that were originally scheduled to take place from mid-July to September. The Subsidy Scheme offers to cover a 100% venue rental cost for organisers of exhibi ons and interna onal conven ons held at the Hong Kong Conven on and Exhibi on Centre and AsiaWorld-Expo. Ms Lee-Müller added, 'With the on-going pandemic situa on overseas, countries are con nuously upda ng their inbound and outbound travel restric ons and compulsory quaran ne requirements. As

such, many interna onal exhibi ons and conven ons originally scheduled for the second half of 2020 have been postponed or cancelled. Mega exhibi ons typically have long planning lead- mes, and relaunching them before the October 2021 deadline for the Subsidy Scheme may prove challenging. However, we believe that once the pandemic is under control, exhibi on and conven on oganisers will waste no me bringing exhibi ons back onto their event calendars. To ensure that mega exhibi ons and interna onal conven ons return to Hong Kong a er the pandemic, the industry will con nue to communicate closely with the Government so that mely ac ons can be taken to maximise the impact of the Subsidy Scheme.'

IAEE Updates Essen al Considera ons for Safely Reopening Exhibi ons and Events White Paper


he Interna onal Associa on of Exhibi ons and Events® (IAEE) has updated its white paper, Essen al Considera ons for Safely Reopening Exhibi ons and Events, which was originally released this past June to provide general informa on for considera on by exhibi on organizers when planning for and producing an exhibi on during a pandemic. “IAEE's Health and Safety Task Force has been diligent in its commitment to help show organizers and event professionals create a safe environment as we return to face-to-face exhibi ons and events,” said IAEE President & CEO David DuBois, CMP, CAE, FASAE, CTA. “The updates made to the Essen al Considera ons for Safely Reopening Exhibi ons and Events white paper reflect new developments that benefit our industry's recovery.”

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Essen al Considera ons for Safely Reopening Exhibi ons and Events, 2nd Edi on includes enhancements in the following areas: Ÿ Insurance considera ons Ÿ Travel considera ons Ÿ New FAQs throughout the paper Ÿ Updated content on force majeure in legal sec on Ÿ Enhanced risk assessment sec ons Ÿ Addi on of images from shows that have taken place since the first edi on Ÿ Addi onal updates from EDPA, ESCA and GBAC Suppor ng organiza ons to Essen al Considera ons for Safely Reopening Exhibi ons and Events include the Experien al Designers and Producers Associa on (EDPA); Exhibi on Services & Contractors Associa on (ESCA); Exhibitor

Appointed Contractors Associa on (EACA); Global Biorisk Advisory Council (GBAC), a division of Interna onal Sanitary Supply Associa on (ISSA); Interna onal Associa on of Venue Managers (IAVM); Society of Independent Show Organizers (SISO); and United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America. Essen al Considera ons for Safely Reopening Exhibi ons and Events, 2nd Edi on focuses on the following topics: Ÿ General Principles for Health and Safety Opera ons Ÿ Communica on, Educa on and Awareness Ÿ Exhibi on and Event Opera ons Ÿ Conven on Centre/Venue Cleaning Preven on Measures Ÿ Legal and Insurance Considera ons Ÿ Travel Considera ons

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Global News

October 2020

We Have Restarted: September Exhibi ons


talian exhibi ons have been open at a na onal level since 1 September. This was allowed by the Prime Ministerial Decree of 7 August and was confirmed by the Prime Ministerial Decree of 7 September which adds a major innova on to the previous one for our sector regarding interna onal events. d-a) To entries for non-deferrable reasons, including par cipa on in interna onal spor ng events and exhibi ons, subject to the authorisa on of the Ministry of Health and with the obliga on to present to the carrier at the me of embarka on, and to anyone appointed to carry out the checks, the a esta on of having undergone, in the 72 hours prior to entry into the na onal territory, a molecular or an genic test, carried out by means of a swab with a nega ve result has been added to ar cle 6 "Health surveillance and entry into the na onal territory" paragraph 6 of the previous Prime Ministerial Decree a er le er d). Fair events have become non-deferrable reasons for entry and this has allowed the arrival of overseas operators in a manner compa ble with the dura on and needs of the exhibi on. The requirements must be reported in order to obtain the authorisa on of the Ministry of Health with the protocol and all the instruc ons that must be followed.

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This possibility obviously does not apply to some countries for which entry into Italy is not possible. The list of these countries is periodically updated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Interna onal Coopera on according to the evolu on of the pandemic. September ac vi es Italian Exhibi ons worked relessly during the lock down and this has meant that there were plenty of events from the first month of reopening:

supply chain followed one another onto the stage, 1000 operators a day in a endance and around 3000 viewers watched in streaming, many of them overseas buyers. A very a rac ve loca on which, thanks to the large spaces, allowed the event to take place in total safety and maximum comfort. Cibus Forum hosted the leaders of agriculture, the agri-food industry and distribu on at the Parma exhibi on centre: 50 protagonists of the agri-food supply chain followed one another onto the stage, 1000 operators a day in a endance and around 3000 viewers watched in streaming, many of them overseas buyers. A very a rac ve loca on which, thanks to the large spaces, allowed the event to take place in total safety and maximum comfort.

24 of our AEFI member exhibi on districts restarted with 47 events (in October there will be 34 ac ve Associates with 82 events) Ÿ 20 interna onal events of which 7 were digital (in October there will be 28 of which 1 will be digital) Ÿ 27 na onal events of which 1 was digital (in October there will be 54) Ÿ

The digital presence is important everywhere, and has extended the possibility of developing contacts and showing one's excellence in terms of innova on and sustainability. 1. Interna onal exhibi ons Parma 2-3 September Cibus Forum hosted the leaders of agriculture, the agri-food industry and distribu on at the Parma exhibi on centre: 50 protagonists of the agri-food

Vicenza 12-14 September VOICE Vicenza Oro Interna onal Community Event with over 370 exhibitors in the exhibi on centre and a series of online events brought together the world of Italian jewellery.VOICE Vicenza Oro Interna onal Community Event with over 370 exhibitors in the exhibi on centre and a series of online events brought together the world of Italian jewellery.

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Global News

October 2020

Parma 12-20 September

S ll in Parma the Salone del Camper tested the launch in the presence of large numbers open to the public with 54,000 visitors who filled the exhibi on halls, in search of industry news. The public was par cularly interested this year, intent on discovering new possibili es for travelling in the current context. Milan 8 -23 September

Milan reopened by presen ng Italian crea vity: Milano Unica, Homi, Mipel, Micam, Lineapelle, The One, and SuperStudio White. Great products everywhere that we have been wai ng to see for a long me. Pordenone 23-24 September

Coiltech took place in Pordenone, an interna onal Coil Winding exhibi on, specialising in materials and machinery for the produc on and maintenance of electric motors, generators, power and distribu on transformers, industrial transformers and windings in general. Rimini 30 September - 2 October And with Enada the gamut of interna onal fairs began again at the

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Rimini exhibi on district of the Italian Exhibi on Group.

2. Digital interna onal exhibi ons Big exhibi ons had a digital version. Macfrut in Cesena introduced a virtual exhibi on to the world of food with the commercial content of a real exhibi on, and a record a endance of 32,000. Marmomac also took place digitally in Verona, the interna onal reference point for the global natural stone market, also confirming its fundamental role in the sector in the online edi on, both in terms of products and content. 158 events events broadcast in streaming, including webinars, company presenta ons and Marmomac Academy refresher courses for architects and designers. In Ferrara and also held online was the 14th edi on of RemTech Expo a specialised event on the protec on and sustainable development of the territory, recovery of contaminated sites and hydrogeological instability. Promoberg also made its debut in the world of digital exhibi ons with Agri&Slow Travel Expo, an Agri and Slow Tourism Exhibi on. Fiera Roma has entrusted all September events to online, star ng with Evoo Trends an unprecedented event dedicated to the en re olive-oil supply chain, and Welfair an event that has health, nutri on, research and innova on as its watchwords. Cremona Musica has this year chosen a different tack, leaving the CremonaFiere halls, with a program of cultural events and digital ini a ves aimed at the business world, to carry on connec ng the vast network of ins tu ons and music professionals that meet annually at Cremona Musica.

3. Na onal exhibi ons The program of na onal exhibi ons for operators and the public is also extremely interes ng for the products and solu ons adopted. Many par cularly crea ve and effec ve measures have also been adopted at these events to facilitate the flow, safety and comfort of the visitors. Such as the one conceived in Longarone, where at the second edi on of the Fiera e fes val delle foreste a double exhibi on was chosen: an exhibi on-conference with events and workshops in the exhibi on halls, learning centres and spectacular demonstra ons in the nearby Cansilio woods. Among the sectors a rac ng the greatest interest is that of the home: the first edi on of Florence Trend was held in Florence reserved for the decora on and gi item sector for operators, in Pordenone the tenth edi on of Ecocasa, the exhibi on with all the answers for sustainable building and energy saving, the An quaria exhibi on at Padova Fiere and Expocasa in Turin. Electronics were presented in Gonzaga, in Mon chiari and in Piacenza, vintage cars and motorbikes were hosted at Modena Fiere and in Bas a Umbra, Auto Classica in Milano. Qua rozampeinfiera in Naples focussed a en on on the world of animals, Lucca instead opened with Ta oo. Perspec ves We can say that the Italian exhibi ons are making their own contribu on to crea ng posi ve expecta ons for everyone. If it is true then - as Keynes said - that expecta ons are the fundamental determinant of investments and therefore of economic development - we can also say that exhibi ons are doing their part to contribute to employment and GDP of today and the near future.

Published by Loredana Sarti, General Secretary at AEFI

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Global News

October 2020

UFI Global Congress Goes Digital From 16 To 19 November - Live and on-demand sessions, networking and match-making, across all me zones - Three registra on packages available, making this the most accessible UFI Global Congress ever for our global community - Grip and Glisser announced as partners for the digital delivery of the Congress Marco Giber (Vesuvio Ventures), and many others. The programme is growing by the day and is available at h ps://www.ufievent.org/uficongress20 20/speakers-bios


FI, the Global Associa on of the Exhibi on Industry, confirms that this year’s Global Congress will be a digital-only event, taking place from 16 to 19 November. The event’s main theme is “Resilience”. “Our members have been telling us they want to connect, learn and have the global UFI community brought together. Since COVID-19 will not allow us to do this face-to-face, we are moving online, to host the most accessible UFI Global Congress ever. Quality content, flexible mings and accessibility – these are the best ways to serve the global UFI community right now,” says Mary Larkin, UFI President and CEO of Diversified Communica ons USA. CONTENT From 16 to 19 November, the Global Congress will host a strong line-up of speakers from across the world to deliver world-class content, while bringing the industry together to network, meet and share experiences. Confirmed speakers include economist Dr. Florence EidOakden, Ambassador Wolfgang Ischinger (Munich Security Conference), industry leaders Charlie McCurdy (Informa Markets), Carina Bauer (IMEX), Hugh Jones (Reed Exhibi ons), Mary Larkin (Diversified Communica ons) and Simon Kimble (Clarion Events), digital experts Dahlia El Gazzar (DAHLIA + Agency) and

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TIMINGS Scheduling has been designed to offer a simple solu on to the challenges of hos ng a global, digitalonly event online. “We have built the programme around prime regional me slots for Asia/Pacific, Europe/Middle East/Africa, and the Americas – so people don’t have to be online around the clock to follow the event. Instead, everyone can connect and follow live from their own me zone, and review other sessions on-demand. On top of this, par cipants can use the pla orm to network with peers around the world before, during and a er the event, at whatever me works best for them,” says Kai Ha endorf, Managing Director and CEO at UFI. ACCESSIBILITY Three packages are available for UFI members globally, including single ckets and discounted ckets for groups of five or ten colleagues from an UFI member company. “Budgets are ght everywhere, so we are making it possible to join the Global Congress for as li le as €145 per person for group bookings, and €245 for a single registra on. We are doing what we can to allow anyone who is interested from our member companies to join the event,” says Sonia Thomas, COO at UFI. Colleagues who registered for the previously planned face-to-face gatherings in Basel and Dubai will be contacted and rebooked based on their preference. Par cipants can secure their place now at www.ufievent.org/uficongress2020/ The home of the digital Global Congress will be an online portal, hosted on the

Grip pla orm, with technology from Glisser embedded. Grip is filling the role of UFI Technology Partner for the event, while Glisser is UFI Digital Event Partner. The pla orm will go live approximately a week before the start of the Global Congress, allowing par cipants to become familiar with it and to already begin networking, using the pla orm’s matchmaking and scheduling features. Tim Groot, Grip CEO and co-founder says: “UFI has always pioneered opportuni es for engagement across the global exhibi on industry, and their monumental efforts to con nue their mission throughout the COVID-19 pandemic have helped to keep the industry galvanised. As social distancing restric ons s ll err on the side of cau on for physical events, UFI are again demonstra ng that they are at the forefront of events, by partnering with leading event technology firms. The Grip team are honoured to be part of crea ng the first fully digital UFI Global Congress, and while I’m sure there will be many learnings from this ambi ous plan, we couldn’t be more excited to connect and inspire the global community via our market engagement pla orm.” “We’ve supported UFI’s physical events for many years, so it makes total sense to con nue this rela onship in the new world of digital and hybrid events. We are immensely proud of the virtual event pla orm we have created, and we’re sure the Global Congress will be another successful global showcase for what both businesses can deliver,” adds Mike Piddock, Founder and CEO of Glisser. Open to more than 50,000 industry professionals globally who work for UFI member companies, the UFI Global Congress is known as the exhibi on industry’s largest global mee ng of the year, combining interna onal networking with unique content.

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Global News

October 2020

Message From UFI President, Mary Larkin

Resilience and People As we enter another month of the COVID19 crisis, it’s impact on our industry, our businesses and our lifes is s ll growing. We are all striving within ourselves to be resilient, to plan events in the midst of uncertainty, to “pivot” to other revenue streams and to hang on to the posi ve news from elsewhere and glimmers of hope that we see around us. While events are reopening in many countries, there is confusion as to the value they bring to an economy in many others. Discussion topics vary from the need for advocacy to our customers discussing the future of events. One thing is certain, we do need to be resilient and picture a future beyond this crisis. Because this, too, will pass. But: What does that future look like? How will we deliver events that are safe and yet, are the vehicles that have driven and will drive economies for years? There is a simple, obvious answer that we tend to overlook – almost as some mes

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one does not no ce the trees in the forest: We will do that just as we have always done! We will draw on the skills, the ideas, the talents of the people who drive this industry, who are of this industry. They – we all – are the backbone of ensuring that events are built, opened and that businesses grow. Companies are facing major employment losses across the globe as they strive to manage cashflows and plan for the short term, before events reopen. The en re supply chain is at risk of further fragmenta on as the reopening of events is stalled again. For those seeking employment, hiring freezes or lack of employment make the industry they love, very una rac ve. How do we reengage the “people” factor of our industry? There are small but mighty groups, sca ered across the globe, who are working to ensure that our colleagues reenter the industry swi ly, once this crisis passes. We will need that brain power and their resilience to help us leave this crisis behind. For this, we need to ensure that, even now, we can easily stay

connected as industry professionals and colleagues. At UFI, we are working on the issue of keeping connec ons going, and we have looked at how this is impac ng the industry as a whole. Beginning this month, in partnership with MBBConsul ng Group, UFI gives individuals from our member companies the possibility to join the Exhibi on Think Tank Club (ETTC) free of charge as a new member benefit. The ETTC is a global epla orm for the exhibi on industry whose members network, debate and work together to keep the industry moving forward. Every industry professional in the club can change the way our industry develops, by taking part in the think tanks and other projects. You can find and connect to colleagues beyond your own work environment, and as well share insights and experiences. For our future success, it is vital that this industry remains a rac ve, provides the career opportuni es and the environment for innova on that will lead us through this and future crises.

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Global News

October 2020

MEDICAL FAIR ASIA 2020 Goes Digital


esse Düsseldorf Asia has announced that the 13th edi on of MEDICAL FAIR ASIA will take place as a digital edi on from 9-18 December. MEDICAL FAIR ASIA Digital Edi on will offer a purpose-built online B2B experience for manufacturers, suppliers, distributors and trade buyers from the medical and healthcare sector to conduct business on a secure sourcing pla orm. The well-established medical and healthcare exhibi on first started in 1997 has since grown to be one of the most recognised regional events for sourcing hospital, diagnos c, pharmaceu cal, medical and rehabilita on equipment and supplies. This shi to a digital event is in response to the dynamic situa on of the COVID-19 pandemic, where travel and physical restric ons are s ll in effect globally. Moving from in-person interac ons at a physical trade event to making virtual connec ons anywhere in the world, MEDICAL FAIR ASIA Digital Edi on aims to deliver the onsite benefits of a trade fair but with all the convenience of an online experience. Mr Gernot Ringling, Managing Director, Messe Düsseldorf Asia, said: “It is a new reality in these trying economic mes and we con nue to adjust how we do business in the face of new customer habits and digital trends. Taking care of

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our customers is a top priority, and in the absence of a physical exhibi on this year, staying true to the MEDICAL FAIR ASIA brand, both exhibitors and visitors can be assured that the digital edi on will be an effec ve pla orm connec ng global sellers and quality buyers.” “On the back of the COVID-19 pandemic, there are clear signals that indicate an accelera on of omni-channel selling, tech-enabled selling and ecommerce. We believe the digital edi on is well med in serving the current needs of the medical industry, as well as medium term needs as poten al demand for elec ve and delayed essen al procedures see resurgence,” added Mr Ringling. More than 300 interna onal companies are expected to par cipate at the digital edi on. In addi on, over 30 presenta on and conference sessions will run concurrently – live and on-demand, with speakers from the Start-Up Podium and Wearable Technologies ASIA Conference. Ms Daphne Yeo, Senior Project Manager, MEDICAL FAIR ASIA, Messe Düsseldorf Asia said: “We are excited to announce this digital edi on and believe it will be a fresh experience for exhibitors and visitors to do business and remain connected via this new format. The livestreaming and video call features where exhibitors and visitors can interact face-

to-face is as personal an encounter as is possible and coupled with the mul language capabili es, we are confident it will be an effec ve business pla orm.” Strategic sourcing online MEDICAL FAIR ASIA Digital Edi on will offer trade visitors focused and targeted sourcing opportuni es – from medical products and devices, rehabilita ve equipment and new technology, telemedicine, to pandemic management solu ons. The digital exhibi on will allow companies to present their product offerings and services online, with livestreaming of product demonstra ons, real- me interac on with buyers via oneto-one video meets and instant chats. On a user-friendly dashboard, both exhibitors and visitors can view suitable matches and personalised mee ng sugges ons based on their interests and profile through AI driven smart business matching. Trade visitors will also have access to a comprehensive technical presenta on showcase throughout the exhibi on. A endees to the concurrent line-up of ac vi es will experience the full benefits of a live conference including presenta ons and Q&A sessions. Content will also be available on-demand for delegates based in different me zones.

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Global News

October 2020

TARSUS GROUP Acquires Remaining Stake in Chinese Joint Venture


arsus, the global B2B media group, has announced that it has agreed to acquire one of the group's current Chinese joint ventures, Hubei Tarsus Hope, outright. Hubei Hope Exhibi on was the first acquisi on made by Tarsus in China in 2008 and saw a 50/50 joint venture established which has endured since. The venture's por olio is comprised of a number of B2B exhibi ons held across the fast-growing markets of Central and Western China; including the Chengdu Dental Show and the biannual Zhengzhou

Medical and Dental Show. In spite of the significant impact of Covid-19 on the events industry globally, China is one of the few territories which has successfully resumed live business events in recent months. Having been postponed from earlier in the year the Hubei Tarsus Hope medical and dental events went ahead in August and witnessed strong turnouts and posi ve customer feedback. With many B2B events forced online in the wake of the pandemic, the successful running of in-person events in China underlines the resilience of the exhibi ons industry there as well as the ongoing strength of the domes c market whilst also giving hope to the global industry of a burgeoning recovery ahead.

Commen ng on the closure of the deal, Tarsus Group CEO Douglas Emslie said: “China is one of the world's largest exhibi on markets and is of great strategic importance to Tarsus Group; even more so on the back of Covid-19 with so many territories not yet opera onal it has been fantas c for us to run seven shows there in quick succession recently. We are delighted to have further strengthened our posi on in China with this acquisi on; there are notable synergies between these medical and dental shows and others within por olio and we look forward to further growing the events.” In addi on to the Hubei Tarsus Hope opera on, the group also holds interests in a number of leading Chinese exhibi ons such as Music China, Hometex, the Automo ve A ermarket Industry and Tuning Fair (AAITF), Touch China, China Aid and SIUF The Interna onal Brand Underwear Fair.

Hybrid Event Studio Opens At ExCeL London


versa le, visually engaging studio that delivers broadcast-quality content from a digital pla orm has been launched at ExCeL London. ExCeL has partnered with market-leading audio visual supplier Anna Valley to establish a unique environment for organisers to deliver highly dynamic hybrid events The facility offers customers the opportunity to diversify and broaden their reach by supplemen ng tradi onal content with online engagement. The studio's flexible set features an impressive, adaptable digital backdrop and stage floor, mul -camera and full sound system and ligh ng rig, as well as space for up to 30 delegates socially distanced in line with Government guidelines. Remote presenters with broadcast quality feeds can be included in studio ac vity and content can be streamed to pla orms such as Zoom,

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YouTube and Facebook. The studio is located in a central, self-contained area, above the venue's main event halls – making it an excellent addi on to a larger, live conference or hybrid event at ExCeL. Separate, but within close proximity are office spaces, green rooms, and produc on areas, as well as space to increase the studio footprint. Jeremy Rees, CEO, ExCeL London: "During this challenging me, we remain commi ed to providing our customers and guests with the best possible experience. This new state-of-the-art hybrid event studio supports us and them in our shared ambi on of delivering world leading events.

While nothing beats mee ng face-to-face or being amid the buzz of an auditorium, this studio will enable organisers to deliver excep onal audience experiences whether the event is a ended in person or remotely. And once larger, face-to-face conferences, exhibi ons and events can return, this studio will act as a great addi on for organisers seeking to reach a much larger audience."

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Global News

October 2020

Trade Show Budget Will Return To Pre-Covid-19 In One Or Two Show Cycles Exhibi on industry pleads for harmonised travel rulings and rigorous tes ng. even with no events. With all events cancelled in July, August and September, events are back in Hong Kong since October 3rd. Two days ago, the government announced a travel bubble to be open between Singapore and Hong Kong, with pre-travel tests to be carried out.


ith over 32,000 shows worldwide in a normal year, UFI reports on Covid-19 damage being €158 billion and 1.9 million jobs directly affected in the industry with a loss of €260 billion nongenerated business. Now there is a posi ve momentum with shows opening, more regional and smaller in size. On October 21st 2020, IELA, the Interna onal Exhibi on Logis cs Associa on, organised the IELA RELOAD Talk 2.3 BOLD LEADERS live session, invi ng prominent Bold Leaders of the Exhibi on Industry. The session was opened by IELA Execu ve Director, Elizabeth Niehaus, and IELA Chairman, Guido Fornelli, who welcomed and informed those present on the IELA RELOAD programme. IELA Commi ee Chairman & CMD R E Rogers India, Ravinder Sethi, welcomed the panellists individually and moderated the session. Anbu Varathan, UFI President 2020-2021 & Bangalore Interna onal Exhibi on Centre CEP, opened the session with the three words: Reopen: most countries are open or par ally opened by December, Regain the lost ground collec vely for organisers, venues, service

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providers, exhibitors and visitors and Rebounce facing the new now of the industry, adap ng exhibi on formats, surely with hybrid events. Anbu highlighted UFI findings (ufi.org/research) that indicate that Covid-19 confirms the value of faceto- face events Experts were asked to present the situa on in the industry worldwide. Kai Ha endorf, UFI CEO, set the pace at a macro level, sharing the results of UFI research with Explori and SISO, including: most exhibitors confirmed that their trade show budget will return to pre-covid19 in one or two show cycles and 53% said they will return to pre-covid19 expenditure for face-to-face events within 12 months. 2 out of 3 companies miss the opportuni es to network and meet The concern about safety is the main bstacle, travel restric ons are rated as second and concerns about possible cancella ons represent 34% of those asked. Monica Lee-Müller, UFI Incoming President 2021-2022 & HKCEC Managing Director, explained that the KHCEC never closed during the pandemic,

The next speaker, Michael Duck, Execu ve Vice President Informa Markets in Asia & Group Chief Representa ve in China of Informa PLC, explained that Informa will have its first B to B show in 3 weeks’ me in Hong Kong. Only small B to C exhibi ons have been taking place. Regionally it is s ll very difficult to travel, with two-week quaran nes, both when arriving at a des na on and returning to the country. The posi ve side is that China has been pu ng on shows for over 3 months, in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Chengdu, for the domes c market and exhibitors with domes c visitors. In his overview, Michael stated that Japan has had some shows, predominantly in Yokohama, Osaka and Kyoto. Korea had some shows, stopped and started again last week. In Thailand, several domes c shows have recently taken place in both Bangkok exhibi on centres but the poli cal situa on is also affec ng exhibi on ac vity. Singapore works very hard on looking at making things work but no exhibi ons have started there yet. In Indonesia, there are many cases and no shows taking place, only small conferences. The Philippines is hit hard with Covid-19 and has no shows presently. Malaysia has had some small domes c shows coming back. In India, everybody wants it to work.

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Global News

October 2020

The infec on rate is lower and the country needs, as much as every country, cash flow and inter-business for the popula on’s mental health. “Tes ng, tes ng, tes ng is so important. We need quick tests” were Michael’s words when asked what are the priori es. Klaus Di rich, Messe München CEO, used to say “I believe in the future of trade shows” and now he knows Covid-19 has proven its worth. Everybody realised that digital mee ngs are not a subs tute. Auma did a great job with the hygiene concept and Germany received the approval to restart the trade show business at the end of August. Successful and regional events were the star ng point for crea ng hybrid events. Klaus showed concern for the beginning of 2021. As Germany is now facing new interregional regula ons which creates a lot of uncertainty, even on the day of the session they had to cancel two more shows, having cancelled two shows at the beginning of 2021. Klaus is not so op mis c and personally does not foresee returning to pre-covid levels within the next 5 years. Many companies face going bankrupt, not only in the exhibi on industry. China is the big hope but Klaus emphasises that China is not ahead. It is a big market which works domes cally but China is not working interna onally either. He suggested that we should consider the end of the concept of world leading trade shows, and maybe in the future we will have instead big regional trade shows. Ian Hume, Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Director Logis cs and Site Service, shared with us their Back To Business programme. Ian summed up Caravan Salon as proof that big shows are possible: 50% of exhibitors but 70% of total space booked, 40% of visitors

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(107.000) with restric ons of 20.000 visitors per day. Messe Düsseldorf also restarted Global-Regional, 3 trade shows in China and one in Russia, with regional success. Ian’s outlook for 2021 is that the first half of the year will remain difficult. Each exhibi on remains an individual en ty and is a lot of hard work. All eyes will remain on Interpack and Drupa. He commented “First half of 2021 will be very difficult, we will have to live with it un l the vaccine comes and walk around it. We expect volume back up in the second half of the year” Ravinder highlighted here two important points: Germany was the first country to advocate with the UE that exhibi ons are organised gatherings and Germany categorises the visit to exhibi ons as essen al travel. Other countries like Italy are picking up on this. Denis Steker, Koelnmesse Senior Vice President Interna onal, explained that their last physical event was actually in Sao Paulo and their first physical event with Covid was in July in Guangzhou, China, with the second show in Thailand. In Germany, they are posi ve about their first physical trade show in their venue next month. They are now very commi ed to start their interna onal event por olio, with IMN Cologne, even if they will be more regional. This is the future of the business to which we have to adapt. Koelnmesse also gets ac ve in the digital world, replacing 3 events in industries that have a higher affinity with digital solu ons, like Gamescom and DMEXCO, digital marke ng trade show. The par cipants confirmed however that they look forward to a physical event next year as it did not replace the physical event. Taking a global outlook, Chinese shows are working because they have a huge domes c poten al audience. We also had Anuga Asia in Bangkok last month, with exhibitors from 13 countries and even 6

na onal pavilions, managed and staffed by the local chambers of commerce. Reference models like Caravan Salon, Bauma China and Anuga Asia are more regionally focused but show that exhibi ons are possible. It is the way to reopen, regain and rebounce. “Physical events will soon see a revival due to rapid tes ng and vaccines with a more con nental and na onal focus. These events will offer new digital features”. The next contribu on was from Douglas Emslie, Tarsus Group Managing Director, based in London, who told us what is happening in the UK. With no shows allowed in the next six months, Douglas sees the need to nego ate with the government to come up with a plan as they are le ng other kinds of ac vi es run and not exhibi ons. Tarsus is a global business, running 180 shows with China and the US represen ng 70% of the business. They have run 7 shows in China in July/August, 3 of them with over a 100.000sqm. Domes c shows are coming back at 80% on average. In the US, they are this week running their first event in Orlando. It is hybrid, with 2/3 physical and 1/3 virtual. Later this week, they are running their first event in Mexico. Another posi ve note was that Douglas explained that Tarsus is con nuing with investments, making 2 acquisi ons this week in America and in China. Douglas summarised the situa on by saying that it is harder for the team to cancel events than organise them and that everyone is now concentra ng on the posi ve side of opera ons for events. Douglas is more confident for the next months as tes ng will give us more confidence. Rakesh Kumar, Export Promo on Council for Handicra s Director General & India Exposi on Mart Limited Chairman & Indian Exhibi on Industry Associa on Advocacy Commi ee & Chairman, gave

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Global News

October 2020

an insight on the situa on in India. The exhibi on industry in India was quite damaged. It is me to open again and India has be very transparent with covid-19 data with a robust medical system and a low fatality rate. During the en re pandemic, the Indian Exhibi on Industry Associa on was highly recognised by the Indian Government which has accepted the proposed SOP, covering the responsibility of the 5 main ver cals: venue owner, exhibi on organiser, logis cs and suppliers, visitors and exhibitors. Sensi ve to the need for business to come back to normal, the government has been giving signals that travel restric ons will be reduced by midNovember which is the fes ve season. The India Exposi on Mart is back to being fully booked from December 9th 2020 to March 31st 2021. The Government gave the green light for B to B exhibi ons to be held without any restric ons, but with the support of the government. India is not out of the covid-19 pandemic but Rakesh trusts that India will He highlighted that the Indian Exhibi on Industry has upgraded its technology

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during the pandemic but digital events are not the way to go. India is in a very ini al stage with exhibi ons compared to Europe. “The physical B to B exhibi ons are here to stay with a few hybrid formats, all physical formats to come back next year. We need to look at technological expansion and make events more sustainable and profitable, to see India emerge as an industry power by the end of 2021”. Anbu Varathan confirmed that from an Indian perspec ve, there are posi ve signs such as the automo ve sector is back to 80% of last year’s level, the Machine Tools Industry is seeing their clients restar ng, as with the agricultural equipment sector & the infrastructure and construc on industry. He stated “First half of 2012 will be all about vaccines, tes ng, reducing travel regula ons and the second half will see a lot of opportunity and more efficiency”. Sandy Angus, Angus Montgomery Chairman, explained that the UK was due to open on October 1st, but was postponed for 6 months. This had a massive impact on the UK exhibi on industry mainly privately-owned, as 1020% only are government- and authority-

owned so the risk level is higher in the UK. Sandy stressed on the fact that the rescheduling of trade shows is having a massive impact on what is happening around the world and makes organisa on really difficult. Compe ve shows can be overlapping so a third rescheduling of dates might some mes be necessary. As a private business, there is a limit to how long it can survive. If it takes much longer, Sandy stated that they will have to completely reorganise the 150-year-old business. Even if vaccines are expected by the end of the year, we all must learn to live with it and get tested when travelling so as to regain confidence. Contrary to Klaus and Denis, Sandy believes “it is going to be a much longer lead me before we get back to normal. We expect to be opera ng at 70%, at the very least, by the third quarter of 2021. We need a plan to survive in the future, either industry backed or government backed. This will give confidence to support exhibi ons as a safe commitment”. Ravinder Sethi concluded the session by thanking the speakers for their valuable input. He highlighted that there are many other Bold Leaders out there as every event professional is part of the ecosystem, from organiser to security staff.

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