Oct 2020

Page 55

Global News

October 2020

HML Welcomes Hong Kong Government’s Announcement To Launch Conven on And Exhibi on Industry Subsidy Scheme


ong Kong Conven on and Exhibi on Centre (Management) Limited ("HML") has welcomed the announcement that the Hong Kong SAR Government will launch the Conven on and Exhibi on Industry Subsidy Scheme (“Subsidy Scheme”) on 3rd October 2020. HML Managing Director Ms Monica LeeMüller said, 'The Government's launch of the Subsidy Scheme in early October will help ease financial burdens on the local conven on and exhibi on industry and help it a ract domes c and overseas exhibitors, buyers and conference delegates to Hong Kong, strengthening the city's compe veness as the region's leading conven on and exhibi on hub.' The HK$1,020 million (US$131 million) Subsidy Scheme to reinvigorate the

conven on and exhibi on industry has been set up under the Government's An -epidemic Fund. Originally slated to be launched in July 2020, it was postponed following the third wave of the pandemic in the city, which caused the postponement of conven ons and exhibi ons that were originally scheduled to take place from mid-July to September. The Subsidy Scheme offers to cover a 100% venue rental cost for organisers of exhibi ons and interna onal conven ons held at the Hong Kong Conven on and Exhibi on Centre and AsiaWorld-Expo. Ms Lee-Müller added, 'With the on-going pandemic situa on overseas, countries are con nuously upda ng their inbound and outbound travel restric ons and compulsory quaran ne requirements. As

such, many interna onal exhibi ons and conven ons originally scheduled for the second half of 2020 have been postponed or cancelled. Mega exhibi ons typically have long planning lead- mes, and relaunching them before the October 2021 deadline for the Subsidy Scheme may prove challenging. However, we believe that once the pandemic is under control, exhibi on and conven on oganisers will waste no me bringing exhibi ons back onto their event calendars. To ensure that mega exhibi ons and interna onal conven ons return to Hong Kong a er the pandemic, the industry will con nue to communicate closely with the Government so that mely ac ons can be taken to maximise the impact of the Subsidy Scheme.'

IAEE Updates Essen al Considera ons for Safely Reopening Exhibi ons and Events White Paper


he Interna onal Associa on of Exhibi ons and Events® (IAEE) has updated its white paper, Essen al Considera ons for Safely Reopening Exhibi ons and Events, which was originally released this past June to provide general informa on for considera on by exhibi on organizers when planning for and producing an exhibi on during a pandemic. “IAEE's Health and Safety Task Force has been diligent in its commitment to help show organizers and event professionals create a safe environment as we return to face-to-face exhibi ons and events,” said IAEE President & CEO David DuBois, CMP, CAE, FASAE, CTA. “The updates made to the Essen al Considera ons for Safely Reopening Exhibi ons and Events white paper reflect new developments that benefit our industry's recovery.”

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Essen al Considera ons for Safely Reopening Exhibi ons and Events, 2nd Edi on includes enhancements in the following areas: Ÿ Insurance considera ons Ÿ Travel considera ons Ÿ New FAQs throughout the paper Ÿ Updated content on force majeure in legal sec on Ÿ Enhanced risk assessment sec ons Ÿ Addi on of images from shows that have taken place since the first edi on Ÿ Addi onal updates from EDPA, ESCA and GBAC Suppor ng organiza ons to Essen al Considera ons for Safely Reopening Exhibi ons and Events include the Experien al Designers and Producers Associa on (EDPA); Exhibi on Services & Contractors Associa on (ESCA); Exhibitor

Appointed Contractors Associa on (EACA); Global Biorisk Advisory Council (GBAC), a division of Interna onal Sanitary Supply Associa on (ISSA); Interna onal Associa on of Venue Managers (IAVM); Society of Independent Show Organizers (SISO); and United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America. Essen al Considera ons for Safely Reopening Exhibi ons and Events, 2nd Edi on focuses on the following topics: Ÿ General Principles for Health and Safety Opera ons Ÿ Communica on, Educa on and Awareness Ÿ Exhibi on and Event Opera ons Ÿ Conven on Centre/Venue Cleaning Preven on Measures Ÿ Legal and Insurance Considera ons Ÿ Travel Considera ons

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