Oct 2020

Page 60

Global News

October 2020

MEDICAL FAIR ASIA 2020 Goes Digital


esse Düsseldorf Asia has announced that the 13th edi on of MEDICAL FAIR ASIA will take place as a digital edi on from 9-18 December. MEDICAL FAIR ASIA Digital Edi on will offer a purpose-built online B2B experience for manufacturers, suppliers, distributors and trade buyers from the medical and healthcare sector to conduct business on a secure sourcing pla orm. The well-established medical and healthcare exhibi on first started in 1997 has since grown to be one of the most recognised regional events for sourcing hospital, diagnos c, pharmaceu cal, medical and rehabilita on equipment and supplies. This shi to a digital event is in response to the dynamic situa on of the COVID-19 pandemic, where travel and physical restric ons are s ll in effect globally. Moving from in-person interac ons at a physical trade event to making virtual connec ons anywhere in the world, MEDICAL FAIR ASIA Digital Edi on aims to deliver the onsite benefits of a trade fair but with all the convenience of an online experience. Mr Gernot Ringling, Managing Director, Messe Düsseldorf Asia, said: “It is a new reality in these trying economic mes and we con nue to adjust how we do business in the face of new customer habits and digital trends. Taking care of

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our customers is a top priority, and in the absence of a physical exhibi on this year, staying true to the MEDICAL FAIR ASIA brand, both exhibitors and visitors can be assured that the digital edi on will be an effec ve pla orm connec ng global sellers and quality buyers.” “On the back of the COVID-19 pandemic, there are clear signals that indicate an accelera on of omni-channel selling, tech-enabled selling and ecommerce. We believe the digital edi on is well med in serving the current needs of the medical industry, as well as medium term needs as poten al demand for elec ve and delayed essen al procedures see resurgence,” added Mr Ringling. More than 300 interna onal companies are expected to par cipate at the digital edi on. In addi on, over 30 presenta on and conference sessions will run concurrently – live and on-demand, with speakers from the Start-Up Podium and Wearable Technologies ASIA Conference. Ms Daphne Yeo, Senior Project Manager, MEDICAL FAIR ASIA, Messe Düsseldorf Asia said: “We are excited to announce this digital edi on and believe it will be a fresh experience for exhibitors and visitors to do business and remain connected via this new format. The livestreaming and video call features where exhibitors and visitors can interact face-

to-face is as personal an encounter as is possible and coupled with the mul language capabili es, we are confident it will be an effec ve business pla orm.” Strategic sourcing online MEDICAL FAIR ASIA Digital Edi on will offer trade visitors focused and targeted sourcing opportuni es – from medical products and devices, rehabilita ve equipment and new technology, telemedicine, to pandemic management solu ons. The digital exhibi on will allow companies to present their product offerings and services online, with livestreaming of product demonstra ons, real- me interac on with buyers via oneto-one video meets and instant chats. On a user-friendly dashboard, both exhibitors and visitors can view suitable matches and personalised mee ng sugges ons based on their interests and profile through AI driven smart business matching. Trade visitors will also have access to a comprehensive technical presenta on showcase throughout the exhibi on. A endees to the concurrent line-up of ac vi es will experience the full benefits of a live conference including presenta ons and Q&A sessions. Content will also be available on-demand for delegates based in different me zones.

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