Ariella Zecchini Portfolio
To Whom It May Concern,
I am writing to express my strong interest in applying for a position on one of your publications. As an avid reader and communicator, I am drawn to the dynamic world of journalism and the opportunity to contribute to the success of your company in delivering compelling content to its audience.
Being a staffer and layout designer in the Gulliver Preparatory Yearbook has given me a solid educational background in journalism and hands-on experience in media production, I am confident in my ability to excel in a position within your team. These past two years in print media production, I have honed my skills in news writing, investigative reporting, and multimedia storytelling, which would make me a wonderful addition to your team.
During my academic journey, I have engaged in internships and extracurricular activities that allowed me to develop a well-rounded skill set in the field. My involvement in the yearbook team provided me with knowledge of editorial processes, layout design, and photojournalism. I also developed multiple design and marketing skills while running social media platforms for a travel destination.
I am highly proficient in using industry-standard software and digital tools, including Ado be Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator, and social media management platforms. My strong attention to detail, combined with my ability to meet deadlines in fast-paced environments, allows me to consistently deliver high-quality work under pressure.
I am excited about the opportunity to join your team and contribute to the continued success of your publication.
Thank you for considering my application. I have attached my resume for your review, which provides further details on my qualifications and experiences.
Ariella Zecchini
Zecchini Ariella Zecchini
Gulliver Preparatory School
Class of 2025
GPA: 5.33
Social Media Manager
Managed the social media pages such as TikTok for an Airbnb travel destination (@casajaguarundi). Filmed, edited, and posted the advertisements.
Gulliver Preparatory Yearbook
Created spreads for the yearbook. This included photographing student activities, creating graphic designs and layouts, and writing articles. The book went on to win a CSPA Silver Crown.
Achieve Summer Camp Counselor
Led the elementary students at the Achieve Miami program throughout their day to day activities at summer camp. I was the head of the music sector and taught them to play the piano, drums, and xylophone for a performance at the end of the summer.
Peer Health Educator for HIP
Teach the freshman class on important health subjects including the dangers of substance abuse and the importance of mental health.
Soccer Team
Member of the Gulliver JV Soccer team.
Member of the Gulliver Varsity Soccer team.
Diamond Challenge Finalist
Went to the Diamond Challenge Finals with an entrepreneurial team. Created a business plan and competed against international teams.
FSPA Honorable Mention for Academic Photos & Feature Photography
FSPA Excellence for Nature Photography
FSPA Honorable Mention for Computer-Draw Illustrations
FSPA All-Florida Award for Yearbook Student Life Spread
FSPA All-Florida Award for Yearbook Club Spread
FSPA Best of the Best for Yearbook Club Spread
National Honor Society
National French Honor Society
National English Honor Society
Excellence in Print Media Production and Design
Monica Rodriguez Yearbook Advisor
305-905-9268 @ariellazecchini
Ariella Zecchini
RESUME Ariella Zecchini
2023 2023 2022
2021 2022
2023 2023
1. Most significant piece of the year
2. Contributions to staff
3. Weaknesses
4. Photography
When it comes to choosing my most significant piece of work for this year’s publication, I would like to talk about the spread I created for the bio-med class’s lab on diabetes. The reason I consider this to be my best work is because it challenged me both technically and creatively.
My purpose in creating this spread was to portray the final lab that the bio-med class completed, and show the class’s growth throughout the year. I fashioned it like a modular spread, with the last lab in the middle, and labs that occurred earlier in the year off to the sides. I wanted to make sure that the spread captured the essence of the lab and conveyed the importance of the class to the readers.
The task wasn’t easy as it came at a stressful time when the deadline for the yearbook was approaching, and I had to take the pictures of the lab myself. The lab kept getting pushed back, giving me less and less time to interview, take pictures, and write the article, but despite the pressure, I felt excited to take on this project, and I dove right into it. The work evolved significantly from my first effort to the published piece. Initially, I struggled with the layout, the colors, and the text. It started out as a “basic” spread, but as I worked on it more, I began to experiment with different designs, fonts, and color schemes. Throughout the process, I implemented what I had learned about design throughout the year, and it came out in a way that is both visually engaging and easy to understand. I used different colors to separate the different labs, and arranged the photos in a way that made the spread have movement and flow. What I particularly like about the finished product is the unique design I came up with. The use of color boxes helps draw the reader’s attention to the key aspects of the labs.
Overall, I’m extremely proud of the final product. Despite the challenges I faced along the way, I feel that I was able to create a spread that accurately reflects what the bio-med class was all about this year.
caused by diabetes, which led to her stroke,” Garcia said.
the imaginary patient Ana Garcia died from a blood clot
experience,” sophomore Emma Navarro said. Story by Ariella
lab connects to our crime scene lab when we find out how
lot of people can be negatively affected by diabetes. This
and since want to be a doctor, think it is such a great
“I have been in the Biomed program for two years now,
“This unit is really interesting and really important, since a
insulin and their roles in the body.
learned in class, starting by learning about glucose and
students to apply the knowledge that they had previously
find out their insulin levels. This hands-on lab challenged
using insulin indicators and clients’ plasma samples to
said. The first-year class dove into glucose tolerance testing,
to be very careful not to add too many droplets,” Die-Dienes
tweezers and pipettes to add the insulin indicator. We had
“The PH strips were very sensitive, so we had to use
patient did not have diabetes.
to determine insulin levels and to assure that a
added insulin indicator to plasma PH samplesand Emma Die-Dienes slowly and carefully
ooking over closely, freshmen Salome Garcia
diabetes in different patients.
serve them well in future endeavors.
students in the biomedical program identified
Using what they learned throughout the year,
Ariella Zecchini
conclusions based on findings were invaluable and would
interpret and analyze data, identify patterns, and draw
analytical and critical thinking skills. Learning how to
The lab also gave them an opportunity to develop their
iabetic iscoveries d
that could
changed colors,” Serralta said. Photos by
drops affected the plasma and how it
“It was really cool to see how the insulin
insulin levels or held a high blood sugar.
determined if the patients held normal
Indicator Color Chart, and then they
each plasma circle to the Insulin Test
they compared the color of the fluid in
letting the solution and the plasma mix,
their insulin levels. After ten seconds of
the patients’ plasma, the girls determined
indicator droplets and adding them to
five different patients. Using these insulin
some solution to add to a worksheet with
freshman Sophia Harari slowly take
to different causes of deaths,
about symptoms that connected
freshman Josephine Meeschaert
Tomas Bellatin ‘25
Ana Garcia. The class previously learned
what we had learned so far,”
year and really helped connect
the cause of death of the fictional
which were used to determine
“This lab was a fun start to the
included hair and blood DNA,
which then led to a stroke.
clues all around it. These clues
blood clot caused by diabetes,
that the cause of death was a
a skeleton on the floor, with
Biomedical Science class found
scene investigators and found
of the year, the freshmen
students played the role of crime
of murder. With these clues, the
As one of the first projects
such as strokes, diabetic comas, and the non-health related cause
this class.”
glad I decided to take
later in life, and am so
lot that will be useful
field. have learned a
work in the medical
people that want to
for aspiring doctors or
think that the
experiments to investigate how height affected bloodstain
Once they determined this, they designed their own
height from which the blood fell.
the given bloodstain patterns, students determined the
was the final test of their knowledge on the subject. Using
play. The class discussed bloodstain analysis, and the lab
scene to determine if the death was an accident or foul
created blood splatters to figure out the events of a crime
Carefully, freshman Sophia Harari reached out and
crime scene.
patterns are important in a
showing how bloodstain
patterns. The class did an experiment
could be so important, ” Herrera said. Photos by blood
Emma Die-Dienes
interesting, because I never knew bloodstains
Biomedical students evaluated the cause of BEING CAREFUL NOT TO SPILL,
affected bloodstain patterns. “This lab was really
information collected to determine how height
and the angle of the splatter and used the
lab. The girls then measured the diameter
“blood” while participating in the blood splatter
Harari and Isabella Herrera drip beads of
EXAMINING THE SCENE, freshmen Mariana Carvalho Josephine Meeschaert Alexandria Elliot and Martin Norena-Tettke crowd around and examine the crime scene. They looked at the clues provided and then matched
dead body’s symptoms to different diseases
have caused the death. In the end, they discovered that there was a blood clot that caused a stroke. Photos by Yoly McCarthy
EVERY DROP COUNTS as freshmen Sophia
the skeleton’s death. sophomore Mia Bella Serralta and
Biomedical Science
program is a great one
Over the past year, I have been proud to contribute my skills and expertise to the staff and publication of the yearbook. My commitment to this project has been continuous, and I am pleased to say that I have been an asset to both the staff and the publication in a number of ways.
First, I am proud to have created a design element that was used as a standard throughout the whole book, that was the box for pullout quotes which had two rounded corners diagonal from each other. I enjoyed the creative process and was happy to see my design integrated into the book’s overall theme and aesthetic. I created eight spreads, took photos when asked, went to games, wrote articles, and designed layouts. I am very proud of the spreads I created, as I put a lot of effort into researching, and crafting stories so that they captured the essence of the year.
This past year, I have developed my communication skills and learned how to work effectively in a team environment. I have also learned how to manage my time effectively and meet deadlines with less stress. I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this project and to work with this dedicated and talented staff.
One of the biggest challenges I faced was with writing articles and getting sufficient pictures for my spreads. This was a weakness that I knew I needed to work on quickly and improve. At first, I struggled with coming up with ideas for articles and finding the right angle to approach a story. I also found it challenging to get pictures that would effectively capture the essence of the stories and the overall year. I asked Ava, one of my editors for guidance and she helped me improve my articles.
I spent more time brainstorming and outlining my ideas, and I got feedback from my editors to help better my writing style. I also made an effort to read more articles and study the writing techniques used by journalists. In terms of photography, I worked on my composition skills and learned how to use different lighting techniques to capture better images.
The first picture that I am proud of was taken during the bio-med class and was featured in the bio-med spread. This picture captures the fun and excitement of the class, with a student smiling and engaged in a hands-on activity. The picture is visually appealing because it follows photographic elements such as the rule of thirds, with the students positioned more towards the left of the frame. Additionally, the image has a great depth of field, with the foreground and background both in focus.
The second picture that I am proud of was taken during club rush. This picture captures the excitement and emotion of the event, with two students congratulating each other and smiling shaking hands after joining the same club. I am proud of this picture because it also follows the rule of thirds, with the main focus of the picture to the right. Additionally, the image has great framing, there are no students facing the camera in the background to distract from the main subjects of the photo.
The third picture that I am proud of was also taken during the bio-med lab. This picture utilizes leading lines and the rule of thirds to draw the viewer’s eye towards the central focus of the picture, which is the students conducting the lab. The image has great depth of field, with the background slightly blurred to draw more attention to the students in the foreground. Overall, I am proud of this picture because it captures the focus and concentration of the students while also using strong composition elements.
Writing Design Photography Graphics
the other team
and get
runner to get an out for the other team. do it,” Perez said. Photos by Fox Mar
catches the ball and reaches to tag the out, but she was too fast and could not
ran to catch the
shortstop, and was slowly getting better at
LOW, sophomore Jenna Perez the girl from
team and play our hearts out on the field,” Mullen said. mid air.
She had been working a new position as
sophomore Bella Burns said. Story by
Ariella Zecchini
doing tee drills, bunting, and short tosses.
favorite parts of themy teammates, which is one of my
the coaches and
I have really developed a close relationship with
for almost 3 years,
softball program
After being in the
team adjusted to a new dynamic to find
and new experiences to navigate, the
we will motivate each other to get better,”
Coach Bowen will keep pushing us, and
group of players. With many newcomers
the team, the girls adapted to a new
we will be able to make a comeback soon.
seniors who played important roles on
the field. “We will have to work hard, but I think
its challenges. After losing three key
However, the game was not without
confident that they would find success on
circumstances,” Bowen said.
doing pretty well against them, given the
errors that accumulated, but we were
while, and then, we started making little
Jordyn Mullen. “We were holding up well for quite a
to catch a high pitch thrown by freshman
captain senior Hadley Bowen reaching
the girls held up wonderfully with team
Despite the challenging conditions,
district, Florida Christian.
one of the best teams in the
softball team faced off against
On the windy day of Mar. 3, the
start of their season.
tough games at the
went through a few
support of their teammates, they felt
of their coach Danielle Bowen and the
growing together. With the guidance
focused on their goal of improving and
The team remained determined and
sophomore Jenna Perez said.
better and get our routine down,” captain
on the scoreboard soon. I think we will get
in practice. Hopefully, we can see them
every day, and there are results showing
practice. “We are working to make the team better
noticeable improvements showing in
its footing. They focused on building teamwork, communication, and trust on
the field. Their hard work paid off, with
The girls softball team
ROCKY start
could shift direction easily at any moment,”
pretty windy so the balls were kind of unpredictable, and they
stretches her arm out, catching the ball thrown by her teammate. “It
Hadley Bowen
REACHING, senior catcher Mar
will not be playing for a college,” Bowen said. Photo by Fox Mar
probably find some way to play in college, even though
it feels like am saying good bye to a part of me. will
years, knew I wanted play softball. Now that I am leaving,
since was little. After watching the team for so many
mom’s team play. “I have been watching the softball team
growing up, Bowen spent a lot of her time watching her
Director Danielle Bowen , is the team’s coach, and
before Bowen went off to college. Bowen’s mom, Activities
cherished the moments in their final season together
sophomore Jenna Perez, with a smile. They both
Senior Hadley Bowen tightly hugged her teammate,
The captain shared a nostalgic moment in the locker room. said.
GAME READY, freshman Jordyn Mullen
practices her batting while getting in the
game mindset. The girls arrived to the field
at 5:30 to have time to warm-up before the
game started at 7:00 pm. “I was anxious, it. “It
but was super pumped to be with my to catch the
was a very windy day, so it was tough
Smith steps
up to
the plate and
gets her swing ready before batting. Smith
had been perfecting this in practice by
Photo by Fox Mar
Perez’ 25
Photo by Fox
Bar Graphs
Graphic Designs
Connecting Titles
Rounded Corners
Ariella Zecchini 305-905-9268 @ariellazecchini
Ariella Zecchini