Julia Fogel: Print Media Portfolio

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To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to express my interest in the marketing internship opportunity with Johnson and Johnson. As a highly motivated and driven individual, I believe that my skills and experiences align with the company’s values and mission. With this internship, I hope to further develop and expand my skills in the marketing field and I think Johnson and Johnson would be a great fit to help me achieve that.

My two years at Gulliver Preparatory High School have taught me many skills that make me a qualified applicant for your internship. I am currently a yearbook staffer, and I have gained valuable experience in marketing and learned how to work with programs like Photoshop and InDesign. Through my role, I have developed a keen eye for detail and sharpened my ability to communicate effectively with others. Additionally, I created a website for the yearbook, which allowed me to further develop my web design skills and expand my knowledge of digital marketing.

I have also been a part of the swim team since 5th grade and the water polo team since 8th, which has taught me the value of hard work, determination, and teamwork. These experiences have helped me develop leadership skills and the ability to work collaboratively with others towards a common goal.

Furthermore, I am an active member of the National Honor Society, National English Honor Society, and National Spanish Honor Society. These organizations have taught me the importance of academic excellence and community service.

As an intern with Johnson and Johnson, I am eager to apply my skills and experiences towards contributing to the company’s success. I am excited to learn from and work alongside the talented professionals at Johnson and Johnson.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further.




749 crandOn bLvd, apt. 411




Gulliver Preparatory School

Class of 2025


Layout Designer

JCC Holocaust Impact Theater, Miami, FL

February - March 2023

• Designed a 16-page program for the JCC HIT spring community production.

• Worked closely with production sponsor

Child Care Giver

Miami, FL

June- August 2022

• Responsible for the care of young children during summer.

• Played many games while also taking care of them by cooking and cleaning up.

Gulliver Preparatory Yearbook Staffer

Miami, FL

• Responsible for creating spreads with articles and pictures.

• Responsible for creating many videos and a website for the yearbook.


Peer Health Educator for HIP

Responsible for teaching freshmen about the importance of their health and ways to maintain it.

Link Crew

Responsible for welcoming freshmen into highschool and give them a tour of the school to make them feel more welcome.

Swimming Team

Member of the Gulliver swim team since 5th grade.

Water Polo Team

Member of the Gulliver and Riptides water polo team since 8th grade and became a starter freshman year.

• Won two runner up titles in the State Championship with Gulliver.

• Two-time All-Dade Third Team.


FSPA Honorable Mention

FSPA Excellent award

Broadcasting Award in 8th grade

National Honor Society

National Spanish Honor Society

National English Honor Society


JULIA FOGEL 305-613-7998 jujuFOGEL@icLOud.cOm 749 crandOn bLvd, apt. 411 juLiaa.FOGEL


I believe that this is my best piece of work as it was one of the last spreads I completed. Since it was towards the end, I had already learned the basics and tips and tricks to making a good spread. So, I applied this knowledge that was acquired from making other spreads and used it to make a unique spread. This spread started out as a basic spread with the dominant on the top left with the title and the article on the top right. As soon as I realized how basic it looked, I decided to start playing with it and make some changes. I ultimately decided to put the dominant in the middle of the page and across the gutter which is something that is not done very often. I think this made the spread very unique and also gave it a better flow. This spread was quite difficult to complete as I had no previous knowledge about the architecture class which is the topic of my spread, so I had to talk to a lot of people to find out what the class was really about. Also, It was quite difficult to come up with a unique layout and it took me a long time just playing around with the pictures to figure out what I wanted to do. The purpose of this spread was to inform readers on the architecture class and all that it has to offer. I particularly like that this spread has a unique layout which makes the page itself stand out and it draws attention for readers to want to read the article and see what the spread is about.


During my time on the staff, I was able to contribute significantly to the publication in several ways. One of my biggest contributions was creating a lot of videos and designing a website from scratch to make this year’s yearbook hybrid, meaning it has digital features. In terms of my commitment to the publication, I was very dedicated and often stayed after class and during my DS period to finish my work or help others with theirs. I was always willing to volunteer for tasks that no one else wanted to do, and even though it was my first year on the staff, I was able to complete 8 spreads. As a staff member, I have grown significantly over the course of the year. I have become much more skilled in using applications like Photoshop and InDesign, and have learned to design creative layouts that follow yearbook standards. Additionally, I have improved my interviewing skills, learning how to ask more pointed questions and find the real story behind the events. Overall, I believe that my commitment and contributions to the publication have made me an asset to the staff. I am proud of the work I have accomplished this year and look forward to continuing to grow and further develop my skills.

scan tO viEw thE wEbsitE!


Throughout the course of the year, I encountered a weakness related to my lack of experience on the yearbook staff. As a first-year staff member, I had never created a yearbook spread before, which made it challenging for me to learn all the basics, such as how to write an article, how to interview someone, how to create a mod, how to create a layout that floats, and how to write a caption. My first spread of the year took a long time to complete and wasn’t very good. However, I didn’t let this discourage me. Instead, I dedicated a lot of time, effort, and patience to improve my skills. I asked for feedback from my peers and advisors, and practiced with the software to become better at it. Over time, I was able to improve my skills and create beautiful spreads in very little time. I am proud of the progress I made throughout the year and how far I have come from my initial struggles. Going through this experience of learning everything was very beneficial to me, as now I can make great spreads quickly because I know all the tips and tricks of creating a spread.

The class of 2026 used their skillful teamwork and collaboration skills to get a marble across the gym with just pipes on Aug. 14. 225 freshmen attended the orientation, and more than 125 students stayed to sleepover. As soon as the freshmen arrived, Head of Activies Director Danielle Bowen and the other faculty members presented them with a warm welcome. To get situated, each student grabbed a nametag that also included a number to separate them into groups.

“We have orientation so that when the freshmen show up on their first day of school, they are more familiar with the campus rather tha stressed,” Bowen said. Many different stations held distinct activities for the students to complete with their classmates. The team that won each activity got a bonus for the final activity. One of the stations included

building a balloon tower where the students blew up the balloons and used duct tape to stack them.

“This was a very fun activity, as it allowed us to competivetly work together and communicate with each other, because no one wanted to lose,” freshman Gonzalo Senior said.

“The final activity forced the students to work under a time crunch to build boats that could transport a singular student. Because thunder and lightning erupted, the students could not go outside to test their boats in the pool. The solution to this problem caused the freshmen to use skateboards to get the boats across the gym. Those who slept over all set up their sleeping bags, put on their pajamas, watched a movie, and went to sleep.

“I had not seen my friends in so long that I was catching up with them until three in the morning,” freshman Fernanda Cerqueira said.

Article by Julia Fogel


The sleepover allowed the students to spend more time with their friends and catch up on their summer travels.

“I had not seen my friends in so long that I was catching up with them until three in the morning,” freshman Fernanda Cerqueira said. Article by Julia Fogel


TEAMWORK. Freshmen use PVC pipes to try and get a marble across the gym. “The only way to do this was with a combination of teamwork, collaboration, and a lot of communication,” freshman Fernanda Cerqueira said. In orientation, the freshmen accomplished many team-building activities where they got to know the people that they are going to spend their next four years of high school with. Photo by Danielle Bowen BUILDING A BALLOON TOWER, freshmen Pablo Diaz, Marco Bernard, and Gabriela Celic work together to construct their group’s tower. The students blew up the balloons and stuck them together to form a tower. The group who built the tallest tower got an advantage for the boat building, winning extra tape. BUILDING THEIR BOAT, freshmen Alejandro Frias Lorenzo Vidales-Cabrera, and Diogo Hadad discuss what they should do next to make their boat the best out there. The biggest activity in the freshmen sleepover required them to build boats that could sit one person. They did this in about thirty minutes to create the best design to win the boat race. PUZZLE MAKING, freshmen Carlos Caldera and Joaquin Moggio work together to figure out how to make the puzzle pieces work. The students did not make the puzzle as a simple ordinary one, but rather in the shape of lizards. This made the challenge harder, but it also added a fun twist. Photos by Danielle Bowen
school. Link Leaders provided a support system for incoming students. Juniors and seniors take away a day from their summer vacation to help the freshmen become familiar with the campus. They showed them around the whole campus so that everyone would be comfortable on the first day of school. “When was a freshman, it helped a lot having a student show me around the school, as it helpd me flow through my first day much more easily,” junior Annabella Cordovez said. Photo by Danielle Bowen PILLOWS HOODIES SLEEPING BAGS PAJAMAS BATHROOM ESSENTIALS EXTRA CLOTHES SLIPPERS “ linked
Freshmen attended
to ease their way into their first day of high
spend their Sunday night in the gym with their friends.They took pictures, caught up, and watched two movies. To prepare for a day filled with activities, they got eight hours of sleep. Photos by Emma Levi What was your favorite part of the orientation? My favorite part was getting the opportunity to meet all of the freshmen, and getting to see who they hang out with and who they are friends with. I also loved getting an idea of what their personalities were like, which allowed me to get to know the dynamics of the different types of groups that we have here at Gulliver. I also got to see the students in their quiet phase at night and when at work, as they were in an active phase during the day. What is the purpose of having the students sleepover? I think the point of a sleepover is for the students to really bond with their friends, especially the new kids. A lot of the new students at Gulliver got to experience more quality time with the existing students, and the sleepover gives them that time, whereas only having an orientation gives them limited time. What impact did having their counselor there bring? I enjoyed being a part of the orientation, as it initiated a positive impact on the interaction that have had with my students after the sleepover. When school started, I had many students already wave and say “hi” in the halls, and think it was because of all that bonding we had during the sleepover doing the activities that we did. am definitely going to do this again, as really did enjoy the sleepover. Photo by Julia Fogel QA WITH FRESHMAN COUNSELOR Photo by Julia Fogel The freshmen got to spend quality time with their classmates all day and night. From pillows to toiletries, students came fully prepared for a long day and night ahead of them. KAREN CATERIANO - Freshman Class President Camila Figueroa ‘26 It was really fun to connect with everyone and see everyone after we were gone for the summer.” “ chapter in ” 25 LAYOUT DESIGN - JULIA FOGEL SUMMER - STUDENT LIFE - ORIENTATION 24
sleepover fun Students
PVC pipe, marbles, balloons, and cardboard cutouts filled the gym on Aug. 14 in preparation for the Freshmen Orientation. The freshman class would soon participate in a series of team-building activities to help them make friends before the first day of school. Over 200 freshmen filled the gym, nervously anticipating what was to come. Quickly, they were placed into various groups and then the competitions began. Teams competed to earn extra supplies for the final “boat building” competition, where teams would build cardboard boats and test them out on the pool. Students competed in various competitive tasks before the boat building event. One of these included building a balloon tower where students blew up balloons and used duct tape to stack them. “This was a very fun activity, as it allowed us to competively work together and communicate with each other because no one wanted to lose,” freshman Gonzalo Senior said. Finally, the boat building came, forcing students to work under a time crunch to build boats that could transport an individual across the pool. Just as the boats were getting ready to leave the gym and go on the water, thunder and lightning erupted, and plans had to change. Instead of a water race across the pool, freshmen placed their boats on skateboards and raced them across the gym. After a long day of fun activities some freshmen went home while others stayed for the second part of their orientatinon, the sleepover.
TEAMWORK Freshmen use PVC pipes to try and get a marble across the gym. “The only way to do this was with a combination of teamwork, collaboration, and a lot of communication,” freshman Fernanda Cerqueira said. In orientation, the freshmen accomplished many teambuilding activities where they got to know the people that they are going to spend their nexy four years of high school with. Photo by Danielle Bowen Freshmen went to orientation to ease their way into their very first day of high school.
Students spent their Sunday night in the gym with their friends.They took pictures, caught up, had dinner and watched two movies. Many said that they stayed up late, and were not able to get much sleep. Photos by Emma Levi What was your favorite part of the orientation? My favorite part was getting an opportunity to meet all of the freshmen, and see who they hang out with and who they are friends with. also loved getting an idea of their personalities and the dynamics of the different types of groups. What is the purpose of having the students sleepover? I think the point of a sleepover is for the students to really bond with their friends, especially the new kids. A lot of the new students got to experience more quality time with current students, at the sleepover, where the orientation only gave them limited time to do so. What impact did having their counselor there bring? I enjoyed being a part of the orientation, as it initiated a positive impact on the interaction that I have had with my
pajama partyMASSIVE
students after the sleepover. When school started, had many students already wave and say “hi” in the halls. I am definitely going to do this again.
‘26 Freshman Class President
“ Junior and senior Link Leaders participated in the freshmen orientation, by taking them on a complete tour around campus to help them become familiar with the location of their new classes. Aside from the tour, Link Leaders also offered a support system to the younger students. “When was a freshman, it helped a lot having a student show me around the school, as it made my first day easier,” junior Annabella Cordovez said. Photo by Danielle Bowen Link Leaders helped incoming freshmen become familiar with the campus. “linked in ” chapter AT THE PUZZLE ACTIVITY, freshmen Carlos Caldera and Joaquin Moggio work together to figure out how to make the pieces work. The pieces were in the shape of lizards. This made the challenge harder, but also added a fun twist. Photo by Danielle Bowen BUILDING THEIR BOAT, freshmen Alejandro Frias, Lorenzo Vidales-Cabrera, and Diogo Hadad discuss what they should do next to make their boat the best. They used cardboard and duct tape to create a boat that would hold one person. They only had 30 minutes to create a boat that would make it across the gym during the race. Photo by Danielle Bowen “No one wanted to lose.” – Gonzalo Senior ‘26 Q sleepover A
It was really fun to connect with everyone and see everyone after we were gone for the summer.”


This picture was taken for my spread about the trading card fever that happened due to the FIFA World Cup. I found these kids in the student union during their DS period trading cards and took some pictures of them. I like this picture because you can see their emotions and how excited they are to participate in this activity. Also, it shows the diversity in our student body and I think it’s important to have pictures like this in the yearbook. I am proud of this picture because I was able to capture the perfect moment where the students were showing their raw emotions. Also the picture is very high quality as it was taken with a professional camera so it is very pleasing to look at. This picture has framing as it’s element of composition as it is very focused on the subject of the picture and there isn’t much background around them. The bright colors and the emotions the students portray are what attracts people to this picture.

This picture was taken for my architecture spread and it was taken during the period of the introductory class of the architecture program. The kids in the class were sketching models so I took this as an opportunity to take some cool pictures. This picture has a unique angle as it is taken from a lower angle. It also has an element of composition which is leading lines. I am proud of this picture because I was able to apply elements of composition to my photography which made the picture more appealing to look at. Also, the picture is very bright so you can see a lot of the details in the picture itself. Something that attracts me to this picture is the leading line that leads me to the second person in the picture.

This picture was taken during a pep rally where there was a tugo-war contest between grades. The picture is of two freshmen giving their all to try and beat the sophomores. Even though they did not succeed, they gave their maximum effort. I am proud of this picture because I was able to capture the students’ emotions really well as I was really close in proximity to them. Also, the picture has framing as its element of composition as it does not show much of the background, it is mostly focused on the two boys. The background is also blurred which draws more attention to the two main subjects of the picture. The fact that one of the boys is biting his lip shows how concentrated and determined he is to win. It also shows how much strength and effort he is putting into this tug-owar competition. I think that the way the picture shows emotion is what attracts someone to the picture.


year,” Guerra said.


Photos by Fox Mar

times,” Zambolla said.

so that can improve my

my stamina and speed

definitely want to improve

the rest of the season.

aspects of his running for


to improve on certain

reflected on how he hopes

and after finishing, he

in the 4x200 relay,

place. He also competed

ended up finishing in third

it was not his best race, he

meter dash. Even though

his final push in the 400

Nicholas Zambolla gives


advanced very quickly and even managed to make it to states my first

even very important ones. “In my first year of attempting the sp ort,

loved it ever since. She placed at every meet ever since she started,

over the bar. She started pole vaulting about two years ago and has

VAULTING. Junior Paulina Guerra uses her pole to throw herself

rightON TIME

of Fame Invitational.

competed in the Sam Burley Hall

The boys and girls track meet

there, I wanted to make it to the state

fast and placed at every meet. From

started to like it, because I got good

future. “At the beginning of vaulting, I really

learning experience to do better in the

competition, she hoped to use it as a

with it. Although this was not her best

in her freshman year and fell in love

late at night. Guerra started the sport

team was there from the morning until

took place in Tropical Park, where the

place on Mar. 3 and 4. The competition

of Fame Invitational which took

bar during the Sam Burley Hall

pole to propel herself over the


Paulina Guerra used her

goals wanted to achieve. The altitude

during practice and focused on the

because consistently worked hard

“I think I did a good job in the race,

in fourth place.

personal best, he still managed to finish

run and even though he did not run a

Rutten participated in the two mile

his own hands to get back into shape.

Rutten had a foot injury, so he took it into

extra training sections. Freshman Tim

went above and beyond, and even had

for the season during practice. Some

Members of the team trained very hard

clearing a bar,” Guerra said.

championships every season. Then, I truly fell in love with the sport and the

first,” Di Mise said.

feeling of flying through the air and

that we can excel as a team and finish

definitely want to improve individually so

collaborating with one another. We

think that we did a really good job

I got to run with my friends, and I

“I really enjoyed this relay because

Valeria Castillo.

Mise, junior Andrea Ferreiro, and junior

relay were sophomore Alessandra Di

medal. The runners that took part in the

seventh place, which landed them a

The girls 4x800 meter relay placed

foot injury,” Rutten said.

training I did a couple of weeks ago during ski week played a major role in

helping me get back in shape after my

by David Suarez

met before,” Bonati said.

teammates that I had never

and I got to meet some

whole day was really fun,

winning the tug o’ war. The

“Our team ended up

their team in tug o’ war.

the ones in front leading

Gold and Greta Bonati were

activities. Sophomores Aaron

balloon fights, and other fun

tug o’ war, sack races, water

participated in dodge ball,

other on a deeper level. They

they could get to know each

many different games so that

full of fun, where they played

The track team had a day

know each other.

a day full of activities to get to

field team had

The track and

dayfield RUNNING TO THE FINISH LINE, freshman Kaira Krippendorff runs to the finish line in the 800 meter dash. She finished in sixth place, even though it was her first time ever competing in this event. “I think I did pretty well considering it was my first time running this event, but would like to improve my speed and my pacing, especially,” Krippendorff said. Photos by Fox Mar CONQUERING OBSTACLES, senior Ava Seymour makes a leap over the hurdles. She competed in the 400 meter hurdle event for the first time. The 400 meter hurdle was a new event that year. “I did not do as well as I would have liked to, so am going to work really hard in practice to get better,” Seymour said Photos by Fox Mar THROWING FAR, senior Sofia Garcia Figueras throws her javelin spear as far as she possibly can. This event was called “javelin” and was part of the track and field sport. “Figueras was a highlight in this competition with her throwing events, as the team did not do very well in general,” coach David Suarez said. Photos by Fox Mar
ABOUT ME JULIA FOGEL 305-613-7998 jujuFOGEL@icLOud.cOm 749 crandOn bLvd, apt. 411 juLiaa.FOGEL

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