RailStaff September 2011

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ISSUE 166 SEPT 2011


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In this issue...

Forth Bridge Marks

Project Reform

Summer Success

Network Rail is pushing ahead with plans to reform project delivery which will save money across the industry.

Page 3

Bridgeway on a Mission A new media system at Bridgeway Consulting is helping improve safety on the railway.

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Secret Train Paparazzi-dodging stars took to the railway for a peaceful and protected journey north recently. © AdAm2115

News that the Forth Bridge will be completely repainted by december and will not need repainting for at least 20 years completes a successful summer for the rail industry. Network Rail and main contractor Balfour Beatty Regional Civil Engineering say the bridge will be free of scaffolding and coated with a specialist glass flake epoxy paint similar to that used in the off shore oil industry. The news was released as

Chiltern Mainline launched a new 90 minute London-Birmingham service, the redoubled Cotswold Line was completed and the DLR’s Stratford International extension opened. Construction at Reading and Birmingham forged ahead together with upgrades on the London Underground and the Glasgow-Paisley main line. Inspired by the rail industry’s steady and quantifiable success political leaders are supporting

High Speed Two. In a further development guidelines for rolling stock procurement for Crossrail are to be clarified The review of public procurement will check out whether Britain is making best use of EU rules. The government hopes to set out evaluation criteria with a sharper focus on the UK’s strategic interest. Britain’s recession defying-rail industry continues to deliver on budget and on time and the

Forth Bridge project, typically, is expected to be completed ahead of schedule early in December. ‘For the first time in the bridge’s history there’ll be no need to paint it,’ says Colin Hardie construction superintendent. ‘The old cliché of starting at one end and by the time you get to the other end, finish, start again, well for the first time in history there’ll not be any painters required on the bridge. Job done.’

Page 6

An Asset to the Cause Accountants tend to sniff at plant and equipment, placing it in a different column and shaking their heads as they work out plant depreciation.

Page 20

We’re looking for nominations in... Depot Staff of the Year Lifetime Achievement Award Newcomer / Graduate of the Year Outstanding Customer Service Award Rail Engineer of the Year Simon Lewis London Underground Rail Manager of the year 2010

Rail Infrastructure Person of the Year Rail Manager of the Year Rail Person of the Year

Rail Safety Person of the Year Rail Team of the Year Recruiter / HR Person of the Year Signaller of the year Station Staff of the Year Train Driver of the Year Trainer of the Year


2 | RailStaff | September 2011

RailStaff Editorial

Not just another Paint Job

This month it takes a six year old boy to remind us of the inherent triumph of good over evil. The 9/11 anniversary of the terrorist attacks on America and the aftermath of the summer riots in Britain make September a serious month. On the international scene it has been a depressing summer. War and famine are rife. The continuing global economic crisis is more than a financial riddle but spells the end of the post-1945 political stand off. The west, which once described itself as the free world, is in deep trouble. However, people should take heart from the example of staff and passengers at a railway station in Essex. Bob and Mary Urch work at Harlow Town station. Their grandson, Toby Hawkridge, 6, has cerebral palsy. He needs a special operation in the United States to help him walk unaided. The cost is over £50,000. In a quite remarkable display of support, staff and passengers have rallied round and raised the money required. This is a really quite extraordinary amount of cash. The oldest strictures of our civilisation instruct us to look after widows and orphans, to help the blind to see and the lame to walk. Misguided pundits look further afield for ways to accommodate the aspirations of terrorists and criminals, to assuage the fears of bankers and lenders; digging ever deeper into the pits of failure which crater our culture. They should stop and consider the generosity of spirit which informs the people of Harlow and local railway staff in Essex. For many of us the generous endeavours of Mr and Mrs Urch’s many friends is both an example and an inspiration. We wish Toby Hawkridge every success in the United States. We salute his bravery and courage and pray for his safe return.

© RogiRo

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The Forth Bridge was opened in 1890 and remains the most eloquent testimony to the boldness and vision of the railway industry. The cantilever structure was designed by John Fowler and Benjamin Baker. Railway men have been painting it ever since. Up to 320 people work on the bridge at peak times. However, cabling and scaffolding have marred the otherwise magnificent appearance of the bridge. Now after 10 years and an investment of over £130m, the bridge will finally be free of scaffolding, with a full paint job unlikely to be required again for over twenty years. Says David Simpson, route managing director, Network Rail Scotland, ‘Network Rail is the proud steward of our railway history, which the Forth Bridge exemplifies. Since 1890 it has been a working monument to the genius of British railway engineering. ‘Over the last decade, the bridge has been restored to its original condition and its new paint will preserve the steelwork for decades to come. The current restoration work has been ongoing since 2002 but, owing to years of underinvestment during the 70s and 80s, the scale of the job was initially unclear. Now, with scaffolding being removed and the final sections of painting being completed, we’re confident that the job will be finished before Christmas. ‘The paint system being used on the bridge has been used in the past on north sea oil rigs. We expect it to last in excess of twenty years but we will be back from time to time to main-

tain the most exposed sections of the structure.’ 200 trains a day cross the bridge carrying upwards of 3 million passenger a year. The Forth Bridge is 2,467 metres long and 137 metres high, from foundation to top. Safety is paramount on the bridge. Sadly 57 lives were lost during the construction of the Forth Bridge. At the height of its construction, more than 4,000 men were employed. The completion of the bridge resulted in an unbroken main line railway connecting London and Aberdeen.

Says Marshall Scott, managing director, Balfour Beatty Regional Civil Engineering, ‘Balfour Beatty is delighted to have played such a significant part in the restoration of the iconic Forth Bridge over the last 10 years. By working together in a close relationship, Balfour Beatty Regional Civil Engineering, Network Rail, the principal subcontractors and the workforce involved in undertaking this complex programme of restoration have successfully delivered a project requiring safe systems of work to overcome

Support for Toby

Railway staff have rallied round Bob and mary Urch, who work at Harlow Town station, to raise money for their grandson, Toby Hawkridge to have a life changing operation. Toby, aged six, has Cerebral Palsy and cannot walk. The operation which will help him walk unaided, can only be performed in the USA at a cost of £50,000£60,000. However, staff at National

Express East Anglia pledged their support and set about arranging a plethora of fundraising activities. Passengers at local Hertfordshire and Essex stations also chipped in and in just seven short months the target of £50,000 has been reached. Says Kevin Walton National Express East Anglia‘s Harlow Town Area Manager, ‘It has been remarkable how many staff and

some of the most difficult of working conditions. ‘The now fully restored Forth Bridge will continue to operate for many decades to come and it will provide the world renowned image that Scotland can be rightfully proud of. The work that Balfour Beatty Regional Civil Engineering has provided to restore the Forth Bridge back to its original condition will remain as part of a legacy and a testament to the skills and expertise of those who built this much treasured structure more than a century ago.’

customers have rallied around to help. Our colleagues have shown a great deal of initiative and dedication in the events they’ve organised. I’d also like to thank all of those people passing through our stations who have pledged their support. We’ve been really touched by how many customers have supported Toby’s dream.’ National Express East Anglia staff arranged a wide variety of fund-raising activities to help make Toby’s dream become a reality. Paul Bush, ticket office supervisor at Bishop’s Stortford undertook a sponsored walk with his family from Braintree Station through the Flitch Way Country Park to Bishop’s Stortford station raising close to £300. To the delight of local commuters, Lloyd Griffin Station Care Assistant at Bishop’s Stortford station played the organ at two railway stations raising £600 and he also donated the fee he receives for playing the organ at his local church.

RailStaff | September 2011 | 3

Project Reform Network Rail is pushing ahead with plans to reform project delivery which will save money across the industry. Projects will be delivered more quickly as successful suppliers will be on standby - ready to go - rather than having to enter another bid process to win work. The time it takes to deliver ‘multi asset framework agreement’ (MAFA) projects - which combine signalling, track and civils - will be cut from months to weeks. In the past some of these have taken up to eleven months to get going causing frustration amongst suppliers and clients alike.

Rail chiefs claim the cost of delivery on these projects will be cut by up to 20%. Six suppliers have been selected with the first work already under way in the Manchester area. In total £750m of work will be delivered under the plans. Says Simon Kirby, Network Rail’s managing director investment projects, ‘This is our commitment to changing the way that we work with our suppliers. Partnership breeds innovation, cuts duplication, saves money and delivers more quickly for our customers. The geographic focus of the contracts will build closer relations, bringing a

greater understanding of our safety culture and the need to minimise the impact of work on the travelling public.’ Rail chiefs have welcomed the news. Says Mark Davies, managing director Carillion Rail and Civil Engineering, ‘We are delighted to have been awarded this contract for work associated with the East Coast main line upgrade, Midland main line linespeed improvement and other key enhancement projects, including freight upgrades. This opportunity allows Carillion to continue its strong working relationship with Network Rail, delivering targeted efficiency

savings with world class safety standards.’ Alan McCarthy-Wyper, director and general manager Balfour Beatty Rail, agrees, ‘The recasting of MAFA frameworks has the potential to significantly enhance the industry’s ability to deliver this type of work. Partnering with its supply chain in this manner will provide the framework for Network Rail to improve safety culture and deliver project efficiencies across its national work bank. It’s a privilege to have been selected to partner with Network Rail supporting them over the coming years.’ The plans see Network Rail creating stronger relations with six suppliers (under MAFA). This will provide them with greater certainty on work volumes, addressing a concern with current MAFA arrangements where work is shared across the country between 14 different suppliers. These include Balfour Beatty Rail in Scotland; Buckingham in the north west, Carillion in the north east and Colas-Morgan Sindall in the west. C Spencer and Volker Fitzpatrick will share the work in the south east. The successful suppliers will work with Network Rail far earlier in the design phase, enabling the industry to better build in safety and innovation. Being responsible for a particular region will align suppliers with Network Rail’s new route based structure.

Rail News in brief > ScotRail goes loco ScotRail is introducing a loco-hauled train on two Fife commuter services to make up for a train that was damaged in a derailment in Edinburgh. The replacement will be in action whilst the damaged train is repaired. The Monday to Friday 06:32 Edinburgh-Fife Circle service and the 17:20 Edinburgh-Cardenden will be locohauled until further notice.

> East-West economy A new study carried out by Oxford Economics concludes that the proposed East-West rail link, connecting Bicester and Oxford with Milton Keynes and Bedford, could generate more than £38m a year for the British economy. The East-West Rail Consortium is campaigning for the £178m project. The group hopes the link will be included in the Government’s 2014-2019 rail investment programme, details of which will be released next summer.

> Higher speed tests Testing of three London Midland Class 350/1 units at 110 mph on the West Coast Main Line is set to take place at night this October. Siemens hopes to raise the maximum speed of the 350/1s from 100 mph to 110 mph. This project involves the instrumentation of the units so that they may run in a twelve car formation during the tests, allowing the contact force of the pantograph on the catenary to be measured. If successful the increase in speed will allow London Midland better paths. Engineers will take particular interest in the amount of pantograph arcing and the impact on current collection.

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4 | RailStaff | September 2011

Bridgeway on a Mission A new media system at Bridgeway Consulting is helping improve safety on the railway. The Mission Room is a unique and revolutionary media delivery system providing full 360° images, video and sound in a fully interactive and dynamic environment. It can be used for some of the following applications:

The Quadrant:MK A team organiser from Northamptonshire and a telecoms manager based in Euston have come up with the new name for Network Rail’s HQ in milton Keynes which opens next year. Thanks to Jacqui Wimbush and Diane Ritchie the centre will be known as ‘The Quadrant:MK.’ Jacqui is a team organiser at Network Rail’s Milton Keynes Central offices and lives in Brixworth in Northamptonshire. She is looking forward to moving to the new building when it opens in 2012.

‘I’m really excited that the name I put forward has been chosen and having the chance to get a personal tour of the site before it is open is a real treat,’ she said. Network Rail bosses chose the name following a companywide competition which attracted hundreds of entries from employees around the network, many of whom are either based in Milton Keynes already or will be moving to the city over the course of the coming year. Network Rail marked the naming of the new building with a special behind-the-scenes tour

for the two employees who suggested the winning name. Diane Ritchie is a service manager in Network Rail’s telecoms team and is based near Euston station in London. Says Diane, ‘The building is a lot bigger than I thought it would be and I’m really impressed with the main ‘street’ through the building. It will be a really great place to work.’ The Quadrant:MK opens its doors next summer and by autumn 2012 nearly 3,000 Network Rail people will be based there, working across a number of func-

tions including project management, finance, human resources, procurement and property. Says Tim Coucher, Network Rail programme director for the national centre project, ‘I’m confident The Quadrant:MK will be a place which inspires our people and I know it will be a fabulous place to work. We’ve managed to combine cutting-edge design with the latest in environmentally-friendly features, culminating in a light, energyefficient building of which Network Rail and Milton Keynes can be proud.’

Railways attract fresh talent André Blackwood, an engineer, is enjoying a new career in the railway industry. André, 24, from Erdington, is working on the redevelopment of Birmingham New Street station. Appointed as a trainee commissioning engineer for the redevelopment Mr Blackwood is pleased to be back at work after a spell of unemployment. ‘I was worried about my next

career move after being made redundant from my last job working as an engineering assistant, but found the telecoms job online and haven’t looked back. Things have really turned around since then and I’m really enjoying working for Atkins on the Gateway project,’ says André. The project will transform rail journeys in Birmingham and is already bringing new jobs to the

city. Rail chiefs want a strong and dynamic workforce which ensures that the project continues to progress on time and on budget. Says Mike Whitby, leader of Birmingham City Council, ‘The redevelopment of New Street station has huge advantages for the people of Birmingham and at the council we have always encouraged local employment on the project to ensure Birm-

ingham residents are aware of the opportunities available to them and have the chance to be a part of this exciting project. ‘The opening of the new John Lewis store in 2014 as part of the station redevelopment will bring in itself up to 1000 new jobs which we will help to source locally.’ For exciting new jobs in the rail industry check out our web site: www.railwaypeople.com

Chiltern Railways has launched an ambitious bid for a share of the Birmingham London market. Using Class 67 locos and carriages with wifi and a sumptuous Business Zone Chiltern Mainline has reduced journey time between Birmingham Snow Hill and Marylebone to 90 minutes. Says Adrian Shooter CBE (right), chairman of Chiltern Railways, ‘Chiltern Mainline is the result of the largest private investment in passenger rail infrastructure in over 80 years. Created in response to the

needs of business travellers and commuters travelling between our first and second cities, we have been working to ensure Mainline allows them to become more efficient and productive. ‘We can confidently now say that the Chiltern Mainline will provide the best service from the West Midlands to London, more than rivalling the current service from other rail companies into Euston.’ The engineering upgrades along the route include almost 55 miles of new track,

giving line speeds of up to 100mph. Chiltern says the launch of its new Business

Zone class has all the benefits of First Class at a fraction of the normal price.

• Arena – purpose built indoor Mission Room • Mobile – outdoor version of Mission Room • Open – A 2D version of the Mission Room. For a demonstration of the Mission Room, please contact Satnam Thiara 0115 919 1111.

Litchurch Lane staff praised Hard working staff at Bombardier’s derby factory have triumphed yet again with the delivery, ahead of schedule, of 379002 and 379030 to ilford depot. All 30 Electrostars for National Express East Anglia have now been delivered. In total 120 class 379 vehicles have been built at Derby, which will increase the number of seats by 11,000 from December, when a new timetable comes into operation. The 379s are replacing the older class 317s on the Stansted Airport route, where their much increased luggage area will be of considerable benefit to airline passengers. Says Colin S. Walton, Chairman, Bombardier Transportation UK, ‘Our Derby workforce should be congratulated for the © JoNATHAN WEBB

Chiltern launches Express Service

• Site induction and briefings • Emergency preparation • Planning • Training. Bridgeway developed the new system in association with AIMS Solutions. The Mission Room allows users to instantly experience many hazardous sites in total safety. User activity is fully logged and auditable and provides a cost-effective way of

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(punctual) delivery of these superb trains. Our customer and the travelling public have a high quality, British built, product that they can be proud of. Thanks to the National Express team for their continued support and we look forward to the continued partnership and the many challenges ahead.’ John Ratcliffe, Engineering Director, National Express said, ‘We are thrilled with these new trains. On the 10 August we were able to introduce 27 of the 30 units into passenger service, 10 days before we were required to by the Department for Transport. ‘This is a fantastic achievement and we would like to thank the Bombardier team for the hard work and dedication in making this happen,’ says John.


RailStaff | September 2011 | 5

Royal return for Clive Evans A former operations manager at Network Rail and institution of Railway operators member, recently attended a garden party at Buckingham Palace. Clive Evans, 58, Area Chairman of the North West Area IRO, donned his IRO tie for the occasion. ‘The tie was an obvious choice as the IRO is now my main link to the industry,’ Mr Evans said. The Evans family has a long history of working on the railways and Clive is not the first member of his family to be invited to the palace. Clive Evans joined the railway industry in

1974 as a TOPS clerk - Total Operations Processing System with British Rail. He finished his extensive career as a Current Operations Manager at Network Rail. His career saw him working in Bolton, Willesden and Watford, as well as Fort William and Manchester. Despite this he never expected his travels to take him and his wife, Joan, to Buckingham Palace. However his invitation came from IRO board member, Jo Kaye, Network Rail’s route director in the north west. Jo Kaye recommended Clive for one of the

places offered to Network Rail. ‘It was a pleasure to be able to arrange this special day for Clive and Joan after Clive’s long and distinguished service to the railway and to operating in particular,’ said Jo Kaye. The Queen’s garden parties have become legendary and give visitors an opportunity to meet Her Royal Highness without the lengthy delay of a formal presentation. ‘The only people we recognised were the Queen and Prince Philip,’ said Clive. ‘I was speechless when Jo asked me to go along and touched by such a grand gesture. We had a very en-

Fire expert joins PB Parsons Brinckerhoff has appointed dr Nicole Hoffmann, as UK Principal Fire Engineer for its transport business. With over 25 years in fire engineering and 15 years consultancy working for Mott MacDonald,

Arup and most recently Kingfell, Dr Hoffmann has a wealth of specialist fire engineering and risk analysis expertise. She has been responsible for developing fire and evacuation strategies for a wide range of

transport projects. In London and the South East Hoffmann produced fire strategies for numerous London Underground projects and mainline stations including Kings Cross, Victoria, Liverpool Street, London Bridge,

New role for Robinson Tim Robinson has been appointed to the new role of director of freight at Network Rail. Mr Robinson is currently managing director of infrastructure investor, GIS and interim commercial director at GB Railfreight. Reporting to Network Rail’s managing director, network operations, Robin Gisby, Mr Robinson will be responsible for developing the network for freight and managing relationships with freight operators. He will

also work with Network Rail’s strategy team on strategy and development of the network. Says Robin Gisby, ‘As Network Rail devolves decision making to its routes, it is crucial that the national freight industry receives strong management focus at the centre. That is why we have created this role and why we have appointed someone with Tim’s skills and experience. ‘Britain relies on rail freight and volumes are predicted to grow by as much as 140% in the next

20 years. It boosts Britain’s economy, is more carbon-friendly than lorries and can limit road congestion. Today’s appointment underlines Network Rail’s commitment to this vital sector.’ Tim Robinson is a career railwayman who joined Railtrack in 1994 and became an account executive looking after EWS. He went on to work for GB Railfreight as a commercial director and after a further spell at EWS he worked as a consultant at GBRf.

Vital Solutions Award Vital Solutions, part of the Salford-based Vital Services group, has secured one of the largest white collar recruitment contracts in the UK. This three-year contract sees the company become one of Network Rail’s preferred suppliers in the nationwide recruitment of white collar and technical personnel. Covering both contract and permanent positions, Vital Solutions is now recruiting for all business functions, asset management and investment projects throughout the UK. This will provide support to Network Rail in the delivery of high-profile projects. The disciplines which Vital will cover include engineering, project management, project planning and information management. The contract award reflects Vital Services

Group’s long-term commitment to the rail industry. Mohammed Ajaz, Director of Vital Solutions, said “Vital is winning a significant amount of work because we provide a breadth of services in the rail industry and working with multi-disciplinary suppliers drives efficiencies for our clients. In addition our 27-year history of resourcing experience has meant we have always delivered on expectations”. “We are very proud of our recent contract award and are looking forward to supporting our client through many up and coming challenges. This relationship has never been more critical given the challenges faced in attracting and holding on to skilled staff”.

joyable and relaxed couple of hours strolling around the grounds in the sunshine. Tea was good with sandwiches and cakes but the mini cream tea scones were the best.’ The trip had an added significance for the Evans family. Clive’s father, Eric, also a career railwayman, was awarded the MBE for his work on the electrification of the West Coast Main Line. ‘We met my 85-year-old father, Eric, outside the front,’ said Clive. ‘He was able to relive in a small way his visit in 1966 when he got the MBE for the original electrification into Euston.’

Euston, and Blackfriars. She also developed an integrated fire safety study for Crossrail, covering the entire subsurface and surface line route, seven new sub-surface and 27 surface stations. Dr Hoffmann was instrumental in the development of the industry standard STEPS model (Simulation of Transient Evacuation and Pedestrian movements) which she initially helped design and develop. The pro-

Kai Klees joins Unipart Kai Klees has joined Unipart Rail as Business development manager with the team in germany, Austria and Switzerland. Mr Klees will be working with potential customers in freight and passenger sectors to deliver Unipart Rail products and services. Kai started his career as a management consultant before moving into different sales and account management roles for a locomotive manufacturer and a rail vehicle maintainer. For the last

five years he has worked in Business Development at Voith Industrial Services. Says Neil Tinworth, Business Development Director of Unipart Rail, ‘Our growing reputation in the German market means that we are increasingly supplying materials and services throughout the country. Kai will be providing support to further grow our customer base and help the wider market benefit from our valueadding service offerings.’

gramme is capable of simulating both normal and emergency evacuation modes to allow the analysis of ‘what if’ scenarios. Says Darren Read, Director of Rail at Parsons Brinckerhoff for Europe, Middle East and North Africa, ‘We are very pleased to welcome Dr Nicole Hoffmann to Parsons Brinckerhoff. She brings exceptional experience and understanding of fire engineering and risk analysis which is a critical area for mod-

ern infrastructure planning, as transport systems become increasingly complex.’ Dr Hoffmann is a Chartered Engineer and a Chartered Mathematician. She is also a Member of the Institute of Fire Engineers (MIFireE) and a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (FIMA). For the last three years, she has been a committee member for the UK Railway Industry Fire Association.

Network Rail is helping small businesses in areas hit hardest by the riots by offering one month’s free rent and 50% off each subsequent month’s rent on selected commercial properties up until the end of the year. The special terms have been introduced to help small enterprises get back on their feet after the city centre riots that ripped through Britain in August.The deal applies to more than 100 Network Rail commercial premises in London, Birmingham, Manchester, Salford and Liverpool. Says Simone Bailey, Network Rail’s head of commercial estate, ‘For many people running small businesses the riots weren’t only frightening and dangerous, they also left some small premises destroyed and so badly damaged that business could no longer continue. We have reacted to these unfortunate events and drawn up a list of vacant commercial properties which will be offered on special terms and shorter leases. ‘Most premises will be available to occupy with-

in 24 hours. Small businesses are the lifeblood of their local community and this is our small way of trying to help them to recover from these appalling events. Our main aim is to allow business to get back to normal and through our website we will list available premises with contact details.’ Many units located in railway arches in city locations are well placed to help small business and the type, style, quantity and size of use ranges from light industrial storage, to leisure, retail and office space.

Brighton bicycle initiative Cycle-Works of Winchester has installed a new Josta two-tier bicycle rack at the front of Brighton station. The racks are of a safe, easy to use and innovative design that allows double the number of bicycle parking spaces in the same footprint as a conventional stand. They are supplied exclusively by Cycle-Works. The rack was formally opened by Brighton and Hove City Council’s Deputy Leader, Councillor Ian Davey. Says Ian Davey, ‘I am delighted that Southern (Railway) has listened to public concerns and is providing this new cycle parking facility. It will help meet the needs of those arriving at the station by bike. I am sure it will be very well used.’

Southern has been working closely with Brighton and Hove City Council on plans for the station including cycle parking. Following good feedback from cyclists who use the station, installation of the twotier rack was given the go ahead last month. Peter Davenport, Managing Director of Cycle Works said, ‘A lot of other work was going on at the station as part of the Station Improvement Programme, so the timing of installation was critical to Southern as they didn’t want to disrupt passengers or platforms. As a result from start to install was only about four weeks. ‘As the racks were also powder coated in black to fit in with the surroundings, it was more


challenging than the the other Josta two-tier installations at Euston, Liverpool Street or Edinburgh Waverley.’ Southern’s Franchise Improvement Director, David Scorey said, ‘Although we have put in over a hundred extra cycle parking spaces at the rear of the station which are very well used, some of our passengers told us they wanted parking to be available at the front. We have listened and this new facility should go some way to meeting that need.’ The new rack is located adjacent to the building that houses the BTP offices and public conveniences. It is fenced and monitored 24 hours a day by Southern’s CCTV Control Centre.

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Quality Bicycle Parking Now installed at...

Secret train

Brad Pitt arrives at Central Station with his kids.

of the cast. Will said they all felt like stars. ‘There was such a nice buzz and it made us really proud to be involved. This charter was probably the most prestigious we’ve ever done and it was fantastic to get recognition for our service.’ The crew at Virgin included, Jimmy Nolan and Joe Veerap-

pan, Service Managers, London Euston; Michael Murray, Ebru Er, Michael Andrews and Mark Rogers, all Customer Service Assistants, London Euston; Chris Evans, Chef, Wolverhampton; Mark Blaylock, Service Manager, Carlisle, and Angela Fell, Revenue Protection Inspector.

Love on the Central Line A newly married couple returned to the scene of their original encounter, South Woodford tube station, just minutes after getting married. Will Gull and Katie Crammer wanted to thank rail staff and have their picture taken where Will proposed. The couple met on a cold December evening in 2006 whilst travelling home. Will spotted Katie boarding the train at Bank station. Immediately smitten he plucked up courage to pass her a note saying, ‘I think you are beautiful, from Will.’ Much to his delight and surprise Katie wrote back, ‘You’re not so bad yourself, from Katie.’ The couple exchanged phone numbers and chatted all the way home to South Woodford where they adjourned to a near by wine bar. Photographer Hayley Lehmann discovered the story when she took the couple’s wedding photos at St Albans in Hertfordshire. ‘For the next few weeks the pair made calls and texts to each other, but were unable to find a time to meet up again and then it nearly all went wrong because incredibly they both lost their phones,’ says Hayley. ‘But then they remembered the notes on which they had written their numbers and they finally arranged a date and they have been inseparable every since. Almost exactly three years after they met, on Katie’s birthday, Will treated her to a celebratory meal at The Ivy and then they travelled home on the Central line. When they got to South Woodford station, Will told Katie she must get off the train because her birthday present was here. Will got down on one knee and proposed to Katie in front of commuters and station staff - which is why they decided to travel


Network Rail’s riot relief

Paparazzi-dodging stars took to the railway for a peaceful and protected journey north recently. Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, their six children and 200 film crew and actors travelled to Glasgow on a specially chartered express organised by Virgin Trains. The movie makers were off to film scenes for ‘World War Z which stars Brad Pitt. Pinewood Studios chartered the train through Adrienne Nankivell, Group Sales Manager, and the operation was organised by Groups Delivery Manager Kevin Miles. The identity of the passengers was kept top secret, even from the on-board train crew. The first the crew knew of their special passengers was when the actual actors arrived. Will Bradley, Assistant Service Manager, Preston, who is currently on secondment to the Group Sales team travelled up with the couple Explained Will, ‘We couldn’t tell anyone, not even the crew because of security, so their faces when they saw the customers were a picture. It took them about 20 minutes to calm down. They (Pitt and Jolie) were just like any other family - down to earth and very appreciative of the service. And yes they are as good looking in real life. There’s certainly an aura about them.’ Fans and media met the train in Glasgow and easily mistook smart Virgin Trains staff for part


6 | RailStaff | September 2011

back to South Woodford station to let the staff know their journey had a very happy ending.’ Says Katie Crammer, of Buckhurst Hill, Essex, ‘But for that fateful Tube journey I might never have met Will, fallen in love and married him, so I am very grateful to London Underground. The Central line and South Woodford station where Will proposed might not seem very romantic to other people but they are special to us.’ LU staff are delighted. Says Howard Collins, London Underground’s Chief Operating Officer, ‘It is lovely to hear that we have brought this young couple together and that they returned to South Woodford to let our staff know.’ Examples of Hayley’s work can be seen at www.hayleylehmann.co.uk

8 | RailStaff | September 2011

Western drama

Glasgow base for Balfour Beatty

ty Rail’s base in Offenbach, Germany. There were a number of other items of plant on display as well. A Front Shovel Excavator, Base Ballast Bopper, Top Ballast

Topper, Unimog, Doosan and an Ultrasonic Flaw Detection RRV all attracted interest. Says Peter Anderson, Managing Director of Balfour Beatty Rail UK, ‘The open day was

about celebrating the opening of our permanent office in Shettleston, Glasgow, once again showing how committed we are to supporting Network Rail and Transport Scotland achieve their objectives in the Scottish rail market.’ Also launched at the open day was an overhead line training initiative for Scotland. Balfour Beatty Rail believes that as electrification work increases, there will inevitably be a severe shortage of overhead line staff within Scotland. The company already has an OLE training school at its Kirkby Depot in Liverpool. Good practice and knowledge from there will be shared with Shettleston. A recruitment plan has already been devised to target local schools and colleges. Balfour Beatty is currently working on a number of key rail projects in Scotland including the Forth Bridge refurbishment, Waverley Station renewal, Paisley Corridor Improvements and Gourock Station renewals.

Virgin Trains has paid the government £110 million this year in stark contrast to last year’s figure when the train operator received a subsidy of £40 million. The change of fortune comes after years of disruption on the West Coast Main Line, as part of the route’s £9 billion upgrade. Virgin Trains saw its passenger revenue rise 11% to £753 million in the year to March 31st. Passenger figures hit 28 million journeys. Says Virgin Rail Chief Executive Officer Tony Collins, ‘Our part-

GPS for Europorte trains

Haythornthwaite urges vision ‘i’ve never been in an industry before where growth felt like such a problem,’ says Rick Haythornthwaite, Network Rail’s chairman. Speaking at the inaugural Bradshaw Address Mr Haythornthwaite urged the 150 rail leaders present to develop a vision which enables the industry to better respond to demand. He highlighted the trade-offs that need to be considered - capacity vs per-

formance vs costs. The public, rail users and rail staff need to take forward a debate about our railway and its contribution to the health and wealth of our country. ‘This is a growth industry and the great challenge for us is how we cope with increased demand. Yet we feel we don’t have scope to create a network that can rise to that opportunity. And we don’t have the mandate from the public who fund us.

‘I’ve never been in an industry before where growth felt like such a problem. That’s why, to me, it’s counter-intuitive not to be focused on finding a way of moving beyond the impasse that we see ahead of ourselves. ‘We need to frame a vision for the future which enables us to respond to the growing demand for our railways which will help us deliver the kind of service I believe people want, and the country deserves.’

Europorte is to fit gPS beacons on all its locomotives. Starting in September, some 50 traction units will be fitted with a rail movement monitoring system developed by Railnova of Belgium. The system will help keep customers informed of the progress of their shipments. The device provides information

York team turn out for Peter Bell ty because he whole-heartedly believed that by working together we could help the experts find a cure for cancer. ‘He described everyone involved with its success, including those raising funds to support the charity, as his last and greatest team. We’re proud to build on the great legacy Sir Bobby left us and to continue the work he began to find more effective treatments for this disease. I hope the weather is kind during the ride and wish all the cyclists the very best of luck. This is certainly a wonderful and positive way to remember Peter.’ Peter Bell worked as an Installer at Siemens on projects including the Newport Area Signalling Renewal. He was a happy-go-lucky Middlesbrough fan and keen gardener dedicated to wife Janette and son Matthew. The riders hope that they will be able to harness Peter’s positive and optimistic qualities when they take on the ride of their life. Since its launch in March 2008, the Sir Bobby Robson Foundation has raised £3.5 mil-

Sir Bobby Robson described the charity, as his last and greatest team.

on the current position of Europorte rolling stock. Automatic data on rolling stock condition, e.g. temperature, average speeds, distances covered and maintenance will be added in a second phase. The new system will reduce the burden of manual reporting and enable workshop inspections to be planned as needed.

Midland upgrade

lion to help find more effective treatments for cancer. It funds projects within the Newcastle upon Tyne NHS Foundation Trust, which directly benefit cancer patients from across the north east and Cumbria, and works within the wider (global) cancer research network. To donate go to: www.justgiving.com/teams/Pete-Bell-Ride

The end is in sight for 25 year old diesels on London midland commuter routes as the first two Bombardier built class 172s enter passenger service. The new trains, which entered service on September 5th offer a smoother, quieter ride and are air conditioned. Eventually there will be 27 new class 172s oper© JoNATHAN WEBB

An eight-strong team from the Siemens office at Poppleton Road, york will be setting off on a gruelling 122 mile cycle ride to their Ashby de la Zouch office on 16th September in memory of their former colleague Peter Bell. Peter lost his battle with cancer in July 2010 and his family has chosen to support the Sir Bobby Robson Foundation. The aim is to set off at 7am and complete the journey by cycling to meet colleagues at the offices at Ashby Park, Leicestershire, by 4pm. Each rider has a target amount of sponsorship to raise which will be boosted by Siemens as part of their Caring Hands campaign supporting charities that have special meaning to their employees. Says Pauline Buglass, head of fund-raising for the charity, ‘We are very grateful both to Peter’s family for choosing to support the Sir Bobby Robson Foundation and to his colleagues for undertaking this physical challenge for us. Sir Bobby launched this chari-

nership approach with the Department for Transport has seen passenger numbers grow faster than the market over the last six years. We expect to continue this as a result of joint investments such as the recent addition of a new Pendolino train which is now in service.’ The figures will ramp up interest in the battle for the WCML franchise. First Group, SNCF, Abellio and incumbent Virgin are all interested. The franchise is expected to be let in January 2013.


Balfour Beatty Rail has opened a new base in Shettleston, glasgow and celebrated with an open day showcasing new plant and equipment. Determined to build close links with the community in Shettleston Balfour Beatty Rail is making a donation to the Shettleston Community Group Project. The resident-led initiative has seen the transformation of a derelict site into a garden for residents and schoolchildren. 30 local families will be able to grow food on individual plots. As well as local people, politicians and rail chiefs attended the event and were able to see top class equipment brought in specially for the day. One of the new B41UE Matisa Tampers, part of Balfour Beatty Rail’s £20m investment in new plant, was transported from Cambridgeshire. The recently approved Air Insulated Switchgear, which will be trialled on the Paisley Corridor Improvements project, was brought over from Balfour Beat-

ating across the region, representing an investment of £93m. Two new class 172s will be introduced every two weeks until the old class 150s are eliminated. The class 172s will be used on services into and out of Birmingham Snow Hill, including the popular Stratford-upon-Avon route.

RailStaff | September 2011 | 9

Success Spotlight

Ballina Blossoms this Summer

The Mayo freight yard is working flat out as Iarnród Éireann seeks to grow its rail freight operation, reports Tim Casterton. Ballina (or Béal an Átha in irish), with a population of around 11,000, is a large town in the north of County mayo on ireland’s west coast. It’s situated about 120 miles from Dublin and served by a branch of the Westport line which has passenger train connections at Manulla Junction with all four of the daily Inter City services to and from Dublin. The branch shuttle makes six journeys each way daily. Ballina may be a small player when it comes to passenger services, however it is a major hub on the Iarnród Éireann freight network with the small freight yard handling container trains to and from both Dublin and Waterford and timber trains to Waterford. Tim Casterton recently visited the town to see the rail freight operation in action and to witness how such a small yard copes with the volume of traffic.

‘Liner’ train When I arrived, the DFDS ‘liner train’ (as intermodal trains are known as in Ireland) was in the yard being loaded up. It wasn’t due to depart until the following morning, however the containers for the service were arriving on locally operated trucks from businesses and Jimmy Tarpey, the Fantuzzi reach stacker driver, was lifting them and transferring them to the train as soon as they came in. For several years now the DFDS block booked ‘liner’ trains between Waterford Port and Ballina have led the freight revival in the west, initially operating twice weekly each way and in more recent years running three times a week. The route is cleared for 9’ 6” high containers on standard wagons and the trains mostly carry DFDS or LYS branded 45’ long boxes. The service is routed via Portarlington, Kildare and Kilkenny (using the avoiding line - known as the Lavistown Loop) with the up and down services operating from Waterford Port and Ballina on the same days. Loadings on the services have been consistently good with it

being a rare sight to see any empty wagons running in the formation. At about 14:30 the DFDS train was shunted back over the level crossing onto the newly re-commissioned Crossmolina Siding. At a few minutes after 15:00hrs, the IWT (International Warehousing and Transport – a Dublin based company) liner from Dublin Port arrived behind Inter City liveried locomotive 234 named ‘River Aherlow’ which was driven by Gerry Duffy. The train was formed of Iarnród Éireann’s ‘Talgo’ pocket wagons which are run on the route on alternate services to allow 9’ 6” containers to be carried. At the time of writing, the route between Ballina and Kildare is cleared for 9’ 6” boxes, however the section between Kildare and Dublin Port is currently awaiting engineers clearance with test

trains having run in July of this year. These services are run for IWT.

it is rare to see any empty spaces Having started on a modest twice weekly basis on 20th August 2009, they soon expanded to three times per week and then five times per week. Like the DFDS trains, they run loaded both ways and it is rare to see any empty spaces on them. IWT now benefits from having the use of new sidings laid by the Dublin Port Company within the port complex rather than having to load and unload on the Alexandra Road Tramway in Dublin which was necessary when the services commenced. No sooner had the train stopped than Jimmy Tarpey set to work with the Fantuzzi lifting the boxes off.

In most cases it was ‘one off, one on’ as containers were already waiting on road vehicles to be loaded onto the train and to collect boxes off it. The unloading took about 30 minutes with a short break while Driver Duffy ran loco 234 round to the other end of the train ready for the morning departure. The Irish timber company, Coillte, also operates around two trains every week from Ballina (with the neighbouring town of Westport also operating around two trains weekly). 2011 has seen a 20% increase in the tonnage of timber being moved to the pulp mill in Waterford. The trains run to Waterford’s ‘Sally Park’ freight yard. Although no timber train was in during my visit (it was operating from Westport that day) it was explained to me that the loading took place at the south end of the yard to keep out of the way of the containers. It was also stockpiled there as well, ready for loading. Yard Supervisor John Cuffe was justifiably proud of the volumes of traffic being handled by the Ballina terminal saying, ‘We’re very busy, but that’s the best way to be.’ A high proportion of the traffic to and from Ballina is connected with the drink manufacturing factory in the town with concentrate liquids being brought in and out in tanks. Other traffic includes pharmaceuticals and an 18 month contract for the removal of asbestos (mixed with peat) from a power station that is being decommissioned. Local haulage firms and factories often buy any empty slots that are available for ad-hoc traffic to Dublin. John went on to say that they were hoping that a logistics company would obtain planning permission and take a large va-

cant plot of land adjacent to the yard soon as that would bring in even more rail traffic to Ballina Yard.

greener and more efficient On the day after visiting Ballina I met up with Stephen Aherne, Iarnród Éireann’s Freight Manager for a chat and a cup of tea at Dublin Connolly station. Stephen is delighted with the volume of traffic through Ballina and spoke of requests from customers to have the yard opened longer hours for deliveries. He’s keen to see the 9’ 6” clearance approved for the remainder of the Dublin to Ballina route as that will free up the pocket wagons for other services. Additionally, there are aspirations for the line through to Cork to be cleared for 9’ 6” containers to make the route more attractive for potential freight customers. Surprisingly the Republic’s second largest city doesn’t have any freight traffic at present, however with increases in road fuel costs, reductions in truck drivers permitted working hours and pressure for Ireland to reduce ‘green house gas’ emissions, it can only be a matter of time before more logistics companies follow the lead taken by IWT, DFDS and Coillte in returning to the greener and more efficient rail freight mode. There is a certain irony that at present, although freight may not be the largest sector operated by Iarnród Éireann, it was the only one to turn in a profit last year of around €1m (and that without any subsidy) and the company is keen to build on this huge success with new traffic to other destinations. Thanks to Stephen Aherne, Iarnród Éireann, John Cuffe and Noel Enright for arranging my visit to Ballina, the freight hub of the west.

10 | RailStaff | September 2011

Probably by the time you read this our macroRail 2011 exhibition will have taken place and we will have sown the seeds for low cost/high impact exhibitions for the future! The idea of getting 50+ exhibitors in one place, at one time, at nil cost to the exhibitor seemed daunting at first, even audacious. However, we were delighted to see so many Rail Alliance members supporting it with their usual mix of gusto and enthusiasm. Rest assured, the planning for MacroRail 2012 is well underway and in, typical Rail Alliance fashion, we will be trying to double the impact of this year’s inaugural event. Additionally, we look forward to next month’s Infrastructure Show at the NEC over the peri-

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Rail Alliance membership starts

email jo.bennett@railalliance.co.uk

from just £500 per year

or call 01789 720026.

MacroRail 2011 od 17-19 October and we are pleased to see over 20 of our members attending this event as part of the Rail Hub, with our ‘boulevard style’ collaborative exhibition area making a popular return with 5 of our members taking space on this open format.

Now is the Winter of Content! We look forward to our winter series of events and networking meetings, the first of which is our Networking Meeting on 27 September at NAMTEC in Rotherham, Yorkshire where we will have presentations from Namtec (see www.namtec.co.uk)

and Neil Richardson from On Trak (see www.thinkontrak.com) as well as our usual programme. Additionally, we are planning joint events with the Transport Knowledge Transfer Network (https://ktn.innovateuk.org/web /transportktn) on 12 October in Bristol at Brunel’s Boardroom and with our colleagues in the UKTI Mass Transit Sector (www.ukti.gov.uk/export/sectors/masstransport/railways.ht ml) in Crewe on 27 January 2012. In between times, we are looking forward to visiting some of our members’ premises during November when Clyde and Co

(see www.clydeco.com) will be hosting one of our Networking Meetings in London on 2 November 2011. Later in the year, in early December, we will be visiting Southco in Worcester (see www.southco.com) and at this event, in addition to the usual meeting programme, the accent for this meeting will be on Lean Processes in manufacturing and production, including a tour around Southco’s impressive production facility. All of these events are likely to be very popular, so please advise the Rail Alliance Office Manager, Rhona Clarke, of your intention to attend by e-mailing Rhona on rhona.clarke@railalliance.co.uk or give her a call on 01789 720026.

Are you going down Under? We Are! With the planning for AusRail PLUS 2011 underway, we are keen to have a look at the Australian market and to see at first hand the opportunities for UK SMEs. With this in mind, we will be sending a small delegation to AusRail PLUS 2011. We will be offering our normal RAVAS Advocate service for member companies wishing to take advantage of the fact that we will be in-country, at the exhibition and ready and willing to act in support of those member

companies who, perhaps, cannot justify this trip at this time as part of their marketing strategy. Enquiries about the RAVAS Advocate service should be emailed to robert.hopkin@railalliance.co.uk in the first instance. We are particularly grateful to Eric Holland of Yorkshire and Humber UKTI for undertaking this trade mission to Aus Rail PLUS 2011 and making this trip possible and affordable! Eric can be contacted via: 07500 082 587 or by visitingwww.ukti.gov.uk/export/event/182 340.html

EVENTS MacroRail Exhibition 16th Sept - Location... Long Marston

Colin Flack CEO of the Rail Alliance, briefs out aspects of the Long Marston rail infrastructure to senior figures from the Rail Industry.

70th Anniversary Charity Open Weekend 17th-18th Sept - Location... Long Marston TransRussia 2012 Focus Meeting 23rd Sept - Location... Long Marston Members’ Meeting & Networking 27th Sept - Location... NAMTEC, Rotherham, Yorkshire Members’ Meeting & Networking 12th Oct - Location... Severn Valley Railway Seminar: ‘Gaining Traction in Energy Efficiency’ 6th Oct - Location... IMechE, Birdcage Walk, Westminster, London Joint Event with the Transport Knowledge Transfer Network 12th Oct - Location... Brunel’s Boardroom, Bristol Trako 2011, 9th International Trade Show 11th-14th Oct - Location... Gdansk, Poland The Infrastructure Show 2011 17th-19th October - Location... NEC Birmingham RailStaff Awards 2011 29th Oct - Location... ICC Birmingham Rail Interiors Expo 2011 15th-17th November - Location... Cologne, Germany AusRail 2011 22nd-24th November - Location... Brisbane, Australia Members’ Meeting & Networking Event 2nd Nov tbc - Location... London hosted by Clyde and Co

Latest Members DeltaRail Group Ltd (Software and Technology Company Dedicated to the Rail Industry) www.deltarail.com

Trackwork Ltd (Supplier to Rail Infrastructure Projects, Track Maintenance, Renewal and Disposal) www.trackwork.co.uk

NewRail - Newcastle University (Applied Research for Railways Focusing on the Development and Strategic Implementation of Innovative Technologies) www.ncl.ac.uk/newrail

KOREC Group (Provider of Trimble Surveying, Machine Control and Mapping Services, Products and Solutions) www.korecgroup.com

Members’ Meeting and Lean Process Seminar Dec tbc - Location... Worcester – hosted by Southco HallRail (UK’s Largest Independent Manufacturer and Supplier of High Quality Switches and Crossings to the Railway Industry) www.hallrail.co.uk Kent Modular Electronics Ltd (Manufacturer of Specialist Display Monitors) www.kme.co.uk

W H Tildesley Ltd (Manufacturer of Safety Critical Parts by Closed Die Drop Forge Process) www.whtildesley.com Chiltern Railways (Train Operating Company) www.chilternrailways.co.uk

UKTI/Rail Alliance NW Regional Rail Briefing Event 27th Jan tbc - Location... Crewe tbc Members’ Meeting & Networking Event Feb tbc - Location... TRaC Global, Skelmersdale - tbc Infrarail 2012 1st-3rd May - Location... NEC, Birmingham InnoTrans 2012 18th-21st Sept - Location... Berlin, Germany

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RailStaff | September 2011 | 11

The fastest growing membership charity in the public transport industry ✆ 08450 100 500 • etd 00 38571 • www.tbf.org.uk • e-mail help@tbf.org.uk The Transport Benevolent Fund (known as TBF) is a registered charity in England and Wales (1058032) and in Scotland (SC040013)

Thunderbirds Are Go!

Network Rail has taken delivery of six redundant Virgin Thunderbird locomotives for use during times of severe weather in the south east. The class 57s were handed over during a ceremony at Wembley depot. The Thunderbird fleet will make its way to Brush in the near future so that the Dellner couplers can be modified, enabling the fitting of snow ploughs. They will also lose their Vir-

Eye wire © JoNATHAN WEBB

Phil Bearpark (left) with Simon Whitehorn.

gin livery, in favour of Network Rail yellow. The nameplates will be auctioned off in December in aid of charity CLIC Sargent. Virgin will still retain five Thunderbirds for use in emergencies and for hauling Pendolinos along the non-electrified line between Crewe and Holyhead. An additional two Thunderbirds are on long term hire to Arriva Trains Wales.

Spotting a defect on an overhead rail wire up to 25ft above your head can be tricky even to the expert eye. However, new camera technology is being introduced across Britain which will help railway staff bring about more efficient and accurate maintenance. Following a successful trial, Network Rail has supplied 30 cameras to maintenance delivery units on electrified routes across the country. Engineers can safely operate the cameras without turning off the power and closing the line a huge time saver. When out on routine track patrols, engineers can attach the camera to the overhead wire and it is then held steady by two small stabilising arms on insulated poles. The camera can tilt so that images and video of the top and side of the wire can also be seen. High resolution images are instantly captured and streamed to a portable laptop. Engineers can view this and check the condition of the wire and components. A schedule for repair of any defects can then be

put in place. Says Steve Featherstone, director of maintenance for Network Rail, ‘When the overhead wires come down, it can cause massive delays to passengers and freight services and can cost Network Rail millions of pounds each year in compensation. We’ve been looking at smarter ways to reduce such incidents by using technology to help us find faults and fix them before they become a problem. ‘The cameras give us a greater field of vision than the naked eye and this allows our teams to be less reactive and build this maintenance into our schedules, which will mean fewer closures of lines, fewer delays and a better value railway for everyone.’ During testing, the camera was able to stream images to a laptop over 100 metres away, enabling a greater area to be covered at one time. Another benefit of the camera is that it can measure the thickness of the contact wire so engineers can gauge how quickly it’s wearing out.

A New Hope Back yard bonus The yard, an exhibition display area dedicated to plant and machinery used for rail construction and maintenance, will be a major new feature at infrarail 2012. The Yard will be staged in close collaboration with the Rail Plant Association and with the endorsement of Network Rail, providing plant manufacturers and hire companies with a unique opportunity to present their latest vehicles and equipment. Adjoining the main Infrarail exhibition, the Yard will be a further key attraction for visitors to the show, which takes place at the UK’s National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham from 1st to 3rd May 2012.

Says Exhibition Manager, Michael Wilton, ‘The Yard has already been welcomed by senior figures from both sides of the industry, recognising that it is a very important addition to Infrarail. We are especially pleased to be working with the Rail Plant Association and we believe that this new feature will be a highly successful part of the show both for exhibitors and for engineers and managers visiting the show.’ Popular with rail staff and suppliers alike, the exhibition covers a huge part of the rail equipment and services market. Infrarail forms an unrivalled showcase for innovation in track, signalling, communications, electrification,

civil works, station fittings, communications and more. An extensive programme of free drop-in seminars organised by the rail engineer, means railway staff, contractors, buyers and suppliers can meet and discuss the industry face to face. The last show in 2010 saw a 5% increase in visitor numbers to more than 4,500 and rise of 17% in the number of exhibitors to 239. As well as enjoying the support of Network Rail and the Rail Plant Association, next year’s exhibition is also endorsed by the Railway Industry Association, the Rail Alliance, the Institution of Railway Signal Engineers and the Permanent Way Institution.

Transport Benevolent Fund

Liverpool Hope University and Virgin Trains have joined forces to present an exhibition celebrating the talents of young artists in the city. Opening on Friday 19 August 2011, the exhibition will be staged in Liverpool Lime Street’s First Class Lounge. New artists will be showcasing their work and emphasising the partnership between the University and Virgin Trains.

Colin Barratt, Virgin Trains Driver Depot Manager for Liverpool has worked hard to develop the company’s relationship with Liverpool Hope. Says Colin, ‘In Virgin Trains we pride ourselves on supporting the communities we serve and we are delighted to be working with Liverpool Hope. ‘Many Hope students and their families are regular travellers with us and we look forward to

developing other collaborative initiatives with the University.’ Already local artists are at work in the rail industry. Hope Uni graduate and freelance artist Sara Devereux-Ward recently designed the vinyl nameplate wrap for the high-speed ‘City of Liverpool’ Pendolino. Those travelling through Stafford Station will also notice an imposing banner promoting the university and the city. With the strap line ‘A new destination ahead’ the artwork draws heavily on images of the city’s famous landmarks, including Penny Lane and the new Echo Arena.


12 | RailStaff | September 2011

Showing a Little Respect Nominating a colleague, or one of your staff, for a RailStaff Award, is a good way of saying thank you. Whether he or she wins or not, knowing of the nomination boosts morale and benefits all by the attendant publicity generated. The good news about the Railstaff Awards is that everyone in some way is a winner. Put simply we’re seeking to achieve recognition for all involved.

Valued and respected When questioned, many staff will say that being valued and respected for what they do and who they are is almost as important as the pay cheque at the end of the month. Pay and conditions are of greatest importance and no one should doubt the long battle railway staff have fought, down the years, to achieve pay parity with the private sector. Conditions, by definition, on the working railway are unimaginable compared to the comforts enjoyed by office workers. The railway is a safety critical industry charged with looking after 1000s of people every day. No one should ever obfuscate the need for better recogni-

tion, better pay and working conditions. The third part of the contract between railway staff and employers is respect. It works both ways. Respect for the practices and institutions of the working railway is essential, for safety, efficiency and good business. This needs to be mirrored by an equal respect for the staff who deliver the railway - using an ingenuity, confidence and courage that, as these pages attest, frequently goes beyond the job description.

Write up a nomination Praising staff, congratulating them and recognising them can so often be overlooked by harassed line managers. A perfunctory, ‘Good morning, Dave,’ a nod at the woman on the barrier, a cheery wave at the controller in his booth, are all too often the full extent of our social connection. Making time to stop and talk, to enquire, to communicate, is never wasted. Making it count more by taking ten minutes to write up a nomination and send it off to the

RailStaff Awards is a simple step. This is the one industrywide forum for showing how well liked, respected and valued railway staff are. Every nomination tells its own story. Best of all they show this industry as a caring, committed culture where the ordinary people we employ are of overwhelming importance. We may not have much control over high fares and low pay but we can salute the efforts of our colleagues who we admire and respect. Send those nominations in as soon as you can. Contact Helen Sutton at RailStaff on 01530 560021 or Helen@railstaff.co.uk Lines are open now.

Morson International backs Outstanding Customer Service morson international is sponsoring this year’s outstanding Customer Service category at the RailStaff Awards 2011. Tom O’Connor, Managing Director of the Rail Media Group, which is staging the RailStaff Awards, says, ‘This is an essential category. Everyone talks about the importance of good customer service and our readers are the people out there practising it day and night. Morson International has been a good friend of RailStaff over the years. People supplied by Morson are at the forefront of good customer service and among the finest examples of rail staff professionalism across the industry.’ RailStaff abounds in stories of good customer service and people going beyond normal parameters to help the public and others in their care. The Outstanding Customer Service Award is an opportunity to recognise the powerful contribution ordinary men and women make everyday to the success of the world’s leading transport industry. Morson International provides

effective selection and placement services to railway and metro clients worldwide. Delivered through its dedicated Rail Division, Morson International manages innovative, multifaceted searches across key technical areas to source teams and individuals in Professional, Engineering and Trades disciplines. Current national and international frameworks include the supply of: • Project Management teams • Permanent Way Maintenance and Renewals teams • Signalling Installation teams • London Underground Protection Staff • Rolling Stock Engineers and Technicians. Building on over 40 years of experience and an unrivalled track record of success, Morson International offers clients a genuine competitive advantage in this rapidly developing global industry. The commitment to service and safety is paramount in everything Morson does.


RailStaff | September 2011 | 13

LPA Backs Newcomer/ Graduate of the Year LPA group is sponsoring the Newcomer/graduate of the year at this year’s RailStaff Awards. The Cambridge based organisation, LPA Group Plc, makes top class LED lighting, as well as marketing leading electronic and electro-mechanical systems. Says Tom O’Connor managing director Rail Media Group which is staging the RailStaff Awards 2011, ‘The Newcomer/Graduate of the Year is a very popular category and it is very exciting to welcome market leaders, LPA, to the RailStaff Awards. We

wish them every success in the railway industry and thank them for their support.’ LPA provides cost effective solutions which improve reliability, reduce maintenance and improve life cycle. LPA-produced LED lights are increasingly in evidence on the national rail network. The Newcomer/Graduate of the Year spotlights the wealth of new talent being attracted to the rail industry by challenging careers on the fastest growing railway in Europe.

LPA – 100 years of history LPA group Plc makes LEd lighting, and electronic and electro mechanical systems. LPA provides cost effective solutions to improve reliability, and reduce maintenance and life cycle costs for the rail, aerospace, defence, aircraft support, infrastructure, marine and industrial markets. LPA was established more than 100 years ago and employs 180 people in four locations in Britain. These include LPA Excil Electronics, LPA Niphan Systems, LPA Channel Electric and LPA Haswell Engineers. The Group is headquartered in Saffron Walden, Essex, and is listed on the London Stock Exchange.

Specialist provider Working in the railway industry the LPA Group has been a specialist provider of electromechanical, lighting and electronic solutions throughout the world for many years. From solving complex rail vehicle inter-connection problems within spatial and location limitations to providing electrical control rafts to fluorescent and LED lighting solutions to relays, fans and motors, we have proven products in all types of environment. LPA Transport is the new support solution bringing together the extensive experience, knowledge and capabilities of LPA Group to offer integrated solutions. With in-house Electronic, Electrical and Mechanical Manufacturing capability and over a century of product development, LPA is in an excellent position to provide quick speed of response and innovative solutions. We have expanded our capability to include on-site installation and delivery of turnkey packages providing a single source for asset maintenance, refurbishment, repair and upgrade solutions.

LPA Transport provides support at the sharp end of service delivery. We pride ourselves in understanding the challenges faced in sustaining asset performance and the need to improve reliability, availability and functionality.

rail and sub-station installations. Our innovative design department provides solutions for many of the day to day challenges experienced on the infrastructure.

innovative and responsive

LPA has a strong reputation for innovation, finding solutions to customers’ problems in both benign and hostile environments. LPA’s mantra is, ‘Long life reliability does not cost the earth’. LPA’s commitment to produce long-lifed reliable products results in savings in energy and scarce resources. This green concept relies on the products being manufactured correctly first time, leaving a long time with minimal maintenance, and contributing less to landfill. LPA established itself in London as Light and Power Accessories in 1908 and relocated to Cambridge in 1965. LPA Industries became a public company now listed on AIM of London Stock Exchange in 1976.

LPA has already supported customers across a full range of services from small scale modifications to large equipment refurbishment solutions implemented on site. Our customers have told us that not only are we innovative and responsive we are also excellent value for money which in part comes from our integrated approach. From our comprehensive range of products we provide solutions and design capabilities to standard and special infrastructure requirements. We offer control and distribution products for general station and depot installations, circuit breaker for signalling and special connectors to reduce installation time on third


Bombardier is pleased to support the RailStaff Awards BOMBARDIER AVENTRA: The train with proven innovation

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14 | RailStaff | August 2011

CDI AndersElite Sponsors Rail Team Award Taking a front seat at this year’s RailStaff Awards is Cdi Anders Elite which is sponsoring the Rail Team of the year Award. This popular category attracts nominations from all over the network and includes all kinds of teams from track workers and signallers to sales managers and researchers. CDI AndersElite has a track record in resourcing and placing thousands of technical personnel globally in the delivery of recruitment services, expertise and relevant knowledge across a wide range of Rail and Safety Critical clients, including fulfilling demands of the Rail Network and London Underground. The organisation has worked with some of the leading names within the Rail industry on some of the most prestigious projects to date, engaging with clients from conception level through to build and maintenance. Andy Milne, editor RailStaff, says, “Rail Team of the Year is a great category emphasising the rail industry’s dependence on team work. This is not simply a

class room concept but a practical method of working that saves lives, keeps people safe and guarantees the efficient running of the railway.’ Last year’s winner was the Perth Delivery Unit, who appeared resplendent in full Highland regalia. ‘We are delighted CDI AndersElite is sponsoring the Rail Team of the Year Award. Rail staff really are an elite set and deserve much wider recognition for the difficult and dangerous work they do. “CDI AndersElite has made a magnificent contribution to the industry over the years and has always been a stalwart supporter of RailStaff.” AndersElite provides railway staff covering permanent, temporary and contract positions. Their specialist recruitment expertise is underpinned by a detailed management control process, giving rise to unrivalled staffing services. National Accounts Director, Scott Siwicki states, “We believe that by managing and being involved at all levels, our experienced team play an active role in our clients’

supply and visibility on site to ensure all staff services meet our high standards.” Disciplines comprehensively covered include rail designers, rail engineers, quantity surveyors, technicians, rail safety experts, document controllers, quality assurance systems managers, civil engineers and executive management. Rail teams at the market leading firm are currently involved in recruiting safety critical management and labour (including track gangs and protection experts), as well as professionals to work on track renewal and maintenance projects. Safety, reliability and cost are key factors for CDI AndersElite’s rail business. The company adds significant value not only through rigorous safety management and quality assurance systems, but also through possession planning, co-ordinating sub-contractors, programming critical activities and performance monitoring. CDI AndersElite’s diverse portfolio of services has supported a number of major rail projects including the Evergreen extension and upgrade project, the redevelopment of Blackfriars Station and the East London Line. As part of the world’s 6th largest provider of Engineering and IT staffing and outsourcing solutions through parent company CDI Corporation, quality assurance is of paramount significance at CDI AndersElite. The organisation’s Compliance Manager, Katie Hancock, says, “Quality assurance is a top priority at CDI AndersElite which is recognised by our ISO 9001:2008 accreditation. Our national QA Team ensures our Best Practice recruitment procedures are second to none by continuous review and refinement, benefitting clients and candidates alike.”

CDI AndersElite – Global Leader Cdi AndersElite is a leading global provider of professional staffing services and outsourcing solutions. With over fifty years of industry experience through our parent company, CDI Corporation, we specialise in servicing industries such as Aerospace, Built Environment, Civils, Defense, IT, Mining, Oil & Gas, Power and Rail. We operate from 11 offices across the UK and Australia whilst our parent company, CDI Corporation - the world’s 6th largest provider of Engineering and IT staffing and outsourcing solutions - provides additional global coverage in over 1000 offices across 40 countries. At CDI AndersElite, we work with some of the leading names within the Rail industry, on some of the most prestigious projects in progress. We pride ourselves on the close partnerships we build with both clients and candidates alike by understanding their requirements and tailoring a service which continuously exceeds their expectations. CDI AndersElite has a track record in resourcing and placing thousands of technical personnel globally in the delivery of recruitment services, expertise and relevant knowledge across a wide range of Rail and Safety Critical clients, including fulfilling demands of the Rail Network and London Underground. We engage with our clients from conception and design through to build and maintenance. We believe that managing and being involved at all levels, our executive team through to our experienced team play an active role in our clients’ supply and visibility on site to ensure all staff services meet our high standards. We have specialist recruitment and resource consult-

ants working specifically within the unique rail verticals, with full Link-Up approval and an expert knowledge of the market sector. Our dedicated Rail and Safety Critical consultant covers a national remit, operating from several offices throughout the UK: Central London, Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds and Manchester. We have provided staff over the range of disciplines, spanning Consultancy, Technical, Track & Labour and Administration. This includes:

Rail: • Senior Project Management • Commercial Management • Strategic Business Planning and Development • Administration • Technical Clerical Support • Document management • Technology • Power • Signalling and Telecoms • Civil Engineering • RAMS

Safety Critical: • ES • PICOP • PC • COSS • LKT • HS • LXA • PO As we have the ability to supply across both technical and labour disciplines, we are in a unique position to support our

clients and their projects. Our diverse portfolio of services has supported a number of major rail projects including the following: East London Line, North London Line, SSR Upgrade Programme London, Track Renewals, Evergreen project, redevelopment of Blackfriars Station, and the RT24 Renewals Project, as well as various resignalling projects, modernisation projects and refurbishment works. Quality assurance is a top priority at CDI AndersElite which is recognised by our ISO 9001:2008 accreditation. Our national QA Team ensures our Best Practice recruitment procedures are second to none by continuous review and refinement. Due to the specialised nature of the Rail and Safety Critical disciplines and our commitment to compliance, CDI AndersElite has developed a dedicated Safety Critical Compliance Team who work closely with clients and NCCA Sentinel to ensure our policies and procedures are well above the minimum industry standards. We believe this commitment ensures we remain as both an industry leader and recruiter of choice. Our recruitment methods and procedures are based on a complete understanding of the marketplace, ensuring clients have complete confidence in our ability to provide over and above our competitors.

Delighted to sponsor Signaller of the Year

Rail Team of the Year Proudly sponsored by

For more information please visit www.anderselite.com Or call us on 0207 680 3100

IRO ad, RailstaffAw11.indd 1

01/06/2011 17:46


RailStaff | August 2011 | 15

Proud sponsor of the Lifetime Achievement Award at the RailStaff Awards


Proud sponsor of Trainer of the Year 2011 At TQ Catalis we realise the importance of quality training within a safety critical environment, however the success of any training event is reliant on the trainer, that’s why we are proud to sponsor the Trainer of the Year award! We have our own great team of trainers that specialise in safety critical technical training for rail engineering, operations and essential Health and Safety skills required for today’s rail businesses. Many of our courses are accredited by NEBOSH, IOSH, Sentinel and City & Guilds. Our trainers deliver solutions enabling clients to meet compulsory legislation, keeping staff safe and the company performing to its full potential. Our drive is to provide a service that exceeds our client’s expectations. Delivering performance through people is not just a motto but a belief embedded within our business for over 70 years.

TQ Catalis The Derby Conference Centre, London Road, Derby DE24 8UX T: 0845 880 8108 E: hotline@catalis.co.uk www.catalis.co.uk

Sponsors of the Rail Safety Person of the Year 2011 With a reputation built on safely delivering multi-faceted projects we continue to provide a service of exceptional value to all of our clients. !"#$%&'()*+,-./0",$1-)#"2%!-%)3+!04+/"+)+4)-%!2"5%-)%,-.!%-)+.!)5/"%,0-)5+,0",.%)0+)6%,%70)4!+8)+.!)‘one stop shop’ service offering. We know that the quality of our people ensures that we provide a quality service and this is why we are pleased to sponsor the Rail Safety Person of the Year in the 2011 Railstaff Awards.

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Proud Sponsors of the Rail Staff Awards 2011 www.amey.co.uk


16 | RailStaff | September 2011

Rail Alliance backs RailStaff quite natural activity for us - not least as our mantra is ‘network, collaborate, innovate, thrive’. The RailStaff Awards brings together all sub-sectors of the industry in the spirit of collaboration and provides an opportunity to identify and reward individuals and teams for their excellent efforts. Additionally, as part of the evening’s bill of fare, it is always rewarding and uplifting to see the work of the Railway Children charity as we take time to remember those who are less fortunate than ourselves and who suffer day-in, day-out from abuse neglect and/or persecution. In time for this year’s RailStaff Awards presentation evening, Colin Flack, CEO of the Rail Alliance and compère for the evening, will have completed his tour-de-force around Great Britain (see www.ultimate3.org.uk) aiming to have raised £100,000 for that charity.

Fast growing Rail Alliance The Rail Alliance is delighted and proud to be associated once again with the RailStaff Awards and will be Associate Sponsor this year. For the past 2 years Rail Alliance has sponsored the ‘Driver of the Year’ award which has

been a particularly rewarding activity, not least given the obvious quality of nominees and winners. We are particularly delighted to have been asked to compère the proceedings for the 2011 event and, in a way, we see this as a

The Rail Alliance is the largest, fastest growing networking organisation supporting the rail sector and boasts a membership in excess of 2000 registered members from more than 1,900 companies. The Rail Alliance supports, in-

forms and assists companies (large and small) to better understand the rail sector and the opportunities within it. Importantly, you do not need to be a ‘rail company’ per se to join the Rail Alliance; indeed, many of its members are not traditional rail companies - they are companies looking to diversify into rail, or those who have been trading in rail before and are looking to reengage within the sector. That said, there are plenty of rail companies within the membership including TOCs and Tier 1/2 companies in addition to the majority of members and the main effort of the Rail Alliance – the SME base.

The benefits of full membership are considerable Membership of the Rail Alliance is available at 2 levels; Registered Members can register free with the Rail Alliance and this enables a company to populate its profile in the Rail Alliance CRM database and to receive newsletters and details of forthcoming meetings and events. However, the real added value comes from full membership; some 275 members have so far upgraded their membership to Af-

filiate or Full Member status (at annual cost of £500 for an organisation or £150 for sole traders). The benefits of full membership are considerable as they enable members to attend all networking events, all seminars and to benefit from the various support packages for conferences and exhibitions (home and abroad) as well as benefiting from any third party discounts or concessions that the Rail Alliance has negotiated. As a ‘for instance’ - this June at Railtex 2011, more than 50 Rail Alliance members were exhibiting with 24 of the members co-exhibiting with the Rail Alliance on their ‘boulevard’ style display area.

Prime positions The advantages of co-exhibiting with the Rail Alliance are significant; by block-booking hundreds of square metres of space there is a much better chance of securing prime positions for the members as well as providing a more flexible canvas with which to operate. Additionally, the Rail Alliance will pass on any discounts (as much as 40% in some cases) to its members as well as being able to allocate down to 2 square metres for those members who

find the cost of buying the minimum quantity of space from an exhibition organiser too daunting (the minimum is often set at 9 square metres). Exhibiting with the Rail Alliance for a SME is not just common sense - it can be cost effective too; small businesses that cannot afford to take 9 square metres at each of 3 major exhibitions in the calendar can, by taking 2 square metres at a time, treble their exposure to potential customers by attending 3 exhibitions for - in effect the price of one - such a saving can often pay for their membership fee! Launched just over 2 years ago as a national organisation, the Rail Alliance had proved its concept regionally in the West Midlands for 2 years prior to its national launch. In addition to its core provision to members, the Rail Alliance has recently launched its own suite of Value Added Services under the RAVAS banner (see www.railalliance.co.uk/ravas for further information) and this has proved a winner from the start, with several members taking advantage of the specialised consultancy services on offer – including some companies completely new to the sector.

RAILSTAFF AWARDS 2011 PROUD SPONSORS OF RAIL MANAGER OF THE YEAR AWARD 2011 McGinley Support Services have been providing staff to the Rail Sector since 1989 and have developed a strategic approach through dedicated teams focussed on the following areas of expertise: • Trades, Labour and Supervisory Staff • Protection and Warning • Professional, Managerial and Technical • Health and Safety

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We offer consistent standards across all divisions: • Staff knowledge, ability, attitude & motivation • Understanding of client's expectations • Good standard of communication • Strong Health and Safety culture • Efficient problem resolution • Consistency & simplicity of approach (plan, deliver, report, review) For more information please email


RailStaff | September 2011 | 17

McGinley are pleased to announce that we have recently been awarded a national framework agreement with one of the UK's leading rail infrastructure companies to supply professional and technical staff across the UK. We are therefore keen to speak to the following: • Construction Managers • Health & Safety Specialists • Commercial Managers • Commissioning Engineers • Technical Officers

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“The Rail Alliance are proud to be associate sponsors of The RailStaff Awards 2011"

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The Transport Benevolent Fund is proud to sponsor the Station Staff of the Year at the Rail Staff Awards.

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Helping Britain run bett ter H r R w . ’ once again sponsor year’s That’s Th ’ why we’re ’ ’very proud to o ce again sponsor thisthis year’s ’ enabling the ena en ng e transformation rans orma on o of our urour network. nenetwork. wor . ising the excellence and safer, we an sa er, we believe e eve in n recogn recognising recognisi s ng g the e excellence exce ence that’s athat’s ’s day services faster, smarter to innovations to nnova ons that a ma make e every everyday everyd ayy services serv ces faster, as er,, smar smarter er nd development projects, From pioneering investment and development projects,, Fr

Network Rail is proud Network Rail is proud to sponsor the to sponsor the RailStaff RailStaff Awards 2011 Awards 2011 ’e p ng us buil industry – in us ry – that’s a ’s helping u ’ It’s your hard work – the indivi It’

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networkrail.co.uk networkrail.co.uk

18 | RailStaff | September 2011

A new safety policy statement from Network Rail’s Chief Executive with a personal commitment Plus the importance of regular team working for improved safety, as well as justification for training investment and the latest from the RAIB If you know each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and are committed to doing a good job and finishing on time you naturally help each other out.You are also more likely to look out for each other when unexpected hazards arise.

Paperwork and Planning Colin Wheeler writes... on visiting Network Rail’s Safety Central website i was delighted to find a new, simple, intelligible but focussed and relevant Safety Policy Statement. I would encourage everyone who works in the industry to look at Chief Executive David Higgins’ short video presenting it and the accompanying PDF, which deserves to be pinned on notice boards throughout the industry. I am particularly pleased by the video since it is evidence of David Higgins’ personal commitment, confirmed by the sincere and forthright nature of his spoken words. Statements like “I don’t believe in having a blame culture in Network Rail” will need to be taken on Board by all his staff as well as contractors and suppliers! The references to the importance of reporting and sharing our safety experiences and stopping work when things become unsafe are all welcome messages, especially since they come directly from the Chief Executive.

Abandoning the Rule Book Last month I suggested that the time has come for us to abandon the Rule Book as a document relevant to those who actually do work on the railway. It should be replaced by relevant edited down versions of handbooks as memory aids for those on track. I was pleased to be told after publication that the Rail Safety and Standards Board have conducted a survey of the current users of Handbooks 1-5 and Module G1 of the Rule Book. I hope to be able to share details of their findings with you next month. I will reserve judgement until I have seen the results, but I do not expect my conviction that we need to simplify and reduce the amount of paperwork to be successfully challenged.

Regular Team Working Having personal experience of managing up to two and a half thousand railway people I think I have some idea of how to provide a climate where they want to and will do their best for the railway. Whether they work for Network Rail, London Underground or a private company should not matter. They need to know precisely what is to be done and why. A team or group which regularly works together is better equipped to work well, productively and safely than one in which the members do not know each other.

The implications of this are that teams need to be encouraged by clear comments like those made by David Higgins in his video etc. It shows him on track, roof works and elsewhere. I hope it will

be shown to railway employees everywhere as a part of their monthly safety meetings and then discussed. Employers throughout our industry know that particular skills are required for rail work. Continuity of regular employment needs to be maximised for safety, quality and productivity reasons. For too long we have suffered from the consequences of multi-sponsored individuals who rarely work in the same teams for any two consecutive shifts. Many current contract arrangements en-

courage this and I believe that safety, productivity, quality of work and overall costs suffer as a result.A lot of effort goes into planning. Too much of it is focussed on the paperwork, and why is it that the result each and every week is last minute changes? All too often the work or even the site details are altered during the week before the possession and sometimes even on the Friday or Saturday before the first weekend shift. We all know costs have to be reduced but we haven’t yet begun to do so in the right way.

Keeping teams together Sadly procurement organisations still believe in forcing down unit rates. I was not surprised recently when a Network Rail project manager was strenuously critical of a national contract award which resulted in the work being lost to the team of his own people and contractors who had worked together for many months. The new contract team members he said were “merely a pound or two cheaper per hour” but were less skilled, less reliable at turning up and poorly motivated. This was resulting in possession over runs which were costing his employer far more that the savings from the new contractual arrangements. Is now the time for Network Rail’s devolved management to take charge and control procurement to meet their own needs?

National Skills Academy for Railway Engineering (NSARE) I applaud the principles behind this relatively recent initiative. Increasing skill levels should benefit everyone in the industry. The image of the industry and hence its attractiveness to talented people is being enhanced by the formation and early work of the NSARE. The launching as recently as June this year of the “Apprenticeship to Fellowship Scheme” and “Railway Engineering Skills Passports” should be welcomed by us all. The provision of a regulating body for rail engineering training covering the needs of those who are school leavers, craftsmen seeking to convert to railway skills and graduates is sound. However, training costs money and investing in people has to be a viable proposition. Contracts which do not guarantee levels of work using particular skills in specified areas are not going to attract employers into training investment. Equally, the use of self-employed itinerant workers, often multi-sponsored by large numbers of organisations who have no regular work for them, does not line up with company investment in training. Do we need a levy system like that used in the building industry? My conclusion is that we will all be better served, increase our productivity, be safer and better motivate good people by awarding long term performance delivery based contracts. Substantial investment in skill training will then make economic sense. Cost per hour per person may be easier for procurement people to understand, but there is more to it than that.

Train runs away near Shap The recently published Rail Accident Investigation Branch report into an “uncontrolled freight train runback between Shap and Tebay” makes for interesting reading.The train was northbound climb-

RailStaff | September 2011 | 19 Amey apprentices Simon Townsend, Otto Phillips, Richard Leedham, Wayne Keggans and Jason Dunn at the launch of the Amey Apprenticeship Academy at the Network Rail Training Centre Walsall.

© AmEy

ing between Tebay and Shap Summit (See gradient diagram below). The train gradually slowed until at 0204 hours in the early morning of August 17th last year it came to a halt and began to run back towards Tebay. It gathered speed up to 51 mph before the driver realised what was happening and applied the brakes bringing his train to halt at 0209. It had run back a total distance of 2.2 miles and was by this time merely seconds away from being derailed into Tebay sidings. The driver had reported for his night shift at 1834 and then travelled to Warrington Bank Quay on a passenger train before taking over the freight train at 0043. During the run back he had cancelled repeated vigilance device warnings. His shift was timed to end at 0543. He is an experienced driver with a good record having driven since 1976 without any reported incidents prior to this one.

Fatigue and “cat napping” Perhaps significantly the shift on 16th/17th August was his first

night shift in a booked series.The latter half of the report features graphs and charts which illustrates well the reasons behind our current fatigue guidelines. However the references to “industry guidance in shift planning” and “the use of a recommended mathematical model” to me merely indicate devices to be used by those greedy lawyers whenever they get the chance. We can refine these and test them as often as we like, but delegating responsibility and accountability to the local manager and supervisor is much more important. For almost 20 years I was regularly “On Call”. During that time I dealt with many emergencies including derailments, fatalities and even passenger train derailment. I was able to sleep almost at will and on many occasions used a driver so that I could “cat nap” whilst travelling between scheduled appointments after being called out. Not everyone can do so. Interestingly the driver of the Tebay via Shap freight train said in evidence that he had tried to sleep without success during the

day before his first night shift turn. I was pleased but not surprised to find a reference to the potential effectiveness of “cat napping”.

Pedestrian fatality at Piccadilly gardens At sixteen minutes past midnight on June 5th this year a Metrolink tram was running into Piccadilly Gardens in central Manchester from Market Street at a speed of around 9 mph. A pedestrian ran across its path and fell in front of the approaching tram. Despite rapid braking the tram came to rest with the pedestrian trapped beneath it. He died of his injuries some time later in hospital. Manchester Metrolink trams are equipped with a device designed to prevent pedestrians being run over by the wheels of the tram if they are hit.The device is described as an under-run protector, but in this sad case the pedestrian ended up trapped by the protector itself. Clearly designs need to include provision of all reasonable safety devices and risk assessments are used to justify the

consequent cost implications. When the RAIB report on this one comes out I will be interested to read what is recommended. Will this sad accident result in changes to protector designs? Just how far is it reasonable to go to protect anyone who falls into the path of an oncoming tram?

Our industry looks set to open up after next year’s Olympics, by which time we all hope the current recession will be over. Crossrail and High Speed 2 will need the services of many skilled railway engineers. Alongside these mammoth projects there will still be work to be done on London Underground and Network Rail’s infrastruc-

ture, as well as city tram and metro systems etc. The future is bright, but working safely, effectively and skilfully is essential if we are to earn and retain the backing of the politicians and the British public.




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09/09/2011 12:13


20 | RailStaff | September 2011

An Asset to the Cause Accountants tend to sniff at plant and equipment, placing it in a different column and shaking their heads as they work out asset depreciation. However heavy machinery, tools and equipment are better valued with hearty appreciation. Any business functions to create wealth, to sustain its role in benefitting staff and shareholders and the society it serves. Liquid assets, cash, credit, debts owed and contracts won, are all very well. Just as important, though, is the hammer of steel, the smell of diesel and the sound of engines revving pre-dawn which foretell better business, real work and reward.

Crucial Understanding the value of plant and equipment is crucial.To use a non-rail illustration: A restaurant’s assets might be its reputation for good food, friendly, competent, staff and comfortable surroundings. Its liquid assets are the cash flow, the business accounts and the run of parties and dinners regulars book. However no less important is the plant and equipment, the premises themselves, ovens and grills, the copper bottomed pans, chairs and tables, carefully contrived cutlery and a vase with a rose in the middle of every table.

Better plant and equipment Some companies, such as a management consultancy, have very few plant and equipment as-

sets. Others are more heavily dependant. Railways are a case in point. The railway industry might be labour intensive with huge reliance on engineers, track workers and technicians however it’s appetite for new technology, better plant and equipment, has never been greater. The rail industry is expanding. In Britain, in passenger terms, we boast the fastest growing railway in Europe. Stop-start investment and erratic public funding mean there is still much catching up to do. Alistair Darling might not dwell on it in his memoirs but he was brave enough to point out, whilst secretary for transport, that successive governments of both political persuasions had failed the railway in investment terms. That is changing now with progress being made on the Docklands Light Railway and London Overground upgrades, the hugely ambitious Crossrail project and best of all the prospect of High Speed Two. To deliver this new plant and equipment is essential. Developing the technologies and machines that will build and maintain the railways of the future is in everyone’s interest. In this special feature we take a look at some of the developments in plant and equipment underpinning the new dynamics of Britain’s expanding rail industry. Hard assets may depreciate with age but these featured here are already making a fine contribution to an industry hungry to rebuild and expand its asset base.

On Track with Stobart Rail Stobart Rail owns one of the only operational Track go4 Ballast Renewal machines in Britain. This machine is second to none when it comes to ballast renewals on either plain line or S&C. Old ballast is removed from the site and replaced with new without the need to remove the track and sleepers. In good conditions the Go4 can remove in excess of 200m of ballast in a 12 hour shift. Whilst the machine is removing the ballast a team of road rail excavators and a pway team are working alongside to replace the ballast and to check the track geometry and tamp the ballast. The applications that this machine can carry out are endless. A top team from Stobart recently

Liebherr A900ZW.

lowered the track at a site near London following a problem with a drain that had been leaking for a long time. This caused the track to move. Stobart Rail went in with the Go4 by road, accessed the track at a RRAP and removed excess ballast to lower the track. New ballast was then put down and the track tamped to the correct geometry. This was all achieved within a 20 hr possession and the main line reopened back to line speed.This would not have been achieved in the tight time scales if the track had been taken out and a conventional dig carried out.

Liebherr A900ZW Working alongside this operation is one of Stobart Rail’s Lieb-

herr A900ZW. Having to upgrade the road/rail vehicles to RS1530PLT, Plant Manager Dave Richardson took the opportunity to increase the towing capacity to a staggering 96 tonne. This configuration is ideal when working alongside other RRVs and for delivering materials when the furthest away trailers are either unloaded by a second machine or by man power. The machine is also fitted with an offset boom which again is a great asset when carrying out drainage work on trackside and in tunnels. When this machine was upgraded to RIS 1530PLT it was fitted with additional Prolec equipment which allows working under live OHLE.

Leading the way in operator comfort Following the introduction of the new Rail industry Standard for Engineering Acceptance of on-Track Plant and Associated Equipment (RiS-1530-PLT issue 3), the Quattro group has taken the opportunity to embark on a substantial enhancement project concerning a number of its large fleet of RRV machines. Working from the mandatory guidelines set out by the RIS1530- PLT document, the works, which are being carried out throughout 2011 by King Trailers will see the refurbishment of over 40 core machines. Works include major refurbishments such as the expansion of lifting capability, the fitting of a new braking system for towed trailers and the addition of trailer man-riding capability. However, it is not just the machines’ capabilities that are being enhanced during this time. It is imperative to the Quattro Group that not only do their customers notice the difference, but also that the operators who will be using the machines benefit from the changes. With this in mind, the upgraded machines are all being fitted with cuttingedge technology designed to ensure that both vehicle performance and operator ease of use are maximised.

A new approach The technology in question is a compliant GKD rated capacity

indicator (RCI), which provides users with a new approach to the monitoring of road rail vehicle stability. The new system is not only highly technical, but very user-friendly and designed with the operator in mind. The RCI system is touch screen, which allows the system to be user friendly without the need for long training sessions or manuals. The operator needs to be able to input data with ease and also react quickly to any instruction the system is requesting whilst also maintaining machine efficiency. With this in mind, clear graphics and icons are used throughout, detailing warnings and representing commands, ensuring that every request is simple to understand. As well as ease-of-use, the new technology helps ensure that health and safety is not com-

promised. Working in dark conditions it is imperative that the screen is clearly visible to help avoid eye strain, and the large LCD touch screen is displayed in colour and is back-lit, offering crystal-clear viewing whatever time of the day or night. Graphic indications of in-gauge allows operators to travel in confidence, whilst the ‘Virtual Wall’ application makes working in a confined space much less of a concern. An audible warning alert offers a further safety precaution, helping to minimise avoidable accidents. Mr John Murphy, Managing Director at the Quattro Group said, ‘Not only did we want to improve the capabilities of our key RRV fleet, but also the experience for our staff. After all, without a happy operator, a perfectly modified new machine is no use to anyone!’

Expanding scan capability Plowman Craven has extended its 3d laser scanning capability with the acquisition of a new HdS7000 terrestrial laser scanning system from Leica geosystems. Already a proven leader in innovation, Plowman Craven has now procured one of the UK’s first Leica HDS7000 ultra high speed scanners to ensure the best combination of speed and accuracy for its measurement survey solutions. With scanning speeds of up to one million points per second and an extended range of over 100 metres, the HDS7000 is claimed to have the best combination of high efficiency, accuracy and low scan noise at longer ranges. David Norris, Technical Director at Plowman Craven says, ‘The addition of the HDS7000 to our existing range of scanning equipment gives us the versatility to take on any challenge.

The phase-based scanner performs at very high speeds and the range and the quality of data is superb. ‘The investment proves Plowman Craven’s ongoing commitment to investing in new technology and innovation. We are currently working on a number of high profile infrastructure projects such as London Bridge Station and Crossrail, and we also have a significant workload in scanning for the film and entertainment sector. ‘Within the property market, our clients are moving towards a Building Information Management environment, and this investment will further improve and refine our scan-to-BIM workflows.’

3d data capture Says Tim Badley, HDS Sales Manager, Leica Geosystems, ‘Plowman Craven continues to strive forward pushing the

boundaries of 3D data capture. They were amongst the very first to fully embrace 3D laser scanning technology back in the early 2000s and this purchase reaffirms the company’s position as leaders in this field. ‘With the launch of the HDS7000 we have combined ultra high speed and high density data capture, with increased accuracy up to 187m - perfect for many of the complex projects undertaken by PCL.’ Plowman Craven is a leading chartered surveying company offering a broad range of professional measurement services. Its extensive services cover numerous markets including rail, urban regeneration, retail, commercial property, government, public bodies, police and entertainment. For further info please contact: Janet Fensome on 01582 765566 or jfensome@plowmancraven.co.uk www.plowmancraven.co.uk & www.leica-geosystems.co.uk

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22 | RailStaff | September 2011

CRH2 EMU stands at the platform of the futuristic station at Wuhan, the first day of operation of the Wuhan to Guangzhou high speed line.

A DAY RETURN FROM BEIJING TO SHANGHAI PLEASE By Colin Garratt in Newton Harcourt and Andrew Benton in Beijing despite the recent high speed rail disaster in China, the world-wide evidence in favour of high speed rail remains compelling. Whilst China is currently reevaluating its approach to high speed rail and investigating alleged instances of corruption and corner cutting in the building of its network of high speed routes, its government still envisages a comprehensive high speed rail network that will be a cornerstone in China’s rise to global pre-eminence. Whatever safeguards are put in place as a result of the tragedy at Wenzhou and whatever the result of investigations into the conduct of individuals

and organisations, China’s prodigious achievements cannot be overlooked. Its belief in high speed rail and the success of high speed networks around the world should be the stimulus we need to build Britain’s HS2. Britain was the birthplace of the railway; it was also railway builder to an empire and the world. It is therefore deeply sad to witness the opposition to the building of the line - the natural progression of a long tradition. Britain’s exporting of railways worldwide took the Industrial Revolution to the four corners of the earth and brought limitless development and prosperity. At home the success of the Liverpool and Manchester Rail-

way convinced the business people of Birmingham of the advantage of a railway to the capital. George Stephenson’s son Robert was appointed Chief Engineer of the London and Birmingham Railway in 1833. But the NIMBYs were out in force even then as land owners particularly in the Northampton area voiced their opposition. They didn’t want to see it and they didn’t want to hear it! It is popularly said that this opposition was a factor in Robert Stephenson engineering the route via Blisworth Cutting and the infamous 2,400 yard long Kilsby Tunnel, which took three years to build. Northampton remains on a loop line to this day.

It is ironic that the first stage of the proposed HS2 route connects the same two cities as the original London and Birmingham Railway, with a common terminus at Birmingham Curzon Street. It is also ironic that the new line faces the same opposition as that of one and three quarter centuries ago. But how all consumingly wrong have those NIMBYs of the 1830s proved to be.

missed opportunity Britain’s great missed opportunity was the building of the Great Central Railway to continental loading gauge over a hundred years ago which was specifically intended to link the major manufacturing towns of northern England with those of the continent – work on the channel tunnel having been commenced. The potential was never realised; the tunnel was abandoned and the Great Central main line destined to be closed under Beeching in the 1960s.

A magic carpet Britain needs high speed rail along with direct services to Europe. It also needs the determination to regenerate its train building capacity. Historically, if the British were good at anything, it was railways and yet today we cannot even build a train, as the recent Bombardier debacle illustrates.

High speed rail was savoured in Britain over a hundred years ago when, in 1904, the Great Western 4-4-0, “City of Truro” reached a 102.3 mph. High speed rail is the natural development of railway utilisation and France - only 21 miles away from Britain’s shores has an enviable network of some 1,250 miles of dedicated high speed lines with plans, backed up by current construction, to double that by 2020 - incredible!

France’s TGV revolution began in 1981 - thirty years ago and neighbouring Germany is following suit. The country has some 800 miles of high speed track and twenty years after the introduction of ICE the overwhelming verdict is that it has transformed travel and put the German rail network on a par with Japan’s Shinkensen. It has been said that the journey considered to be most like a modern magic carpet is the Cologne to Frankfurt route which used to take over two

RailStaff | September 2011 | 23

A Class 252 at hours and which has now been cut to just over an hour. Taking a car is hardly an alternative as a trip, even on the speed-limit free autobahn, would take twice as long as the train. In Spain, too, travellers in their droves have forsaken the world’s busiest air shuttle linking Madrid to Barcelona in favour of the high speed AVE which completes the journey, city centre to city centre, in 2 hours 32 minutes with the train reaching speeds up to 210 mph. The trains are punctual, hassle free and hauled by aerodynamic locomotives that are grounding aircraft across Spain. The American president, Barack Obama, has a keen hankering for the TGV and other fast trains. After passenger rail in the US reached its lowest point, under George Bush, the country is embarking on an ambitious expansion of passenger rail. Just how far Britain has fallen behind other countries in the realisation of high speed rail is illustrated by the fact that Japan has had high speed trains since 1964, almost half a century ago and their network of lines has superboosted their economy and society and attracted China, who now leads the world in high speed rail construction. This railway revolution in China reflects the outlook of this in-

stock. train of Talgo the head of a credible country where China’s central government acts in, what it sees as, the best interests of the nation. There is no context in which organised opposition can operate. The nation’s forward momentum is breathtaking. Our contributor Andrew Benton has lived and worked in China for eight years and is eminently placed to observe the country’s phenomenal railway development.

The envy of the world China’s railway system is the envy of the world. Over the past decade development has been phenomenal driven by a burgeoning economy - growth hovers around 10% a year - so creating a more affluent and increasingly mobile population. Parallel to the country’s high profile building of high speed systems is a wide range of new conventional lines linking the country closer together such as the engineering marvel that is the line to Lhasa in Tibet. Dezhou is one of China’s greenest cities. Located on the banks of the Grand Canal in northern Shandong province, 280 miles southeast of Beijing, it has pioneered the use and production of solar panels, and is home to China’s Solar Valley - a national production and innovation centre for solar energy. A stone’s throw from Solar

CRH2 Class EMU passing through central Zhengzhou in Henan Province on its way to Xian on the high speed line between the two.

Valley, Dezhou East Station on the newly-opened Beijing to Shanghai High Speed Passenger Dedicated Line, has just opened. From here, passengers can be whisked to Beijing in less than two hours, and to Shanghai in less than three, all in great comfort, and whilst still connected to the world via their mobile phones. There is a growing network of passenger dedicated high speed lines in China, but surprisingly the first one opened only a few years ago. The short 74.5 miles hop from Beijing to the neighbouring metropolis of Tianjin opened shortly before the Olympics. The line has become the preferred means of travel between the two cities, conveniently dropping travellers in the centre of Tianjin, and linking to the Beijing subway in the central south of the city at the other end.

incredible developments Construction of the 819 mile Beijing to Shanghai line took little more than three years when it opened on July 1st this year; phenomenal by any standards, and construction of the northern half of a line from Beijing to the southern metropolis of Guangzhou (Canton) is nearly completed. With the southern half having opened a year and a half ago it will soon be possible to travel overland to Guangzhou, and on to nearby Hong Kong, in about six hours. The region - the Pearl River Delta - is probably the most developed region in the country, and is a huge manufacturing and service centre base. Already, high speed lines connect Guangzhou to Shenzhen, on the border with Hong Kong, and to Zhuhai, on the border with Macau, and a new through line is under construction linking Guangzhou to Hong Kong directly.

What will be the world’s longest passenger dedicated high speed line, the route from Shanghai west to Kunming in China’s beautiful Yunnan province is under construction, and will cut to about ten hours, a journey that currently takes 37 hours.

300 mph EmUs The new high speed lines are designed as a network linking major population centres in a grid pattern, with lines running north-south and others running east-west, concurrent with plans for non-high speed rail corridors. Although some lines are passenger dedicated high speed, such as the new Beijing to Shanghai line, others are designed for normal speed traffic as well, mixing conventional locomotive-hauled services with high speed EMUs. The latest of these is the CRH380 which has a maximum speed of 236 mph. These units first saw service on the line from Shanghai to Hangzhou in eastern China, where they shortened an almost two-hour journey to just 45 minutes. One of these units set the

world speed record of 302.794 mph during test runs. Whilst China Railways has an enviable safety record combined with almost total reliability and punctuality, corruption is a national problem with accusations of shortcuts and financial irregularities widespread. This has led to the sacking of several top ranking railway officials, including the ex-head of the Ministry of Railways and three more in the aftermath of the recent tragedy at Wenzhou. This will lead to a re-appraisal of safety standards and a temporary slowing down of the rapid rate of construction.. China exports a wide range of conventional rolling stock to many countries, and it is surely only a matter of time before China’s EMUs are seen on overseas railways as well, probably including Britain. Recently David Cameron suggested to the Chinese premier, Wen Jiabao, on his visit to the UK, that China should be involved in building HS2, and China’s international pre-eminence in high speed rail was recognized last year with the holding of the seventh International High Speed Rail Congress in Beijing.

CRH1 Class EM U crosses the Feiwan viaduc Ningbo to Wen t on the zhou and Fuzh ou high speed line in China.

Trans Asia railway As the foremost economy in Asia, China not only builds lines on its own territory. Construction on the new high speed line from Kunming, in Southwestern China, to Singapore started in April this year. The line will provide a huge economic boost to countries along its route - China, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. The line is part of the Trans-Asia Railway network and is due to open in 2025. It is bold moves such as these which herald the return of the Railway Age.

make the Pulse Race The lessons of Wenzhou must be learnt but they must be seen against the fact that rail, when properly built and operated, with all the latest safety systems in place, is the safest mode of land transportation. It has the power to stimulate economies, create jobs and enrich societies. High speed rail, in particular, has the ability to do all of this plus something else; it has the ability to lift the spirit and make the pulse race. No bad thing in these dark depressed days of cut backs and redundancies.

24 | RailStaff | September 2011

St Pancras tops romantic list According to Lonely Planet, the travel guide publisher, St Pancras international’s meeting Place ranks alongside the Taj mahal and Juliet’s House (Casa de giulietta), in Verona, italy as the most romantic meeting place in the world. The station tops a list of the World’s Most Romantic Spots published by the Lonely Planet Guide - the handbook of wanderers everywhere. At the heart of the Meeting Place is a 27ft tall bronze sculpture of a couple embracing by Paul Day, the British artist. The Grade I-listed station has been renovated and modernised in recent years, at a cost of around £800 million, and has become a hub for Eurostar services to Europe. The Victorian brick building was only saved from demolition in the 1960s by a campaign

whose supporters included the former poet laureate Sir John Betjeman. Simon Calder, the travel writer, has described St Pancras as, ‘the world’s most beautiful railway station.’ Stiff competition includes the tomb of legendary lovers, Abelard and Heloise, in the Père Lachaise Cemetery in Paris; the Eiffel Tower - the one in Las Vegas; the Plaza de los Coches in old town Cartagena, Colombia; the fortuitously named Alley of the Kiss, in Guanajuato, Mexico; and Yellow Mountain (or Huangshan), in China, where lovers symbolically buy padlocks and snap them shut on the handrails before tossing the key into the gorge, to clinch them together forever. What isn’t clear is if some people pay extra for a second key.

Order of the Oyster

Rail support for Red Balloon First Capital Connect is supporting a Cambridge based anti-bullying organisation by donating a season ticket to its chief executive, Carrie Herbert. The charity, Red Balloon, was established in 1996 when Carrie Herbert, working as an educational consultant, repeatedly noticed how bullied children were avoiding school and consequently missing out on an education. As a result Carrie opened up her

house in Cambridge city centre as a school to help these children begin their recovery programme and continue their education in safety. In 2003 the charity moved from Carrie’s house to a permanent location in Warkworth Terrace, Cambridge, and has since opened several more schools across the country, including Norwich, London, and Merseyside. In order to help Carrie with her campaign, FCC

Harry Potter may have travelled on the Hogwart’s Express but star, daniel Radcliffe says he can no longer use the London Underground. Daniel admires the system but goes in fear of being mobbed by fans. ‘I don’t take the Tube, because it can go a bit nuts, and if it goes nuts in a small space that can be a bit weird. So I don’t know how to use an Oyster card. ‘In Harry Potter and the Order

donated a season ticket from Cambridge to London so that she can lobby the Government and visit Red Balloon sites in the region. Says Keith Jipps, FCC’s Customer Services Director, ‘Red Balloon is an amazing charity and Carrie Herbert works unbelievably hard in helping children affected from bullying. I am pleased that we have been able to support Carrie and Red Balloon and look forward to working together in the future.’

Monster magic rocks Loch Ness

port competitors from leg to leg. The logistics are incredible.’ The First Monster Challenge boasted a new winning team. ‘Blazing Saddles,’ from Inverness finished in a time of 5 hours 45 minutes missing out on the course record by 18 minutes. ‘The winning team were untouchable. However the most important element of the race was raising money for charity and in particular Save the Children. Hopefully we can beat last year’s total of £188,000.’ Meanwhile Gavin Hastings’ team finished in 55th place in a time of 6 hours 44 minutes. The

former Scottish international, taking part in the event for the fourth time said, ‘The weather was mixed but the competitors and I, as ever, thoroughly enjoyed the event. I’ve taken part in every Monster since 2008. It makes for a fabulous weekend.’ Blazing Saddles team captain, Andrew MacRae said, ‘We’re simply astonished, but absolutely thrilled to have finished first in such a tough field.’ Completing the team were Paul Miller (41) Ross Nixon (38) and Donnie MacDonald (32) - all are based in Inverness and run for the local Harriers team.

Harley Davidson (26) from Inverness, also an Inverness Harrier, triumphed in the Iron Monster, an event that sees competitors tackle the entire 120km course solo. Says Harley, ‘I could not be more pleased with the victory, but couldn’t have done it without the support of my sister and brother in law. It’s a really tough event - the equivalent of running a marathon followed by cycling a further two - on hard, mountainous terrain.’ Harley finished in a time of 7 hours 25 mins, some 41 mins shy of the course record. Says FirstGroup’s Marketing Manager, Avril Gill, ‘For the third year running, our Monster event has sold out. Teams have travelled the length and breadth of the UK to take part today and I was particularly pleased to see 21 teams from FirstGroup take on the Monster, including a team from our Greyhound operations in the USA. Although we have yet to calculate a grand total, we hope to have raised around £200k for our charity partner, Save the Children, and other good causes.’ Meanwhile winner of the First Mini Monster, was Cameron Young (13) from Inverness.

Wolverton wins mobility work Railcare has been awarded a contract from Porterbrook to overhaul and adapt nine Class 156s. The modifications will enable the units to meet the Passengers with Reduced Mobility Technical Specification for Interoperability, which comes into force from 1st January 2020. This work will guarantee the long-term future of the class. The company, based at Wolverton near Milton Keynes, will also overhaul Class 153s and look at reconfiguring them back to fixed two-car units. Porterbrook says it will explore the © JoNATHAN WEBB

Former olympic gold medalist and world record holder, Sally gunnell, and Scottish rugby legend, gavin Hastings, joined over 1,000 competitors taking part in this year’s monster challenge. In a bid to get young children involved the ‘First Mini Monster’ event also took place at the same time. Aimed at families and children the mini-race consisted of a simple mile long course which competitors could run, cycle or walk. Sally Gunnell and Gavin Hastings both competed in the First Monster Challenge, leading teams through a 120km relay duathlon around the shores of Loch Ness, in aid of Save the Children. Sally assembled an impressive team which included, her husband Jon Bigg and two fitness fanatics from Sussex. ‘Team Gunnell’ finished in 23rd place out of a field of 230 teams in a time of 7 hours and 6 minutes. Says Sally, who was competing in the event for the second time, ‘I really enjoyed myself out there. The course is very tough, but great fun and the camaraderie between the teams is fantastic. The organisation is first class. FirstGroup organises a fleet of coaches to trans-

of the Phoenix there’s a shot of me and Mark Williams going through the gates at a Tube station and I try to put my Oyster card through the machine like it’s a ticket, rather than swiping it,’ says Daniel. The scene was left in the film as it typifies the hero’s character. Movie people and fans gathered for the première of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two, the final Potter movie, in August.

possibility of making the 153s compliant with the disability regulations but, because of the amount of work needed on a single car train, it was difficult to make an economic case for the work. Unless the work is carried out the 153s will have to be withdrawn after 2020. Such a fate already awaits the Pacer units. The first 156 will enter Wolverton in May 2012, with the last one expected to be released to traffic in July 2013. The single car 153s were originally two-car class 155s, but were converted to class 153s in the early 1990s.

RailStaff | September 2011 | 25

Step Change

Further preparations for the London olympics are underway as Network Rail pushes ahead with work at Wembley Central, Camden Road, Hackney Central and gospel oak. The stations are to be made more accessible by providing a step-free route between the station entrance and platforms for the first time. The improvements will benefit London Overground passengers travelling to watch football at Wembley Stadium, badminton and gymnastics at

Wembley Arena as well as passengers travelling to and from Stratford for the Olympic Park. At Wembley Central, Network Rail will be carrying out platform extensions to provide the capacity for longer eight-car trains at two platforms. At Camden Road, more than £2m is being invested in two new lifts, which will carry passengers between street level and the platforms. Says Mike Goggin, Network Rail’s director of stations, ‘London relies on rail like no other

city. The improvements we’re making across the capital will make life easier for everyone to take the train and is part of a wider effort to build a bigger, better railway for London. ‘With Olympic and Paralympic athletes and spectators travelling to, from and across London in huge numbers next summer, it’s right that passengers at these stations have the facilities they deserve.’ The work is being funded by the DfT’s Access for All programme. Says rail minister, Theresa Villiers, ‘The Olympics will be the largest and most prestigious sporting event in Britain’s history. Millions of people, spectators, athletes, officials and the world’s media, will be travelling to and from the different Olympic venues. We are continuing our Access for All programme, despite the need to reduce the deficit, and I am very pleased that work has started on making these stations accessible in time for next year’s Games.’ Work at Camden Road and Hackney Central is expected to be completed in spring 2012, Gospel Oak in late spring 2012 and Wembley Central in summer 2012 before the start of the Olympic Games.

Whitemoor thanks more than 3,000 people attended an open day at Whitemoor yard depot in march in Cambridgeshire to check out the new recycling centre - right at the heart of the railway’s green transformation. The open day was organised to thank local residents for their support during the building of the new centre. The Whitemoor Yard centre will help save thousands of tonnes of materials from going to landfill every year. Once it is fully operational, the centre is expected to deliver £7m of savings to Network Rail each year. Network Rail’s goal is to reuse, recycle or recover 95% of construction and maintenance waste by 2014. Face painting, community stalls, model railways and a locomotive naming ceremony, conducted by the Mayor of March, councillor Bernard Keane, featured amongst the entertainment on offer for families who attended the open day. A further event was held where the official ribbon cutting ceremony took place. This event was attended by a number of officials including John Powley, chairman of Cambridgeshire County Council. Peter Henderson, director of asset management at Network Rail, who officially opened the new recycling centre along with Mr Powley, said, ‘The open day was fantastic and the support we have had from the local community has been superb. The new recycling centre is at the heart of our efforts to make the railway greener, cleaner and more sustainable and will help us to continue to deliver value for money. It is vital in maintaining and improving the railway throughout Cambridgeshire.’ Says Raj Sinha, managing director of rail at Spencer, main contractor for the project, ‘We are delighted and very proud to have been core to a project which will stand as a beacon for sustainability. Whitemoor has raised the benchmark in how the design, construction and delivery of projects can cater for the environment and the sustainability agenda.’ Originally opened in 1929, Whitemoor served as a marshalling yard for the old London North

Eastern Railway. By the start of the Second World War it was among the biggest and busiest in Europe. Whitemoor was so important during the war that a decoy yard was established four miles away. Lights were set up in a field in the same pattern as those at the yard and left on during the blackouts to confuse bombers, while those at the real yard were switched off. However, from the 1960s the original yard started to decline as the railway changed. In the early 1990s it was forced to close and became derelict. Half the original site is now where Whitemoor Prison sits. However Whitemoor’s decline was reversed in 2004, when the new yard opened after a £20m investment programme. Then in April 2008, Network Rail applied for planning permission for a national track materials recycling centre at the yard. The new yard comprises a strategic supply facility including temporary aggregate storage, spent ballast recycling and around 12 miles of sidings.

Brian helps heroes Colchester-based driver, Brian Skeet, has completed a 97 mile charity bike ride in aid of ‘Help for Heroes’ – the charity that helps servicemen injured in service. Brian, who works for National Express East Anglia, cycled with five friends from his local caravan club, along a picturesque route from King’s Lynn in Norfolk, through Ely, Fordham, Saffron Walden and Great Dunmow to High Ongar, Essex. Says Brian, ‘Help for Heroes is a charity which is close to our hearts. Working in Colchester and living in North Essex, one can’t help but be moved by the events affecting the brave soldiers of our local barracks. That’s why this year ‘Help for Heroes’ is our chosen charity. We’re particularly pleased that a soldier from the Royal Anglian regiment will be able to join us for the last section of our charity bike ride.’ Colchester is home of the 16 Air Assault Brigade including the Parachute Regiment. Says James Reeve National Express East Anglia’s Colchester Station Manager, ‘Brian is a familiar face to many of our customers who pass through Colchester sta-

tion. It’s great that he is undertaking this charity bike ride in order to benefit a cause which means so much to the people of Colchester. I wish him the very best with his fundraising.’ Brian and his friends completed the bike ride in 7hrs 35mins.

South American success Recession-busting Newcastle engineering firm, Houghton international, has landed one of its biggest ever single export orders from a firm in Venezuela. The company, based in Walker, manufactures high voltage coils that are used in the repair and maintenance of large electrical motors and generators. The order worth $210,000 from Venezuelan company Sidelco is to supply its pioneering Hi Flex coil system. Says Stuart Whitfield, Houghton International’s Technical Account

Manager, who brokered the deal, ‘This new order will keep our manufacturing business busy for two months and puts us in a really strong position. We’ve invested in new machinery and have recruited six new apprentices who will be involved in fulfilling this order. Recruitment for more shop floor staff and other roles is under way.’ Bill Oliver, one of UK Trade & Investment’s International Trade Advisers who has worked closely with the company, is delight-

ed with the news. ‘This new order is fantastic news for Houghton International and I’m really pleased that they’ve taken advantage of the opportunity to move into a whole new market,’ says Bill. Since entering the EMU overhaul supply business in 2006, Houghton International has serviced and repaired over 600 individual traction motors ranging from G310s and EE507s to High Speed Train motors - both Brush and GEC.

Golden Arrow auction Art dealer, Bonhams, is to sell ‘The golden Arrow’ by Terence Cuneo in a modern Paintings auction on 20th September 2011. Experts estimate the painting will fetch between £40,00060,000. Cuneo’s ‘The Golden Arrow’ shows the luxury boat train that ran between London’s Victoria station and Dover. Passengers would cross the Channel to Calais and complete their journey to Paris by another train, the Fleche d’Or. The train initially catered for first-class passengers only. Between September 1939 and April 1946 it ceased to run because of the war. In 1951 it had a new set of Pullman cars built as part of the celebrations of the Festival of Britain. The train made its final journey in September 1972. Famed for his paintings of trains, horses and military action, Cuneo (1907-1996) was also

distinguished for being the official artist of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. A statue of him stands at Waterloo Station. Says Emma Corke, Director of Bonhams Knightsbridge Pictures

Department, ‘We are delighted to be offering this wonderful painting of such an iconic subject, which is sure to appeal to both train enthusiasts and Cuneo collectors.’

26 | RailStaff | September 2011


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Proven experience, degree educated or equivalent and a member of a professional body such as ICE, IME or IEE.

Proven experience and studying towards ONC/OND

A senior technical role with responsibility for staff competence on site and authorising work package plans. You will be able to offer value engineered solutions to the client and be able to demonstrate experience of multi-discipline interfacing on rail projects including S&T, OHL stations and passengers. The candidate will hold the correct certification and have a full knowledge of NR L2 INI/02009 (Engineering Management for Projects) and will also be competent in raising speeds to level 4 and hold a level 3a stressing certificate.

Senior Engineer (PWAY) Proven experience of track installation and educated to HNC/HND level. A key member of the engineering site team with responsibility for interpreting and understanding track geometry layout designs. You will be able to survey and set out using EDM and other relevant equipment as well as work with laser guided machines. You will have experience of managing tamping activities including TQS and ALC data and be able to interpret data obtained through track geometry recording equipment. You will be fully conversant with track construction and maintenance standards including welding and other jointing methods. You will be able to manage stressing including S&C and have a wider knowledge of other rail disciplines such as S&T and OHL. Stressing certificate 3a and raising speeds to level 4 essential.

You must be able to assist the STO and PTO in all aspects of surveying, setting out and gauging and be able to complete site paper work.

Train Planner A key member of the planning team you will be fully conversant with the use and capability of engineering trains. You will be able to produce train plans for track installation works and be able to order trains through NROL. Experienced and competent in arranging entries into NWR WONs for sections A,B,C and D through PPS. Proven experience will be essential.

Programme Planner You will be able to plan works showing critical paths and contingency. Experienced and competent in arranging entries into NWR WONs for sections A,B,C and D through PPS. Experience of planning tools such as P3e will be essential.

Further Opportunities We are always keen to hear from Signalling Designers, Signalling Testers, OHL Engineers, OHL Designers.

Possession Planner A key member of the planning team you will be able to prepare train plans and be fully conversant with the sectional appendix and able to understand 5 mile line diagrams. Relevant experience will be essential

To Apply please send your CV to careers@carillionplc.com For further discussion please contact Gagan Walia, Recruitment Specialist, Carillion Rail on 07917 55 89 05 Or Mike McCann, General Manager, Carillion Rail Training (CRT) on 07740 06 42 41 Visit www.carillionplc.com/careers

We are not taking enquiries from agencies at this time.


28 | RailStaff | September 2011


White Training

Providing Quality Services to the UK Rail Sector

We urgently require...

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group of specialist training providers. This

to appoint Railway Engineering Trainers

post is open to Newly Qualified Teachers

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Apprenticeship programmes is preferred.

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in the rail sector, please call us on 01332 258864 or email enquiries@yellowrail.org.uk Yellow Rail Ltd is one of the Yellow Group of Companies

For more information please go to www.whitetrainingandrecruitment.co.uk





Opportunities in Australia for Railway Staff (Competitive Salaries)

with relocation packages for the right candidates & immediate starts available

Due to the substantial investment being made in Railway Infrastructure Projects, in Australia, SWGR are keen to hear from the following individuals who are interested in pursuing an exciting new career path in a variety of locations throughout the country and different industrial applications such as Mining, Urban, Tunnelling and Ports. We have an urgent requirement for highly skilled rail professionals for our clients in Western Australia for Rail Upgrades and Capacity Improvements. We are particularly keen to hear from the following:

H & S Advisor

Senior Civil Engineers

Structural Engineers

Project Engineers/Managers

Signalling Engineers

Commercial Managers

Essential Skills / Qualifications required: • A Trade qualification in an Engineering discipline • A proven track record in Rail Construction or associated area • Experience of delivering results in a fast paced target driven environment • Excellent written and oral communication skills • A desire to live, succeed and excel in an exciting new environment Please send your CV in Word Format to aus@sw-gr.com


If you are looking for either permanent, temporary or contracted work

Closing Date: Friday 30 September

dynamic team in a growing and ambitious


coach builders - Ireland





30 | RailStaff | September 2011



Following a significant boost to track renewals works with the award of Network Rail’s framework contract in London North Eastern territory and a structured programme to drive efficiencies across the company, Babcock’s Rail business is looking to the future with a renewed confidence. Now the largest provider of conventional track renewals in the UK, as well as an expanding portfolio of works in on-track plant, signalling, electrification and power, telecommunications, professional services, training and integrated rail system solutions, we are seeking to strengthen our team with highly motivated individuals who will play a key role in the further development of a growing and rewarding business. To support Network Rail deliver major investment works across the rail network, we have aligned ourselves with strategic partners whose skills complement and further strengthen our capabilities. This combined with the stability and reputation of our parent company, Babcock International Group PLC, the UK’s leading engineering support services organisation with circa £3bn revenues and 27,000 world wide employees, make us a business that is trusted to deliver. Interested? We are looking to fill the following positions within the following areas with experienced professionals currently operating both within or outwith the rail industry. In return, a competitive salary and benefits package can be expected. The following vacancies are available UK wide with office locations in Hamilton, Preston, York and Crewe.

Senior Project Managers – Enhancements, Track, Signalling and E&P Project Managers (all disciplines) i.e. Track, Signalling, E&P

Senior Distribution Engineers Track Survey & PWay Design Staff (all levels) Project Planners (all levels)



| Airports | Communications | Defence | Education | Emergency Services | Energy | International | Nuclear | Property | Rail | Training |

Weardale Railway CIC and Devon and Cornwall Railways, subsidiary companies of British American Railway Services Ltd, are seeking to recruit appropriate candidates to the following positions...

Head of Civil Engineering (Part Time) Weardale Railway

Infrastructure Manager / Supervisor Weardale Railway

The successful applicant will be a senior railway civil engineer who will take responsibility for the all aspects of the infrastructure of WRCIC. Reporting to the board of directors of WRCIC, the successful applicant will work closely with the General Manager WRCIC to ensure that the railway is developed, maintained and can be safely operated in compliance with company and national standards. It is anticipated that the post holder will be required to be in regular contact with resident managers and visit the railway twice each month to personally verify delivery to meet objectives.

The successful applicant will be a highly motivated leader capable of organising and resourcing all manner of tasks to construct, repair and maintain railway infrastructure. The post holder will report to the General Manger and work closely with the Head of Civil Engineering to ensure that operational objectives can be realised. Equally comfortable leading site activity and planning work from the office, this position plays a vital part in the smooth running of WRCIC and the operation of heritage passenger, community service passenger and freight traffic.

Competitive Salary.

Salary £25k to £28k subject to candidate competences.

Operations Manager Devon and Cornwall Railways The successful candidate will be an experienced and highly versatile operations manager looking to extend his/her experience in a company currently operating freight trains. DCR has made an application for a passenger license and seeks to extend the range of services and operations. The successful applicant will be a vital part of the achievement of these objectives. Salary circa £35k.

How to apply To apply for any of these positions please email the document controller including your CV to documentcontroller@britamrail.com Or post your CV to The General Manager BARS, C/O Stanhope Station, Stanhope, County Durham, DL13 2YS

Deadline for applications: 8th November 2009 BARS is affiliated with Iowa Pacific Holdings of the USA.

Signalling Designer / Principal Signalling Designer Up to £550 per day (Contract) or Negotiable (Permanent) - Flexible Location

Health & Safety Advisors - £Excellent package - London

An excellent opportunity to join a large UK rail company has now opened and we are keen to talk with experienced mainline designers holding either an IRSE Signalling Designers or Principles Designers License. This opportunity offers the chance to work on exciting new projects from various locations in the UK. Contact: James Tidman / 0208 600 1618 / james.tidman@talascend.com

An opportunity has just opened up to work on one of the most exciting projects in Europe. We are sourcing highly experienced tunnelling Health & Safety Advisor's to be responsible for this interesting and complex project. Experience of tunnelling activities with experience of BS6164 regulations is essential. You will be either a chartered member of IOSH or working towards being chartered with at least an NVQ4/5, Diploma, or Degree. Contact: Rob Duncan-Anderson / 0208 600 1606 / robert.duncan-anderson@talascend.com

Principal Signalling Designer - £Excellent - London

Senior Planner - up to £425 per day - London

A leading company is currently searching for an experienced Signalling Designer to work on influential new mass-transit projects. Please get in touch if you are working towards or currently hold an IRSE Principles Signalling Designer License. The position is available for both contractors and permanent designers with strong LU experience. Contact: James Tidman / 0208 600 1618 / james.tidman@talascend.com

A Market Leading multi-national rail and construction company is currently seeking a Senior Planner to join the planning function within their project team, providing guidance and direction to project planners, and assuring quality and consistency of all planning and associated reports. Experience with P6 and Planning within multi-discipline rail projects is essential. Contact: Matt Roberts / 0208 600 1610 / matthew.roberts@talascend.com

Signalling C&I Engineer - Up to £525 per day - London

Commercial Manager – up to £450 a day - London

A great position is now available for a C&I Engineer with either LU or mainline experience. Due to great demand from our client there is also the opportunity to accommodate a whole team of C&I Engineers. Applicants should have a degree in an electronic / electrical engineering discipline with at least 2 years post qualification experience in a metro railway environment. HNC / HND would be acceptable if coupled with additional experience and training. Contact: James Tidman / 0208 600 1618 / james.tidman@talascend.com

An experienced Commercial Manager is required for work on a project in London. Pre-Contract - you will need to be an effective and proven negotiator, together with knowledge of procurement and relevant Regulations. You will undertake the preparation and evaluation of tender documents and negotiation of contracts. Post Contract - you will assist the project delivery team by advising on contract changes and recommending appropriate action to mitigate commercial risk. Contact: Rob Duncan-Anderson / 0208 600 1606 / robert.duncan-anderson@talascend.com

Railway Operations Management - Saudi Arabia Excellent ex pat package - Immediate start - Multiple opportunities

Section Manager - £Excellent package - London

Talascend are currently recruiting for candidates with extensive experience of railway operations for a major project in Saudi Arabia. Our client is responsible for the operations and maintenance of one of the world’s largest railway projects and requires advisors to assist them in business critical decisions. If you have experience of timetable / scheduling and major railway operations then we would love to hear from you. Our client is offering excellent tax free salaries as well as ex pat packages. Now is a brilliant time to be gaining experience within the Middle East region and would be a great foot in the door for those who have ambitions of working in Qatar or Abu Dhabi over the next 5-10 years. Contact: Blair Hickman / 0208 600 1624 / blair.hickman@talascend.com

An excellent opportunity has just opened up with a leading Rail Construction Company in London. Tunnel experience is essential. Responsibilities include:- Work closely with the works manager and construction manager. Provide strong leadership to the section. Work effectively as a key member of the construction team. Manage diaphragm walling and piling contractors. Input into the temp works team for the sectional requirements. Review and provide constructability changes to reinforcement drawings. Implement safety, environment and quality procedures to the works. Contact: Rob Duncan-Anderson / 0208 600 1606 / robert.duncan-anderson@talascend.com

Your first stop for rail jobs... www.talascend.com

Currently Hiring We have a number of open positions for Recruitment Consultants in our London office, please contact Matthew Roberts on +44 (0)20 8600 1600 or email matthew.roberts@talascend.com

Talascend worldwide technical resources

‘Express Medicals are accredited work health service providers to Network Rail, London Underground, Docklands Light Railway and Crossrail’ Express Medicals are long-standing and experienced providers to the rail industry and understand the need to satisfy compliance demands whilst reducing disruption to operations. Our medical expertise combined with first class service levels helps to increase productivity, reduce absenteeism and minimise risk, taking the stress out of your healthcare and screening provision.

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