Rainier Reyes Component 1

Page 10

Component 1 Design Project and Essay

Starting Ideas and Brief

Chosen area and ideas


Movement & Flow





Natural & Organic

Sports Centre Restaurant

Community Health Exploration




Internet Video Studio



Contrast & Juxtaposition

Sports Store



Organic Form

Skate Shop






Movement & flow


Educational Health





Vegan Restaurant



Specification and Function:

Brief & Specification


For this project my chosen brief is to design a library/study area inside the middle of a roundabout. The reason for this is due to the lack of libraries as well as study areas in the surrounding area. Beforehand, the space included an underground passage that passed below the roundabout. This was to help pedestrians travel across the road without the need for zebra crossings that would otherwise cause traffic. I have decided to develop this space further so that the inside of the roundabout is instead a study centre with a small library for people to access. There will be a building exposed as well as an underground area. Multiple entrances such as the pre-existing tunnels will be improved and there is potential for bridges that go above the road, connecting the pavement or other buildings in the area to the study centre.

The building I chose to design, as mentioned before will be placed in the middle of the roundabout containing 3 different floors. Each floor has a different purpose with the upper 2 floors being exposed to the outside and therefore have windows whereas the bottom floor will be left underground. On the bottom floor will be a large study space with numerous seating areas that can occupy varying sized groups. It will mainly be used as a studying area but is also the main entrance as there will be many tunnels connected to this floor from the outside pavement. On the second and top floor will be a library accommodating a plethora of books people can buy/borrow like Waterstones. The roof of the entire design will contain a tree garden people can walk around. In the centre of the entire building will be a spiralling staircase that connects all floors as well as the entrance to the roof. There will also be bridges that connect to the top floor.

- garden on top

- library in upper 2 floors

- study space in first floor

- walk in garden on roof

- spiralling staircase in middle of building

These spaces are the pre-existing entrances that go underneath the road.

The chosen site is unique due to the fact it is surrounded by road (since it is a roundabout). I must work around this factor and ensure that the building I create does not in any way create traffic or disrupt the busy roundabout. There are also numerous different shops that are walking distance from the site making it a somewhat popular area. The Brewery (shopping mall) is located extremely close to the area which further emphasises this idea of the site being popular. I also like the fact there is a large amount of space to use underground if needed since there are already entrances in place that go underneath the road.

Due to the Site's circular shape, I will have a circle geometric theme for the building.

The birds eye view perspectives showcased on this slide give insight on how large of a variety there is in the buildings surrounding my site. I feel that my building will cover the majority of the site and most likely contain some sort of circular base that will work well with the fact the site is a roundabout. The building must also be somewhat tall in height so it is noticeable when people drive around it, this will keep people intrigued and potentially gather interest towards the site.

Cottons Park very close to the chosen site Long roads connecting to the site

The Brewery is a popular space in Romford. This means having the site somewhat nearby to the Brewery makes it attract more attention

The Brewery

Map Overview


Red = The actual Site

Green = Transport related Buildings

Yellow = Restaurants / Fast food

Pink = Residential Buildings / Houses

Dark Blue = Shops

Light Blue = Shopping Centres

Orange = Community Places like Churches / Youth centres etc

From the map overview we can see that there is an overflow of shops in the area. This means the inclusion of a library would fit in the busy area surrounding the chosen site. It would also be a perfect spot to choose as a site due to it being situated so close to shopping centres like The Brewery and Liberty Mall. There is also a lot of residential buildings in the area further perpetuating the idea that the chosen site would be a very popular location.

Circular Theme

The building to the left is known as the "black chapel" and is a very simple pavilion design I felt I could use as the base template for my building's structure. The circular design easily suits my brief as I must create a building that fits the roundabout's circle shape.

I feel that the black chapel's design could easily be duplicated and placed on top of each other in a variety of ways. This is what I experimented through the designs showcased on the slide. I plan to have 3 floors with my building hence the decision to have 3 floors on every design. I quite like the idea of having windows and may expand on the different shapes I could use for them in future experiments.

Birdseye view and circular shape 3 Floored designs

I quite like the connecting bridge idea that the kinder garden holds. It would work well with my building as the top floor could connect to a bridge that goes to the pavement or to another close by building.

The top section of the Sunflower Kinder Garden is something I feel is perfect as a roof for the top floor. It would act as small protection for the garden I would place at the top floor. I also like the use of pillars to support the roofs and stairs.

The building to the right is the Sunflower Kinder garden which I believe holds an interesting design, the way it spirals up around the centre. This is something I would incorporate into my building as having a spiralling staircase of some sort is an innovative way of going from one floor to another.

Subway entrance/Exit Bridge Garden

The use of glass and different materials is an interesting way to not only provide light to the inside of the building but also to create a sleek modern appearance for the outside of the building. I plan to use glass in my design and future experiments.

The building below utilises wood to create a very appealing and modern striped design that enhances the look of the glass panelling placed in between.

Wooden material for building Ground Floor

The abstract pattern placed in front of the glass window panels makes an interesting shape that divides the building neatly.

This building also contains a very unique and abstract window design. The glass windows pop out of the building more, curving and increasing the overall depth of the building

I implemented the window design of the building onto a roof floor. The birds eye view perspective above contains an interesting pattern of glass which would also be another way of letting light into the building’s top floor.

Birdseye view for roof Glass panel material Circular design with glass material

The piece of furniture above served as inspiration for the spiralling staircase I wanted to include in the centre of my building. I liked the spiral of the stairs as well as the doughnut shape of the table. In the middle of the staircase, I decided to implement a pillar which would contain a circular platform on the top. This space I felt could provide a unique area to place any greenery such as trees/bushes. The only downside to this is accessibility to the garden which would have to be solved using an elevator or another connected staircase/

Below is one example of how I would like to do a spiralling staircase in my building. Implementing the shape of the furniture to the left, I felt having platformed stairs is a great way of rectangular shapes to the building's design. I would like to combine circular and rectangular shapes to add depth as well as interest to the whole building.

Small garden design with spiralling stairs Potential Stair design with large plant in the middle

Designs have 3 floors

All the designs below suit the circular theme I am looking for. They contain a circular-shaped base and top.

Using the utensils above, I decided to create varying shapes for the building's exterior. My favourite out of the 4 presented to the left would be the bottom left shape as it's not too complex and adds emphasis to the first floor. I do however like the designs which extend outwards in the top as it gives more space for the rooftop garden I plan to create.

Eskisehir Hotel And Spa

The Building to the left has beautiful exterior architecture and is made of glass and natural timber. This choice of material reflects nicely with the natural surroundings of the building which is a pine forest. The innovative and very interesting features of the exterior design all provide some sort of purpose, creating optimal conditions for the inside pool and spa

Vast number of windows, curved shape

These sketches were my drawing inspiration from the Eskiseher Hotel and its floor plan. The fact that the floorplan contains so many circular shapes intrigues me, and It is something I plan to implement into my building's layout.

The way that the floorplan above is filled, leaving no large empty spaces is important as it gives the impression that its complete with no room for any improvement.

I really enjoy the way everything in the floorplan fits nicely and that there is a combination of different shapes such as rectangles and circles, with circles being the prevalent shape in this design.

Taichung Charity Library

I really like the simple, yet polished furniture used in the library. It gives the perfect atmosphere needed for people who are looking for a space to read and study. The library is very well proportioned with a vast number of places to sit and read as well as bookshelves to explore.

This library contains a very sleek and polished design, being made up of light-coloured wood creating a very modern aesthetic. The building also contains a rotating bookcase which I believe is a unique and innovative idea giving the space another interesting aspect.

Circle/curved shape with books

The window pattern although very simple piqued my interest as I feel the use of black outline on the windows really helps enhance its presence. It also contrasts well with the light timber used in this library, which is something I will use for my building. After careful consideration, I have decided to go for having light tone wood as the main material to cover my building.

The rotating bookshelf inspired me to try create my own version which would be included in my own library. It would be placed in between a wall and would rotate around so books could be passed along each side.

Good window pattern Simple bookshelf made with wooden material Rotating Bookshelf design in between wall Rotating Bookshelf design 2 in between wall

Paper Models

These drawings inspired by the models to the right, are simpler sketches just to experiment with circles overlapping with one another to create different designs and shapes. They also serve as the template for future ideas for furniture and elements in my building.

The left design could easily be used as a template for a seating area which is what I aimed for.

The fact there are different levels to everything is important as it gives the design depth. The varying layers also just provide more interesting elements to the structure which in turn makes the space around it feel less bland and basic.

The sketch above showcases an elevation viewpoint of a flowerpot design. The long lines poking out are supposed to represent flowers and other plants and I feel this would be a unique addition to the rooftop garden I plan to add.

To the left are more conceptual ideas of combining circles with other shapes and seeing if there are interesting forms I could use as inspiration. I quite like the way I could combine rectangles and circles for interesting patterns –potentially used for a seating area layout or wall decoration.

Rectangle and circle design, striped area = raised ground

Only circles used and could potentially be used as a floor layout.

This model gave inspiration for interior aspects of my building such as the furniture and stairs. I quite like the circular design that blends well with the theme I'm going for

Most of these designs are kept simple with glass included as it would attach the furniture to the building's architecture and aesthetic.

The staircase design is one I will most likely keep as I like how each step attaches to the next, it can also very easily be used to spiral around.

Birdseye view on spiralling staircase with circle shaped design See through design for table and seat Birdseye view of table design with glass material

Above is me adapting on the paper model I made and attempting to create a unique bookshelf design using the model as inspiration. I feel the combination of circle and rectangle shapes is very effective in making an efficient as well as appealing design.

Bookshelf and elevation view

On this slide, there are multiple designs of book holders which all stem from the paper model I created. The use of circles overlaying each other was such a simple concept that brought forth numerous possibilities. Below showcases a Birdseye view of one of the bookshelf designs I have produced, and it also uses a combination of rectangles and circles. The shapes overlap each other adding depth to the design.

Side view elevation

Birdseye View bookshelf/table design with wall in between

The wall separating the design felt like an interesting way of sectoring different parts of the building which is what I aim to do with this furniture.

Black = Wall

Could be used as a dome for reading

This model intrigues me as there are so many possible ways to develop and interpret it. I used it mainly as inspiration for furniture like tables.

After doing more research and experimentation towards the theme of circles, I have come to the conclusion that implementing varying shapes on top of the use of circles helps create intriguing designs. Experimentation with a wider range of shapes and elements is what I will aim to do next.

Bookshelf design with curves

this model was very malleable, and I played around with the positioning of the different papers a lot to create a variety ideas.

The circle motif in this model was very interesting to me as it was what I needed for my building which has a central theme around circles.

Original Paper Model

Rough Sketch-up Model Sketch with more development

This paper model that I decided to develop helped me understand how to merge circular shapes together on SketchUp. I feel that using multiple cylinders with varying sizes brings forth a dynamic design that has a lot more design options. I then decided to introduce smaller cylindrical pillars and merged them with the walls of the main structure. This created a striped design which I am keen to utilise in future experiments.

Here I was attempting to experiment more with SketchUp and create basic structures that were inspired from previous sketches / models. I then developed these structures to have more complex elements within them which I will utilise more in the future. I still retained the circular theme as I felt it was necessary to include.

Developed shape idea

In the sketch up creation featured to the left, I decided to have cuboid shapes pop out of the main shape structure. This added another layer of depth, helping make a more interesting model. I felt that these cuboids could then have windows placed on top of them, providing a source of light for the inside building.

Striped Design

Potentially place window design alongside stripes

Circular theme
Open top

The sketch up model presented to the right shows my attempt at experimenting with window shapes and patterns. I used the bottom sketch as inspiration, but I feel that this sketch up model is too randomly assorted. There is still a very strong circular theme showcased through this design.

This rough rooftop garden sketch was something I chose to develop on sketch up as it provides a nice addition of greenery and plant life to my building. I tried multiple variations of colour ways that would suit the green tone of the leaves and found that grey was the best option. This along with wood provided with a very modern colour palette that fits in with my planned aesthetic.

Rooftop Garden Template Perspective view from side Combining both the greenery with a window design. Circular shaped Bushes, retaining the central theme

Assemblage Theme

Assemblage is essentially the combination of varying separate elements, to create one larger structure / form. In my design, I would like to use the assemblage theme but in a simpler way, utilising different shapes and keeping my building rather geometric. On this page are buildings I drew inspiration from due to the fact they’re an assemblage of multiple sized shapes placed together. This creates a unique form of architecture, a geometrical and complex form that I feel would work well with my original circular theme.

The organised and formal window design makes the building more structured and connected.

The paper model to the left serves as.

This building is made up of the same cuboid shape but with varying lengths. We can see that the placement of each cuboid is rather arbitrary yet in the end composes a structure which seems well balanced and connected. The cuboids are also stacked on top of each other which is something I am extremely fascinated in. This is something I will implement onto my building as it gives height but also keeps a consistent design onto the entire structure. The use of excessive windows also gives the building a more modern touch, in this case pairing well with the black and white colour palette. These windows also have a rather unique placement plan, with the windows arrangement being different on each cuboid.

The paper model to the left serves as inspiration for different exterior designs for 1 floor. I quite like the idea of having rectangles and other objects popping out from the building as it gives it a unique flare/ touch from an otherwise boring exterior. It stands out much more and it also opens more possibilities to do with the theme of assemblage

With these drawings, I decided to draw multiple floors as well as varying designs and concepts. I still stuck with the idea of having shapes sticking out from the main cylinder base, but I branched out with the positioning as well as the type of shape used. Overall, the irregular cuboids positioned randomly on the walls were my favourite design as it was the most unique and interesting.

Combining cuboids and cylinders to make a design

After drawing multiple different designs, my favourite is the top middle with the very distinct shaped exterior. It has 3 cylinders merged as well as cuboids sticking out from the walls. The windows merge with these cylinders creating a very interesting and efficient look. This design also contains multiple rooftop segments meaning more spaces to place greenery/plants.

Walls have striped pattern

This model serves as inspiration for building exterior patterns. The striped design adds another element to the structure, making a plain wall a little more interesting.

The opening gate of the building suits the rest of the building’s design very well

The model could be used as the building block of my design as I aim to have a circular base/focus in my building. The pattern enhances this and I feel adding a theme of assemblage to this model will create an even more interesting design.

I could implement the assemblage theme easily into this model as I feel the circular shape could be made with varying sized cuboids.


Open roof Created on Sketchup

Varying the heights of each separate cuboid brought forth a more abstract design.

I combined different components to create the model shown at the bottom right. The cloth resting below the cardboard model holds it up and has a more fluid shape compared to the stoic shape of the strip of cardboard. It connects with the wooden base that represents the ground of the model. This provides interesting ideas on how the underground building will connect with the rest of the building.

The Square base of the sketch up model is something I want to include in my final model as it attaches to the ground very nicely.

The striped wall strip is connected via beams.

For my building, I want to include multiple floors and a rooftop garden. The stacked design below utilises the model’s striped wall design. Not only does this add onto the theme of assemblage but it gives the illusion that the building is taller than it already is. Duplicating the design on top of one another also creates a balanced and symmetrical design

Square base with pyramid shape

striped rectangles represent beams that support the structure

I quite like the assembly of varying cube sizes; it creates depth yet keeps a consistent design.

blue bricks. I’ve stacked them together to make a tall design that could serve as inspiration for my main building’s structure.

Below I used windows to fill in the cube’s empty faces. This concept is something I’ll use in my other design.

To the left is a building with curved corners rather than the sharp corners of the model. I prefer the model’s version better as it is more defined with the sharp corners.

This model is my introduction to the assemblage theme. Placing together different sized cubes brings forth interesting combinations. I believe that I will delve deeper into this theme through using different shapes altogether as it will create even more bizarre shapes. My building will utilise this concept through its outside structure.

Different sized Cubes/cuboids

Asymmetrical Designs

Glass on one side

The theme of assemblage works perfectly with cubes and cuboids. They can create interesting formations when placing multiple cubes with one another. I feel that utilising cube shapes in my building's exterior will make the building overall more appealing and distinct to look at. The cubes would be placed in a way that make it pop out from the main structure.

Stacked Cubes

The model provides a lot of inspiration surrounding the assemblage theme. Changing the cubes into other shapes creates a wide variety of ideas that I could use for my building. It also helps me understand the concept of stacking objects on top of one another. These are both themes I would like to utilise as I want to create a 3-floor building. Using cylinders have also reintroduced the theme of circles into my design

I like the idea of having a Cylinder as the primary shape of the building like the drawings above and to the right.

To the right showcases a design built of just cylinders. Although I like the combination of different sized shapes, a variety of different shapes such as cubes and cuboids could create a more unique assemblage,.

Design with Shading

Final Design

Cylindrical base building with cuboids/cubes popping outside of the main structure

Roof top garden inspiration

Striped Wall Design

Circular theme

Window shape experimentation

Stacked Structure with Varying shape sizes

Circles connect with other shapes

Circle shaped buildings merged together

Different colours used for different forms

Using all my prior ideas, I have begun to create the building blocks of my final design. Below showcases ideas and designs I have researched that I hope to implement onto my final building. I then further developed some of these ideas, combining the theme of circles and assemblage onto my final design. I really like the idea of a point of the design

The 4 ideas showcased above have been further developed and experimented on to better fit the main structure I have designed.

Above shows the idea process of my design and what the main structure of the building’s exterior will be.

Utilising all the designs on this page, I have created the sketch to the left which is still a very early in development design of what I want my final building to look like. I really like the irregular and asymmetrical design of the 3 cylinder The cross-hatching pattern adds an interesting element to the cube shape

All wall designs utilising glass panes

To the right is the progression as I develop my initial design sketch into what I’ve envisioned for my final design sketch. I decide to stick with the general structure introduced by my other designs however I have decreased the overall height of the building to make it more proportionate.

Below is another potential design path I could take for the building. This design feels like it connects the entire building more as the supporting pillars branch onto different buildings.

Roof garden was kept Pillars used for support remain for key design

The open entrance is still utilised as I want the space to be easy to exit and enter as well as go through since it is placed in between an underground passage.

Above is what I feel can act as my final model’s design.

The final sketch presented on the left utilises multiple window shapes and sizes. We can see the two being showcased on the right as each has a unique form that stops the building from being mundane and basic. The fences placed on top of the square windows adds depth as well as making the design overall more interesting.

Base Template Model

This model acts as the general structure of the final building as I wanted to visualise how the building would look in 3d. It is missing the pavilion on the Rooftop Garden which I will add onto more sophisticated models.

Window placement example

Varying Proportions

roughly displays the design features I need to add to make the building more interesting. The overall proportion of the template is what I will aim to achieve as it is not as overbearingly tall as the sketches are.

Roof top garden shape

Work in Progress model with early colour testing:

Irregular pattern for windows

Sketch Up

After employing the base template model as a reference, I achieved success in creating a comprehensive SketchUp model. The sketches presented on this page aim to highlight the complete structure of the building, showcasing details regarding colours and materials. To enhance its visual appeal, I used garden spaces and introduced interesting design elements that helped create a captivating aesthetic. The exterior has hanging cylinders that connect the various floors and providing structural support to the second floor.

I decided to stick with this triple floor cylinder design due to how it sways away from regular rectangular shaped buildings. It contains two separate entrances that open through either side of the building. As it will be placed in the middle of a roundabout, I focused on making the building more of an attraction hence the attention towards the exterior.

Final Sketch Up

As a result of all the different design choices I researched, I was able to formulate an interesting window pattern that is minimalistic enough to be performed on sketch up but also unique enough to give the entire building its own flair and feel. The green spaces are supposed to elevate the surroundings as it produces a nice contrast to the rest of the building.

Birdseye view above

These quick snapshots of the building showcase more detailed up-close photos of the final model.

The chosen colours were decided due to how well they complement with one another. I feel the grey tinted windows match perfectly alongside the rest of the building’s aesthetic. The greenery is another feature which raises the overall complexity of the piece. Having the same window colour throughout the entire building also keeps the entire colour scheme consistent keeping the building from being too bizarre.

Final Model

Upon completing the SketchUp model, I used it to bring the design to life through a physical model. I constructed a real-life version of the building that was placed within a landscape that accommodates the site location.

From a Birdseye perspective, I was able to keep the general shape the same as the sketch-up model. I reduced the number of pillars for the top floor's roof as a way of simplifying the design. There is also a reduced amount of metal cylinders attached around the walls to further simplify the design which helps make the building more modern and suit the surrounding space a lot easier. In addition to this, it minimizes unnecessary complexities and enhances the overall usability of the space.

I feel I was successful in creating a very similar physical model to my sketch-up creation. Although I did simplify many aspects of the final design, a lot was kept the same and I was able to translate the colour scheme well since the colours do not clash with one another. For example, the black windows complement the black material used to outline the green spaces on the building. However, the final physical model could have used a little more detail regarding railings and bushes which I did not include yet was seen in the sketch-up.

The landscape I had placed the model in was specifically kept simple and modest, so it didn't overwhelm the main building. I feel that the small amount of greenery was an efficient addition that gave the entire space the aspect of nature it required. The small seating spaces were also another addition not found in the sketch-up model.

The incorporation of metal wiring has greatly enhanced the design space, elevating its visual impact and functionality. The metal arc helped connect the two isolated seating spaces which connects the general area together. The use of metal for the arc also goes well with the metal rods that are used in the main building.

An interesting quality of this building is its ability to offer different variations when viewed from various angles. The dynamic placement of elements like windows, greenery, and pillars, without a set pattern, creates a visually captivating design that also holds inspiration from the assemblage theme that was researched.

A small alteration I made to the physical model, not present in the sketch-up design, was the positioning of the glass cuboid attachments. I chose to remove the pillars connecting them to the surfaces, opting instead for a freestanding arrangement. This decision made a more captivating silhouette for the building.

The perspective drawings on the left and right showcase the building's contrasting sides, adding dynamic visual appeal and reducing repetition in the overall design.

Final Evaluation

When I first chose my brief and specifications, there were many challenging aspects that came with it. Most notably the site location, which was a rather limited space being the circular area inside a roundabout. This led to many different issues and factors I had to include within my design, eventually settling for a circular-themed building. One reason for this decision was due to circular buildings are more efficient with the space it covers, allowing for optimal utilization of interior space as it reduces the wasted area in the target site. Circular buildings also offer a more unique and visually appealing architectural design that would set them apart from traditional square/ rectangular structures. This helped me with my brief as I wanted to create a library study space that focused more on form than functionality, a building that would encapsulate any onlookers. Many cars go around the building which is why I felt that the actual exterior design needed to be very visually interesting. In terms of my final design, I was able to create a design that suited my aim of an intricate and compelling shape as it would stand out when placed adjacent to the other surrounding buildings.

My central theme was circular objects and ideas. I quite liked the way I could combine multiple circles together and create very interesting shapes and forms. Several of the window patterns utilised had some sort of circular element added to them as it was repeated alongside the walls of the building. Windows also work well on curved surfaces, so I planned to incorporate a lot of windows onto my design. Libraries are also buildings that should be well lit considering that I also wanted spaces people could relax and read requiring some sort of sunlight. Another theme I took inspiration from would be assemblages, simplifying this theme and focusing on the combination of different shapes to create one form. The pillars that I repeated along the building's outside would derive from this theme as it was essentially my attempt of fitting varying shapes onto one main structure. These pillars also kept the entire design connected and therefore feel more fluid.

One key inspiration would be the idea of stacking different forms on top of one another. The entire building is made up of 3 stacked cylinders, which I felt created a structure that was far more memorable and engaging. There is also one main staircase/cylinder that through all 3 floors keep the entire structure connected and intact. All these elements were combined, creating a library space that could connect communities.

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