How they can
help us to NOT go nuts!!!
Tyana D. Straughn When it comes to mental health it is so interesting to find that there are many different natural ways and natural foods that are so simple yet helps us with our oh so complicated brain. First off, let me start by saying that I am NOT a medical doctor nor a nutritionist. However, I am not a lover of medication therefore this leads me to always look for natural treatments for any illness or impairment. It has been found that mostly all illness has natural treatments that are based on your diet. Yes, that’s right what we eat can treat some of the symptoms or may even prevent some of the symptoms associated with a sickness. This is not to say that if you were prescribed a medication from your caring physician to disregard that, but this is to say that there are some other natural ways to help with whatever maybe ailing you in addition to your already prescribed medication. I was so amazed when I was looking up natural treatments for depression and other mental issuesto learn that nuts are a great for brain health and can be considered anantidepressant food. Walnuts are considered a real brain food. Some jokes have been made surrounding the walnuts appearance saying that a walnut actually looks like the shape of a skull on the outside and the inside looks like the human brain. The advantages that come from walnuts is built around the fact that theyare one of the richest plant-based sources of Omega 3 fatty acids which arevery good for the brain’s chemical balance and are a great source of relieving stress. Although some may say that walnuts are high in fat content, they are also known that in conjunction with a healthy diet they actually can help assist with weight loss.
Also, other studieshave proven that there are other nuts that have been known to help serve as antidepressants outside of the walnuts such as cashew nuts, almonds, and peanuts. These nuts contain B Vitamins and Magnesium which are good for a healthy mood. For example, cashews not only taste delicious and can be used as substitutes for butter and cheese and need I mention it’s one of my favorite nuts, but it is great for the brain. Cashews are packed with iron, magnesium, Vitamin B6, and Omega 3 fats and these nutrients have been known to ward off mild depression and anxiety. The amino acid Tryptophan which comes from cashews,improves the uptake of Serotonin in the brain and becomes a precursor to the anti-depressant hormone itself. The Magnesium is very important to the healthy mood and the nervous system helping with treating bouts of anxiety. The Vitamin B6 also helps with the uptake of the serotonin in the body as well and in collaboration with the Tryptophan, a relaxed and calm state is created fighting off an anxious mood.
So, the next time you feel like you may be going just a little nuts, grab you a bag of nuts instead!!