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we tap into the power that comes with being in sync with our bodies. Remember you are exploring yourself, and it is essential that you meet yourself with love. What you feel is absolutely real, and reflecting allows you to connect with what’s real for a deeper understanding of self.
This realization is a level of self-love that is both freeing and illuminating. To learn more about keeping it R.E.A.L., head over to the SenterME House, self-love for Black women. We create a clear, easily accessible path to emotional wellness
Life teaches us lessons on a daily basis. We live in times that are constantly changing…evolving. Some may find it challenging to keep up with life’s constant changes, mainly because of fear of the unknown or the inability to move from our past.
We sometimes compare our past to what we are currently confronted with, allowing it to become a continuous pattern of torment instead of acknowledging our accomplishments in survival. Letting ourselves be free from what had been keeping us in emotional or mental bondage.
There are quotes like, “take the dirt people throw at you and put it under your feet to elevate your foundation,” “brush off negativity and keep pushing forward,” and “let the negativity roll off you like water on a duck’s back like,” or “your problems are only temporary so keep going.”
Though the quotes are meant to be inspiring, they can be challenging for all. Everyone cannot handle life’s struggles by following a cliche. Some thought processes perceive and manage struggles differently. Some cannot visualize hope or believe in the possibility of a positive outcome. Some accept struggles as if they are their fault and try to find ways to fix themselves to prevent enduring more difficulties.